• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 5,351 Views, 182 Comments


The last survivor of a world of Kamen Riders lands in Equestria, and vows to protect it from evil.

  • ...

Chapter 7-1: The Burden of No Continues

Ponyville Hospital had seen a record influx of patients these days. The Another Riders, horrible alien monsters that started appearing, were causing more and more ponies to develop all manner of physical, mental and emotional ailments.

Even the Element Bearers, who controlled the incredibly powerful Elements of Harmony that had saved them from overwhelming danger time and time again, were injured. Only because of the brave actions of Tom Decade, a Kamen Rider from another world, would these monsters be bested, and peace regained.

Today, however, Tom and the Element Bearers found themselves at the hospital, where they would yet again deal with an immense threat...

“...so, why did you want me to do this again?” Tom asked, having been requested to accompany Pinkie Pie to get a shot. Why they asked him was a mystery.

As was why they asked him to come while transformed.

“Pinkie Pie has severe trypanophobia,” The doctor who requested his help explained. “Emphasis on SEVERE.”

“And?” Tom asked.

“Last time we had to give Pinkie any sort of injection, it resulted in two whole royal guard regiments being called in to hold her down, and we needed to treat those guards for broken bones, burns, lacerations and type 2 diabetes afterwards,” The doctor continued, shuddering at the memory.

They must be exaggerating. I mean, how bad could Pinkie be with needles?” Tom thought to himself, as the pony of the hour walked into the office, her hair wasn’t as poofy as usual and she looked nervous.

“Just think happy thoughts, Pinkie…” she muttered to herself. “Lots of happy thoughts with frosting…”

The doctor nodded and had Pinkie sit on the examination table.

“Code 14! Begin lockdown procedure!” He shouted, as he pulled a white helmet out of the bottom of a nearby cupboard and began stacking various chairs and loose furniture into a makeshift bunker.

“...Gaim on a bike, Pinkie- what did you do?” Tom asked. What sort of crazy situation did he end up stumbling into here? Well, he supposed it could be worse, it could be like he was having to deal with one of those anti-vaxxer idiots.

Outside, the rest of the Mane Five could hear the commotion, and the doctor shouting: “Hold her down hero!”

“...every year,” Applejack said to herself with a sigh. “She’s been like this for as long as I can remember.”

“Personally, I don’t see what’s up with being afraid of a little needle, it’ll just be a small ‘prick’ and you’re done,” Rarity said. “That’s all it is.”

“So you want to be the one to go in there and tell her?” Applejack said. “I assume you’re volunteering.”

“No darling, I’m many things but I’m not suicidal,” Rarity snorted. “Tom truly is a brave man for volunteering on our behalf.”

“We shall miss him!” Applejack said, holding her hat above her heart.


Spike kicked a can as he walked down the main street of Ponyville. His stint as Another Ryuki made him reconsider a lot of things about himself and his lot in life. When he brought it up to Twilight, however…

“Maybe what you need is some friends your own age,” The words echoing in Spike’s mind.

The echoing didn’t last long, however, as it was replaced by the feeling of pain. Spike, in his daze, had accidentally walked right into someone.

“OWW!” A young colt’s voice cried out. Spike was pulled from his internal musings, to see a teenage colt, maybe a year younger than him at worst, wearing a propeller beanie.

“Oh no! I’m sorry!” Spike apologized quickly. He offered his hand to help the colt back to his feet.

“Agh...thanks, wasn't really paying attention to where I was going,” The colt replied, accepting the help. “Hey, you’re the dragon that lives in the princess’s castle, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, name’s Spike,” said Spike, trying to figure out why this colt seemed so familiar, he’d probably seen him around town somewhere but he couldn’t place exactly where. It was like a dream, faintly nagging at the back of his mind.

“Cool!” My name’s Button Mash! I’m Ponyville’s number one gamer!” The colt introduced himself, bragging.

Spike resisted the urge to slap himself in the forehead. So THAT was where he’d seen the colt before, there was always this one teenager hanging out at the local arcade racking up the high scores.

Honestly, to this day Spike had been trying to figure out who “Spincycle99” was, just so he could knock him off the leaderboards a bit. Like a part of the dragon considered him his personal nemesis, and every so often he went down to the arcade just to see if he could attempt to beat one of those scores.

He never did, of course. It seemed his gaming skills were a fair bit lacking, but then again he didn’t have much time to practice really. Twilight always needed him for something or other, and honestly he was somewhat of a filthy casual.

Like he never understood the appeal of competitive sport, just give him his woodland and his townsfolk to raise in Furry Forest.

Spike was just glad he was never invited to game nights, given how he’d heard how a certain kart racer tended to break friendships like a rope frayed in two. To say nothing of the party spinoff, which had been banned and locked up in the Canterlot vault for being a danger to society.


And now he was sad again, given he didn’t have that many friendships to break.

Well that was depressing to think about, wasn’t it? Well, he had the CMC but the thing about teenage girls was, well half of the time they were thinking about makeup and boys not invited sleepovers.

Did he dare attempt to befriend his archrival? Did he have the COURAGE to take that step?

“Hey, you know, I don’t see you very often around the arcade anymore, you wanna hang out?” Button asked.

Well, it seemed Button was making that choice for him.

“I, yeah sure,” Spike said with a shrug that seemed to carry the ambivalence of a thousand disaffected teenagers. But even his ambivalence didn’t stop Button from grabbing him and dragging him to the arcade.

“GREAT! LET’S GO!” He said with an unusual, forced enthusiasm. Spike knew he should have noticed that something was wrong, he prided himself on being extra diligent in reading moods.

It came with the territory of being the personal assistant to a neurotic Princess. And speaking of personal assistants, the one who was certainly not having a fun time was, you guessed it, Tom.

The Rider eventually emerged from the examination room, his armor covered in pink frosting and coated in confetti.

“NEVER. DOING. THAT. AGAIN!” He grunted. Pinkie followed behind him, bopping her head from side to side happily as she sucked on a lollipop.

“Well, we should probably head back now...I think Tom needs a shower and the doctors need...time to recuperate,” Twilight suggested. The rest of the group just nodded.

“What even happened in there?” Rainbow Dash wondered, peering into the doctor’s office to see the poor stallion nearly fainted dead away on the floor.

“Some things are best left only to the imagination,” Tom said. “No matter what story I tell you, it’s actually going to be worse than however it ends up sounding. I have seen things that will forever haunt me!”

“You’re a brave stallion, Tom,” Rarity nodded sympathetically, while Applejack saluted him.

“Why do I feel like I was wrangled into this, like tricked and backstabbed and possibly maybe even bamboozled,” Tom uttered, gaining some weird looks. “...alright, fine, I try to spring a classic meme on you ponies…”

“Meme? Like the ancient concept of passing cultures and behaviors to future generations?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Er, yeah, something like that,” Tom said. “If you don’t mind me, I’ll be over here, in a corner, crying and possibly mulling over my life choices and wondering where exactly things went so horribly wrong.”

“Oh, don’t worry Tommy!” Pinkie cheerfully replied. “Everyone I know does that sooner or later!”

“You don’t say?” He thought to himself. Sighing, he just decided to roll with it. The sooner they left, the sooner he could attempt to wash the aftermath of today’s horrors off himself.

“That… doesn’t really help,“ Tom said. “Yes, this will be a day long remembered even if I try so hard to forget about it.”

Applejack just patted him on the back. “Chin up Tom, maybe you’ll soon settle back into the familiar. Who knows, maybe an Another Rider will attack or somethin’.”

“You don’t know how relieved I am to be thinking about that, weirdly,” Tom said, casting a ‘look’ at Pinkie. “At least those problems I can punch in the face without getting arrested for assault and battery.”

“Please don’t jinx us AJ,” Twilight whispered frantically, eyes darting right and left. “Haven’t you heard of the ancient god called Jinx?”

“...wait so that’s an actual god here?” Tom asked. “You know, come to think of it, that actually explains so much around here.”

Honestly, with his luck, that attack would come sooner and not later. Probably sooner than he would have thought…

“Yeah, high score!” Button cheered. Spike thought he’d be more upset about his score being beaten yet again, but instead, he felt...happy. Like he was having the time of his life! And no one was screaming, exploding, or trying to kill him! For once, he could just be a regular kid!

“Alright, what next?” Button asked. “There’s a whole lineup of games to play!” He waved his arm towards the myriad machines.

“Oooh, how about Path Brawler?” He pointed to a machine with two sets of controls. “I never get to play that one with another player!”

“Yeah, it’s fun to go head to head! But I play a mean O. Hyundai, so watch yourself!” Button laughed as the two approached the machine.

Button played well, but not as well as Spike was expecting him to honestly. Like the colt was supposed to be nigh unbeatable at any game he set his mind to.

And yet he was making mistakes, leaving himself open for super moves and combos.

“Heh, you think that Tom Decade guy will be imported into the next game as a special guest fighter?” Button asked as he mashed, well buttons for a combo. “Like he seems to be a pretty good fighter, and well, it’d be fun to see a real life superhero in one of these games.”

“Yeah, but how would you input the form change gimmick?” Spike pointed, seizing his opening and landing a K.O.

“Damnit,” Button swore to himself before saying: “Yeah, true, but who said they’d have to use the alt forms? They could just use his base form and just take the vanilla option right?”

“Yeah, true,” Spike said, the beeping and ringing of the arcade machine filling his ears. He grit his teeth as Button’s character got up for round 2. He got lucky defeating O. for the first time, and now the colt knew his tactics.

Amazingly though, Spike’s character did seem to be having an easy time, and Button was way too distracted to put up much of a fight.

“Hey, you alright?” Spike asked. “I thought you played a mean game?”

“Yeah, maybe we all have our bad days,” Button said. “I’ll get my edge back soon enough, so just you watch out.”

“If you say so, and look, I read moods pretty easily and something’s obviously bothering you,” Spike said. “So out with it. With these Another Riders running about, I don’t want you to be easy watch fodder. Who knows, maybe I can help?”

“I’m that bad huh? That obvious?” Button asked, with Spike confirming that with a nod. “Alright, it’s like this I guess. My mom’s worried I play too many video games for my own good.”

Spike nodded.

“Nonsense right?” Button laughed nervously.

“Well, addiction is a thing…” Spike said, trying to play Devil’s advocate. “She’s just looking out for you, that’s all.”

“Yeah, I suppose. It’s still annoying though, her getting on my case,” Button said.

“Well, I know what that feels like,” Spike said, thinking back to Twilight nagging at him. “But it’s always done with love. Look, Twilight says I need to get out more, stop gorging myself on gems, and yeah it’s a bit annoying but she means well in the end.”

They continued playing. “Yeah, I suppose, but honestly like I can make a career out of this right? You’ve been on PonyTube and the like right? You’ve seen streamers making big bits out of playing their games!”

Well, Spike couldn’t deny that. He saw what Button was getting at really, given he’d seen a few streamers making some cash in his lifetime.

Hell, some ponies even took their careers pro and entered game tournaments.

So yeah, he could see Button going that far if he really put his mind to it.

Honestly, a part of Spike was fairly depressed thinking about it. Like Button probably had his whole life figured out.

And yet he really didn’t know what he was going to do aside from continuing to keep supporting Twilight, and even then there was always that lingering possibility that she’d stop needing him someday.

He hated thinking about it, but it like any other dark thought always prodded at him from the back of his mind.

“Maybe I can talk to your mom?” Spike offered.

“Nah, she’s stubborn like that. Living embodiment of mother knows best,” Button said bitterly. “That she always has to be right all the damn time.”

Spike frowned, not really liking to think about someone hating their mother so much. Was it hate? Maybe not, but the point was Button’s mom was a single mom just trying to raise and support her son.

Just like Twilight was not too long ago. So yeah, it struck a chord with him, Cream Heart and her dilemma.

“She’s just trying to look out for you, raise you right,” Spike said, continuing to frown. He’d been raised to respect one’s family so yeah he had something to say. “She just doesn’t want you to grow fat and loaf around the house one day.”

So much for making friends, he sighed to himself.

“I suppose, it’s just I want to be a gamer and is that so wrong?” Button asked, his voice nearly a whine.

“Just practice a bit of moderation, that’s all,” Spike said. “I apologize if I seem like I’m getting huffy about the issue, it’s just Twilight raised me to respect family and well you should probably respect your own mother just a bit more all I’m saying.”

“I know, and I apologize if I was getting a bit rude there,” Button sighed, slumping his shoulder. “I’m just annoyed about it, that’s all. I love mom, I do, it’s just…”

“I know,” Spike nodded. “Want to play another round, I want a real challenge and so far you’re not it!”

“Oh, those are fighting words,” Button grinned. “Now you’re really in for it!”

“Teenagers!” Spike thought to himself.

Meanwhile, another moody teenager found himself on the edge of town. Damn it, why did they drive him out of the darkness?

Why was he helping these ponies? It’s not like they were particularly worth it. They pranced around, all happy and singing songs.

Anton’s fist clenched. And yet he willingly jumped into battle to protect that little dragon. Well, he hated people beating up those weaker than them.

“Yeah, that’s it. I’m only protecting those who refuse to show strength and true passion, those who dare not better their own situations.”

“Ooooooh, edgy,” said Ouja as he rose up out of a puddle from last night’s rain. “You’re sounding just like Baron you know, Baron 2.0. I hope you know what I mean.”

“Baron got himself killed because he was an idiot. Henshin!” Anton said as he transformed. “I’m better than him. I’ll show you my way of living.”

“Rider Time! Kamen Rider: Geiz! Armor Time! Kaigan! Specter!”

Geiz, pulling up his suit’s hood charged forwards with finger on the trigger. His borrowed Gan Gun Hand fired shots into Ouja’s dark armor, which the reborn Rider only seemed to shrug off.

Tossing the gun aside, Geiz plowed a fist into Ouja’s helmet, making the rider stumble a bit only to be kneed in the stomach for his troubles.

“You interfered in one of my kills, kill stealer! So unsportsmanlike. Like give a guy a free pass huh?” Ouja asked, cracking his neck. “You’re really starting to vex me!”

“Sword Vent.”

Twin golden swords appeared in Ouja’s hands, and he slashed wildly at Geiz who rolled out of the way and kicked up dust into the Rider’s face.

“Yeah? Well allow me to vex you a little bit more,” Geiz said, leaping into an attack and slamming his knee into Ouja’s helmet. “They’re going to need a Ouija board to contact you when I’m done with you.”

“Ooooooh, scary!”

“What’s your game?” Geiz demanded. “What are you and Chrysalis playing at? What’s your endgame?”

Ouja chuckled. “Oh, you'd like me to connect the dots for you, lead you from A to B to C, so that your puny mind could comprehend? How boring. I’m sorry to say, I’m not giving you any hints or any freebies. You’ll have to find out in your own time.”

Their fists collided in the silent forest before Ouja summoned a whip with another card and a: “Swing Vent.”

He lashed into Geiz’s armor, making him scream out in pain, and continued on the offensive.

Ouja spun like a top, his whip swinging wide. “Okay, I know I said I wouldn’t imitate the other snake guy unless I really had to, but it’s time to say ‘Ciao!’ to you!”

“We’ll see, actually I think I should be saying ‘Ciao!’ to you,” Geiz said, grabbing the whip and using all of his strength, swung Ouja around and tossed him into a tree.

“Damn you, well I suppose I’m mildly impressed by your skill and already bored. This was just a little play date, I wasn’t really intending on killing you. Instead, I’ll leave you paranoid and wondering when exactly I’ll come back,” Ouja said. “Every reflection, maybe it’ll have me in it, watching you. I’m going to wait until the time is right, when you’re at the depths of your despair and only then will I strike! Toodles!”

With that, he jumped into another puddle leaving Geiz what the point of it all was.


Spike and Button walked to Button’s house. He felt nervous, about him sneaking off to play video games at the arcade and about his new friend.

“If she asks, we were at the park,” Button said to Spike. Spike nodded, as the door in front of them opened. Button’s mom had answered the door, she was a cream-colored mare with light brown hair, wearing a pink shirt and and black pants under a white apron.

“Button Mash! Where were you- oh, you’re Twilight’s assistant, aren’t you?” Button’s mom started in on her son before noticing Spike standing there.

“Uh, yes, ma’am!” Spike replied rigidly, standing up straight as if he were saluting a flag.

“I’m so glad, Button- you’ve made a friend!” Button’s mom practically squee’d. “And I was worried you’d end up like one of those ‘neckbeards’ I keep hearing ponies complain about!”

She let Button inside, and turned to Spike. “Would you like to come in? I just made some brownies.”

Spike wasn’t sure what to say, but the rumbling of his stomach answered for him. Button’s mom just giggled as she let Spike inside.

Their living room was adorned with pictures of Button, his mom, and a stallion Spike had never seen before.

“Is this...his dad?” Spike wondered. He continued into their kitchen, and was offered a seat at the table.

Button’s mom offered him a plate with a large brownie on it. “Um...thank you, Mrs. Button’s mom…”

“Oh, you can call me Cream Heart, dear,” she replied. “I’m so glad to see Button’s finally making some friends!”

“Mooooom!” Button whined. “I told you, I have plenty of friends!”

“Strangers online that you’ve played games with don’t count!” Cream countered. “You need to go outside and talk to actual ponies!”

“And I do that at the arcade!” Button argued back. “Why can’t you accept that I’m a gamer!?” He got angry and stormed off.

Spike felt uncomfortable. Cream Heart just sighed.

“I’m sorry about that, dear,” She apologized. “Button’s dived into all those games to try to take his mind off his father.”

“His father?” Spike asked. Cream nodded sadly, as she glanced at a photo of her, Button and that unfamiliar stallion.

“Button’s father passed away some time ago. I’ve been trying my best to raise him myself ever since, but...he’s been diving deeper into video games and closing himself off from the world around him,” she explained.

Spike just nodded, not sure what to say. Button and his mom were in conflict over his gaming habits, but the issue stemmed from the loss of his father. He understood that feeling.

“If I didn’t have Twilight in my life, I’d probably want to get away from it too,” He thought to himself. But he saw something out of the corner of his eye near the photo. It looked like a RideWatch, but he wasn’t sure.

Maybe he was only imagining things, good grief he was starting to grow a bit too paranoid for his own good.

“Well, anyway...I’m sure you have better things to do than to listen to an old lady ramble,” Cream Heart concluded. “I’ll go get Button so you can say goodbye.”

“I… well, forgive me if I’m saying too much here, but maybe you should cut him some slack?” Spike asked.

“Cut him some slack?” Cream asked, her voice raising slightly before turning softer. “Yes, well, I suppose he is grieving, it’s just I’m worried that’s all.”

“I know you are,” Spike said, laying his hand on hers. “It’s just, well maybe he’ll make something of himself?”

“I can only hope,” Cream said. “It’s just, well I want him to wake up and face reality, harsh as it sounds. For him to move on with his life. I don’t doubt his gaming abilities will take him far, it’s just that’s not all there is to life.”

“Well, I should probably get going,” Spike replied. “Twilight will probably need me for something soon. Tell Button I’ll see him later, okay?” He said, as he walked out the door, Cream waving goodbye.

When Spike was gone, however, she walked over to the photo, and produced a RideWatch, the very same that the dragon thought he saw.

“Darling… Button and I both miss you… but I will make sure Button can live for you…” She droned, as if she was in something of a trance.

“Nothing will take him away from me… not games or friends… “

Back at the Ponyville arcade, a new machine was being wheeled in. It was a large, neon pink colored arcade cabinet called “Mighty Action”.

The many arcade-goers took a look at the machine. It boasted some incredible graphics, like they had never seen before. One such patron, a pegasus colt with a gray coat and black mane, walked over to the machine, ready to try it out and finally get one over on Button Mash.

“Finally, now’s my chance to get a high score on a machine before Button even knows!” The colt cheered. “Look out, ‘Mighty Action’, it’s Rumble time!” He proclaimed as he inserted his coin and started the game.

“Wow! These graphics are even better up close! They’re so...lifelike…” He said, starting to lose the energy in his voice as he continued to play. After a few moments, he started to feel hot.

“I…don’t feel...so good…” He groaned as he fell to the floor. Orange sparks covered his body, and he started to become translucent! The arcade patrons all panicked as one of them contacted emergency services.


The next day, at Ponyville Elementary, the schoolchildren had just gotten through the torment of an early math class, and were now preparing for their next class.

“Man, math sucks early in the morning.” Button commented to himself.

“Hey, did you hear about Rumble?” He overheard a few fillies talking.

“I heard he’s not here because he got a really bad disease or something from the arcade.” One of them said.

“Well, that’s not surprising, with all the gross colts that go in there!” Another one laughed.

“But my dad said it wasn’t a normal illness, it was like Rumble was fading away,” A third one chimed in. “Ugh...the thought of that happening to me gives me chills.”

Button paused. Rumble was sick? And somehow, the arcade had something to do with it? While he was friends with Rumble, they drifted apart somewhat after Button’s dad died.

He broke into a sprint before anyone could stop him, ignoring his teachers yelling for him to come back. He needed to find out what was going on!

To bE ConTinUeD! SeE YoU NeXt gaMe!

Author's Note:

Special thanks to The Bricklayer for help with this!

This chapter is part 1 of 2.