• Published 26th Sep 2018
  • 5,351 Views, 182 Comments


The last survivor of a world of Kamen Riders lands in Equestria, and vows to protect it from evil.

  • ...

Chapter 10-3: Shattered Revelations


Chapter 10, part 3 “Shattering Revelations”

“Starlight Glimmer…we exist because of what YOU did!”

Those words reverberated through the minds of everyone in the room. Starlight just fell to her knees, her mind consumed with guilt.

“It…it’s all my fault…” She mumbled.

Twilight’s reaction was shock, tears in her eyes at the fate of Tom’s homeworld. Her friends weren’t faring much better, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy outright sobbing.

Lyra approached Geiz and put her hand on his shoulder, but Geiz snapped back.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!!” He barked. Even with the mask, everyone could tell he was seething with rage and grief.

Tom turned to Starlight briefly, and then back to the villains in front of them.

“...I don’t care what spawned you- right now, you’re hurting everyone I care about!” Tom yelled. He rushed the Changelings holding Sunburst captive, managing to knock enough of them over to free him.

“You alright?” Tom asked. Sunburst wasn’t very responsive. He then just pointed at Starlight.

“You…you’re a MONSTER!” Sunburst yelled. “You said you traveled through time, but…I never knew…”

Twilight moved in front of Sunburst and aggressively pointed at him. “How DARE you!?” Sunburst flinched. “Starlight was trapped in her own loneliness for YEARS, you could have tried to communicate with her yourself, but nooooo, you were just as consumed by your own problems! You are in no position to cast any blame!”

“At least I didn’t try to destroy the world out of spite!” Sunburst retorted, as the two were growling at each other. All of this was tabled by a loud roar of anguish from Anton, followed by the red Rider taking his ax and wildly swinging it at Chronus-Sombra.


“Geiz! Calm down!” Bon Bon commanded.
“SHUT YOUR HOLE! HE DIES NOW!” Anton growled, his mind completely consumed by his rage. He turned his attention back to Chronus-Sombra, and kept up his wild swings.

“Really? Is this the best you can do?” The evil Rider laughed. “You’ll have to do better than that, boy!” He tapped on his belt.

“PAUSE!” Everyone besides Sombra seemed to freeze in place, but Tom and Anton could move still, albeit much more slowly.

“Interesting…it seems your Rider powers shield you from being totally paused…” Chronus-Sombra mused as he produced a replica of the Buggle Driver II and mounted it on his wrist. “But not nearly enough!”

The evil Rider rushed at both Zi-O and Geiz, and began assailing them with a series of punches, kicks and slashes. He then restarted normal time and the two Riders were splayed out on the floor before him.

“How pathetic…it seems the legend of the World of Riders does end here after all.” Chronus-Sombra scoffed. He raised his weapon. “You should reflect on your arrogance in the next life!”

He started to swing his weapon downwards, but just then, several shots hit him in the arm! The evil king staggered and dropped his weapon.

“WHO DARES!?” Chronus-Sombra roared out.

“Oh, you know…” An unfamiliar voice sounded out. Then, someone jumped in front of Zi-O and Geiz. It was another type of Rider, having magenta colored armor with a white and black cross pattern on its chest, and its face having pink and black stripes slightly resembling a barcode, with large green lenses.

“Just a passing through Kamen Rider, and don’t forget it!” The new Rider announced.

“Y-you’re…!” Chronus-Sombra balked. “You two, we must leave!”

“What!?” Idunn-Chrysalis complained. “He’s just one guy!”

“No arguments!” Chronus-Sombra waved his hand and a portal opened. “WE GO! NOW!”

He shoved Idunn-Chrysalis and Ouja-Discord into the portal. “This is FAR from over!” He stepped through the portal himself, the portal vanishing behind him.

“...sheesh, what crawled up his ass?” The magenta Rider asked. He then walked over to Zi-O.

“Alright, kiddo- up and at ‘em.” He said, lifting Zi-O to his feet.

“Ugh…wait, Gramps!?” Zi-O yelped.

“GRAMPS!?” Everyone there also yelped.

“Okay, LOUD.” Zi-O groaned. “And yes, this is my great-great-grandfather, Kamen Rider Decade.”

Decade just nodded, undoing his own transformation. He looked quite a bit like Tom, but had a noticeably darker skin tone, and narrower eyes. Around his neck was a camera that was patterned after his Rider form. He then took a flask out, also patterned after his Rider form, and took a drink from it.

But what was most noticeable about the man was how young he appeared, despite being Tom’s ancestor.

“Before you ask, in this order; I’m immortal like your princesses, my name is Tsukasa Kadoya, and I don’t give out autographs.” The elder Rider explained, taking another sip.

“Don’t you think it’s too early for that?” Twilight asked. Tsukasa just shrugged.

“Hey, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere in the multiverse.” He snarked. “And I think you guys have bigger things to worry about.” He gestured down towards the city, as a horde of Another G3s were marching in…


Down in the central square, ponies were running and hiding from the metallic monsters encroaching on their homes. Princess Cadance was attempting to shield as many of them as she could from the invaders’ attacks, while Celestia and Luna fought back, blasting as many of the invading army as they could.

Though, Celestia’s mind was on something else…

“I WILL NOT LET YOU DEFILE HIS IMAGE, FIENDS!” The solar princess yelled as she shot a ferocious fireball, incinerating the invaders until they were naught but crispy, charbroiled corpses. She let out a yell and began firing consecutive blasts at any direction the Another G3s were in, roaring like some sort of equine warrior princess the whole time.

“Sister, calm yourself!” Luna pleaded as she noticed her elder sister’s rampage. She ran over and grabbed the solar princess in a hug, stroking her mane.

“Let the sun set, and rise again tomorrow.” She said quietly, as a platoon of guards approached. “Defend our ponies from those monsters! We will set up a temporary shelter at the castle! And foals, the injured and the elderly take priority!”

“YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!” The platoon saluted as they took to the field. Luna lifted Celestia over her shoulder. She noticed tears running down her sister’s eyes, as a single word left her lips.



“LET ME GO!!!” Anton angrily roared. It took several guards to restrain him and stop him from going after Starlight Glimmer.

“Please, calm down!” Lyra pleaded.

“Hmm…” Anton seemed to relax a bit. “Alright, I’ll calm down…take a few deep breaths…and then I’LL RIP OFF THAT SELFISH BITCH’S TAIL AND MAKE HER EAT IT!” He began raging again.

Lyra didn’t hesitate to wrap herself around Anton, attempting to hug the rage out of him.

“Please…don’t be like this…” Lyra pleaded, sniffling a bit.

“Why are you trying to stop me?” Anton asked. “You know what she did!”

“I know, but…attacking her won’t fix anything!” The minty unicorn replied.

“She needs to pay for what she did! Don’t you see that, Biwa!?” Anton yelled before suddenly stopping and clamping his mouth shut. Lyra was as confused as anyone else.

“...Biwa?” Lyra asked. “Who’s Biwa?”

“...someone I knew…whose life is gone because of…because of HER!” Anton growled. He stopped, and looked down. “She’s gone…I couldn’t save her. I couldn’t do anything!” He shouted, his voice shaking. “And now you guys are trying to stop me from doing anything about it AGAIN!” Anton eventually threw the guards off him before yanking his confiscated Driver out of another guard’s hands. “I’m going to work some stress off on those monsters.” He transformed and stormed off.

“Wait!” Lyra called after him, but it was too late. She fell to the floor, sobbing. Bon Bon came over and put her arm around the sobbing mare to console her, but she also had her own thoughts about all this…
...he lost someone like that? Someone who was as important to him as Lyra is to me?” She pondered. “...I can’t even imagine what it’d be like without her anymore…would that be the result?” She sadly thought as she continued hugging her marefriend.

You’d better come back to her, Geiz…I won’t forgive you if you don’t.”


“RIDER TIME!” Tom’s belt announced as he transformed once again, and was about to charge headfirst into the battle, but he felt someone trying to stop him.

“Tom, wait! You’re still hurt!” It was Twilight, pleading with him not to go.

“Twilight, I have to go! It’s my duty as a Kamen Rider to-” Tom started.

“Don’t! Duty or not, I don’t want you to get hurt anymore!” She cried.

Tom hesitated. He knew he needed to fight, but if he did, the girl in front of him would be devastated. But, before he could act, he felt a hand grasp his shoulder. It was Tsukasa, and he grabbed both Tom and Twilight and brought them close.

“Don’t worry, you two. I’ll go out there with Tom and make sure he comes back.” The elder Rider offered.

“Well…if he’s not going out there alone…” Twilight thought. “Then you should go.”

Tom just nodded and ran out to fight. Tsukasa was about to as well, but Twilight stopped him.

“As for you, I’m sure you can handle yourself…but if he comes back with even a hair out of place I will turn you into a cactus and place you on my windowsill. Am I clear?” Twilight snarled.

“...crystal.” Tsukasa whimpered. “She’s almost as scary as Natsumi…” He thought to himself as he followed his grandson out to the battlefield.

Ponies all around the empire began to barricade themselves in their homes as the army of Another G3s marched through the main streets in lockstep.

A little filly was trying to hide behind a house, sniffling, but soon enough, a small group of the monsters splintered off and began chasing her!

“Nooo! Help me!” The little filly screamed as the creatures surrounded her…before a series of blasts struck the monsters. She looked towards the shooter- it looked like a knight in pink armor to her. The warrior took the strange box that he shot the monsters with and pulled a blade out of it, as he began hacking away at the invaders.

“Hey kid! If you want to live to your next birthday, then make yourself scarce!” The armored being yelled. The filly just nodded as she ran for safety. Afterwards, Zi-O jumped into help.

“You could have been a little nicer, you know.” Tom quipped.

“Less yakking, more attacking, kiddo!” Tsukasa replied, as the two continued fighting, slowly whittling down their numbers. To Tom’s surprise, the Another G3s were not nearly as strong as past Another Riders were, going down with minimal effort.

“Yeesh…compared to the other ones so far, these guys are kind of pathetic.” Tom noted.

“Probably because of one Rider’s power being spread across so many vessels.” Tsukasa shrugged. “So they’re trying to compensate with numbers.” As he explained, he pulled out a card and inserted it into his Decadriver.

“KAMEN RIDE: GAIM!” His belt announced as his shape changed to that of Kamen Rider Gaim.

“Gaim, huh?” Tom nodded, as he produced the GaimWatch. “Let’s give them 200% of their daily dose of ass-whooping!”

Tsukasa face-faulted slightly. “Loving the enthusiasm, but work on those lines, or hire a writer. Preferably the latter.”

The two imitation fruit samurai began hacking their way through the invading army. Although they were making decent progress, it seemed it would still be an uphill battle, if anything due to the large number of enemies…

“You know, for once, I’m glad to be fighting a bunch of enemies.” Anton said, cracking his knuckles. “I’ve got some shit to work out.” He said as he pulled out his axe and began aggressively hacking away at the enemies. He noticed that Zi-O and Decade were busy with their own group, so he could do what he wanted with this lot. He removed his watch from his belt and placed it in the slot on his weapon.


The red Rider crouched slightly, bringing his weapon to his side.

“GEIZ! DEADLINE CHOP!” He twirled around, swinging the axe into the surrounding enemies as they all exploded one by one.

“...eat your heart out, Kintaros.” He said, smirking under his helmet as more Another G3s approached.

“Damn pests.” He flipped his axe into its bow configuration.

“Now, all of you…BOW TO ME!” He yelled as he began rapidly firing into the platoon.


Twilight paced around the inside of the castle. Her friends had gone to do what they could in the midst of the disaster, but Twilight was asked to stay hidden with her brother and niece. Her anxiety was skyrocketing.

“Hnng…” Twilight groaned. “...I can’t do this! I can’t just sit here while everypony’s out there in danger!” She was about to dash to the door but Shining grabbed her.

“Shining Armor, let me go this instant!” Twilight barked.

“Twily, calm down.” The former guard captain said calmly but with authority.

“I can’t just-” Twilight started, but then an idea crossed her mind. “No, you’re right…it’s better if I wait here.”

“There you go!” Shining reassured. Twilight then knelt down to Flurry Heart, as she looked at her aunt with wide eyes.

“Flurry, guess who?” She covered her face. “Peek-a-boo!”

The baby princess giggled with excitement.

“Aaaand…” Twilight covered her face again, repeating the actions. “Peek-a-boo!”

Flurry continued to giggle.

“Maybe you should give it a try, Shiny.” Twilight suggested. Shining just smiled a bit, and he covered his eyes.

“Flurry, guess who?” He uncovered his eyes “Peek-a…”

And then he noticed that while his eyes were covered, Twilight wasn’t there.

“...boo.” He finished flatly.

Taking a deep breath, he took a piece of parchment and wrote on it, then zapped it with his horn.

“As much as I hate to admit it, if the situation was reversed, I’d probably be doing the same thing Twilight is.” The former guard captain noted. “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to chew her out for it though when she gets back.”

He sighed, focusing his attention on his daughter.

“You better make sure she comes back, Kamen Rider…”


Zi-O continued his struggle against the large numbers of Another G3s. Though his body felt incredible fatigue, he used all his willpower to keep going.

They’re counting on me…there’s no way I’m gonna fall to these jerks!” The young Rider grabbed the AgitoWatch from his holder and activated it.

“ARMOR TIME! AGI-TOOOOOOO!” His belt sang as his armor became a new black-and-gold colored form, prominently displaying a pair of impressive horns on its helmet.

“My soul is wide awake!” He yelled out as he began assailing the enemies with furious strikes from his fists and feet.

He noticed Spike and Fluttershy attempting to escort someone, and went over to help.

“Spike! Fluttershy! Are you two alright!?” Zi-O asked.

“W-we’re fine, but…” She glanced to the increasingly sickly looking Changeling in their care.

“This guy…” He looked him over. The poor thing looked like he hadn’t eaten in weeks, not to mention whatever else was going on.

“We’ll take care of him, Tom.” Spike replied. “Go kick their…” He started but was kicked to the ground by a surprise attack from an Another G3!

“Spike!!!” Fluttershy cried.

Thorax was shocked, but felt something strange roiling inside him. He pushed himself off Fluttershy.

“You…hurt…my…FRIEND!!!” Thorax’s body started to spasm, and he screamed in pain as he started to violently change shape.

The form Thorax took was a strangely chameleon-esque being, with similar looking eyes to the Kamen Riders.

“Thorax…?” Spike whimpered, as the transformed Thorax lunged at the Another G3 that had struck Spike and started violently attacking him! The former Changeling roared in rage as he started making his way through more of the Another G3s, ripping them apart.

“Whoa!” Zi-O jumped in. “Take it easy!”

Thorax just backhanded the other Rider and pushed him off. Fluttershy could only cover her eyes, not able to handle the brutal sight.

“Thorax, calm down!” Spike called out, but it was no use. The Another G3s were all destroyed, Thorax still growling.

“Hey…Thorax, buddy?” The young dragon inched closer. “It’s okay now…you got ‘em all.” Then, Zi-O grabbed Spike.

“Don’t get any closer to him!” Zi-O warned. “He’s out of control!”

Just as the rampaging Thorax turned its head to the others, a beetle-shaped Rider appeared before them and delivered a chop to Thorax’s neck, knocking him out.

“Wait, Kabuto?” Zi-O asked before noticing the belt on the insect Rider.

“No, you’re gramps!” The younger Rider exclaimed.

Tsukasa just looked forlorn at the KO’d changeling. “I didn’t think they’d be turning these guys into Amazonz, of all things.”

Zi-O was bewildered. “THAT was an Amazon?” Spike and Fluttershy looked confused.

“Um, what’s an ‘Amazon’?” Fluttershy asked but another explosion hit.

“Guys, I have to go!” Zi-O announced “Gramps, can you take them to safety?”

Decade just nodded, as Zi-O ran into the fray once more.

Twilight stealthily made her way towards the center of the market, where the largest concentration of the monsters seemed to be.

I can’t just stand by…there’s got to be SOMETHING I can do!” She thought to herself. The Another Riders that they had encountered before seemed to mess with her magic, but even then, she felt compelled to take action.

Ok…just gotta get close enough…” The young alicorn thought to herself, though her thoughts were interrupted by a loud screech. Some of the monsters had noticed her, and started running in her direction!

“No! GO AWAY!” She yelled, reflexively blasting one of them with magic in self-defense.

“GYAA!” The monster who was hit yelled as it disintegrated into ash. Twilight took note of this, and smiled a bit.

“So…you guys aren’t invulnerable to my magic, huh?” Twilight said in a threatening tone, her horn charging up. “I’ve got a very important lesson to teach you all…”

Nearby, Tom was continuing his struggle, slashing and blasting his way through more of the invaders.

“For the love of Gaim, how many of these things ARE there!?” He griped. “It feels like I haven’t even put a dent in their numbers…”

He then heard the sounds of magic blasts, accompanied by what sounded like cackling. Tom rushed over, and saw Twilight, blasting Another Riders left and right and grinning like a lunatic.

“I CAN do something! I CAN fight! I’m not useless! I’M NOT USELESS!!!” She yelled as she continued laughing and shooting.

“Twilight!?” Tom yelped. Unfortunately, the manic alicorn didn’t notice him as she continued indiscriminately firing at the horde. Her outburst was intense, but it didn’t allow her to notice another group of enemies from behind her! Tom rushed out and pushed Twilight out of the way at the critical moment, before the monsters started to attack!

“AAAGH!” Tom screamed in pain as the fiends began to attack him without remorse. Even with the powerful armor afforded to him by his Rider transformation, it could only do so much.

“Hnnng…” The Rider groaned as he managed to grasp his sword.

“HI-YAAAA!” He yelled as he delivered a low slash to the surrounding monsters’ ankles, knocking them all over.
The yell snapped Twilight out of her furious trance.

“Oh no!” She cried out. “Tom!”

She ran over to the wounded Rider.

“Tom, are you alright?! Speak to me!” She begged.

“...Twilight…this is exactly…why I told you to stay behind…” Tom groaned.

“And just leave you to sacrifice yourself!?” She yelled in reply.

“This is what I have to do!” Tom yelled back. “I’m a Kamen Rider!”

“And I’m the Princess of Friendship!” The frustrated mare replied. “I’ve seen you fighting all these monsters on our behalf, and until now I wasn’t able to do anything to help you!”

“I don’t want you fighting! You’ll get hurt!”

“And I don’t want you getting hurt either!”

Then, suddenly, both of them blurted out the same sentence.


Both of them covered their mouths. While Twilight’s face had visibly become red, it wasn’t possible to see Tom’s face under his mask. But a bit of steam did start coming off his helmet.

“...Tom…did you just say-” Twilight started but noticed the monsters regrouping.

“We’ll talk about this after.” Tom replied. “I’ll deal with this-”

“No. WE will.” Twilight corrected him. Tom was about to protest but Twilight stopped him.

“NO. No buts. You and I have something to discuss after this, and we can’t do that if you’re badly injured.” Twilight put her hand on the hand Tom was holding his weapon in. “Now, we fight together.”

“...you really won’t let this go, huh?” Tom sighed. “Let’s go then.” The two of them ran at the monsters, delivering powerful strikes and magical blasts.

Meanwhile, Anton had successfully eliminated as many of the Another Riders as he could see. But he was still angry. His rage hadn’t fully subsided.

“This is all her fault…” He seethed.

“That it is, Geiz.” The voice of Gaoh came from behind him.

“You again…so that Starlight mare was the one who started all this… that’s why you had me come here.”

“Uh, you’re welcome?” Gaoh snarked. “But you know what you have to do now, don’t you?”

“...no.” Geiz replied.

“No? What do you mean ‘no’? Don’t tell me you’re just gonna let her get away with it!”

“That’s not it at all.” The red Rider shook his head. “I’ll avenge them, but I’ll do so on my own terms.”

He pointed his weapon at Gaoh.

“And I sure as hell won’t be used by a shady bitch like you!” Geiz yelled. Gaoh just began to laugh.

“Oh, you are such a poser.” The mysterious Rider shook her head. “But that’s fine. I can kill her myself. As for you though…” She delivered a kick to Geiz’s midsection, knocking him over.

“Remember this, little boy.” Gaoh started. “One way or another, Starlight Glimmer is dead. Get in my way, and you’ll be next.” She scoffed as she once again vanished.

Geiz just groaned. “...I won’t forgive them. But I’ll do things my own way…” He muttered, as he passed out.

Tom and Twilight managed to thin out the Another Riders’ numbers considerably from working together.

“There’s still too many of them!” Twilight yelled, as she was starting to feel fatigued.

“If we can get them all into one place, then a finisher should do the trick.” Tom replied.

“BIND, PLEASE!” A mechanical voice came from nowhere, as strange sigils appeared underneath all the Another Riders and started dragging them close together.

“That’s Wizard’s power!” Tom realized. He looked up and saw the familiar ruby-red colors of the ringed mage…but the one in question was wearing a familiar camera-esque belt.

“Gramps!” Tom cheered.

“We’re not done yet, kiddo!” Decade yelled down. “I’ll line these morons up, you hit ‘em hard!” Waving his hands, the binding circles drifted closer together, pulling all the Another Riders into one cramped lump.

“Now!” The elder Rider commanded. Tom changed his sword into a gun and attached his watch to it, but he was unable to aim it straight, his injuries catching up to him. But Twilight grasped his arm and propped it up, as they now both held the gun.

“FINISH TIME!” The gun announced, as the two of them had their fingers on the trigger.

“Let’s do this, Twilight!” Tom exclaimed.

“Yeah!” Twilight replied.

“ZI-O & MAGIC! TWILIGHT HOUR LOVE BREAK!” The gun yelled as a huge neon pink blast engulfed the Another Riders, while seemingly repairing other things. The Rider and pony held fast, clinging to each other for support as the recoil pushed them back.

The Another Rider army had been decimated. The Crystal Empire was safe, and victory was theirs…

Tom and Twilight were each panting heavily, Tom’s Rider form vanishing as he fell to his knees.

“Tom…” Twilight said with concern.

“We…we did it.” The young man grunted. “I think…I need a nap.” He said as he fell over. Decade grabbed him and hoisted him over his shoulder.

“I’ll take the kid. You coming?” He asked. The young princess just nodded as the three made their way back to their friends…


Tom stirred, as his eyes opened. “Where…?” Just then, he felt something grip him.

“You’re awake!” It was Twilight, and she was hugging Tom tightly. Perhaps a bit too tightly, as he started to feel some pain.

“Twi…too…tight…” The wounded warrior wheezed. Twilight released him, blushing.

“Oh, I’m sorry…” She replied, flustered.

“You’re still doing better than the other kid though.” A new voice said as Tsukasa entered the room.

“Gramps!” Tom cheered.

“Yep, the one and only.” Tsukasa replied smugly. “That Geiz kid’s got a mare who’s being WAY more clingy than your little girlfriend will ever be on his ass right now.

“G-g-GIRLFRIEND!?” Tom yelped. Twilight was speechless and blushing. Tsukasa rolled his eyes.

“Oh come on! Everyone and their grandfather can see it! LITERALLY!” He complained. “Seriously, you two had a love confession on the battlefield!”

“How did…?” Twilight pondered, but Tsukasa held out his hand.

“Never mind that. You two really need to figure yourselves out.” Tsukasa commanded. “In the meantime, there’s an open bar with my name all over it.” He walked out of the room.

Tom and Twilight couldn’t look at each other.

“I-I think I need some time…” Twilight stammered as she left the room.

Tom laid back down.

Okay, yeah…I like her. A lot. But…”


Twilight walked onto one of the many balconies and sat on a bench there, staring at the sky.

I do like him…but would it work between us?”


“I’m a Kamen Rider, and she’s a princess.”

“I’m the Princess of Friendship, and he’s a hero.”

“I could very well put her in more danger.”

“He could end up getting hurt worse because of me…”

“Could either of us ever be together like that?”


Meanwhile, nearby the Empire train station, Spike and Fluttershy were seeing off Tsukasa, but moreso Thorax, who Tsukasa was taking with him.

“Are you sure you don’t want to say goodbye to Tom?” Fluttershy asked.

“Eh, it’s not like I won’t be back.” The passing-through Rider explained. “But this guy…he’s got Amazonz powers now, and I gotta help him get them under control before it’s too late.”

“But you’ll be back, right?” Spike asked.

“I’ll be back, Spike.” Thorax said. “And when I’m back, we can finally hang out as friends.” The changeling paused. “Huh, a changeling with friends…never thought it’d happen.”

Spike just nodded. “Good luck, Thorax.” He shook Thorax’s hand as Tsukasa opened a silvery portal behind them.

“Our ride’s here.” Tsukasa explained. “Come on, bug boy.” Thorax nodded as the two stepped into the portal.

Thorax, you can do it.”

Author's Note:

Wow, this one took a while to get out.

We're not just JUST yet with this, there's an epilogue to come.