• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 372 Views, 8 Comments

Voyage - Comrade Bagel Muffin

This is how far a unicorn is willing to go to get home.

  • ...

Baronne Flower

Red Wine knocked on the apple wood door of the house. After a few seconds a young blue earth pony colt with a soft purple mane opened the door. "Greetings." The young blue colt bowed his head in respect to the group. "I'm sorry, Chief Office Wine I was not expecting your arrival. Should I alert the mistress?"

"It is quite alright Blueberry Kompot. I wasn't expected, and please do alert the baroness to our unexpected arrive. Could you please escort my associates to the library I would like to talk to the baroness and the rest of the staff in private."

"And the bird?" Red Wine gave him a nod. "Of course Chief Officer Wine, I'll fetch the mistress and inform the staff to meet with you in the kitchen." Again the colt bowed his head when he turned to leave he had a small proud smile. "Please follow me to the library." . Red Wine left the group heading down stone stairs to the kitchen of the estate. The young blue colt told two maids and a butler that Red Wine was wanting to discuss something with the house hold staff and the mistress in the kitchen. Escutcheon, Turkeylegs, Dusk, and Atlas followed the young colt to a small reading room that could only barely be described as a library. The room had four medium sized book shelves on the side walls. The wall opposite the double doors had a window looking out over the small village. There were three chairs sitting around a small round breakfast table. "I will announce your arrival to the Mistress after our discussion with Chief Officer Red Wine." The colt bowed his head before backing out of the room and closing the double doors.

"Is it me or is that colt weird?" Dusk asked hopping into one of the chairs.

"Oh Blue's probably just happy that his grandfather's come by. He's probably trying to impress him by acting very professional." Atlas said sitting next to Dusk. Turkeylegs walked over to Dusk and sitting between the two of them.

"That old stallion has kids?"

"Had. Blue is his only surviving relative, and he's Blues only surviving relative as well." Atlas answered. "It's a terrible shame. Both of the colts parents died during a plague." Dusk's ears flopped back.

"Oh." She looked over her should at Escutcheon.

"Could we stay here an extra day maybe? Give him a chance to spend time with Blue?" He asked floating around a dozen books off of the shelf.

"I think he would prefer to just finish this assignment." Atlas shook his head, We could stop here a few days after we've delivered the letter.

"Yeah that makes sense." Dusk leaned back in her chair.

"I thought you didn't like Red Wine." Atlas asked.

"I don't but I know what it must be like for Blue. Dad's the only family I have left." She looked over to Escutcheon. "What are you doing? Do you really think that this small book nook will have anything we're looking for?" she asked.

"No not really." Escutcheon's horn lit up as the text from the books floated around him. He closed his eyes focusing on the books. "But I might be able to find something to reference when we get to the library at Rici or Livar." He opened his eyes and looked around at the floating text. He sighed. "Most of this is isn't really helpful." He floated the books back on o the shelf as he floated more down to him. After a quarter hour the he had read every book in the library, and was walking to sit opposite Dusk when the doors opened and a soft yellow mare walked into the book room. She was wearing a beautiful green dress.

"Hello. Were you admiring my collection?" The mare walked into the room a grey stallion brought in a fourth chair for her. "Would any of you like anything to eat or drink?" she asked sitting down opposite Atlas.

"Is Blue spending time with his grandfather?" Dusk sat up straight.

"Something like that yes. Now how about some apple tea, our little village is famous for our apples. Kettle would you please bring our guest some tea?" she asked the grey stallion.

"Of course ma'am." The stallion bowed and left the room.

"Your collection is nice. Especially the political sciences of Hobbles and Lock. On opposite ends of the room." Escutcheon smiled.

"They are opposite theories of course."

"Have you ever read them."

"Yes just now." Escutcheon nodded. Dusk got up and switched places with the professor to sit closer to him. "They both make interesting points."

"Just now?" She looked to Atlas who nodded.

"He's quite the speed reader." Kettle came back in with the tea, and sat it on the table. Dusk squirmed in her seat trying to look past the stallion.

"Dusk are you okay?" Escutcheon asked.

"Is that Blue?" Dusk pointed out the window. Out side in the dark a small shape could be seen running out into one of the apple orchards.

"Oh dear, Kettle, could you please escort our guest to their room after they've enjoyed there tea. I'll go and see if I can't calm the poor colt down."

"Yes ma'am." Kettle nodded. Flower took a quick sip before setting down the cup and heading out. After five minutes they had finished their tea and headed to their rooms. Dusk was slightly upset that she wasn't going to be sharing a room with Escutcheon, and was instead going to be sleeping across the hall from him with Turkeylegs.

"What do you think that was about?" Escutcheon asked as he lay back on his bed. Trying to drift off to sleep in an unfamiliar bed and room.

"I'm not sure?" Atlas answered back. "He would certainly have to be distraught if he left his grandfather," Atlas answered. There was a soft knock on the door. "Two copper pieces says that's Dusk wanting to trade beds with me?" Atlas joked.

"I wouldn't take that bet for anything." Escutcheon laughed, as the professor got up to answer the door. There was another knock.

"Just one second Dusk-Oh baroness Flower?" The baroness looked slightly pale behind her were Dusk and Turkeylegs.

"Could you please help me find Blue Kompot. I still haven't been able to find him the rest of the staff, and a few of the villagers are out looking for him now.

"Of course." The professor nodded. Escutcheon hopped out of bed.

His horn already focusing a tracking spell. It would be a lot simpler than the one that he had, had to use to find Plum. He knew Blue couldn't be to far away. The group of five headed out to join the rest of the town in the search. "This way," Escutcheon said as he headed into the orchard. Dusk followed close behind with Trukeylegs. The two adults staying close behind.

"I hear him." Dusk spoke up joining Escutcheon in the lead. "He's crying." He golden eyes darted around in the darkness of the night. She put a hoof out stopping Escutcheon and the rest of the group. "He's in that tree." She pointed ahead. Escutcheon's ears perked up at the soft sound of sobbing coming from the apple tree's branches.

"Kompot?" Flower asked approaching the tree. "Kompot please come down the whole town is out looking for you."

"I'm sorry mis-mistress Flower."

"It's okay." She looked over her shoulder. "You can go back now. I'll tell the town he's been found. We can discuss things over breakfast." Escutcheon and Dusk nodded and hopped onto Turkeylegs. "Blue, come here sweetheart. I know I know. Shhhh. It'll all be okay." The baroness got quieter and quieter as the group made their way back to the Estate.