• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 372 Views, 8 Comments

Voyage - Comrade Bagel Muffin

This is how far a unicorn is willing to go to get home.

  • ...

Des Beaux Jours

"Flattered though I may be that somepony wants to look just like me, I'm going to ask you to drop the disguise, my poor mother would have a heart attack at the thought of two of me." The Myrrh standing next to Escutcheon calmly looked the other Myrrh up and down. The other Myrrh just looked her up and down as Gilda and Gildan moved to either side of her and Escutcheon.

"And how do we know that you two aren't insect abominations?" Red Wine looked between the two of them. "Escutcheon why don't you let Turkeylegs put you to the test." Dusk led Turkeylegs slowly over to him.

"Sure." Escutcheon slowly moved forward. In a few seconds Turkeylegs chirped happily and vigorously nuzzled, before grabbing him with its beak, and putting him on its back before quickly doing the same with Dusk.

"It's definitely Escutcheon!" Dusk pulled him into a hug. "I'm so happy you're okay. Are you okay? I was worried that you were hurt, you didn't get hurt did you?"

"I'm fine I'm fine." He hugged her back.

"Now, which one of you is a bug?" Red Wine looked between the two Myrrhs.

"Please don't hurt me!" The Myrrh standing next to Atlas jump behind the elderly stallion. "I-I didn't want to, but you were murderous, and-and they would know that I helped you, and I-I'm sorry."

"Fifty-one?" Dusk asked.

"Wait we were with the bug monster?" Gilda asked.

"You abandoned us."

"You started shooting and everyone was doing things and I-I was scared!"

"It's okay Fifty-one." Myrrh walked over to her. "Honestly, I don't hold it against you." She sat down next to Fifty-one who still had the disguise up. "I just want to know one thing? Now that we got out, what do you think Pick Ax is going to do?" She asked patting the changeling on the back.

"I even want to think about it." The other Myrrh put her hooves over her eyes. "He won't be happy and I'm going to be in so much trouble when he finds out all the things I did."

"No. You'll be fine. We're going to keep you safe." Myrrh smiled.

"But if you run away again, you will be treated as an enemy."

"Don't worry Fifty-one you're safe with us just stay near by okay?" Myrrh asked.

"Wait are we sure this Myrrh isn't a bug too?" Gilda asked

"Yeah she seems really happy to be traveling with a bug monster." Her brother nodded.

"Please you two don't make Red Wine more paranoid than he already is, you know he's going to be insufferable for the rest of the trip right?" She glared at the griffon siblings. "Now Fifty-one, What is Pick Ax likely to do now that, his plans to use Escutcheon and Dusk have gone up in flames." Fifty-one looked at her for a long moment.

"He'll likely try and consolidate his forces back to Black Mountain, and try another means to start the war unless you ponies don't start one without him."

"Well I'll let mom know see how he deals with that." Myrrh smirked. "We should head out."

"Fine, But I'm watching the two of you." Red Wine grumbled.

"Escutcheon can't you use your spell to check her?" Gildan asked.

"Yes I'm on it." Escutcheon's horn cast a golden light on Myrrh after a few seconds he smiled. "It's Myrrh."

"Well at least we don't need to be paranoid," Atlas said. They started heading off staying to the game trails, they made their way to the capital.