• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 373 Views, 8 Comments

Voyage - Comrade Bagel Muffin

This is how far a unicorn is willing to go to get home.

  • ...

Le Prince de Tivi

They made their way down the capital's streets. Red Wine had gone off with Myrrh and her mother straight to the palace. For reasons known only to himself, Red had ordered Escutcheon and Dusk to stay in the lower parts of the city until Myrrh came and found them. The two of them were more than willing to do so, as they moved along the streets of the mountain city. The ponies of the shopping area parted for them as Escutcheon and Dusk rod on Turkeylegs' back going window to shop window as Atlas walked by their side, Gilda and Gildan were walking behind them. "I wish we had all day to walk these streets." Atlas sighed. "When Tivi and Slo were on better terms I spent a month trying to make a map of this city, capturing the elevated sections of the city. It was one of my best works when I finally finished it. Gave it to the head of the university here, as a gift. Those were better day."

"Yeah map making I'm sure it was completely exciting," Gilda said.

"It was." Atlas smiled.

"Right, just like stable duty cleaning up Iron Side poop." Gildan rolled his eyes.

"Wow, not judging, but you find some really weird stuff exciting." Dusk smirked looking back at the griffon. His feathers puffed out as his sister started laughing. He paused looking at Dusk in disbelief for a second before glaring at his sister. "Both of you behave now we don't need you fighting in the street. Not while we're away from-eee look at that it's so cute." She looked away from the two griffons and grabbed Escutcheon's leg pointing at a stuffed bat toy sitting in the window. Escutcheon was practically dragged into the building by Dusk.

The shop keeper was a bit taken aback at the bat pony. "What the, what are you?"

"She's a Thestral," Escutcheon answered as Dusk started going through the stuffed toys in the display window to get the little stuffed bat toy. "She's the representative of the Bat Pony Colony that is set up in the woods of the DMZ," Escutcheon said as Dusk pulled the bat out of the pile.

"How much?" Dusk asked.

"There really are half pony half bat creatures in the forest?" The shop keeper looked at Dusk still just as unbelieving despite her standing right there.

"We're full pony we're just have bat wings." Dusk put the plush bat stuffed animal on the counter. "How much?" she asked again.

"Well uh." The shop keeper looked at a lose of words. "Two copper I guess." Dusk pulled out two copper coins from her purse and gave them to the store clerk. "Wait these coins are from Tivi?"

"Yes we're here as diplomats, Red Wine came with use to see us get here. You're okay taking Tivi money?" Dusk asked. "I mean copper coins are still copper coins right?"

"We are now yes." The shop keeper floated the coins into the counter drawer. "We've gotten quit a few since his majesty's arrival?" Before they could ask for any elaboration two guards entered the building with Myrrh standing on the street waving to the two of them.

"Come on, we've got you a meeting with The king's court." Myrrh smiled. "They'll be greeting you soon, and tomorrow you will be talking to His Majesty." Before anything could more could be said they were escorted into a cart Myrrh set to pulling it, and were quickly moving up the mountain side to the plateau at the top. Gilda and Gildan were in a chariot beside them and Atlas was in one by himself, and Turkeylegs running along side Dusk's and Escutcheon's chariot.

Standing at the top to greet them were three ponies. On the right was a rather confused looking Red Wine. On the left An equally confused Frankincense, and in the middle of the two was a Unicorn with the same mane, tail, and coat colors as Escutcheon, but being about 4 years his senior. He had a serine smile and wore a small medallion around his neck. "Hello," He called as soon as they were in ear shot of him. "It's good of you to come, but perhaps not for all the reasons that you might think." He helped Dusk and Escutcheon out of their carts. "I'm afraid my father wasn't being fully honest with you when he sent you here with Red Wine. My letter seems to have caused an undo fright in the palace, and for that and my father's hidden intentions, I apologize. Now Allow me to introduce myself, I am Crown Prince Splendor." He gave a respectable nod to Dusk and Escutcheon. "And It's my honor to meet you."