• Published 27th Nov 2018
  • 373 Views, 8 Comments

Voyage - Comrade Bagel Muffin

This is how far a unicorn is willing to go to get home.

  • ...

Manoir du Gouverneur

Livar was easily just as large of a city as Reci, and easily just as big as Canterlot. The city itself revolved around a single point with multiple layers of snow covered walls. Escutcheon had read in one of Atlas' books that Livar had, had multiple points of development and the city would erect a new wall after each such burst of growth in its population. The center of the city was the governess' mansion. A large 7 story home, with several towers. The building had been built out of white stone bricks which the town was famous for mining, and had a beautiful shingled roof. Despite the thin layer of snow that covered nearly every surface at this altitude the Mansion and it's grounds were completely clean, the green grass and blooming trees, stuck out like among the white and grey of the rest of the rest of the city. Iron Clad's mansion looked like it belonged in the plains of Tivi rather than in Slo's mountains. Around the mansion was a wrought iron fence with a single decorative gate that led to the estate. Two black earth pony stallions and a tan unicorn mare in Slo's traditional grey armor with bright red highlights stood guarding the gate.

"Are you lost?" the mare asked as the group approached the gate to the mansion.

"We're here to see Governess Iron Clad." Red Wine said. "We have an appointment and are already late."

"Oh, and who are you?" The mare asked.

"I am Red Wine. Chief and Captain of King Awe's personal body guard," he said angrily. "Now will you please get out of our way?"

"I wasn't told that she was having guest especially somepony like you." Her eyes narrowed. "Search them." She turned to the two stallions that gave her a salute. Her horn started glowing as she phased through the wrought iron gate. One of the two started patting down Atlas and Red Wine the other pulled out their sword.

"You two get off of the bird."

"Yeah we know we've already had to deal with one dirt bag today already." Dusk grumbled as she slid off of Turkeylegs' back. Escutcheon got off following her down.

"Calm down Dusk," he whispered to her as the guards started patting the two of them down.

"You take off your clothes." The guard with the sword said.

"I-I really don't want to," Escutcheon said taking a step back. "Can I at least do that somewhere more private please?"

"Escutcheon is a very modest colt." Atlas answered.

"Fine if you're allowed in the colt will be taken to a side room alone and thoroughly examined then. Is that understood, colt?" The guard asked after patting him down a second time. "So far he's clean." The armed guard nodded. They had just finished searching their saddlebags as the mare was coming back out.

"you two why is the colt still clothed? He could be hiding something." She said as her horn lit back up as she walked through the gate.

"He's agreed to a private search." She nodded.

"Fine." She turned her attention back to the group. "Governess Iron Clad is not pleased that you are twelve hours late. She, however, is willing to see you today." She looked back to the two guards. "Open the gates, you'll both help me search the colt." The stallions opened the gate. "Come!" She ordered and started marching to the doors of the mansion.

"Captain." A guard saluted the mare and opened the door as the group was let in.

"You show them and the bird to the meeting hall. Colt go in there." She opened a side door leading to a small windowless room. Escutcheon nodded and with a gulp walked in. When he stepped in the Mare and the two stallions followed her in and the door was closed. "Put a restraint ring on him."

"Yes ma'am." Escutcheon felt his head jerked to the side and a ring of cold metal slide down his horn. Five orbs of light floated from the mare's horn and lit up the room.

"Put his saddle bags in the corner." One of the guards took his bags off of him. "If you move when I don't tell you, you're a dead colt understand?"

"Yes ma'am," Escutcheon answered as one of the guards took his saddlebags and tossed them to the corner. Her horn started glowing and the sapphire necklace floated off. She examined it, and after scrutinizing it set it on the table.

"The shirt off now." Her voice was cold and harsh. Escutcheon gulped but took of his shirt, already he was starting to shake. "Why are you shaking do you have something you don't want us to find?" Escutcheon mumbled his answer. "I didn't hear you."

"No ma'am." His voice was already hoarse. She turned his shirt inside out several times with her magic in front of him.

"Pants off now." Escutcheon froze. "I said now!" He started shaking and tears going down the side of his cheeks, as he slid his pants down. She snatched them in her magic and started searching through them. When she didn't find anything she turned her attention back to Escutcheon. He was shaking like the last leaf on a tree about to fall quietly crying. "That's enough. You two guard the hall." The two black stallions nodded and left the room. She sat down in front of them. "Are you and the bat foalknapped?" This time her voice was soft. He shock his head. "Did they touch you, or hurt you?"

"Not them."

"Do they know?" She asked his legs buckled underneath him. Fears of her telling them came to the fore front of his mind. They'd know, Dusk would know.

"No, no," he answered sobbing on the floor.

"Shhh," He felt a towel go over him like a blanket. "It's okay. Get dressed wipe off your face and when your ready to meet Governess Iron Clad she's with the rest of your party in the meeting room. I'll lead you there." The lights went out, and she left him there on the floor with a towel wrapped around him. After a few minutes, Escutcheon finally managed to get his body back under his control. He put back on his clothes, and left the room. His mask of composure only slightly compromised by his red eyes and the suppression ring still around his horn.

Author's Note:

Iron Clad was given to me By Scribs. She doesn't have a FIM account But I'd like to thank her for the Character.