• Published 14th Dec 2018
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The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p - Arcanum -Phantasy

Now that Anon-a-Miss has been defeated, Sunset is ready to move forward with her new friends. New misadventures follows her and her crew as the past meets the present. Can Sunset help fill the gaps around her friends?

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Ch.21 Not Fair

The late afternoon sun shined brightly over Canterlot High, freshly fallen snow blanketing everything in sight. The peace was shattered by a series of yelps as a cluster of teenage girls seemingly fell out of the base of the horse statue positioned in front of the school.

"Again, who's idea was it to go through the damn portal as a group!?" Lightning demanded, dragging herself out of the people pile.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time," Bonbon groaned as she staggered to her feet. "Ugh, when's the world going to stop spinning?"

"Did we stop yet?" Vinyl groaned from the bottom of the pile. "I feel like I downed a bottle of vodka while doing a handstand."

"Um, can someone let go of my breasts please?" Fluttershy asked, a bit of ice filling her sweet tone.

"Sorry!" Lyra exclaimed, a pair of mint-green hands popping out the top of the pile.

"Can someone get their knee out of my back?" Sunset groaned as she tried to crawl out of the pile.

"Sorry love," Octavia said, managing to pull herself free.

"I think I'm gonna hurl," Derpy groaned from the pile's heart.

"NOPE!" everyone cried as they pulled themselves away from the now nauseous gray teen. Unlike her first time through the portal, the poor girl ended up decorating the school grounds with her last two meals. She groaned as she staggered to her feet, face still green while she struggled to hold herself together. Sunset quickly came to her side and pulled the girl's arm over her shoulder for support.

"I've got you," she said with a concerned frown.

"Thanks," she gulped with a weak smile. "Not used to having both my eyes work yet. All those colors really got to me this time."

"I can imagine," Octavia nodded. "Though, to be fair, its not much better for those of us who are used to having full vision, right?"

Everyone nodded, then staggered a bit as they fought against a sudden wave of vertigo.

"Ugh, I think I'm gonna head home and ride this out," Bonbon groaned as she started walking away from the group.

"Ditto," Vinyl chuckled ruefully as she did the same, clutching her forehead.

"That's probably a good idea," Sunset giggled. "Portals can be a bit rough on you if you aren't used to them or know what to expect. Are we still good for New Years?"

"Totally!" Lightning cheered, then cringed as a lance of pain shot through her over stimulated brain.

"Let's talk about it when we don't feel like we were crammed through a garden hose," Octavia sighed with a weary smile.

"Right," Sunset smiled. "See you all later?"

Everyone nodded and one by one headed on their way to their homes. Suddenly, Lyra stopped and walked back to Sunset.

"Hey, remember when Applejack found us at the card shop?"

"Yeah?" Sunset asked cautiously.

"Well, she said she wanted to talk to you."

"What did you say?" Derpy asked, eyes narrowed and protective in spite of her queasiness.

"Just that I'd let Sunset know," she shrugged. "If you want to talk to her, tell me when and where and I'll pass on the news."

"I see," Sunset frowned. "Thanks Lyra."

"Any time Sunset," Lyra smiled, then frowned as she added, "Just take some time to think it over, okay? She really looked like she wanted to fix things and that was before the whole story came out."

Memories of a distraught Fluttershy came to mind as Sunset processed what her friend had told her. She saw how her ex-friends reacted to her confession in the gym. The shock and horror in their eyes gave her a small bit of happiness at the moment, but now left her conflicted. While she was ready to move on from the trauma of the incident, she knew that she couldn't leave things the way they were.

"Right, thanks Lyra," Sunset frowned.

Smiling, Lyra nodded and staggered off.

For a moment, Sunset and Derpy stood there as one tried to organize her thoughts while the other waited for her nausea to pass. Feeling her girlfriend's legs shaking, she quickly and carefully guided her to a bench near the school's front gate.

"Thanks," Derpy sighed as she slumped into the bench. "God, I hope the Passports aren't as rough as the portal."

"Won't know until we use them," Sunset sighed as she took a seat at Derpy's right. "It can't be worse at least."

Derpy groaned as she rested her head onto Sunset's shoulder. A soft smile spread across Sunset's face as she leaned into her girlfriend. Never before had Sunset felt so happy then she had in that moment as she let the girl she loved share such a simple moment of peace. Granted, it would've been better if Derpy wasn't just a stone's throw away from throwing up, but Sunset was happy to share such a moment all the same.

While she waited for Derpy's stomach to settle, her eyes wandered across the grounds. As they did, countless memories started to come to her like clips from a camcorder. The time she helped Fluttershy tend to a sick kitten at the shelter. Hours spent at Sweet Apple Acres picking apples with Applejack. Countless rounds of soccer with Rainbow Dash at the park. Getting covered with flower while baking with Pinkie at Sugarcube Corner. Modeling for Rarity at her house when she had the time. Memory after memory came to her as she stared at the still grounds around them, the land more than just a slab of dirt with snow and buildings on top. This was where she took the first steps needed to become a better person.

It was also where she met her girlfriend.

In a sad sort of way, she was happy that her world almost ended. For weeks she had passed Derpy in the halls not giving her the time of day. It took her falling into the darkest pits of despair to find the incredible person leaning into her side.

"It's not fair," Sunset sighed, staring at the ground.

"What isn't?" Derpy asked

"I had to lose my friends in order to meet you and the others. Why couldn't I have met you when I still had them? Why did I have to almost die to have you in my life? Why couldn't I have both? It's not fair."

She paused, then Derpy brought a hand to her false eye and said, "Life's not fair. Sometimes it just wants to kick you around for a while before it gives you something good. Sometimes it gives you something good, just to rip it out of your hands and stomp on it right in front of you. The most you can do is take what matters to you and not let life take it from you."

Sunset blinked, then smiled as she pulled her girlfriend into a tight embrace.

"Like this?" she smirked.

"Y-Yeah," Derpy stammered, a deep blush coloring her cheeks.

Sunset giggled as she rubbed her cheek into the top of Derpy's head. The steady thump of Sunset's heart eased the frazzled teen as she leaned into the embrace and the furnace that was her girlfriend. Neither really wanted the moment to end, but that was often the case with good things.

"It's getting late," Sunset sighed, noticing how low the sun had set from where they sat. "Think you can make the trip?"

"Maybe," Derpy giggled. "You planning on carrying me if I can't?"

"I might if I change," Sunset smirked, then added, "But I might not be able to hold myself back if I do. Dragons are pretty greedy after all."

Derpy gulped, eyes wide as her whole head turned beet red.

"I'm good," she squeaked, jumping to her feet. "See! Good to go!"

Sunset burst out laughing as she rose to her feet and kissed the flustered girl.

"Alright," the fiery teen smiled. "Let's head home."

Hand in hand, the two teens walked off of the school grounds and onto the streets. Suddenly, a slight stinging sensation in her back made her flinch.

"You okay Sunset?" Derpy asked.

"Yeah," she said, lips pulled into a stiff smile as she tightened her grip on Derpy's hand slightly. "Come on, it's freezing out here."

Nodding, she let Sunset guide her down the street towards home. All the while, a faint series of agonized screams could be heard just out of earshot of the couple.


Flies buzzed in a nearby dumpster as a figure in an alley writhed in pain. Pure vitriol poured out of the figure's mouth as they struggled past their agony to rise to their feet. The figure's eyes glowed with hate as they watched the source of their pain walk down the street from their hiding place.

"Damn them," Lily seethed, parts of her body steaming and charred.

Heavy gasps poured out of her mouth as she fought against the pain, but a deep rumbling in her gut forced her to her knees.

"DAMN THEM!!!" she roared, slamming a fist into the ground.

Nothing was going her way. Not a single thing. After weeks of preparing Sunset, she was striped away from her at the last second by that insufferable cluster of fools. Then her second attempt to feed was thwarted by forces beyond her understanding. Then her latest catch of prey was pulled away from her by that damnable Hearths Warming before she could satisfy her agonizing hunger.

The only thing keeping her mostly sane were what few crumbs her seeds could gather for her, but that wouldn't last for much longer. In desperation, she tried to plant seeds in Sunset's new friends, but something repelled her. It was similar to the strange energy she felt surrounding her previous friends, but it was much stronger than whatever protection they had at the time. It hurt to touch it, but no more then when someone slaps your hand. The energy around Fluttershy was strange, like trying to grab a rose with your bare hands, but instead of hurting her it felt like it was trying to feed off of her. She severed the connection before any lasting damage could be done to her, but she made a note to be leery of her former prey in the future. Linking to the gray teen that stole Sunset from her had a similar effect on her that it did with the other girls, though it was much more intense. The second she tried to link with her, Lily felt like she had placed the tendril into a live wire. The pain was sharp and quick, but it was nothing compared to what surrounded Sunset. Red hot pain ran through Lily the second she tried to feed off of the fiery teen, like molten lead and fire had been poured into her veins. It was only for a second, but that second felt like she had been thrown into the fires of hell. When the pain finally dimmed, she saw smoke pouring off of countless molten burns that covered her body.

"I-I just want to eat," she groaned, a deep growl coming from her belly. "D-Damn it all. I NEED TO FEED!!!"

She let out a furious shriek and swung a fist into a large nearby dumpster. Said dumpster bent inward from the strike and flew into the back of the alley like an empty soda can. The sound of rending metal and shattering drywall echoed through the alley as it hit the side of one to the two buildings. The act of destruction did nothing to improve Lily's mood as she growled like a wild dog at where the two teens once stood.

"I will have you," she growled, body slowly melting into the shadows. "I don't know how. I don't know when. But I swear, I will have you Shimmer and when I do, you will be the most delicious feast I've had in centuries!"

A feral howl filled the air as what was left of the woman melted into darkness, filling all unfortunate enough to hear it with soul-freezing dread.


A chill shot down Sunset's spine as they entered Derpy's neighborhood.

What the heck was that? she thought, zipping up her jacket. It almost felt like...no, come on Sunset. Get a grip! There's nothing to worry about.

She felt Derpy snuggle into her a bit tighter and smiled.

She gave the affectionate teen a raised brow.

"You seemed cold," she reasoned, sporting a smile of her own along with the cutest blush Sunset had ever seen.

Sunset chuckled, then put an arm around the girl.

"Trust me Derpy, I'm never cold around you."

Derpy's blush grew as she shyly stared at the ground while they walked.

What the HELL did I just say? No seriously! Back up! WHAT?! I mean yeah, I meant what I said, but still! Where the hell did that come from?!

"Y-You know, w-were gonna have to tone it down a bit when we get home," Derpy stammered, still looking at the ground. "Can't get wild with my parents and sister around after all."

"Right, your sister," Sunset sighed. "How do you think she'll react to me? I mean, do you think she'll like me?"

"Absolutely!" Derpy laughed, flashing a wide smile at her nervous girlfriend. "Dinky'll love you! Heck, she might even ask you to be her big sister when she finds out you're living here."

"Right," Sunset mumbled, doubts weighing heavy on her back.

"It'll be fine," Derpy said, smile softening as she held her girl a little tighter only for it to grow a bit impish as she added, "Just watch out if you see an empty bag of gummy worms lying around. Those things wind her up like a squirrel in a nut shelling factory."

"I'll keep an eye out," Sunset laughed.

After a couple hours of wandering the neighborhood and enjoying each other's company, they made it to Derpy's front lawn. Sunset tightened her grip on her girlfriend's hand, nerves starting to make her hands shake as she stared at the front door. Derpy matched her grip as she leaned into the scared girl's side.

"It's going to be okay," she whispered, a soft smile coloring her tone.

Sunset gulped then nodded stiffly as she stared at the door. With Derpy as her guide, she made her way towards the door and reached out a fist to knock on it.

Relax Sunset, she told herself as she knocked on the door. You're home. Everything is going to be fine.

The door creaked open, greeting Sunset with the smiling face of Rose Luck.

"Sunset, Derby! Welcome back and Merry Christmas" she beamed, pulling the two girls into a hug. " How was it? Did you turn someone into a frog or something?"

"No Mrs. Rose," Sunset giggled. "And Merry Christmas."

Rose gave the fiery teen a pointed stare as she let them go.

"No "Mrs" Sunset. Just Rose is fine."

"Right," Sunset said sheepishly. "Sorry."

"It's fine," she sighed, then smirked as she added, "I'll break you of that habit someday."

"We'll see about that," Sunset said, matching Rose's smirk with one of her own.

They shared a laugh at that, then Rose moved aside for them to come out of the cold. Before they could take a step, a small grey and white blur shot out of the door and threw Derpy to the snow-covered ground. Taking a moment to blink away her shock, Sunset turned towards her fallen girlfriend. What she saw melted her heart like a bowl of ice cream in the middle of summer.

Hugging Derpy with all the strength she could muster was what could only be described as a mini-Derpy. She wore a simple white sweater with snowmen covering it and a thick pair of grey sweatpants that matched her pink slippers. Her hair was a mess of straight blond just like the girl she was hugging the life out of. They even had the same eye color. The only thing that separated the two girls aside from their ages was that the little one had a different skin tone. Where Derpy was grey, the little one was a light shade of purple-gray.

"You're back! You're back! I missed you so much sis!" the little girl beamed as she nuzzled into her Derpy's torso.

"Hey Dinky," Derpy wheezed, patting her sister on the head. "I missed you too. Can you get off of me please. Need to breath."

"Oh!" she squeaked as she jumped to her feet with a sheepish smile. "Sorry sis."

"No problem," Derpy coughed as she staggered to her feet.

It was then that Dinky noticed the girl standing next to her mother.

"Who are you?" she asked, staring at Sunset like a puzzle while she approached.

"Dinky, this is Sunset Shimmer," Rose said with a smile. "She's the girl I told you about."

"The one that moved into the guest room?" she asked.

Rose nodded.

Dinky gave Sunset the biggest, brightest smile Sunset had ever seen and said, "Hi Sunset Shimmer. I'm Dinky Doo!"

"J-Just Sunset's fine," Sunset stammered, taken aback by the display of pure joy from the young girl.

"Cool!" Dinky giggled, then ran to her sister's side and asked, "Where did you go? I tried calling you, like, a billion times all week, but I never got a signal!"

Derpy gave Sunset a questioning look. A small smile crept onto Sunset's face as she nodded, a smile that formed on Derpy's face when she shifted her attention back to her sister.

"Sunset took me to another world full of magic."

Dinky's smile turned into a skeptical frown as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah right sis," she grumbled. "I'm not five. I know magic isn't real."

"Yeah it is," Derpy frowned.

"Prove it!" Dinky snapped.

For a moment she considered asking Sunset to transform, but changed her mind at the last second. They both knew that she hadn't fully learned how to control that power yet. One slip-up and they could end up blowing up a car or something. She needed to prove her claim in a way that wouldn't put others at risk. After a few seconds of thinking, she found just the thing that would do the trick.

"Alright, watch this," she smirked as she covered her real eye. "Put up some fingers."

"Okay?" Dinky said cautiously as she put up her hand.


Dinky gave her sister a confused blink then looked at her open hand and tried again.


The little girl's confusion turned into shock as she then pulled her hand into a fist.


Dinky gawked at her sister then stuck up a few fingers.


This continued for several seconds with Derpy successfully saying how many fingers her sister had up each time. Dinky's heart nearly leaped out of her mouth when her sister snapped at her for accidentally sticking up her middle finger at one point.

"How are you doing that?" Dinky gawked. "That eye isn't even real!"

"Magic," Derpy smirked as she took her hand away from her face. "Sunset's aunt put a spell on it so I can see."

Dinky's jaw dropped as she slowly turned her head towards Sunset.

"You can do magic?"

Sunset nodded.

A bright smile spread across Dinky's face and in a flash, Sunset felt a set of small arms wrap around her waist.

"Can you be my sister's girlfriend?!"

"W-Wha?" Sunset sputtered, a deep blush spreading across her face as she stared at the bundle of cute hugging her.

"If you and big sis get together, then you'll be my big sister too!" Dinky smiled, stars shining in her eyes as she stared at the shellshocked teen. "Please?"

"W-Well, we're already...um," Sunset struggled to find her words as she stared into those big hopeful eyes.

"Way ahead of you sis," Derpy giggled as she gave Sunset a soft peck on the cheek.

Rose flashed a small smile and rolled her eyes as she walked back into the house while her youngest looked like she was about to explode with joy.


As Sunset watched the ecstatic elementary schooler celebrate, a single thought ran through her head while she pulled her girlfriend into a one-armed hug.

That's so not fair.

Author's Note:

I'm back baby! :pinkiehappy: Now as a sort of reward for all of you out their for being so patient with me, I thought I'd include a list of songs along with the character that they go with in this fic. To be exact, these are the battle tracks for 5 characters in particular for this arc. Enjoy!



Pinkie and Tattle


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