• Published 14th Dec 2018
  • 11,086 Views, 1,675 Comments

The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p - Arcanum -Phantasy

Now that Anon-a-Miss has been defeated, Sunset is ready to move forward with her new friends. New misadventures follows her and her crew as the past meets the present. Can Sunset help fill the gaps around her friends?

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Ch.8 So Simple, So Funny, and Just What She Needed

Sunset stared at the ceiling of her old room, a hard glare trying to bore a hole into it in the late evening shadows. She wasn't foolish, she knew that magic had plenty of interesting uses in Equestria. Medical, judicial, heck sometimes even social issues were solved using some form of magic. There were even rumors that Starswirl created a spell that could allow the caster to go back in time. But with all that advancement, there also existed spells that, when used, could negatively impact a pony's life. Not always maliciously, but always in ways that could make a pony want to slam their head into a wall.

She can enter my dreams, she thought, left eye twitching. My crazy, chronologically displaced Aunt, can enter my god damn dreams. IS NOTHING SACRED?!

With a huff, she rolled to her left. She was greeted by something that turned her frown into a weary smile. About a foot away from her was Derpy, her face wreathed by a shameless mop of bed mane. Sunset let out a snort as she brushed some of the sleeping Pegasus' mane out of her face, careful not to wake her.

Her mother and aunt's insistence that she and Derpy share a bed was about as awkward for the two as expected, both torn between objection and embarrassment. Thankfully, Sunset's bed was more than big enough for the two of them, but the "encouragement" of the two Alicorns only added an extra trace of awkward to the situation.

At least I'm not the only one she terrorized, she thought, rolling her eyes as the events of the previous day came to mind.


Sunset was trapped in the most powerful form of confinement imaginable. No magic or alloy could even compare to the dark-blue forelegs wrapped around her. As she glowered in her Aunt's embrace in her mother's private quarters, said Solar Princess was trying and failing to keep a strait face. An ornate table stood between them with an ancient tea set spread out across it along with an assortment of small sandwiches and cakes. A brush caught in a dark-blue aura was running through her mane as Sunset scowled in silent humiliation.

"Sister dear," Princess Celestia snickered. "Do you think you could let the poor mare breathe?"

"Please sister," Luna scoffed, continuing to brush Sunset. "It will take far more than this to vanquish a pony of our line."

Maker, God, whoever's listening, please take me, she thought as she saw a collection of bows and ribbons float towards her.

"Oh, I agree," the Solar Princess smirked. " Though I believe she would rather be pampered by her special somepony then her Aunty."

Luna's forelegs went limp, giving the captured mare the opening she needed. When she scrambled out of her aunt's grasp to the opposite side of the table, a cold chill shot down her spine. When she turned to look at the Lunar Princess, a wide, knowing grin greeted her.

"Would this special somepony happen to be a gray Pegasus with a light yellow mane and tail? An artificial eye perhaps?"

"No," Sunset said quickly, silently panicking.

How the hell does she know?! I've never even met this lunatic and she guessed Derpy to a tee!

"Are you sure?" Princess Luna asked, her smile seeming to grow. "We were certain that you looked just like what another pony of that description confessed. Something about cinnamon muffins and looking adorable as a pony."

A trace of confusion slipped into Princess Luna's tone as she recounted that little tidbit of information before taking a nonchalant sip of her tea. Meanwhile, Princess Celestia gave her daughter a faint smile while said Unicorn tried to hide her blush behind the shadow of her bangs.

Yep, that's Derpy alright, she thought with a gulp. How did she know?

"Hypothetically speaking," Sunset started, struggling to lock eyes with her Aunt. "If that was my special somepony, what of it?"

A light chuckle slipped past Luna's muzzle as she leaned towards her niece.

"We would honor them in a way fitting of our status. Knighthood, a manor, a plot of land, all of it at their disposal and discretion. And should she add a ring to your horn, all the privileges worthy of a High Royal."

Sunset was flabbergasted by what her aunt was offering, as well as blushing up a storm at the second mention of a ring. She wondered how Derpy would've reacted to all of that. Sure, she could adapt to almost anything, but she doubted the simple city girl would be able to wrap her head around the idea of possibly becoming literal royalty. She could see the Pegasus receive the news in her minds eye, only for her to faint from the magnitude of it a moment later.

"We haven't even had our first date yet," Sunset muttered as she dropped her head onto the table.

"So I was right," Luna said with a cocky grin. "Well, our niece, that is a crime that we shall quickly correct."

"Huh?" Sunset asked, raising her head up from the table just enough to look the Princess in the eye.

"We shall have one of Canterlot's finest designers craft dresses for you and your lover. In addition, reservations will be made at the best restaurant in the city. It will be the finest night of your young lives! This we promise!"

Sunset was floored. Half of her wanted to refuse her aunt's offering, but the other was quick to warn that doing so could be a bad idea. Besides, she could see in her eyes that she wouldn't take no for an answer anyway. Much like her mother in the human world, her aunt wasn't asking for permission. She was telling her what was going to happen, the only bit of a courtesy she was going to get in this endeavor.

"W-Wow," Sunset stammered, taking a shaky sip of her tea. "You really want to pull out all of the stops, huh?"

"What can we say," Princess Luna shrugged, taking a sip of her own drink. "She left a good impression on us."

"You met her?" Sunset asked, taken aback.

"In a sense," she smiled. "We find that you can meet many interesting ponies when the proper gaps are crossed."

Just as Sunset was about to question the meaning behind her aunt's words, the doors to the study opened to admit the very Pegasus they were talking about. She locked eye with the grinning mare only for her smile to slightly wilt as the Unicorn mouthed a single word.


The doors gently clicked shut and locked before she had a chance to reach for the nob. Derpy gulped as she took stock of her situation and note of the two other mares in the room. Princess Celestia earned a grateful smile out of her, while the sight of the Princess of the Night made her give a shocked gasp.

"W-Wait," she stammered, backing up a step. "Your real?"

"Indeed, we are," Princess Luna smiled. "Greetings yet again, Derpy. Please, join us for some tea and treats. We have much to discus."

"Right," she said, a deep blush growing on her muzzle. "By the way, you didn't say anything weird before I got here, right?"

"As we told you," Princess Luna smiled as the hot faced Pegasus took her place at the table at Sunset's left. "Our lips are sealed."

"O-Oh," Derpy said with a nervous laugh. "Right, thanks."

Luna simply nodded before taking a sip from her drink. All the while, Celestia pored a fresh cup for the latest member of their party.

"Okay, when did you talk to my aunt?" Sunset asked as she levitated a slice of cake onto a plate for Derpy.

"Uh, last night," she said, frowning as she struggled to get her hoof to grab a fork.

"When?" Sunset stammered. "I know we were pretty drunk last night, but I think I'd remember another Alicorn poofing into the room."

"I don't know," she said, glaring at her fork. "The last thing I remembered was taking a swig of cider, then suddenly, BOOM, there she is."

"Oh," she frowned, giving her aunt a brief cautious glance before taking note of her friend's struggle. "Here, let me help."

As she said that, she took the fork with her magic and cut off a piece of the cake. As she bought the loaded fork to Derpy's muzzle, the Pegasus' face turned beet red.

"What's wrong?" Sunset asked, noticing the hue of her friend's face.

"N-Nothing!" she exclaimed, blush spreading to her ears as she ate the offered bit of cake.

"Dreams truly do come true sometimes, do they not?" Princess Luna smirked.

"R-Right," Derpy laughed with an audible gulp, though whether it was from her offered snack or something else was up for debate.


It wasn't hard for Sunset to guess what happened, though a small part of her wondered what Derpy and Princess Luna talked about. Considering how Derpy was acting, she probably wasn't going to find out anytime soon. A small problem that she could live with as she stared at her sleeping friend. She let out a light chuckle as she slowly rose out of bed, trying not to disturb her. Before she could make any progress, a grey wing flew forth and pulled her back to her friends side. Sunset let out a small yelp as Derpy pulled her into a tight embrace, her face nuzzling into her chest. Left with little choice in the matter, Sunset eased herself back into bed. All the while, she let one of her forelegs wrap around Derpy's back, careful not to touch her wings. She giggled a little as Derpy's breath tickled her chest, all the while nuzzling the top of her head. A faint blush colored her cheeks as the scent of vanilla hit her nose. It grew as she remembered Luna mentioning Derpy talking about cinnamon in regards to her.

She knew that ponies had distinct scents, each unique to that pony in particular. She remembered how her mother always smelled of sun-soaked flowers when they hugged. A memory that always brought a smile to her face as well as, until recently, guilty tears. The stronger it was, the closer the ponies were. Though that mostly related to family, there was another thing that a stronger scent could show; compatibility.

One of the perks of having magic in your blood, she thought, idly running her hoof through Derpy's mane. Who needs dating sights when all you have to do is just walk around for a little bit?

A faint frown replaced her smile as she thought about what woke her just a few moments ago.

Of course, I guess the trade off is that your family gets a bit more involved then they need to be. I mean, really? A Saddle Arabian Palace? Really?! And did she have to make all the servants Derpy clones? I mean, sure, I didn't mind it too much, but the harem chamber was a bit much!

She grimaced as she let out a yawn, knowing what was likely waiting for her when she closed her eyes. It was inevitable, the warmth and comfort of her bed lulled her easily into the border between the waking world and her aunt's domain. Not helping was the security of Derpy's embrace. Though she didn't want to admit it, a small part of her was terrified that it was all a dream. That everything that happened the last couple of weeks had all been an illusion and she was going to wake up back at the warehouse alone and hated again. Her grip on her bedmate tightened slightly as the fear crept into her. She didn't want to go back to that. She wanted to be happy, to be loved. Something that came so easily to most that felt always just out of reach for her. A faint whimper made it past her guard, a pitiful sound that filled her with shame as a tear slid down her cheek.

Then, suddenly, Derpy did something that made her gasp. She kissed her. It was on her chest and she was asleep, but the feeling was unmistakable. The feeling of soft lips pressed to her chest. Sunset looked down at the sleeping Pegasus, eyes wide with shock. Her eyes widened further as she heard her mutter in her sleep just the words she needed to hear.

"Sunset...don't cry. I'll always....protect you....promise."

Happy tears started to run down her face as she buried her face into Derpy's mane, a wide smile growing on her muzzle as sleep started to reclaim her.

I really owe you a lot don't I? she thought with a yawn. Guess I'd better get on that soon. Okay Aunty, give me your....best......shot.

With that, Sunset returned to her aunt's mercy, a big smile on her tearstained face.


Derpy was a pile of nerves as she paced through the room, Princess Luna watching her with mild annoyance as she tried to style the Pegasus' mane. In just a few minutes, she was going to go on her first date, ever. She was thrilled, but also on the verge of having a nervous breakdown as she tried to find something to do with herself. At the same time, Princess Luna fought the urge to trap the mare in her magic as she tailed behind her to get Derpy's mane into some semblance of order. It befuddled her how the mare could stay calm when she was getting fitted for her dress only to turn into a gray, hornless version of Twilight Sparkle two hours later.

Maker have mercy on us when she puts a ring on our niece, she thought as she managed to corner the panicking mare long enough to work on her tail.

"Derpy, if you don't stay still, we will tie you to the ground and leave you to the mercy of the maids!" the Lunar Princess snapped, forcing the frazzled mare to freeze. "Thank you," she sighed as she gently ran the brush through Derpy's mane and tail. "What has you so worried? The affection shared between you two is strong and true, if not a bit awkward. Surely that is not enough to stagger you to such a degree."

"I-I can't help it!" Derpy exclaimed, struggling to stay still. "Before, I had Anon-a-Miss to keep me busy, but now I've got nothing to distract me! All the stuff I kept ignoring about Sunset is jumping to the front of my head all at once and it's making me a wreck! The good and the bad."

Her head wilted as she said that, her nervous tremors reduced to faint twitches.

Princess Luna sighed, knowing where this line of thought was headed.

"You fear that now that she no longer needs you, you and her will drift."

She nodded, lips trembling as she fought her tears.

"Such blasphemy," Princess Luna muttered angrily as she set the brush aside for a comb. "Blasphemy and foolishness. The products of a frightened youth. Listen well, young Derpy. The bond you share with Sunset Shimmer is one that is quite strong. Do you know what that is?"

"W-What?" Derpy stammered, meeting the Princess' gaze.

"Trust," she said, a proud smile decorating her muzzle as she set the comb aside. "She trusts you, more than any of her other friends. She knows that, in the end, no matter what happens, she can rely on you the most."

Derpy gaped at that, not sure if she could process the magnitude of Princess Luna's words.

"W-Wow," Derpy smiled shyly, suddenly interested in the ground. "I-I don't know if I'm really worthy of that kind of thing. I didn't really do all that much."

"Such modesty," Luna chuckled as she guided Derpy's face back up to hers with a hoof. "You gave her a home, true friendship, justice, and the will to live. The only thing left is the heavens and we are sorry to say that our sister and we are far too attached to part with it."

Both chucked at that, Derpy's nerves seeming to melt a little in the Princess' presence. Her smile shifted into an uncertain frown a moment later, a hoof subconsciously moving to her false eye.

"But am I really worth all that? I mean, she could do way better than me. I'm just some dork with a computer and she's, well, her. Maybe Octavia or Bonbon would've been a better fit. Well, if they swung that way anyway."

She shook her head, then continued.

"I just don't want to screw things up for her, you know? What if I make things worse for her and she tries to...to..."

Terrified tears started to run down her face as an unspeakable possibility crossed her mind. It was a fear that always sat at the back of her mind, tickling at the edge of her conscious thoughts. She knew that the odds were small, that Sunset had made excellent progress the past few days, but the fear was always there. The small percent chance that she would walk into Sunsets room and be greeted by a hanging body. Just like in the nightmare she had just after Anon-a-Miss was defeated.

A pair of forelegs and wings gently wrapped around her, shocking her out of her dark musings. Luna rubbed her back reassuringly, lightly shushing the mare's concerns away. Derpy stiffly eased into the embrace, letting all of her anxiety wash out of her as the Lunar Princess' warmth enveloped her. It reminded her of when she was little and had a bad dream. Her mother would come into her room and hold her just like this until the monsters went away. It was so nostalgic, so simple, so funny, and just what she needed. As her nerves settled, Princess Luna released the Pegasus, an understanding smile on her lips as she stared down at her.

"Listen well, young Derpy," she started, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "Though your fears are valid, they are not going to come to pass. The bond forged between you and our niece is like iron and steel. Through it, you have made her stronger than ever and we highly doubt that she will let it break so easily. Do you not feel the same?"

"Definitely," she said, a determined smile on her muzzle and a fire in her eye.

"Then be at ease," she smiled. "And don't bother trying to impress her, that trial was conquered long ago. Just focus on enjoying your time together. If you try too hard, it will make things more difficult than they need to be. Stay calm and let things happen as they will."

"Thanks Princess," she smiled. "You're pretty good at this kind of thing."

"Let's just say," she smirked, eyes going distant for a moment. "That we have some experience with matchmaking."

"Chats in their dreams?" Derpy asked with a knowing smirk.

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no," she winked.

A knock at the door got their attention.

"Your Highness," a guard said from the other side of the door. "A package has arrived for your guest."

"Thank you guard," she said, facing the door. "Leave it by the door and we shall retrieve it."

A pause, then the sound of hooves fading behind the door signaled the vacancy of the guard.

"It would seem that your dress has arrived," she smiled as she turned her head towards Derpy. "Are you ready?"

She paused for a moment, then, with an easy smile, said, "Now I am. Thanks again Princess Luna."

"Anytime," she smiled. "And please, just Luna is fine. Such formality only serves to distance a Princess from her friends."

"Right," she chuckled. "Thanks Luna."

With an appreciative nod, the Princess walked towards the door to receive Derpy's package. All the while, the gray Pegasus brought a hoof to her false eye, a faint smile gracing her muzzle.

Broken or not, I'll do whatever I can to make Sunset smile. That's a promise.


Day Court was cut early for the day due to a noble insulting Discord when he refused to expand the stallion's land. It took some convincing on both Princess' part to return the noble to his original form, but Princess Celestia was able to arrange something with him. Though all High Royals present would admit, Lord Redblood did make a spectacular balloon animal. As a result, the throne room was abandoned, save for two ponies waiting at its heart. One was Princess Celestia, a bundle of excitement hidden within a regal package. At her side was Sunset, dressed in a vibrant red and gold dress with a gold chain holding a brilliant ruby pendant in the shape of a phoenix feather at her neck. All throughout her dress were faint weaves of phoenixes flying through the gold and crimson fabric like a dazzling wildfire, the biggest and most defined centering around a print of her Cutie Mark on the train just above her flanks. Her mane was styled into a braid with a gold and red ribbon tied into a bow at its base. Though she seemed calm, the Unicorn was on the verge of a major panic attack.

Oh, god! Oh god! Oh god! It's happening! It's actually happening! I am about to go on a date with Derpy!

She took a shuddering breath, desperate to get a grip of herself.

Come on Sunset, get a grip! It's not like this is your first date or anything. You dated Flash for a while, right?

She groaned inwardly.

While she did date him for a couple months, it was entirely for materialistic reasons. None of it meant anything really, but this was different. Sunset did care about Derpy, a lot more then she thought she would ever about anyone. While this wasn't her first date it was her first real date and that scared her to death.

"Don't be so tense," Princess Celestia chuckled, giving her daughter a gentle shoulder nudge. "You're acting as if you're meeting her for the first time."

"Right," Sunset chuckled nervously, shifting her eyes to everywhere except where her mother stood.

"Sunset," Celestia said, tone soothing as she stepped in front of Sunset. "Look at me."

Hesitantly, she obeyed, locking eyes with her mothers.

"Good, " she smiled. "Now, take a deep breath."

Slowly, Sunset took a breath, holding it for as long as she could, before slowly letting it out through her nose.

"Again," Celestia said calmly.

Sunset repeated her actions, her exhale taking away a bit of her nerves. She repeated this for several minutes, the catharsis almost euphoric as her stress started to fade. When she finally stopped, she was mostly back to her normal self. The panic was still there, but it was at a much more manageable level compared to before.

"Better?" Princess Celestia asked with a smile.

"Yeah," Sunset sighed with a smile of her own. "Thanks."

"Anytime, my Little Sun."

She smirked and rolled her eyes at the use of her nickname. A second later the throne room doors opened slightly, admitting a grinning Princess Luna.

"Lady Sunset Shimmer," the grinning Princess declared, the doors enveloped in her magic aura. "Tonight, we present to you your date for this evening. Behold! Lady Derpy!"

With that, the glowing doors opened to reveal a sight that made Sunset's jaw hit the floor.

Derpy was dressed in a dark-purple dress with silver highlights and streaks that hugged her form like a good friend. Scale-like patterns covered the dress' silver train accompanied by purple sea serpents seeming to be moving between them as they moved towards the ground. Her wings and coat were groomed to perfection with her mane styled in such a way that it covered her false eye while drawing attention to the rest of her face. It was thanks to that that she noticed the light application of makeup; just enough to emphasize Derpy's charming features without looking too obvious.

When Derpy looked at Sunset, she was equally stunned. It was as if she was staring into the flames of the sun, only instead of being painful to witness, it hurt to look away. The intensity in Sunset's eyes brought some of those flames to her face as she blushed. She barely noticed her wings rustling at her sides as she approached her date for the evening. Sunset was equally oblivious to the small sparks of magic that came off her horn as she watched the Pegasus. She felt like she was watching a mist spirit as the silver and dark-purple of Derpy's dress shimmered around her. By the time the gray Pegasus closed the gap between them, Sunset's face was almost the same color as her dress.

"H-Hi," Derpy stammered.

"H-Hey yourself," Sunset chuckled nervously. "Y-You look great."

Come on Sunset, get it together! she thought desperately. You know you can do better than that!

"Oh, uh, thanks," Derpy giggled. "You too."

She likes the dress! Yes! Yes! YES!!! Derpy thought, doing mental backflips. Now let's keep it up! No screwing up now!

"Seems that everything is in order, right sister?" Luna asked, giving Celestia a mischievous smile.

"Indeed," Celestia replied, a matching smile on her lips.

The exchange didn't go unnoticed to the couple, a sharp frown forming on Sunset's muzzle.

"What are you planning?" she asked, a slight edge to her tone.

"Oh nothing, my Little Sun," Celestia smiled, waving off Sunset's glare with a hoof. "Now run along. A chariot has already been arranged at the Palace gates to take you to where you will be dining tonight. Your table will be reserved under Sunset."

Sunset gave her mother a long hard look before nodding and moving towards the doors, Derpy not far behind with a visibly worried frown. Once the throne room doors were closed, the two Princesses stood in silence for a minute. Then, with a cheshire's smile, Celestia turned towards a side passage out of the room and said, "Come Luna, I am not going to miss this."

"You need not ask us twice, dear sister," Luna giggled, following her sister through the door.


The chariot ride had been uneventful for the most part. The only thing of any real note was Derpy's reaction to being so high in the air. The smile on her face as they soared over the city streets was just as much a thing of beauty as the stars in the sky to Sunset. Things she would've taken for granted was a thing of wonder to the Human-turned-Pegasus, a fact that made Sunset look at things in a different light. While things had changed quite a bit over the years, most of the things in Canterlot remained generally the same to Sunset. The castle was still made of marble and the architecture spreading out away from it shifted in order of how many bits a pony had. It was for that reason that Sunset had no problem answering any and all questions her date had as they flew. It gave her something to do besides stare at Derpy, and made the former human smile. As the chariot closed in on what was presumably the restaurant they were going to be eating at, the two mares silently started to brace themselves. Though it wasn't for the chariot's landing.

Okay Derpy, remember what Luna said, she thought, taking deep breaths. Don't try too hard to impress her. Just relax and let things run their course.

Okay Sunset, stay calm, she thought with a barely audible gulp. You can do this. Just try to have a good time and don't screw up. No, that's not right. Uh....

She stared at Derpy's smiling face out the corner of her eye. Instantly, her nerves started to settle and a matching smile spread across her own lips.

Let's just see what happens and have fun with it.

The two mares made their way towards the restaurant, all the while oblivious to the two Unicorn mares tailing them in the shadows. One was dark-blue with a lighter shade of blue coloring her short mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark was a moon with a cluster of stars to its left. The other was white with a bright-pink mane and tail. A golden sun decorated her flanks. Both of them were only slightly taller than a normal pony, a rare trait but not completely unheard of in most circles. The mares waited until the couple entered The Silver Spoon before stepping out of the shadows.

"This seems a bit much sister," the dark-blue mare said crossly. "We think a simple request from your special somepony would've been so much simpler."

Her companion gave a flustered sputter before saying, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh please sister," the dark one groaned, rolling her eyes. "It is plain as your charge and you know it."

"It isn't like that," the white mare huffed with a light blush.

"So you say," she smirked. "But your dreams tell a different story. Should we warn our niece to be ready for a little brother or sister?"

"Enough!" Celestia snapped, earning a light chuckle from her disguised sister. "I am not the main focus tonight."

"Indeed," Luna chuckled as she moved towards the restaurant.

Grumbling, Celestia tailed behind, various ruthless pranks running through her mind.

My vengeance will be swift and merciless!

Meanwhile, Sunset and Derpy were already at their table, going through their menus. The Silver Spoon was one of the most popular restaurants in Canterlot with a price tag to match. Most ponies were lucky if they could eat their once in their lives as a single course could run up a bill equal to a mortgage on a house. And if by some miracle you could afford to eat there you still had to make a reservation, a task that has been compared to navigating the Everfree Forest blindfolded in terms of difficulty. The only exceptions were The Princesses and foreign Dignitaries that came more for business than the food. The fact that the young couple were not only able to dine there, but do so in the portion of the restaurant reserved for VIPs was nothing short of winning the lottery by first date standards. In spite of this, a thin layer of irritation permeated the air around them as they stared at their menus.

It was brief, but both noticed the look their server gave Derpy as Sunset claimed their reservations. While it was relatively uncommon to see Pegesi and Earth Ponies in Canterlot, it was almost unheard of to some of the city's upper class to see one in their domain. Some of the more adaptive nobles like the Fancy Family took it as a sign of progress while some of the more traditional families such as the Bloods saw it as an unfortunate product of the times. The worst of these were the Tribalist families, such as the Crystal or Vine Families who insisted on returning to the way things were before Equestria's founding. Needless to say, such minority families were not very popular in most social circles and ultimately made things very uncomfortable when dealing with the Noble Court. It also made interactions with lesser known nobles more difficult then it needed to be, as it was often a chore to find out what ideology they followed.

Both mares decided to shelve the small moment and enjoy their evening. A bit of surprise from a waiter was no reason to go to war after all. It was while Sunset perused the drink selections that she decided to ask a question that had been bugging her since she found out about Derpy's secret identity.

"So, what made you retire?"

"Huh?" Derpy asked with a start, looking up from her menu.

"What made you retire?" she repeated, setting her menu down. "From being Meme Queen I mean. From what I heard, you did some really amazing things back in the day, so why give it up?"

Derpy blinked, then stared down at the table with a frown.

"It became too much," she sighed. "At first, sure it was cool. Using my skills to help the cops catch the bad guys, it was like I was some kind of super hero, you know?"

Sunset nodded, eager to see where this was going.

"But," she continued. "After a while, it started to grate on me. When you run around looking through people's dirty laundry, you get a pretty cynical view of the world. I started to assume the worst in people, seeing only their ugly sides and ignoring their good."

She looked up at Sunset, lips pulled into a sad smile.

"The moment of clarity came to me when Lyra invited all of us to her place for Game Night. She made each of us a deck and we had a big Magic free-for-all. I still remember what everyone got. Lyra used her white knights, Bonbon had her blue wizards, Lightning ended up with some white-red solders, Vinyl used some weird red-black circus deck, Octavia had a black-white vampire deck, and I had....blue-black assassins."

She looked away in guilt while Sunset raised a brow. Admittedly, her knowledge of her new hobby was rather limited, but even she knew that the meaning behind that arrangement was a little off. Blue was an intelligence centered color while black was all about taking huge risks to get the upper hand, a fact that actual black magic had in common. Derpy didn't strike her as the type of person who would be compatible with such a play style considering how cautious she was against Anon-a-Miss.

"It was so easy," she muttered, a trace of self-loathing in her tone. "Using what I knew about them, I was able to pick them off one by one. I narrowly managed to beat Lyra using a bunch of strange combinations she didn't see coming by keeping track of how she organized her attacks. I mentally screwed with them, and it was so easy to do it."

A heavy silence settled between them. It wasn't easy for Derpy to come clean about what her skills almost turned her into. Yes, she helped a lot of people, but at the same time it made everything in life look so ugly. Maybe she would get back into it in the distant future, but now? No. She was done. Done living in that ugly world. Unless something major happened again, nothing could force her back into that place.

She felt a grip on her hoof. With a start, she looked towards it and was greeted by the sight of an orange hoof locked with her own. When she looked up from it, she saw Sunset, sporting a sad smile of her own as she locked eyes with her.

"Guess we make a perfect match then, huh?" she said with a sad smile.

It took a moment for Derpy to process what Sunset said, and when she did, a sad laugh slipped past her muzzle.

"The retired hacker and the former bully?" she laughed as Sunset released her, a small smile on her muzzle. "We should start a sitcom when we get back home."

"Sounds about right," Sunset laughed. "We're already living together, so why not?"

"R-Right," Derpy blushed, taking note of a fact that should've been painfully obvious.

If this works out then that means I'll have a girlfriend that's-

Her face burst into an intense blush as both Sunset picked her menu back up and Derpy's mind went to places she wasn't ready for yet.

Okay, no alcohol tonight, she thought, not trusting herself as she stared at the drink options.

A second later, a Unicorn waiter stepped up to their table, set a wine glass up for each of them and poured them a drink from an ornate looking bottle.

"Golden Rose, two thousand B.C. as requested in advance with reservation," he intoned, face completely neutral.

"Thank you," Sunset smiled.

"Y-Yeah," Derpy said with a forced smile. "Thanks."

The waiter bowed, then walked away, all the while Derpy glared at the glass of red wine in front of her.


Meanwhile, Luna and Celestia sat in a table of in the farthest corner of the room, observing the young couple.

"You sure don't hold anything back, Luna," Celestia smirked as she levitated a glass of wine to her lips.

"Never sister," Luna chuckled. "Should Lady Derpy join our family, our niece will be trotting on cloud nine. It is only natural that we pull out all the stops so to speak."

"You certainly hold her in high regard," she stated with a raised brow.

"And you do not?"

"Of course I do," Celestia smirked. "I gave my blessing after all. I just wasn't expecting you to be so accepting of her so soon."

A small smile graced Luna's muzzle as she stared at the couple.

"She brings back memories," she sighed. "Velvet Star was just like her. Kind and scattered, yet always at odds with herself. We suppose that is were Twilight Sparkle gets her quirks now that we think about it."

"Then it was no wonder I was so conflicted about sending her to Ponyville," Celestia chuckled. "Which reminds me, how is Midnight doing."

Luna rolled her eyes and let out a groan.

"A hoofful as usual," she moaned. "That catty son of ours just can't sit still, even at the best of times. We shudder to think what would happen if he discovered he has a cousin."

"It's only a matter of time sister," Celestia smiled.

"And we intend to enjoy the lull as long as possible."

Celestia laughed in the face of her sister's pout as she shifted her attention to her daughter. It warmed her heart to see her happy and willing to let her crush get so close to her. Compared to how she used to be, the Unicorn before her was like a brand new pony. It reminded her of Philomena and how she rose from the ashes of her past life to start a fresh one anew. Pride swelled in her heart as she watched her Little Sun and the beautiful mare she had grown into. A pride that changed into protective anger when a nearby table caught her attention.

"Sister," Luna said, a cautious edge in her voice.

"I see her too," Celestia frowned. "Stay on guard. There is no reason to make a scene if she won't."

Luna nodded, her eyes briefly shifting towards Derpy before she glared at the target of her sister's anger.

They weren't the only ones who noticed. Since they got their drinks, Sunset had felt the familiar feeling of someone glaring daggers at her back. Using a trick she learned from her mother, she took a spoon in her magic and used the reflection in it to help her get a better look at her surroundings. About four tables away behind her, a mare with a gold coat and silver mane and tail was watching them. The elaborate violet dress she wore hid her Cutie Mark beneath its train, but that held little interest to her. Her face was void of any visible emotion, but Sunset could tell by her stiff posture that she wasn't happy to see them.

A faint frown decorated her muzzle as she tried to enjoy her salad. The waiter was one thing, but this was different. As she ate, she took careful note of exit routs that put as much distance between them and the mare as possible. Part of the arrangement Celestia made with Sunset's reservation was that any and all expenses were to be sent to the Crown. As a result, they wouldn't need to wait to pay anyone when they left, though they would need to request names to assign tips later. Derpy was oblivious to the situation, lost in her crab salad and light buzz from her heavily nursed wine. What did get her attention was how tense Sunset seemed to get all of a sudden. With a smile, she placed a comforting hoof on Sunset's that got a small flinch out of her. Attention once again centered on her date, Sunset sported a small smile of her own. A smile that faded away when an indignant shout made everyone jump.

All ponies present turned towards the source of the shout as the very same mare that had been glaring at Sunset rose from her seat. The mare made a slow beeline towards their table, a look of utter contempt plastered across her upturned face. As she closed in, Celestia's caution turned into anger. Not quite at the level that almost doomed a city, but enough to concern her sister.

"Easy sister," Luna whispered, holding the seething sun goddess in her chair with her magic. "This is under control, we promise."

"How do you know that?" Celestia said, tone colored by a faint snarl.

A mischievous smile graced her muzzle as she said, "Don't underestimate your daughter's suitor."

At that moment, the mare made it to Sunset and Derpy's table and the gauntlet was ready to be thrown.

"Can I help you?" Sunset said, a trace of venom in her tone.

"Yes," she said, casting her gaze over towards Derpy. "You can start by removing your serf from this property."

A few ponies in the room gasped at the mare's choice of words while others glared, Sunset was among the later.

"Excuse me?" Sunset hissed.

"You heard me," the mare said, unfazed by the ire aimed at her. "This establishment is meant to cater to the top echelons of society. A filthy cloud trotter has no business being here, let alone breaking bread among her betters."

White hot rage flooded Sunset's veins at the mare's words. It was only thanks to an extremely strong amount of effort on her part that she was able to stop herself from turning her into a pile of ash. That and the gray hoof still gripping her's.

"Really?" Derpy asked, tone bored and face devoid of interest as she locked eye with the mare. "Then how about this, I give you five minutes to tell me how you're my better and maybe my date and I'll walk out of here."

The mare's glare hardened.

"You insolent horse feather! Do you know who I am?!"

"You've got five minutes," Derpy said, still stone faced. "Make me care."

"I am Lady Gold Vine!" she snarled. "Matriarch of the honorable Vine Family!"

Honorable my right cheek, Derpy thought bitterly.

"And I should care why?"

Gold was momentarily taken aback by this. Normally, her family name was more than enough to get most ponies to do her bidding. Everypony in Canterlot and the surrounding cities knew the influence and power of the Vine Family. Yet, this Pegasus was not only ignorant of the importance of the pony that stood before her, but dared to defy her in front of her peers.

"You miserable whelp!" Gold Vine growled. "What could breed such insolence?"

She glanced at Sunset and a sick smile slid across her lips.

"Oh, I see. How unfortunate that this poor mare has to set her standards so low, but I suppose it is the only way for a Cloud Trotter to get anywhere meaningful in life. Let me fix that for you dear."

As she said that, a faint orange glow enveloped her horn and Derpy's hoof. Sunset was a step away from sending Gold Vine to the moon when Derpy intervened. With her free hoof, she picked up her unused spoon and tapped it against Gold's horn. With an outraged yelp, she stepped back and canceled the spell.

"You leave Sunset out of this," she growled. "You have a problem with me? Fine, but that's it."

"Why you-"

"Also," Derpy continued. "If Sunset wants to hold ha- hooves with me, that's our business. Not yours. Got it?"

Gold Vine leveled a venomous glare at her unimpressed opponent. This went far beyond civil disobedience. This was outright rebellion!

"You worthless-"

"Unless you have something important to say,"Derpy added, tone icy. "I'd suggest you go back to your table and let this go. Unless you want to make an even bigger ass out of yourself than you already have."

Gold Vine gave the Pegasus another heavy glare before she took stock of her situation. It was then that she realized what kind of situation she had placed herself in. She had announced her name, position, and family in a public venue while yelling at a fellow Unicorn's date. While she could't condone her kinsmare's choice in company, she did know the kind of backlash her brash actions could lead to. She hated to do it. It broiled her blood like hot oil to do it, but she had to admit that the Pegasus had her cornered. She could do what the laws of nature demanded and lose her legacy, or make a tactical retreat and strike another day. Begrudgingly, she made the best choice she could, given the situation.

With a huff, she turned and made her way out of the VIP dinning area.

With the crisis averted, both mares let out a sigh of relief as a concerned smile formed on Derpy's lips as she rubbed Sunset's hoof.

"Are you okay?" Derpy asked, releasing her grip.

"Me?" Sunset asked, incredulously. "What about you?"

"Eh, I'm okay," she smirked, taking a swig of her wine. "I'm not the type to let people like that get to me."

Sunset's jaw dropped at how nonchalant her date's attitude was in the wake of what had just happened, only to shift into a big smile a moment later.

"Hey Derpy?" she asked.


"Wanna hit a club after this?"

"Sure, why?"

"Because after seeing that I feel like dancing!" she laughed.

Derpy joined her, as what few traces of tension Gold Vine left behind faded away. At the same time, two hidden Alicorns watched with approving smiles.


Cadence stared out her window in the tallest tower of the Crystal Palace, an excited smile on her muzzle as she gazed at the moon above her. Love was thick in the air, she could feel it in her bones. It was what kept her from the comfort of her bed and husband's embrace. Somepony needed her guidance in Ponyville, bad. It both put her on edge and filled her with glee as she tried to guess who it was that needed her.

Twilight? No she would've told me if she found somepony. Spike maybe? Oh, I need to know!

A light giggle slipped past her lips as she gazed into the darkness behind her towards her sleeping husband.

I wonder if I can convince Shining to take a trip with me to Ponyville soon.

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