• Published 14th Dec 2018
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The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p - Arcanum -Phantasy

Now that Anon-a-Miss has been defeated, Sunset is ready to move forward with her new friends. New misadventures follows her and her crew as the past meets the present. Can Sunset help fill the gaps around her friends?

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Ch. 34 Tag

Tattle sighed happily as he slid into Pinkie's dreamscape, the familiar swirl of constantly shifting mental energy bringing a smile to his face as it washed over him. He knew the second his mother found out he had a marefriend that his time spent with her would be an ordeal, but the particulars were far worse then he could've imagined. The lunar Alicorn was subtle in her inquiries, but his time spent with her helped him spot her probes in spite of her significant level of experience. He never knew a being such as he could develop a migraine until now, a fact that he would've found fascinating if he wasn't so frustrated at the time. The two days he spent with her was a tartarus sentence that even Tirek would've found excessive and he was more then happy that it was over. For now anyway.

His shoes echoed off of the black and white tiled floor as he strolled through what looked like an ornate manor house in his human form, the shining silver walls functioning like a house of mirrors as he walked. He admired his marefriend's handy work as he walked through the "house". At the same time, confusion started to fill him as he walked through the silent halls of the manor. He half expected Pinkie to tackle him to the ground the second he came back or to drag him off into a less stable part of her dreamscape to throw a welcoming party of some sort.

Is she mad at me? he thought, nervously looking around as he walked.

A faint giggle filled the air, making him flinch at the sudden break in silence. A small grin grew on his face as he looked around, his reflection his only company as he searched his surroundings for the giggling's source. He crept quietly as he made his way through the house, peeking behind gold doors into ornately furnished rooms in his search for his lover. After what passed for an hour in the Dream Realm chasing giggling echoes, he flopped back first onto the white silk sheets of one of the manor's many beds.

I thought I was supposed to be the cat, he thought with a chuckle. What does she have planned? Is she going to tease me with distance? Oh how much fun I'll have when she wakes up. I swear that when I'm through with her, she'll be redder then her jacket!

His quiet musings were interrupted when he noticed the silver ceiling above him start to ripple. A raised brow was as far of a reaction as he could muster before a pink and red humanoid blur fell on top of him. He blinked widely as a pair of soft lips pressed themselves fiercely to his before grinning as he added to the kiss. Happy cooing and giggles filled the room as the two lovers greeted each other, both able to make the moment last as long as they needed thanks to the lack of a need for air. Slowly, Pinkie pulled back from the kiss, her eyes half-lidded as she smiled back at him a mere breath away from his own as her long wavy locks cut off their view of their surroundings. Neither cared as they stared into each other's eyes with hot cheeks.

"Welcome back," she giggled.

"Glad to be back, m'lady," he chuckled, stroking her blushing cheek. "Did you behave yourself while I was gone?"

She giggled then said,"Well, there may be a crater in the library that wasn't there before."

Be blinked at her in shock for a moment, then burst out laughing as he pulled her into a hug.

"There is never a dull moment with you, is there?"

"Nope," she smiled, nuzzling her face into his chest.

The two stayed like that, both silent as they held each other as close as they could.

"I missed you so much," Pinkie whispered, a slight tremble coloring her tone.

"As did I," he sighed, running his fingers through her hair. "But now I am back, and I don't see myself parting with you for a very long time."

"Good," Pinkie smiled, kissing him lightly on the neck.

A wicked smile spread across her lips as she straddled him and added, "Now, what do you say we make up for lost time?"

Tattle looked up at her in confusion, before wide-eyed realization took its place as he watched his marefriend's form shimmer. When she came back into focus Pinkie was still wearing her jacket. Just her jacket.

"I hope your ready to party," she whispered sultrily as she slowly leaned down towards him.

The Dream Cat in human form gulped as he nodded, briefly wondering if he should go visit his mother more often.


Pinkie practically skipped through her borrowed home as she navigated the castle's halls. While not usually a morning person, the Terran found herself wide-eyed and bushy-tailed as she made her way to the castle's storeroom, the sun just barely peeking past the horizon. She couldn't help it. The world was just so beautiful today! Even the faded gray stones that made up the floors, walls, and ceiling around her seemed to shine like polished diamonds.

"Are you okay Tattle?" she smiled.

"No more," he groaned. "Can't move."

A warm blush colored Pinkie's cheeks as she giggled brightly behind a forehoof.

Maybe I went a little too far last night.

"I didn't know you could get tired," she giggled as she looked inside one of her food barrels.

"Neither did I," he groaned. "You can be a demon when you want to be. You do know that, right?"

"Maybe," she giggled as she inspected another barrel.

A groan was the only response she got as she continued to take stock of her food supply. Her smile dimmed a little as she took note of how low her supplies had dropped and what that meant. She sighed as she pulled a bag out of a corner of the room and started filling it with the last of her potatoes, onions, and carrots before opening a gap into the kitchen.

"Do you think you can handle a trip to the market later?" she asked as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Perhaps," he groaned, an image of a curled up winged cat with sparking star patterns covering its purple coat appearing in her minds eye. "The market shouldn't be open until ten. I should be able to function again by then."

"Okay," she smiled as a gap she opened over a pot briefly poured water into it before it snapped shut.

She sensed a bit of anxiety coming from her boyfriend, earning a concerned frown from her as she lit the stove and placed the pot on it to boil.

"Tattle? What's wrong?"

Tattle was silent, but Pinkie could feel his dread spike before it leveled out.

He took a deep breath then stammered, "I-It's nothing. Everything is fine."

He then let out a frustrated sigh as he growled, "No. You deserve to know. Even if you won't like it."

"What?" she asked as she chopped up a potato.

He audibly gulped, his jowls opening and closing before he finally found his words.

"My mother knows of you."

"WHAT?!' she screamed, knife flying out of her hoof's grip and embedding itself into a solid stone wall.

She immediately started walking in circles, all the while yelling, "Oh god! What do I do?! Where do I go?! How did she find me?! Oh god, oh god, oh, god!"

"Pinkie. Breath," Tattle said, firm concern coloring his tone as he sent his magic out to embrace her.

Pinkie stood still as she followed her boyfriend's advice, her body trembling fiercely as she remembered the power Celestia gave off just by being in a room. And a being with that kind of power knew she was there. Her nerves went into overdrive as that fact echoed in her head like a sonic boom, the room starting to spin as her heartbeat hammered in her ears. Tattle panicked as he felt his marefriend start to go into shock and tried to reach her, but his voice couldn't make its way past her frantic thoughts. Gasping breaths started to pour out of her muzzle as the world stated to turn hazy around her. Half in instinct and half in reflex, Pinkie summoned a gap and reached into it. A second later her hoof came back griping a small glass vile of blue liquid. Tattle barely had time to ask her what she was doing before she ripped the cork out of the bottle's top and downed the potion. Coughing, she tossed the now empty bottle aside and fell forward onto her belly, her frantic breathing petering out as her fear and stress started to fade. Tattle's magic held her tighter as she let the potion do its work.

"What was that?" Tattle asked, fear and relief struggling for dominance in his tone. "What did you drink?"

"Anti-anxiety potion," Pinkie sighed, her body feeling near boneless now that her panic attack was passing. "Zecora helped me make a few yesterday."

A moment of silence, then Tattle let out a deep sigh as he said, "Remind me to thank this Zecora later tonight."

"Will do," she sighed as she staggered to her hooves.

"Perhaps you should lay down," he offered, only to get a giggle in response.

"Nah, I'm fine. Well, better then I was a second ago anyway. Good enough to get some food ready at least."

As she said that, she walked to were the knife got stuck and jerked it out of the wall.

"This is probably going to be my last meal anyway."

"No it isn't," Tattle state firmly. "All mother knows is that you exist. She doesn't know where you are or where you are from. Besides, she isn't that kind of pony. If you simply talk to her I am sure you will see that."

Pinkie frowned at that as she diced an onion before putting it into the pot.

"Y-You know why I can't do that Tattle."

The Dream Cat nodded in her mind's eye, a deep frown marring his normally charming features.

She sighed, then with a determined frown added, "Yet."

"Pardon?" Tattle perked, a hint of hope in his tone bringing a smile to the Terran's muzzle.

"I still need to make things up to Sunset. Once that's done, I'll meet your mom."

"Do you promise?" he asked.

With a warm smile, Pinkie nodded and said, "Cross my heart. Hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."


Snow chilled Pinkie's hooves as she stood just outside Ponyville's borders. The picturesque town practically screamed hospitality with its quaint housing and smiling inhabitants. If things were different, she would've charged into the village without a second thought. The way things stood, it took everything she had to set hoof into the town. While her fear wasn't as great as it used to be, she was still hesitant to enter her double's space. If it wasn't thanks to her gap walking and Tattle's detection abilities, she would've had to find other ways to get the supplies she needed to live in this alien world. She took a deep breath as she raised a hoof and took a step into Ponyville.

She waited for a second. Then five. Then ten. When she hit the twenty second mark and Tattle didn't say anything, she allowed herself to relax and walked fully into the town. With hood up and face low, she made her way towards the town's market. At the same time, she kept her eyes open for any sign of her native counterpart as well as the counterparts of her friends. The last thing she needed was to dodge both her double and the local HIgh Royal that most likely had a grudge against her. Granted, she was sure all of this world's High Royal class had a bone to pick with her in one form or another, but that was a given all things considered. Well, almost a given.

Anything yet?, she thought as she bought a sack of turnips.

"Not yet," Tattle intoned. "For now, she seems to be keeping her distance. Be at ease my dear. I will let you know the second that changes."

Thanks, she thought with a smile as she made her way towards another stall.

For a long time, nothing of any real merit happened as they navigated the market. Thanks to Pinkie's hood, neither Applejack or any of the other ponies she bought produce from recognized her. The lack of action put both of them on edge at first, expecting the native pink pony to come charging towards them at any second. But while Tattle's caution was born from a desire to protect his lover, Pinkie's was fueled by anticipation. Unlike the last time she came into town, she had a more stable means of protecting herself and was more than willing to put said means to the test.

"I think that's everything," she muttered as she examined her saddlebags.

"Just as well," Tattle said flatly. "Your double has finally begun moving."

"Perfect," she smiled as she slinked into a nearby alley.

The second she was out of site she opened a gap to the castle and chucked her bags through it. She could sense Tattle's confusion as she closed the gap before walking back into the open streets.

"Pinkie? What are you doing?" he asked, an edge of worry coloring his tone.

"Just let me know when she's nearby," she said, a wicked smirk gracing her muzzle as she walked.

She felt him nod as she casually looked into a store window. At the same time her double was stepping out of Sugarcube Corner several blocks away. Normally, the party pony would be preparing for the princesses birthdays, but ever since her human counterpart visited her in her dreams a few days ago she just couldn't get herself to focus. No matter what she was doing, she just couldn't get her mind off of the pain and fear she saw in her eyes. That doubled when she remembered the look on her face when she found her at Twilight's Castle. With a determined frown on her muzzle, she followed her Pinkie Senses as they guided her towards the market. All the while she was running her game plan through her mind.

First, I need to approach her calmly and slowly. Oh! And I need to look friendly too! If she does her weird teleport thing I'll lose her again and Celestia knows when she'll come back.

As soon as she was surrounded by market stalls she let her senses guide her around the ponies going about their business towards a pony wearing a red hooded coat about twenty feet away from her. The bit of pink muzzle, hooves, and darker pink mane and tail she could see peeking out of the coat's confines was all she needed to confirm the mare's identity as she examined a poster on the side of a nearby shop. Straightening her posture, she forced a smile onto her muzzle as she approached her Terran double. When she got to the two foot mark, the hooded pony quickly walked into the alley next to the store. Panicking, Equestrian Pinkie followed her into the alley.

She froze as she entered the dimly lit alley and saw her double staring right at her, a crooked smile visible on her muzzle in spite of her hood's shadow. Before the native Pinkie could react her double waved at her and fell through the ground. Equestrian Pinkie's heart sank, sure that she had just missed her chance to patch things up with her double. Then she felt a cold chill shoot down her spine and back up to her head. Hope filled her again as she stepped out of the alley and started moving towards a different part of the market. Soon, she saw a familiar hooded pony step out of an alley on the opposite end of the market. A determined smile grew on her muzzle as she headed towards her double.

I guess I really am it, huh?


Equestrian Pinkie let out a frustrated groan as she flopped into a park bench, deep pants coming out of her muzzle as clouds thick enough to build a house in Cloudsdale. For the last five hours she had been chasing her double all across Ponyville, always coming just short of grabbing her before she would either fall through the ground or jump through a wall and reappear somewhere else in town. The frustration of it all was enough to make the mare scream if she had the breath for it.

To Tartarus with being friendly. This is war I tell you! WAR!!! Equestrian Pinkie thought, slamming her forehooves together. I'm gonna make peace with her even if I have to drag her kicking and screaming to do it!

"No more playing around," she said with an evil smirk. "I'm brining out my secret weapon!"


"What is this?" Pinkie asked, staring out into the middle of town square.

Set up in front of everypony was a giant wooden crate big enough to fit three ponies in propped open with a two foot long stick with a cupcake set beneath it as bait. It was the most cliché of traps one could possibly conceive and both couldn't help but state their opinions on it.

"Now this is just insulting," Tattle groused, a frown audible in his tone.

"I know," Pinkie frowned. "Who puts blueberry frosting on a vanilla cupcake? Cherry would've been so much yummier."

Before they could comment further, Equestrian Pinkie popped out from under a small rock next to them and rolled her double up in a tarp before dropping her into a potato sack, tying the opening shut, and slinging her over her shoulder. The Terran Pinkie was motionless in her confines for a few seconds before she started yelling and thrashing against her restraints. Equestrian Pinkie hummed a happy tune as she made her way back to Sugarcube Corner, only a small twinge of guilt filling her heart as she felt her double struggle. While she wasn't happy with having to take this approach, she couldn't deny that it got results.

Nopony suspects the good old Fake Trap trap, she thought with a proud smirk.

the struggling mare went limp half way to the bakery, though a few choice mumbles could be heard, earning Equestrian Pinkie a few angry looks from passing mothers as they covered their foal's ears. She smiled sheepishly as she muttered small apologies all the way towards the door to her home and job. Thankfully, her captive stopped talking when she entered the bakery. Everypony gave her brief looks as she made her way towards the stares to her bedroom before collectively shrugging and going back to enjoying their purchases.

Her bedroom door slammed open and closed as the pink pony happily walked towards her bed. She giggled as she gently dumped her captive onto her bed and went to work unsealing the bag.

"Sorry about this," she said, her smile wilting as guilt settled in her heart. "I didn't want to do this, but you didn't give me any choice! I really want to burry the hatchet between us and start over. You know, be friends and maybe figure things out? I know you're scared of me and this probably didn't help with that, but I want to show you that I'm not that bad. So, what do you say?"

As she said that, she undid the final knot and pulled the bag off of her double. There was just one small problem; the pony sitting on her bed with her hooves crossed and eyes narrowed in an annoyed glare was not her double.

"Pinkie," Rainbow Dash growled. "What. The. Buck?"

"Uh...I can explain?" she said with a sheepish smile.


Pinkie could barely breathe as she laid on her bed, hood falling back as she struggled against her giggles.

"That was a huge risk, you know?" Tattle said with an audible frown.

"I-*gasp* I know," she sighed, a wide grin spread across her muzzle as she wiped away a tear. "But that was so much fun! God I needed that!"

She let out a happy sigh as she let herself fall flat on her bed, the shadows of early evening taking random shapes on the ceiling as she let herself relax. For the first time in days, she felt like her old self again. For a few hours she wasn't the Terran living in constant fear. She was just a girl playing a simple game of tag. Granted, it was high stakes tag, but tag all the same.

She yawned as her eyes grew heavy, a faint smile gracing her lips as the strain of using so many gaps started to take its toll on her. As she felt herself start to fall into her boyfriend's world, a single thought floated to the front of her mind.

Let's hope tomorrow is just as good as today was.

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