• Published 14th Dec 2018
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The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p - Arcanum -Phantasy

Now that Anon-a-Miss has been defeated, Sunset is ready to move forward with her new friends. New misadventures follows her and her crew as the past meets the present. Can Sunset help fill the gaps around her friends?

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Ch.24 A Dragon's Treasure

A soft smile spread across Sunset's face as the warmth of her covers eased her out of the land of dreams. Aiding in this mission was a pair of arms wrapped around her from the front. Her eyes fluttered open and what she saw made her smile grow even wider. Derpy laid before her, a look of pure peace decorating her sleeping face peeking out from beneath a mop of messy blond hair. A light warmth covered her cheeks as she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, slowly pulling the sleeping girl into the waking world.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Sunset purred.

"M-Morning," Derpy stammered, sleep dulling all but the wild blush growing on her cheeks. "S-Sunset?"

"Yeah?" she asked, smile growing a little as she leaned in a little closer.

"W-Why are you in my room?"

"Guess again," she giggled.

A small gulp came out of the girl as she gave the room a quick once over.

"O-Okay. Why am I in your room?"

"You tell me," Sunset purred, lightly trailing a hand across her girlfriend's side.

Derpy's brain blue-screened as she tried to figure out how she ended up in her current situation. Not exactly an easy thing to do while wrapped in the arms of the girl she was absolutely crazy about. Her face started to burn hotter by the second as she gazed deeply into Sunset's half-open cyan eyes. The cheshire's grin the fiery teen flashed her sent a delightful chill down her spine as Sunset's lips slowly closed in on her own. When she was just a breath away from Derpy's lips, Sunset let out a small giggle as she pulled herself away from her frazzled girlfriend.

"Not yet,"Sunset smiled, stretching as she got out of bed. "We need to put a lock on the door first."

Derpy blinked dumbly for a moment, then sharply sat up the second her brain rebooted.

"No fair," she pouted, blanket wrapped around her like a hooded cloak.

"Can't let Dinky find us like that," Sunset giggled as she sat down in front of her vanity and reached for a brush. "Your mom's cool and all, but I think she'd lose it if that happened."

"Yeah," Derpy sighed, staring at the bed.

"Plus," Sunset smirked. "We need to soundproof the room first, Miss Screamer."

Derpy's face turned beet red just before she wrapped herself in the blanket.

"J-Jerk!" Derpy squeaked from her fortress of fabric.

Sunset chuckled as she ran the brush through her hair.

"Says the girl who snuck into the dragon's den in the middle of the night," Sunset said with a cheeky grin.

"Had to check on my dragon," Derpy shot back, a smug smile visible past her light blush.

"Well you know what they say," Sunset smirked, glancing over her shoulder at her bed-bound lover. "Nothing's more greedy then a dragon."

Derpy loudly gulped at the hungry look in her girlfriend's eyes before letting out a yelp as she fell out of the bed. The covers weren't far behind her as the heavy blanket fell with a soft thump and a series of muffled curses.

"Are you okay?" Sunset asked, turning in her seat.

"Yeah," Derpy groaned as she dragged herself back onto the bed.

Sunset chuckled, then turned back to the mirror. Just as she was about to resume her brushing, her bedroom door burst open.

"Good morning Sunset!" Dinky cheered. Mama says breakfast will be re-"

Dinky froze when she saw her sister sitting on Sunset's bed, then gave a sheepish smile as she slowly walked backwards out of the room.

"Sorry," she whispered, reaching for the door. "I'll come back later."

The door closed with a soft click as the two girls slowly processed what just happened.

"Well," Sunset blinked. "Looks like we scarred Dinky already." Then smiled wickedly as she asked,"Wanna do it?"

"Jerk!" Derpy laughed, chucking a pillow at the sitting girl.


So much for scarring her, Sunset thought, struggling to eat her pancakes with a little kid hugging her left side. What was all that this morning anyway? I'm not normally that forward, am I? I probably got too much sleep. Yeah, that's it! I've been sleeping in a proper bed recently and its making me loopy or something. That has to be it!"And perhaps Miss Derpy is secretly a Changeling," a female voice said, a knowing edge coloring her tone.

Sunset flinched and looked around.

"Did someone say something?" she asked.

Time Turner looked up from his phone and shook his head.

"I don't think so."

"O-Oh," Sunset chuckled. "Guess I'm just hearing things."

Derpy leveled a concerned frown towards her girlfriend as she placed a hand on her's.

"You okay Sunset?" she asked. "You've been acting...different sense we came back from Equestria."

"I-It's nothing," Sunset stammered, now very focused on her barely touched breakfast.

"She's right," Rose smirked over her coffee mug. "You've gotten a little gutsier sense you went to Magic Land. Anything you need to tell me?"

"Like what?" Sunset gulped.

"Well, am I going to need to buy a couple of wedding dresses soon?"

"Mooooom!" Derpy groaned, burning face hidden behind her hands.

"N-N-Not for a long while ma'am," Sunset stammered, her face quickly turning the same shade of red as her hair.

Time let out a relieved sigh as he went back to his phone and added, "A bit early to be shoving them down the aisle, isn't it dear?"

"Maybe," Rose chuckled. "But it doesn't hurt to check. Sunny's a royal after all."

"She is?" Dinky asked staring up at Sunset with wide eyes.

"Kind of," Sunset shrugged. "My mom is a Princess."

Dinky's face lit up a that.

"YAY! My big sis is sleeping with a Princess!"

Time Turner spat a mouthful of coffee clean across the table at that while Rose's smirk grew a bit more.

"D-Dinky, what do you mean by that?" Time asked, shakily wiping his face with a napkin.

"I, um, went to Sunset's room to let her know that breakfast was ready and saw big sis in Sunset's bed," Dinky said, a sheepish smile growing on her face.

"Tick tock dear," Rose chuckled.

"Not funny," he grumbled.

"W-We didn't do anything!" Derpy exclaimed, face burning.

"Oh we know," Rose chuckled. "Trust me, we'd know if you two did anything last night. The walls here are pretty thin."

Time nodded as he took another sip of his coffee.

An annoyed blush heated up Derpy's face while Sunset's whole head turned into a perfect impression of a fireball.

Now I know I need to reel myself in.

"But then again," Rose added. "It's not like we'd need to worry about becoming grandparents anytime soon."

"Well," Sunset fidgeted. "There is a spell for that kind of thing."

Rose blinked owlishly at that while Time let out a yelp as his half-full mug slipped out of his hand and landed on his lap.


Sunset groaned as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

So much for quiet mornings, she thought tiredly as she put some toothpaste on her toothbrush. I don't know how many mornings like this I can take. I thought after Anon-a-Miss things would slowdown for a while. Guess that's too much to hope for.

As she brushed her teeth, she remembered how things use to be. The cold nights struggling to find a way to survive. The lonely days staring out into the open coast. The quiet nights she spent in the school library studying. Even when she befriended the Rainbooms the slow gnawing numbness of loneliness and silence ate away at her every chance it could. But then she met Derpy and everything changed. Her nights were warm, her days exciting, and silence not quite so oppressively smothering. She didn't need to focus exclusively on survival and instead could be truly happy for the first time since coming to Terra.

Perhaps that's a good thing, she mused as she spat out some toothpaste and leaned into the running sink to rinse her mouth out.

"Indeed," said a pleased female voice.

Sunset quickly straitened herself, mouth still full of water as she looked around for the source of the voice. Some movement in the mirror caught her attention and what she saw made her spray it in shock. Coughing, she stared with wide eyes at the figure staring back at her. The figure in the mirror looked exactly like her, but was dressed in a flowing red hooded cloak covered with runic symbols. The shadow of the figure's hood hid her eyes, but failed to conceal her smile as Sunset gaped at her double.

"W-Who are you?" Sunset stammered. "What do you want?"

"Be at ease Sunset Shimmer," the figure smiled, bowing to the startled teen. "I mean you no harm. I am Acceptance, an Element of Harmony born from the depths of your soul."

"A what?" she asked, still shaken by the figure's sudden appearance.

"Do you not know of my older siblings?" Acceptance asked. "I would think one with your schooling would know of them. Perhaps Magic did not leave as strong an impression on you as she should've before she left you."

"Of course I know about the elements," Sunset snapped. "It's just that the last time I checked, Acceptance wasn't one of them."

"Indeed," Acceptance nodded. "I am not one of the originals, but I am an Element all the same."

"Right," Sunset frowned. "Let's assume for a second that I believe you. What do you want?"

"A simple conversation," Acceptance said, a small smile gracing her lips. "I have been wanting to make my presence known to you for so long, but your heart had been so chaotic recently that such a thing was near impossible. It is only now that you have healed that I can properly connect to you."


A deep frown formed on Sunset's face as she asked, "Are you the reason I've been so weird lately?"

Acceptance chuckled at that, then said, "I am afraid that I have no power over what lies in your blood. I am merely a shield to be used against the trials of life."

"What do you mean my blood?"

"You said it yourself this morning," Acceptance smiled. "Nothing is more greedy than a dragon."


Acceptance smiled knowingly as she explained.

"The seal on your true magic has been weakened since your battle with Gold Vine. As such, certain aspects of your heritage has leaked into you as well. On top of gaining a dragon's power and courage, you have also gained a bit of their greed and desire."

"So, now I have dragon hormones on top of everything else?" Sunset asked flatly.

"Indeed," Acceptance smirked.

Sunset groaned as palm met face.

"Perfect," she sighed. "What next? Am I going to be attacked by a dryad tomorrow?"

"Not likely," Acceptance frowned thoughtfully. "They have not been seen in this world in over a hundred years."

"Considering my luck, it's probably going to happen," she grumbled.

"Indeed," Acceptance frowned. "Though I feel your current threat is far more important."

A deep rage filled Sunset as she leveled a cold frown at her reflection and asked, "What threat?"

"I am not sure," the element sighed. "Neither my predecessors or I have encountered anything like her. All we know is that she is a fierce monster that lives to spread despair and tragedy. She also has developed a strong interest in you and your friends."

"What kind of interest?" she asked, hands trembling with anger.

"A dangerous kind," the element growled. "She tried to make a move when you and your friends returned, but we were able to ward her off. I believe Forgiveness even tried to eat her."

"Is that another new element?" Sunset asked, slowly starting to reel in her anger.

Acceptance nodded.

"She was born not long after I was. Apparently, Kindness left her to watch over her former bearer before she fully separated from her. That one is very scary when angered."

"I think I can guess who she's bonded with," Sunset sighed. "Is there anything else you can tell me about this new threat? A name? A description?"

"Unfortunately no," she sighed. "Magic and the rest battled her for days, but even they know next to nothing about her. All they know is that she is a woman, and a very powerful one at that."

Sunset's heart sank into her stomach at that. Not only was some whack-job apparently out to get her, but they were after her friends too. Her blood ran cold as her imagination crafted horrible fates for all of them, each more brutal than the last. When Derpy's possible fate came to mind, her fear shifted into white hot rage.

No. I'm not going to let that happen. I don't care what I have to do. I will not let anything hurt her!

"Damn it," Sunset growled, slamming a fist onto the bathroom counter. "Is there anything I can do?"

"There is," Acceptance smiled. "Keep doing what you have been."

"What?" Sunset snapped.

"This monster feeds off of despair, but love seems to repel her. That, and the magic of an element seems to prevent her influence from affecting others. As long as Kindness and I are here, she won't be able to harm anyone in the house."

She let out a relived sigh at that. Knowing that her presence protected the people around her from whatever was on the prowl was a huge relief. At the very least, it gave her time to form a plan of attack. It was as her anger and fear faded away that her element's words finally took hold.

"Kindness is here? Who'd she bond with?"

"Do you really need to ask?" Acceptance smirked.

Sunset froze.


She nodded.

"I must say," Acceptance smirked. "You certainly don't hold back when it comes to finding a suitable mate. That Dragon's blood burns hot, doesn't it?"

"Shut up," Sunset frowned, crossing her arms and looking away as a hot blush colored her cheeks.


"How did you talk me into this?" Sunset groaned, rubbing her sore butt as she staggered over to a bench.

Derpy laughed as she helped her girlfriend get to her salvation.

"Hey, thanks to that comment at breakfast, you should be glad dad let us out of the house," she smirked, easing Sunset into the bench.

She let out an agonized hiss as she gently settled herself onto the cold wood and looked out at the source of her misery. While she liked to watch, she never considered actually doing any iceskating. The sport looked like the kind of thing that required a special kind of patience and a cast iron ass to master. Seeing as Sunset lacked both, the urge to give the sport a try never really crossed her mind. Then Derpy and Dinky gave her a pair of pleading eyes and her fate was sealed. No force could ever hope to stand against such an overwhelmingly powerful force of cute. Now there she was, sitting on a bench near the coast of a frozen lake outside the city limits with a sore butt and a pair of rental skates strapped to her feet.

Stupid ice, she thought bitterly, glaring at the frozen menace as the other skaters moved across it.

"I just said that there was a spell for that sort of thing. I didn't say I knew how to cast it!"

"Doesn't mean much," Derpy sighed, casting a glance at another bench a couple dozen feet away.

Sunset followed her line of sight and glowered at the parent pretending to look at his phone. While Sunset could understand Time Turner's position, it didn't make her any less irate over the implications. She wasn't anywhere near ready to have a kid and she would never force that kind of thing on Derpy or anyone for that matter. Maybe further down the line if things worked out well for them, but not while they were still in High School of all things.

At least the dragon hormones let me keep that bit of control, she thought as she shifted her attention back to the ice.

"Dinky's pretty good out there," she smirked.

"Yeah," Derpy chuckled as she sat beside her. "She's a natural."

She nodded as she watched the grade schooler glide across the ice like a pro. She couldn't help but smile as she watched Dinky almost dance as she slid between other skaters, a wide grin plastered across her face as she moved. Seeing the bubbly girl so happy warmed Sunset's heart in a way that she never felt before. It was like staring at the brightest star in the darkest night, beautiful and sacred to the point of worship. So much so that she felt an unbreakable urge to protect her from everything that could hurt her.

The same desire she had for the girl sitting next to her.

Acceptance's warnings echoed through her head as she watched Dinky skate and a cold chill ran through her. Something was out there right now that wanted Sunset dead, hiding in the shadows to get a chance to sink its fangs into her. That alone was a sobering thought, but who's to say that this thing would stop with just her? If it got her, who would protect her friends? Who would protect Derpy and Dinky? The chill in her heart vanished as the thought of losing those she cared about made her blood boil.

Derpy let out a startled yelp as Sunset pulled her into a one-armed embrace.

"S-Sunset? You okay?" she asked, worry heavy in her tone as she stared up at her girlfriend.

"Yeah," she smiled, kissing the top of Derpy's head. "Just wanted to have you a little closer is all."

Derpy giggled then eased herself into her girlfriend's embrace as she watched her sister skate. Sunset did the same, enjoying the moment of peace for as long as she could.

I won't let "her" get them, she thought, holding Derpy a little tighter against her. I don't care if I have to die to do it. I. Will. Not. Let. Them. Die. Period.

"Hey Sunset?" Derpy asked, giggling as she snuggled into her side.


"You're really warm, you know that?"

Sunset laughed then flashed a wide grin as she said, "Didn't you hear? All dragons are hot."

"Damn right you are," Derpy smirked. "And my dragon's the hottest."

Sunset laughed as she planted a soft kiss onto her girlfriend's forehead.

And a dragon always protects its treasure, Sunset thought as she shifted her attention back to the frozen lake. No matter what it is.

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