• Published 12th Dec 2011
  • 4,200 Views, 118 Comments

Stars Dashing - RobotFox

Decepticons come to Equestria but Starscream sees the ponies in a different perspective namely RD

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I still Function...Wanna bet?

Chapter 12 I still Function…Wanna bet?

It was early morning and the entire Royal Guard was fully outfitted with their new weaponry. Despite only having less than a week of training with their guns, most of them were fairly proficient with them. But not all of them were armed with firearms. The Pegasus portion was mostly armed with assault rifles and few were armed with Rocket Launchers.

The Earth pony portion of the army was outfit entirely of Rocket Launchers with the unicorns mostly being used as their partner. Carrying the ammo, help reload the weapon, and assist with aiming if needed. And good portion of the army was also made up of volunteer ponies.

Cantorlot was quietly evacuated and moved to either Ponyville or Fillydelphia. These towns were also making underground shelters and other provisions in order to be protected from the possible attack on these towns as well.

Both the Princess of the Night and the Princess of Day were standing together on the balcony overlooking the empty town. It was the first time in such a long time, that the two ruled side by side, literally. Since Luna’s return, she resumed her role ruling the night as she did before Nightmare Moon shortly after. But this was the first time both of them were ruling side by side, sisters, both having total power of authority.

“The time has come Celly, I wish I could be more uplifting.” Luna said with a low tone.

“As do I Lulu, I wish I could be as more confidant as well. We did what we could; this is our last chance to defend ourselves.” Celestia said looking like she was glaring into the ground.

“Sister, I have a hypothesis I wish to test.” Luna said as her sister turned to her. “Remember last night when I told you about what I discovered?”

“About the possible explanation as to why the Decepticons are immune to magic?”

“Yes. I believe why Starscream transformed into a different form was because he was here longer than the others.” Luna stopped for a moment “Wait, why did you choose to turn Starscream into a pony?”

“I didn’t.” The day Princess said coldly “I used a paralyses spell.”

Even 1000 years absent, Luna knew her sister like the back of hoof, and she could tell that was not telling the truth but she decided to not push the issue “I have a theory, from what I found, it seems that Starscream was here longer than the others. Perhaps we need the Decepticons to stay on the planet as long as possible.”

“…we don’t know if Starscream was here any longer than the others. And even then, the spell I casted was not what I wanted to happen…”

“But it will make them more vulnerable. If it is true, it may not have the same effects as we want, but it will offer more of a defense.” Luna pointed out. She couldn’t believe they were actually arguing this.

“We shall see sister…”

--Main Hall--

“Well, the day is here girls…” Twilight said little concerned “I never thought that something like this would happen…”

“Don’t worry non Twilight. It’s true we didn’ see Nightmare and Discord comin either.”

“But we could stop them. Magic worked against them. We’ve never needed any kind of conventional defenses…”

Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were walking down the hall all together. It was still very early morning and was still mostly dark outside, not entirely, but one would have some trouble traveling through it. The entire Royal army was up and about ready for any kind of attack or resistance. Ironically, they never found Duke Hoof’em anywhere.

“Alright, I’m going to get Star up.” Twilight said as she and Applejack started branching from the group.

“Okay, we’ll get Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

The two groups split and made their way to their desired locations. When they branched off, Twilight turned her attention to Applejack “How you feeling?”

“Ah wish ah could say Ah’m ready fur anything…but can’t do that. Well, I’m sure we’ll be alright. We’re ready fur them this time…”

“Well, I hope so.” Twilight said before turning using her magic to open the elaborate bedroom door. Both of them walked into the dark room. The only light source came from hallway and the very little that came from the outside windows. “Star?”

“Hey, Screamer…” Applejack added walking in next to Twilight.

Twilight then used her magic and turned on the lights. She felt it was a little harsh to wake him so rudely but time was of the essence and they really couldn’t see much of anything with the available light sources. When the lights turned on and illuminated the room, the two of them turned to the bed and saw both of them comfortably lying on the bed, Starscream lying on top of Rainbow Dash.

Twilight smiled at the sight. She thought it was pretty cute. Even Applejack had to admit it was a quite a sight. “I may not like ‘em. But Ah gotta admit they do look like their in ment fur one another.”

“Maybe.” Twilight said still with a smile when she finally worked her way over to the bed. She got over there and used her hoof to wake the seeker “Come on Star. It’s time to get up.”

The ex-seeker stirred and slowly opened his eyes before getting off of the blue mare. He turned to Twilight groggily “Eh, I suppose its time.” He put his hoof through his mane and then turned to Applejack and then back to Twilight “Where’s everyone else?”

At this moment Rainbow Dash woke up to see a smirking Applejack. She didn’t understand why. “What? You know I sleep in…”

“Maybe, but ah always figured you slept on the cloud alone.”

Rainbow Dash continued to look at her confused till she realized that she was in Starscream’s room. “Oh, come on Applejack.”

“They all went to wake Rainbow Dash” Twilight began “But considering she’s already here.”

The ex-Air Commander rolled his eyes, despite being Cybertronian he knew what they implying “We don’t have time for this. Primus knows when Megatron actually going to attack.”

Both Twilight and Applejack chuckled at the both glaring Starscream and Rainbow Dash. They were pretty sure nothing happened between the two was physical beyond lying on top of each other. But it was too perfect to just let it slide.

“Alright, alright, Luna told me the Celestia has Breakfast ready for us so let’s eat up fast and get ready.”

--Hour and half later--

Within that time period, the army was all put into hiding, whether it is by being in the buildings, hiding in the clouds, and very few put into the open, obviously to give false impression that their military was not as grand as they want to believe.

The two Princesses once again were both waiting at the balcony, waiting for any kind of attack from their invaders that were impending the attack. Starscream was on the roof with his null rays over his back. Rainbow Dash was there as well but was armed with an assault rifle (had to steal it but it would for a good cause). Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity were preparing themselves to be field medics. And Applejack and Pinkie Pie were going to be transport equipment to be they could.

“How do you think Megatron will attack?” Rainbow asked the ex-Air Commander.

“Knowing Megatron and the fact he gave you a time limit, he’ll more than likely-” Starscream was interrupted with a sudden cry from the Captain called to his men “Stand guard men! We have the enemy in sight!”

All of them looked in the air to see the four metal giants from before. Megatron was flying in the middle with Soundwave behind him with Skywarp on the left of them in vehicle mode with Thundercracker on the right of them also in vehicle mode. All of them were flying straight to the palace flying over the seemingly deserted town.

All of them flew to the ground with the two jets transforming to robot mode and standing on the sides.

“That’s it?” Rainbow whispered squinting at Megatron.

“Don’t be fooled. He’s leaving false impression that he has no additional reinforcements.” Starscream assured.

“Princess Celestia!” Megatron called out. Both the Princesses looked down from the balcony to see the Decepticon leader. “The time I have offered to think of your decision has expired. Will you surrender your planet to the Decepticons willingly, or will you fight and be terminated in the process?”

The day Princess took a step forward “Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, we will not surrender our planet to you!”

Luna took a step up as well speaking her loud tone “Thou’s purpose for it is for malicious deeds that We want no part of! Thou shall not have Equestia!”

Megatron smirked as he then flew to the air and was now eye level with the two princesses “So you decided to disregard my generous offer?” his smirk grew wider “Than you shall only see it’s dismemberment!”

Without warning the leader flew into the air higher as the Decepticons on the surface opened fired on the rulers. It was then that a brigade of rockets flew toward the surface Decepticons knocking them to their knees but they all retaliated immediately firing where the rockets were coming from. The rockets fired at the Decepticon leader had little effect.

The smoke cleared from the balcony and he saw that his men’s attack had no effect “This many be more interesting then I thought…” flew to the side evading the rockets being fired and opened his comlink “Decepticons attack!”

In the sky a large number machines came from the sky. The ponies looking up saw the number of Decepticons coming in. A mass number machines, that looked even more powerful than the one’s they were fighting already. Few looked similar to Thundercracker and Skywarp but there was plenty of others that stood out. Few were bright green and purple, others were just an array of different colors and shapes, none of Equestia have scene before.

“There’s the reinforcements….” Starscream said in a low tone not a single look of surprise.

“Pegasus! Attack!” The captain called as the large number of pegasus armed with assault rifles flew into the air starting their counter attack to the Decepticon invasion.

“I’m worrying about the ones on the ground! They attacked Ponyville!” and Rainbow Dash flew up and went to assist the ground forces, but before she left she turned to Starscream. “You ready for this?” her tone was a mix of excitement and concern…her fear was starting to show more vividly but was also thinking of the ex-seeker.

“…I’ve been awaiting almost an eternity for this…” Starscream growled and flew into the air to Rainbow Dash. “This is our only chance Rainbow Dash… Megatron will not leave till this battle is decided…”

She stayed silent and taking in a gulp and then nodded “Thanks…for everything Starscream…” she wanted to say more but she wasn’t comfortable now since all the destruction that was about to occur. It was common perhaps in a novel but Rainbow didn’t want to look at it that way…maybe because she wanted it that way but she didn’t know what Starscream would think…

Starscream tried to make it look like it was just another battle like against the Autobots but…he couldn’t. This wasn’t just about his own spark on the line or just a meaningless cause…it was either way he could lose everything. It wasn’t even about losing his own life anymore. Even if they are victorious…this could be the last time he would see the blue pegasus in front of him. He looked into her eyes with a sad smile “Rainbow Dash…”

“Yeah…” she said silently.

Starscream flew closer to her and placed his hoofs around her and pulled her close. Rainbow returned the smile and got closer and finally closed the gap between their muzzles. It was a kiss that said everything else that need to be said. Even the gunfire and everything was not heard during it.

They pulled away and looked at each other in the eyes again. Both held a mix of a relief but also sadness. Just then, a brigade of laser fire it the building they were at. Rainbow pushed the ex-seeker out of the way and both landed on the roof “I got the ground forces!” Rainbow declared pulling herself off.

Starscream nodded getting up. They didn’t anymore time for this “Got it! You’re All Mine Megatron!” And with a battle cry he flew up into the air and braced for battle.

“…You get’em Screamer…” she said flying down to attack the ones currently on the ground. “Time to pay for what you did to Ponyville!”

And with in less than an hour the entire city was engulfed with battle. The crossing between lasers and bullets and rockets were flying around the city. The once greatly populated and beautiful city was now battle scared from the shear firepower being used from both sides. No one was safe; the skies were littered with pegasus and number of seekers and other transformers in the sky.

The ground was not much better. Aside from Thundercracker and Skywarp utilizing a similar strategy they did in Ponyville and performing air strikes, the Constructicons and the Combaticons were also adding to the mix with mostly ground assaults both in robot and vehicle mode.

“Ha, these creatures are more of a handful than I expected.” Mixmaster said smirking while firing his blaster pistol at a building were rockets were coming from.

Scavenger dodged a few rockets and return fire at another direction. “Yeah, according to Acid Storm, they’ve taken out a bit of seekers. It’s like it they knew how to take them out.”

“Right!” Long Haul said sarcastically coming to assist Scavenger “And they figured this out how? It’s just a stroke of luck. There’s no way they could make it on the ship. The ship was made so no organics can board it.”

Just then a rocket hit the Long Haul in shoulder and he fell grabbing onto the new inflicted wound. “Lucky shot!”

This was answered with another shot and this time in the neck. The other two Constructicons turned to their comrade and to see him injured. Scavenger was also greeted with a rocket as well but in his back leg joint. He fell back landed on his aft. He turned to the origin to see a Black stallion with a blond mane and sunglasses with a smoking rocket launcher over his shoulder with a cigar in his mouth. On top of a building they were using as cover. He also had a small saddle that was on one side.

“You’re ass is grass…And I got the weed wacker.” The stallion smirked.

“We’ll see about that!” Mixmaster yelled firing his blaster pistol at him.

Duke jumped straight into the air avoid the blast fired at him and jumped on the side of him, removed an object, and throw it the side of his neck. Mixmaster tried to grab him but he jumped off quickly and landed on the side of Scavenger and did the same thing. Scavenger attempted to grab him but once again Duke avoids his servo and instead was grabbed by Long Haul. In the process, Mixmaster and Scavenger bumped heads since Mixmaster tried to grab Duke still.

“Not so smart are you, organic?” The construction said but was greeted with rocket to the upper chest, making him drop the stallion.

“Quit wasting my time!” Duke yelled before grabbing another silver object and throwing it on his neck.

At this point, the two other Constructicons came to the side and started to fire at him but rolled to the side and fired another rocket in the chest of Scrapper making fall back holding on to his inflicted wound. Duke pulled the rocket launcher off and through it to the side because he knew he was out of rockets and started running toward the other two bots firing at him.

“It’s my way or…” Duke thought for a moment before jumping to the side, dodging a laser from Bonecrusher. He then started running to the side going at top speed as the green bot was firing seemly uncontrollably at the stallion which he was able to dodge but the impact was heavy still. He ran past Scrapper and like he hoped, the trigger happy bot hit him.

“Oh Slag!” he cursed after realizing what he had done and went to help his leader.

Scrapper groaned, being forced to his knees “You dolt!”

It was then that Duke jumped up on the arm of the Contructicon leader and got to the head and through another silver device up to neck of the machine. He then jumped up and before he landed on the side of his shoulder he threw another silver device on his neck as well.

“…Hay it’s my way!” Duke said jumping to the ground.

“Enough of this! Contructicons Phase 1!” Scrapper yelled. After being humiliated by one mere pony, he wasn’t going to let this or any other pony live to tell the tale.

The other Contructicons obliged and transformed into their vehicle modes and drove in a close formation. Duke had to dodge them as they drove toward their leader. They all got close formation.

“Phase 2!” Scrapper yelled. They all changed for into different shapes till all of them went a formed into their most powerful form; Devastator. Some ponies held their fire as they saw the largest being they have ever seen. It was much larger than the regular transformers it loomed over them with its optic ban with scowl.

“Prepare for Extermination!” The much larger bot yelled as it took a step toward Duke and a building where many ponies were hiding when using their weapons.

“I’m not ready for a gravestone yet.” Duke smirked as he pressed a small button on the side of his saddle. “Prepare for Devastation.”

It was then a series of explosions occurred all over the much larger machine. The pipebombs he planted seemed to be very effective. Each part of the large combiner had some kind of chain reaction as an explosion occurred at every limb and part of him. Most of the explosions came from inside making then five bots blow out of form, back into their individual robot modes and fell into status lock, unable to fight any longer.

“Mess with the best, die like the rest!” He yelled with a grin. He was surprised, what Starscream told them seemed to be true.

It was just then that this was answered with a brigade of laser blasts being fired from Swindle and Vortex firing at the black stallion. “Damn…” he quickly grabbed his empty auto-loading rocket launcher and ran for cover.

--Needs to be…20% Cooler --

Rainbow Dash full just higher over the buildings, hoping to be a good vantage point and hoping to run into any of the ones that attacked Ponyville. That was her weapon now she was focusing so much on revenge now. She wanted to attack Megatron but she would leave that business to Starscream…for now. From what she understood, the two Princesses were adding in the fight as well, she assumed they were fighting Megatron.

“Come on you Cowards!” Rainbow Dash yelled over the gunfire and explosions “Remember me!”

This was answered with an array of lasers fired from two mechanical birds; a red, white, and black one, which she was already familiar with, and a yellow and white bird that looked similar to Laserbeak.

She easily dodged them doing a loop into the air “Alright you little birdy, you’re going down.”

Laserbeak came toward her with laser blazing but this was easily avoidable with Rainbow’s agility. She dodged the incoming fire and then grabbed onto the small bird with her hoofs. She smirked as she grabbed it and then bucked it hard in the small mechanical jaw and made it fall to the ground.

Rainbow smirked as she watched the small bird fall. This victory was short liked by a laser flying by her and barely missed her, scorching a small patch of fur on her neck. She turned to the origin, knowing who it was, and flew downward to avoid anymore fire from the small bird. Rainbow twirled in the air as she did a loop behind the bird. She smirked as she then pulled her hoof down which fired the assault rifle in a short burst.

The set of fired projectiles at the bird in the back small engines and made them fall out of the sky. Rainbow smirked. Both the birds were still alive but they were no longer battle ready.

“Now where are-” she was interrupted with a loud cracking boom knocking her out of balance. She twirled and started to regain control “What the hay-”

“This one’s got some spunk.” Rainbow turned around to see blue transformer. He looked a lot like Starscream before the transformation into a pony but was mostly a sky blue, close to her fur color.

“Not really impressed there Thundercracker.” A sneaky voice said. Just then right in front of her next to blue jet was black and purple jet just appeared, clearly teleportation.

“Well she won’t be around much longer Skywarp.” Thundercracker sneered as he raised his shoulder blaster and fired.

Rainbow easily dodged incoming blasts as she had done through most of the battle flew toward the blue seeker and like she did to Starscream looped around him and upper hoofed him and then flew off.

“Good work!” Skywarp mocked. “You blew it, but I won’t!” The black and Purple seeker let his arm out and fired out a heat seeking missile. The female pegasus smirked as the large metal projectile fired at her. She moved fast and was able to get her hoofs on the missile and was able to control it by apply pressure to it. She pushed back on the rocket and made it turn the other direction and aimed it toward the seeker who fired it.

Skywarp panicked but quickly teleported out of the way leaving Thunchercracker alone. Rainbow Dash jumped into the air getting off of the missile and let roam to the strongest heat source in front of it, Thundercracker.

Before the blue seeker could react he was directly hit in the cockpit with the missile fired by his own partner. “Ah!” he fell to the ground though was still conscious.

“I guess I should’ve expected that…” Skywarp groaned before turning back to the smirking blue pegasus.

“I bet you think you’re so smart don’t you organic? We’ll see about that!” Skywarp raised both his should blasters and started firing rapid fire on them.

“Whoa!” Rainbow cried flying away from rapid laser fire. She flew downward and flew into the streets just a little above the ground. The black seeker transformed to vehicle mode and followed after her.

The two of them raced in the streets. Rainbow was strategically going in-between buildings. Rainbow had far better agility that a fighter jet be however Skywarp had the advantage of teleportation, so this didn’t serve to be much of an advantage for the blue pegasus.

After a few minuets of this, the black seeker finally was able to teleport in front of the blue pegasus. Rainbow tried to slow down and did so by sliding into the ground falling on herself in a roll. “That didn’t work.” She said looking at her predicament.

“You played a good game. But I’ve had-” he was cut off with a large piece of a building being thrown into his face. “Ah, what the-” he was hit again with another piece hit him in the face, this time hitting to the ground. Rainbow shook her and, taking advantage of the situation, jumped up into the air and looked at were the projectiles came from.

“Over here!” Rainbow looked over to see Twilight on top of stairs by the entrance of a building. “Get going, I’ll take care of this one.”

Rainbow smiled, Twilight was such a good friend “Got it! Thanks Twi!” and with that she dashed off.

--Everyone has a weakness. Yeah? Well not Megatron!--

Princess Luna blasted away from a direct shot and hit into a wall. She groaned in anger and looked up at the powerful Decepticon leader “Thou may be powerful, but you have yet to feel our full power!”

Megatron laughed at the claim “I’ll admit you certainly are more entertaining than Celestia, but are no more of a threat to me than any of the other organics that stood in my way before.” He smirked as he raised his fusion cannon “How about using of the worthless ‘spells’ again?”

Luna quickly got to her legs, utilizing her wings to get much quicker and with a bright glowing horn, used a spell to teleport out of sight.

Megatron had to admit he didn’t expect that “Teleportation? I’m impressed. Though I wouldn’t get my hopes up, this trick is rudimentary in battle.”

This was replied to him with a piece of debris hitting him in the back. Megatron growled as he took a few steps forward then turning around and aimed his fusion cannon. He looked up to see Luna on top of a small building holding another piece of debris with her magic. It was quickly tossed at him.

Megatron acted quickly activating his energy mace smashed the incoming projectile with it. He quickly counters the attack by firing his arm cannon once again at the night princess. The destroyed piece of debris blinded her and didn’t see the blast coming. It hit her across her wing, causing a small injury but was still painful.

The white Decepticon leader then jumped up to her punched her off the building to the ground to were they originally we’re fighting. Megatron chuckled darkly “You’re pathetic. First, Celestia was quickly disregarded and now you’re on your last leg…” He jumped off the building and walked down to the lying down Night Princess. She tried to move but was stopped by Megatron’s large foot keeping her down by her neck “But know that I am not without mercy…” Luna kept a scowl “Surrender your planet and I can promise that things will go much smoother.”

“MEGATRON!” a voice yelled. A voice that sounded somewhat familiar.

The Decepticon leader turned around to see silver pegasus with two guns on his back hanging on his sides with scowl hovering.

Megatron laughed “You make me laugh organic. You remind me of so many Autobot fools I have faced in the past.”

“Perhaps” the pegasus began “Shame the Autobots had a more pleasant experience than your own men.”

Megatron’s confidence fell, staring at the pegasus’s after his statement. “Who are you?”

“Surly you’d never forget your most trusted and more obedient Second-in-Command.” The pegasus said with a huge smirk.

Megatron glared at the pegasus but then turned into smirk “Well, if it isn’t my favorite traitor. I always figured you’d betray me by defecting. But I always figured you were above these lower organics. I see I was wrong.”

“I’m not afraid of you anymore…I will destroy you! I will get revenge for what you did to me and this planet!” Starscream yelled flaring his wings faster.

Megatron laughed at the threat “You’re less of threat to me then when I thought you were dead!” he then raised his primary weapon “I’m just shocked you finally decided to grow a vertebra.”

Starscream yelled out and fired the two miniature null rays at the Decepticon leader. Megatron was hit but like Starscream expected, they didn’t show any major effect. In fact they were probably ineffective completely. Megatron once again activated his Energy mace from his hand tried to smash the small pegasus but smaller size made it easier to be more agile and was able easily dodge the attack.

After Megatron slammed it into the ground, Starscream flew around it and fired a brigade of lasers upward and hit him the face making him back off. Despite being a much less effective than Starscream’s normal null rays, they still had a slight numbing, paralysis effect. Megatron got up and swung the mace around the side to where Starscream was. The ex-Decepticon flew back avoiding it but there was a gust of wind causing the pegasus to loose a big of control.

Megatron acted quickly as he dissipated his mace and with his servo, slammed him into the ground. Starscream lied on his back but then rolled off since his now destroyed null rays since they broken pieces were now on his back. He groaned as he tried to move but this was stopped by a loud stomp (not to mention the vibration he felt from contact) behind him. He turned his head over to see Megatron right over him with his fusion cannon aimed right at him.

“I must say, you actually trying is far more amusing then when you ran away.” Megatron smirked. He turned back to see the still ground Princess Luna, who was still trying to stand, but then turned back to Starscream “You’ll never be able to defeat me Starscream…and I’m to make sure that will always be the case.”

Starscream growled in anger as he looked at the weapon that was going to end him. He couldn’t believe this, Megatron was going to be the one who ended him. Weather it have been with the Decepticons or the ponies he hoped it wouldn’t be by Megatron. He wasn’t afraid anymore of him, in fact, he’d rather die, and with the experience he had now with the ponies than live another 2,000 steller cycles under his leadership. He had to snicker at the thought.

“Back off!” Megatron turned to be greeted with a rainbow blur hit him across the face. Before the leader could react he was hit again with another punch across his faceplate. Starscream tried to move away but the pain was excruciating to say the least. He figured this is what Rainbow Dash felt when they fought.

“You foolish organic! No does this to Megatron and lives to tell the tale.” Megatron yelled as he arm about to stop the rainbow blur. Rainbow slowed down avoid the attempted attack, this stopped her endless assault from her hoofs. “Well we have another fool who wishes to die at the hands of Megatron.”

“Phft, right, you’re not going to finish anyone off! Heck, Starscream put up a better fight then you have!” Rainbow mocked.

Megatron’s smirk turned into a glare as he lifted his fusion cannon and fired toward her but she dodged it, though she noticed that she nearly didn’t, this was different from Starscream’s Null Rays. “You will not compare me to that worthless piece of scrap!”

Rainbow went by fast avoiding Megatron’s second shot fired at her. She fired a few rounds at him at several points but it proved to be even less effective than Starscream’s mini null rays. “You think these puny weapons would harm the Almighty Megatron? You’re bigger fools than I could have ever imagined!”

He fired his might weapon once again and again Dash dodged but the blast hit a building right behind her. The explosion had a very strong impact and knocked her off. Megatron quickly grabbed a hold of the small pegasus with his hand slammed her in the ground.

Starscream watched the whole confrontation between the two. He tried to call out to Rainbow to not interfere but he was having a hard time breath and talking was much hard to perform. He knew Rainbow didn’t have a chance against him, he was their only chance since he knew Megatron and even he couldn’t beat him.

“You have sprit young pegasus. No doubt about that, but that alone will never stop the mighty Megatron…” He pressed down further into the ground crushing Rainbow into ground. She screamed out in pain from him slowly crushing her deeper into the ground.

Starscream watched as he saw Megatron just grinning evilly as he slowly crushed the pegasus with sadistic pleasure as he slowly crushed her. Starscream looked at Rainbow as she screamed and tried to fight out of it to no avail. Starscream pushed as hard as he could to get up, not even the enormous amount of pain he was feeling from his own injuries were enough to stop him. He grinded his teeth hard as he glared at Megatron, his eyes glowing bright red as he got closer to him.

“You’re nothing, you miserable organic. Your army is pathetic, your weapons are weak, and your own rulers are unable protect you.” Pressed further as Rainbow tried to fight out with tears coming out her eyes, she tried to fight out as Megatron continued to break her both emotionally and physically. “You’ll have to end your pitiful life knowing that-” He was stopped with a force that pushed him off of her and forcing him off.

Rainbow opened her eyes with still teary eyes as she looked up. Her eyes went wide as she looked up at what she saw. Megatron turned and looked up and saw something that he didn’t expect.

“You’re going to pay for this Megatron…”

Rainbow, Luna and Megatron looked to see what they didn’t expect; it was Starscream…in robot mode. He stood tall with his optics bright red.

Starscream screamed as he tackled Megatron back to the ground held him down “I will destroy you!”

Megatron lifted his leg and pushed Starscream off thus knocking him back to his feet “You really think that you have much of a better chance in your pathetic robot mode?”

Starscream didn’t even answer as he raised his null ray and fired it at his leader. It was a hit, and unlike his miniature rays, these had more effect and a punch. He was hit in the arm making fall back and Starscream once again tackled him. But Megatron was much stronger than him, he quickly reacted with his working arm grabbed the seeker and threw him over him to the side. The Decepticon leader raised his fusion cannon but Starscream was faster, he quickly fired his null ray at the Megatron again making loose focus. The seeker ran toward with a punch ready but Megatron quickly flew to the sky aiming his fusion cannon at his former Second-in-Command. He fired as he reached an altitude Starscream avoided the blast and flew into the air to combat his former leader.

“Starscream…” Rainbow Dash said silently, not even trying to get out of her injured position.

“It seems that Starscream is particularly close to you.” Rainbow looked over to see a limping Luna coming toward her. “Twilight did seem to make that clear that you were close.”

Rainbow used one of her hoofs to dry her tears and looked to the Princess of the Night “Yeah…something like that…”

“Not just a mere something Rainbow. A transformation spells like that is permanent and can’t be broken with mere magic itself.” Rainbow looked at her wonder as Luna used her magic to move Rainbow to a more comfortable and more beneficial position for healing.

“Yeah. What happened to Celestia? Is she-”

“My sister still gravely injured by Megatron. She teleported out when I told her to hide.” Luna then thought of that. It was the first time in awhile that she didn’t question her when she told her to do something.

Rainbow nodded lightly looking back up at the battle between Megatron and Starscream.

--My Day will come Megatron--

Both Starscream and Megatron continued their fight in the sky, flying all over the war battle grounded Cantorlot. Both machines were constantly unleashing their firepower against each other. But in battle, bother were very different. The air was Starscream’s most preferred battle ground and speed and agility was his strongest attribute. But Megatron was a fair all around type fighter and while he lacked speed, he made up for with sheer strength and enormous firepower.

“Megatron? I thought he was fighting the Princesses?” Astrotrain said looking up from the fight on the ground.

“Yeah, but he’s out here…and is that Starscream, Starscream?” Shrapnel asked as he looked as well from the fire fight they were at with the ponies. Some of the ponies also looked up at the fight and were just as confused.

Applejack ran across the town with a cart full of equipment to see Twilight looking over a wounded guard. “Twilight!”

“Applejack? Are you okay?” She asked, she was a field medic right now after all.

“Yeah, yeah, Ah’m fine, look!” she pointed her hoof into the sky. Twilight did as instructed and noticed the fight between the two mechs.

“Is that…Starscream?”

It seemed as if the entire fight stopped right there watching the two mechs. It was clearly a sight that no one there was expecting, while not all of them were totally aware of what the gravity of the situation was, but they knew that one of them was on their side, one way or another.

Starscream flew forward and tried to punch Megatron but he caught it quickly, he tried with his other arm but was also stopped by Megatron’s other servo. “For the first time in your entire existence, you actually show some courage…and even then you are nothing to me.”

This was not at all true. Both of them were severally damaged from their own brawl. Both had many cracks in their armor with fluids coming out of them, both of them had exposed wiring and other deep exposed interior workings with chunks of their frames gone and ripped.

Both of them were high in the sky this battle looked position, with only their jet boosters keeping them up in the air. “I knew you drove on such petty desires…but I would have never expected that a mere worthless organic would be the motivation needed to get you to fight like a real solider.”

“I found something I would never find with you or in the Decepticon ranks!” Starscream growled as he tried to push forward.

“Petty affection…I’m starting to think I thought too highly of you all these steller cycles…you always find new ways to amaze me.”

Starscream smirked to which Megatron lowered his grin “I always was your favorite toy…” he chuckled darkly “I’d rather be terminated trying to protect these organics than spend another astro second under your command. May Primus watch over the Decepticon army…when lead under you, because under your leadership…I will always win…the Decepticons will always be defeated…under you.”

Megatron growled in rage as he released one of Starscream’s fists and as hard he could punched the red seeker across the faceplate, knocking the seeker of his balance in the air. The leader then quickly grabbed a hold of Starscream’s wing, quickly pulling him back and punching him even harder to the point he broke his left wing off. Megatron fell back quickly aimed his fusion cannon at the falling seeker.

Starscream growled as he did his best to look up at his former commander aiming his null ray. First Megatron fired his massive weapon to which Starscream fired his null ray, both hit their targets. The blast his Starscream direct dead center in the cockpit blowing him backward. The null ray traveled inside Megatron’s cannon and caused a chain reaction which caused the cannon to explode, blowing away his arm, part of his mid-section and part of his helmet. Both were out of control as they fell from the sky neither of them able to prevent their falls from the great height they reached.

All the ponies and all the Decepticons stop the fighting as they watched their leader and their possible savior fall straight to the ground. Neither of them continued the fight and both of them fell far away from each other as they both landed on the opposite ends of Cantorlot.

“No…” Rainbow said as she saw Starscream fall a great distance away from where she and Luna were at. “No…NO! STARSCREAM!”