• Published 12th Dec 2011
  • 4,205 Views, 118 Comments

Stars Dashing - RobotFox

Decepticons come to Equestria but Starscream sees the ponies in a different perspective namely RD

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Chapter 13 Worth

“Megatron.” Soundwave ran to his fallen leader who was flat into the ground. His damages were extensive. His right arm was completely gone as well as part of his midsection with the side of helmet blown partially off. On top of all that the damage Starscream did to him was still evident and showed that he put up a very good fight.

Megatron groaned as he looked up to his communications officer. He coughed up so fluid “Forget…forget about this… miserable…”

Soundwave let off a couple rounds at a small ground of approaching ponies. “Megatron, damage: Extensive. Equestira’s defenses were not properly calculated. Recommendation: Retreat.”

Megatron growled as he tried to roll on to the side. He couldn’t believe this. A primitive planet with next to no advanced technology and to top it all off, Starscream put him on the verge of being put offline. That in of itself was a personal insult. He didn’t have much to gloat now. “Press…on…”

Soundwave didn’t seem to listen as he continued to fire “Additional Reinforcements, neutralized.”

Megatron used his arm to lean up and looked at the destruction. The Decepticons were falling back. Most of the seekers were down, both the Constructicons and the Combaticons were too damaged to form their combined forms, the Insecticons were also on their last legs and the only one to really not have any major damage was ironically Astrotrain.

The proud leader couldn’t believe this. Even with the Autobots out of the way, all it took was a mere defection within his ranks and a bunch of primitive ponies to defeat him. He looked back up into the sky. He could still see the ion trail the he and Starscream made when they fell from the air. He chuckled at it

“For the first time… I’m impressed…Starscream” he said silently before looking up to Soundwave “Soundwave…order the…retreat…forget this mudball of a planet…”

Soundwave nodded “Decepticons, Retreat.”

Astrotrain fired his blaster a few more times before transforming into his train mode and start getting out of distance. The seekers all jumped into the air into their vehicle modes and flew away as all the ground units ran into the back of Astrotrain.

Soundwave grabbed a hold of Megatron and carried him as Thundercracker backed his up as they all got to the triple changer safely. “Astrotrain, retreat.”

The purple and grey train did as ordered and drove out of the city before transforming to space shuttle mode and flying off the planet. They were attacked by a few pegasus but Astrotrain’s armor was able to resist the simple gunfire from assault rifles.

“Is that it? We’re just giving up? What about-” Scrapper was shut up by a death glare from his leader.

“This planet has no meaning to us…we will continue our efforts on Earth…”

At Canterlot all the ponies cheered over their victory. The damage that occurred to the city was extensive and many ponies were gravely injured and many in critical condition, but they won. The Decepticons retreated thus leaving all of them with their planet. All the guards and volunteer ponies were jumping into the air over their victory, the planet was safe.

“We did it!” Pinkie Pie yelled jumping out of her cart of equipment she was pulling and starting jumping around excitedly “We did it, we did it, we did it!”

“I must say it is indeed a victory but I wish we came out much cleaner. I most certainly hope that something like this never happens again.” The white unicorn said looking at her now blackened coat of fur.

Fluttershy walked out of a building with various wraps and an open bag of medical equipment in a saddle “Oh thank goodness it’s over.”

“Good work everypony! We sent them ironed out hides out of Equestia!” Applejack praised while doing a loud ‘Yeehaw!’

Twilight smiled brightly, keeping to herself looking into the sky where Astrotrain and the other seekers were escaping. For some reason, this felt like a bigger accomplishment than it did when they faced Nightmare Moon and Discord. Perhaps it was because of the fact that they were actually weakened. They couldn’t use magic and that in of itself was huge disadvantage but also what they were facing were mostly beings they could never fight without their magic.

She turned slightly into the darkened evening… “Oh… Um…girls, where’s Rainbow Dash.”

--Just outside the boundaries of Canterlot--

Starscream was on his back, severally damaged from his assault against Megatron. Aside from the large hole where his cockpit used to be, he still has many damages to his armor and interior damage that happened from the fight. Parts of himself were missing, not to mention once again having one of his wings torn off.

He couldn’t help but smile despite all damage he’d taken and possibility that this may be the last moments he’d have before his spark was extinguished. He could hear all the ponies cheering, thus telling him that he accomplished what he was trying to do. For the first time he faced his former leader with all his natural abilities and didn’t hold back, he was no longer afraid to face him, and he drove him back. And to top all off, he knew his friends and Rainbow Dash were safe. She made all this pain he was going through worth it. From turning into a pony, flying, prepping for battle…he wouldn’t do anything different than what he did. He closed his optic covers slightly with his smile brightening.

“Starscream!” he turned to see Luna land while Rainbow Dash was on her back. Her injuries were making it difficult to fly so Luna flew her over.

Rainbow jumped off of Luna’s back and ran (limped) to see the grounded seeker. She got close to his face with a worried look but glared at him at the same time “You just couldn’t let me be could you!” she yelled.

Starscream didn’t say anything and Luna merely watched with a neutral expression. “Now look at you! You’re now blown…to pieces…and now” she was sobbing in-between her rant trying her best from full out crying “This could just…”

“It was necessary…”

“Necessary! How in the name of Celestia and Luna is-”

“Megatron…would’ve kept fighting…plus” he stopped as he opened his optic covers again “This…is my new home…defense for it is needed…” he stopped and gave a weak smile directed at her “I’m not by any means the most loyal of the Decepticon army…but I did remain loyal…to Equestia and the element of loyalty…”

Rainbow finally gave in as she finally let out her emotions on the side of his large metal face. Luna walked over to the metal giant that defended their planet “Starscream…” Starscream only blinked “Thou’s deed has made a debt to which must be paid. But we of Equesria are not with the ability to heal you in this form.”

Starscream sighed…he only closed his optics and let out a breath. It was then he started to quickly glow. Rainbow took a step back as she saw him glow for a moment, it was similar to the one when Celestia shot him. After the glow went away, it was Starscream…in pony form.

The stallion groaned, since his injuries from before the transformation returned, though this was minor compared to the pain he felt as a transformer a moment ago. As he looked up to see Rainbow…at normal size for him, he smirked looking at the tearing but smiling blue pegasus but this was returned with light hoof to the face. She then went up and nuzzled him.

“Sister?” Luna said looking up to see her sister flying with her glowing horn. “Are you alright?”

“I am still recovering but I should be fine.” She turned to see the once again pony on the ground with a supporting Rainbow Dash “I have returned you back to a pony Starscream.” Both Rainbow Dash and Starscream looked up to her “I feel that you have indeed earned our great gratitude.”

This speech was interrupted with a large group of ponies running to them “Princess, is everything-”

“Everything is fine my faithful student.” She said and pointed with her hoof.

“But…wasn’t Starscream a machine a moment ago?” Twilight asked her teacher.

“For a time. He must’ve broken the spell and I returned him when I saw his damages…”

“But how’d he break it in the first place?” The famer mare asked.

“Believe it or not, there a different types of magic. Friendship is Magic…but there are others magic and Starscream and Rainbow Dash have discovered.” Luna explained while she stood by her older sister.

Fluttershy ran to go aid the stallion pegasus because of his condition and performed her duties that are both as a field medic and as her caring self. “Oh dear, this is very extensive. I’m afraid I can’t help much here. We’ll have to take him to a hospital.”

--Several Hours later--

Starscream was put inside a small medical room inside the palace. Operating was for many hours behind close doors. While for the most part Starscream’s injuries were equivalent to what he did to Rainbow Dash, he was still put under extreme care since this was a hospital.

Rainbow Dash was just really sore. She was given a few heat and ice packs to reduce the swelling. She had no broken bones or any major bruises or injuries. Most of the soreness came from Megatron just pushing her into the ground slowly but Starscream got her out of that before he caused any serious injury.

The mane 6 were waiting outside the operating room for him to come out. They were pretty sure he was alright now. When he returned to pony form, he didn’t look nearly as bad as he did in robot mode. Rainbow was away from the rest of the group by the operating room waiting for Starscream or the doctors to immerge.

“Don’t worry Rainbow.” Applejack began “You pulled out of this, I’m sure ‘ol Screamer will too.”

Rainbow turned to her and her friends that were on the other end of the room “I know…it’s just.”

“What is it Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked concerned.

“It’s just that…since I’ve been getting closer to Starscream, I’ve just started to feel…I don’t know…closer. And with the battle and everything-”

Rarity smiled knowing this was like so many novels that she had read as Fluttershy went over to comfort her friend “Oh, I may not know entirely what you are going through Dash, but the way it seems is that…well…” she struggled to find the right words “You may be where Macintosh and I are at now in our relationship.”

Rainbow wanted to blow it off but…she was right…she cared deeply for the once again ex-seeker. And considering when the battle began he kissed her only confirmed that he returned those feelings. “Well, I guess I do have it bad for the stallion.”

“Aw.” Applejack teased “It’s alright sugar cube, if anything you should be happy that you’re with the new pony. In all honesty, you should be happy that you found a stallion that was willing to do all that fur yah. Don’t let something like be over looked.”

Rainbow smiled at her friends “I won’t. And I’ll make sure that he doesn’t either.”

The six of them giggled at once thus bringing the blue pegasus back to a more cheerful mood. The group then continued to wait with small conversation or just remaining silent. After about half an hour passed, the operating room doors opened revealing a white stallion Earth Pony with a doctor’s outfit.

“How is he doctor?” Twilight said getting out of the chair and the others followed suit.

“He’ll be fine.” The doctor said with a smile “A few cracked rips, several broken wing bones and this will lead to pain for some time but is expected to make a full recovery, but his other injuries were minor and will heal quickly.”

“Is it alright if we see him?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh certainly” The doctor said “We’re currently double checking the X-Rays and should be able to see visitors.”

Within a few moments the six of them were taken inside to see the stallion. The room was just a basic patient’s room with an empty bed with a curtain covering it. There was another doctor and a nurse there looking at a few papers but quickly vacated when the six of them came in.

“Right this way” the doctor said with a nod.

“Thank you!” Pinkie said with a little skip. The doctor only nodded again closed the door.

Starscream was in a similar shape Rainbow Dash was when she fought him; splinted wings, bruises, cuts, and his back was torn up thanks to the use of his ineffective Null rays and them being crushed. Despite all this, he seemed to be in a living condition.

“Ya’ll feel okay sugar cube?” Applejack first asked.

Starscream only smirked at her as he sat up on the bed “Primus knows I’ve been better, but I think I will be okay. I just wish repairs could have passed by smoother.”

Rainbow chuckled at his wording “If you mean operating than yeah probably.” She next to his bed “What did the doctor tell you?”

“That I’m going to be here for awhile.” He shook his head with an annoyed groan “I guess that could have gone on the battlefield.”

“Oh don’t be so hard on yourself. You were able pull back the Decepticons when you fought Megatron and you saved all of Equestria.” Rarity intervened.

The stallion chuckled “I just glad I finally was able to fight Megatron with my full potential and show him that I am not as weak as he thought he made me.”

“You were never weak.” Rainbow said suddenly. Starscream turned to her and the impression he gave showed he disagreed. “I mean, not since you came to Equestia. But even then, you stood up for what you believed in, no matter what the odds. And you did it kicking butt!” she motioned with her hoof.

Starscream snickered and this was greeted from a nuzzle from the blue pegasus “And besides” she added “If you’re going to be taking me out, you’re going have be.”

The ex-seeker only sighed looking up at the roof “Primus help me…”

The others just giggled.

--Canterlot, Palace--

Princess Celestia was in her own bedroom overlooking a few books on her bed. There were a few of Twilight’s and her friends’ Friendship reports but most of them were on the floor as they were quickly discarded. Her injuries were not severe, in fact Luna’s injuries were worse than hers but she was still required a little time to heal.

“Cybertronains…” The day Princess began looking through one of the various books. She kept her gaze looking through her private collection of research that no one, not even her sister had access to.

“I may not have Twilight’s Co-operation as I had hoped, but perhaps Starscream’s and the Decepticons coming here wasn’t such a bad thing.”

She looked at the book which depicted a large looking planet with two huge horns on the front of it as well as mouth in the middle of the two horns and a ring that encompassed the whole planet. Beside the book was the necklace that were used to utilize the Elements of Harmony’s power.

The princess smirked with a grin, turning out of bed and looking at the night sky “Arise…Unicron…”

--Three Weeks Later--

I’ve been through one pit of a week, or should I say hay? Oh what’s the difference? But I guess I’m going to have to get used to it eventually, there’s no turning back now. What’s done is done and I can’t change anything now…ironically, this is the only time in my existence I can think of where I believe I had made the right decision with no regrets.

I looked over the organic primitive town that I could see from the air perfectly. It’s strange to see a town like this when majority of one’s time has been on other planets but I’ll adapt as I have with the others.

“There you are!” I turn around to see a cyan female pegasus with a rainbow mane fly toward me “You know I’ve been looking everywhere for you! It’s time get some sleep, weather patrol isn’t going to be easy tomorrow!”

I sigh, new duties, new position, all things I had to get used to…

I followed the blue pegasus back to her simple but livable accommodations. This took a little time getting used to, as a Cybertronian I didn’t have the ability to walk on an accumulation of water in the sky.

“Come on Screamer.” Rainbow yelled tauntingly “Get to bed, or tomorrow the sky captain will give you something for your namesake.” I only chucked at the threat as he walked up to her “Before you go, what were you doing out there?”

I chuckled “Well let’s just say that a permanent life alternation has been…exciting the last few weeks.”

“I would imagine.” Rainbow said. “But I’m sure you’ll adapt within time.” She gave him a quick kiss and I returned it “Come on, we better get to bed.”

We both separated to different rooms. Even though we’re romantically involved, we both felt that this was something that would not be taken lightly, and as such I now have the guest bedroom as my personal quarters.

He crawled into bed and closed his eyes as he put the covers over him. This really was an exciting month. His whole world was changed upside down and he had changed as well. Not just physically but personally as well. Since the Decepticons were out of the picture, he had nothing to get power greedy for, and he had something he probably had always been looking for…but never came across it till now.

“Primus or Celestia or Luna or whatever works in mysterious ways…” Starscream snickered at the thought.

Author's Note- Well thank you all for enjoy this story. I am going to touch up on all the grammatical errors. Yes a squeal is planned as you can tell from the ending. And that means more ponies, more Decepticons, and introducing...the Autobots! Although it will be some time later, I want to finish 'Adventure of Duke Hoof'em' first and I got a few one-shots in mind. Anyway, Thanks you all for your comments! I'm really, really happy this went over very well. TILL ALL ARE ONE!