• Published 12th Dec 2011
  • 4,200 Views, 118 Comments

Stars Dashing - RobotFox

Decepticons come to Equestria but Starscream sees the ponies in a different perspective namely RD

  • ...

Truly Defect

Chapter 9 Truly Defect

The next two days went by without a hitch. For the most part, Starscream gained the trust of Twilight and Rainbow Dash but they still kept an eye on him one way or another, via Applejack and Big Macintosh. To their surprise, Starscream actually got along alright with the others, or at least he hasn’t tried to kill them yet.

However, Starscream and Twilight have gotten fairly close thanks to their expansive knowledge in science, though their fields are very different, they still found an interest in their different fields, this was also giving more information that may help her, since she couldn’t find anything that could help them against the Decepticons.

Starscream though seemed to have more of an interest in Rainbow Dash and she returned it. After being scolded by Twilight for flying in such way when her wings were still healing, Starscream stayed with her as she rested. Granted he was mostly gloating about his impressive intellect and how he would have won the race regardless. But Rainbow took it as merely a joke and made it clear that it was only her wings state why this happened and assured him that there would be a rematch.

And even though she was walking about with a hanging wing most of the time, Starscream seemed to be supportive, in the sense that he would have a conversation with her. They still stayed in Applebloom’s room with Rainbow Dash on the bed and Starscream staying on the floor (though recently he was given a pillow and a blanket). Applebloom and her friends still stayed in the living room with Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo since they took it as a very long sleep over.

The ex-seeker was given much more freedom now and as time progressed, Starscream took it just as that, freedom. After being with the Deceptions for millions of steller cycles (years) and took the position as Second-in-Command and Air Commander, actual freedom was something that was almost alien to him. Sure he was still confined within the farm but at least he had the whole orchard and farm at his disposal, it was more than what the Decepticons offered.

“Decepticons…” Starscream said silently to himself. His affiliation…his cause…his identity… In a way it was all he was. His previous life before the war was so minor to the others that it had no meaning anymore. All there was left was the Decepticons, it was dead hole.

“I could only go up…” he continued. There was no where else when with the Decepticons…at least for him. His only hope was to advance in rank, become the leader of the cause. It was his only option other than termination, but he could never accomplish it, he tried so hard, but he never could defeat Megatron.

“I was a coward…Megatron knew that…he knew how to take advantage of that…” That’s all he ever was in the Decepticon ranks, in battle it showed differently…sometimes, and when he was an explorer he showed the exact opposite…but that had no weight anymore.

“Was it really like that?”

Starscream turned slowly to the origin of the voice that was Rainbow Dash. It was late at night of the second night since their flight lesson. Every night, both of them talk about certain matters. Rainbow was interested in Starscream and he seemed to be interested in learning about her. The first night, Rainbow Dash told him all about the Wonderbolts and how she wanted be part of them, to which Starscream commented that she would probably be an excellent addition to the squadron seekers to which she took as a compliment.

Tonight however, they were talking about Starscream and his time with the Decepticons. Rainbow Dash wanted to know more about the ex-seeker and what she was uncovering was the same thing, the Decepticons. It was depressing to say the least, but she could tell that he wasn’t telling her this to make her feel sorry for him. Everything was in a passive tone, like he was repeating old news that had no value anymore.

“Whatever, it’s something I put myself in and I can’t let myself out.” He sighed looking away once again taking it as it was nothing.

“How can you be so…passive about it?” Rainbow asked “You just seem to disregard it as it was nothing, same with Megatron.” Ever since she brought it up the first time to her, he seem to talk about like it was just a daily routine, nothing new to anyone.

Starscream had to think about what she said. The way he was talking was like anyone he could stand with the Decepticons (Aka Thundercracker and Skywarp) the closest thing he’d ever get to friends and that’s only because of his rank. It was hard to tell Rainbow Dash about it the first time because it was the first time he’d ever told anyone about it period. The other Decepticons knew about it so it was no secret so he didn’t have to explain in detail about it. Not to mention unlike them, Starscream was still learning greatly about Rainbow Dash, as with them he knew all of them in great detail.

He smirked turning away “Young Rainbow Dash, I’ve been going through this for millions of steller cycles-”

“Millions?” Rainbow asked skeptically.

“Cybertronians have fairly long life cycle. I’m not exaggerating.”

“Wow, you may be older than Princess Celestia and Luna.” Rainbow said surprised.

“Oh yes, your rulers. Twilight informed of them.” Starscream said turning back her “But anyway, this is something that I’ve been going through for many years.” He chuckled darkly “I’ve been just adjusting to it. I guess something I’ll always live with this.”

Rainbow smiled slightly “But you’re no longer with them remember? You’re with us.” Starscream looked at her skeptically “You said so yourself you wanted no place with them and they think you’re dead…I mean…you want to stay with us don’t you?”

“Well...I…” he stopped to think about it. All this time he took at as a simple prisoner situation. After a period of time passes him would return to the Decepticons like before no different than the Autobots. But that was just it, he wasn’t as much a prisoner as he was a fellow pony now. They feed him, they let him rest as needed, gave him free time, and they learned from him. They didn’t just identify him as their enemy and that was all. They really didn’t take advantage of the fact that he vulnerable in this state…

From Cybertronian to an Equidae creature, there differences were grand but he couldn’t justify it just for the race’s respected benefits. If he returned Cybertronian he’d have no option but to go to the Decepticons, Autobots were not an option because Megatron would always be after him. And staying a pony, he stayed here. A planet he would have to come to understand…but he found a group who were more than willing to aid him in that regard.

But he’d have to live with the fact that his life would be cut significantly short. But what was good of having a long life if he was never truly happy? Even if he did take over the Decepticons, what would be the reward? The only benefit would be Megatron out of the way, besides, he wouldn’t be able to trust his men, and he wasn’t particularly liked.

Rainbow Dash waited still lying on the bed staring at the ex-seeker who seemed to be long in thought to her question. The longer it took for him to answer the more uncomfortable she got. Surly he wanted to stay with them. He was miserable with the Decepticons and they did what they could to help him through his transformation. She could tell that he enjoyed her and the others company, even though he had to get past their unique characters. After a time, he even seemed to have the Cutie Mark Cursaders after him.

“I’ve…never thought about actually…” he finally spoke looking at Rainbow Dash. She turned to the side with light sigh “Rainbow Dash” he spoke in a lower tone “I’ve been prisoner many times over the course of these millions of years of my existence. I’ve never had the option like this before.”

Rainbow didn’t say anything as she turned her head facing the wall and pulling up the sheet.

“Rainbow I can-”

“Good night Screamer.”

Starscream turned away and thought about it some more. He knew deep in his spark that he wanted nothing more than to be released from the Decepticon ranks and this may be his chance. What was stopping him from just start a new life with the ponies? He even liked spending time with the ponies that did trust him more so than the Decepticons that he could talk to legitimately.

He stopped and looked at his hoofs and sat back. Was it simply this form? It’s not like he hated it anymore like he did before. Sure it had its draw backs and in a way he’d always be a transformer but he found some things about this new form that were more interesting. He turned back to Rainbow Dash and started to think about all the other ponies.

All of a sudden he thought back to their fight. He remembered her bruised form and the destruction of the town. The Decepticons have no place here. Even before the transformation he thought that. And being one of their race, he started to have a connection to it, a connection he felt as a transformer as well. He had to protect this planet.

He then turned to Rainbow Dash with a determined look “Rainbow Dash, Megatron is going to attack again, believe me I know that-”

“That’s what he said.” Rainbow said dismissively not even turning to him.

“Wait, he gave you time?”

“He said he’d attack in a week. Celestia and Luna are worrying about it…and Twilight.” She added as a joke but her tone said otherwise.

“A week…” he thought for a moment. It’s been three days since the attack “Rainbow Dash, you got to take me your rulers.”

“Why?” he turned to around finally to face him.

“If you’re going to beat Megatron, you’re going to need to listen to me.”

Rainbow remained silent for a moment “Are you-”

“I was Megatron’s Second-in-Command, I know Megatron more than anyone. If you’re going to stand a chance, you’ll need me.”

“Are you are going to stay with us…”

Starscream smirked “Well I’m not exactly a Decepticon now am I?”

It was then in an instant Rainbow was out under the sheets and back on the floor where she put her forelegs around his neck. It was a strange gesture for him but he could tell it was form of gratitude. “Thanks Starscream…”

The stallion only chuckled but attempted to return the gesture.


“What is the status of our new defenses?” Princess Luna asked one of Celestia’s Royal guards.

“Yes, you’re Highness. We’ve had problems at first for some reason and we are not too sure why but we were able to successfully use duplication spells to Duke’s weapons and we believe that in two days we’ll be able to outfit the pegasus portion of out army.” The guard explained.

Luna nodded “Excellent. We may have a successful resistance against them without our prime defense of magic. Have we the have time to outfit our entire army with these new conventional defenses?”

“Some your majesty, if Megatron attacks when we said he would, than we may be able to outfit the entire royal guard.”

“Has Duke started training our men with them as of yet?”

“Yes princess. Although he seemed to be recovering an injury at first this seemed to cost some time. But he is alright now.” The guard explained.

Luna nodded with a light sigh “We thank you Captain. Dismissed.” The guard bowed his head and walked out of the throne room. Luna sat there for a moment thinking of all the recent happenings. Invaders, destruction of an entire town, and her sister was sent to healing. How can this happen?

“I should check on my sister.” Luna said about to get up.

“That will not be necessary.” A voice called. Luna looked up to the door to see her sister walking down the hallway to the throne room.

“Sister, you’ve healed?”

“Enough to regain control.” Celestia said walking up to her sister “I’ve been informed of our defenses status, have you learned of anything about our enemies.”

“No sister, I, as well researchers have been searching frantically for an explanation for why they are not effected by magic. Also I’ve kept contact with your student, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Has she found anything?”

“No…” she said sadly as Celestia walked by her sister and sat next to her as two rulers. “Sister, I must be honest, I am still concerned.”

“I’m no different sister, but we must remain strong. If our men are going to defend us and our country, we must give them strong moral.”