• Published 12th Dec 2011
  • 4,205 Views, 118 Comments

Stars Dashing - RobotFox

Decepticons come to Equestria but Starscream sees the ponies in a different perspective namely RD

  • ...

Merely Organic

Chapter 5 Merely Organic

“Ah! Wait!” he was quickly silenced with a hoof to the mouth. Rainbow Dash was punching the stallion in every way she could swing her hoofs. Eventually, he caught her hoofs by intercepting them with his own and quickly pushed her down on her back, pinning her to the floor, which didn’t feel good because of her injuries.

“Arrrg” Rainbow Dash hissed through her teeth from the violent reaction of the stallion which made her wounds intensify the pain from them. “Get off me Starscream!”

The silver stallion struggled to keep her down but made her stop “How do you know my name?”

“You didn’t really keep it a secret…’Mighty Starscream’!” she spat at the ex-seeker.

“You worthless little-”

“What the hay is going on here!?” Applejack yelled barging in with Twilight and Big Macintosh behind her.

Both Starscream and Rainbow Dash turned to see them standing there all of them concerned or more annoyed on Applejack’s part. It was then that Rainbow noticed Starscream’s averted attention and slid her legs up and bucked him off her.

“Get off me!” Rainbow growled struggling to get back on her hoofs. “He’s one of the ones that attacked the city!”

“Will you two calm down?!” Twilight intervened starting to get annoyed as well; also surprised no one else was an awake from them. It was then she and the others turned their attention to the Stallion.

Starscream groaned, rubbing his underbelly for a moment before finally getting to his hoofs…hoofs?

“What in Primus?” it was then he realized that he wasn’t a transformer like he was supposed to be. He sat back for a moment looking at his hoofs. All of them stayed silent as he was confused at his new form but Rainbow was still glaring at the ex-machine.

He continued to study his new form, fur, hoofs, hair, tail, feathers, all things he didn’t have before, not to mention he was now at the same height was the ponies, and the one facing him earlier was facing him and was not happy. He looked away from his new form and went into deep thought about all these events happening at the same time. Eventually, he looked back at the group of ponies that just entered the room, who were now completely in the room and closed the door, and tried to ignore the pony, who had every right to be angry at him.

“What happened? What did you primitive ponies do to me?!” The ex-transformer yelled at them.

“Um…who are you-” Twilight was cut off.

“Starscream. This is the one I told you about”

Twilight walked a bit closer to the stallion as he merely stood his ground glaring at the approaching pony “You’re one of those things that attacked the town?”

“I used to be till I was turned into this” he groaned angrily looking at his new form again “This hideous creature!” that last statement wasn’t really what he thought of them but it didn’t mean he wanted to become one either.

“Why you no good-” Applejack then jumped toward the ex-Decepticon. The now-stallion hardly had time to react and was forced on to his back as Applejack pinned him down with her legs holding down his.

“You meaningless organic, get off me!” Starscream struggled.

“Applejack” she turned quickly to her brother and merely gave her a disappointed look. She growled for a moment turning back at the pegasus before slowly getting off of him. Just as she moved back, the stallion was picked up by a purple aura and was raised into the air.

“Primus name? What’s happening to me?!” the stallion struggled as well as try and figure out what was happening.

“I’m keeping you” Twilight began glaring at both Rainbow Dash and Applejack but then turned her attention back to the stallion with a similar expression “and ourselves out of harms way.” It was then at that the ex-seeker turned his attention to the lavender unicorn and noticed her glowing horn.

“I demand that you release me!” Starscream demanded as he tried to get out of the magical grip by flaying his legs and wings about.

“How bout no.” Rainbow responded to which she then walked up to his face glaring at him in the eye “Why did you attack us!?”

Starscream glared back but instead of giving a snide comment like he usually would he decided to think of the situation. In this current state, he really couldn’t do much to defend himself, he wasn’t armed and while a flying expert, he didn’t know how to fly with flapping wings. Top of all that, he was pretty sure Megatron and the others thought he was dead, considering he didn’t continue the assault to try and get him.

He let out a huff and his glare softened a bit “Release me and I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

“Phfff, right.” Rainbow Dash sneered. To her surprise however, Twilight lowered him to the floor gently and both Big Macintosh and Applejack went on both sides to make sure to catch him if he tried to escape. “Twi! What are you-”

“If we’re going to get him to co-operate with us, we’ll have to co-operate with him.” The unicorn explained.

“Besides if he does try and be a problem, we’ll settle ‘em down. Isn’t that right Macintosh?”


The silver pegasus looked at all of them before turning to Twilight. However before he could speak, he was interrupted by Twilight “Now, how did you become a pony?”

Starscream raised a brow “I didn’t do it! I have no desire to become you filthy organic creatures! I suddenly get shot with a blast of light out of nowhere and I then wake up here! I told Megatron to be aware of your ponies’ abilities, but of course, he had to be the arrogant fool he is!” he growled, mostly speaking to himself than answering Twilight’s question.

“Blast of light?” Twilight questioned.

“Oh yeah Celestia came down by then. She must’ve turned you into a pony.” Rainbow Dash figured.

Twilight nodded seemingly agreeing to Rainbow Dash’s hypothesis but then thought for a moment “How come that worked and not any of the other spells?”

“And who’s this Megatron feller?” Applejack questioned.

“If I remember correctly, that was the one who fought Princess Celestia.” Rainbow half answered.

“You would be correct…Rainbow Dash.” He smirked.

She glared at him harder “Now how do you know my name?!”

Starscream gave his signature smirk before saying “Oh the Great Rainbow Dash seems to have already forgotten our first encounter.”

“I remembered you’re name first from our ‘first encounter’…Mighty Starscream.” She argued back smirking back.

“Alright, enough bickering you two. Alright so Starscream…right?” she questioned to which the stallion nodded to confirm that she had identified him correctly “Um, okay so how come you came to our planet and attacked us?!” now shocking everyone in the room, Twilight was keeping it professional, but it didn’t mean she didn’t have mutual feelings toward the ex-transformer.

The stallion’s confidence fell almost immediately. Knowing if screw up here, he’ll be one with the Allspark soon enough. “Uh…” he tried to come up with a lie, something he was usually pretty good at, but later realized that his best bet would probably be better to come clean on the issue, he wasn’t sure exactly what the ponies could do to him, especially since he was pony himself. He sighed “Energy”

“Energy? What kinda energy?” Applejack pressed further.

“Natural Resources. Oil, minerals, solar power, anything that can be converted into energon cubes.”

“Energon cubes?” What the hay are yah talking bout?” she pushed.

“You primitive organics would have no idea.”

Twilight shook her head knowing that this would take all night if they continued to question him. “This is going to take all night…”

“I don’t care if it takes all week!” Rainbow Dash interrupted “I’m going to make this pony talk!”

He turned his attention to the cyan pegasus and growled like he did when Megatron used him as a tool for mockery. The thought that he actually felt bad for her at one point.

He stopped. It was as if he actually had two personalities fighting each other. When he was alone, he was often calm, observant scientist and just wanted to fly like when he was sparkling again. But when he was with other Decepticons or on a serious mission which required his undivided attention, he was the cowardly, greedy, power hunger Decepticon seeker everyone knew. Some were aware of Starscream’s former occupation as a scientist, but not many, and it really only came to light unless it was somehow beneficial to Megatron and the Decepticons. But only recently did they come to collide together like this. Was it the ponies? Lack of the Autobots? A combination of both?

“I-” he stopped shaking his head and his expression changing “We Transformers require energon to survive. It’s similar to your organic’s need for nutrition from vegetation.” He explained before taking a breath “On our home planet of Cybertron, we used up all our resources so we started our journey to find new reserves.” He decided to keep out the Cybertronian Civil War and the Autobots, feeling that it was unnecessary information at this time.

“So you think it’ okay to steal from other planets?!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight scowled.

“Sorry Twi. But I gotta take Rainbow’s side on this one.” Applejack growled but was stopped by Big Macintosh’s hoof and shook his head.

Starscream was already backed into a wall but he was now sitting on the ground, back fully against the wall. It wasn’t so much out of fear as it was out of just plain anticipation for one of them to throw a hoof across his face again.

Twilight thought for a moment and while they were making some progress, she was too tried from the events of yesterday and she knew that the others were too, also it may be beneficial to Starscream as well as far as being co-operative goes.

“Guys, let’s go back to bed for now and continue this in the morning.” Twilight said before turning to Starscream with a glare “And you, you are going to stay right here.” It was then she pulled a small rope that was hanging on the wall with her magic tied down his wings firmly.

“Ah still don’t like the idea of having one them here…” Applejack said aloud.

“I’ll keep’em in check.” Macintosh said before lying down in front of him.

“Me too!” Rainbow Dash added “Can’t trust this pony! And I am not letting the pony that grounded me for the time being out of my sight!”

Twilight only sighed “Fine, you two stay here for the rest of the night, we’ll continue this in the morning.” And with that Twilight left.

“You better not do anything funny mister, Ah find out you’all done something ta my brother or my friend, you’ll regret it.” She threatened before she left.

Starscream only nodded at them after they left went into a ball trying to get comfortable in this new form to acquire sleep. Big Macintosh watched him till he was convinced that he fell asleep and he himself slept on the floor close to Starscream.

Rainbow on the other hand wasn’t satisfied with it and just continued to watch the ex-transformer sleeping. She too was sleeping on the floor to keep a good eye on him. However, after a moment the expression on his face was…not what she was expecting. She expected a growl or smirk maybe but instead she saw…fear. Did they really scare him that bad or was it something else?

She turned away and thought back to the fight they had. This little ‘interrogation’ was in a few ways similar. Starscream was being a cocking, smirking, and always tried to find an alternative when confronted. But in the end he seemed so…quite and often sad. He refused to kill her when he had the chance; he even looked a bit hurt that he hurt her. He was even about to leave before Celestia shot that light beam at him.

What was it she saw between them? She remembered being enticed by simply looking into his red eyes, both as a transformer and a pony. And on the battlefield he returned it with similar expression. She sighed thinking perhaps there was more to this now-pegasus than she wants to believe.

AN: Sorry this took too long. But was writing another thing and well realized I wanted to write this first. I'm going to try and see if I can get a chapter weekly up here. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter.