• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 491 Views, 64 Comments

Dear Feather Fall - Keywii_Cookies55

A joyful pony leaves her old life behind to start anew somewhere else. But what will happen? You tell me, it's interactive!

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4 Inventors and Spies

Dear Feather Fall,

I think Sun Ray and Hard Edge might know each other! Maybe, I don’t know, they like to do a lot of the same things, like build things, test science and they even have the same sort of laugh. I sort of thought they reminded me of typical villains from hero stories, but I didn’t like thinking of them that way. They’re my friends now, so I need to be a friend back to them.

Sun has let me into her workshop to look around a couple days ago, so I know that we’ll be good friends in no time. It’s really crazy in there, lots of different things to see in there! I saw a huge pile of old broken machines, and a cool looking metal pony that’s half built and one of those science glasses, but it’s super tall! Most of the stuff I didn’t understand, it was all really interesting.

She had a spare stool, so I watched her working on this metal skeleton thing for a while. I even stayed quiet and watched her work. She didn’t smile, but she looked peaceful, so I was happy. Before she made me leave because the thing she was working on exploded, I saw a poster for an upcoming inventor’s expo. The word inventor was in quotations, which I don’t fully understand, but it’s coming up in a few weeks and I want to go. I offered to help her clean, but she just told me she was fine and pushed me out.

The best part about the poster I saw though is that I saw Edge also holding one too! That just proves that if they don’t know each other, they should! They’d be great friends! Maybe, anyway. Edge is prickly and yells a lot, but she’s nice if you get to know her, and so is Sun, they’d fit perfectly together!

Edge acted really weird the other day though. I was in the Warm Roast and it was just her while the others were at lunch, so she made me another iced tea and flew it over to me. I thanked her and told her that I like being her friend because it means she’s nice to me, even though I know she could treat me like she does most of the customers. But then she wanted to take the iced tea away!

I don’t know what changed, but she didn’t want me to drink it anymore and instead offered to make a new one that was better. I didn’t argue, because I’d never seen her act like that before, so I smiled and took the second one. But she confused me, if something was wrong with the first one, why did she make it for me?

I think maybe she forgot to add the lime flavour I like so much, but I really don’t know. After that she invited me to the inventor’s expo, and said that I should get to see her other job! I was so excited I jumped up and hugged her, I’d love to go to something so interesting!

It’ll be the perfect opportunity to introduce her to Sun. And then we can be all three pony tribes as a group of three friends! It’ll be diversity!

Posters for this Expo keep showing up too. I saw one while I was out working. It was down on the ground in an alleyway, and it was kind of shaking like the wind was blowing it, but I didn’t feel any wind. I rolled it up and put it in my bag to bring home, like I do with all the interesting stuff I find. I was never told I wasn’t allowed to! And all it does is mean I get a little less money because it didn’t get disposed of in my workbags.

The walls of my apartment have been slowly filling up with all the things I’ve been collecting. Earlier this week I bought some shelves to for my main room. They’re getting filled up, so I may need to buy more soon. But I can’t bring myself to throw any of it away! Even is Sun said I’m being foalish for holding onto so much junk. I like all of it! Where else are you gonna find a colourful rainbow cube beside one of the office click-clackers? Only on my shelves!

Another interesting thing that happened while I was out cleaning was I ran into these weird robe wearing ponies, it was in a dark part of the city in the evening, and there was some neat looking drawings on the walls and ground. They were saying something all together, but it didn’t sound Equestrian. I still sort of wonder what was going on.

I’m disappointed that I didn’t get a chance to explore what was going on before I was pulled aside by somepony.

It ended up being the same military looking recruiter pony for the super hero job from a couple weeks ago. He warned me that I shouldn’t mess with cults, and that I’m lucky he saved me from them. But he doesn’t know that I’m actually able to handle myself! I even stopped a mugger from robbing me because I was nice to him, so I think I know what I’m doing.

But after he pulled me aside he had a bunch of questions for me. Who I am, what I do all day, he asked me where I live and then accused me of lying about who I am. He was being a little rude. It’s okay, I’m sure he was just having a bad day, so I’m not upset, but he could have handled it better.

I think the confusion came from the fact that I look like Sun Ray. I’m not sure why he wants to know about Sun so much, but we live in the same building and I look like her, so who knows? He doesn’t seem like a police officer, or a royal guard of any kind, and I know he works for the spy organization. Maybe spies and inventors don’t like each other?

After I was able to convince him I wasn’t my neighbour, he apologized and said that they won’t follow me anymore. I don’t know what he meant by they, I thought he was the only one following me around. But then I paid more attention and actually noticed that there was another pony lurking around. I tried to find him a few times, but anytime I saw him (or maybe her, I don’t know) and ran to go meet him he was gone.

I don’t see a flash of magic, so he doesn’t teleport, but now I notice him a lot, just following me around. I wonder who he is, and what he wants with me. Well, whatever it ends up being, I hope it isn’t bad, I want things to be good here. My life is fun and interesting, I’d hate to see it fall apart because I did something wrong.
The only other thing to tell you about is that I found a really great grocery store nearby where I live! It’s great, and has all the food. ALL OF IT! You haven’t seen so much food! I saw an entire aisle devoted to cereals! It’s a crazy big food store. I’m glad I’ll be eating well in the city, I was afraid I’d have to give up fresh food.

The fruits and veggies aren’t as fresh as I’m used to, but they aren’t bad. It just means I’ll never replace home in my heart. And also that I’ll have to come visit sometime and get a bundle of oranges to bring back to my friends.

But I’m not really settled in yet, so I want to wait a little longer, can you wait for me?

-Your Friend Forever

Author's Note:

Things are really shaping up, I wonder how the Expo will go.

Today's Prompt: Dunno, surprise me, what happens the week before the Expo?