• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 491 Views, 64 Comments

Dear Feather Fall - Keywii_Cookies55

A joyful pony leaves her old life behind to start anew somewhere else. But what will happen? You tell me, it's interactive!

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6 "Inventors" Expo

Dear Feather Fall,

The Expo was so much fun! A lot of stuff happened and I want to tell you all of it! But before that I want to tell you about the surprise I got from Sun.

She gave me a robot dog!!

I don’t know how she made a dog, but it’s the cutest thing ever! And it acts just like a real dog and I love it so much! I named it Spring and it likes me so much. I asked Sun if it was a boy or girl dog, so I’d know what to call it, but she told me it wasn’t either, so it doesn’t matter. I want to say Spring is a girl, but I don’t want to be wrong in case it wants to be a boy dog. I think it’s smart enough to choose.

It’s not just a dog, it’s also a robot. And I couldn’t be happier! Spring is the best pet ever, and it even gets along with the aliens. I think Spring likes them too, Which is good, now I won’t have to watch over them all the time, Spring can help me.

Nothing else happened other then more and more of those aliens have been showing up at my door. I think they want me to be in charge of them, but I’m still not very comfortable doing that. Spring can help them, and I’ll be nice, but I still need to make sure that I can tell the difference between books and the real world.

But I don’t want to worry you! You’re my best friend and you want to hear about the inventors Expo! It started off with Sun and Edge wanting to both take me without the other finding out. Sun tried to hurry me, and Edge showed up and wanted me to go in her car without Sun. I know I can make them friends, I just need to make sure they spend more time together. Right now that means they need to have me be around, but sooner or later they’ll like each other for real and I won’t even have to be there.

We made it to this big building (big as in wide, not tall) and there was a lot of ponies and even a few griffins entering the building. I’d never seen so many ponies in one place before! I almost went in but then I saw a green pony standing on a box yelling something. Sun and Edge both said that she’s crazy and that I shouldn’t listen to her, and that she’s there every year, but I wanted to listen.

So I walked up to her speech and heard her rant about plenty of stuff. That the city is watching us, that there’s aliens, and ghosts and all sorts of things. More than half of what she was talking about didn’t sound right, but she was right about the aliens, and about the Super Hero Organization being run by people that aren’t the nicest.

And even about being followed by ghosts. I don’t think that stallion following me is a ghost, but it would make sense since I can never actually find him when I want to. She handed me a card and looked thankful that I listened to her for more than a few seconds, so I’ll call her if I ever want to find something out that I don’t understand.

Then we were in the Expo proper and wow was it huge! There was booths and ponies everywhere! Sun left to go set up her booth, which meant I had time to spend with Edge while we wondered around. Sun looked like she didn’t want to leave, but I let her know it was okay, I trusted her, and this way I could have time to build her up to Hard Edge.

We walked around for a little bit before Edge wanted me to follow her to set up her own booth. I wanted to go with her, but that wouldn’t have been fair to Sun, so I told Edge that I was going to wonder around a bit. She wasn’t sure It’d be okay, but I smile and said I’d be fine. She smiled back and agreed! I loved seeing her smile, it was so nice. And not the sarcastic or snarky grin she gives others, but a good smile.

I saw lots of big things, including an oven that reads the food box and sets itself to the temperature you want to cook at! The stallion that made it wouldn’t let me buy it though. But that’s okay, because I saw plenty of other stuff. There was a metal door that opened to a different place in the Expo, and a giant spray bottle, and a magic book sorter and all kinds of stuff! And robots, a lot of robots!

I saw some sort of colourful explosion that didn’t make a sound, and then suddenly a bunch of the expo hall in a circle around the explosion was empty, like they were never there at all! I really hope that no one got hurt, and I asked and was told that it’s not lethal, it was just a failed dimensional demonstration. I wish I could have seen it, but also I sort of don’t because I don’t know where any of the ponies in the explosion went.

I’m lucky that no one I know was caught in that, but it’s still sad to know that they’ll gone, where did they go? They didn’t come back since they disappeared, but none of the staff at the expo or even the other ponies there seemed too bothered. I hope I never lose my empathy like that.

After I took some time to calm down in the bathroom I wandered a little more cautiously around, I didn’t want another one of those explosions happening. I did run into that recruiter again, he was being rude like always.

What happened was I found a booth for a pony that specialized in prosthetics, and I found a horn I wanted to try on. I was told it can only do simple spells, and I wanted to try it out so badly! But I couldn’t figure out how to use my earth pony magic to lift anything else around me. I’m disappointed, I really wanted to try out unicorn magic! It was for sale though, so I bought it, and the stallion selling them even told me that there was a switch that could make it match the colour of your coat. I saw it in the mirror beside me and it looked really real! I almost thought I was looking at Sun Ray!

I was trying out some glares into the mirror and wanted to do her laugh when I was turned around by another pony. It was the recruiter and he started a speech about how he finally found me and that I was in trouble. But then I took the horn off and he saw that I was me and he was disappointed.

I don’t know what Sun Ray did, but I’m convinced that I can’t let him ever find her for real, so I brought him out of the Expo and left. I didn’t want to leave, but I need to protect Sun from him.

Outside I answered some of his questions, but this time I wasn’t entirely truthful and said that Sun didn’t show up, and instead stayed home, and that I was there with another friend of mine. He believed me and I still feel bad for lying, but I think I have to now. I also have to figure out what Sun did if anything. I hope nothing, but I don’t think I’ll find out any time soon.

As I waved goodbye to him, I saw Lyra arguing with another pony, he looked like another ranting pony that I’m pretty sure other people call crazy. When I walked up to them he pointed at me at accused me of being a changeling! I may have a lot of them living with me, but I’m not one myself. I tried to explain that to him, but he wouldn’t listen to me!

I’m glad that the recruiter didn’t leave though and stepped in, because I think the stallion was about to get physical. I can’t know that for sure, but he was definitely angry at me for not agreeing with his theory, even if he was wrong about me. The city is filled with so much good, but that means that there’s also a lot of bad.


But something amazing happened afterwards! Sun Ray won 3rd place in the practical invention contest for her mane-styler. I didn’t know that’s what she was working on all week, but I’m happy! It’s especially weird since I didn’t know that she wanted her inventions to be practical. She seems more like the type that would do something big and crazy. I guess that just means I need to spend more time learning about the type of pony she is as my second best friend!

And not only that, but she also found my rainbow cube! I thought I lost it, but she said that it was on the ground at the Expo. Neither of us know how it got there, but I’m happy I have it back! Sun thinks it may be a changeling as well, but it isn’t, it’s definitely not one of the aliens.

She and Edge aren’t happy I left, but they also aren’t mad at me because I apologized for it. I want them to be friends, but that means I should be a good friend first, and I didn’t do that. I hope they can forgive me.

The rest of the week went by calmly, which I’m glad for, it’s been a little too hectic since I moved here, so I like the down time getting to know Spring, and the aliens, and the old mare in the park and even Lyra now!

Here’s to more fun times and crazy adventures, but not too fast!

-Your Friend Forever

Author's Note:

Had fun writing this one, but unfortunately I came down with a bout of the sickness and so will take a couple days off to recover. In that time I want you guys to think of what happens next.

Prompt: There's a lot of craziness going on, but that means other things are getting left behind. What's your favourite thing that's already been mentioned? How should it return?