• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 491 Views, 64 Comments

Dear Feather Fall - Keywii_Cookies55

A joyful pony leaves her old life behind to start anew somewhere else. But what will happen? You tell me, it's interactive!

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5 Unfamiliar Faces

Dear Feather Fall,

Thanks so much for sending me a bunch of oranges! I loved your latest letter and it’s in my safety box along with the others, but I can’t believe you mailed me fresh fruit too! That was so nice of you and I love them all, they’re so sweet and juicy! Sun and Edge and Proxy and Trade and everyone loved them.

Well, not everyone, that recruiter guy was too busy asking questions about Sun Ray to appreciate a fresh orange from the countryside that grows them. For somepony that says he wants to save Equestria, he isn’t the nicest person I’ve ever met. If I were somebody like Hard Edge, I’d go up to him and tell him how rude he’s been!

But I can’t do that, he may not be nice, but that’s because he’s focused, he wants to do his job well and I can’t fault him for that, even if he doesn’t want to be friends with me. I don’t know if he wanted to be at first, but all the pretence is gone and he does nothing but talk about Sun Ray and other ‘threats’.

Sun isn’t a threat! She’s so nice and she’s my best friend (after you) and she wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose! She’s just prickly is all.

Everything is okay though, especially after such a crazy week!

I got called earlier this week from work to clean up a specific mess. That’d never happened before, so I rushed right over to see what was dirty. It turns out a lot was dirty! Another inventor (there sure is a lot of them in my neighbourhood, I wonder why) was making some sort of drill car but it exploded and left a lot of metal scrap and dirt and grime everywhere! I hope no one was hurt. There wasn’t any blood or medics around when I got there, so I don’t think anyone got hurt, but I hope they didn’t anyway.

It took a while to clean up the debris, and I wasn’t the only janitor there, but eventually we cleared the entire street. And I got to meet some of my co-workers! They’re all pretty negative, I hope it doesn’t rub off on me. One pony with a big bushy moustache said I was too naive. I wanted to tell him that I’m not, but I didn’t want to prove him right by disagreeing, so I stayed quiet.

Maybe I should have said something? It’s too late now, so I’ll have to remember for next time.

I brought the mirror to Sun Ray last week and she took a look at it for me. She said it was used to steal souls! I didn’t think something like that could be real, but she cast a counter spell on it and now it’s just a normal mirror. Which is good! I like having a mirror, it lets me see myself and ground me a enough to keep from floating away.

Oh! Another thing that I brought to Sun Ray was that poster I found. It was moving around a little bit which I thought was weird, and I wanted her to take a look at it, which was a good idea, because I found out so many things from doing that. The first is that some of the other things I’ve been finding around recently have also been kind of movey.

I didn’t know this at first, but apparently they’re these shape-shifting aliens! What? How could something so crazy be real! What?! I didn’t even know there was aliens for real. But they are and they need a new queen and it’s a lot to take in!

It’s a good thing I have a mirror now and I’m able to write, because things have been getting a little hard to keep track off. I almost had another moment though, which wouldn’t have been good. I gave Dr. Acute and she reassured me, so don’t worry! I’m okay and things are okay!

The aliens are nice at least, they’re really friendly and a little bit afraid, that’s why they disguised themselves as things I’d want to pick up, Apparently they’re trapped here after they crashed and they’ve seen a lot of ponies being rude and abrasive and so they hid from everyone, but then they saw me and thought I’d keep them safe. It’s really helped ground me to know that they’re friendly and just want to be protected.

I’m not sure who to tell, especially since all my new friends are a little hard to get to know. But I’ll protect them as long as I can, and other than you, Sun, and Dr. Acute, no one knows! They like to be on my memento shelf too, so that’s a bonus! It did make sleeping kind of hard the night I found out though. Sun likes them and a couple of them are staying in her workshop because they find it interesting.

At least it isn’t too weird.

But speaking of Sun, I learned that she and Edge already did know each other. I’m not sure if they like each other or not. I brought Hard Edge home to introduce them and they started talking as if they already knew each other. Which was great! But they insult each other and talk about different machines and inventions like they’re fighting. Then they laughed and talked about me! Really it was a roller coaster of feelings.

Edge said I was going to the Expo with her, and I said that was true, and Sun acted a little weird, saying she wanted me to go with her. I want to go with both of them, the more the merrier after all, so I let them know and after they looked at each other pretty intensely for a few seconds. They both thought that it was a good idea at least. I’m not entirely sure it is anymore, but anything to get them together and be friends.

If they aren’t already, which they might, but it seems a little strained between them. Who knows! They both like me though, so I’m doing something right. And that’s good!

They’ve both been working on the thing they’re building for the Expo, but something that happened was Sun was working on her metal pony and it exploded! It makes me smile when I think back on the face Sun made with she was covered in soot and holding her wrench! I even giggle when I know she can’t hear me. (I don’t want to laugh around her because I don’t want to hurt her feelings, I haven’t seen any other ponies around, so I think I’m her only friend)

That was earlier this week though; a couple days ago she told me she was turning the metal pony into something new. As a surprise for me! Wow am I excited for it! I don’t know what it is because whenever I’m in her workshop she has it covered so I don’t see it before she’s done. And she’s observant, I tried to peak four times now and every time she stops me! I wanna see what my surprise is!

It’s smaller than a pony, about the size of a small animal, but I still don’t know what it is. I think it might be an animal, but I didn’t know you could make them out of metal scrap. I think it might be a mini fridge. Aww I can’t wait!!

But I’ll have to. I have to wait for your letters, for the expo, for my surprise, for night time, for the street light to change. Lots of things! It’s my least favourite activity. But it’s okay because it just means that the good things you wait for are that much better.

I look forward to your next letter. Don’t make me wait too long for it! And I’ll tell you all about how the Expo goes!

-Your Friend Forever

Author's Note:

As the old meme once said: Aliens.

The bit with the surprise at the end is currently locked out of suggestions as I plan to resolve it next chapter, I just needed a little set up.

Prompt: What happens at the Expo? What sorts of things happen there?