• Published 28th Jan 2019
  • 492 Views, 64 Comments

Dear Feather Fall - Keywii_Cookies55

A joyful pony leaves her old life behind to start anew somewhere else. But what will happen? You tell me, it's interactive!

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9 Something Bad (2)

They’re aliens that live off of love, but not just any love, apparently a very specific type. It just so happens that I’m the only one around that can feel what they need me to feel. I don’t understand it, any of it. I still don’t think I’m special enough to be the food for an entire alien race. Who would think they’re that important? I’m just an earth pony with a mental condition that wants to make everyone around her smile! That’s it! I shouldn’t be so important!

The company doesn’t have a name, but they’ve been in charge of watching the changelings from the moment they ended up in Equestria, and using the alien technology to help ponykind. Which is why they stole me. They wanted to study my love and pick me apart. I think they might have a little bit before I was rescued, I’ve felt different since then.

Not any less wanting to be friendly and make the ponies around me smile, just... different.

Sun, Edge, Lyra, the Recruiter, and Software worked together to make a plan to save me for real. To make their way into the lab I was hostage in and bring me back home. None of them will tell me about their plan, but it didn’t work at first.

They had a big plan to sneak in, find out where I was and grab me. But like in the books, that plan got ruined and they got discovered. A pony found Edge and the Recruiter acting like investors and they needed to improvise. Lyra and Sun ran, only to run into the stallion that was shadowing me. He introduced himself and they almost hurt him in anger, or at least Sun did, Lyra was afraid he was a ghost.

He explained that he likes me. He’s liked me ever since he first saw me when I moved to the city and got my job. He’s the one that sent the love letter, and he didn’t want to capture me, but he had to, because he’s afraid of this nameless company and what they can do. He’s been working for them for years and was told he had to take me quietly to them.

They didn’t believe he was sorry for his actions, but he made up for it by showing them the way to the lab they were keeping me.

While that was going on, Edge and the Recruiter were using force to stay in the building, because they didn’t want to leave. They were fighting side by side and using different technology things and causing a big distraction for the others. But that’s when they were stopped by an old scientist pony named Sven.

He explained that his weird name and the Changelings and all his science and everything are from a different universe and that they’re trapped in ours until he can get back home. And that controlling the changelings is how to do it.

He explained that he wanted to go back home, and that he didn’t like being a pony. And a lot of other stuff that no one will really explain to me. I want to know, but they keep telling me it isn’t all that important.

He was going to go on, but that’s when the changelings broke into the room they were in and attacked everyone, especially Sven. It turns out that Software directed them to the right location, and their worry for me turned into determination to save me too. They attacked Sven and he ended up disappearing with all of them when he pushed a button.

Software says that there was a self destruction set for two minutes, but he disabled that for everyone. He was still gone, and so were all the changelings, but no one would get hurt. It sounds really anti-climactic to Edge, but to me it sounds like it was a story all by itself and that was the end, so I’ll miss them all, but it’s good to know they got their ending.

They met up with Sun and Lyra, who while that was going on were being lead to where I was unconscious on an experimentation table. I was hooked up to something that kept me asleep and was pumping something into my blood.

As far as anyone can tell, I’m fine, and nothing is wrong with me, but it’s still really bad, and I’m worried. I don’t won’t to worry you, and I’m really sorry, I’m so sorry, please forgive me! I didn’t mean to get drugged and stolen! Honest! If I was able to write to you while I was being tested on, I would have.

Sun unhooked me and Lyra unstrapped my hooves and I was woken up. This is what I do remember.

I had no idea where I was, or what was going on, or why I felt so... awake after being told that I hadn’t moved for days on end. I still feel that way, it’s like I have too much energy now, and I don’t know how to use it. I have trouble sleeping now, and I hope things calm down for me.

Sun explained a brief version of what happened and hugged me as she tried not to cry. She was really worried about me. Lyra was too, but it wasn’t as personal with her. Sun even told me part way through her explanation that I’m the reason she’s been trying to be a better pony, which was really nice to hear after the overwhelming implications of what had happened to me.

She and Lyra led me out of the room, helping me walk even though I didn’t need it. And I was happy that even though I didn’t entirely understand what was going on, I still had good friends to help me. They said that they found out who gave me the love letter, and wanted to introduce me, but when they wanted to show him to me, they couldn’t find him. Lyra looked around for a while to see where he went, but Sun smiled for the first time and said it didn’t matter.

It was the first time I truly saw her smile, and it was just as genuine and sweet and comforting as I thought it’d be.

I’ll always remember that smile.

We met up with Hard Edge and the Recruiter on the way out. I was worried about him finding Sun, but he smiled and said that because Sun helped solve a bigger mystery that she was off the hook for her past crimes. I was so happy I almost jumped around them. But I knew they were worried about me and that I shouldn’t energetically move around, so I just smiled widely.

That’s also when Sun and Edge shook hooves and apologized for what happened in the past. They won’t tell me what that was either, just that it’s why they didn’t like each other. They smiled at each other and I was so happy about them becoming friends that i almost forgot that I was kidnapped.

When I was brought home they all stayed with me, to make sure I felt safe, and I did. Even if I was still in shock after what had happened, I felt safe with them watching over me. Spring greeted me and I was happy that she can talk.

I didn’t sleep that night, not even for a minute. I tried to, but I was too energetic, and so i just laid there with my eyes closed for a few hours. One of each of my friends was awake keeping watch on me the entire night, and a couple times they had conversations with each other, but I don’t really remember them.

The next morning Lyra and the Recruiter left, but Sun and Edge stayed and we got to talk for a while, they did what I wanted to do, which was mostly spend time with them. We went for a run in the big park downtown. And we had lunch, saw a documentary and played a board game.

Then that night they worked together to install a security system in my apartment to keep me safe since they couldn’t be with me all day every day. After that they went home, and Sun told me that if I needed anything she was just downstairs.

It was the first time I was really alone. Spring was there, but she was asleep, and I tried, and that time I got a little sleep, but it was restless, and not really good. All that time alone gave me time to think and...

And I don’t think the city is working for me anymore. I know you wanted me to make it out here on my own, but nothing like any of this happened while I was at home with you. Things happened, but nothing this big or crazy. My life is becoming a movie - or already is one and it’s getting harder and harder to stay grounded and not lose myself to the colours. So when morning comes, I’m going to mail this to you and then come home.

I’ll see you soon, Feather Fall.

-Your Friend, Forever

Author's Note:

And so our extra long update is complete.

No suggestion prompts this time, you can still suggest things but no promise that I'll get to them, because there's no real guarantee that things will continue beyond chapter 11.