• Published 24th Feb 2019
  • 955 Views, 78 Comments

Rarity Gets Enslaved - MagicS

Rarity is very excited to be the temporary ambassador to a newly discovered kingdom. Unfortunately things quickly begin to go awry for her.

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Very Rude Behavior

This has been the absolute worst trip ever!

Now I have dealt with some vile creatures and rather rude behavior before but this really takes the cake!

I cannot even begin to start with how terrible things have been since these brutish trolls attacked the boat I was sailing on. I am only so very fortunate that things have recently started turning around for me, otherwise I wouldn’t even be writing this. Oh it feels so good to have my precious diary back! Twilight told me to take a journal with me on this trip but I told her, ladies do not keep journals, ladies keep diaries. Still her suggestion was quite welcome.

Oh but everything before now has been just awful!

And I sincerely doubt that a small bit of kindness from one troll is going to suddenly turn this whole “trip” around. Oh I hate even calling this a trip anymore, it’s an insult to even the worst trips I’ve been on before this! I haven’t felt so upset in ages, my mascara isn’t even running because I don’t have any to wear!

Well, I suppose I shouldn’t be so cynical, I would know better than most that a tiny bit of friendship and kindness can go a long way. And I have made some other friends. I might be exaggerating a bit about how terrible it’s been lately since only now can I write down and truly vent out my feelings.

But my mane too though! It looks terrible! If there is one small thing I’m happy about it’s that no one I know can see me in this awful situation. That doesn’t bring me much comfort though, things are just dreadful.

I think I’m feeling a headache start to come on too, this is the worst.

The one positive is that I have at least recently been able to exercise my artistic passion and created, if I may say so myself, a brilliant new piece of work. Truly even such terrible circumstances can not stifle my creative genius. I only wish that the local… couture (and I use that word very lightly) was more inspiring. But that’s partially why I was able to create something so great! A diamond in the rough if you will. That something so beautiful can now be found even here of all places-oh Rarity-I continue to impress myself.

Oh but how I’ve dawdled on now, I could go on talking about the fashion trends and culture of this dreadful place forever but since it’s been so long since I’ve been able to write in you my dear diary I should probably fill in some gaps. If nothing else Twilight would like me to keep a record of what’s happened.

Where do I even begin? So much has happened in a short time, diary, it’s difficult for me to gather my thoughts.

I suppose the beginning would be the best place to start. My last entry in you was right before I stepped on the boat so I don’t need to write again about how Twilight told me about this “whole new land” she learned about from some of the Storm King refugees and Hippogriffs. Oh but here I am prattling on about it anyways, I just have a penchant for talking. Or writing I guess in this case.

And Twilight loves her double and triple-checking… oh, I suppose I might as well start from a little further back.

So as you know, diary, Twilight came and told me that Princess Celestia had heard about a new island that was a bit west aways from the Storm King’s old domain. Twilight wanted to go and visit it herself but the dear is just so busy nowadays. So it seems instead she got the idea that maybe I would want to go. And just how right she was! A new exotic locale? Getting to be the first pony from Equestria to see it all, and to see what their fashion is like too? Romantic! Marvelous! I was so excited. And truth be told I had been stuck in a bit of a rut when it came to my work here, I thought some new inspiration would really do me some good.

Oh how foolish I was.

Next time I should make sure that wherever I’m going is not truly and completely unknown and only just a little unknown. Because I would like to know that horrible things aren’t going to happen to me where I’m going thank you very much.

But I would like to note again that the dress I just made recently is absolutely fabulous. Don’t want to forget that.

In hindsight I, and especially Twilight, should’ve realized that there would likely be some sort of bad reason for why an island so close to where that horrid Storm King lived managed to escape his control. But I’ll get to all that in due time, for now I want to at least follow things as they happened. After all I’m writing this probably just for Twilight’s sake and I think she’d appreciate it if I did things in the correct order and didn’t jump ahead and around and any other ways I can think of.

Once this whole situation is over though and I’m back home I’m going to shut myself in my room and eat buckets of ice cream until I pass out.

That’s a little embarrassing, I don’t want anyone else reading that.

So as it was, getting back on topic, I was functioning as something of Equestria’s ambassador to this new land and country. Although obviously none of us would say it was as official as all that, it was more or less supposed to be a vacation for me while at the same time I’d learn about this place and its inhabitants.

Oh and learned a great deal I have. Hmph!

I also was supposed to tell the ones living here about Equestria but things really haven’t gone so well for that. I doubt they’d be interested anyways, horrid trolls!

Well I have met some friendly

Stop getting ahead of yourself already Rarity. Diary I think you’ve waited enough, as things were I had just tucked you into my saddlebag (the one I stitched myself with the rather lovely heart emblazoned on it, I really love that one) while the sailors were helping to get the rest of my luggage onto the boat and to my quarters…

“I really cannot thank you enough for this, you are a set of true gentlemen.” I told the hardworking stallions helping me with my things, and decided to give them a little something extra with a fluff of my mane and a slight fluttering of the eyes. Such nice ponies earned a bit of appreciation and there’s nothing wrong with playing coy and getting to show off a bit at the same time.

Plus I had taken extra time to look nice for this trip.

“It’s no problem at all, Miss Rarity.” The darling was blushing as he said that. I suppose it just can’t be helped if I have that effect on ponies.

Anyways he and the other two deckhands were currently handling my luggage, just the essentials as always, while I walked up top to get a feel for the boat. From what Twilight said it would be at least a few days that I would be calling this boat home. It certainly was a bit nicer than the little dinghy Applejack, Pinkie Pie and I had used back for our little get together a while ago.

This boat had more than one deck after all.

It’s a little difficult to display sarcasm well just from writing in my diary. I feel like too much inflection is lost. You can’t see it but I’m rolling my eyes, I’ll simply have to try my best!

Either way the boat was a large one by my limited standards, more reminiscent of that flying ship owned by Captain Celaeno but just without the balloon. The bridge and captain’s quarter’s were raised up along the back with a huge mast and sail rising up from the middle of the boat. I would say I’d feel a bit dizzy if I was in the crow’s nest up there. From what I saw there were three levels besides the raised bridge, top deck, passenger and crew quarters, and storage.

Yes I may have gotten a bit bored and went wandering around while I was a passenger. What else was I supposed to do? I’ll tell you that the bowels of a ship are not the best place for making dresses and like I said I was in a bit of a creative rut anyways. The drab and spartan interior was not helping in that department. It wasn’t even an hour after I had been led to my room that I was praying that where I was going would finally help those creative wheels in my head start turning.

The captain was a polite pony too… oh dear I can’t recall his name. Oh how awful of me! Let’s see, he had a ship’s anchor as a Cutie Mark, I do remember that! My apologies captain but I shall be referring to you as Anchor in my diary, at least until I hopefully remember your name.

“I hope you’ll find our ship adequate for your trip.” Captain Anchor said to me as we were preparing to finally leave the port.

“I’m certain I will, you and your crew have been excellent so far if I may say so.” I said with a gracious smile, and it was the truth.

The captain nodded in appreciation, he was a well-built stallion, although not quite as bulky as Big Mac, with a powdery grey mane and a white coat. The white cap and the vest he wore accentuated his look quite nicely as well.

“Should be a four day trip from what we’ve heard. The hippogriffs gave us a map of theirs so we know right where we’re going, please tell me if we can accommodate you further in any way.”

I giggled a bit, he was almost being too helpful, I didn’t want to impose on anyone or be a bother. “Oh please, please, you don’t need to do anything like that. I can take care of myself.”

Now if this was Canterlot I may not mind having some ponies wait on me but this was different.

Of course though maybe the captain wasn’t just being polite, there were no other passengers on this ship nor was it carrying any sort of cargo like it normally would. It had essentially been commandeered for the task of ferrying me to this island. I assume we were all going to have time to kill on the journey there since this was hardly a normal job for them either and there likely wasn’t much for them to do with their ship being turned into a passenger liner with only one passenger.

But no matter, soon after I parted ways with the captain and made it down to my room cabin, where my bags had already been placed thanks to the rest of the crew. I could watch through my cabin’s porthole while we pulled up anchor and began to sail away, in only a few minutes the coast of Equestria had started to disappear.

Like I said I quickly became bored.

My sketchbook lay blank on the table next to my bed. I didn’t even want to look at it. Just a bad reminder of the creative doldrums I was caught in.

Teehee, “doldrums”, Rarity perhaps you are a bit more of a nautical mare than you think.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack would laugh if they read that.

Unfortunately a walk topside didn’t help with anything either as there was simply nothing but ocean all around us. This was no pleasant cruise on the lake or downstream boat ride, just calm waters as far as the eye could see. I suppose I should be grateful there isn’t a storm or any sea monsters.

Actually that rather stylish sea monster I met back when Twilight first came to town and all this Element of Harmony business started would be a welcome sight to see. Alas I doubt he lives around here.

So I merely stood at the bow of the boat, waiting as time passed, looking at nothing and trying to draw up even the tiniest of ideas for a new dress or fashion line. And that was how I spent my first day.

Oh, excuse me, wasted my first day.

I hope my tone is more apparent now?

I did sleep well though, the rocking was minimal and the bed was adequate I suppose. The second day followed much the same as the first, I wandered around, I tried to busy myself by rearranging my luggage and all the necessities I had brought with me, when it was time to eat I spent it with the captain and his crew (sans the helmsman of course but I made sure to say hello to him later) and we talked and talked about trivial matters. They were interested in why I specifically was going on this journey and they wished me well after I told them. I don’t think they cared too much about what I was doing actually but they were polite enough not to show it and at least act interested and friendly. I’ve had enough experience with snobs the upper crust in Canterlot to know when a pony is just acting polite instead of being genuine.

Later that day I went to look through the old dresses and sketchbooks I had brought with me. You see I wanted a sample of Equestrian fashion to show off to the beings of this new land, and what better sample than some of my own designs? I will also admit that I was trying to see if looking at some of my old work would light a spark in me but unfortunately it did not.

Then the evening of that second day I went above deck to the bow of the ship to watch as we sailed on to our destination. It was quite beautiful seeing the ocean at twilight hours with the sun glistening off the surface of the water. I saw a few seagulls or some other kind of sea bird flying up above, Fluttershy would know for sure, and I spotted a few dolphins swimming alongside our boat for a little while before they left us. They’re quite beautiful creatures, maybe I should do an ocean theme for my next dress?

Well either way the sun set soon after and I walked back below deck to try and conquer my boredom.

I failed and instead spent the time wishing I at least had Sassy or Coco to talk to about possible fashion trends on this unknown island. But of course they’re both being darlings minding my stores so it’s not like I could’ve brought them anyways. Maybe when I get back I’ll go work at Rarity For You for a bit, a change of pace and scenery from the usual could be just what I need if this trip of mine doesn’t amount to much.

After exhausting myself a bit further I decided to turn in for the night, another rather uneventful day spent on the boat. I put my facemask on and some concealer, unfortunately no cucumber slices, and tried to sleep. I’ve heard that the salty air of the ocean can wreak havoc on a ponies mane and fur too but I simply don’t have the facilities on this boat to properly take care of myself.

I would need to work extra hard to look as good as possible. I want to make the best first impression as I can.

Thinking those thoughts I drifted off to sleep.

It was the third day when this horrendous affair began.

“Enjoying the view?” Captain Anchor asked me as he came to stand at my side, it was shortly after breakfast and I had walked up to the bow of the boat again, watching as we sailed over the calm ocean. The only commotion being the breaking in the water from the boat going through it.

“Oh yes, although I would be lying if I didn’t say it got a little repetitive.”

The captain chuckled good-naturedly at that. “Well if you’re a pony like me who loves the sea then being lucky to get such calm and nice waters for your whole trip is a blessing. Won’t be hearing us complain.”

“But of course, I’ll just be happy when we get closer to land. It will be nice to see something else on the horizon instead of just more water. And as you know, captain, I’m quite excited to visit this new place and meet whatever creatures inhabit it and open up a discourse between them and Equestria. Hardly any ponies get to do something so special, I’m sure this will be a lovely little trip of mine.”

It was a few seconds after finishing up that little speech to the captain that the both of us spied a dot on the horizon. It had just come up from out of view.

“What’s that?” I asked the captain as I squinted at it, it was simply a dark little blur to me at the moment. Could’ve been a rock jutting up out of the water for all I knew.

The captain raised his hoof over his eyes to block out the sun as he too looked at the object. “It’s no errant rock, it’s moving, not a sailboat either since it’s going against the wind.”

“Perhaps it’s from our destination?” I mused. “After all they must be quite the seafarers if they’re centered around one island out here.”

Captain Anchor chewed on his lip, as I watched him I don’t know why but I got a foreboding feeling, he seemed worried about this vessel that had appeared before us.

“Is something wrong captain?”

“No, probably nothing, it’s just that they’re coming directly for us.” He frowned as he turned back towards the bridge, I followed him along with a bit of a worried frown of my own on my face. “Whoever lives out there didn’t know we were coming right? We had no communication with them beforehand?”

I nodded along and tried to answer as best I could. “Yes, I was to be the first contact between Equestria and whatever this new country is.”

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence but I want to see if this other boat keeps following us.” He stepped onto the bridge with me on his heels and spoke to the helmsman, who thanks to his vantage point had already seen the approaching ship. “Turn us to starboard, let’s see if they change course to meet us.”

The helmsman, whose name I do recall as being Fair Wind, saluted and changed the direction of our ship. Now we were heading sideways, the wind only catching part of the sail as we tested whether Captain Anchor was right to be worried or not.

As it turned out, he was.

The approaching ship changed direction to match us. Captain Anchor and Fair Wind shared a look but nothing more was spoken. So a bit nervously I decided to voice my thoughts.

“What now?”

Captain Anchor just shrugged as he kept his eyes on the other ship. “Nothing, they’re moving faster than us so we can’t really do anything. Just have to hope they’re giving us a friendly welcome.”

While the other ship got closer I began to make out more details about it, it was a fair bit larger than our own and had no sails, the exterior was painted a threatening black color and it seemed that from its sides extended dozens of oars. The boat was powered by rowing, I was surprised that they were faster than us with that but I do suppose it has the advantage of not needing wind. Must be dreadfully hard work for whoever is rowing down in that ship though.

I frowned a bit further, the boat was heading to cut us off and come up alongside us. They’d definitely force us to stop. I did not like this, not one bit.

The captain had gathered up the rest of the crew and had them on deck, the sail had been raised and we were now just slowly drifting while this new imposing ship rowed next to us, its sides towered over ours, if there was anyone on deck up there I was unable to see them at the moment. All of us could do nothing but wait for whatever it was our interceptors were planning to do.

It was then that several grappling hooks were tossed from on top of their boat to ours, the ropes were pulled taut and latched onto our railing. Now unless we cut those ropes we were stuck. Captain Anchor did not take kindly to that one bit.

“Hey! What in Celestia’s name do you think you’re doing?!” He yelled up at whoever just threw those ropes.

They didn’t bother to reply. Instead I saw five shadows jump from the other boat onto ours. And I tell you, I nearly gasped and fainted from what I saw right then and there, it was ghastly!

I had never seen creatures like these, not even when we had been in Klugetown. They were large, with thick brown hair covering their whole bodies, and they had the physicality of a Minotaur (however if I’m being honest Iron Will is the only Minotaur I’ve seen so I have no idea if he’s the standard or not) without the backwards bent legs. I would say they looked rather apeish. Their arms were long, long enough that their knuckles nearly dragged across the ground. Oddly as well were their heads, their necks instead of rising up from their shoulders jutted forwards from their chest, making the crown of their head not rise above their shoulders, giving them all a hunched over appearance. The five as well all had yellow eyes with beady black pupils staring at us.

Oh but it wasn’t any of that that bothered me. It was what they were wearing!

All of them had on these absolutely awful gray pants. They looked to be made of nylon or some other low quality plastic. Dreadful! I can hardly stomach sleeping in a sleeping bag made out of nylon. I don’t know if those pants are their uniforms or (and I shudder to think this) casual attire that they’ve chosen to wear but I hope that not every one of these creatures has such poor fashion sense.

Well before I could get too caught up in thinking about their clothes though, Captain Anchor stepped towards them.

“Explain yourselves! What are you doing?”

He did a good job of not being intimidated even with these creatures towering over him by a fair bit.

The five did not seem interested in answering to him though, the central figure (I’m assuming the leader of this little boarding party) raised his hand at us. “More ponies. Take them inside and shackle them.” His voice was guttural but at the same time strangely high-pitched, totally unfitting of his appearance.

At the word “shackle” however we all realized that things were about to go badly. The captain and his crew got in a circle to protect me, quite gallant of them I must say, while the other four creatures besides the one that talked came at us.

Now, the captain and his crew were all tough and hardy ponies, but these creatures were something else. It’s like they didn’t even feel it as Anchor pummeled them with his hooves, their bodies must’ve been nothing but muscle under that thick fur. And all it took for them to pacify the captain and the others was a single solid thump on their skull from one of their strong fists. Then their eyes turned to me.

You know of course that I do not consider myself a fighter, I surely can and have defended myself in the past and can get rough when the situation calls for it but I still do not possess such a combative nature like Rainbow Dash nor do I have in my head a library of offensive magical spells like Twilight or Starlight. But I was absolutely not about to take this sitting down.

“You terrible things! How could you do this?” I shouted at them, my horn glowing. I was the only unicorn on the boat, they obviously knew what ponies were but perhaps they didn’t fully know what a unicorn was capable of. “Unlatch our ship from yours and leave at once!”

The four that had assaulted the crew just blinked at me.

Finally the leader started walking towards me.

“I’m warning you! I don’t know who you are or why you’re doing this but this is simply horrid manners you’re showing. I am on official business from Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight of Equestria. Do you know who they are?” The leader seemed unperturbed as he stopped in front of me, my head barely coming up to his stomach. “I assume you are denizens of the island we were traveling to? I hope that your behavior is not the standard for your people.” I finished with a quick fluff of my hair, had to show them that I had class and standing.

And then you would not believe what he did next.

He reached his arm up and pinched my mouth shut.

Yes! He did! How unbelievably rude!

“Pony should quiet down.” The vile brute told me.

Well now that was it, my eyes narrowed in anger and I fired my magic right into his face! Only to then look on in shock a moment later when he was completely unaffected. Yes I know these creatures are strong and my magic not the best but it still should’ve done something! He didn’t even have to rub his eyes or anything, it was like my magic had just completely fizzled out on him.

Now he turned back to his comrades. “Grab the others, I’ll take this one.” And he removed his hand from my mouth and instead grabbed my back, carrying me alongside him.

“Well I never! Unhand me this instant!” I yelled and heckled as much as I could, smacking my hooves against his side and leg, but he didn’t take any notice or was just completely ignoring me. The other four creatures grabbed the captain and the rest of the crew and jumped up back to the deck of their boat. “I am friends with the Princess of Friendship you know?! You are painting a very poor picture of yourselves!” The despicable brute that restrained me continued to ignore my words as he got to the edge of our boat and jumped back up to his as well.

I hope things get a little better from here on out, because this has just about been the worst possible way to start a trip.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy reading.