• Published 24th Feb 2019
  • 958 Views, 78 Comments

Rarity Gets Enslaved - MagicS

Rarity is very excited to be the temporary ambassador to a newly discovered kingdom. Unfortunately things quickly begin to go awry for her.

  • ...


Now as it turns out overpowering guards who spend most of their time just standing around and pacifying a mostly oblivious King is fairly easy. If there were any other nobles who objected the vast number of slaves that poured out onto the grounds from the castle just moments after I finished my little speech certainly helped to change their minds too. The High Priest and King still didn’t fully seem to grasp the situation until Duke Terluff came up to them and told them they were being deposed, at which point they were escorted away by our bought off guards while Termyne and Berten ended up in chains after… some unruly behavior from the both of them.

And so that’s how it was. The nobles who were allied with us cheered and I found myself hoisted up into the air by Marquess Tivbald. He carried me on his shoulder so all could see and I was applauded by my friends and those who knew me, you can’t even begin to imagine how good this all felt. Everything went perfectly and everyone was okay. The show was a hit, the plan went off without a hitch, and now things would finally change here.

I was no longer a slave. No one was.

Duke Terluff seemed surprised at how simply things ended and even I’ll admit it went much smoother than expected. It was good of us to plan to have so many of our friends around and the extra slaves to show up, and on that note that must mean everything on their end and inside the castle must have gone perfectly as well. I suppose most of the trolls truly were apathetic to how things were going. And it’s not like they really needed the slaves from what I had seen either. It just made things a little easier for them. They still had their own warriors to watch fight each other, still had their own servants and plenty of able-bodied workers that would have to replace the slaves in the castle. It wouldn’t be so bad.

What would go on at the rest of the Grand Festival now? I imagine most of the vendors and merchants would just stay here and continue selling what they could but I’m not sure if the rest of the scheduled entertainment would still be held. Now the former slaves were all out here and wanted to enjoy themselves too, things were probably going to be a little chaotic over the next couple of days.

On the plus side the sky looked a bit nicer than normal.

A sign of things to come? It was almost poetic, I love it!

It was still night though, the evening had dragged on thanks to all that happened and I was getting tired. After everything I was exhausted and could really use some rest. I know my friends could as well, especially since it would be our first night as free creatures again. That would feel good.

Tivbald had let me down a while ago and I was now standing there on the stage watching the celebration and night take a life of its own. Most of the nobles were still clearly uncomfortable around all the slaves but I saw a good number who were at least trying to be friendly with each other. Of course there were a number of other nobles who had been marked by Terluff as ones that would likely need to be removed from their positions. But I didn’t really want to think about that right now. The tough part was over, now should be the time for rest and merriment.

“Still basking in your glory?”

Daylight Gleam had come up to stand beside me without me noticing, Gertrude had gone out into the crowd to meet up with Soleil, Spine and Cinder and bring them all back here.

“I suppose. But I already had my moment in the sun, I’m just happy things are over now.”

“Amen to that.”

I stepped down off the runway as Gertrude and the others came to join us, Daylight following me. Despite the thick crowd and my importance in what had just happened everyone was so absorbed in their own thing now that no one paid me any mind. For once I think I preferred things that way.

“How are you girls feeling?” I asked my friends. “Tired?”

“A little bit. It’s been kind of crazy lately and now that it’s all over I feel like I’ve crashed.” Cinder said.

“Yeah I feel like the wind’s been taken out of my wings.” Gertrude chimed in.

I was about to respond when a new voice cut in.

“Hope that doesn’t mean you’re too tired to celebrate with us for the rest of the night.” It was the familiar voice of Captain Anchor and I happily turned to see him, his crew, and even Birdseed walking towards us.

“Captain! It’s so good to see you.” I trotted forward and warmly greeted him before my eyes roamed over the other crew members. “And the rest of you as well.”

“I’m just happy that everything worked out, thanks to you. I guess we can leave anytime we want.” The Captain said to me. His eyes then turned to Daylight and the others. “These your friends?”

“They are indeed. Won’t you girls introduce yourselves?”

Greetings went all around and we took a seat near the stage, talking about nothing and catching up. As much as I wanted to curl up in a nice bed this was still a good way to spend the night too. The other members of the crew thanked me for everything and we reminisced about Equestria and just what we would need to do when we got back. And on that note.

“Any of you are welcome to join us on our trip back if you want, whenever that’ll be.” Captain Anchor said to my friends.

Daylight Gleam was the first to answer, politely shaking her head. “Thank you but I’ll be going somewhere a bit out of the way for you, I need to find my friends.”

As she said that I suppose it finally struck me. This would be goodbye for most of us.

“Yeah I’m gonna have to decline on that offer too.” Gertrude said. “I’ve been thinking about it and I wanna head back to Griffonstone, so I’ll be flying out that way.”

“Spine and I are gonna be going back to the Dragon Lands. We’ve got a doozy of a story to tell now.” Cinder said, playfully elbowing Spine in the ribs.

Lastly Soleil spoke up. “I’m going a different way too, Mt. Aris isn’t too far from here but it’s still not on your way at all.”

“Huh. So we’re all headed somewhere different?” Daylight Gleam voiced my thoughts and a silence spread between the six of us.

I didn’t really want to say goodbye to any of them. We had become such good friends in the short time we knew each other and there was so much more I wanted us to do together. The Captain and the others awkwardly shifted about, not wanting to break the silence while the six of us brooded. What were the chances that we’d see each other again? Not high to be sure. I hadn’t even thought about the fact that we would most likely be saying goodbye at this point, like I didn’t even realize it despite how obvious it should have been to me.

“You won’t be able to go anywhere for now anyways so no sense getting all torn up just yet.”

The voice of Duke Terluff cut through all of us as he walked out of the crowd to stand by my side.

“What do you mean?” Captain Anchor asked with a raised eyebrow. “Not that I’m suspicious of you or anything, not anymore at least, but why can’t we leave?”

Duke Terluff just dismissively waved his hand. “It will take a day or two before everyone else in the Kingdom gets notice of what’s happened here and we’ll need some time to call off the raid ships that patrol our waters. As well as the sky patrol. Take the time to relax and have some more fun together.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Gertrude shrugged.

I had to agree with her, and it was good to know that we’d at least get to spend some more time together before we had to say goodbye for good. However more fun could come later.

“That does sound all well and good but if I’m being honest I’m rather exhausted at the moment, and it’s gotten pretty late, I think I’m ready to turn in for the night.” I said to everyone.

Duke Terluff smiled. “Of course. I’ll still be staying up for a long while with all the work that needs to be done but you deserve a good rest. You all do.” He made a sweeping gesture with his arms and looked over my friends and the recently freed Captain and his crew. “Feel free to use my home as if it was yours. It’s the least I can do.”

Captain Anchor smiled. “Thank you.”

I think I just saw the birth of true friendship and a burgeoning relationship between the trolls and Equestria. How nice it would be if we became friends with them like all the others.

There was more than enough room in Duke Terluff’s large manse for us all to retire in. Hm. Duke? I wonder if he’ll be keeping that title, or any of the nobles for that matter. I’m not sure how much will change. Well whatever, it’s not something I have any stake in at this point. While I slept in my bedroom the others took a variety of spare rooms and couches for their own. I can’t remember if anyone actually invited Birdseed but he still came too and crashed in front of the fireplace.

With everything that had happened it didn’t take long before I fell asleep. And after finally succeeding here and saving everyone and no longer having everything else to worry about you had better believe it was the most pleasant night of sleep I had in a long time.

The next morning I was woken up by Duke Terluff knocking on my door. “Morning” may have been a bit inaccurate since it was clearly past midday, I slept for a while.

With a great yawn I greeted him. “How are things? Was last night productive?”

“Very.” He said with a smile. “We made sure to make word spread quickly, I’m certain if you all want you’ll be able to leave by tomorrow without any problems.”

“Good.” I breathed out before stopping myself. “I mean, not like I’m not going to miss you or anything like that...”

He laughed heartily and clapped me on the back. As hard as always. “Please. Like you need to explain? I know how much you want to get home. But if it makes you feel any better I’m going to miss you too.” He blushed in embarrassment and looked away.

I smiled up at my troll friend. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were being sentimental right about now.”

He grunted in annoyance and turned to leave my room. “Whatever, enough of this. You’ve still earned the right to do whatever you want until you leave, your friends are already up so I was thinking you might want to go back and see some more of the festival. Most of it is still going on as normal.”

“Thank you Duke, that sounds wonderful.” It would be a good way to cap off my stay in this kingdom, being able to enjoy the rest of the Grand Festival without anything hanging over my head. Me and my friends could just be carefree and have some fun, I knew Soleil would approve. And this would be the first time the Captain and the others would get to enjoy themselves like this too.

That settles it! Time to get everyone together and rock the festival!

Or it would have been time for that if Duke Terluff was not incorrect about something. Gertrude was still asleep and absolutely refused to wake up, she was being worse than Opal right now. I’m also amazed her incredible snoring didn’t wake me up sooner. Soleil and Cinder took turns poking her cheeks until she finally got up from her slumber while I had some tea with the Captain and Birdseed.

While I again brought up some more mindless chatter with the Captain about what he and his crew had been doing since I last saw them I happened to notice Daylight Gleam out of the corner of my eye seemingly meditating alone on a couch. I wonder what she was up to?

Excusing myself from the two stallions I wandered over to her.

“Daylight? Anything wrong?” I asked her. I didn’t know why she was being so asocial right now.

“Hm?” She peeked open an eye. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about how I had been working on a spell to escape from here back before you arrived but kind of stopped practicing it when all of this started up. My special talent always revolved around “light” and I can do a pretty decent camouflage spell but it doesn’t really work too well in broad daylight when you’re moving. I’ve been trying to make myself actually invisible by bending light but haven’t had much success with it, good thing you came along or I’d still be stuck trying to get it to work. I made a little progress so maybe it’s something that will come in handy in the future but for the most part it’s been a bust.”

“Certainly sounds like something that could be useful, especially in your… line of work.” I said uneasily as I remembered just what it was she did before coming here. Would probably be best to make sure she and Birdseed didn’t get too well acquainted.

Daylight chuckled and smirked at me. “You don’t have to worry about anything like that.”

Before I could respond a disgruntled noise came from behind me.

“Hurgh! Whazzat?!” Gertrude pawed away at the two poking her as she fitfully woke up, tumbling off the couch she was resting on and ending up in a messy heap on the floor.

She lied there motionlessly for a few more moments before speaking. “Can someone tell me what time it is?”

I rolled my eyes. “Far too late in the day to just be waking up, dear.” Yes, yes, I know.

“Ugh, whatever.” She got up and shook the sleep from her eyes. “Anything going on today? Why’d you all wake me up?”

“The festival is still going on and we have time to kill before we’re ready to leave. Let’s go have some fun again, Duke Terluff said it’ll probably be like another day or something.” Cinder told her.

My griffon friend shrugged apathetically as she was wont to do. “Kay. Festival was fun enough that first day I guess. No more boring plays though please.”

“You’ll get no complaint from me on that.” I told her.

So we all started to get ready to head out to the Grand Festival again. And by all I mean not just my friends but the Captain, his crew, and Birdseed as well this time. We would be quite the party. It certainly made me feel better that I’d be able to spend this last day with everyone instead of us all just leaving and going our separate ways immediately. Although I don’t really know how much everyone else will enjoy the shopping and entertainment left at the Grand Festival. I liked the merchant’s area well enough but I can’t speak for the others.

“Anything you need is on my tab.” Duke Terluff spoke up as he walked back into the living room from wherever he had gone off to after leaving mine. “If you want to do anything, or see anything you’d like to eat or buy, it’s on me. Go crazy.”

“Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say it’s on the King’s tab now?” Gertrude smartly cracked at him.

Terluff dismissively waved her away. “You can take my offer or not you know?”

I stepped between them to preemptively stop another verbal sparring match. I didn’t want us to be stuck in this room forever after all. “Thank you Duke, that’s a very kind offer. I think we’re all about ready to go now?” I asked, looking around at the others and getting nods and other affirmations in return. Turning my attention back to Terluff I asked him if he would be joining us. “Are you going to be enjoying the festival today as well?”

Unfortunately my friend just shook his head. “No, I’m still far too busy getting things in order. There are some things I need to do to make sure all the slaves can leave here safely and I need to specifically procure a ship for you to use tomorrow.”

“Well that’s good at least.” Captain Anchor said as he walked over to us. “I’m sure me and my crew can handle anything you find for us, it’s not like we really have any possessions or anything to bring back either.”

Actually there were quite a few things I could think of that I wanted to bring back home but I didn’t want to bring it up if it would be a bother.

“I’m trying to find something large enough to take back all of the ponies that want to go to Equestria at once. There are quite a few.” Duke Terluff said while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Captain Anchor was about to say something when he was interrupted.

That was happening a lot this morning.

“Less talking more fun! Come on! Let’s go to the festival already, pleeeease?” Soleil whined, clearly at the limits of her patience after waiting for Gertrude to get up and now this.

“Uh, sorry.” The Captain said in apology. “I guess we don’t need to talk about this right now, today was for fun right?”

“Quite so.” I said and headed towards the front door of Duke Terluff’s home. “Come along everyone, we have one last day here all together so let’s enjoy the festival as best we can!”

What can I say about the Grand Festival and what we did to enjoy ourselves at it that I haven’t already? We had more apples. And even though Duke Terluff had said things were mostly going on as normal I was still surprised at just how correct he was, it was even weird to me that most didn’t seem to mind about what had happened to their King and High Priest. Like they didn’t even know about it. I can’t imagine how different it would be if Celestia just suddenly got deposed. I suppose I was correct in my assumptions that no other trolls really had any love for them and they just went along with it because “That’s how things were”. And now they were fine with their new leadership. Well I can’t say that’s perfect but maybe Duke Terluff can make them care about being better people?

“I wish there were like, games and stuff to play you know?” Soleil said as we walked through the crowded festival.

“Games? What are you, four?” Birdseed rudely said to her.

Gertrude and I both silenced him with a glare while Spine patted Soleil on the back.

Oh, right. I have something to say to Birdseed. I almost forgot.

“Birdseed? A moment if you please.” I slowed my steps to match pace with him while the others continued on. He regarded me with a suspicious look which I couldn’t actually say was surprising but I still think he’s a bit too paranoid and cynical. “Harlequin Black asked me to say something to you.”

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Oh, did he now? Where’d that guy even get off to anyways? He just up and disappeared right before the Grand Festival.”

“Honestly I have no idea either. But he left me a message and he wanted me to tell you to essentially stop being such a grump and doing bad things. Now I don’t entirely know what he means by “bad things” but considering your admittedly shifty nature I imagine it’s rather unpleasant stuff. So for the sake of a friend who helped us out of this situation I hope you might consider changing your ways?”

The orange pony clicked his teeth and for a moment didn’t respond, I continued to just stare and drill my eyes into him until he finally spoke up again.

“I’ll let that certain bad decisions in the past have gotten me in a heap of trouble, this whole slavery business being the latest, but I have my ways and I do what I want to do. After today we don’t have to see each other anymore so just forget about it.”

And that was that. Maybe if I was Twilight or Fluttershy I could do a better job but it was difficult helping people who didn’t want to help themselves. And it makes me sound bad but I didn’t want to have to do something like that today anyways, I wanted to relax and enjoy myself instead of dealing with someone like Birdseed. So I did.

For the rest of the festival everything negative was pushed out of my mind. Our minds. As we simply made the best of the occasion. Like we planned we avoided the plays but did watch a few more concerts and musical performances. Gertrude of course dragged us to watch another fight, Captain Anchor turned out to be quite interested in that too though. I’ll never understand it. And then after that I naturally dragged everyone around the various stalls and tents that were selling all sorts of items and wares. This time I wasn’t bothered by a certain white-streaked troll either while I looked at the paints. To my own surprise though the only thing I ended up buying was a lone scented candle, I didn’t want to just throw around the Duke’s money and the candle would be a good souvenir to remember the kingdom by. The good parts of it.

“Maybe it’s just me but things feel livelier and happier out today.” Daylight said while we walked down one of the impromptu roads of the festival.

“Probably has to do with all the slaves out having fun too.” Gertrude said.

I think I have to agree with her on that. Seeing the smiling faces of all the former slaves certainly makes for a much warmer atmosphere at the Grand Festival. Especially considering to my surprise how well and easily some of the former slaves and trolls seemed to be getting along with each other. I think I saw the overseer of the apple orchards amicably attending the joust with a number of those who previously worked out on the grounds.

“So time for food? Cause I could eat an entire pie right now.” Gertrude said, gaining my attention again.

“Sounds good to me.” Cinder shrugged. None of us had any objection so off we went back to find something nice to eat.

This time we didn’t get near as many odd looks. Refreshing. I let my friends do the talking while I just ate and listened in, relaxing and taking it all in. The day was getting late so we probably wouldn’t be out here for much longer.

“I kind of wish there was more to do instead of just looking around.” Soleil said.

“Well you could have bought something?” Gertrude replied to her.

“Meh, I don’t really care about any of this stuff.”

“Careful what you say, you might offend Rarity.” Daylight smirked as she said that, giving me a playful look.

I didn’t rise to the occasion though. Instead just rolling my eyes and waving her off.

“I think it’s gotten too late for anything like a fight or race or whatever now.” Captain Anchor said. “Looks like most are getting ready to finish up, maybe there are some late night shows we could still see? I don’t have a schedule or anything.”

“Whatever happens happens.” Gertrude shrugged. “I’m fine just hanging out together.”

Yes, so was I.

As we were finishing up our meal I saw another rather heartwarming sight. Tyluck walking around the festival with some of the ponies from the quarry. I decided not to bother him, less he get embarrassed again, and let him spend time with his new friends. It was good that things turned out so well for everyone. Some work still needed to be done but I think just that one sight shows that the kingdom is headed in the right direction.

The rest of the day was spent much the same and eventually we all once more retired to Duke Terluff’s home. This time Birdseed didn’t join us, I have no idea where he went off to. I didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad about that.

When everyone else was settled in and ready to rest Duke Terluff came and beckoned me into his office. Raising an eyebrow in question I decided to go with him and see what he wanted to speak of.

The office held quite a few good memories for me now, much had been planned here. I took my seat and waited for the Duke to step behind his desk and seat himself as well.

“So what is it?” I asked. I’m not sure why he needed to speak in private with me.

He coughed into his hand before speaking up. “Well first off all I wanted to tell you that arrangements have been made for you to get back home. We have a ship and everything for you that you can use tomorrow, it’s just a short carriage ride back to the port you originally came in at.”

I was happy. But as the sad smile on my face showed I was also torn that this really meant it would be goodbye for all the new friends I had made.

“Thank you. I suppose tomorrow is goodbye then.” I said to him.

He nodded. “I’ll miss you, but that’s also why I wanted to talk to you. I know you originally came here as an ambassador of sorts so I was hoping when you get home you can help us reach out to your leaders? If you could also help me set up a way for me to send letters to you or whoever else I need to that would be great.”

“Of course, I’d be more than happy too. You see my friend Twilight happens to be the Princess of Friendship, I can make sure any letters you send get right to her.” I beamed at him.

Terluff shifted uncomfortably in his seat, looking a little dismayed.

I cocked an eyebrow at his behavior. “What’s wrong, darling?”

“Well...” He started. “That title, “Princess of Friendship”, I hope everything that’s happened to you here doesn’t make her mad at us. Not too much at least. I want us to have a great new relationship with your home… I want you to be our first friends after everything you’ve done for us, Rarity.”

I smiled in understanding at him and reached forward to put a reassuring hoof on his arm. “Duke Terluff, you don’t have to worry about that at all, Twilight is a very forgiving and understanding person. Yes I’m sure she’ll be a little concerned with the way things were here but now that you’ve honestly changed and are looking to better yourselves she’ll be nothing but happy.” I winked at him. “And of course I’ll be putting in a good word for you.”

The Duke smiled and reclined in his chair. “Thank you, again. For everything.”

After that I went to go sleep in my bed here for the last time.

And the morning came quickly.

It was a quiet morning, everyone knew what was to come and there was a not quite somber but still placid atmosphere over the whole group. The carriage ride we took to the port town was similarly quiet, Captain Anchor and Duke Terluff were the only ones talking with one another and that was just about how to work the particular ship we would be getting.

Before long we had made it to the docks and the carriage deposited all of us in front of the ship I would be getting on. But not with my new friends.

Duke Terluff, Daylight Gleam, Gertrude, Spine, Cinder and Soleil all stood there waiting for us to head off. My friends all wearing the clothes I had made for them.

Behind me and the Captain there was a simple ramp leading up to the large ship, at the moment many other former slaves were already using it and heading onboard. It felt strange that things were going to be ending so simply after all the chaos we had all been through. However before I could start my farewell speech or do anything else, Cinder beat me to it all.

“Well I won’t make this any more awkward than it already is. Might as well be the first ones to head out.” Cinder said, waving at me and flapping her wings to hover above the others. “Spine and I’ll be flying back to the Dragon Lands now, see ya.” Spine then waved and joined her and the two of them quickly flew off into the sky, the cloudy weather obscuring them quickly.

And just as quickly, Gertrude started up as well.

“Pff, I wanted to be the first to fly out looking cool like that.” Gertrude shook her head as she waved after them. “But yeah, I’m going too, bye.” And before I could even say anything Gertrude had flown off too.

Well that was all rather abrupt. I know dragons and griffons aren’t generally for the sentimental stuff that we ponies love either but still. Taking my eyes away from the vanishing speck of Gertrude I looked back at Soleil and Daylight.

“Are you going to just suddenly up and leave before me too?”

“Nah.” Soleil said with a shrug. “I was actually gonna hang around in this town for a while longer. I wanted to check out some shops and stuff.”

“I’ll be leaving shortly but not before you.” Daylight said.

I sighed. “Alright then, I wanted to have a big group hug but since half of us are already gone we can forget about that. And I don’t want to keep the ship waiting with how many are anxious to get home.” I stepped back with the Captain and crew as we walked onto the boarding ramp. “Goodbye Daylight, goodbye Soleil, goodbye Terluff.” I said, waving at all of them and trying my hardest to keep the tears from welling up in my eyes.

“Bye bye!” Soleil happily waved back.

“See you later!” Daylight Gleam smiled at me.

“Goodbye, Rarity.” Duke Terluff stoically stood there, just the smallest of smiles on his face.

And I stepped onboard the large ship with the others and began my journey home. It was… a good trip.


The purple Alicorn’s eyes intently roamed over each and every word as she read the last page of Rarity’s diary. Rarity meanwhile sat across from her, sipping on a cup of tea and waiting for her friend to finish reading. Just as she had expected, Twilight was able to get through it all very quickly and now she was certain her inquisitive friend would have a number of questions for her after reading about her journey in the troll kingdom.

With a final pause as she finished up Twilight looked back at Rarity from over the top of the diary and raised a single eyebrow.

“Are you sure you didn’t embellish anything?”

Rarity gave a mock gasp of indignation at Twilight’s question. “Darling, please! That is a one hundred percent accurate record of what happened!”

Twilight’s gaze did not change. “Pinkie Promise?”

Rarity coughed and turned away. “Maybe later...”

With a roll of her eyes Twilight closed the diary and levitated it back to her friend. “Still though, thank you for writing it all. I received King Terluff’s letter already too and I’m looking forward to meeting him on his first visit to Equestria next month. This’ll be just like when we first became friends with the yaks or the changelings!” Twilight finished with excitement, a happy smile on her face.

“Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing him again too.” Rarity said, tucking her diary away back in her saddlebag. “Well I must be getting off now though, I have a lot of dresses to make. My trip simply filled me with inspiration and the ideas just keep coming!”

Twilight giggled at Rarity’s enthusiasm. “Have fun then, don’t forget you still have classes to teach though.”

“Of course not.” Rarity hopped off her chair and started to head her way out of Twilight’s castle.

“Oh Rarity, one last thing!” Twilight called out to her.

The unicorn looked over her shoulder, giving a questioning look to her friend. “What is it, darling?”

With a somewhat smug look in her eyes Twilight grinned. “You forgot to white out the crossed out lines.”

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story.

Couple of things:

1. The trolls immunity to magic was for plot convenience.
2. How they kept track of and stopped flying creatures from leaving was deliberately kept vague.
3. Any mistakes or inconsistencies are due to my whimsical writing and lack of note taking.
4. There were four important things foreshadowed in this story that will be relevant in later ones.

I'll be writing my third story soonish. Look forward to it.

Comments ( 13 )

Awesome story but though... I don’t see much dialogue for the King & High Priest. Like they didn’t sound like they know that she was a slave in the last chapter?

This did felt like it was missing a chapter for both of them because they never got a chance to speak at all.

Maybe you rushed too the end to fast?

Yeah I'll give you that. The King was meant to be more of an object or "symbol" to overcome and less of an actual character. The High Priest did appear back in chapter 14 but that was it.

Rarity: No.
Twilight: Eeyup. :)
Rarity: *faints dramatically*

That all went much easier than I was expecting it to after the build-up in the previous chapter. No red terror, no bloody reign of Madame Guillotine, no insideous foreign-backed counterrevolution, no occupation by former slaves--Rarity's was the most proper and well-mannered revolution ever.

I write my stories mostly light and drama-free.

I'm cool with that, and it does make sense that Rarity would only be the author of the most ladylike of uprisings. It is just that, after the last chapter, everything going well was the last thing that I was expecting to happen.

I finally found the time to read the whole story and I really liked it! Rarity doesn't get to shine in a way that suits her too often in adventure stories. Also, are the Harlequins going to be in every story as a way of connecting them or just to show that there are playful spirits all over the world? Not sure if that question would be considered a spoiler or not so I played it safe.

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

As for your question it's kind of funny you ask that and I don't think it's much of a spoiler but I'll put it in spoilers anyways. Sort of, there are four of them (all quite different) and they'll physically appear to some degree in every story except for ironically the Starlight one I'm finishing up right now. There's a reason for that but I don't want to go into detail on it until I've written more stories.

So I finally finished this story, and it was a good read!

First off, however, let's deal with room for improvement:

  • Comma splices/run-on sentences are still commonplace. Perhaps not as egregious as in Lost, but they're still plenty enough that it messes up my reading pace more than a few times.
  • Occasionally, there's incorrect punctuation after speech tags, such as, from this chapter:

    “A little bit. It’s been kind of crazy lately and now that it’s all over I feel like I’ve crashed.” Cinder said.

Now, to address the four things in your final author's note:

  1. The no-magic plot convenience is actually pretty good. You made the trolls' no-magic abilities quite believable enough that it's more than just convenience but just something that's taken for granted. That you didn't spend a long time talking about their no-magic abilities means that you're leaving it up to the reader to imagine the why's of it.
  2. Same as the above, though I never thought about it before, honestly. Again, leaving it up to the reader to imagine on his own (though I'd like to imagine them bringing them down with bows and arrows).
  3. At some point, however, you have to start caring more and putting more effort into curbing those errors. Even if those errors are purely grammatical, they can easily jolt the reader out of immersion and make the reading experience all the rougher and less comfortable.
  4. I guess Harlequin Black is one of them, and I'm in the dark with the other three. I do admire that you're setting up your own version of Equestria (and its world) with this sort of thing, considering that the next two stories after this (Starlight Glimmer Makes Many Mistakes and Trail Blazer) don't seem to be obvious sequels or prequels to this story.

Now, compared to the previous story, I think this is an improvement over Applejack Gets Lost, though partially because this is something structured and much more thought-out than the semi-random events of the first story and I have personal taste and preference over structured stuff than semi-random stuff. However, it also shows that you're quite capable and beyond decent when it comes to handling a long-form story. I can easily imagine this as some kind of two- or three-part My Little Pony Rarity-focused special with ease.

In terms of plot: it's nigh flawless! The story's paced pretty well, kept tension high when needed and brought breathing room in when needed. Although the climax was a bit anti-climactic (I honestly expected a more detailed description of a fight or two), I guess it fit the theme of friendship (and the E rating) rather well.

Regarding how you characterized Rarity: quite spot-on! And not just with her tone of voice and how she would think things out in her head, but you also displayed a surprising knowledge of tailoring and other things Rarity would be good at. You definitely did your research or, at the very least, had some experience in the field. As for how you characterized everyone else: they were all believable and they were all quite consistent for their personalities and circumstances.

Overall, with the only gaping errors being only grammatical, this is a great story and it's a shame that it's not as popular as it should've been. Bravo to you, and may you fare well in your next stories!

Thanks for another big in-depth review! I'm glad you liked the story. The Starlight story I just finished is one that takes place in the same world as Lost and Enslaved but it's different for a variety of reasons. Some of which are actually sort of spoilers for future stories I'm writing so I can't go too far into detail. But it ended up being a story of just me doing whatever with it and I can already tell you probably won't like it as much as this one because it's by far the most unstructured thing I'm going to be writing. Trail Blazer is completely separate, that's just something I've wanted to write for a while.

I had a lot of fun writing this story from Rarity's perspective. I think she's the most fun character to write like that.

As for the foreshadowing you're right about that. The Trixie story I'm writing soon (probably going to publish the first chapter in a couple weeks) will be the next installment in this world and a lot of things foreshadowed in this one will be relevant there, and I think you'll like that one because it's more of a single big story again. But then some other things foreshadowed aren't gonna come around for a long time.

I pretty much agree with everything in Comma Typer's comment: good story structure, good plot, and good Rarity. While I feel that Applejack Gets Lost has the better high points in its story, I think this story is better for having cohesion. I was hoping the plot would end up being Rarity frees the slaves by making dresses but I suppose Rarity frees the slaves by making dresses and also staging a coup is fine too. And once more, I commend your portrayal of Rarity here; I think the first-person narrative fits perfectly because of it.

I actually didn't notice much grammatical errors this time around. I'm not sure if I just got used to your style or something, but at the very least it's no longer distracting. I can't really think of anything I disliked or felt too out of place, either. My favorite chapters were "Dress for Success" and "New Fashion in Fashion." Such a shame that we never got to learn Mrs. Terluff's name; we even got the name of some dude’s wife who never showed up again.

I'll be reading your Starlight story shortly; that description is just too enticing.

I started this series with Unstoppable, because it's the first of your stories I noticed and it's premise was sorta similar to Austraeoh. I kinda wish I started with Lost, but it's also really cool seeing recurring characters chronologically. Loving these so far, moving on to the next now.

Great story. Not quite as action-packed or adventurey like the others I've read so far, but good on its own differences nonetheless. A very Rarity story.:raritystarry:

Now on to read Trixie's adventure.

“Hm?” She peeked open an eye. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about how I had been working on a spell to escape from here back before you arrived but kind of stopped practicing it when all of this started up. My special talent always revolved around “light” and I can do a pretty decent camouflage spell but it doesn’t really work too well in broad daylight when you’re moving. I’ve been trying to make myself actually invisible by bending light but haven’t had much success with it, good thing you came along or I’d still be stuck trying to get it to work. I made a little progress so maybe it’s something that will come in handy in the future but for the most part it’s been a bust.”

Guess that sort of explains the question I had earlier about "defensive" magics on the trolls.

Hmm...no indication yet on why Applejack was having a Cutie Map reaction. Wonder if that's for her next story, then.

Ah, so it's confirmed there's only four, then. No sudden appearance of a Blue, Green, Yellow, etc. Just White, Red, Black, and Grey.:derpytongue2: They all seem to have different but possibly slightly overlapping agendas. Sounds like Black will be a key player in the Trixie story, though.

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