• Published 24th Feb 2019
  • 958 Views, 78 Comments

Rarity Gets Enslaved - MagicS

Rarity is very excited to be the temporary ambassador to a newly discovered kingdom. Unfortunately things quickly begin to go awry for her.

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Stressful Couture

“So what about him?” I said, pointing to the name of a troll baron on a long piece of parchment.

“No good.” Duke Terluff replied. “He’s an opportunistic coward who would go straight to the King if he heard about what we were planning to do.”

“Finding more friends isn’t exactly easy.” I grimaced as I looked down the sheet that listed every troll noble and their rank, we had been poring over it all day so Duke Terluff could enlighten me on who might be friendly to our cause.

“I told you there won’t be many who would directly support us, and if anyone said something publicly… well, that would be it for them.”

“So all we’ll really be getting is people saying they support or agree with us in private but won’t actually do anything unless we’ve already won?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Pretty much.” He shrugged.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. The two of us were in his private office, having discussed this and our plans all day while I had my friends do the finishing touches and some minor work on my last dress orders. Tulepule’s next ball was in two days but as much as I needed to keep up appearances I had bigger things to worry about now. Now that I and Duke Terluff were actually plotting the overthrow of the old system and the end of slavery after all.

“There’s really only a single opportunity for us to do anything too.” I said. “The Grand Festival, when the King and High Priest both come down to mingle and celebrate with everyone else. Otherwise how would we even get to him?”

“We can’t, the royal family, the High Priest and all his closest subordinates stay in their private fortress that’s locked away from the rest of the castle. You’ve seen it haven’t you?” He asked.

I didn’t answer. I remembered when I had been doing farm work, looking up at that far mountain peak and seeing the private sanctum of the King. A castle within a castle where the only way to get inside from the rest of the castle were heavily guarded bridges.

“So that’s it then, we have to do something at the Grand Festival. There’s no other way.” I said plainly.

“Yes. The question is what? And just how peacefully things can go.” Duke Terluff sat back, he still wasn’t exactly happy to be plotting like this.

And I wasn’t sure what either. We didn’t have much time to prepare and we hardly had any allies or people who could even remotely be called allies. I had my connections with some nobles but would any of them help? Doubtful. At least Duke Terluff had all the necessary insider information when it came to other nobles and their sympathies and ideals. I was friends with some other slaves and could likely set up communications with many others, if I could visit Harlequin Black and Captain Anchor down in the stadiums perhaps they could introduce me to the other slaves down there and an eventual revolt could be planned? Gertrude had been here for a while and knew a lot of the slaves still working in the castle, maybe I could do the same through her. It would be a good idea regardless to set up relations with as many of the slaves in the castle as I could.

What would the guards do? Would they fight for the King regardless or if we somehow took control would they just listen to us now? It was good at least that hardly anyone seemed to actually like the King, they just followed him because that was the way things were. But he spent all his time in his own castle I doubt most nobles would ever consider the King an actual friend or anything or would support him out of more than just obligation and tradition. Maybe the other nobles would like someone more public and friendlier taking up rulership? Regardless of what they felt about slavery or certain other things.

“I’m getting tired thinking about all this.” I said as I rubbed my shut eyes, “Maybe we should just enjoy Tulepule’s party first, take the time to relax.”

“Sounds fine to me.” Duke Terluff nodded before sighing. “I still need to tell my wife everything. Or maybe I shouldn’t bother her about it.”

I couldn’t help but giggle at how quickly his thoughts went to his wife.

“Yes and I need to get back to my office and see how things are going. I’ll probably need to finish up a lot of the work myself.” I have faith in everyone but Gertrude to be doing a good job. It’s just that I happen to have very high standards.

“A lot of good ground was covered, at least we got started.” I hopped off my chair and opened up the door to his office. “I’ll see you again before the party.”

“Of course.” He smiled at me.

It was then that there was a knock on the front door. Duke Terluff scowled and stood up, grumbling under his breath about more work doubtlessly piling up. I wondered who it was too and I followed the Duke as he walked past me out of his office to the front door. Hopefully it wasn’t something that would take up too much of my friend’s time.

He made it to the front door and pulled it open, upon which a surprising sight awaited the two of us.

There was a rather sharp looking troll dressed in a suit and surrounded by four guards. I had no idea what was going on and glanced up at Duke Terluff to see a similar look of confusion on his face.

“Termyne? What are you doing here?” Duke Terluff asked. So he at least knew who this was.

“Duke Terluff.” This “Termyne” fellow gave a slight bow. “I am here on order from the High Priest, he has heard of your slave and wishes to request her services. Is she-” It was then that he finally noticed me standing by Duke Terluff’s side. “Oh, hello. Your name is Rarity, correct?”

“Yes, it is.” I said and slowly walked up to him. “The High Priest wants something of me?”

“He has heard from others that Duke Terluff has a slave that makes wondrous clothes. He wants you to make a dress for his wife.” Termyne told me.

Well. This was unexpected. I think I could hear Duke Terluff’s jaw hit the floor from behind me.

“I’m… I would be honored.” I was too shocked to say anything else. My own mouth and eyes were embarrassingly wide open.

“To be honest you didn’t really have the option to refuse.” Termyne said.

I had figured as much but he didn’t need to say that.

“Hold on.” Duke Terluff said, gathering his wits back and walking up beside me. “She still has other work to do and she was planning on accompanying me to Duke Tulepule’s next party, when will-”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to forget about all of that.” Termyne rudely cut him off. “The High Priest requests her presence and abilities now. She’ll be able to return whenever she finishes the dress. That’s it.”

Duke Terluff narrowed his eyes at Termyne and his fists shook in anger but it was clear he couldn’t go against something the High Priest wanted.

“Duke Terluff, it’s alright. My friends will have the dresses for the other nobles finished, I’ll simply have to join you at the next party.” I placed a hoof on his hip to settle him down.

He growled but didn’t say anything more to Termyne, instead just looking down at me. “Just be careful in there. Don’t act all haughty and brazen with the High Priest like you do with me, in fact don’t speak unless spoken to at all. For your own good.”

I frowned but nodded. I got the feeling that being myself would end up with me biting off more than I could chew.

“The Duke is right. Speaking out of turn or saying anything that can even be slightly construed as rude or improper in the castle of the royal family and the presence of the High Priest is a quick road to being executed.” Termyne said.

Not exactly comforting.

“Well thank you for the warning at least. I suppose we’ll be leaving now?” I asked.

“You are correct. Come along with me.” Termyne gave a small nod to Duke Terluff and made an about face and started walking away, his guards going with him.

“Good luck. I hope to see you back soon.” Duke Terluff said to me.

“I hope to be back soon.” I said. Only a little bit worried. “Could you please go tell the others what’s happened?”

“Of course, you should run along now.”

I gave him a last, uncomfortable, smile and trotted off to walk with Termyne. To the private castle of the King and his closest trolls.

Naturally this was not a part of the castle I had been to before. Our small party stood in front of a large doorway, the walls leading up to it were lined with more troll guards than I had seen anywhere else. But they all merely stood to the side, clearly knowing who Termyne was and allowing him and the rest of us to go this way without a problem. The four guards Termyne had brought with him now walked forward and began to push the door open. The thing was truly massive I have to tell you. Several feet thick at least, it slowly slid across the ground as they pushed and a familiar sound came to my ears.

The pounding of rain on stone. This door led directly outside. No, more than that, it led directly to one of the bridges that would take us to the private castle. The six of us now walked through the door and let it close behind us, we were under a large stone overhang that momentarily protected us from the rain and allowed me to see that the storm was fierce outside today. As expected I suppose. There were a few other trolls that had already been standing under this overhang before the door was opened and one of them came up to us and opened up a large umbrella over mine and Termyne’s head.

And by large umbrella I mean large even by troll standards. It was like a canopy or tent over me.

Now that we had that, Termyne started walking down and across the bridge. The troll holding the umbrella for the two of us halfway out of its cover and not minding that he was getting partially soaked. It was a long ways before we would get to the King’s castle, a long way for us to just walk down this simple stone bridge while the rain poured down around us.

It was at this moment that despite the loud rain and the fact that I should be practicing on keeping quiet that I decided to let my curiosity get the better of me and ask about Termyne.

“So what do you exactly do here anyways?”

If he was surprised by my sudden question he didn’t show it. In fact he was so silent and kept walking as if he didn’t hear me that I thought for a moment that he wouldn’t respond. But then he opened up his mouth.

“I am to the High Priest what you are to Duke Terluff. A personal assistant. His majordomo. I facilitate business within their castle and direct other servants and slaves.”

And he was not one for small talk as he clammed up immediately after that. So we made our way through the rest of the rain in silence, the gate of the castle getting closer and closer. I was already feeling a little bit stressed, more anxious than when I finally decided to tell Duke Terluff about my desire to free the slaves. The opportunity to make a dress for the wife of such an important figure was wonderful but the rest of the situation was just too nerve-wracking.

I acted as calm and collected as I could when we finally made it to the entrance to the King’s castle. The door swung open for us through some unseen means and we walked inside and out of the rain. And now I really had to be careful.

“I will now take you to the chambers of the High Priest.” Termyne said and beckoned me to follow him.

“Thank you.” I now decided to take a look around the private castle I was in. In general the architecture and art were the same as always but the atrium we were inside after just stepping out of the rain was quite impressive. A massive room that looked like its ceiling stretched all the way to the top of the castle, with a staircase winding around the walls and landings that could deposit us off at any story.

So of course we ended up having to walk to the highest story. Things were quiet in here, quieter even than the emptier parts of the main castle and I saw a far fewer number of servants and slaves going about their business. Trying to pass some more time while we made our climb I attempted to engage Termyne in small talk again.

“So I’m getting the chance to make a dress for the High Priest’s wife? That’s pretty incredible now that I think about it. Perhaps next I’ll be designing one for the Queen?”

Termnye glanced down at me, his face an unreadable mask. “I suppose you haven’t had reason to learn yet but there is no Queen. Females can hold no rank, she’s just “The King’s wife”.”

What an abhorrent system!

I wisely didn’t say that aloud. And I wisely would continue to keep my thoughts to myself when we made it to the High Priest.

From the ceiling hung a positively gigantic chandelier that put every other chandelier I had seen in my life to shame. All the lights, candles and crystals that made it up could make ten impressive chandeliers of their own, it spanned practically the entirety of the ceiling. In the future I may wish to make a smaller copy and see if Princess Celestia or maybe even Twilight would like it installed in their castle’s. Drinking in the illustrious sight of it took my mind off how tiring it was to walk up all these steps, I almost didn’t notice when we finally arrived at the top.

There was but a single hallway, down we walked towards an ornate wooden door with large golden knockers and handles. Termyne however didn’t knock, simply opened it up and walked inside. His guards stayed behind but I walked in with him.

The room was surprisingly mundane. Very utilitarian. Plain tables and chairs, simple mauve paint on the walls, hardwood floor, a lack of art or sculptures. Quite different from the chambers of the nobles I had seen. From this sitting room there was only one door in front of us that must have led to the rest of the High Priest’s residence, I could hear shuffling from behind it that was coming closer and closer.

“Do not speak unless directly asked a question.” Termyne quietly said from beside me.

I had no chance to respond as the door was pushed open and a rather elderly looking troll walked into the room. He wore a simple red robe and strode toward Termyne without even looking at me.

“Is that the one?” His hands trembled as he spoke.

“Yes sir, she is the one.”

The High Priest (at least that’s who I assumed he was, I mean who else could it be?) nodded repeatedly and slowly turned back around as if he was taking care to not move in the wrong way.

“Good, good.” He continued to completely ignore my presence as he walked back to the door he had come from. “You know where to take her, it’s all set up, if she doesn’t do a good job then execute her.”

“Of course.” Termyne bluntly affirmed.

Oh dear.

I was a little put off at how simply Termyne responded. Did he really not have a problem with that? What an awful person if so. Was the High Priest not even going to care about the final product as long as others said it was as good as the rest of the dresses I had made here? And how would any of you know if I did a good job or not?! Before I came here you wouldn’t know good fashion from a torn up potato sack!

Good thing I didn’t say that aloud too.

After going back down several flights of stairs I was locked, yes, locked, in a room overflowing with an even grander assortment and selection of materials and instruments to make a dress than Duke Terluff could offer. I was given a picture of the High Priest’s wife, the dress she wore to the previous Grand Festival of which I was assured still fit her perfectly, and the order to “Hurry up”.

You can not rush art.

The nerve of them.

The darling I was making the dress for appeared far younger than her husband with a lustrous brown fur. After seeing her picture and remembering the simplicity of what the High Priest wore and how he “decorated” his room I decided to go a different direction than the previous dresses I had made. Her gown would be a simple but elegant and beautiful white silk with golden trim and a golden flower pattern all across it.

White and gold fit together extremely well as our dear Princess Celestia proved.

Of course while I did come up with the general idea for the dress very quickly the finer details and the process of actually making it was far more difficult. The reason being that you can’t just force art either, you can’t just expect me to make something amazing with a snap of your fingers. As talented and creative as I am it simply does not work that way. I need the right inspiration, the right passion and moment. To sit me down like this and tell me to make a beautiful dress or else is actually very stifling and counter-productive.

I need to make art and fashion on my own terms for it to be truly wonderful.

Thankfully however I am still me and I believe myself to be great enough to overcome these problems. I wouldn’t be the best dressmaker and fashion designer in Equestria otherwise.

No I do not consider that bragging.

I started finishing up the design for the dress, it would have a frilly bottom half and a longer than usual train. Add that to the white color and it would come off a bit like a wedding dress. Now I wasn’t sure what sort of timetable I was on but I figured they wanted it done relatively soon. And I wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible for a multitude of reasons as well. However despite that desire I would not rush my creation for not only the fear of being executed but for my pride as an artist.

I was already going to miss Tulepule’s ball for certain anyways. But this was also cutting into the time we needed to prepare things for the Grand Festival.

At least I wasn’t still stuck with a creative dry spell like I was before coming here. Then I’d really be in trouble. The High Priest’s attitude and lack of appreciation towards me really put a damper on things but I wasn’t going to let that get to me either.

By the looks of things the sewing machine I was to use had been completely untouched thus far, brand new just for my use, so I began feeding the material through it and getting started on the dress. Quite a lot of it would need to be hoof-stitched. I needed to find the right gold thread for the flowers and I was going to use quite a lot of sequins to really give it a shine. This dress would not be as busy or as eye-catching in my opinion as many others I had made but it would exude a simple beauty and classiness from it.

I stayed up all night working as hard as I could on it. Thinking up new ideas and discarding them just as quickly. Despite the fatigue setting in I kept up my work, keeping my eyes practically glued to the dress beginning to take shape in front of me. Yes, my magic was working. I could feel that this dress would be great when I was done with it.

Not like I should ever be doubted.

And if they didn’t think it was good enough for their poor taste well then it’s their loss! I would not go quietly, in fact I would throw the biggest tantrum they had ever seen! You had better believe it!

Certainly they would be able to see the magnificence of this dress though. I saw from looking in a mirror that I had bags under my eyes, it was likely morning and I assumed I would get a check-up from someone at least once a day. The dress wasn’t finished yet but already its beauty should be apparent. I believe it would only take me one more day to complete it. Whether I would be sleeping at all or not while I worked on it was another question.

Hardly the first time I found myself so caught up in my work that I didn’t sleep. In fact that happened just recently.

“Is it coming along well?”

I looked up from my work, startled. Termyne was there, standing just inside the door. I had been so focused on my work I didn’t even notice him come in. Hardly the first time that has happened either.

I blinked a few times and shook my head to try and get some of the sleepiness away before I responded. “Yes it’s going well. I believe I’ll have it finished within a day.”

“Good. And it will be of exemplary quality of course?” Despite his tone not changing at all I couldn’t help but feel I was being mocked.

“Every dress I make is of exemplary quality. You will all find no reason to complain.” I responded with just a touch of attitude.

“You should be careful how you speak.” He walked forward and surveyed what I had done so far. “But I confess that I don’t understand any of this. I’ve never paid half a mind to what we wear and I don’t see why the High Priest cares about getting one of these so-called amazing dresses he’s heard have been taking the castle by storm.”

“Is that really how the rumors are going?” I happily jumped up, fatigue forgotten as my delight at hearing such news made my eyes sparkle.

Termyne stepped back, put off by my sudden exuberance. “So I have heard.” He fixed me with a bemused look. “That has nothing to do with this though, I’ll be back tomorrow to see the finished product then. Please do not disappoint us.”

It was at this point that I would’ve stuck my tongue out at him as he left if I wasn’t such a sophisticated person with a high level of etiquette.

I really wanted to do it though.

The High Priest was really not a pleasant troll in the slightest. He held up my dress in his hands and looked it all over, inspecting it to see if it came up to his standards and taste. As if he knew what he was doing at all. I mean really? What does the High Priest know about fashion? Is he just putting on a show to come off as a more learned and noble troll than the others? There were only guards in here besides me and Termyne in the first place. Who are you trying to impress?

Did you need to see if it was proper for your wife to wear? That I could at least understand.

I really wish I could speak all of this aloud.

“Is she to be executed?” Termyne asked him.

Why would you ask that?! Don’t put the idea in his head! Do you want me to be executed?!

The High Priest kept turning over and looking all over the dress without responding. He held it rather close to his face, I wonder if he couldn’t see well. I really hoped he didn’t accidentally tear it or anything. Not just for my sake but because it would be a crime against fashion to ruin something so nice.

He finally stopped moving it around and snorted, clearing his breath. “No. I like it. It will look good on my wife, you can send her back to Terluff.”

“Of course, sir.” Termyne bowed and I practically fainted in relief.

The next few minutes were a daze as the High Priest retreated into his room and I was led by Termyne down the stairs to the doors of the royal castle.

“You can find your own way back of course, and there are guards stationed at the end of the bridge to open up the door for you.” He turned to leave but stopped and briefly glanced back over his shoulder. “I suppose you’re a rather lucky slave all in all.”

You know what? I didn’t like him either.

As I left the royal castle I noticed that the rain had let up, something that I was grateful for. Now it was just a simple walk back to Duke Terluff’s home and we could get back down to business. In fact I think I just came up with a great idea for what we could do at the Grand Festival.

However as I started walking across the bridge I noticed something that almost made me freeze.

White-streak, Berten, was walking down the bridge to the castle. Well there was simply no way of avoiding him. We’d walk right by each other. I tried not to make my apprehension apparent, I didn’t even look at him any further, just keeping my eyes forward and not focusing on him. If he was paying attention to me I didn’t notice.

Finally the two of us met side by side, I heard a brief chuckle come from him but he kept walking. Neither of us gave anymore notice to the other. I would be glad to get back into the castle, back to Terluff and my other friends. This has been stressful enough already.