• Published 24th Feb 2019
  • 955 Views, 78 Comments

Rarity Gets Enslaved - MagicS

Rarity is very excited to be the temporary ambassador to a newly discovered kingdom. Unfortunately things quickly begin to go awry for her.

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New Fashion In Fashion

It was time.

After resting for a good few hours and spending the next few hours after that getting ready the three of us made our way to tonight’s ball. For the first time in a long while my mane and tail were perfectly curled and had an exquisite shine to them. I still unfortunately had no access to makeup but thankfully I already had a pretty enough face underneath it all. As I would happily tell Applejack or Rainbow Dash after any snide remark they might make I did not need makeup, I simply used it to enhance my already lovely and beautiful features in the same way an expertly crafted dress does.

What I did have on though was a pretty golden necklace, graciously gifted to me by Mrs. Terluff as thanks for the dress. I sadly had no dress of my own to wear but I would have to make due without one. If I perhaps had a little more time I could’ve made one for myself but I spent all the time I had on making Mrs. Terluff’s dress perfect. Also I’m not sure if the Duke would approve of me also having such a fancy dress, for all I knew it would be frowned upon by the other nobles as well if they saw a slave wearing such a thing.

The Duke wore a sharp tuxedo. It was the same one I had seen him wearing at the previous party and was likely very similar to if not completely the same as what most of the other nobles would be wearing.

Forget making myself a dress if I had the time, I should’ve made something for the Duke too. Now the both of us are going to look completely outclassed by his wife. Even just spending a little time to find the right jewelry and accessories for him would’ve done wonders but now he’ll just be out of place when standing and dancing with her. A shame, I’ll have to fix that for next time.

“Tulepule is holding this party in the Great Hall, it will be packed with nobles of every rank and station.” Duke Terluff explained to me. “If a Marquess or someone of even lower rank was holding the party I doubt I would’ve attended in the first place but since Tulepule is an… equal I must.”

I almost giggled at his displeasure of using the word equal but I wanted to maintain an aloof look.

“But you went to the party held by Marquess Tivbald?” His wife spoke up.

Duke Terluff grumbled, shifting awkwardly. “You were away, I was bored.”

Was that a hint of red on his cheeks? How precious!

“Besides I suppose it was good that I went to that party, if I hadn’t I never would’ve met this one.” The Duke said and pointed a finger in my direction. “So it all ended up worth it in the end. And hopefully this ball will be even better after they all see your new dress.”

“Duke Terluff I assure you.” I said to him as I trotted along at his side. “This gown will captivate every troll in attendance. It will be the center of attention for the night, no question.”

“I’ll admit I was-” He coughed. “Impressed when I saw my wife wearing your dress.”

Darling you were floored when she came out in my dress. I wanted to say but instead just smiled and raised a knowing eyebrow at the Duke.

But there was something else I was wondering about. “Is this Great Hall you mentioned the castle’s largest ballroom? A friend of mine mentioned that she catered a previous party held by Duke Tulepule there.”

“Indeed it is.” The Duke answered. “Tulepule holds a few smaller engagements in his personal residence but whenever he decides to have an actual ball it’s always in the Great Hall. I wouldn’t be surprised if this friend you mentioned was catering for it again.” Terluff started scratching his chin as we walked. “Since it’s a large event even the lowest of Barons is likely to be there.” He glanced down at me. “I don’t think I’ve told you this but it would be helpful for you to know, only Dukes and Marquess’ are of a high enough rank to actually live in the castle. Earls, Viscounts, and Barons all live around the outer castle grounds or further out in the kingdom.”

“Thank you for informing me. Truthfully I am rather interested in your society, even if I have been too preoccupied with other things in my time here to really learn about it.” And I really was. Part of it was for Twilight’s sake but learning about the nobility and royalty of any nation was quite interesting to me for obvious reasons.

“We can talk about that later. I’d like to conserve my energy for now since if your boasting isn’t overblown I’ll likely have a lot of talking to do at the ball.” The Duke said and looped an arm around his wife’s, walking arm in arm with her now while I had to quicken my pace to keep up.

I was so excited, I could hear the murmuring of other trolls now as we made our way to the party. Already as we walked down another guarded hallway did the normally so stoic guards turn their heads and gawk at my magnificent dress. Now I was thinking though that we should’ve had his wife draped in some large coat so no one would see her dress until we were in the party and surrounded by others. But I suppose this was alright, waves of gasps and shock would make their way through the party as we walked into the Great Hall. First the trolls arriving with us would see it, then the ones by the door, and finally all the rest inside would be drawn towards us.

We turned another corner and came into a much larger room that already had several other parties of trolls in it, all walking the same direction. I looked down to our destination to see a positively massive set of wooden doors wide open that led into an even larger room. The Great Hall to be sure, there were many trolls loitering about the doorway.

As the three of us started walking along with the others, not even trying to draw attention to ourselves, I already heard the whispering begin. I could feel the eyes on us, the fingers being pointed as everyone noticed what Mrs. Terluff was wearing. Looking up at them I saw both the Duke and his wife smiling happily. They knew the effect they were having as well.

More and more heads turned to us as we made it to the door. I’m surprised no one has come up to ask about the dress yet, perhaps theses trolls were of a lower rank and it would be against etiquette for them to come running up to the Duke and his wife.

“See darlings?” I said to the two of them. “What did I tell you, all eyes are on you.”

It was obvious to see why too as I looked out at the dresses other trolls were wearing. The same boring design that I saw at the last party with only the slightest modifications and changes between some of them. We would simply stand out even if the dress I had made wasn’t as wonderful as it was, just the color and other differences would’ve been enough.

It almost makes my hard work feel like a waste. Would they have been captivated by just anything as long as it was different? I hope not. I really poured my heart into this dress.

No, I shouldn’t be so cynical. Regardless of how it’s received or why the fact is I still made an amazing dress and my satisfaction with myself is just as important as anything. That’s what it means to have artistic integrity and holding yourself to a high standard. Which I always do.

The crowd practically parted right down the middle as we made our way into the party proper. For the first time I was able to take a look at the Grand Hall and I was not disappointed, it really lived up to its name. It was similar to the previous party’s hall but the scale was so much… grander. There were numerous fountains and large statues of armor-clad trolls, a full orchestra played music from the side, and a long chain of tables held an absolute banquet of food on them. Naturally the downside to this splendor was all the slaves I saw being forced to cater the food and wait on trolls. At the moment I saw a few faces I recognized but no one I was close with.

“Well this is quite wonderful.” I gave the simple platitude to Duke and Mrs. Terluff. Truthfully after we had shown off the dress I wanted to see how my friends were doing.

We had made our way through the throng of trolls, coming out to just before the main dance floor. Naturally most of the dancing had stopped when Mrs. Terluff’s dress came into view.

I think it’s quite indicative of how static troll society was that a single dress (as good as it may be) can provoke such a reaction among them all. They truly were starved for something new and innovative. At first they all continued to stay their distance, simply whispering back and forth among each other and scanning over every inch of the dress with their eyes, none wanted to take that first step and Duke Terluff was more than happy to keep them wondering on the edge of their seats.

“What is that?” Came a loud voice to my right. “What in the name of the King is that?”

I looked to see a dumbstruck troll lumbering towards us, he was older looking than Duke Terluff and with a much darker shade of fur, almost black.

“Duke Tulepule, lovely party you’re having.” Duke Terluff said with the smuggest of grins to the other approaching duke.

So finally I got to see Duke Tulepule. He continued to stare in awe at my dress as he walked towards the three of us, hands held dumbly out in front of him as if he was planning on grasping it as soon as he got close enough.

Duke Terluff stood in front of him. “Now now, let’s not get carried away. I know my wife’s new dress is marvelous but I think you can abide by “look, don’t touch” can’t you?” He asked, cheekily.

“Yes, yes of course.” Tulepule said in embarrassment, coughing into his hand. “But this dress… it’s unlike any I’ve ever seen.”

“Quite different isn’t it?” Terluff grinned. “I had it specially made for my wife. The traditional dress simply didn’t do her justice.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. His grandstanding was silly enough but his exaggerated sweetness for his wife got me too.

However my giggling caught the attention of Tulepule.

“And what’s this? You decided to bring a slave to my party?” He raised an eyebrow at me, obviously not fond of my presence here.

“Heh.” Terluff chuckled and clapped a hand along Tulepule’s back. “Prepare to be even more impressed, but this slave of mine is the one who made the dress.”

Tulepule’s eyes widened in shock as I stood there smiling with my head held high.

“Truly? Your slave made this?” He clearly couldn’t believe it. Really it was a little insulting. Not just for me but they obviously didn’t expect much from any slaves or seem to know or care about where we came from.

“Yes, I discovered her talents and had her make this gem for my wife.”

Oh you liar.

“I can’t believe it.” Duke Tulepule kept looking between me and the dress while more trolls came closer and surrounded us. “It’s just so… I don’t even know what to say about it. Not only is it so beautiful that words can hardly do it justice but you say a slave you found made it? My word.”

Now I was about to take a risk here.

“It is quite the wonderful dress isn’t it?” I exclaimed to Tulepule and all the other trolls and trotted over to stand in front of Mrs. Terluff. “It was difficult to create something worthy of Mrs. Terluff’s beauty but I believe I did a good job. The ocean that surrounds your kingdom brought forth so much inspiration as well, I have to thank you all for allowing me to see such a magnificent place and being given this opportunity.”

I knew they would love all that praise I just heaped upon them. Any spoiled and oblivious group of nobles would. Considering how I spoke of his wife I don’t think Duke Terluff would mind me interjecting as well.

“Yes, and while all this talking is good there seems to be quite the lack of dancing going on.” Duke Terluff said. “I think my wife and I will go get things started up again since we are somewhat at fault for things slowing down. If you have any questions about the dress I’m sure Rarity would be more than willing to answer them.”

He took his wife by the hand and walked to the center of the dance floor. Showoff. He was loving every minute of this.

Well. It’s not like he was wrong about my willingness to talk about the dress. And now I didn’t have to worry about taking the focus away from his wife since they were doing their own thing.

As I watched though I was quite enraptured by their dancing. Despite their physique and size the two of them glided across the dance floor, hand in hand, arm in arm, twirling around like a couple of professionals. It was even more impressive with the way my dress flowed along and it was hardly just my eyes that were captured by the rather lovely display. Duke Terluff and his wife danced in the center of a sea of trolls watching every movement. He went to the very center to maximize his exposure and he knew it. I was proud that my dress not only had such a fitting model for it but also one who knew how to show off it and its charms perfectly. The other trolls would be talking about this the next morning and likely many days after, it would probably be the prime topic of discussion at the next party and they would all be wondering if the Duke’s wife would be wearing her majestic dress again if she and her husband deigned to show up.

“How did you come up with it?”

I was shaken out of my musings when I heard the voice of Duke Tulepule next to me, thanks to my lack of awareness I hadn’t noticed that a fairly large group of trolls had formed up around me as well.

I fluffed up my mane and batted my eyelashes at the Duke. I was not going to let myself look like a simple slave here. “I’m a fashion designer back home, this is just natural to me. As I said, I was inspired by the sea and seeing a whole new world when I was brought to this castle. Duke Terluff supplied the exquisite materials and I worked my magic on them to create what you see now. I must say I’m quite proud of it. It’s something I wouldn’t mind putting in any of my stores, although adjusted for ponies of course.”

“Stores?” Duke Tulepule questioned while the other trolls standing around continued to hang off our every word, likely nobles of a lower rank. “You are an entrepreneur then?”

Raising a hoof to my mouth I let out a playful giggle. “But of course, I’ve established my brand all across Equestria. Part of why I was so upset when I was brought here was that you all didn’t even give me the chance to show off my talent, I’m glad that’s been corrected now though.” I waved my hoof towards the dancing Duke Terluff and his wife.

“Yes, well...” Tulepule stuttered as he looked on. “I don’t think any of us expected this of a slave.”

The way he said that almost made me scowl at him but I was able to stop myself. Still I was quite angry, especially since so many were being forced to work here right now.

“I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised seeing just what I can do. This was only one dress after all.” I said in return.

“Just one?” Another troll from the crowd spoke up. “Will not the Duke’s wife be wearing this to the next party and the Grand Festival too?”

“Goodness sake, of course not darling!” I walked up and playfully batted his arm. “While this dress is lovely, if it’s for a new occasion I would certainly create an all new dress for her. And especially for the all-important Grand Festival as well. The dress I make for her for that occasion will put the others to shame I assure you.” I didn’t really actually know anything about the Grand Festival.

“You have more ideas for dresses?” Duke Tulepule said.

“Of course! I’m simply brimming with them!” And it was true. The one good thing about this whole misadventure was I finally had ideas pouring through my head again.

Tulepule took the time to look at the dancing Duke Terluff again. “I must admit then that I’m jealous of Duke Terluff for having you in his service. And your dress is such an unusual thing to see… we don’t have things like that. It’s always been the same way for generations, I’m not even sure we could come up with something like that if we wanted to anymore.”

I flashed him my most winning of smiles. “You’re lucky that I’m here then. Now you can see something new and exciting, something that changes the status-quo, shakes things up. I really hope you all enjoy, I aim to please.” I said to the other assembled trolls, turning in a circle to meet all their eyes.

They started talking amongst themselves while I stood there as proud and regal looking as possible.

And since I always look proud and regal it wasn’t too difficult. Once again I wish I had a dress to wear too though.

Duke Tulepule was nervously tapping his fingers together as he watched Terluff and his wife dance. Perhaps he didn’t like being showed up or was just surprised at how captivating they were. As the questions aimed towards me stopped I too began to watch them again.

“Come now, that’s enough about me and my part in making her dress.” I said to the nearby trolls to grab their attention. “Now you should be watching it in motion, see how it complements her physique and flows along with her dancing.”

I got their attention back on the two dancers and walked to the edge of the dance floor, my entourage of trolls following me.

Now that feels good.

Duke Terluff and his wife were the sole trolls on the dance floor, everyone either too engaged in their dancing or too worried about being overshadowed to join them. Time to change that. We watched the two stars dance for a second before I spoke up again. “Well? What about the rest of you? I think it would be quite the honor to dance with them wouldn’t you? As the Duke said there seems to be a tragic lack of dancing going on.”

Some of the trolls started shuffling about at my words, beginning to join in the lovely dancing. A few looked embarrassed and others were still watching either me or Duke Terluff. I suppose they wanted to see what we would do next.

I decided then to do something rather brazen. Let’s see just what I can get away with.

“You know I’m quite thirsty, I haven’t had anything to eat or drink so far at this lovely party. Would one of you dears be so kind as to get me a glass of apple fire?”

Oh the nerve of me! I had to work to keep myself from laughing at my own display. That a slave would say such a thing to them, I may have completely overstepped my bounds but if my gut feeling was right they were quite taken with me. What I just said was something so absolutely rude and improper for a commoner, servant or slave to say to such high-ranking nobility but I wanted to assert myself. I wanted them to see that I held myself just as highly as they did.

And I wanted to see if I could get away with it. Let us see just how much respect they have for me, how much they are willing to get in my favor or how afraid they are of losing it. If seeing what I can do has overridden their prior senses or not.

“Of course.” One of the trolls to my right said, snapping his fingers and gesturing at a griffon slave carrying a tray of drinks identical to the one I carried at the party I catered.

The slave came up and dutifully stood in front of the troll, who plucked a single glass from the tray and handed it to me.

I am truly great, aren’t I?

And I feel like I honestly deserve this after everything.

“Thank you, darling.” I said to the anonymous troll and took the glass in my magic, bringing the rim to my lips and taking a single elegant sip. It tasted positively delicious! Overwhelmingly of apples but with a spice to it, some sort of kick and a hint of cinnamon. I was going to enjoy slowly sipping it for the rest of the night.

I stood there watching the amount of trolls on the dance floor grow, but Tulepule noticeably stayed put. Perhaps he didn’t have a wife or she was absent but either way he just continued to watch Terluff and his wife. Despite the size of the Great Hall the whispers about my dress had spread to every corner already and more trolls were congregating in this one area. A thick forest of trolls now crowded around the dance floor watching and appraising my dress. I saw many fingers pointed at me and whispered conversations surely about the magnificent slave dressmaker. Almost as many as there were who kept their eyes glued to Duke Terluff and his wife. I suppose it was only fair that they were still the main attraction. Seeing that dress for the first time was likely a shocker for them all and they wanted to drink in as much of it as they could.

Next time I would have a stunning dress on too.

For now I stopped paying strict attention to the dancing. I listened to the boring music for a bit, looked at the architecture and the paintings, watched the various other congregations of trolls as they partied and conversed with each other, watched the slaves serving food and drinks. I glanced to my sides to see all the nobles standing huddled around me. Perhaps I was coming one step closer to being able to do some actual good here.

I was still a slave, but not just any slave, and I would continue to prove my worth and uniqueness in the future.

I think things were finally turning around here for me.