• Published 24th May 2019
  • 4,449 Views, 182 Comments

Celestia's look-a-like assistant. - TheDawsonator1

Celestia has taken on a Pegasus that looks just like her as an assistant. How will this fare for both the Princess and the mare herself? Especially once Canterlot hears of this mare?

  • ...

The First Day

Yaaaaawwwwnn! Is it morning already? I slept like a foal on that bed and wait...what time is it? I turn my head to the left to look at the clock to see that it's 7:30am...wait...

"7:30AM!?" I yelled out loud.

I have to be at the throne room at 8am or I'm gonna be late for new job! How did I sleep in late? I could have sworn I set the alarm and...ooooohhhh, there's no alarm in this room. Duh! Still, I have to hurry! I wolfed down a quick salad, quickly showered and as brushed my mane so it looked presentable, or at least I hope so, I don't want to be late for my first day on the job. I immediately got my bag with all the identification and stuff I'll need for the job on my back and went out the door and started bolting towards the throne room.

"Ahem!" I heard a voice clear his throat behind me.

I skidded to a halt as I saw there was a royal guard behind me, he was white coated like all guards that wear the enchanted armor but he's an Earth Pony. Was he outside the door the entire time? Why is he outside the door anyway? Tell me there's not creepy peep holes in the door!

"Um, do you need something? I'm in a hurry" I asked him a tad impatiently.

"You're going the wrong way to the throne room to start with" he told me.

"How do you know where I'm going?" I asked immediately.

"Princess Celestia has assigned me to be your personal guard" he answered.

"Um, are you sure I need a guard?" I asked.

Do I really need a guard following me around? Celestia surely doesn't think I'm going to get attacked, does she?

"Every assistant to the Princess has, Ma'am, it's protocol." the guard answered that question too.

Well, I do need to get to the throne room and if I was going the wrong way, it couldn't hurt to have him show me the way...

"Okay, well, since you know where I'm going, I don't suppose you could...guide me there?" I asked him.

"Of course, it is my job after all" the guard smiles.

"Thanks" I thanked him.

The guard walked forward towards my right and I followed him by his side.

"If I may ask Ma'am, is it true you naturally look like this?" the guard asked me out of curiosity.

Of course that's his question, it always is.

"Yes I do" I answered with a sigh.

"What's it like?" the guard asked another question.

"Wouldn't recommend it. Let me guess, you thought I was either a changeling, a fanatic or something similar?" I answered the question.

"I may have thought the Princess was pulling a prank, she's apparently known for pulling off a few pranks every so often" the guard admits.

So, Celestia's a prankster? May have to be on the lookout.

"So, I realize I didn't introduce myself so you could stop thinking me as the Celestia look-a-like, my name is Sun Glow" I told the guard my name.

"I have been told. My name is Corporal Sharp Spear, a pleasure to be guarding you" Sharp Spear introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you as well" I said politely.

I may as well make nice with him if I'm gonna have a guard following me around the place. Still, I'll save my judgement of him until I've spent more time with him. He's sitting on the "Alright" part of the Love-Hate balance. It would help to know a bit more about him.

"So, have you been a guard long?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"About a year and a half I think, got out of basic right around the Royal Wedding" Spear told me.

"Ouch, were you in Canterlot when it happened?" I asked him about the wedding.

"I was, it wasn't pretty being surrounded by changelings as well as them posing as ponies that I knew in Canterlot. I'm born and raised here you see, so it was quite hard to whack somepony that looks like a friend, how about you?" Spear answered.

"I was in Baltimare, whole town went on lock-down and everypony thought I was one. Have to carry around special I.D to prove I am not a changeling because of my appearance" I told him.

"That must be hard, what's Baltimare like?" Spear asked about Baltimare.

"For me, it was annoying and I hated it, although for everypony else, I'd say it was an alright town" I remembered hating the town.

Honestly, I wouldn't want to go back to Baltimare, the home back there was a hovel of a place and I hated my weather job, I never really liked being an office mare.

"Bad memories?" Spear asked me.

"My appearance is not something that is praised in Equestria, it's surprising how quick ponies are to dislike something, it's fairly often that other ponies see me as an insult to Celestia herself." I explained.

"A shame, I know a lot of models would kill for your look." Spear told me.

"Tell them I'd trade with them any day happily. I never asked for this, they clearly are asking for it and they can deal with the consequences" I scoffed at the foolish models who would want such a curse.

You know, I never considered a body-swap spell but that would be too much trouble and now that I have just thought about it, I feel insulted by the idea of somepony running amok in my body or if they use it for...bad purposes. Great, now I have grossed myself out thinking about it.

"We're here" Spear snapped me out of my thoughts.

I saw that Sharp Spear is correct, the throne room doors are open as the pair of us of went straight past a pair of guards who nodded and also had a surprised look on their faces. I look up to see Celestia waiting for us on the throne and smiling. It was a few days ago that I came to Celestia for help about my look and now I'm her assistant, all of it felt so quick to me but I am grateful that Celestia has pulled me away from Baltimare. I don't think I could stand going back to Baltimare after finding out nothing can be done about my look.

"Good morning Sun Glow, how are you today?" Celestia greeted me.

"I am fine, I almost overslept." I answered.

"Did the alarm clock not work?" Celestia asked me in confusion.

"There wasn't one" I told her.

"Oh...my apologies, I shall have one sent to your room." Celestia realized her mistake.

Celestia looked over to Sharp Spear and then over to me.

"I see you have met your personal guard" Celestia noted.

"I have" I nodded.

"Shall we get the day started?" Celestia suggested.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be, what are we doing first?" I asked.

"We are attending some meetings today, first is with Captain Stone Wall of the Royal Guard. If you are ready, we may head there now" Celestia answered.

"I'm ready" I nodded again.

So, I get to meet the Captain of the Royal Guard? Maybe I can tell his Baltimare guards to leave me alone if I'm ever there again. But I followed Celestia out of the castle as Sharp Spear and a couple of other guards followed us on our way to the barracks.

"How are you liking the castle?" Celestia asked me as we walked.

"Um, well it's more the room, but it's good, it's just more high-end than what I'm used to" I answered.

"I'm glad to hear it, but have you spent the entire weekend in your room?" Celestia asked another question.

"I have, I just got some books and read over the weekend, I didn't think the castle would've wanted your doppelganger running around just yet unless I was by your side" I answered.

"Glow, you mustn't spend all your time reading books, else I may have to dye your coat lavender and change your mane so you look like Princess Twilight instead" Celestia said to me.

"Well, I kind of don't have much money and--" I started.

"Then ask, friends help each other out, you don't need a Princess of Friendship to tell you that." Celestia told me.

"Well, I'll know for next time" I said.

That and I didn't want to answer questions about my looks until today. I found that ponies were looking our way, mainly because of Celestia's presence but also my appearance as I felt the familiar stares that made me uneasy.

"So, what books did you end up reading?" Celestia asked me out of curiosity.

"A bit of Daring Do and The Time Crystal" I answered.

"Ah yes, Daring Do I'm familiar with, although I do not believe I've read The Time Crystal, what's it about?" Celestia asked.

"Well, a mare finds a crystal and discovers she can travel through time with it, so she does what any curious pony does and goes to the future only to be haunted by what she sees in it and attempts to make sure it never happens." I explained the plot.

"Sounds interesting, perhaps I should give it a read" Celestia said with actual interest.

I'm surprised Celestia hasn't read everything, but then again, she's a ruler, she doesn't have to try everything there ever is. I mean, it's kind of assuming a lot about Celestia to think she's tried everything.

"What about you? Surely you've picked up some fiction in all of your time" I asked her.

"I've just about read every genre and you pick up patterns after reading a lot of books, but I do believe I really enjoyed a series of seven books about a colt who attended a fictional school in another dimension and its his destiny to destroy an evil unicorn who acted on a prophecy that the colt was the one to kill him" Celestia answers.

"Don't think I've heard of that one" I answered honestly.

"It's about 600 years old, I did get a chance to meet the author, a lovely mare that unfortunately decided to make edits as her popularity got to her head and started to make unnecessary changes to the series' lore but I do have the originals in my old collection" Celestia told me.

"Did you ever read any really bad books?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"There are a few that get my seal of disapproval. Don't tell Cadence if you ever see her this, but I absolutely despise teen romances and novels that are basically porn. They're poorly written books that too many young stallions and mares have been tainted by and suddenly have weird expectations." Celestia explained.

"Your secret is safe with me, Celestia." I crossed my heart as a promise.

"How about you Glow, what fiction do you despise?" Celestia asked.

"Fictions that have the main character as the only reliable character when they are surrounded by allies. What's the point of having allies if they are all woefully incompetent?" I answered.

"I see" Celestia noted.

We arrived at the barracks, I saw guards jogging around, some in bare coats and some with what looked like heavy gear on their backs. As we entered the building, everything looked neat and orderly, it'd be rather lax of the guard if everything was a mess. We passed a couple of door guards who immediately bowed and we went up to the front desk to a guardsmare that saw us and bowed.

"P-Princess Celestia!" the mare spoke as she bowed.

"Good Morning, my little pony, I am here to see Captain Stone Wall, is he in his office?" Celestia greeted the mare.

"Y-Yes he is, your highness, shall I get an escort?" the mare answered.

"That won't be necessary, my guards here shall suffice" Celestia answered.

"And what about her?" the mare looks at me.

"She is with me, and she does normally look that. Thank you for your time." Celestia answers.

"It's a pleasure to serve, your highness" the mare bowed once more.

I follow Celestia to the left and up some stairs, she clearly knows the way as she's probably been here lots of times.

"Have you ever been here, Glow?" Celestia asked me.

"Never" I answered honestly.

"It's not bad here, it is highly effective. The barracks has been here for 800 years, training generation after generation of guards." Celestia told me a bit of trivia.

"That sounds interesting, although I'd never see myself as a guard" I told her.

"Why not?" Celestia asked curiously.

"I wanted to be a carpenter, remember? And besides, the whole standing still for hours on end and wearing heavy armor thing does not appeal to me" I answered again, honestly.

"Did you know I once wore armor back before Luna's banishment? Equestria was a very different country then, we had wars and monsters alike attacking our fair kingdom. There were days were I didn't take it off at all, not even for sleep, although I believe I am not alone when I say that taking off that armor after a while is a very refreshing feeling" Celestia told me a bit about her past.

We arrived at the Captain's office and Celestia knocked on the door.

"Enter" A voice came from the other side.

"You three, wait out here." Celestia tells the guards.

They nodded as Celestia and I entered the room to see the captain sitting at his desk. He was a big stone-colored Earth pony not in armor but definitely in uniform.

"Good Morning Princess, how are you today?" Stone Wall greeted Celestia.

"I am fine, thank you." Celestia replied.

Stone Wall noticed me as he looked around Celestia to me.

"Princess, you have a changeling behind you" Stone Wall notes.

"I do not. This is my new assistant, Sun Glow and I promise you she naturally looks like this, it was a surprise to me as well when I first met her" Celestia calmly answered.

"Is that so?" Stone wall asks.

"You can see the I.D if you want more proof, I brought it with me" I answered, knowing that he didn't believe this was how I looked.

"I shall, apologies Princess, but I really must check her for security purposes." Stone wall said to Celestia.

I handed Stone Wall all of my identification as he immediately checked it over. I am used to a guard checking it over, they do this a lot, honestly wished that stupid wedding never happened, all it did was make my life worse. That tends to happen a fair bit, I get into high school, it got worse, got my cutie mark, it got worse, ran out and moved to Baltimare, it got worse, stupid wedding happened and it got worse.

Imagine being accused of being a love-sucking changeling every day of the week, wherever you go. You'd think ponies would stop but no, they seem to believe that one day I'll change into one of them, some believe I'm really Queen Chrysalis and this is my signature disguise. Urgh! Idiots...

Stone Wall waved a quick device over my body which checked if I was a changeling but it did not beep which meant I am still 100% pony.

"Everything's in order, my apologies Ma'am, you must understand that security is the highest priority, especially here and around the Princess" Stone wall hands me back my I.D.

"Thank you" I said without tone.

I put my I.D back in my bag and took out my notepad. I always had a distrust of guards, the Baltimare ones treated me like dirt and the ones in my hometown were not much better, and besides, I wouldn't trust them to protect me anyway, they clearly care more about themselves than they do others.

"So, Princess, to business, what would you like to do first?" Stone Wall asked Celestia.

"I should like an inspection to start off with." Celestia answered.

"As you wish, I shall get the troops to fall in." Stone Wall said as he got up from his chair.

Celestia stood back up and I followed Celestia as the guards followed us as well. Within ten minutes, I found myself standing on a concrete area right next to Celestia in front of a whole company of guards all in the same armor and white coat. All of them were at attention as Celestia followed Stone Wall around the whole company, Celestia also told me to follow as I felt eyes on me as I passed them. I was told to make a few notes for Celestia while we walked past the guards and after five minutes of Celestia passing them in silence, we found ourselves back at the front of them all.

"I hope you are impressed, Princess" Stone Wall says.

"I am so far, your guards show discipline, but I think I would like to see how they fight. Send two of your best fighters in the ring, I would like to see their progress" Celestia orders the captain.

"As you command, your highness." Stone Wall did a bow.

"As for you Glow, let us head over, they'll be ready shortly" Celestia pointed to a nearby building.

I followed Celestia again to the building she pointed at, inside was a ring, and seats surrounding it, We took our seats but I couldn't help but notice Sharp Spear is gone...where did he go?

"Celestia, where's my guard?" I asked.

"Oh, Captain Stone Wall chose him for the demonstration, I hear his skill with a spear is exceptional, we will have to wait and see" Celestia answered.

"Oh, okay" I nodded.

"Have you ever seen a spear battle before?" Celestia asked me.

"A few times in my hometown, we had a couple of families that were guard families do an exhibition match every so often. Although they didn't let me attend too much because my appearance caused "distractions" or something" I answered.

"How interesting, perhaps you'll be able to compare those you've seen and what happens here" Celestia told me.

I saw two guards enter the ring in gear designed for the battle, one had a blue helmet while the other, a red helmet. Both of them looked identical in their outfits.

"The blue helmet is Sharp Spear" Celestia told me.

It was hard to recognize them as they had similar bodies but I saw Sharp Spear look our way and so did his opponent as they stood at the center of the ring. Stone Wall was also at the center and stared to speak up.

"Alright gentlecolts, Princess Celestia here wants to be sure that our guard is still up to scratch, her new assistant Sun Glow is also watching, so give both these mares a good show. First pony to score three hits win, battle will reset at each hit, NO dirty play is to be done, is that clear?" Stone Wall told the stallions the conditions of battle.

"Aye Sir!" Both of them answered.

"Are you ready, Princess?" Stone Wall asked Celestia.

"I am" Celestia gave a nod.

"Then...stallions, take ready positions!" Stone Wall called.

Both stallions got in a position of equal distance away from the center, ready to strike.

"BEGIN!" Stone Wall called out.

As soon as the word was uttered, both stallions swung their practice spears around as both attacked and defended with their spears for a good twenty seconds until...

"That's Round 1 to Sharp Spear" Stone Wall called out.

Both Stallions return to their starting spots. I found myself enjoying the brief spectacle that just happened, while it was a bit fast for me, it was clear there was an art involved with every strike. Celestia seemed to be satisfied with the round.

"BEGIN!" Stone Wall started the next round.

Another fight of fifteen seconds happened, this time it went to his opponent, Steady Hoof and the next round proved the same, but Sharp Spear won the next round making it 2-2, whomever won the next round would win the match. Although I did not know Sharp Spear for long, he was my guard and I rooted for him.

"Final round...BEGIN!" Stone wall started the final round.

Immediately, Sharp Spear went on the offensive for a good twenty seconds, before Steady Hoof countered with a jab towards Sharp Spear's chest but it was very fast but when the whistle blew, I saw that Sharp Spear's spear had hit Steady Hoof's chest and Steady Hoof's spear was above Sharp Spear's head. That must have been really fast!

"And the winner of this match is Corporal Sharp Spear!" Stone Wall calls out.

There was applause by Celestia of which, I joined in as I found it very entertaining to watch. Both Guards bowed quickly and departed as Stone Wall made his way to us.

"What do you think, Princess?" Stone Wall asked Celestia for her opinion.

"It seems your guards are doing well, I trust you will keep it that way" Celestia answered.

"Thank you, Princess." Stone Wall did a bow.

I saw Sharp Spear return again to our side.

"Well, I do believe I have seen enough for today, but I will expect a full report for later inspection by this time tomorrow" Celestia told Stone Wall.

"It will be done, your highness" Stone Wall says.

"Come Glow, we're leaving" Celestia says.

I followed Celestia again, this time out of the guard barrack and I let my own thoughts go for a while as I followed her...

"We're here" Celestia said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Where?" I asked.

I found myself looking at a doughnut shop, it read Pony Joe's Doughnut Shop but I thought we'd be somewhere else...

"Guards, you may head back to the castle" Celestia said.

"But--" one of the guards started to protest.

"Sun Glow and I will be fine, go take a break and be in the throne room in two hours time, you are dismissed" Celestia interrupted.

The guards clearly wanted to protest but they did as they were told and started heading to the castle leaving Celestia and I to enter the shop. It looked like an ordinary shop, why have we come here?

"Celestia, why have we come here?" I asked her.

"For something to eat, and so the pair of us could talk" Celestia answered.

A pony at the counter immediately noticed us.

"Princess Celestia! Welcome! How are you? And Welcome...Princess...Celestia?" the pony looked confused as he looked between both of us.
"Ah, this is Sun Glow, she naturally looks like this and she's my new assistant. Sun Glow, this is Pony Joe, the owner of the shop" Celestia introduced us both.

"Pleased to meet you" I politely said to Pony Joe.

"And to you as well, Miss Sun Glow" Pony Joe replied to me.

"Is it okay if we take our seats so we can order?" Celestia asked.

"Of course Princess, take your time and I'll be right over" Pony Joe says.

Celestia goes to a table and I sat opposite her.

"So I really got to ask, why this place in particular? I believe we passed by quite a few shops we could've stopped at but you ignored them and went for this one, why?" I asked.

"Tell me Glow, does this place look rich to you?" Celestia replied with another question.

I was surprised she answered that way, but I looked around anyway and the answer was obvious...

"No, it looks basic to me" I answered.

"And what did you notice about the stores we passed by?" Celestia asked another question.

While I was in my thoughts walking around, I did noticed the stores we passed by, they all had one thing in common:

"They all looked extremely high-end" I noted.

"Exactly" Celestia told me.

"Exactly what?" I asked what she meant.

"Remember our conversation when we first met? The part about how you wished ponies would stop seeing you for your doppelganger appearance to myself?" Celestia asked me.

I thought back to that day, it was a common frustration I had for my whole life. Everywhere I went was dictated by my appearance, they only ever saw Celestia in me rather than Sun Glow. I remember Celestia telling me that ponies see the Princess in her and not the Celestia in her, I think that is one of key similarities.

"I do" I nodded.

"Say we went to a rich shop with a doughnut, what would you expect?" Celestia asked me.

"A high-end doughnut" I answered honestly.

"What looks like a high-end doughnut, but with a higher price tag on it" Celestia told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Put it like this, that doughnut, it's going to be dressed up, looks like something only a rich pony deserves to eat, yes?" Celestia explained.

"I suppose so" I nodded.

"But on the inside, it's not really a high-end doughnut, in fact, it's about the same as your average doughnut but disguised as something better, something that wants to be appreciated by looking better. But the doughnut has convinced itself that looks are everything and that's why on the inside, it will only ever be a doughnut hiding behind all that fancy icing and decorations" Celestia told me.

I understand what she means by the rich doughnut but where is she going with this?

"But there's a comparison right?" I asked Celestia.

"Yes, the one I'm comparing to is a Pony Joe doughnut, did you see what was on display?" Celestia answered.

I thought back to when we entered, while I was focused on Pony Joe, I did look at the display and I remember them looking...rather normal for a doughnut, it confused me as to why Celestia chose this place. Nothing remotely special stood out to me.

"Pretty normal looking doughnuts" I answered.

"Yes, but do not let that fool you, because it's not what the doughnut looks like that counts, it's how it tastes and when I taste the doughnuts here, I taste a doughnut that's been made with passion, a doughnut that's rich on the inside despite looking normal on the outside and it's lower priced but once you taste it, you wonder why you've been given such a good deal with the doughnut" Celestia explained it to me.

"So, you come here because the doughnut are much better quality and the looks do not matter?" I clarified.

"Mostly yes, but another part to that metaphor is also the ponies themselves, take another look around, what have you noticed?" Celestia asked me another question..

I take a look around, the ponies there seem just...well, they are just average looking ponies. I saw a couple with a foal, a stallion reading the newspaper, a mare and a stallion who seemed like a couple and a group of friends together. But I thought back to what Celestia has been saying, not one of them looked like a noble or that they were doing extremely well for themselves.

"They look normal" I answered.

"Precisely, if we went to somewhere rich, we'd be seeing nobility, rich ponies and all they would be doing is looking like the high-end doughnut, they're looking appealing to one another but truth is, they are naught but normal doughnuts with a few extra zeroes to their bank balance" Celestia tells me.

"So really, coming here is basically being yourself? Not trying to keep up appearances?" I asked.

"Yes, because the 1% refuse to see this place as what it is: a paradise of a shop that makes really good doughnuts. They've seen me in this place and they cannot understand why I have come here, because what they see me as, is an emotionless impartial mare that rules over Equestria. But the ponies here are regulars, they saw me and saw only the Princess yes, but they have seen that I come here because I like this place, because I am not there to disturb them, I'm here as a customer, it's an unspoken agreement we all have" Celestia answered.

I thought again, to the conversation when I first met Celestia, our similarities with ponies failing to see who we really are. I could see how the rich ponies Celestia was talking about could easily fail to see who we are.

"There's another part to the metaphor isn't there? You are saying ponies are like doughnuts" I said to her.

"I am, doughnuts are one of my favorite foods because they are like ponies, they can be so many things but yet, they retain the same shape that identifies them as a doughnut. The high-end doughnuts are the rich ponies and nobles, they hide under fancy icing but they're exactly the same as normal doughnuts as far as their worth is, their price tag is them thinking they're better than everypony else. A normal doughnut is a normal pony, but they have their charm in being normal and some like it that way and there's the Pony Joe doughnut which looks normal but there's something special on the inside" Celestia answered.

"And what do you think I am?" I asked.

"I think ponies see you as the high-end doughnut of the same icing as me, but really you are a Pony Joe doughnut disguised as a high-end doughnut. You didn't want my icing on your doughnut, but everypony seems to dislike that you bear my icing and nopony has bothered to taste you for what you are: a good pony that all she wants in life to see her recognized as Sun Glow and be her own pony, not a Celestia look-a-like." Celestia answered.

"And how do you see yourself?" I asked Celestia.

"Actually, I was wondering how you see me" Celestia told me.

I put some thought into it before coming up with an answer.

"I think you're a Pony Joe doughnut with High-End Frosting attached to you. You clearly have something special in you but ponies see you for your frosting because your frosting is being a Princess and raising the sun. But you've told me that you want ponies to see you for the mare you are but that doesn't seem possible because you're surrounded by high-end doughnuts because they all want to be around you, the best doughnut in the store but the customer only has eyes for you and not the other ones trying to be noticed...that's how I see it anyway." I told her.

"That's...very accurate Glow" Celestia complimented.

"Um, thanks, but all this doughnut metaphor stuff has made me hungry for them" I replied to the compliment.

"And that's why I'm here" I heard Pony Joe's voice.

I looked to my right to see Pony Joe standing next to us.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked him.

"The whole metaphor Miss Glow. It was a very interesting conversation and I couldn't resist listening in, I hope you don't mind." Pony Joe answered.

"I see" Celestia said.

"So, you two ready for an order?" Pony Joe asks.

In all honesty, I did have a look at the menu but I am unsure of what I want.

"I'll have my usual with a coffee." Celestia answered.

"Very well, how about you Miss Glow?" Pony Joe jots down Celestia's order.

"Uh..." I couldn't really decide.

"You should give her the trial box." Celestia suggested.

"The trial box?" I asked both of them.

"Oh yes, first-time customers can experience a small trial box of six doughnuts. You can choose what's in them or elect to have them randomly chosen" Pony Joe.

"Um...can I just get a random selection please? With a coffee please?" I decide on what I want.

"Sure thing, I shall be back in five minutes" Pony Joe says as he leaves.

There was a brief silence before I started up conversation again.

"So, do you always go this deep with doughnuts?" I asked.

"Not really, but I do love doughnuts, because they remind me of my little ponies, diverse and unique although sometimes, the exact same in some respects." Celestia answered.

I suddenly had a mental image of Celestia talking philosophy with a cake and had to cover my mouth to stop bursting into giggles.

"Okay, so, what's on for the rest of the day?" I asked after I was sure I would not giggle.

"Well, we have a bit of time to set you up for tonight." Celestia answered.

"Tonight?" I asked in confusion.

"Why, you and I will be attending a party in the castle." Celestia told me.

"Party?" I asked in more confusion.

"The Spring Gala. It's a party that I need to attend and I would love it if my new friend was there with me, if only to save me from the high-end doughnuts of ponies that attend." Celestia answered.

The Spring Gala? Rich Ponies? That doesn't sound like somewhere I want to be.

"So I'm there for somepony to talk to?" I asked.

"No, you could have fun if it's your thing, but perhaps you may learn something there. Of course, rich ponies and nobles will be there but also lower-class ponies as well." Celestia told me.

"What do you even do there?" I asked.

"Well, there are drinks, there is dancing and music and also a chance to socialize which I think should do you well" Celestia answered

Socialize? My eyes widened at that, ponies only ever will see me as Celestia and from what I hear, nobles and rich ponies won't do any good.

"Celestia, are you sure this is a good idea, you know what kind of ponies they are and--" I started.

"Glow, you need to get out there. Nopony will ever see you as Sun Glow if all you ever do is hide. Think of it like exposure therapy in a way, you can have them see you as you and not me but only if you let ponies get to know you." Celestia interrupted me.

"But I don't even have a dress, nor the money to afford one!" I protested.

"That won't be a problem, I shall have everything sorted." Celestia said.

I saw Pony Joe arrive with the doughnuts and coffee.

"Here you go, enjoy!" Pony Joe says.

I found six random doughnuts in front of me. A chocolate, a pink, a coffee, a cream, a rainbow and a vanilla doughnut were all in the packaging. I took the chocolate one and took a bite and...by Celestia! This is good! I can feel the chocolate in this doughnut! These flavors are amazing! I felt my thoughts about tonight go away as I experienced...these aren't doughnuts, they're bliss! I look at the pair of them in surprise.

"How is this place not swarming with customers!?" I asked Pony Joe.

"Simple, I keep it this way." Pony Joe answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked Pony Joe.

"Simple Miss Glow, if I were to let this place come popular, more demand would come and these doughnuts need love and time, with high demand you can't do that. So, Princess Celestia here has agreed to keep this place on the down low to the more influential ponies, the fact you're here means she trusts you" Pony Joe explained.

"Oh, I see what you mean" I said.

Celestia trusts me by showing me this place? A weird way to show trust. I drank my coffee and ate the rest of doughnuts as Celestia was finishing hers. A pity, I didn't want the experience of eating doughnuts with Celestia to end just yet.

"Well Pony Joe, they are excellent as always, but it's time to leave" Celestia said to Pony Joe.

"Of course, duty calls your highness, it was good to see you again." Pony Joe replied.

"And to you as well" Celestia nodded.

"Thanks for the doughnuts Mr. Joe." I thanked him.

"Oh it was no problem and call me Pony Joe, everypony does and don't be a stranger" Pony Joe answered.

"I'll try" I nod.

Both Celestia and I got up from our booth and left the store and started heading in the direction of the castle. Once we were out of sight of the store, I turned to Celestia for our next task.

"So, what's next?" I asked.

"Getting you your dress for tonight." Celestia said.

"Oh...right" I remembered about tonight.

"You sound like you have some objection to attending." Celestia noticed.

"It's just...are you sure I should be appearing at the Spring Gala?" I asked.

"I am sure, this to help you Glow, you do trust me, right?" Celestia answered.

"I do, it's just, I'm not sure how I feel about me showing up with you in a party full of the 1%" I voice my concern.

"There will be other ponies of lower class around, it's not the Grand Galloping Gala" Celestia told me.

"That's another thing, I thought the Grand Galloping Gala was the only Gala in the castle" I asked about the GGG.

"There's one Gala every season. The Fall Gala, the Winter Gala, the Spring Gala and the Grand Galloping Gala is the summer one but ponies flocked to that instead of the other three, making the Grand Galloping Gala the big one" Celestia answered.

I never have been to any high society party before, not even normal parties to begin with, and I have to spend tonight with...judging ponies! They'll make fun of me or worse, think I'm Celestia! Oh what can I do?

"We're here" Celestia said.

Wait what? How are we here already!? Surely I wasn't worrying that long?

"Where are we?" I asked.

"An old acquaintance's store, she'll be able to get us a dress fast as it's too late to simply make one, even the best seamstress needs more time than we have, which reminds me, perhaps I need to introduce you to a few friends of mine in Ponyville at some point." Celestia answered

I get the feeling I know which friends Celestia is talking about. Those element bearers in Ponyville, there's six mares and they're basically heroes to Equestria, and one's the Princess of Friendship herself. I actually considered going to Ponyville for a chance to cure myself but there's too much trouble that can happen there so I went straight to Celestia herself as she would have had more answers anyway.

Anyway, we went into the store and it was a mix of high-end and middle-end dresses in here. I saw a green unicorn mare approach us both. She definitely looked like a mare that was fighting the dreaded middle-aged look, it's understandable since mares don't want to let go of their beauty so easily unlike stallions who once they land a mare, they'll let go of all those muscles and good looks.

"Princess Celestia! Welcome, how are you?" the mare greeted Celestia.

"Ah, Green Sew, I am well, how about you?" Celestia answered

"Business is going well and...Princess, did you clone yourself?" Green Sew looks at me.

URRRRGGGHHHHH!! One day, I will meet somepony without them telling me how much I look like Celestia!

"No, this is Sun Glow, she normally looks like that and she's my new assistant. Actually, she's the reason I've stopped by today" Celestia explained me to her.

"Ah, so what can I do for Miss Glow?" Green Sew asked me.

"Um..." I started.

"She needs a dress for the Spring Gala, I may have sprung it on her a bit too late so I was hoping you could help her get a suitable dress" Celestia told what I needed.

"Of course Princess, now Miss Glow, would you go over there for us?" Green Sew points over to a stage.

I made my way to the stage and looked at both Green Sew and Celestia to see what they wanted me to do next.

"Good, now wait there" Green Sew tells me.

Five minutes of waiting and I found Celestia and Green Sew carrying some dresses in their magic, when I say some I mean a lot...do I have to try them all?

"We're back" Celestia said.

"Now then Miss Glow, let's get you into some dresses" Green Sew said enthusiastically.

I was handed a green dress to start off with as I went to the back to get into the dress, it took me a bit to get on but I managed. Once I had the dress on, I called out to the two mares.

"I'm ready" I called out.

"Okay, walk onto the stage Miss Glow" Green Sew instructed me.

I walked out on stage walking normally to Celestia and Green Sew who were waiting for me. Their eyes gazed upon me as I got to the front...but they didn't seem to have approving looks.

"Hmmm, Green doesn't do well with you Miss Glow, it just isn't your colour" Green Sew told me.

"So, a no?" I asked.

"That's a no. No matter, try the red one next" Green Sew handed me the dress.

The thing about dresses is that they take a while to put on and they take a while to get off. But in another few minutes I put on the bright red dress, I can't see myself in a reflection but this dress is actually one I'm hoping is a no. I walked on out to the stage.

"Hmmm, this a no too, it makes you look middle-aged" Green Sew said bluntly.

Wow, that was blunt...and kind of accurate. More dresses were given to try on ranging from: Black, Blue, White, Grey and dare I say it...PINK! Goddesses, I hate Pink.

"Hmm, you are a hard customer to find a good fit on, no matter! We shall find a suitable dress that fits you" Green Sew says with determination.

"Are you sure there's even one here?" I asked.

"There will be Miss Glow, we just need to find it." Green Sew assured me.

"Patience Glow, finding dresses is not a quick affair." Celestia said to me.

Why isn't it? There surely has to be a faster way to do things? I get the feeling none of us are going to be satisfied with a dress and-

"AHA!" Green Sew yelled suddenly.

"Uh..." I started.

"I have found a good dress for you!" Green Sew announced.

I saw a dress with a light blue colour, a green around the hem and a yellow around the chest area to represent a sunny sky.

"Go on, try it on" Green Sew urged me.

I went out to be back and put on the dress, it felt okay to me. I walked out on stage to Celestia and Green Sew who had looks of approval.

"Now that looks more like it" Green Sew said.

"You look wonderful Glow" Celestia was smiling.

"So, is this a yes?" I asked.

"Of course it is, but do you like it?" Green Sew asked me.

"I do" I nod.

It wasn't bad of a dress...I'm not good at fashion or anything despite my look, but the dress was actually comfortable which I liked more than the look of it. I took off the dress and headed to the counter.

"So, how much is the dress?" I asked.

"40 bits for the dress." Green Sew answered.

"Allow me" Celestia said.

Celestia pulled out her bag of bits and paid for the dress, I felt really grateful that Celestia was doing this for me, I don't think I would ever be able to afford dresses or anything but still, I don't think this dress would make me feel more comfortable about going to the Spring Gala.

But for the rest of today, I noticed a similar pattern. We went to greet couple of mayors and a few nobles and they would do the exact same thing. They greeted Celestia formally and then they would notice me and ask if I was some changeling, or if I was a clone or something. They all did the same thing and then I would take notes as an assistant about stuff Celestia has to do tomorrow.

The day ended as I went back to my room to prepare for the Spring Gala with Sharp Spear standing outside. I think I need some time to mentally prepare myself for this Gala I've been thrown into...

Author's Note:

Ah, a new story and a sequel to The Celestia look-a-like, which people did like so I thought, yeah, I'll make a sequel. I hope you all enjoy and criticism is appreciated...even the dreaded (Insert thunder and lightning here)...NEGATIVE FEEDBACK!

Also, this chapter was originally 4000 words long but now it's 7000+ on edits. I realize I may have made mistakes in grammar as I am not Twilight Sparkle level of editing mastery. All that aside, I hope you enjoy it.