• Published 24th May 2019
  • 4,450 Views, 182 Comments

Celestia's look-a-like assistant. - TheDawsonator1

Celestia has taken on a Pegasus that looks just like her as an assistant. How will this fare for both the Princess and the mare herself? Especially once Canterlot hears of this mare?

  • ...

Meeting Friendship

???, Friday Night...

A cloaked figure approached another cloaked figure in a Canterlot alleyway.

"Is it done?" the taller pony asked, a gruff male voice coming out.

"Yes, Sun Glow has been administered the Sex Poison and the photos have been taken." the smaller figure said quietly.

"Good" the taller pony smiled.

"About the payment..." the smaller pony said.

"The photos first" the taller pony said, making a motion for them to be handed over.

A folder full of photos were taken out of Sun Glow trying get on top of her guard, this satisfied the taller figure as he brought out the bag of bits.

"Here you go, and of course, I shouldn't have to say to keep quiet about all this." The taller figure said in a warning tone.

"Of course, I do not plan on ratting out those that pay me." the smaller figure took the money and left.

Soon after, a few choice newspapers got the photos and got to work on an article that will humiliate Sun Glow and drive her away from Celestia's friendship. On Saturday it was released and the whole of Canterlot saw Sun Glow as some mare that took advantage of guards.

Saturday Night, Royal Guard Dorms...

Sharp Spear was furious, Canterlot newspapers had photos of Sun Glow trying to have sex with him under the effects of Sex Poison and now the whispers on the street are condemming a mare whose will wasn't her own. Somepony planned all of this and had somepony around to take photos.

"So, somepony's been busy, why didn't you tell us you had the mare all for yourself?" Dark asked from one of the beds.

"I didn't do anything with her!" Sharp Spear growled.

"Hey, relax, I was joking, I know you wouldn't force yourself on a mare like that ever, and from the way it looked, she started it, always the hot mares that are like that." Dark said with his hoofs up defensively.

"What Dark means is that we know you aren't to blame." Cloud gave an annoyed look at Dark while speaking.

Sharp Spear looked around for any ponies listening in.

"Sun Glow was under the effects of Sex Poison." Sharp Spear said.

"Sex Poison? What, she have STDs?" Dark asked.

"No you idiot!" Cloud smacked Dark in the head.

"It's a potion that apparently makes the drinker really really horny and cannot control anything about what they're doing. Princess Celestia said that Sex Poison is outlawed and there's an investigation going on about who could have made it and given it to Sun Glow." Sharp Spear explained.

"Dude, that's bucked up if somepony made Sun Glow try to bang you." Dark shook his head.

"Says the guy who talks about banging every hot mare he sees or hears about" Cloud rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I'd bang mares WITH consent, even I know rape is a no-no and basically somepony mind-controlled that Sun Glow mare into trying a mare on stallion rape on Sharpie over here, that's bucked up!" Dark said

Everypony agreed on that point.

"But they didn't mention your name, did they? They have no idea who you are?" Dark asked.

"No, but I don't think it matters, they were out to humiliate Sun Glow, I don't think I've heard a word from her since the incident, I hope she's okay..." Sharp Spear said, worrying about the mare he was assigned to guard.

"Awww, Sharpie does care about Sun Glow, those two are totally gonna bang for real soon enough" Dark gave a snicker.

"I'm about to bang you with the blunt edge of my spear if you keep it up!" Sharp Spear gave a threatening glare.

The conversation turned to other things as the night wore on but still, Sharp Spear hoped that Sun Glow was okay...

Monday Morning, 8:00am, Sun Glow's room.


I don't want to get up! I don't want to face to the world, my name is tarnished and nopony can humiliate me underneath this blankets! I can't believe them still! They took photos of me, and now it's on the front of every newspaper!

"Sun Glow?" I heard Celestia's voice.

"Go away..." I groaned.

"Glow, you can't lock yourself in there forever, it's not healthy." Celestia said through the door.

"Like Tartarus I can't...sniff...." I said through some tears.

"Glow, sure you were humiliated in a newspaper but in the end, you have to be the bigger mare and stand up to it and stand tall!" Celestia tries to encourage me.

"Easy for you to say, nopony is basically making you out to be a whore" I said.

"560 years ago me would have to disagree." Celestia replied to my comment.

"Just leave me alone" I said.

"Very well..." Celestia sighed.

Good, she's going away, now I can continue to wallow in my own--


Celestia had entered the room and pulled the sheets off...nooooooooooo...

"Now listen here young lady, you have locked yourself up in this room all weekend and that is simply not good for you. Just because some ponies don't have a sense of deceny doesn't mean you should hide under the blankets until the end of time. You aren't any good to yourself being a sobbing mess, you aren't good to yourself for blaming yourself for somepony else's actions and you certainly won't be doing yourself any favors staying in this room!" Celestia lectured me.

I felt myself being pulled up into a sitting position.

"It wasn't your fault, Glow." Celestia said.

"It...is...I remember everything and--" I started.

"You blame yourself. But to say it's your fault would be like punishing Luna because she was under the influence of the Nightmare. But, rest assured that whoever did this will be punished and I've made it clear to others that the article was nothing but lies." Celestia said.

Maybe it isn't my fault...but I can't just let it go...

"I'm sorry..." I apologized.

"You have nothing to apologize for Glow, even the best of ponies let things out of their control get to them." Celestia smiled.

I found myself in a hug which I returned.

"Hmm, I believe you need a shower, I don't think you've had one all weekend." Celestia gave me a sniff.

Oh my Celestia, I do smell!

"You do that and I'll clean this room, sobbing messes tend to leave quite a mess." Celestia said.

I looked around and there was chocolate wrappers, depression ice cream, and other boxes of food...I did leave quite a mess, didn't I? I got up and made my way to the shower and started cleaning myself up.

Five minutes later...

I came out of the shower to find Celestia waiting for me with a suitcase next to her...why does she have a suitcase?

"Celestia, what's with the suitcase?" I asked.

"Oh this? You're going on a trip." Celestia answered.

"Where?" I asked.

"Ponyville, to Princess Twilight. This is so you can be out harm's way while this investigation goes on." Celestia explained where I was going.

"But why? Surely I am fine here." I protested.

"Glow, trust me on this. It is my suspicion that whoever is behind this may be a noble or someone of high status and once they see you are still by my side, they will try again. You will stay in Ponyville with Princess Twilight for a week until the heat dies down and it will be a great way for you to make some more friends" Celestia smiled.

"But what if the pony comes after me?" I asked.

"Which is why we'll be monitoring any and all trips to Ponyville, you'll be more safe in Ponyville than in Canterlot at the moment." Celestia assured me.

I mean...I don't want to leave Celestia but...whoever did this could make me do what I did on Friday again and I won't stand doing that again. I guess I'll have to go...

"Fine." I gave in.

"I promise you'll do fine and it's only for a week, now you'll be taking a chariot to Ponyville and Princess Twilight will be waiting for you, also Corporal Sharp Spear will be coming along." Celestia said.

"He will?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, he doesn't blame you and in fact, he's been worried about you. In any case, you two should get going, Princess Twilight is a bit...obsessed with everything being on schedule" Celestia said.

I followed Celestia out the door who was levitating my suitcase and found Sharp Spear waiting for me.

"Hello Miss Glow" Sharp Spear greeted me.

"Um...hello..." I said extremely quietly.

I hid my face behind my mane as I tried to greet him, all I saw was memories of the Friday where I...moving on from that. I followed both of them to the chariot but when I passed by ponies I saw them give me looks of disgust, they clearly saw the newspaper as I felt anger in me, what I would do to the pony that dared to humiliate me should I get my hooves on them.

And also, I still wonder about the bracelet I got from Luna, what does she and Celestia expect to happen? No straight answer seems to come out of either of them...oh well...

"We're here." I heard Celestia's voice.

I snapped back to reality to find we were at the place where Chariots take off from, what was it called? A Chariotport? No, that doesn't sound right. In any case, I was lead over to the chariot we were using which had two guards ready to take off.

"Your highness" both guards bowed and said.

"At ease." Celestia nodded to them.

I always wondered how ponies can pull chariots the way they do, I once saw guards pulling Celestia's carriage along back when I was a filly. These guards look strong and maybe they have to be to fly this thing.

"Are you ready Glow?" Celestia asked.

"I think I am" I nodded.

Celestia opened the chariot door for us and floated both mine and Sharp Spear's suitcase in the loading part of the chariot.

"Now, it's time for you to go and time where we say goodbye for now" Celestia said with a smile.

"Um, well um, see you later Celestia" I said goodbye.

I found myself in a hug as Celestia's hooves were wrapped around me, I returned the hug.

"I'll see you in a week" Celestia smiled at me as she waved.

I got in the carriage with Sharp Spear and after a good five to ten minute check up of everything, the carriage took off and we took to the sky towards Ponyville...

Ponyville, 10am...

I don't think I've made contact with Sharp Spear's eyes at all the entire trip, every time I try to, I get embarrassed and remember Friday, I try not to blame myself but I just can't let it go right now. I felt the carriage land as I saw a castle that I've only ever seen in a newspaper to my right and in front of that castle was Princess Twilight and the Elements of Harmony. Wait, I think that's also her student isn't it? And her dragon assistant too.

I got out of the chariot and they're all staring at me...do they expect me to say hello first? Wait, they are noticing I look just like Celestia and they have those stares, oh what do I do?

"Hello, you must be Sun Glow, right?" Princess Twilight spoke up.

Princess Twilight was walking up to the both of us, I was only a tiny bit shorter than her and she looked so much more casual of a Princess compared to Celestia and Luna who screamed royal about their appearances.

"Um, yes I am" I replied.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm--" Princess Twilight started.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, saved Equestria several times and Headmare of a Friendship School...sorry, that was rude of me." I interrupted.

"It's okay, and just Twilight will do. Celestia told me about you and I have to say she was definitely not kidding about you looking just like her." Twilight noted.

"I get that a lot." I groaned.

"In any case, welcome to Ponyville!" Twilight shook my hoof.

"Um, thanks?" I replied back.

Suddenly, my eyes were filled with Pink.

"Hi there! My name's Pinkie Pie and weeeelllllcooooome to Ponyville! I have just one question: Do you like parties?" Pinkie Pie said in what must be the most enthusiastic tone ever.

"I...um...I never really...been to a party" I answered slowly.

And then the world exploded!


I then watched her speed off at some insane speed into town...what just happened?

"Uh...is she okay?" I asked Twilight.

"Oh that? She's usually like that, word of advice, don't try to figure her out, I tried once and lost my mind, just let Pinkie be herself because of the law of physics does not apply to her." Twilight advised me.

"Oookaaayy?" I didn't really know what to say.

"Please allow me to introduce the rest of my friends starting with Applejack." Twilight started.

I was introduced to Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Spike and Starlight Glimmer who I have heard about through newspapers and through word of mouth, it's hard to not hear about them these days. But that's a lot of ponies to meet in one go and now they're staring at me, expectantly.

"Um, I'm Sun Glow, assistant to Princess Celestia and um, yes, I naturally look like this. And this is my guard, Sharp Spear" I introduced myself with a polite bow.

Sharp Spear nodded, electing to stay quiet.

"So Sun Glow, why don't I show you and your guard around where you'll be staying?" Twilight suggested.

"Um, sounds good" I went along with it.

I started walking into the castle with Sharp Spear behind me...I suddenly remembered something I said while under Sex Poison and suddenly I became really self-conscious, just ignore it, focus on the present...

Back at Canterlot with Celestia and Luna...

"So, you've sent her off to Ponyville?" Luna asked about Sun Glow.

"Of course, it's safest for her there rather than here." Celestia answered.

"You do realize trouble follows Twilight Sparkle and her friends around like a lost puppy, I fear that trouble may find Sun Glow there, and we still don't know if she's truly the one. Shouldn't we have her here to study if she's who we are looking for?" Luna made a fair point.

"She doesn't need to be stuck in Canterlot like a rat, Lulu. The nobles are hunting her and we know a watched pot never boils, Twilight and her friends will keep her safe even with Ponyville's...habit of attracting trouble. Have you had any luck finding your one?" Celestia asked.

Luna looked out the window of the room they were in and shook her head.

"No, I have scoured every dream, every corner of Equestria, constantly been on the watch and nothing, we don't even know for sure if Sun Glow is the you need." Luna said.

"If Sun Glow is the one and I think she is, then your one will not be far behind, they tend to appear in close proximity of one another." Celestia assured Luna.

"We will see Tia, but if my cards are correct, I have narrowed my search down a bit" Luna sat down.

"They will come soon, I am sure of it and when they do, we will be ready to pass what we know onto them." Celestia said confidently.

The both of them stared out the window for a moment before Luna continued the conversation.

"I am troubled however Tia, somepony has made a point of humiliating Sun Glow and I saw a card in my session with Sun Glow, I have no idea what it is or what it could me but it troubles me." Luna expressed her worry.

"I am investigating who wants to hurt Sun Glow. Whoever it is will NOT get away with it, what I would also like to know is how they got their hooves on Sex Poison, it was outlawed all those centuries ago and its knowledge was destroyed and the only book that has it is safe with no signs of removal." Celestia wondered out loud.

"Somepony wants Sun Glow out of the picture, is it pure petty arrogance? Or could it be something more? Perhaps somepony may know our secret?" Luna said.

"Impossible! I have guarded our secret for generations upon generations never telling a soul, not even Twilight Sparkle knows. That secret is locked under the most powerful spells, enough power to level Canterlot and Ponyville with the sheer power of it." Celestia immediately denied that possibility.

"But yet Discord has passed through your most powerful spells and it can't be denied out deterioration has made our best not good enough. Chrysalis even with all of her love would not have defeated you in your prime, she wouldn't have lasted a second, Tirek wouldn't dare touch us and any other threat would never dare to touch us Celestia. We have to accept the fact that our power counts for less these days and ponies are starting to notice, Tia." Luna made another point.

Celestia sighed, it was true. Both Celestia and Luna's powers have became weaker and weaker over the years to the point that mortals and even weaker immortals can surpass them. Given time, Equestria's future will become very dire if nothing is done.

"You know it's true Tia, we aren't the invincible sisters anymore. We aren't the ponies even the bravest and the most powerful have come to fear anymore. We're old mares even though our bodies look otherwise, the world will soon decide that it doesn't need us anymore. Twilight Sparkle already seems to be destiny's poster mare with her spreading her Friendship teachings to all across the world. I know you think it Tia, but I feel that right now, we are breathing our last century, the moon is waning on our lives and soon a new one must happen" Luna continued.

"I know Luna, which is why I will not let the nobility whether they have found out our secret or not stand in the way of Equestria's future. I know our lives are at a close, but I am not ready to throw in the towel until I am sure we have a legacy to pass on. I have worked tirelessly to make sure Twilight Sparkle is my successor along with Cadence, they will rule Equestria when it's time for us to leave and nopony is going to stop that." Celestia said confidently.

Another pause happened while both mares seriously thought about the future.

"Are you really certain it's Sun Glow we need?" Luna asked.

"I am, but I must make sure, the future of our kingdom is not something I will gamble on unless there is no other way." Celestia made it clear.

"And if she's not?" Luna asked.

"I will continue searching as will you" Celestia said.

"So you're going to toss her out of Canterlot if she's not?" Luna asked.

Celestia stood up quickly.

"I will not Luna! Whether a great destiny revolves around her or not, she is my friend." Celestia said, annoyed Luna would suggest such a thing..

"Tia, are you intending to hurt yourself with ANOTHER daughter figure in your life?" Luna worried for her sister.

"I am not hurting myself, Luna. I see myself in her, more than Twilight, more than Sunset--" Celestia started.

"I noticed, she looks just like you" Luna rolled her eyes.

"Very funny Luna, but she's more than just her appearance, her life has been dictated by what she is on the outside. I want her to see she's more than that, I want ponies to see her as more than that, I see potential in her and that potential isn't a clone of me, and I know with my help, she can find it." Celestia said.

"Methinks you have adopted one pony too many" Luna said, doubtful of Celestia's words.

"Luna, you may doubt me but you said it yourself, our time is short, another blink and it's time to go. I want one last pony to mentor and guide, the show them that their potential is something they can unlock, the erase all the doubt that blocks them, to light the path. Is it so selfish of me to want one last pony to guide? One that could be one of the most important mares of this millennium?" Celestia argued.

Another pause as Celestia walked around.

"Let's discuss more later Lulu, our ponies still need us" Celestia ended the discussion there.

"Very well, but, I warn you Tia, we must tread lightly the situation, too much is at stake here, if we mess up, Equestria, nay, the entire world may feel the repercussions of our mistakes." Luna said.

"Is it ever any other way?" Celestia asked rhetorically.

Both mares left the room, Celestia was to go to the ponies that needed her, Luna was to rest in preparation for her duties in the night time...

Back to Ponyville...

"Remind again, why I am doing farmwork?" I asked Sharp Spear.

I was currently walking with Twilight and Applejack towards Sweet Apple Acres, the farm that makes the apples. The Apples are a well-known family that are the biggest producer of farms all around Equestria, it's actually a pleasure to meet one of the most well-know Apples in Equestria and the Element of Honesty no less.

"Because Princess Celestia said you are to help out while you are in Ponyville as part of your assistant job" Sharp Spear answered.

"Oh..." I remembered now.

"Cheer up, Sun Glow, farm work builds character" Applejack said in her southern accent.

"I guess it could be better than boring paperwork" I shrugged.

"That's the spirit!" Applejack smiled.

When I reached Sweet Apple Acres, there were so many apple trees everywhere, everywhere you looked, apples! There was a barn and a house and a few other things around but it was mostly the apple trees, lots and lots of apple trees, I don't think I've ever seen so many in my life.

"Are you ready for Apple Bucking?" Applejack asked.

"Apple Bucking?" I asked in confusion.

"It's an Apple family technique to get down Apples from the trees using the hind legs." Twilight explained it for me.

"Why, it's been perfected over many generations of Apple Bucking, while it's best with Earth Ponies, any race of pony can do it." Applejack told me.

"It doesn't sound too bad." I said, being confident this won't be too bad.

I mean, it's just exercise, surely nothing bad of it can happen?

3 hours later...

Oh Celestia my hind legs hurt! Why are trees so hard here? What are they made of? Pure hurt-ium?

"Sun Glow, you okay there?" Applejack asked above my head.

"I think I will be lying down on the ground for a while, I'm so exhausted that the ground will henceforth be my bed" I groaned.

"It's not that bad" Applejack brushed it off.

"Tell my hind legs that" I groaned again.

"Well, I did see you get frustrated with Alice over there" Applejack told me.

"Alice?" I asked in confusion.

"You know, that tree you call "A monstrosity that Celestia needs to burn at the first chance" as you screamed it in more anger than Rainbow Dash being told she can't attend a Wonderbolt show." Applejack clarifies.

"You name trees?" I asked.

Oh Celestia, she's one of THOSE ponies.

"Why of course! Like there's Felicia, Mark, Daryl, Doyle, Sebastian, To-" Applejack started naming the trees.

"Okay I get it!" I interrupted her.

"Not to interrupt you two but Princess Twilight wants us back at the castle." Sharp Spear added in.

Oh thank Celestia! Maybe I can sit down at least until my hind legs stop hurting! Although Sharp Spear didn't seem hindered by any of this work, maybe it's the Earth Pony in him or he's just strong?

"Okay, we should get going, thanks for having me Miss Applejack" I said as I left.

"No worries, but let me come with you, I need to head in anyway" Applejack said.

"Okay" I nodded.

So Applejack, Sharp Spear and I were walking from Sweet Apple Arces to back to the Friendship Castle or whatever it was called. I was walking at a slower pace because my hind legs hurt a bit.

"So I wanted to say, thank you for the help today" Applejack thanked me.

"You know I had to do it as part of my assistant job to Celestia, right?" I denied the thanks.

"That may be but you sure didn't complain about it." Applejack said.

"I am sure my back hind legs would disagree." I replied.

"Yes but that's the after part, most ponies get that on their first time. I'm talking about during, I've seen my fair share of ponies helping out and there are some who complain the whole way, you did practically all that work without too much complaint and to me, that matters. It shows good work attitude and a good attitude goes a long way in life" Applejack said.

"Well, it would hardly do for the assistant to Celestia to be complaining about the work she is given, no matter if it's work for Earth Ponies, high in the sky or in Celestia's own throne room." I replied back.

"That's fair enough" Applejack nodded her head.

Within another ten minutes, the castle was once again in view and I will never get used to how out of place it looks compared to the rest of Ponyville. But I suppose I am not the architect of the castle, that honor belongs to harmony itself apparently.

When we got to the throne room, the lights were out, strange, I thought this place can't get dark but apparently it can even in the shiny castle interior and--


I completely became frozen...

Comments ( 31 )

I dislike the implications of the sub-plot.

I think I can see where this is going, and I’m going to be very sad if it does.

I'm guessing Sun Glow will become the new Princess of the Sun from what I'm reading here. Love it if that's what you are going with.

Why the same thing 3 times?

Yes. Not a fan of oh the sisters are dying idea.

we don't even know for sure if Sun Glow is the you need

the *one* you need?

Trying to get the point across maybe?

"I...um...I never really...been to a party" I answered slowly.

...what have you done :applejackconfused:

make sure Twilight Sparkle is my successor along with Cadence, they will rule Equestria when it's time for us to leave and nopony is going to stop that." Celestia said confidently.

Cadance can't, she's busy with her own empire up north :moustache:

Oh Celestia my hind legs hurt! Why are trees so hard here? What are they made of? Pure hurt-ium?

Well the Apple family is made out of stubbornite sooo, maybe :ajsmug:

More so about them passing on their powers to unsuspecting ponies to take their place. It's a story idea done many many times. Including a gag story where the Royal Outfit puts on a glamer spell and that 'Celestia' and 'luna' was never real, and just 1 person playing the role for 50+ years till they get old then find a replacement, and repeat that since the founding of Equestria. It's really kinda boring, bland, and basic.

Sun Glow is gonna be in for a crazy week in Ponyville, but I hope Celestia & Luna find out who was it, that poisoned Sun with that sex potion soon.

I do hope someone answers that phone.

The use of the term "sex poison" reads horrendously awkwardly to the point where I want to stop reading this story just for that alone.

agreed the i dont like the idea of the sister deaths

Have to agree with both of you on that. :fluttershysad:
I was really hoping that it was going to be something less cliche, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

I agree with the fact it reads bad, yet I don't know what the writer should call it unless you name it something unique and replace it retroactively in the story. If done it would read a bit differently so the name would need to fit. Any ideas?

No wonder i didnt get any notifications for this story. I didn't click the icons to follow it lol

I forgot sunglow was a pegasus

Venenum Rerum Sexus, or VRS for short

9769412 Nah, I'd start randomly crossing over various universes haphazardly.


Maybe I should be Discord. :trollestia:

Uhm… the writing quality of this fic seems to diminish with every chapter. When it began, I would say it ranked about early-college creative writing.

Midway, it sank to average high school book report.

Now it's middle school "Twilight" fanships.


The you

This story handles slice of life and the core conflict of Sun Glow's appearance far better than it handles an overarching plot. The story's presentation of a very normal pony trying to get through an odd and interesting life was done very well. The establishment of Sun Glow being an important part of the future like some sort of prophesy both undermined what made the story interesting and felt incredibly contrived, especially since the author is unwilling to let them say anything about it even within a private area. The entire Celestia/Luna scene might as well have not existed at all. Far from just being a matter of whether I like mystery, the short scene where the unidentified character traded photos for money was much more engaging. Mystery by omission only engages the viewer if it doesn't feel forced.

I much preferred Sun Glow as a genuinely ordinary pony, to be honest.

I personally think the problem was when that “super secret plot” was introduced

10352990 Illogical. If Chrysalis had wanted Cadance, whom she ALREADY HAD IMPRISONED, meaning Chrysalis was already far more powerful than Cadance (and Twilight, for that matter, seeing how easily she trapped Twilight) SHE COULD HAVE KILLED CADANCE AT ANY TIME.

Or knocked her out or stuck her in goo (like she did with Celestia) or ANYTHING aside from leaving her right beneath the castle.

The plan makes NO SENSE AT ALL. It's set up implausibly to give the ponies an ill-earned sudden Deus Ex Machina victory... which itself made no sense since it was powered by LOVE, which THE CHANGLINGS USE FOR POWER!!

I know of at least one satire where the Love Nuke hyper-charged Chrysalis and the rest of the bugs and allowed them to take over even MORE easily.

The whole story was a mess, from shoehorning in a brother for Twilight we'd never known existed despite his supposed importance to her, another alicorn for whom we got no backstory, and the entire changeling race which we also ended up getting no backstory for and (later) one of the worst villain mass-reformations I've seen in any commercial entertainment property.

*sees story still marked incomplete*
I hope writer is just suffering from writer's block or technical difficulties.

i would humbly ask for moar

Saddly this story appears to be yet-another abandoned tale. had it in my tracking list and it's not seen an update in two years.

*Sigh* another abandoned fic

Sad to read a really good story that has died, no updates since August 2019


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