• Published 24th May 2019
  • 4,450 Views, 182 Comments

Celestia's look-a-like assistant. - TheDawsonator1

Celestia has taken on a Pegasus that looks just like her as an assistant. How will this fare for both the Princess and the mare herself? Especially once Canterlot hears of this mare?

  • ...

The Poison.

Author's Note:

Warning: This chapter is a bit weird and kind of experimenting here...yes the dialogue Sun Glow says is meant to be bad, it's kind of like the "Hearts and Hooves Day" Love Poison where Cheerilee and Big Mac said really cheesy romantic lines to each other.

Yaaawwwnnn...by Celestia that is next to me, Day Court is so utterly boring! Here I am sitting next to Celestia listening to the mayor of Manehattan going on about some new bridge that the Mayor says Manehattan needs in excruciatingly boring detail and here Celestia is, just soaking it up without a crack in her expression, how does she do it? I quickly checked my own expression with a hand mirror to check I didn't look uninterested and thankfully I didn't look bored.

If Celestia can stand this, then so can I! I'm sure there's something interesting to learn from this...

"...will increase tourism by 22.2123% on average..."

Nope, still boring, just keep the expression up, it's not like they're paying attention to me, they want Celestia not me but still, they could notice: the mayor, Celestia, Sharp Spear and the other guards and I can't look ungrateful for this job, I don't wanna go back to Baltimare! The apartment back there stinked, the job sucked and the ponies were rotten to me there, I can't afford being back there.

"Thank you for your time Mayor, I shall take this into consideration" Celestia spoke.

The Mayor bowed but the way I heard Celestia said it seemed to doubt she'll actually do such.

"I think it's time for the lunch break, I am quite hungry." Celestia said to me in a more enthusiastic tone.

"Sounds like a good idea." I said, doing my best not to sound too desperate for lunch.

The Day court closed for lunch as Celestia got up from her throne with a short stretch, it didn't look too comfortable to me. But I followed Celestia outside when she beckoned me to do so.

"Celestia, I must ask, you aren't planning to consider his bridge are you?" I asked.

Celestia stopped and turned to me.

"Of course not, that bridge of his entirely unnecessary and a waste of money that others need around Equestria. That was just the Mayor's attempt and making it look like he's making progress to his city so he can be re-elected in the upcoming Mayoral election." Celestia explained to me.

"Is that why it was so boring?" I asked before I could stop myself.

Oh no! I didn't meant to say that out loud!

"It was boring as our mayor was hoping I'd skip over the finer details." Celestia said.

I looked directly into her eyes before she laughed.

"You don't have to pretend, Day Court has always been boring but it is informative to me but to others, it's naught but noise. I will not punish you for finding Day Court boring. Unfortunately, ponies have taken Day Court as a method to get their own way, I can see through them of course but all the same, they all think they are clever and their tactic is original" Celestia said as she started walking again.

"How do you even deal with all that?" I asked her.

"...Well, I'd say I am a patient mare most days, and I guess it's nice to know that while some of my ponies aren't the best ponies they could be, they are at least, predictable and I could be dealing with worse." Celestia thought for a moment before saying how she did it.

"What could be worse?" I asked.

"Imagine if all of those petitioners had Discord's personality, that day is not one I wish to repeat, took a good few weeks for the staff with some of my help to clean all the mess up. Sometimes I really give the predictable things a bad name but they do have benefits" Celestia said.

We arrived at a table in the gardens, it was the same one I was here at last week when I first met Celestia, has it really been a week? Well, we are alone and there's something I must ask..

"Celestia?" I got her attention.

"Yes Glow?" Celestia gave me her attention.

"I wanted to ask about this." I asked.

I showed the bracelet Luna gave me, Celestia's expression didn't change.

"You wonder what Luna and by extension, I, am looking for aren't you?" Celestia asked.

"I am" I nodded.

Celestia let out a sigh.

"I want to tell you Sun Glow, I really do. But it's a secret that must be kept secret unless they have what it takes to know the secret. I want to tell you but I must be sure it's really you I must tell, I have made mistakes with this sort of thing before and the information can be misused in the wrong hooves." Celestia explained.

"And mine could be the wrong hooves?" I asked.

"I am not implying you would do something bad, I am implying that this is information that could turn Equestria upside down if ponies knew, rest assured it is not a secret that deliberately causes harm, it is much like the Elements of Harmony, they can be misused with the wrong ponies touching them." Celestia said.

"Why do you think this pony you gotta tell may be me?" I asked.

"A few reasons, but I cannot say now and I think we should drop this subject, if you are the one, it will be made clear, if not, that will also be clear." Celestia finished the conversation.

I got nothing out of Celestia, I suppose I'll have to wait until this bracelet lights up...if it even does. I heard a waiter come near and he came into my view from behind.

"Princess, will you be needing anything?" the waiter asked.

"You know what? Surprise me today, Dish." Celestia said.

"And what about Miss...Sun Glow?" Dish asked me.

"Surprise me also." I decided.

"I will return shortly." Dish said as he left the gardens.

I still want to know what Celestia and Luna could be searching for, I can't get what it could be out of my head. What could it be? Is it because I am a look-a-like? Do they have some theory as to why I look this way? I noticed Sharp Spear in the corner of my eye arriving at the gardens and taking a position nearby. He's lucky, he gets to be a guard, just a normal guard while I'm stuck wondering if I'm some special pony and dealing with the fur on my body. What I'd give to have his life, or anypony else's life where they at least have something OTHER than their fur on their body being the only reason anypony would look at them.

"Here you go" I heard the waiter.

I found a small dish with a drink that looked like a light alcohol (You can tell because the bottles are always lighter colours), the dish had a pasta bowl while Celestia got some creamy dish I had no idea what it was.

"Is this to your liking, your highness?" Dish asked.

"It is, thank you. You are dismissed" Celestia said with a smile.

I dug in to my pasta and found it delicious, it would be weird if the food at Canterlot actually tasted garbage. I drank some of the light alcohol which wasn't too bad and thankfully seemed to be actually light, I know better than to be smashed with my body around, there's a fair share of Celestia worshipers who take it to the sexual level, don't ask me how I know that.

But strangely, I feel like I need to go back to my room, I have no idea why but I really really want to go there and bring Sharp Spear along.

"Hey Celestia, I need to go back to my room for a bit" I said.

"Oh, is everything okay?" Celestia asked.

"Of course I think I need something from there and I'll be back in time for resuming the Day Court." I said.

"Okay, I will see you there." Celestia smiled at me.

I got up and left the gardens with Sharp Spear following me...that stud...woah! Where did that come from? It can't be heat season yet...just ignore it. I'm almost back at my room, what do I even need from there? Why am I going there? That sexy stallion stood guard outside while I went in to get...what? What am I getting? I feel like there's something but now I feel it's outside the door and oh my Celestia I hope he's good.

What!? What the Tartarus am I thinking right now! I'm thinking about getting a rutting from Sharp Spear and getting the most pleasurable experience of my life. Okay! Stop Sun Glow! I don't know where this is coming from but this stops now! I am a better mare than that and I am no whore...but I want him to treat me like one. GRRR! STOP THAT!

"Stop it Glow! Stop it!" I growled to myself.

"Miss Glow? Is everything alright?" Sharp Spear's voice called out

Perfect, I'll get him in there and I'll give him the best ride of his life, oh I want him so bad! So very bad!

"Yes, but I could use your assistance Sharpy" I called back in a seductive tone.

I shook my head, why am I acting this way? Maybe I should go to bed and rest...while he pounds me haaaarrrd! Oh no he's coming in, run you fool, RUN!

"Miss Glow, is everything alright? You look stressed." Sharp Spear asked me.

No! Don't come any closer!

"Oh I am fine Sharpy, I was wondering could a strong stallion like yourself help with a problem I have?" I asked in a very seductive tone, giving him constant winks.

Ohhh, look at his face, I am so kissing that! And when he's done kissing me, I want him to lick my...NO! What is going on? This isn't me! I don't do this! It's like something is controlling me and I can't resist this...urge to pounce on him anymore! I want him inside me so BADLY! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMOOOORE! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF BEING A PATIENT MARE!

"Anything you need" Sharpy said.

"Anything?" I smiled at him.

"Uh, are you sure you're okay?" Sharpy asked again.

"Fine, just sit down on the bed." I said

I quickly ran to lock the door, can't have anypony interrupting me and my absolute hunk of stallion's session. And then I returned to Sharpy who was such a patient stallion, I need to reward him, should I go straight for his little spear first or maybe he should polish his spear in me, ooooh, all those choices are all so good.

"Well Sharpy, it's just you and me now and I must say that you are quite rude for making a mare wait so long" I started walking seductively.

"Uh...what do you mean?" Sharpy started blushing, he's so hot when he blushes.

I sat down next to him rubbing his sides.

"Here I am, a sexy mare and you haven't tried anything with me yet, I know you want me Sharp Spear, I've seen the way you look at my flank when you think I don't look. I know your dreams must be having your way with me." I told him with a knowing look.

"Uh..." Sharpy didn't say much else.

"Oh don't worry, I won't tell anypony that you were looking at my flank and dreaming about me, after all, who can blame you? But in exchange, you have to do something for me" I said.

I start feeling up his chest and his muscles and oooh my Celestia I want him NOW!

"W-What?" Sharpy nervously asked.

I put my mouth next to his ear and whispered: "Me"

"W-what!?" Sharpy almost yells.

"Yes, I know you want to do me and good news for you Sharpy, I want you as well, I want your little spear to do me hard and long...starting now!" I talked to him as I moved my lips towards him.

Sharp Spear immediately tried to bolt towards the door before I flew in front of him, my little boy toy isn't getting away that easily.

"Where are you going Sharpy? Do you not like the bed as a place for sex? I can be done on the table or even on the ground, I don't really mind where, I'll do it where you want to, you'll find I am quite...flexible." I walked slowly towards him like a tiger ready to pounce.

"Miss Glow, stop this at once! This isn't proper and you can't just go doing this!" Sharpy protested.

"Why not Sharpy? I want this, you want this and you know it. And you can tell your friends about how you banged this hot Celestia look-a-like mare named Sun Glow, and they'll give you respect and you can tell them she's willing to give you a round 2 as well and they'll look at you in jealously. Don't deny it, I know you think it Sharpy, I am pretty hot and I can't blame you about wanting me, so why resist me when you can have me all to yourself? Gain the envy of your friends, and have really good sex, I'll be yours forever!" I tried to convince me to bang me.

"It isn't like you!" Sharpy protested again.

"How do you know? Maybe the second I saw you, I wanted you. And who could blame me with you being an absolute hunk of a stallion? You make a mare all hot and bothered." I said as I got him a corner.

Sharpy was sweating, oh he's such a gentlestallion trying to restrain his desires but he needn't do so, he's kept his mare waiting long enough. I pounced on him ready to give him the good time he deserves as I got on top of him, almost in a ready position as his eyes were wide in panic but he'll soon enjoy this as I will and I can't wait to get...


I looked around to see Celestia had entered.

"Celestia! Oooh, Great Idea! Let's make this a thr--" I started.

My mind went white...

Sun Glow fell on top of Sharp Spear as he put her off him.

"P-Princess Celestia! I-I can explain!" Sharp Spear started stuttering.

"No need Corporal, are you alright? Did she do anything to you?" Celestia asked.

"Other than her about to have forced sex with me, no." Sharp Spear answered.

Celestia levitated Sun Glow onto her bed and helped Sharp Spear up who tidied himself up.

"I didn't mean to--" Sharp Spear started.

"I know, Sun Glow wasn't herself, you weren't to blame for her actions, neither is Sun Glow." Celestia said.

"But I don't understand, why would she do it? We've hardly even know each other!" Sharp Spear asked.

"Because she's under the effects of Sex Poison and that's a banned potion to make. It was in the drink." Celestia explained.

"But...I saw you--" Sharp Spear started.

"I am immune to such things, even if I desired a roll in the hay it wouldn't work. I am afraid I would have to use my old-fashioned charm to get that. But, I knew when I registered the Sex Poison in my body and its effects being rejected that Sun Glow was under the effects of Sex Poison and immediately came here and it appears just in time" Celestia explained.

Celestia went over to Sun Glow as her horn lit up and was pointed towards Sun Glow's head which now glowed a pink colour and went to white.

"The Sex Poison is out of her body, when she wakes up, I will have her take an antidote just in case, it is much more effective than my magic and I would like to make sure." Celestia explained what she had done with Sun Glow.

"Well, that's a relief. But what about how the Sex Poison was in the drink? They had to target you, to humiliate you but it didn't work." Sharp Spear thought about who could have done this.

"I don't think so Corporal, they weren't aiming at me. Anypony that has been around me long enough knows about my immunity to poison and the things that can affect me I can get out in time easily." Celestia shook her head.

"Then they were after Sun Glow, but why?" Sharp Spear realized.

"To humiliate her, to probably get you to charge her with rape, hoping I would kick her out and the Canterlot public would cry for her being put in jail once they hear of this. Whoever sent the Sex Poison wants her out and it's because she's friends with me. I have a few ideas what kind of ponies would do this, but I have to narrow it down. But unfortunately, we will not be hearing the last of this incident." Celestia looked at the window.

All the windows and curtains were open and they had plain view of the bed which could mean...

"Somepony set this up to this happen! Why those little--!" Sharp Spear angrily said.

"Calm yourself, thankfully, you had all your armor on which means the enchantment will make you very hard to identify from any photos, did she ever say your name?" Celestia interrupted.

Sharp Spear thought back to the whole scene.

"She always called me Sharpy." Sharp Spear remembered.

"That's good, not a proper name and it could easily be a nickname and Sharpy's and anything similar are common in the guard, there may still be a chance your identity is safe, but unfortunately, Sun Glow's isn't." Celestia said.

"I feel bad for her, she didn't mean to do it Princess." Sharp Spear said.

"I see you don't blame her." Celestia noticed.

"Of course I don't blame her! I blame...myself...I could have stopped her from doing--" Sharp Spear started.

Celestia immediately went in front of Sharp Spear and went eye level with him.

"Listen to me, you are NOT to blame for this, neither if Sun Glow. In fact, I think holding her off that long is an achievement, very few stallions do well against a rather crazily horny mare under the effects of Sex Poison. Believe me, far worse fates have happened with that potion." Celestia assured Sharp Spear.

"Ugh..." Sun Glow's voice was heard.

"Look she's waking up now." Celestia noted.

Ooooh, my head. What happened? Last thing I remember was...no...

"Good afternoon Sun Glow" I heard Celestia's voice.

Celestia!? And Sharp Spear are in my room? I'm on my bed on top of the blankets but I don't remember ever getting on them, what I do remember is...I think my face is now red.

"Celestia, please, it wasn't what it looked like!" I tried to convince Celestia I didn't mean what I did.

"Relax, I am aware." Celestia said.

"Y-You are?" I looked confused.

"You were under the effects of Sex Poison." Celestia explained.

"Sex Poison?" I asked.

Celestia cleared her throat as she started to explain.

"In another time it was a potion designed for less confident couples to get a foal, it was nicknamed "The Foal Maker" but the uses of the potion got too Dark. It is very much like Love Poison but instead of lovey-dovey romance, the pony would become extremely horny towards a suitable partner and would not stop until their urges were satisfied for a time until they'd go again, the drinker saying extremely cringy lines to try and make love to the object of their desires. The potion can last a month in the pony system and ponies have misused this potion so much that it's original intended use was very rare and I had no choice in my early days as Princess to outlaw the potion completely due to a lot of dark outcomes from the use of Sex Poison. Thankfully, I am immune and recognized the Sex Poison immediately and I had to knock you out so I could cure you before you did anything." Celestia explained about the Sex Poison.

Then I could have...? I could have...? I lowered my head in shame.

"You are not at fault Sun Glow, you could not control your own actions, nopony can once under the effects" Celestia assured me.

I felt Celestia sit down next to me and put a hoof around me.

"I-If it was outlawed...then who could have made it?" I asked.

"I don't know but I have a few ideas and believe me, there WILL be an investigation, nopony drugs one of my friends, especially with Sex Poison of all things and gets away with it." Celestia said with anger in her voice.

I saw Sharp Spear in the corner of my eye but I couldn't look at him, all I remembered was me trying to get him to have sex with me in the most seductive tone while he resisted, I felt like there was some strange monster in my body controlling me. I have never felt so ashamed of myself in my entire life.

"I think I need to be alone for a while, Celestia." I said sadly.

"...I see, come Corporal, let's give her some space." Celestia left my side.

The door closed and both Sharp Spear and Celestia left me alone to my thoughts for the rest of the day...and for the weekend for that matter because I felt so ashamed of myself for acting like that. I think no humiliation will ever top what has happened today...