• Published 24th May 2019
  • 4,450 Views, 182 Comments

Celestia's look-a-like assistant. - TheDawsonator1

Celestia has taken on a Pegasus that looks just like her as an assistant. How will this fare for both the Princess and the mare herself? Especially once Canterlot hears of this mare?

  • ...

Short Galas and Gossip.

I found myself staring at a mirror in my room. I was thinking about the Spring Gala tonight, I am going as Celestia's assistant and I didn't even know about it until earlier today, but I am coming face-to-face with the nobility with Canterlot and those of high-class and I'm nervous about their reactions to me.

I was applying make-up on. I didn't need much and I was not trying to look the best but presentable enough. I, after all, am not a fashion expert, I do not follow what dresses are trendy, I don't care what makes a mare attractive all that much because the only look taht ponies care about on my body is the Celestia look I have. I put on red lipstick on my lips and checked my face in the mirror to see I looked alright.

I was wearing a sky blue dress with a bright sunny yellow colour at the bottom to represent a sunny sky pattern on the dress. it wasn't the best but I didn't want anything sex appeal-ish or something that made me look a millennium old and it was the only one in the store that seemed to fit me. I already think it's creepy getting hit on and I don't want to be Celestia and that includes the fact she's millennia old but she still looks beautiful, I imagine if I were a mare caring more about my beauty, I'd kill for genes from Celestia so I wouldn't have to worry about the dreaded middle age.


"Come in" I call out.

I checked myself one more time to see I was good to go before heading towards the door. The door opened and I found my guard, Sharp Spear in his armor waiting for me.

"Hello Miss Glow, you are looking stunning." Sharp Spear told me.

"Thanks" I blushed a bit.

"Are you ready to go?" Sharp Spear asked me.

"I am" I nodded.

"Very well, let's go" Sharp Spear turned to the door.

I followed Sharp Spear through the hallways, my dress was slightly brushing the ground as I walked. I am very unaccustomed to wearing dresses, I am not a tomcolt but I just don't like dresses too much, I just don't like formal things, I'd rather have something to show for myself that isn't make-up and fabric. That said, it would be highly inappropriate to show up to the Spring Gala without anything on.

"So um, you attending the Spring Gala as well?" I asked Sharp Spear.

"I am, as your personal guard Ma'am." Sharp Spear answered.

"Have you ever been?" I asked.

"A couple of times, word of advice, don't expect too much in the way of entertainment." Sharp Spear advised me.

"Is it really boring?" I asked out of curiosity.

"It can be." Sharp Spear said.

Great, not much to look forward to. Still, I should look at this in a positive way as possible...or at least as much as I can, and there's the door to where the Spring Gala is. I saw Celestia there waiting for me next to the guards guarding the door. She was wearing her normal royal regalia, looking her usual Princess self.

"Good evening Glow, and to you Corporal." Celestia greeted us.

"Hello Celestia." I greeted back.

"Shall we head in?" Celestia asked me.

"We should." I told her.

All three of us enter to find a room full of ponies in suits and dresses mingling, as soon as Celestia entered, ponies noticed and quickly were bowing.

"Rise my little ponies" Celestia spoke to the room.

All the ponies went back to the way they were but they were all paying attention to Celestia.

"Welcome to another Spring Gala, I thank you all for attending and it is my hope you enjoy tonight. Now, do not let me stop your enjoyment of this evening, please continue" Celestia speaks to the room.

All the ponies in the room went back to what they were doing. Both Sharp Spear and I went up to Celestia to speak to her.

"So, what do you want me to do tonight, Celestia?" I asked her.

"Enjoy yourself, it's usually a quiet night for an assistant but I will let you know should I need anything" Celestia told me.

"Okay, any recommendations on what to do here?" I asked Celestia for advice.

"Why not socialize with the other guests or perhaps go for a dance?" Celestia suggested.

"I might try." I told her.

"Wonderful, I'll leave you to it, I must talk with some of the other guests but I will be close should you need me" Celestia smiled.

I immediately made my way into the depths of the room, I passed ponies that saw me and immediately turned their heads to see if they were seeing me properly. It's that kind of looking I've seen before plenty of times and I get uncomfortable every time it happens.

"Is that a changeling looking like Celestia?"

"The nerve."

"She is strutting around like she's welcome here?"

I did my best to suppress my anger as I passed the nobles, what do they know!? They wouldn't know what it's like to be oppressed, they never work a day in their life for anything other than themselves! It's like money got rid of anything that made them tolerable.

I walked past more ponies and don't they ever stop looking? Maybe coming here was a mistake, all this staring makes me uncomfortable and...there's a bar, good! I can drink for a bit.

"Excuse me." I said to the bartender.

"Why hello Miss, welcome to...welcome to the bar, um, what can I get you?" the bartender hesitated as he noticed me.

"Whatever is light will do." I told him.

"Coming right up" the bartender replied.

I watch as the bartender looks under the bar for a drink to take out while Sharp Spear came to my side.

"Everything okay, Ma'am?" Sharp Spear asked me.

"Yes, I'm getting a drink, it is what one does at a party, right?" I answered.

"Forgive my bluntness but it's either what ponies with problems do when they want to drown themselves in drinks, or it's because they don't want to be there." Sharp Spear told me.

"Here you go." the bartender hands me a drink.

"Thank you." I thanked the bartender.

I took a gulp of my drink, it was...alright.

"Parties aren't my thing, especially high society parties." I told Sharp Spear.

"It's a Canterlot elite thing or somepony dedicated to being elite that enjoys these parties." Sharp Spear explained.

"My look isn't doing me any favors, they're staring at me." I pointed out.

There were those pretending to not look at me, but some were gawking at me, whispering to their friends while looking at me, it made me uneasy.

"It's an unfortunate part of who you are Miss Glow. Although, I am guessing were you a mare of different looks but similar levels of beauty, you'd enjoy the attention." Sharp Spear said.

"Maybe, I'll never know though" I shrugged.

Sharp Spear laughed, I found it confusing.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry Miss Glow, it's just that...so many mares would tear Celestia's coat off for her look and the one mare that has her appearance naturally is the one mare that doesn't want it. It's almost like a story of sorts, where heroes are those who never asked to be one, that sort of thing." Sharp spear explained.

"And?" I asked.

"Miss Glow, again, do your realize how special you are? You're rarer than anything, a duplicate Celestia in a Pegasus package. You're literally what most mares want to be" Sharp Spear continued.

"Of course they do. That's why they hate me, because I'm what they could never have no matter how hard they try" I remember many mares expressing their jealously and hatred.

I once tried going into the fashion industry for a brief time as a model but it's a mare dominated place and all of them were ponies jealous of my looks, and the stallions were creepy ones who only would look at my way because they wanted sex with me. I remember when I asked why, mares would say they hated me because they were jealous of my appearance, it was jealously that they discriminated against me. It felt so...irrational, I wondered for a time if maybe my cutie mark was sparking jealousy but it doesn't seem possible, and why would a cutie mark work against its owner?

"Do you attend these often?" I asked after a while.

"Only a few and all of them were guard duty. Although, if I'm honest, you're a better pony to guard than the last two I had. One was drunk in ten minutes and the other would not stop bragging." Sharp Spear answered.

"You sound like you've had way too much guard duty for a Corporal." I said my mind.

"You sound like the Captain, and truth is, I've got no place better to be. Why waste time guarding doors, when you could be guarding somepony like you right now?" Sharp Spear said why he prefers guard duty.

"Not even a family to go see?" I asked.

"Thing are...complicated, Ma'am." Sharp Spear hesitated to answer.

I could tell his relationship must be shaky with his family...just like mine are. I don't want to see Dad but I feel bad for leaving Mom the way I did, but I had to go. Maybe at some point I'll go make it up to her, so long as Dad isn't around.

"I understand that feeling, my parents and I have a...complicated relationship as well" I consoled Sharp Spear.

"Thank you. Oh and Princess Celestia is calling for you" Sharp Spear pointed out.

I looked to my right to see Princess Celestia was beckoning me to come over to her. I took one last gulp of my drink and started making my way through the crowd of ponies towards her. Once I reached her, I stood on her left as she finished talking to another pony who was just leaving.

"Hello Glow, are you enjoying this evening?" Celestia greeted me.

I am being watched with eyes the entire time, parties aren't my thing and I don't think rich parties look even a tiny bit entertaining, but Sharp Spear is nice to talk to.

"Yes" I lied for the most part.

"That's good to hear, have you ate anything yet? I am actually quite hungry myself" Celestia asked me.

My stomach decided to answer for me.

"I am" I nod.

"Let's head over to the food table" Celestia said.

The food table was thankfully a short trip as I laid eyes upon the most dressed up foods I ever saw, if I thought mares and stallions were the only things dressing up, then I was dead wrong. There was everything fancy and nothing simple, I almost feel impure being next to so much fancy stuff. I took a slice of strawberry cake as it seemed the most simple to me, simple as in it had the food version of something simple wrapped in a dress and makeup.

"Ah cake, they do know me well" Celestia said to herself.

I watch as Celestia also takes a strawberry cake slice and I follow her to a table with Sharp Spear not too far behind us.

"I've heard that you really like cake, is that true?" I asked Celestia.

"Oh? I love cake but not as much as the media would say that I do. There are other foods, I am not addicted to cake after all. Besides, this is a normal cake, nothing more." Celestia replied.

"Is that implying there's much better cake around?" I asked.

I got a nod from Celestia, I went to try my slice of cake and I found it pretty normal actually, despite all the work on its appearance. I was actually reminded of the doughnut conversation earlier, the cake is like a high-end doughnut, all dressed up but at the end of the day, the same as a normal slice of cake.

"Do you attend every party that Canterlot holds?" I asked Celestia out of curiosity.

"Hmmm, not all of them. I always have to attend the Grand Galloping Gala though, and believe you me, those Galas needed spicing up" Celestia responded to my question.

"It's true then? That you purposefully sabotage the Gala to go wrong?" I asked her about the rumors that Celestia messes them up on purpose.

"Yes, they are." Celestia said.

"Why? Why would you purposefully sabotage something like that?" I asked.

"Because the truth of it Glow, is that Grand Galloping Gala is a rather boring party that only rich ponies, lucky ponies or those who have saved up enough but have the wrong idea, oh and the lucky few I send tickets to, attend the Grand Galloping Gala." Celestia told me.

"And it's boring every time?" I assumed.

"Indeed. When you get around my age you start to notice patterns and some are so incredibly dull that they need something to shake it up, which is why I've started sabotaging the Grand Galloping Gala so that it goes wrong. Everypony is under such high expectations of it being the best night ever that it's become the exact same gala for every year with absolutely no deviation from the last. I'd say Twilight Sparkle and her friends have done a wonderful job the past few Galas, although with a few prods from myself." Celestia explained.

I remember hearing about the Grand Galloping Gala being a disaster the last two times in the newspapers, Canterlot ponies are really panicky about the whole thing. But one thing suddenly got my curiosity...

"Why haven't you tried to spice up this Gala?" I asked once I realized everything was normal.

"Who says I haven't?" Celestia replied with a wink.

"I...don't see anything out of place?" I said in confusion as I looked around.

Everything looked normal to me, I don't understand it. Celestia was implying that something was about to go wrong.

"I don't see any sign of a bunny stampede or some creation of Discord's around. Did you actually even do anything?" I asked in more confusion.

Celestia started giggling, I looked at Sharp Spear who shrugged as well.

"I haven't done anything to the Gala, but you have" Celestia told me.

"I have?" I express even more confusion.

"Your very presence is noticed in this room. Just look at their faces when they see you, they're racking their brains figuring out how and why there's another "me" walking around and especially in my presence. If I'm honest, their faces are priceless." Celestia pointed out while giggling.

"But they don't approve of me, I've heard their whispers as I passed by." I replied.

"Well, who cares about what they think? Those high society ponies don't care for anypony but themselves and the fact that you are in the company undermines what they've been working for: my approval and that I cater for everything they want. They don't like you because you bear resemblance to me and not only that, you are my friend and assistant, something they would kill for in the former" Celestia said.

"Now that you mention it, what's the deal with the assistant thing anyway? You gave a mare that you don't even know her qualifications the job, a job that's important" I brought up something that was bothering me.

Celestia again, giggled. Is...is she taking this seriously?

"Glow, I gave you that job because I wanted to help you and I have seen that you aren't lazy, you do not come straight to me whenever you don't know something, you search for it first. If you look around the castle, save for the guard, most workers are those that aren't particularly special or anything at their jobs but are willing to do their jobs because they must. You'll find most of my maids are single mothers or just single mares, both of whom need money, do you really think their vision in life was to be one of my maids? No, I give them that job because they can't get employment or their current conditions are quite honestly, poor, so I help them out" Celestia explained.

"So, I'm a pony that had your pity?" I asked.

"No, there is much more to you than that. While I did give you the job to help you financially, I also knew you would actually do the job properly, and that I see a fair bit of myself in you, which is a reason we became friends. But I think the thing that sold me into not giving you a maid job and instead, a job as my assistant is that you are willing to try everything before coming to me, you think for yourself. If you hadn't, you would have immediately asked me for help as soon as you were able and that makes all the difference to me." Celestia told me.

"But doesn't being your assistant require actual skills?" I asked.

"Like what? A Bachelor in Princess assistance? Glow, being my assistant is not the same level of skill as a physics professor, in truth, anypony with enough dedication is qualified but if you haven't caught on, I prefer ponies with the right attitude, not by how many qualifications they have. Of course there are some limitations to that line of thought but let me tell it you straight: you are not under-qualified, I think you are good for the job and that's what matters to me and if anypony has a problem with that, they are welcome to bring it up with me." Celestia puts it simply.

In truth, I thought Celestia was going easy on me today because today seemed...easier than I thought it would be. I stood next to Celestia, took a few notes, got a dress and ate doughnuts with her, I feared that I may have taken today for granted.

"I guess I can live with that, I'm sorry if I appeared ungrateful for your help Celestia." I apologized.

"You didn't appear ungrateful, in truth, many ponies find it natural to feel inadequate when they are by my side. Unfortunately, I never quite managed to get that trait out of ponies" Celestia assured me.

I took another look at the crowd of ponies, ponies were still staring our way and I thought I saw a few flashes from cameras. I thankfully wasn't camera shy, but I don't like the idea of a photo of me being taken without me consenting, especially around here.

"Well, I do believe my time here is up" Celestia said.

"It is? Surely it hasn't been that long?" I asked, looking at the time.

"Oh yes, I never stay too long, unless it's the Grand Galloping Gala in which case I must stay the entire time. I need my rest as it is a Monday and well, this party is a bit boring." Celestia said.

"It is fairly boring, I think I will go too" I agreed.

"Glow, you should stay and mingle with the--" Celestia started.

"I know but I don't want to, not tonight, tonight was unplanned and I don't feel comfortable around here right now." I said my honest thoughts.

"...very well, I cannot force you to do something you do not enjoy, but I want you to try make some friends here" Celestia sighed.

"I will, I think I will go now" I nodded.

"I will as well, I shall accompany you back to your room." Celestia agreed.

Celestia, Sharp Spear and I headed to the exit with eyes following us until we were out of their sight. I felt something of relief as the noise and eyes were gone as all I heard was my dress touching the ground. Truthfully, it is a good dress but I just don't feel comfortable around these sort of events.

Within no time, we all reached the door to my room and this was where goodnight was going to happen.

"I believe this is goodnight, Glow. Thank you very much for coming, however short it was." Celestia said.

"It is, um, goodnight Celestia, next time I'll stay longer." I said goodnight.

I felt myself wrapped in a hug.

"Goodnight Glow, I will see you tomorrow morning...oh and there's an alarm clock this time." Celestia said goodnight.

"See you in the morning." I said as she leaves.

I watched Celestia go down the corridor until she disappeared and then Sharp Spear got my attention.

"Is there anything more you'll be needing Ma'am?" Sharp Spear asked me.

"No, I think I'm going to go to sleep." I answered.

"In that case, I will take my leave and report to the front door at 7am." Sharp Spear said.

"Okay, I'll see you then, goodnight Sharp Spear." I wished Sharp Spear goodnight.

"To you as well Ma'am." Sharp Spear said with a quick salute.

I watch him leave as well as I entered my room and closed the door behind me. I got my dress off, put it away neatly and then went straight to bed. That was a bit of a long first day but this is my future now, no longer working off my flank for minimum wage in an office but for a mare who genuinely cares for me.

After a good while I felt my eyes get heavy as I fell into dreams...

Elsewhere in Canterlot...

"So kiddo, what did you get for me from that Gala?" a stallion asked.

The scene was an office with a dim lighting as a brown Earth Pony stallion was sitting behind a desk with a cigarette in his mouth. The younger stallion was a Unicorn with dark blue colours on his coat.

"You won't believe me, but there was a mystery mare next to the Princess at the party" a younger stallion answered.

"You're right, I don't believe you and who cares? I want newsworthy stories, not some mystery mare. If I wanted to care about mystery mares, I'd be a paparazzi reporter. " the older stallion answered.

"But Sir, take a look at these" the younger stallion slides the photos over.

The photos had Princess Celestia and a mare that just so happened to look like her but a Pegasus, some shots had her just by herself and with a guard in some of them. The older stallion clearly had a curious look on his face.

"Who is this mare?" the older stallion demanded the identity of the mare.

The younger stallion held back his tongue to stop him asking why he suddenly cared about the mare now.

"Nopony knows Sir, that's the thing. Besides Princess Celestia and probably the guard next to her, nopony has a clue. But she's attracted the attention of the nobles as their eyes were on her the entire time" the younger stallion replied.

"This is very interesting kid, we have ourselves a mystery mare doppelganger lurking around Canterlot Castle whom the Princess is keeping close, we have ourselves a story" the older stallion was rubbing his chin.

"But Sir, we have no inform--" the younger stallion started.

"Silence kid! Readers love a mystery and soon we'll get it solved, but for now..." the older stallion interrupted.

The older stallion wrote a quick note and handed it to the younger stallion.

"Take this to Quill, we have a story to make! We'll get it in the gossip section." the older stallion instructed the younger stallion.

Without further ado, the younger stallion left as the older one looked out the window. There was a mysterious mare around looking like Princess Celestia and soon, the public will know who this mare is exactly...

Canterlot Royal Guard barracks...

Sharp Spear was getting ready for sleep, he had the golden armor off which revealed a brown colored coat with a silvery mane. But before he could get to his bed, there were two stallions who seemed to be waiting for him. Giving a sigh, Sharp Spear addressed them.

"What do you two need?" Sharp Spear sighed as he asked the two stallions.

"We just wanted to ask about that mare you're guarding" a white (real white not enchanted armor white nor human white) Pegasus asked.

"What about her?" Sharp Spear asked, knowing full well what it was about her.

"She looks just like Princess Celestia! We saw you around with her, don't deny it." a black Unicorn said.

"And? Why do you want to know about her?" Sharp Spear asked.

"Because she's turning heads is why! What's her name? Why is she here? And is she single?" the black unicorn answered with more questions.

Okay Dark, her name is Sun Glow, she's Princess Celestia's friend and newest assistant and while I cannot confirm for sure, yes Dark, I'm 99% sure she's single" Sharp Spear answered the questions.

"Awesome, how does she look up close? She looked hot from a distance." Dark said.


The white stallion had hit Dark in the face.

"Ow! What was that for Cloud!?" Dark angrily asked as he rubbed his cheek.

"You were thinking pervy thoughts about her, don't you have any restraint with mares on the "Hot" scale?" Cloud rolled his eyes.

"Well you're no fun Cloud, no wonder you're a virgin." Dark shot back.

"In any case, I don't think she'd be up for dating stallions right now" Sharp Spear said.

"Why not? She a fillyfooler?" Dark asked, hoping she wasn't.

"I don't think so, it's just she's got a lot of problems to deal with. She definitely looks like she wants to get some off her back and then maybe she'll consider dating." Sharp Spear replied.

"Yeah, maybe I can get some problems off her and--" Dark said in a tone suggesting nothing innocent at all.

"Dark, stop picturing yourself in bed with her, don't you ever think with that brain of yours instead of your dick?" Cloud scolded Dark.

"Come on, did you even see her? She looks like Princess Celestia, she's got an amazing figure and you're telling me you don't want some of that?" Dark protested.

"Not every pretty mare has some maddening desire to have sex, and she wouldn't have it with you Dark. She'd probably smack you silly out of the castle. Actually I hope she does do that." Cloud argued.

"Maybe not now but when that heat season rolls around, she'll be wanting that itch scratched and yours truly will be front of the line" Dark said as he was imagining waiting for Sun Glow.

"Urrggh!" Cloud groaned in frustration.

Sharp Spear was imagining that Sun Glow was in heat prowling the castle after him. It wouldn't be the first time that Sharp Spear had to run from a mare, but Sun Glow is his charge so it would be very hard to avoid her. Besides, Sharp Spear thought that perhaps if that was the case he could always...no, he wouldn't, not even for that.

"So Sharpie, how do you feel about her?" Dark asked Sharp Spear.

"I am her personal guard, I will maintain professionalism at all times in her presence." Sharp Spear answered.

"Yes, but what's in that head of yours? How do you feel about her?" Dark got more specific.

"As a pony? Sun Glow is...alright. She definitely has issues, most of which come from her appearance, in fact that's her core issue in life. Uh let's see, what else? I think she's too quick to judge things, probably because so many ponies have judged her and with that said, she's a nice mare overall, she's definitely already better than the last two guard duties I had." Sharp Spear described his experience with Sun Glow.

"Bah! Boring!" Dark complained.

"Is that all? I'd like to get some sleep as I have to be at her door at 7am." Sharp Spear said just before a yawn.

"Aww, is somepony already wanting to be at a mare's door?" Cloud teased.

"Shut up the both of you!" Sharp Spear growls

"Alright fine, I need to get my sleep anyway, and we best pray Princess Luna doesn't see Dark's perverted dreams" Cloud said.

All three stallions started to go to sleep. In the guard life, you cannot afford to waste too much time awake when it could be used sleeping, especially if you work all day like Sharp Spear. Soon the barracks were filled with snores while an unlucky few guards that were not Night Guards were awake and on patrol.

Again, elsewhere in Canterlot at a rich looking mansion...

A noble mare and a noble stallion were just sitting down in the living room of multi-million bit mansion. The pair of them were Unicorns (Big shocker, am I right?), the stallion was a white unicorn with a black mane and a moustache and the mare was a dark blue unicorn mare that definitely looked like she was struggling to fend off the dreaded middle age. The pair of them were about to discuss a certain mystery mare who showed up at the Spring Gala.

"Did you see that mare with Princess Celestia?" the stallion asked the mare.

"The one that looked just like Princess Celestia? Of course Right, who didn't see her is the question?" the mare answered.

"I think the question my dear, is not who didn't see her, but who is that mare to begin with? I can say for certain I've never seen that mare in my life and I've lived in Canterlot my whole life." Right asked the real question.

"Nor have I, Birth Right, nor have I. She looked just like Princess Celestia but was a filthy winged pony" the mare noted.

"So that begs the question, just who exactly is she? Nopony I spoke to knew the mare and yet she's in Princess' Celestia's company, is she some kind of changeling?" Birth Right said as he thought about the mare.

"Perhaps some failed clone reject who thinks she's better than her betters" the mare said.

"But who would make a clone of Princess Celestia? A poor one at that? She doesn't even have a horn!" Birth Right asked.

"I don't know but what if...somepony is trying to replace Princess Celestia with her?" the mare spoke a theory in her mind.

There was a short pause while both ponies thought about it, who would clone Princess Celestia though? Who besides a changeling would want to replace Princess Celestia?

"Star honey, I don't think she's a replacement" Birth Right decided on what he thought about it.

"Then what?" Star asked.

"I don't know" Birth Right admitted.

"You don't think maybe..." Star started

"What is it?" Birth Right urged Star to continue.

"...maybe and I say maybe because it disgusts me to think that Princess Celestia would have her like this but...she may be Princess Celestia's daughter." Star said hesitantly.

"What!? But we've never seen her before!" Birth Right protested the idea.

"I know but what must have happened is that the mare is her illegitimate daughter, you know the rumors that Princess Celestia has had some favors done in the bedroom, right? What if one of those stallions knocked the Princess up and had a filly" Star said her theory.

"And why haven't we seen her until now? I don't think anypony ever saw her get pregnant or anything, somepony would have noticed or let it slip before now" Birth Right asked.

"I don't know Right, perhaps the Princess was so ashamed she gave birth to a non-unicorn and hid her away or maybe she doesn't want to admit the rumors are true about those favors. Besides, it's the Princess, if anypony could hide a pregnancy, it'd be her." Star thought up a reason.

"And now?" Birth Right asked.

"Princess Celestia must have been tired of hiding her, simple as that" Star said.

To Birth Right's mind, the idea that Princess Celestia got pregnant and had a filly seemed preposterous. Who would've been the father? Did the father even know he has a daughter? But none of these questions got anywhere closer to who the mare was, and all anypony besides Princess Celestia knows is that there is somepony in the Princess' company that looks like her and nopony knows a thing about her.

"You don't think she's the Princess' daughter do you?" Star asked Birth Right.

"I find it hard to believe but the resemblance is uncanny. But if the Spring Gala was her reveal, why didn't Princess Celestia openly announce that the mare was her daughter?" Birth Right answered.

"Who knows? Maybe she forgot, or that wasn't the big reveal and it's going to come later. Princess Celestia has a plan for her, but mark my words, I will find out who that mare is." Star promised to find out the identity of the mare.

"You do that dear, but I think it's high time we got to sleep isn't it? We don't want tired eyes trying to find this mare" Birth Right spoke about sleep.

"You're right, let's go" Star stifled a yawn.

Both Noble ponies went to sleep as most of Canterlot went to sleep, tomorrow will bring a new day and light on just who this mysterious mare that showed up at the Spring Gala is.

Author's Note:

Another chapter is out and our dear Glow isn't much a social butterfly...who could have guessed? But now that the Uni Semester is over, there shall be more chapters coming out, yaaaaaaaaaay!