• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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Twilight's Egg-celent Adventure

It's day two of the Pokémon Summer Camp.

With the battles officially over, it was time to begin the day's true lesson. Everyone was excited to see what it would be, mainly due to Professor Celestia, Luna and Sunset leaving the campers at the main hall. And as they sat there, everyone was discussing what the activity could be.

"Maybe we're having another Pokémon battle," Spike suggested first.

Twilight shook her head, "I don't think so, as battles aren't the only part of being a trainer. Professor Celestia wouldn't want us to focus on just that one aspect. Though that being said, I'm not sure what it could be...perhaps an essay?" Her eyes shined at her own suggestion, crossing her fingers as she repeated, "Oh, please let it be an essay!"

The others all laughed until they heard a grumbling noise, the table turning to its cause, that being Flash, "Sorry. Missed breakfast."

"Well, it's your own fault," Doc grumbled as they all looked away from him.

Flash let out a long sigh, "Seriously?! How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?!"

Twilight did a small cough as she reached into her shorts and pulled out a note pad and pen, looking it over before saying, "Three hundred and six."

"Oh..." Flash blinked at the strangely specific number, "And how many times have I-"

"Two hundred and seventeen."

"Okay. Sorry."

"Eighteen," Spike counted.



"Sorry, sorry, sorry."

"Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two." This continued for several long minutes, the many tables now turning as they heard them do this.


"Three hundred and four."


"Three hundred and five."


"Three hundred and six."

Twilight let out a giggle as she ticked her notepad one last time. "Alright, that's-"

"Three hundred and six," Spike finished with Twilight nodding.

Doc laughed at this, "I think we can consider the matter closed."


Twilight giggled before rolling her eyes, "Well, we couldn't stay mad at you forever, even if that was your fault. Just don't lose us any more points, and try to earn as many as you can to make up for it."

"Will do. I'll be on my best behavior." Springer laughed as Flash saluted, the teen trying to do a big grin, only to slump over as his stomach growled again. "Ugh..." He then looked up, only to glance away as he now saw a certain green-haired teen walking up to the table.

"Hey Sapphires, looking forward to what's coming next?"

"What is coming next?" Spike asked him, only for the teen to tap his nose.

"Sorry, but that'd ruin the surprise. All I can tell you is that you'll definitely love it."

"Thanks Timber," Twilight added with a huge grin before Celestia, Luna and Sunset stepped back into the room. Luna and Sunset were carefully pushing a long cart with a white sheet covering it.

"Hello everyone," Celestia placed the two white boxes she was carrying on the table next to her. "I'm sure you're all wondering what we're doing next. Well let me tell you, it'll be a truly eggs-quisite experience." At that, Luna and Sunset slowly removed the sheet of the cart to reveal a bunch of Pokémon eggs in special cases. Everyone gasped at the sight, each egg having a different color and pattern on it. But as they looked at them, they then saw a card in front of each egg.

Celestia giggled as she saw the many awestruck faces before speaking up, "As a trainer, it's your responsibility to care for your Pokémon and make sure all their needs are tended too. And no time is that responsibility more important than when caring for a Pokémon egg and its hatching. As such, today you'll be doing just that." She gestured to the eggs. "These eggs are from many different regions, including Sinnoh, Galar, Alola and even here in the Equestria Region. They've each been selected due to how close they are to hatching, as each one is speculated to hatch either today or tomorrow. As such, each table will work together to care for an egg and the Pokémon that hatches from it, and once it's hatched, one of your group may be allowed to keep it."

This statement got everyone excited, Flash cheering, "Awesome! Talk about the perfect assignment!" He placed his arms behind his head as he sat back in his chair, "Given my own skills with Pokémon egg care, this should be a walk in the park."

"Really?" Timber asked with a raised eyebrow, "You've already raised an egg?"

"No he didn't." Twilight interjected, making Flash glare at her, "He had an egg for ten seconds before it hatched. That doesn't count as egg care Flash."

Flash's face deflated at this, Celestia speaking up before he could rebuttal. "Alright..." she opened the two boxes and took out a card, "Time to decide which group gets which egg. Emerald group will get...egg six." That group stood up and walked over to the cart, Luna giving them a case that had a light brown egg with dark brown stripes on it.

This continued for the next few minutes, Celestia pulling a table and egg number out of the boxes. Pinkie's table received a red egg with a bunch of Ts covering it, while Rainbow's table got a blue egg covered in lightning bolts. "Next up," Celestia pulled out another piece of paper. "Sapphire group," Flash and the others all stood up as Celestia announced, "Will be getting egg three."

They moved over to the table as Luna held up an egg that was white with pink and blue cloud patterns on the top and bottom. "Here you go," she held the container out as Twilight took it. "This one's supposed to be a really special one." She gave them a shushing gesture as they returned to their table, Celestia continuing the distribution.

Once they sat back down, Twilight carefully removed the glass, the four now all staring at the egg. "So what do you think it could be?" Spike asked first.

Twilight hummed at her brother's question. "It could be anything. Luna said it was special, so I doubt it'll be something you just find about anywhere."

"I bet it'll be something super awesome," Flash added, "Maybe a cool Electric-type, like an Electivire!"

Doc rolled his eyes at this, "I won't be an Electivire. It might be an Elekid, but it won't hatch into a fully evolved Pokémon."

Flash gave him a glare, "Alright smarty pants, what do you want it to evolve into?"

Doc put his finger to his chin, "Hmm...I've always been a big fan of Steelix and Aggron. So I'd love it to be either an Onix or Aron."

"Well..." Twilight slowly pulled the egg toward her, "We'll just have to take really good care of it so it wants to hatch as fast as possible. That's the only way to find out." They all nodded in agreement as the last egg was given away and the groups headed out of the building.

And as she carried the egg, Twilight couldn't help but smile as she felt the sunlight hit the egg, making it shine. It was here that they passed by a gazebo, now spotting the Diamond Group. Fluttershy and Rainbow were sitting on the floor, the egg on Fluttershy's lap as she showed Rainbow the best way to polish it. "So, its like this?" She placed the cloth on the egg's surface and slowly wiped it in a small circular motion.

"That's right," Fluttershy nodded. "Just remember to be very gentle and to not do it too fast."

"Got it..." Rainbow muttered as Trixie just watched, her Hatenna stumbling over and also using its hair like a cloth.

"That's right," she told it. "Do it gently..."

"Hat," it cheered as it continued.

"You guys already look like you're doing great," Twilight told them. "I bet that egg's gonna hatch into a very happy Pokémon."

"Thanks," Rainbow replied before turning to the last member of their group. "I just wish someone would pull their own weight."

They all turned to Lightning, the teen sitting at the back of the gazebo while looking away. "I've got better things to do than sit around looking after a stupid egg."

"Like what?" Flash asked with a deadpan glare, "Sitting around and trying to act all brooding? Yeah, that's a way better way to spend your time."

"Shut up loser," Lightning growled.

Twilight's eyes narrowed at this, "You do realise if you don't help, you won't get the chance to keep whatever hatches from the egg."

"So?! Why would I want such a weak Pokémon?!"

"You don't know if it'll be weak," Spike countered.

"It's a baby, of course it'll be weak. Even if it hatches into something known for being strong, it'll still take ages to get to that point. It's better to catch Pokémon that are already strong then hatching them. That's the same as worthless." Lightning then got up and began to walk off, "I'm not interested in worthless Pokémon."

Everyone growled at the sight, only to turn their back to the eggs, Twilight taking theirs out and doing the same as the others by polishing it. And as they did this, time began to pass, the teens all talking about what had happened since they had seen each other last. It was an hour later when Flash started going over how his last gym battle went when something new began to happen: The Diamond group's egg was now glowing.

"Did you see that?" Rainbow asked.

Trixie nodded. "I sure did. It's about to hatch."

"Alright!" Rainbow cheered, Fluttershy immediately shushing her.

"If we're too loud, it might not want to come out." She placed the egg on the cushion that had been in the case, everyone continuing to watch it pulse with light. "Come on little one, there's a whole wide world out here, waiting to say hello to you."

Everyone blinked as the light stopped pulsing, now being a constant shine before it slowly changed from orange to blue. Then, in the blink of an eye, it exploded off the egg before it's contents fell onto the cushion. And as the light faded, everyone saw that it was a blue ball of feathers, slowly uncurling itself as Rainbow let out a gasp, "No way! I can't believe it!"

The hatching finished unfurling as it fully revealed itself. It was a bird Pokémon that had a blue body with a yellow streak starting below its chin that ran down the front of its neck to its chest, then down its body until it reached its tail. The tail was blue with yellow tips while its wings were also mainly blue, but some of its inner feathers were yellow with a zigzag pattern that mimicked lightning. Its head was also blue, but it had a V-shaped line of yellow feathers that started at the center of its forehead and went up to the top of its head. Finally, it had a fully yellow beak, and its size was halfway between a Chickling and a Wingust.

Twilight's eyes went wide as she asked, "Is that a...Wondor?"

"You bet it is!" Rainbow cheered as Flash pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Wondor
Category: Marvel Pokémon
Type: Normal/Flying
Info: A show-off by nature, it loves flying in synchronized flocks to perform aerial feats. Equestrians have dubbed these Pokémon the Wonderbolts after one was said to have flown so fast, it created a sonic boom.

"I can't believe the egg we got was a Wondor egg!" Rainbow squealed with stars in her eyes, "I've always wanted one of my own, and now I've got the chance!" She reached out with her finger, ready to scratch Wondor's head. "Hey little guy," it turned to her and tilted its head. "Nice to meet-YOWWW!" She cried as the Wondor nipped her finger.

Everyone laughed at this, watching Rainbow begin to suck on her finger as she glared at Wondor. As that happened, Flash looked back at his Pokedex and raised an eyebrow, "Hey, wait a minute...this says Wondor are supposed to be over six and a half feet tall." He glanced back at the newly hatched Pokémon, "I wouldn't call that six and a half feet."

"That's it's final average height." Everyone turned to see Timber walking up, Twilight and him sharing a smile as he got closer. "Think of how big a Wondor's egg would need to be to fit a fully grown one in it. Would you want to have to lay something that big?

Flash looked away, "I guess not."

Timber crouched down and scratched the Wondor. "Just watch. This time next week, this little guy will be three times the size, and he'll be fully grown by the next week."

"Wow..." Twilight gasped, "You really know your stuff."

"Thanks," Timber shined a grin before looking down at her egg, "Though uh...it doesn't look like your egg's gonna be hatching anytime soon."


Timber nodded before holding his hand out and placing it on the egg. "Yeah. We've done this egg thing a few times here and...well, you just get a feel for it. I'd say yours won't hatch until at least tomorrow."

Twilight sighed, only to hold the egg close to her chest, "That's alright. I'll let it hatch at its own pace. As long as it's safe and happy, then I can wait to meet it."

Before anyone could say anything else, their attention was then taken back to Wondor, the newly hatched Pokémon now spreading its wings as it started hopping up and down. "What's it doing?" Trixie asked.

"I think it's trying to fly," Doc replied.

"Eager little thing, isn't it?" Spike added, Peewee jumping off his head and landing beside Wondor. "Hey, that's a good idea. Help show him how it works buddy." They watched as Peewee spoke to Wondor, showing it his wings before slowly flapping.

"Dor?" Wondor tried to mimic it, beating its wings up and down.

"Looking good," Spike responded while giving Peewee a thumbs up.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Rainbow barked in before turning to Fluttershy and Trixie, "Aren't we the ones who are supposed to help it?!"

The two shared a glance before Fluttershy replied, "You're right," Fluttershy turned to the others. "I'm sorry, but I hope you don't think we're being ungrateful if you would have Peewee stop so we can train Wondor."

"No, you're right." Twilight answered while shaking her head. "If anything, we should be sorry for butting in." She turned to Peewee, who nodded and hopped back onto Spike's shoulder.

Wondor looked upset at the loss of its teacher, only for Rainbow to lean down in front of it, "Don't worry little guy, we'll have you flying through the air in no time."

"I guess Rainbow would be the best person to teach a Flying-type how to fly," Flash added as they watched Rainbow take out a Pokeball.

"Alright Fletchinder, come on out." The ball opened to reveal a red, grey and black Flying-type bird.

"Fletchinder!" It roared while spreading its wings, beating them once and pushing itself into the air.

"Fletchinder, I want you to help us teach Wondor how to fly. Think you can do that?" Fletchinder nodded before turning to Wondor, speaking in its own language while demonstrating its wings. Once that was done, Rainbow picked it up and held it out while Wondor beat its wings. She then let it go as everyone watched it hover for a moment, only for gravity to take hold. But before it could crash, Rainbow caught the bird, soon helping it back up.

They kept this up for an hour, Wondor managing to stay aviated a little longer with each try. During that time, several more eggs hatched, including the Emerald group who got a Swinub, and the Ruby group getting a Throh.

"Hey guys!" Pinkie cheered as she skipped over to them, "You having as much fun as my group?" They all looked over to see Bulk showing Throh the basics behind weight lifting. Pinkie then turned back to see Wondor jump out of Rainbow's arms and fly a good teen feet before losing his groove, Flechinder managing to catch it on its back. "Wow-wee! You've almost got yours to fly!"

"Almost," Rainbow replied before rubbing her chin in thought, "What we need is some kind of target for him, like something he can fly to instead of trying a distance."

Timber hummed at his, turning to the forest. "I know, why don't we all go for a hike in the woods? Wondor can practice flying from one tree branch to the next, and I'll show you all the sights around here. What do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea," Twilight nodded as she stood up, only to see how high the sun was, "But won't lunch be soon?"

Flash's eyes went wide hearing this, grabbing his stomach as he tried to hide its growling. As he did this, Timber checked his watch, "Well, it won't be for another hour. If we hurry, we can grab some food and head out. I know a great place to go for a picnic."

Everyone agreeing to do this, Timber went off to tell his sister while the others gathered what they needed for the picnic. As he returned, he told them that Gloriosa agreed to it as long as he extended the offer to the rest of the camp. Soon making an announcement, several other campers agreed, including Sunset. It wasn't long till everyone was trekking through the woods while following Timber, the teen knowing the area quite well as he took them up a route that allowed them to see many woodland Pokémon.

But as they did this, Rainbow, Trixie and Fluttershy were focusing on Wondor, watching as it flew from one branch to another. "You can do it!" The rainbow-haired girl cheered as it took flight and flew forward fifteen feet, aiming for the branch she had pointed out. Once it landed, the three Diamond girls clapped as Wondor waved its wings around happily.

Timber then came to a stop, gesturing everyone else to do the same before moving over to a tree and studying it. "What's the matter?" Twilight asked, Timber stepping aside to let her see. "Are those...claw marks?" The tree had three large gashes in the bark, which went so deep that she was surprised the thing hadn't fallen.

"They're a warning," Timber explained before turning to the rest of the group and pointed to the lumber. "Word to the wise, if you see a tree with these markings, don't go past it. If you do, you'll find yourself getting attacked by a very territorial Pokémon."

Everyone gulped at hearing this, Timber gesturing them to go to different path. As they went down it, they soon found themselves at a large U shaped cove, with a waterfall and pond on the far side. It was covered in rocks of varying sizes, the perfect place for a picnic. The campers all began sitting down on the rocks, some like Flash, Trixie and Pinkie letting out their Water-types so they could play in the pond. Once that was done, the trainers took out their lunches, some noticing how many sandwiches Flash had packed as they raised an eyebrow at the sight of him devouring them one by one. He was halfway through his third one when he noticed everyone staring at him, "What?" He asked after swallowing.

"Nothing," they all said before digging into their own lunches. And as Twilight was halfway through her own sandwich, she noticed a smell coming from the left and stared at Flash. "Is that an...onion sandwich?"

"With ham," Flash turned to her as he gulped down the meal, "Why?" Twilight had to lean back and cough at Flash's onion breath, quickly getting up and walking off with her lunch. Flash raised an eyebrow at this, breathing into his hand and sniffing, but found no issue. He then turned to Springer, "It's not that bad, is it?" Springer leaned in as Flash huffed on him, the Riolu's eyes going wide as he staggered back while covering his nose.

Tears appeared in his eyes, "Rio!"

"Oh, grow up," Flash pouted before taking another bite of his lunch.

Twilight then took her seat next to the pond, watching the water trickle down the falls. She smiled as she placed the egg case down by her feet before eating her lunch, watching the falls as the sun's rays hit the waterfall, the mist given off from the water hitting the pool to cause a rainbow to appear. She gasped at the sight, amazed at the shining light coming off the falls.

Seeing the view, she picked up the egg and held it up at the sight. "Isn't it pretty? See how the light shines off the water, refracting it in a way that they merge into an array of different colors. If you come out, you'll be able to see it with your own eyes." But as she said this, the egg remained still. Sighing, she put the egg to her chest, "Its alright, no need to rush. Take your time."

"You're really good with that thing," she turned to see Timber walking up to her. "You ever look after a Pokémon egg before?"

Twilight shook her head in response, "No, but I used to watch the younger Pokémon at Professor Celestia's lab. One egg is nothing next to a bunch of rowdy Pokémon that have a tendency to play too hard or get into fights." Timber chuckled at as he heard this, sitting down beside her as the two watched the waterfall.

"I gotta say, I'm jealous of you all. Getting to go out and see the world, meet new Pokémon and trainers everyday...sounds like so much fun."

"Well, this place isn't too bad. I mean, just look around." She then gestured at the beautiful scenery all around them. "I'd love to be able to see something like this every day."

"Trust me, it gets old after a while." He pointed to the rainbow, "Even that gets a little mundane if you see it enough times." He then let out a long sigh, "I'd love to go out on my own journey, never knowing what the next day might bring."

Twilight showed a small frown at this, "Have you thought about...maybe talking to your sister about it? I'm sure if she saw how much you wanted to go out on a journey, she'd support you."

"Maybe...but that would mean she would have to run this place all on her own. I couldn't ask that of her." He sighed again. "That's how its always been. My parents, my sister, they always put the camp before anything else. I just wish that...just once, they would put me first. I know that's selfish to say, but that's just how I feel."

Twilight didn't say anything else, only to look away as a sudden outcry from the picnic to get her attention. The two turned to see a Pokémon hatch, this one being a Spheal, which the team instantly ran over to the pond so it could enjoy its natural habitat. This took most people's attention, combined with Rainbow's group finally getting Wondor to achieve somewhat sustained flight.

This led to everyone watching as Rainbow and Fletchinder began to teach it some different flying tricks, such as loops and barrel rolls. They all continued to watch this spectacle until Timber called out for them to start heading back to camp, Gloriosa having made a strict deadline for how long they could be out in the woods.

As they returned to the camp, they got there just before the deadline. Once back, Gloriosa issued them all into the main hall, and showed off several other activities the campers and their Pokémon could enjoy. This included a Pokémon quiz, which Twilight nailed with ease, earning their group a huge amount of points. After that was several arts and crafts projects that included making clay sculptures of one of their Pokémon or carving wooden dolls for them.

During this time, most of the remaining eggs hatched, the only one not being Sapphire Group's, which wasn't even twitching. "How much longer is it gonna be?" Spike asked, sitting on his bed as they all prepared to go to sleep.

"They did say it was possible for the egg to hatch tomorrow," Doc noted as he came out of the bathroom. "Guess ours is the only one that wants to wait until then."

Twilight nodded as she stared down at the egg on her bedside table. "Timber did say it probably wouldn't hatch until tomorrow. He has been doing this a while, so if anyone would know, it's him."

"I'd say he was just guessing," Flash instantly replied while turning away on his bed, "Bet you anything he mentally flipped a coin and said it was gonna hatch tomorrow. If he had said it would hatch today, he'd be very embarrassed right now."

"Well, he didn't say today Flash." Twilight countered with an almost glare, "He said tomorrow, and it looks like he was right."

"I usually am." They all turned to see Timber standing at the door, shining a big smirk, "Evening all," he turned to Flash. "Do your cabin a favor and stay inside tonight. My sister's gonna be checking on the cabins later to make sure."

Flash just let out a grunt and turned away.

Timber then turned to Twilight with a smile before looking at the egg, "Still no sign that it'll hatch?"

Twilight shook her head before opening the case and picking up the egg off of the cushion. It was here she noticed the particular sparkle shine off the egg's surface again. "No...but I'm sure it'll hatch by tomorrow."

"Unless it decides to hatch during the night," Spike added. "That'd be a bummer. We'll sleep right through it."

"I think the light would probably wake us up," Doc told him. "Though I would prefer to not have to watch it while I'm half asleep."

"Well, it's not like you can ask the egg to not hatch until tomorrow," Flash commented, only to for Timber to chuckle at his response, "What?!"

"Actually you might." Everyone turned to him, Flash glaring as Timber now wore a huge smirk, "There's a theory that an egg that's close to hatching is actually aware of their surroundings outside of its egg. There was one case several years ago about a Larvitar that hatched with an erratic fear of humans due to poachers who attacked its home when it was an egg."

"I think I remember reading about that," Twilight added as she stared down at the egg, "Maybe if we get it to go to sleep inside the egg, it won't hatch."

"That's a good idea." Timber replied, making Twilight blush.

"But how does that work?" Flash countered, "You gonna sing it a lullaby?"

"Not a bad idea." Twilight responded as she took a small breath before putting the egg to her chest. Memories of a song that her mother always used to sing to her when she was younger began to give its lyrics to her mind as she began to sing.

Hush now, quiet it now, it's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed.

Hush now, quiet now, close your sleepy eyes.
Hush now, quiet now, my how time sure flies.

Everyone smiled at the song, Flash finally showing a small grin as they all began to remember their own childhoods as she continued.

Drifting, drifting off to sleep the day's excitement behind you.
Drifting, drifting off to sleep let the joy of dreamland find you.

Spike began to yawn as he and Peewee slowly drifted off to sleep, Flash chuckling at the sight before looking down to see Springer was also beginning to curl himself up and nod off.

Hush now, quiet now, lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to beeeeeeed.

Twilight sighed as she finished singing, her hands rubbing the egg the entire time. The gentle snoozing coming from above her made her smile, turning to see Timber shining a huge smile. "Wow, you're an amazing singer." Twilight's blush returned, Timber chuckling at her reaction, "Well, I'd better get the rest of my rounds done. Night."

"Night," Twilight and Doc said while Flash turned away again, giving a lazy wave. Timber switched off the lights and stepped outside, the campers all going to sleep as Twilight placed the egg back into its case and didn't take her eyes off it as she got under the covers. She couldn't help but smile as she saw a small shine come off the egg, even in the darkness. Carefully, she reached out and patted the case, "Good night." With that, she took off her glasses and gently drifted off to sleep.

The next morning...

The occupants of the Sapphire and Diamond Cabins, minus Lightning, were now walking out of the mess hall after enjoying a hearty meal. As they did this, they heard a voice yell out, "Circle Throw, YEAH!" The group turned to see Bulk and Throh battling against the newly hatched Swinub and the trainer leading it, their vision now soon seeing multiple other battles going on.

"Morning all," they spun around to see Celestia, Luna and Sunset walking up from the side of the building. "Planning to get a battle under your belts?"

"Are we allowed do battle with them?" Rainbow asked while pointing to Wondor as it perched on her shoulder. The hatchling had grown a good few inches overnight, but it was still a long way off from full size.

"Of course," Luna replied with a nod, "If they want to, there's nothing stopping them. With so many newly hatched Pokémon around, it's the perfect way to give everyone an equal chance to train."

"Huh...if that's the case," Rainbow shined a huge grin and turned to her friends, "Let's get this party started! Who wants to battle?" She started to look around, only to see all the newly hatched Pokémon now in battle, except for Twilight's, which was still in its egg, "Well, that's lame."

Flash then pointed to himself, "I'll battle you."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "But your egg hasn't hatched?"

"I know," Flash pulled out another Pokeball. "But I've got another Pokémon that just hatched not too long ago. He hasn't been able to get much battle experience before now, so this'll be perfect. Hopper, come on out!" The ball opened and unleashed a blast of energy to reveal Flash's Hoppin.

"Hop!" he exclaimed as he leapt into Flash's arms.

"Oh, how adorable!" Fluttershy squealed before leaning in and scratching Hopper's chin.

The others giggled at this before Flash asked, "So, you in?"

Rainbow turned to Wondor, who nodded back before she replied, "We're in."

A few minutes later, they all moved over to an empty area with Sunset again acting as ref. "Alright guys, you both ready?" They nodded. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

Rainbow pointed forwards, "Peck!" Wondor quickly took to the air and circled around before divebombing at Hopper as its beak began to glow.

"Screech!" Flash commanded as he plugged his ears, Hopper now taking a deep breath.

"HOPPIN!" The little ball of fur unleashed a powerful scream, hitting the flying Wondor, making him flinch before crashing from the sudden attack to the ears.

"Ouch," Rainbow flinched as she watched Wondor skid across the ground. "Ooookay, let's try something else. Wing Attack!" Wondor picked itself up before turning to Hopper, its wings beginning to glow.

"Wondor!" It charged at the Hoppin, ready to slap it with its wing.

"Tackle!" Flash countered, Hopper bouncing before throwing his body at Wondor. The two clashed, both being knocked back before skidding on the ground again. "Tail Whip!" Hopper jumped back up and began wagging his tail, making Wondor raise an eyebrow.

As this was happening, Timber and Gloriosa walked up to the others, "Morning everyone, are we having fun?"

"You bet," Spike replied, "Rainbow and Flash are testing out their newest Pokémon's skills."

"Wonder how well that's going?" Timber turned to see Wondor pecking at Hopper's backside, the grounded Pokémon running away while being unable to escape the flyer's pursuit. "Could be better for Flash."

Spike shook his head, "Flash is just getting his momentum going. Keep watching."

Timber raised an eyebrow at this, only to see Flash give his next order, "Screech!" Hopper bounced to the side, Wondor's beak piercing the ground and getting stuck. As this happened, the Hoppin let out another super loud scream, making Wondor flinch. "Now, use Tackle!"

As Wondor finally pulled its beak out, it then felt itself get slammed into the side. "Dor!" It cried as it stumbled over, only to spread his wings and took to the air.

"Alright, time for the big guns." Rainbow pointed at Hopper, "Crush Claw!" Wondor's talons glowed red as it divebombed at Hopper, spinning around to kick at him with its claws. Hopper managed to jump out of the way, Wondor spinning around and slashing at him with its other talons. "Wing Attack!" Its wings then began to glow, this attack slapping Hopper in the head.

"Pin!" He cried as it went flying back.

"You okay?" Flash asked Hopper as it quickly spun back onto its feet, the Pokémon nodding as it glared back at Wondor.

But as Flash was about to do another command, Twilight looked down at the egg in her hands, only to see a large flicker of light. Going wide-eyed, she put the case down and took off the glass, "Its happening..." She stared at the egg as the light began to pulse, making her yell, "GUYS! ITS HAPPENING!"

Flash and Rainbow turned to her, only for Flash to say, "Time out." Rainbow nodded in response before the two and their Pokémon rushed over to the group now surrounding Twilight, who placed the egg down on the ground while the light continued to pulse.

"Come on..." Twilight shined a kind smile at the egg. "You can do it. Come on out and say hello."

Everyone watched as the light stopped pulsing, now being a constant shine before slowly changing from orange to blue.

"Here it comes..." Spike commented while his body was now practically vibrating.


Doc nodded, "Any second now."

Then, in the blink of an eye, the light exploded off the egg before it's contents fell into the cushion. Everyone stared down at the newly born life, all raising an eyebrow when they saw the new sight. On the cushion laid a ball of purple and blue fur. "Huh? What is it?" Flash asked, only for the ball to start moving. A hoofed leg then poked out of the ball, which had what appeared to be a purple legwarmer around it, followed by another with two more after it.

The four legs reached out to place themselves on the ground before shakily trying to lift the rest of its body up, only to fall under the weight. Luckily, Twilight managed to catch it, "Careful." This seemed to make the ball go stiff before the front and bottom half curled off the rest of it and formed a tail like construct on the back. This revealed a cloudy white body along with a pointy black spike with a white ring on it. The part of the ball that the spike was connected to moved up until it stood at about a foot high, only to start looking from left to right with more haste each time.

Twilight let out a giggle before reaching out her hand, putting it in the fur before a very equine face came out of the fur along with the spike, now showing it to be a singular horn. "Hello there."

"Taa?" The Pokémon cried before slowly opening its eyes. They appeared unfocused at first, but slowly began to lock onto Twilight's face, "Nee?"

Everyone else went 'awww' at the sight, Sunset instantly recognizing the species, "Well I'll be, its a Galarian Ponyta."

"Oh my goodness," Fluttershy had hearts in her eyes, "It's so cute!" The Ponyta slowly pulled its gaze away from Twilight to look at the rest, only to swing its mane around so that it would hide its face. "Oh?"

"Maybe we should step back," Doc suggested before everyone but Twilight did so.

She held out her hand again, "It's okay. We're not gonna hurt you." Ponyta's eyes peeked out from behind its mane, almost as if it was studying Twilight. "That's right. Don't be scared."

"Taa," Ponyta slowly leaned over and sniffed her hand, its body shaking as it did so.

"What's it doing?" Spike asked in a whisper.

"I guess it's still wary of everything around it," Doc replied, "But it seems to almost recognize Twilight."

"How? Didn't just hatch?"

Timber hummed before snapping his fingers, "Twilight," she turned to him, "Sing to it like you did last night." Twilight raised an eyebrow at this, only to turn back to Ponyta singing the same song from last night.

Ponyta's eyes grew wide at the song, a smile creeping onto its face with tears in its eyes. And as Twilight said the last line, it leapt forward. "PONYTA!" Twilight caught it as the Ponyta pressed itself into her body, everyone else smiling as they watched her hug it.

"Well, I guess it's no mystery who'll be keeping it."

"No problem there." Spike added.

Flash nodded, then turned to Timber. "I guess that whole 'seeing things while still in the egg' was real then."

Timber shrugged. "Seeing out of the egg's still a mystery, but I guess this proves Ponyta could hear while still in the egg. If that's the case, of course it would recognize Twilight's voice."

Twilight pulled away and smiled down at the Ponyta, who's horn was beginning to give off a light glow as it tried to hug her again. The shine instantly made Twilight think of the glow from the egg, her brain now clicking several pieces in place. "Shine."

"What?" Flash asked, Twilight turning to him.

"That's her name. Shine."

"Good name," Timber told her.

"I like it," Spike added.

Doc nodded in agreement, "Very fitting."

Twilight stood back up, still holding Shine in her arms as she moved back to the group. "These are my friends, and they can be your friends too." Shine slowly looked up at them, only to shake like crazy, but she wasn't hiding behind her mane this time.

Timber was the first to step up, "Hey there." He reached out to touch it, only for Ponyta to pull back in fear. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." He tried again, but Shine pulled back her head again. "Oookay. Guess it doesn't like other humans yet."

"No, you're being too intimidating." Flash commented, making Timber glare at him.

"How am I being intimidating?!"

"You're trying to skip steps with it. Here, watch the master." Flash kneeled down, putting himself at eye level, "Hey there." Shine just shook in response, but Flash stayed perfectly still until Shine stopped shaking, "Here," He slowly lifted his hand, only to keep it frozen in place, "Don't be afraid." Shine blinked at the sight, its head slowly leaning out and sniffing the fingers. It then laid its head on Flash's hand, Flash smirking before patting it on the head.

"See? That easy." Flash responded before gesturing to Springer. The Riolu hopped onto his shoulders, Hopper doing the same as they both said hello. Shine instantly replied, showing a big smile at both Pokémon.

Timber gave him a glare, only for Fluttershy to now kneel down and greet the Ponyta. The others soon followed, Rainbow having a bit tougher time due to her more intimidating nature. Spike and Doc were able to pet it after a minute or so, while Gloriosa and Sunset were able to pet it just a bit sooner.

It wasn't long till the Ponyta was comfortable with everyone, but it wouldn't leave Twilight's arms. It was clear the glasses-wearing trainer was who she wanted to be with, Celestia watching the exchange just a bit away. A giant smile was on her face as she watched her student bond with the Pokémon, quietly admitting Twilight had truly had grown a great deal since leaving home.

But as she watched this, she now knew the new question was how much more she would grow from here. Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

Well, you finally got what you wanted. Twilight has her own new Pokemon now. Hope you liked this.


Name: Wondor
Design: A basic bird with the Wonderbolt uniform design
Name: Wonderbolt and Condor
Pronounced: Won-Door

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