• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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A Night of Fright


All was quiet at Camp Everfree, the students all exhausted from their day spent in the lake. Up in the sky, the moon shined brightly as it came close to its apex, ready for the tomorrow full moon.

As this happened, halfway up the mountain close to the camp was the ruins of an ancient shrine. It was a stone platform with several broken pillars of differing heights, and in its centre was a small stone building in disrepair. A bunch of Chopmunk and Munkarve were hanging around here, all enjoying a midnight snack of berries as the clouds moved aside to reveal the almost full moon.

And as the light of the moon shone down, shadows began to slowly weave and wobble around the shrine before a black mass began to form, taking humanoid shape as it floated out of the night's darkness. It then began to hiss, a pair of purple glowing eyes appearing as it stared at the Chopmunk and Munkarve before a low growl followed.

The hiss caught the group's attention, making them turn from their snacks to see the shadowy figure standing there. Its purple gaze now glared at them, a look of hatred and anger in its eyes. The figure's growl then turned into a mighty roar before leaping at the group, the Chopmunk and Munkarve all screaming as it struck.

A few minutes later, the figure was back on the shrine's roof, staring up at the moon. Hissing at the sight, it took a deep breath, feeling the moon's rays as the moon began its journey to fullness tomorrow.

The next morning...

We once again find our heroes in the mess hall, enjoying another well-cooked meal while waiting for the professors to show up. The Sapphire Cabin were all enjoying their breakfast more than anyone, all four looking over at the board and seeing who was on top.

"That hall of fame place is all ours," Spike commented while scarfing down another spoonful of cereal.

"Don't be so sure," Twilight added, "There's still three more days before the end of camp. Who knows what'll happen before the last day."

"Nah..." Flash responded after slurping up some milk, "We've got this. Hall of fame's in the bag."

Twilight rolled her eyes before hearing the professors walked inside, Celestia speaking up, "Morning everyone, I'm sure you're all wondering what we have planned for today." A series of nods met her question, "Well the answer to that is...nothing." Everyone shared some glances, making her chuckle as she pointed to Luna, "Allow my sister to explain it to you."

"Thank you sister," Luna added while turning to the campers. "You're all here to learn to better interact with Pokémon, but tell me...do all Pokémon stay out during the day?" Another wave of murmurs followed this question, "The answer is no. Not all Pokémon have the same schedule as us. In fact, many Pokémon sleep during the day and come out at night. These are what are known as nocturnal Pokémon, and it's what we're going to be studying today."

Gloriosa stepped up next, pointing to the window and towards the mountain. "Halfway up that mountain is an ancient shrine which has been there since before my family owned this land. That will be your objective."

Luna then showed them around golden coin with a Pokeball symbol on it. "This medallion is your target. I'll be placing a box of them at the ruins. You'll be in groups of two, and your objective will be to get to the shrine and return here with a medallion. Each team will be timed, and the faster you get back here, the more points you'll earn for your cabin. Does everybody understand?" Every head in the room nodded, "Very good. The event will begin at seven, so spend the rest of the day selecting your partners and resting up for it. Once you have a partner, come see me and I will write you down on my clipboard."

Everyone nodded again and got up to head out of the camp, the Sapphire Cabin also leaving while talking about the task, "This sounds to me like a test of courage," Doc commented, "Going into the unknown in the dead of night? Sounds like a test of resolve."

"Oh please," Flash added as they reached a nearby gazebo, "After everything we've been through, this'll be a cakewalk."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Flash rolled his eyes at the voice as they turned to see Timber walking up with Sunset, "After all, tonight is a full moon."

Sunset and the Sapphire Campers all raised an eyebrow before Spike asked, "What's so special about a full moon?"

"Well, the ruins we're going to have a legend around them. It's said that a long time ago, an evil creature attacked the people and Pokémon of this land, but then during a full moon, a mighty wizard tricked the creature into going to the shrine and sealed it away for all eternity. However, the spell had a small flaw. On the nights leading up to the full moon, the creature can retake a physical form that's cloaked in shadows, and when the moon is full, the creature is completely free until the sun rises."

He shined a big smirk as he looked at their reactions, Spike and Peewee showing pure fear while holding each other tight. Sunset and Doc both appeared wary, while Twilight was fascinated. But for Flash, he just rolled his eyes again, "Yeah...nice story and all, but I doubt it's true. It's probably just some story the people who made the shrine came up with to stop trespassers."

"You might be right..." Timber chuckled while shrugging, "Guess we'll find out tonight," he then turned to Twilight with a big smile, "Say...wanna be my partner for it?"

This question made everyone go wide-eyed, Twilight's face going full-blush mode as she squeaked out, "Me?!"

"Sure. The whole thing sounds like fun and I can't think of anyone else to enjoy it with."

"You can't do that." Flash instantly said, Twilight turning to pout at him, "We're supposed to be in pairs. If you join in, someone's gonna be left without a partner."

"That's fine," Sunset added as she raised her hand. "I wanna have a go at this too. Wanna be my partner Flash?"

"Oh." Flash turned to see Twilight giving an oblivious dreamy smile to Timber, making him glance back at Sunset, "Sure, why not?"

"Good." Sunset nodded before asking, "Though...what are your plans for the rest of the day? We have quite a lot of waiting time."

Flash took out a five Pokeballs, "I have an idea." He released the five, Springer cheering as they landed in front of their trainer, "Alright guys, for the rest of the day, have as much fun as you want. You haven't gotten the chance to spread your legs, wings...and whatever Viper has, so enjoy!"

"Ri/Gust/Spar/Leaf/Scor/Hop!" They all exclaimed before running off, ready to have some fun.

"Good idea Flash," Doc took out his Pokémon: Higear, Tockwork and Steeledge all appearing while Twilight took out her Pokeballs.

"Come on out!" Owlicious and Shine appeared, Owlicious flying off with the others while Shine hopped into Twilight's lap. Hopper also leapt into Flash's lap, the trainer laughing as he scratched him behind the ear.

Timber smirked as he watched the Pokémon playing, seeing other campers doing the same as the whole place started to become overrun. "Well, this is gonna be a fun day." He turned back to Twilight, "I've got work to do, so I'll see you later."

"Alright. I'll let Luna know we're a team." Timber nodded and walked off with a salute.


"Later..." Twilight waved back, squealing as she started clapping, "Oh, this is gonna be great! Me and Timber in the forest, talking about different Pokémon habitats and physiology. It'll be great!"

Everybody smiled at Twilight's excitement, all except Flash as he rolled his eyes, "Ugh..."

Twilight heard this and turned to him, "What?!"

"Nothing," Flash replied while continuing to scratch Hopper behind the ear.

"You know, you could learn something from Timber."

"Like what? Insult every Pokémon I try to befriend here?"

"He did not insult-"

"He did! In fact, I bet you nothing that he still looks down on Shuckle and Clauncher!"

Twilight let out a huff, "Hmph! You're just jealous because he's smarter than you."

"Oh please. Book smarts mean nothing too good old fashioned training."

"You just think that because you're reckless. Heck, ever since we got here, you've been acting like a spoiled brat whenever Timber's around."

"Well, what about you?" Flash put Hopper down and stood up, "Ever since we met him, you've been acting like a giggling schoolgirl whenever he says anything that's not even funny."

Twilight growled as she stood up as well, staring Flash down, "I guess you'd be the expert on laughing at things that aren't funny." Both Hopper and Shine tried to hide behind Doc and Sunset's legs as this continued, "Timber's a mature adult. He doesn't spend all his free time being childish."

"Guys..." Doc spoke up, "Let's not say something we'll regret."

"I can be mature when I wanna be," Flash barked back. "I just don't need to have it on twenty-four seven, unlike you. You know, if you learned to relax a bit more, maybe you wouldn't be such a buzzkill all the time!"

"If I wasn't a buzzkill, you wouldn't be here right now! You'd probably still be trying to find out how to get from Canterlot to Trottingham, only to find yourself in Fillydelphia."

"Hey, I can find my way around perfectly fine."

"Then why am I always the one planning out our journey routes?!"

"Because you're a bossy know-it-all that thinks the world will implode if she doesn't plan out every little thing in fine detail."

"You wouldn't last a week without me there."

"I spent a week travelling from my hometown to Canterlot without you, and I was perfectly fine!"

"Well, I could have gotten you there in three days."

"Yeah right."

Twilight growled as she vibrated in anger. "You...JERK!"

"I'm a jerk?!" Flash yelled before pointing at her, "You know what, if Timber's so great, then why don't you travel with him from now on?!"

"Maybe I will!" Twilight screeched, marching away as Shine followed after her.

"Twilight!" Spike cried as he saw his sister disappear into the camp, Flash walking away in the opposite direction. "Flash!"

"Don't walk away from a fight angry," Doc called out.

Sunset just sighed and facepalmed, "Those two are impossible."

Spike then turned to Doc and Sunset, "You don't really think they'll stop travelling together, do you?"

"I hope not," Doc replied, crossing his arms while shaking his head, "Though considering how they've been lately, I'm not sure. Flash has especially been negative recently, and the activities we've been doing here at camp has not helped." He turned to Spike, "I suspect we both don't want them to split, right?" Spike nodded, "Then we have to find a way to fix this before it's too late."

"Good luck with that," Sunset sighed before walking off, "I'll try to get Flash to apologize during the hike."

They nodded and went to find Twilight, only to find the worst results. Over the next few hours, Flash and Twilight both refused to even be in the same room, Flash choosing to be in the cabin while Twilight sat near the lake to read. During both lunch and dinner, they sat at different tables with their backs to one another.

Eventually, seven o'clock came, the many campers now getting ready after changing into warmer clothes for the chilly night. Flash came out of their cabin dressed in his normal clothes, Springer and Hopper running after him. Skylar, Riptide, Prongs and Viper were fast asleep in the cabin, having tuckered themselves out during the day. Owlicious had also fallen asleep, strange for a nocturnal Pokémon, which made Flash suspect Twilight would only be taking Shine.

"Hey!" He turned to see Sunset in her usual clothes, her Geckolar Ray, sitting on her shoulder. "Ready to get going?"

"Sure," Flash responded as they both went to where Celestia, Luna and Gloriosa were waiting. Several other groups arrived, Flash seeing the other pairs. Doc and Spike were together, Rainbow and Fluttershy also a team while Pinkie was with Bulk. Flash felt sorry for Trixie when he saw she was with Lightning, who was most likely doing this because nobody could tell him he couldn't catch anything around here. And then there was Twilight and Timber, both laughing at whatever unfunny thing Timber had just said. Everyone was dressed in their normal attire, Timber wearing yellowish-brown pants, with an open red button-up shirt over a white t-shirt under a sleeveless jacket.

"Alright everyone," they all turned to Luna, "It's reaching seven, so it's time to start the event. There are several checkpoints between here and the shrine, each located on the maps you'll be provided with. Every one of them has a marker you can use to stamp the card you'll be given. The more marks you have, the more extra points you'll be awarded when you return. Is that understood?" Everyone nodded, "Good."

Celestia spoke up next. "Now, each team will leave the camp five minutes apart with the exact time written down so we know who took the least amount of minutes. Remember, this is about learning to deal with Pokémon. Being the quickest doesn't matter."

"Maybe, but it doesn't hurt either." Rainbow added as Celestia ordered everyone to line up, Flash and Sunset standing behind Twilight and Timber.

"Hey," Sunset said as they turned to her, "Good luck you two."

Twilight shined a smile, "Thanks."

"Not that we'll need it," Timber smirked, Flash rolling his eyes. Twilight saw this and growled, her eyes narrowing as she turned away, soon walking up to Luna.

"Okay," Luna responded while staring at her watch, "Go." Twilight and Timber headed off into the forest, Twilight glancing back at Flash one last time before running off.

At that moment, Spike and Doc were already deep into the forest. Spike had Peewee out while Doc had Steeledge, the older teen looking over the map, "Alright, the first checkpoint should be around here somewhere.

"Awesome! Does it say where?"

"It says on an old oak tree." The two then looked up, now seeing a tree that was three times larger than the others and almost twice the height.

"Yes!" Spike cheered, now spotting a stamp hanging from a nail on a string. He quickly stamped his card, which had eight boxes on it. He pressed the stamp into the first box, which showed an image of a Murkrow. "Sweet!"

"Brilliant!" Doc nodded before raising an eyebrow. "Wonder why it's got a Murkrow on it?" The answer came when a loud squawk caught their attention, making them look up to see a Murkrow glaring at them.

"Oh...hi there." Spike gulped, seeing the bird's wings glowing for an attack.

"Don't worry, I've got this." Doc responded as he pulled out a small bag, opening it to reveal an array of food pellets. "Hey, you hungry?" He placed the bag on the ground and stepped away, the Murkrow flying down to eat while they made their getaway.

"Nice one Doc!" Spike gave him and thumbs up while Peewee squawked in agreement.

"Thanks," Doc showed him several more bags, "I've got loads more, so we shouldn't have any more trouble."


Fluttershy and Rainbow were at a different stamp, this one stationed outside a cave heading down into the mountain. "One down," Rainbow remarked as she put the stamp to the card, "Nice."

Fluttershy shivered as she clutched Angel and stared at the cave, "Oh gosh...I hope nothing scary is in there."

"Relax. If anything tries to get the jump on us, I'll handle it." It was at that moment something flew out of the cave and clipped her ear, "YAH!" She jumped away, turning to see a Zubat. She then heard giggling, "Not funny Fluttershy."

"It is a little."

At the same time, Twilight and Timber had reached a checkpoint. They marked the card, getting a Morelull before looking up to see Morelull lighting up the forest.

"Beautiful..." she whispered.

"Sure is...But I can think of something more beautiful." Twilight turned to see he was looking at her, her face going red before looking away while playing with her ponytail.

"We should...er...get to the next checkpoint." She started walking off, "We're uh...making good time." Shine followed after her, Timber and his Breloom close behind.

"She's perfect." Timber whispered as he continued to watch her awkwardness.

While this was going on, Flash groaned as he stared at his map, "This is nuts. I'm sure the stamp should be right here."

Sunset just shook her head, "Here, just let me see the map-"

"No. I can do it." Flash grumbled as he jerked away, "I'm not useless, you know."

"So that's it. Trying to prove yourself to Twilight, huh?"

"I'm not proving anything to anyone," Flash growled as he started to walk away, not looking up from the map.

"Flash, look out!" He looked up, only for a Shuppet to appear right in his face.

"Aaah!" He yelped before falling back, the Shuppet others laughing as the ghost then flew away. "Ugh...give me a break."

Lightning and Trixie both groaned as they walked along the path, Chimplug and Hattarna following behind them. Trixie was trying to find the next stamp, showing Lightning the map, "Is this a left or a right?" However, there was no response, Lightning to busy staring up at the trees. "Hello?"

"Be quiet," he hissed. "I'm trying to find some actually decent Pokémon." But as he spotted a Starider hanging from a webline on a tree, he simply growled. "Useless."

He then stormed off, Trixie muttering under her breath, "Not as useless as you're being."

A little while later, Pinkie, Bulk, Milcry and Throh were sitting at the tree their stamp was at.

They hadn't intended to stay, but the Kricketot living there had started playing a beautiful melody, making them want to listen, "This music is so fun to listen too," Pinkie cheered while Milcry floated around with a smile on its face.

"YEAH!" Bulk yelled, "It's so manly!" Throh let out a cry of agreement, the four just listening as the music lulled them into a state of relaxation.

At the same time...

Twilight, Timber and their Pokémon had come across another stamp, both looking up from the map as Twilight said, "That could be a problem." She then pointed at a Skullimor lying on the stump the stamp was on, almost about to doze off.

"No problem," Timber smirked as he reached for it. "I'll just be careful not to-" He didn't finish as Skullimor spun around and lashed out, trying to bite his fingers off. "Yeehee," he yelped while pulling his hand back, the skeletal Pokémon now slithering up to full height and spreading its wings.


Breloom got into a fighting stance, only for Twilight to jump in, "Please wait. We're sorry we bothered you." She pointed at the stamp, "We just need that thing you're sleeping next too. Once we have it, we won't bother you again." Skullimor just growled at her, only to turn and fly away into the forest, Twilight waving as he left, "Thank you."

Timber smirked as she used the stamp, "Nice one. You certainly handled that with skull." Twilight turned to him, blinking before letting out a laugh.

And once the laugh ended, she replied, "I'm really glad I met you."

"Thanks," Timber responded while rubbing the back of his head. He then took a deep breath, Twilight noticing his gesture.

"You okay?"

Timber looked away as he replied, "Well...I talked to Gloriosa last night. I told her that I wanna leave the camp and go on a journey, trying to collect badges."

"Oh? What did she say?"

Timber looked back with a big grin, "She asked why I was bothering to ask her. Apparently, I never needed her permission to go on my own journey...so I'm leaving as soon as this camp session is over."

"That's great! I'm so happy for you!" Twilight exclaimed before a bulb went off in her head, "Hey, why don't you travel with us? We're heading to Appleoosa City for Flash's next Gym battle. You could make your debut there."

Timber shook his head in response, "No, I'll need to head to Canterlot first."

"Oh...yeah. That's right. You need to register for the league there." Timber nodded. "So, I guess we can't travel together."

Timber rubbed the back of his neck as he continued, "Actually, I...I want...well-"

Twilight raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Timber took a deep breath before looking Twilight right in the eye, "I want you to come with me." Twilight's eyes went wide, a slight blush on her face, "Think about it. You and me, travelling around the Equestria region together. It'll be great."

"But...but my friends-"

"They can come if they want," Timber interrupted. "I guess your brother would have to come, and I'm okay with that."

"But what about Doc and Flash?" She added, "If we go back to Canterlot, that would mean Flash would lose months of time just to get back to where he is now."

"Well...I guess that's his decision to make." Timber hummed with a shrug, "He can come with us, or go on his own." He then placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder, "Come on Twilight. If we travelled together, nothing would be able to stop us. There's so much you could teach me and I could teach you. So, what do you say?"

Twilight glanced away, Shine seeing the mixed emotions on her face. The Ponyta quickly went up and rubbed her head into her leg, Twilight picking her up and stroking her mane, "I...I need to think about it."

"Alright." He turned around with a big grin, "Well, I'm leaving the day after camp ends. Do you think you'll have your answer then?"

"Um...yeah. Probably." Timber nodded with a confident smile, walking away as Twilight looked down at her new Pokémon, "Oh Shine, what am I gonna do?" Shine just neighed as she rubbed her head into Twilight's chin, Twilight giving her a hug next. "Thank you."

She let out a sigh as she continued to follow Timber, thinking back to what happened earlier today, "Should I leave? I know Spike would be sad but...would Flash even care?"

Flash and Sunset were getting close to the shrine themselves, only one stamp left for them. "I think we're making pretty good time," Sunset told him. "You actually are pretty good with a map, when you're holding it the right way up."

"Whatever..." Flash grumbled, Springer and Hopper frowning at the angry expression on their trainer's face.

Sunset shook her head and sighed, "Flash, you need to get over this grumpy mood. Don't let your anger at Twilight ruin everyone else's fun."

"I'm not angry at her," he growled, sighing a little later, "I'm just...worried I might have ruined our friendship." This made Sunset raise an eyebrow in surprise as he continued, "After the fight, I realized I was acting like a jerk. I don't know why Timber gets to me...probably cause he keeps insulting Pokémon I try to befriend, but...seeing her fawn over him made me mad. Now...I get the feeling she's gonna be gone, and...that's it. I lose a friend, especially if she doesn't want to hear me say sorry."

Sunset shook her head again, giggling as she saw a now very vulnerable Flash as she put a hand on his shoulder, "Flash, she's your friend. If you're sincere about your apology, she'll accept it. She'll definitely not want to stop being your friend. Trust me."

He looked back at her, a tiny smile on his face, "Yeah...you're right. I hope. Thanks Sunset."

"Anytime. Now come on, we're still racing the rest of the camp, remember?" Flash nodded back before they cut into a sprint for the shrine.

Twilight and Timber had now come across a small staircase, Timber smirking at the sight, "Alright, we're finally here." He and Breloom started to ascend, Twilight and Shine following at a much slower pace. Twilight's mind was a muddled mess now, only for Shine to rub her neck, making her look up to see she had just got to the top of the stairs.

"Amazing," she whispered as she saw the shrine and the ruins around it.

"I know, right?" Timber smirked as he moved over to a wooden box stationed on the steps, reaching down to pull out one of the medallions. "Looks like we're the first ones here," he turned to Twilight with a huge grin, "See? When we work together, there's nothing we can't do. Just more proof how awesome we would be travelling together."

"Yeah...I guess." Twilight added in the most confident tone she could muster.

"So," Timber sauntered over to her, "wanna head back to camp? Or do you wanna stick around and check out the ruins a bit more?" Twilight didn't want to reply, but then she saw Shine excitedly running around the place.

"Maybe for a few minutes."

"Sounds good. Let's explore." Timber added with a confident smile, turning away before gesturing to the teen, "Come on, let's check out the shrine."

But as he did this, the clouds above them parted, showing the moon. The moon's light then began to shine down, casting a shadow for the shrine. Like the night before, the shadows began to weave and wobble, Shine coming to a stop as it sensed something, a cold dark emotion. A sinister dread washed over her, making her feel an unmistakable sensation: Pure evil. "Nee!" She cried before running over to Twilight and jumping into her arms.

"Shine?" Twilight saw Shine was now shivering, the girl quickly rubbing her mane to calm her, "What's wrong?"

Timber turned to her, only to notice Breloom start to sweat, "What's the matter?"

Breloom turned to the shrine, he and Twilight following, only to go wide-eyed. From out of the shrine's shadow came a figure shrouded in darkness, a pair of shining purple eyes glowing from its head. "What the heck?" Timber whispered, Twilight now feeling Shine trying to hide its face in her chest. "It...it can't be."

"Oh no," Twilight muttered as the figure fully emerged from the shadows, glaring down with a unfriendly growl, "Timber...what do we do?"

The figure began to float over, Timber quickly yelling, "Mach Punch!" Breloom charged with a glowing fist, but the Pokémon didn't react. Instead, Breloom flew right through the figure.

"Brell?" Breloom yelped as he turned and tried to punch again, only to go through the creature again.

"What the-" Timber tried to say, but the figure then summoned a sphere of dark energy in front of it.

"Shadow Ball?" Twilight asked as the sphere was sent at Breloom, hitting the Grass Fighting-type with an explosion.

"BRELOOM!" He screamed as he was sent flying back, slamming into the shrine wall before slumping over with spirals in its eyes.

"What?!" Timber yelped, unable to believe that Breloom was knocked out with one hit. He then saw the figure turn to them, his heart beginning to pound as he slowly shifted back. "AAAAAAHHH!" Timber cried as he ran to the stairs, going past Twilight as the figure sank into the ground and shot across the ruins. It shot past Timber before ascending back up between Timber and the stairs. Timber tried to come to a stop, only for the figure to smack its leg into the teen's chest.

"TIMBER!" Twilight screamed as she watched Timber be sent flying back, slamming and rolling on the ground before hitting the shrine beside Breloom. He then let out a moan, showing he was still conscious. A looming presence made her turn back to see the figure getting closer, the shadows slowly starting to fade in the moonlight. "What...what are you?"

She got her answer when the shadows vanished, revealing a humanoid Pokémon wearing a clown costume. It stood at about eight and a half feet tall, wearing a red coat, green pants and yellow boots. Its face was completely white, though you could only see the bottom part while its top half was covered in a black and white mask. On the waist of its coat was a golden heart-shaped symbol while on its shoulders were a pair of skull markings designed to simulate the spade symbol. A golden diamond could be seen on each cuff of its coat sleeves, and the club symbol could be seen on its knees. It had a white frilly collar around its neck and orange hair sticking out the back of its head. On its back were a quartet of swords that formed an X, with the scabbard having a pair of blue scarf-like ribbons coming off it. The Pokémon swung its arms around before letting out a mighty roar. "DOOM!"

Twilight gasped as she staggered back, "A Piedoom..."

"Piedoom..." the ghost clown growled as it reached back and pulled two of its swords out. Twilight could barely backpedal as the Piedoom began to move again, Shine now staring at the monstrous before narrowing her eyes.

"Nee!" She cried while shaking, her instincts kicking in as she fired a Psybeam at the monster. But as the attack struck, it went right through the Piedoom's chest.

"That's right...Piedoom is Dark and Ghost-type," Twilight whispered, her hand quickly going down to reach for a Pokeball, "I need Owlicious." she then felt nothing, making her gulp as she then remembered she left him at the camp. "Oh no..."

Piedoom's sword blades started glowing purple before it swung them at Twilight, the girl screaming as she barely managed to jump back to avoid the Night Slash. She then tossed Shine away as she yelled, "RUN!"

"NEE!" Shine yelped as she stumbled over, quickly trying to get to her hooves.

"I said run!" Twilight screamed, only for Piedoom to swipe at her again. This time it nicked her bowtie, making her gasp as the Piedoom raised its sword again.

"Pied!" Piedoom swung its blade through the air, this time unleashing a wave of energy. Twilight gasped and sidestepped the attack, which flew past her and destroyed a pillar behind her. "Doom!" Before she could react, Piedoom thrust its hand, unleashing a Dark Pulse. The attack struck Twilight's stomach, the blow knocking her back with a loud screech of pain.

"TWILIGHT/NEE!" Timber and Shine screamed as she hit the pillar and fell over, the pillar collapsing onto Twilight, "NO!"

Twilight moaned as she opened her eyes, only to feel a pressure on her foot. She looked down and gasped, now seeing it was fully trapped under the rubble of the pillar.

"Piedoom." She turned to glance up, now seeing a smirking Piedoom staring at her.

"Nee!" Shine cried, telling it to getaway. But Piedoom didn't listen, instead raising his sword again. Shine's eyes shrunk at the sight, pure panic settling in as she knew her Psybeam wouldn't work. And as Piedoom inched closer to Twilight, she suddenly felt a warmth spreading through her body. The flames burned into her horn, making her yell out, "NEE!"

The outburst caught everyone's attention, making them all turn to her to see a fireball appear above her horn before spinning to form a circle of fire. "Shine?"

"Nee..." her horn ignited again, pointing it through the fire circle, "TAA!" Suddenly, a stream of fire shot out her horn and through the circle, the Piedoom crossing his swords at the incoming attack. The blades blocked the flames, but it still flinched at the heat.

"Was that...Mystical Fire?" Twilight gasped, only to see Piedoom cut the flames down, showing little harm to his body. Shine's ears drooped at the sight, Twilight yelling again, "No! Shine!" She turned to Timber, "Save her!"

Timber nodded as he was about to get up, only for Piedoom to fire a Night Slash right into the ground before him. "AAAAHHHH!" he screamed, the teen falling over as his body froze up on the spot.

"Timber!" Twilight yelled, but it was no use. He wouldn't move, and Shine was the same as Piedoom raised its sword at her. "No...GET AWAY!"

"AURA SPHERE!" Piedoom quickly hopped back at the sudden order, a blue sphere of energy whizzing by its face as it dodged it.

Twilight turned to the source, now seeing Flash, Springer and Hopper at the top of the stairs, "Yo ugly! Back away from the Ponyta!" Flash barked, making Piedoom glare at him, "I'm guessing you're the creature in that legend we heard about. Heh...you don't look so tough."

"Flash?! What are you doing here?" Twilight yelped, Flash turning to her.

"Nevermind that. You okay?" Twilight just gave him a cringed frown, Flash nodding in response, "I understand. Let me kick ugly's butt here then I'll help you. Sunset's already going to get help after we heard your earlier scream."

"Wha-Flash, you have to get out of here!" Twilight yelled back, "That thing...it's too strong! Take Shine and go!"

"No way." Flash instantly replied, pumping his fists, "I'm not leaving without you."


"Forget it Twilight! I don't abandon my friends!" Flash added, making Twilight shrink back at his words as he looked back at the Piedoom, "Let's go! Extreme Speed!"

"RIOLU!" Springer shot forward as green lightning surged around his body, flying with a kick at the Piedoom...only to go right through him, "Rio?" He gasped, quickly landing and skidding his feet.

"It's a Ghost-type!" Twilight yelled, "Fighting and Normal moves won't work!"

Flash's eyes went wide at this, looking down at Springer and Hopper, "Not good. I'll have to use Sky-" He didn't finish that sentence as he patted his empty side, "Shoot! I left everyone else back at the camp!"

He then saw Piedoom charge, quickly reacting by grabbing Hopper. The two rolled to the side, dodging Piedoom's sword as Springer yelled, "RIOLU!" The Riolu used Double Team, multiple Springers now running around the Piedoom in a circle. Growling at the sight, Piedoom started firing several Shadow Balls.

And as this happened, Flash ran over to Twilight, Hopper walking beside him. "You okay?" He asked as he started working to lift the rocks off of her.

"I...I don't know," Twilight flinched as she felt the pressure being removed off her foot. "But I don't think I can walk."

"Okay. Well, let's get this stuff off you first." Flash hissed as he grabbed another rock.

As he did this, Twilight just shook her head, "Flash, don't worry about me. Go help Shine get out of here."

"I'm not...leaving...you..." he grunted as he pushed another rock out of the way, "Besides, Hopper is gonna help Shine."

She turned to the Ponyta, now seeing Hopper by Shine's side. "Hop!" he exclaimed as he tried to make Shine move, but the Pokémon was scared stiff, unable to move. And as he did this, the Piedoom sunk into the ground, everyone seeing this as a portal opened up inside the bedrock.

Several seconds passed after this, the ghost's entire being completely vanishing along with the portal. "Is...is it gone?" Twilight asked, the Springer copies disappearing at the sight of danger disappearing.

Flash blinked at the sight, only to feel a shiver down his spine. He then looked up, now seeing a new portal appear above his Pokémon, "SPRINGER!" he yelled, but it was too late. The Piedoom descended, smacking the Riolu in the back of the head.

"RIO!" He cried as he went flying back, slamming into the ground while kissing dirt.

"SPRINGER!" Both Flash and Twilight screamed, turning back to Piedoom as it drew its swords again, the Pokémon now glaring at Shine and Hopper, the pony shaking while Hopper hopped in front of Shine with a growl.

"Get away from them!" Flash yelled, tossing a small rock at Piedoom. It felt the pebble tap its side, making it turn to the trainer. The Piedoom's deadly gaze fixed itself on him, causing a shiver of terror to run through Flash's whole body. But as he felt this, Flash took a deep breath and said, "I...I won't let you hurt them! Come on!" He held his arms out, "I'm right here!"

That was all Piedoom needed, pointing its swords at the teen, "FLASH!" Twilight screamed as she watched him jump back, barely dodging the first blade slash, only to sidestep the second. But as he did this, the back of his left heel hit a rock, making him fall back.

"Oof!" he yelped, now hitting the ground with a thud. He then looked up, now seeing Piedoom lift his sword over the teen.

"Hoppin!" Hopper cried, instincts kicking in as it sprinted at the clown, knowing it had to save his trainer. Its body leapt into the air, reaching Piedoom's wrist, biting down on it with full force.

"DOOM!" The ghost clown roared as it dropped its sword and start swinging its arm around, trying to dislodge Hopper. As it did this, Flash got up and picked up the sword, glaring back up at the monster, "Piedoom!" It flicked its arm down, Hopper letting go.

"HEY!" Piedoom turned around, now seeing Flash running at him with sword in hand. The oversized weapon was beyond heavy, Flash barely managing to swing it at the ghost. Piedoom quickly countered with the other sword, blocking the blade despite Flash's blow making him slightly stagger back. It then drew another one of its two remaining swords, soon dashing at Flash as the trainer tried to block his attack.

Seeing this, Hopper leapt at the Piedoom, biting its foot. Piedoom let out a cry of pain, Flash taking the opening to swing the sword at the clown, only for it to be blocked again. The clown then shook Hopper off its leg, quickly swinging at Flash again, this blow knocking Flash back.

"GYAH!" Flash cried as he fell over, the sword flying out of his hand. He then saw Piedoom pick up the sword, now starting to go after the trainer as he tried to get back up...only for his strength to leave him. The sight of the monster was too much, instead crawling backwards before he felt his back hit a pillar.

"FLASH!" Twilight yelled, really trying to pull her leg out despite the pain. Hopper had also recovered from the kick and saw Flash was in trouble, rushing while letting out a cry. But Piedoom heard this and spun around, firing a Dark Pulse that hit him head-on.

"HOP!" He screamed as he was smacked back, rolling on the ground until stopping right by Twilight.

"HOPPER!" Both trainers gasped, Twilight now trying to reach out to him.

Piedoom then turned back to Flash, its sword pointed right at his chest. Flash stared at the clown, only for one thing to go through his head. If he was gonna go, he wasn't gonna give this thing the satisfaction of seeing him scared. Instead, he glared at Piedoom and said, "Do it." Piedoom smirked back before pulling his sword back, ready to slice the human in half. But at the blade began to fall down-

"DOOM" it yelped as it was knocked back, the teen now seeing a blur fly around him.

"Skylar!" He cheered, the bird landing right by its trainer.

"Gust," he nodded back as Piedoom picked itself up. But as it did this, a jet of fire, water and sphere of green energy came flying at it, knocking it back as a trio of starter Pokémon appeared on the top of the stairs.

"Guys!" Flash yelled as he saw his team, only to see more people appear at the staircase's top.

Celestia, Luna, Gloriosa and Sunset were leading the campers into the ruin, the older woman glaring at Piedoom. "Get away from our campers!" Celestia roared as her Suncess leapt into the fray while in its Solar Flare Forme. "Dazzling Gleam!"

"Sun!" Its body was surrounded in a sphere of rainbow color, its form charging into the Ghost-type before it could react.

"Pied!" It cried while falling back, Primoon, Ray and a Roserade they guessed was Gloriosa's now running at the clown as Flash's Pokémon ran over to check on him.

"Flame Burst!"

"Moon Burst!"

"Magical Leaf!" The three launched their attacks, Piedoom drawing its last sword to defend itself. As this happened, Spike, Doc, Rainbow and Fluttershy now appeared, all running over to Twilight.

"You okay?" Her brother asked as Doc and Rainbow worked to get the rocks off her.

"I'm fine," Twilight replied as the last rock was lifted. But as she tried to get up, she let out a cry of pain, "Augh!" She started to fall over, Rainbow catching her as she stumbled over.

Fluttershy saw Twilight's leg, now seeing that it wasn't broken, but badly bruised and swelling. "We have to get her back to camp." She turned to her Grizzor, "Harry, please help me." He nodded and got down, allowing the others to lift Twilight onto his back.

"Thank you," she told the Bear Pokémon before looking around, "Wait...where's Shine?"

"Here," she turned to Flash, the Ponyta in his arms. She then remembered she was holding Hopper, the two smiling while swapping Pokémon before looking back at the battle.

"Doom!" Piedoom dodged one of Primoon's Moon Burst and landed on the shrine's roof. It was here that Timber's feet started to work again, quickly running to his sister.

"Are you okay?" She asked, looking him over and seeing he was mostly unhurt.

"I'm...I'm fine." Timber turned back to look up at the Piedoom, another wave of fear overtaking him as he started to backpedal.

Piedoom then looked down, now staring at the fallen Springer. A grin shined on his face, forming a Shadow Ball in his hands as Flash yelled, "SPRINGER!"

"FLASH!" Everyone screamed as they saw the trainer leapt at his Pokémon, quickly covering the Riolu with his body. But as the Shadow Ball was about to hit him-

"Charge Beam!" A blast of electrical energy shot out of nowhere, striking the Shadow Ball. An explosion followed this, knocking it back as the others turned to see Lightning and Chimplug. On the trainer's face was a vicious grin, "You...you're strong!" He pumped his fists, "Now that's more like it! You're mine!"

"Chim!" Chimplug roared, electricity now pouring out of its body.

Piedoom turned to glare at the trainer, only to start shifting into the shadow of the shrine. Seeing this, Lightning yelled, "Hey! Where are you going?! Don't you dare run, you coward!"

But his words fell on deaf ears. Instead, the monster submerged into the ground, disappearing into the shadows. The ruins were silent as everyone stared at the sight...only for nothing to happen. Piedoom was gone.

"Where'd it go?" Spike asked.

"I think..." Celestia hummed before crossing her arms, "I think it went back to wherever it goes when sealed. It must have thought it couldn't beat so many of us."

"Oh, come on!" Lightning growled, "What is up with this camp when it comes to strong Pokémon?! Why do I keep not getting them?!"

"Lightning..." he turned to see Flash walking over with Springer in his arms, "You...saved me."

Lightning said nothing as he turned away, "whatever." With that, he walked off towards the stairs.

The rest of the camp soon followed his lead, the event being called off as they all returned to camp. Once there, Twilight, Timber and Flash told everyone what had happened while getting patched up. "There," Sunset said as she finished wrapping Twilight's leg up. "You should be okay. There doesn't seem to be any permanent damage, as long as you stay off it for a day or two."

"Thanks," Twilight replied before Shine suddenly jumped into her lap, curling up as she started petting her head.

"Say, what is it with you hurting your ankle?" Pinkie asked with a playful grin, "How many times is this now?"

"Only the second," Twilight responded, "And given the life of a trainer, that's a good number to have."

"You're fine too," Gloriosa told Timber while rubbing a disinfectant onto his arms.

Flash didn't have any injuries, but Luna still wanted to check him over while Fluttershy worked to treat Springer and Hopper. As she did this, Flash pulled out his Pokedex and typed in the Pokémon they had just been fighting.

Name: Piedoom
Category: Phantom Clown Pokémon
Type: Ghost/Dark
Info: The evolved form of Jesterror. It is a strange-looking and elusive Pokemon that is completely shrouded in mystery. It wields a quartet of swords, which it juggles without fear.

"Talk about freaky..." he shuddered before turning to stare at the nearby mountain, "You think it's safe to stay here? What if it comes back for some revenge?"

"I doubt that," Gloriosa replied, "Like the legend states, it can't leave the area of the shrine. And since it can only come out during a full moon, it shouldn't cause us any problems once the sun comes up." She then turned to glare at the mountain as well, "Still, I'm not gonna let anyone go anywhere near that shrine. It's better the simply let the sleeping spirit remain undisturbed."

Luna turned to Celestia, "An investigation should probably be done though."

"Maybe..." Celestia hummed, "Though I fear what might happen if we do. Further activity in the shrine may cause whatever's sealing the creature there to be undone. We may end up freeing Piedoom permanently. If investigations are to be done, they must be done with the utmost care."

Flash then moved over to Springer and Hopper, the two pouting as the stinging of the Super Potion bit into the skin. "You two alright?" They both nodded, trying their best to not move their aching bodies. "Good," he reached over and patted both heads, "Glad you're alright. You both did great against something you had a major disadvantage against."

"Hey Flash," He turned to see Twilight had hopped over to him. Gloriosa had gotten her a pair of crutches, allowing her to hobble over to the teen, "I...I just wanted to say...thanks. You didn't have to save me and Shine but, you put your life on the line for us. Even after I said all those horrible things to you."

Flash just shook his head, "Twilight...you don't need to thank me for trying to save you. It's something any decent human being would do. And even if I didn't have to...you're my friend. Doesn't matter how annoying you can be, I'll always be ready to help you when you need it."

The two both smiled, now forgetting about their previous argument. Nothing else was said as Flash returned to the cabin as Gloriosa helped Twilight with her crutches. And as she sat down while the camp manager checked her leg, she suddenly remembered Timber's earlier offer. Memories of today flashed through her head next, remembering what happened with Flash and the Pidoom encounter, making her sit back as she whispered, "Oh...what do I do? What should I do?"

Author's Note:

I don't know about you guys, but writing this one gave me shivers. Hope you liked it.


Name: Piedom
Design: Piedmon
Name: Pied Piper and doom
Pronounced: Pie-Doom

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