• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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A Sibling's Spat

With Applewood City now only a stone's throw away, our heroes had arrived in a small town to rest and resupply in preparation for the final leg of their journey. As soon as they arrived, they headed straight for the Pokémon Center, all knowing their teams needed to be checked out after going through the Everfree Forest. "Thank you for waiting," Nurse Redheart told them as her Chancy walked out with a trolley with Springer, Peewee and several Pokeball trays. "I'm happy to report that all of your Pokémon are completely fighting fit."

"Thank you," Twilight replied as they took the Pokeballs while Springer and Peewee moved over to their partners.

Redheart then pulled out a long paper, "Mr Sentry? I also completed the full medical check-up you requested over your Hoppin. You said it just hatched, correct?"

"Yeah," Flash responded with a nod, Doc walking up to hear the report as he suggested Flash get it checked.

The nurse nodded as well, "I'm happy to say that your Hoppin is one of the healthiest freshly hatched Pokémon I've ever seen. No issues whatsoever."

"Awesome!" Flash shined a smirk as he took the Pokeball off the tray, "Come on out bud!" The ball opened up to unleash Flash's newest team member.

"Hop!" Hopper cheered as he hopped off the tray, now bouncing around.

The sight made everyone giggle, Rarity chiming in, "He's so cute when he does that."

"He's got more energy than a Ratatta in cider season." Applejack commented as they watched Hopper now try to hop on anything he can reach. "But maybe now ain't the best place to let out that energy."

"Hopper!" Flash yelled as he tried to grab the Hoppin, only for it evade him with a single bounce. "Hey! Come back here!"

Hopper continued to jump around, Doc shaking his head, "This isn't going to end well. I suspect he probably thinks this is a game."

As he said that, Hopper landed on a girl's lap. "Huh?!" She gasped, only for Hopper to bounce away.

"Sorry!" Flash yelled as he ran past her, he and Springer now trying to catch him.

Spike turned to Twilight, "Should we help him?"

Twilight shook her head, "No, this is something he needs to learn by himself."

Doc nodded in agreement. "He's only ever dealt with Pokémon that were already at least a bit into maturity. Flash will need to learn how to handle a newly hatched Pokémon by himself. He'll basically be Hopper's parent, so he needs to be responsible for anything Hopper does."

"I guess..." Spike turned back to see Hopper leap up onto the video phones, hopping from one to the other. "I just hope he doesn't get us kicked out of the Pokémon Center before he learns."

"Hop!" Hopper cheered as he bounced on the last phone, about to jump before two arms suddenly yanked him, "Hoppin!"

"Gotcha!" Flash wrapped his arms around the Pokémon, holding him tight against his chest. "That's enough of that mister!"

"Hop..." Hopper pouted as he squirmed in his trainer's arms.

Flash then started patting the Hoppin's head, "Now now, I know you're excited, but you can't just go jumping all over the place. You might end up breaking something and I'll get the blame." He started to move back to his friends. "So from now on, if I tell you to stop, you've gotta stop, alright?"

"Hop..." Hopper did a small nod, seeming to get the message.

As Flash reached the others, he heard a familiar voice let out a laugh. "You guys never change, do you?" They turned to see a pair of figures standing by the door, shadowed by the sunlight that flowed through the glass. Slowly, they walked in, the first showing a certain stage magician slash Pokémon trainer Trixie Lulamoon. The other was a girl with similar skin color to Flash's with red and yellow hair. She was wearing a purple skirt and an orange shirt under a sleeveless leather jacket. Her shirt had a sun image on it while she also wore leather boots. The bacon haired girl then laughed, "I gotta say though, you sure know how to keep things from getting boring."

"Sunset!" Twilight cheered as she ran up and threw her arms around her, the two girls hugging for several seconds before pulling away. "It's so great to see you."

"You too," Sunset replied before strutting over to Flash, "Hey you, still living the roguish Pokémon trainer life?"

Flash shined a big grin, Twilight rolling her eyes at this, "You know it. Though uh...what are you doing here?"

"And why are you with Trixie?" Doc asked while pointing to the girl in question. "No offense, but I didn't think you two would be best buds."

"We're not," Trixie replied while putting her hands behind her head, "Trixie only met her yesterday."

"You heading to Applewood city too?" Flash asked, Trixie shaking her head in response.

"No. Trixie is taking a break from her badge quest so she can focus on her training with Professor Luna."

"Professor Luna's in town?"

Trixie and Sunset both nodded, Sunset replying, "Yup. So's Celestia, which is why I'm here. They were asked to give a lecture at town hall tomorrow."

Twilight's eyes sparked at the mention of her mentor, the girl turning to the others. "We've got to go see them! And we have to stay to see their lecture! The two of them, giving a presentation on Pokémon...it's going to be amazing!" The others all held their giggles back as Twilight's eyes shined giant stars.

"Alright, we'll show you them after we get what we came for." Sunset responded as her and Trixie walked to the counter, the nurse pulling out two more trays of Pokeballs.

"Here you go. I'm happy to report your Pokémon are all completely fighting fit." They gave their thanks as they took the balls, Flash and the others all staring at Sunset.

"Since when did you get a Pokémon?" Flash asked, Sunset smiling as she spun the ball on her finger.

"Since I found him. Come say hi Ray." The ball opened up to reveal a small lizard that was about meter long from head to tail. It was yellow in color with a white underbelly and mouth, but also had black spots covering its body. The Pokémon opened its eyes before looking up, a bright glow radiating off its body.

"What's that Pokémon?" Spiked asked as Flash pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Geckolar
Category: Sun Gecko Pokémon
Type: Fire
Info: The spots on this Pokémon are miniature solar panels. It can often be found sunbathing, absorbing the sun's heat to gain energy. In ancient times, they were kept as pets and used to keep beds warm during the winter.

The Geckolar crawled along the ground, reaching Sunset and scurrying up her leg. "He was found injured and sent to Professor Celestia to be treated. We just ended up...bonding." She scratched him under the chin, "Isn't he just a little ray of sunshine?" The others all nodded in agreement, Sunset then saying, "Anyways, we should head off. Don't wanna leave Celestia and Luna alone for too long."

"Why's that?" Applejack asked, Sunset and Trixie grimacing at the question, "What? What I'd say?"

They both did a gulp as Trixie replied, "You'll need to uh...see for yourself. They're at town hall."

One transition to town hall later...

As they headed inside the building, the whole group's ears were met with the sound of yelling. "I AM NOT TAKING ANY PART OUT!" They heard Luna's voice call out.

"You have too!" Celestia's voice barked back, its tone only a level of volume lower. The group all shared a glance before tiptoeing in, now seeing that the room was filled with multiple chairs, all pointing at a large stage at the back. On the wooden frame was the two arguing professors, looks of anger on both faces.

"I spent all night on this presentation! I'm not going to take any part of it out!"

"Then how do you expect us to fit both subjects into the time frame?!"

"Simple! Get rid of your stuff!"

"Professor!" Twilight called out as she ran through the room, making both turn to see her climb onto the stage.

"Twilight?!" Celestia gasped as her anger vanished, Twilight quickly running up and pulling her into a hug, "What is-why are you here?"

Twilight released the hug, "We stopped here on our way to Applewood City. Then we met Sunset and Trixie, who told us what you were doing here."

"Well, it's nice to see you all again," She looked up at the group, a kind smile appearing on her face. That is, till she saw the Pokémon in Flash's arms, her eyes going wide at the sight. "Is that a Hoppin?"

"Yup," Flash added as Hopper gave a big grin, "I just got him, freshly hatched and everything."

"Incredible..." Celestia took him in her hands, looking him over, "I've never had the chance to see one in real life."

"Neither have I," Luna commented as she walked off the stage. "Quite a rare find you have there Sentry. Though...I don't recall that mark being on any image I've seen of a Hoppin."

"Yeah, we're still trying to figure out that one. This little guy is...kind of a mystery." Twilight responded as Hopper jumped back into Flash's arms, the trainer soon explaining their first meeting with the Hoppin.

"That's quite an adventure you had," Celestia replied while rubbing her chin in thought, "Strange...very strange indeed."

"No kidding. Why would those guys want this Hoppin specifically?" Sunset asked. "In my experience, they had to have a reason."

Trixie shrugged in response. "Eh, it was probably just an excuse he made up to mask how lazy he is to go find another one."

Celestia hummed at her comment. "Either way, I should probably look up what I can about Hoppin when Sunset and I get back to the lab."

Luna rolled her eyes at this. "Yes, I'm sure the answers you seek are in your precious lab."

This made everyone turn to her, Spike now asking, "Um...Professor Luna? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Luna growled, looking away in response.

Celestia sighed while shaking her head. "You'll have to excuse my sister. She's decided to act like a child right now."

"I am not acting like a child!"

"Oh please, you've been throwing a hissyfit ever since you found out you had to cut your lecture subject down."

"My hissyfit is perfectly reasonable since you won't even consider cutting some of your material! No, it just has to be me who has to throw away all her hard written material. Well, you know what?!" She jumped up on the stage and grabbed one of two laptops, "You can do this lecture all on your own! I'm sure the great Celestia won't have any trouble filling out three full hours!" With that, she walked away, everyone backpedaling at the sight as Celestia growled at the fleeing professor.

"Well, that...escalated quickly." Doc commented before hearing a long sigh from Celestia.

The professor put her head in her hands, "This always happens whenever the two of us try to work together on a project. For some reason, Luna always starts getting angry and refuses to listen to anything I say."

Twilight sat down next to her mentor, "Really? I don't remember her doing something like that during the Hoof Cup."

Celestia shook her head, "That's because we weren't the main focus. But when all eyes are on us, Luna always gets like this."

"Huh...that's weird." Flash added before staring at the door Luna left through. "Has she always been like this?"

"No...she used to love working with me." She let out a long huff, "I remember when I got back from my first Pokémon journey. Luna was finally old enough to get her own Pokémon, so we went out looking for one."

The past...

Luna and Celestia's heads popped out of the tall grass, both eyes darting around as Celestia pointed to a nearby tree. "There it is." Luna looked up, now seeing the owl Pokémon, Hoothoot. "Alright Lulu, you know what to do."

"Right." Luna whispered as her form slowly creeped out of the grass, Pokeball in hand. But as she did this, her shoe stepped on a twig, a loud crunch following the footstep. The noise instantly alerted the bird, making its head turn an one-eighty before flaring its wings.

"Throw the ball now!" Luna pulled back her hand before flinging the sphere, the owl now in flight as the ball smacked its back. Before it could get to the sky, the ball consumed it in a swirl of red energy, yanking it into the orb.

And as it fell to the ground, Luna ran up to the ball, now seeing it wobble several times before going ding. Luna gasped at the sight, picking it up as she exclaimed, "I did it! I caught a Hoothoot!"

"Well done Lulu!" Celestia cheered as she stood up, only for Luna to leap into her big sister's arms.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Celestia giggled back at the hug, soon patting her sister's head.

"Any time sister."


"But then everything changed. Luna went off on her Pokémon journey and I began work on becoming a researcher. But when she came back, she suddenly never wanted to do anything with me and when she rarely agreed to....well, she would always try and do everything her way."

Everyone frowned at hearing this, Twilight especially showing as she crossed her arms, "I...had no idea."

Celestia let out a long sigh, "Yes...unfortunately, I could never figure out what happened."

Twilight put a hand to her chin, "Hmm...there's gotta be some way to help clear the air then."

Flash hummed at this, "I might have an idea. Though we need to find Luna first." He turned to Celestia, "Any idea where she might be?"

Celestia bit her lip in thought before turninig to Twilight. "Twilight, pull out your journal and see if this place has an arcade."

One transition to the town's arcade later...

"Well, she was right." Flash commented as he, Springer, Twilight and Trixie all walked inside the building, Flash having told the others to meet them at the Pokémon Center.

They were now staring at Luna, the woman tapping the buttons on an arcade cabinet with more force than necessary. She glanced away from the screen for a second as she caught the group in the corner of her eye before hissing, "I'm not going back there. Celestia thinks she's so great that she can keep all her material while I lose mine, she can do the lecture all on her own! Now leave me alone!"

The teens shared a glance, grimaces on their faces as Twilight began, "Professor Luna, your sister doesn't want to do the lecture alone. She wants you there with her."

"Yes, to boss me around and cut whatever content out of my material so she can have more of the limelight. Well she can forget it! Heck, I wasn't really even invited here!"

"Wait, what?!" Trixie yelped, tilting her head in confusion, "But you were the one who got the call and then you called Celestia."

"You're too naïve my student. They called me in hoping I could get my sister to come. I was invited because they knew it would be easy for me to get the goody-two-shoes that she is. If that wasn't true, they wouldn't even bother with me." She then let out a long hiss as she slammed her fist into one of the buttons, "Now leave me alone."

Twilight and Trixie both sighed at the sight, Flash shaking his head as he spoke up, "Professor Luna...no offense, but this isn't helping. We wanna help you, and you taking your anger out on that game isn't gonna help."

"Then what would you have me do?!" she barked as she looked back to glare at him, only for her ears to pick a draining sound behind her. Glancing back at the game, she now saw a game over screen, "Augh!"


"Stop it!" Luna yelled as she flashed a had at the teens, the woman now taking several deep breaths before asking, "You're not gonna go away, are you?"

All three shook their heads, Flash replying, "Nope. I have an idea about how to solve this little issue, but you gotta come with us to hear it, alright?"

"Fine." Luna grumbled as she looked away from the arcade cabinet, "Where are we going?"

"Follow me."

One trip to the center later...

"I don't like this." Luna admitted as they now saw everyone including Celestia waiting for them outside of the center. She then looked away with crossed arms, "So what's this great idea you have?!"

Celestia did a small nod, "Yes, I'm curious about it too."

Flash smirked before shrugging, "It's simple. The problem is that neither of you want to cut content from your lecture, but it's too long right?"

"Yes. The lecture is scheduled to last three hours with a half hour at the end for questions. But our lecture material put back to back is three hours and fifteen minutes." Celestia then turned to Luna, "My sister's lecture has long tangents that aren't necessary and can be cut without losing any substance...but she refuses to accept that." Luna turned to glare at her, only for Flash to walk in between them.

"Well, my plan is simple. You two battle for it and the loser has cut down their lecture material." This made everyone go wide-eyed, Flash continuning before anyone could say anything, "What do you say, you two in?"

Celestia opened her mouth, only to Luna to shine a big grin, "Oh, I'm in on that." They all turned to her as they saw her grin grow, "What do you say, sister? Scared you'll lose?"

Celestia sighed, shaking her head as she crossed her arms, "This coming from the one who's never actually beaten me...but I know that tone. Fine, I'm in. A one on one battle with the winner getting to cut whatever content they want from the loser." She held out a hand, "Deal?"

Luna shook it immediately, "Deal! Let's go to the center's battlefield."

The group soon watched the two walk away, Twilight turning to glare at Flash, "What have you done?! Do you realize-"

Flash flashed a finger at her, "Twilight, just trust me. This is exactly what they need. A good battle will clear the air between the two, and by the end of it, they'll be so pumped and exhausted that they won't even remember what they were fighting about."

"Riolu!" Springer added with a nod.

Twilight sighed, very close to facepalming, "I hope you're right." With that, they followed the sisters to the center's battlefield.

Doc then stepped up to the center of the field to act as referee. "Alright, this battle between Celestia and Luna will now begin. It will be a one on one battle with no substitutions, and the battle will be over when one of either side's Pokémon is unable to continue. Is that understood?" They both nodded while pulling out their Pokeballs, "Then release your Pokémon!"

"Suncess/Primoon, GO!" They both threw their Pokeballs into the air, the two opening to reveal a pair of very similar humanoid Pokémon that stood at around four foot tall.

The first was wearing a fire patterned dress and had white skin with orange hair that was done up in a regal style. It was also wearing a sun-shaped pendant with a hole in the center. "Sun..." it said in a high-pitched voice.

The other was wearing a dark blue dress and had silver skin along with black hair in a similar style to the other's, though this one had twinkling sparkles in it. It was wearing a crescent moon shaped pendant with a hole in the center as well as it spoke in a long low tone, "Moon..."

"Whoa...its a Suncess and Primoon." Spike gasped, his eyes darting between the two.

"Awesome," Flash added as he pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Suncess
Category: Sun Pokémon
Type: Fairy
Info: This Pokémon draws its strength from sunlight. If it absorbs enough solar energy, an amazing thing will happen.

Name: Primoon
Category: Moon Pokémon
Type: Dark
Info: This Pokémon draws its strength from moonlight. If it absorbs enough lunar energy, an amazing thing will happen.

"They're so...similar," Rarity commented. "Its like they're almost the exact same Pokémon."

"Just different types," Twilight added. "Though that means Luna's at a disadvantage."

Flash shrugged at this, "Maybe, but there's more to a battle than typing."

"Are both sides ready?" The two professors nodded as Doc raised his arms, "Then battle...begin!" As soon as he said that, the two Pokémon's gems glowed before unleashing a wave of orange and dark blue energy, the two waves meeting before exploding, causing a bubble of gray energy to appear around the battlefield.

Everyone blinked at this as Spike asked. "What just happened?"

"Sun Force and Moon Force," Sunset explained while crossing her arms. "The special abilities of Suncess and Primoon. which activate at the start of a battle. Sun Force creates a barrier that increases the power of the sun, while Moon Force creates a barrier that mimics nighttime...but when they're used together, they create a barrier that blocks the other out."

"So it's basically like they didn't even activate?" Trixie asked, Sunset nodding in response. "Huh. Well, at least it'll be a bit more even if abilities are taken out of the fight."

"Mach Punch!" They turned back to the battlefield as the professors called for the same move, both Suncess and Primoon charging with glowing fists.

"Sun/Moon!" The two reached one another, their punch's colliding in midair as a shockwave hit the field, firing off a burst of wind.

"Whoa!" Applejack yelped as the wind hit them, needing to hold onto her hat from the force, "Boy howdy, that's some firepower!"

"Now use Foul Play!" Luna ordered as Primoon used her free hand to grab Suncess's arm, soon spinning around before swinging the Fairy-Type up over her and slamming it into the ground.

"SUN!" She cried as her back hit the dirt, Primoon using this chance the jump back.

"Now use Future Sight!" Primoon raised her hands into the air as a ball of blue sparking light appeared between them.

"Prim!" She thrust her hands up, sending the ball up before it seemed to phase out of sight.

Celestia growled at this as Suncess picked herself up. "Use Dazzling Gleam!"

"Sun!" Suncess's body began to glow a rainbow of colors, the light forming into a sphere around its body as it charged at it's opponent, "SUNCESS!" She roared as she slammed into Primoon, the sphere of light burning the Dark-Type.

"Moon!" She staggered back as Suncess jumped to a safe distance, Luna glaring at Celestia as she gave her next order.

"Dazzling Gleam again!" The princess-like Pokémon rushed ahead as the rainbow sphere appeared again.

"Mach Punch!" Primoon's fist began to glow, smashing into the Dazzling Gleam that made an explosion that knocked them both back.

"It looks even..." Flash commented as both hopped back to their feet.

"Hold that thought," Twilight countered as she pointed up, the others following her finger as a space in the sky began to warp, a wormhole soon opening as it shot out a huge burst of psychic energy.

The energy beam struck Suncess, the Pokémon screaming, "SUNCESS!"

"See that Tia?! You figured I'd be a pushover, but you were wrong! Unlike you, I don't spend my days eating cake in my lab. I'm out in the field, so I need to be battle-ready at a second's notice."

Celestia just shook her head, "Don't think you've won. Don't forget, I'm the one who taught you how to battle." Suncess picked herself up. "I might spend my days inside more, but my battles skills haven't dulled. Let me show you with this...Suncess, use Solarbeam!" Suncess brought her hands together, a small ball of energy beginning to form.

"Future Sight!" Luna ordered, Primoon tossing another energy blast into the air. "Now Mach Punch!" The night princess Pokémon ran with another glowing fist, reaching Suncess in an instant.

"Moon/Sun!" The two cried out as the attack struck Suncess's stomach, knocking the sun princess back as she continued to build up energy.

"Fire!" Celestia yelled, Suncess thrusting the sphere forward as it formed into a beam that struck Primoon, pushing her back.

"Moon!" She cried, hitting the ground rolling.

Suncess and Celestia smiled at the sight, only for the Future Sight to return and strike the Pokémon. "SUN!"

Celestia growled at this, "Cheap move. Use Sun Burst!" Suncess brought her hands together, a pink ball of energy now forming as it seemed to be getting sucked out of the sun.

Luna glared at her, "Two can play at that game. Primoon, use Moon Burst!" Primoon did the same as Suncess, her energy ball being made out of blue light.

"Sun Burst and Moon Burst?" Trixie asked. "I've never heard of those moves before."

Twilight turned to her. "They're moves that only Suncess and Primoon can use. Sun Burst, which doubles in power during harsh sunlight, and Moon Burst, which doubles in power at night. But with their abilities negating the others, they won't have that boost." They watched as the two Pokémon threw the orbs, the two turning into rocket-like projectiles that struck before exploding in a brilliant flash of pink and blue light.

"Whoa!" They all gasped, shielding their eyes from the light.

"Mach Punch!" As the light faded, they opened their eyes to see two princess Pokémon throwing high-speed punches at each other. It looked like white streaks of light were dancing around the two, blow after blow bouncing around before both jumped back a few inches. "Sun/Moon Burst!" The two fired a sphere, both colliding as an explosion consumed the field. And as the smoke cleared, both Pokémon appeared...and fell over in sync.

"Suncess/Primoon!" The professors cried, time stopping as Celestia and Luna looked up at each other, sharing a gaze.

The sight made Luna's face turn to a glare, her mind racing, 'Celestia….you've always been ahead of me. Firstborn. First to become a trainer. First at...everything. Even when I managed to do better than you...'

The past...

A younger Luna was watching TV, which was currently showing Celestia doing battle in the Equestria League. "Volcarona, use Fairy Dance!" Her giant fire moth's entire body burst into flames before dancing in the air and flapping its wings, causing the flames to strike its opponent.

"Queen!" Queensect cried as it fell over, swirls now in its eyes.

"Queensect!" A tall black-skinned girl screamed before glaring at Celestia.

"Queensect is unable to continue. Volcarona is the winner and victory goes to Celestia!"

The stadium cheered as the announcer called out, "And there you have it. Celestia will now move onto the semi-finals."

"Way to go Tia!" Luna said to the TV, a giant smile on her face. "One day, I'll be just as strong a trainer as you. And one day, I'll beat you in a battle."

'But that never happened. Even after I became a trainer, and no matter how much I trained and challenged you, you always managed to win. And then, when I entered the Equestria League.'

"Lunatone, use Explosion!" The moon-shaped Pokémon flew at its opponent, a light now surrounding it.

"Tone!" The Psychic Rock-Type slammed into the enemy Weezing before exploding, burning the Poison-Type. And when the smoke cleared, both Pokémon were now laying on the floor.

"Both Lunatone and Weezing are unable to continue. All of Bad Breath's Pokémon are unable to battle, so the winner is Luna!"

"And there you have it. Luna will be moving onto the finals!"

"Yes!" Luna yelled, "I did it!"

And as the crowd cheered, Luna headed back to the trainer area. Here, she found herself crowded by a bunch of reporters. "Excuse me, do you think we could get an interview?" Luna nodded, happy to be getting some limelight. "Luna, you're heading into the finals of the Equestria League, a monumental achievement for any trainer. Do you credit your success to your older sister's teachings?" Luna's smile dropped so fast it would have dented the floor. "Celestia made it to third place when she competed, so I'm sure she was able to train you in how to get past that. Am I right?"

Luna didn't reply as the reporters kept going on and on, all about questions over her older sister. All she could hear was how Celestia was a great researcher, and how Luna felt having such an accomplished older sister. But as those questions continued, Luna felt all the strength she had coming this way...fade into nothingness.

'Accomplished? Better? How was she more than me?! I made it to second place, but that still wasn't as good as her third place. That was always my life. I wasn't seen as Luna. I was seen as Celestia's little sister. No matter what I did or achieved, everyone assumed I was only able to do it because she helped me.'

"Well, no more!" Luna reached into her pocket and pulled something out. "Today I'll finally surpass you!" She threw the object at her Pokémon, "Catch!" Everyone's eyes focused on the object, now seeing it was a glass orb roughly the size of a marble. If they had got a closer look at it, they would have seen it had the image of a dark blue crescent moon inside.

Primoon saw the orb and grabbed it, inserting it into the moon pendant around her neck. As soon as the jewel was locked into place, it began to glow before exploding with light, her form soon changing. There, it grew two feet taller and its hair was now flowing loose. Her dress had now been replaced by a blue shirt and skirt under purple armor, which was on her chest, arms, waist and legs. She also wore a helmet, which seemed to take design elements from valkyries, and her chest armor had the pendant and orb locked into it. "Prim..." She spun around before getting into a fighting stance. "MOON!"

"What...just happened?" Spike asked.

"Did it evolve?" Flash added, only for Twilight to shake her head.

"No. Its form changed. This is...Primoon's Full Moon Forme."

"Form change?" Trixie replied, Sunset nodding at this.

"Yes. It's similar to an evolution, but the Pokémon is still the same one and it can be reversed if you want it too." She looked back at the battle. "Think of it like a Mega Evolution. This'll help Luna a lot."

Doc rubbed his chin at the sight. "Not only has Primoon grown stronger, but this form will also give it the Fighting-Type."

"Awesome," Spike gasped.

Twilight stared at Primoon's chest armor, blinking at the pendant and orb now locked together. "To think, she managed to find a Lunar Orb."

"Is that was caused this transformation?" Rarity asked next.

"Yes. It's a very rare item."

Luna smirked at Celestia, who appeared to be in near shock at the sight. "So sister, what do you think? It wasn't easy to find this item, but all the sleepless nights and ruin searching finally paid off. Now my Primoon's power far exceeds your Suncess's."

However, Celestia's face soon morphed to a grin, making Luna growl as she replied, "I'll admit, you caught me by surprise." Celestia then reached into her pocket. "But you aren't the only one with a secret weapon." Luna's eyes went wide as Celestia pulled out an orange marble-sized orb with a sun symbol inside it.

"No..." She watched as Celestia threw the orb at Suncess, who caught and placed it in her pendant before a burst of light formed around her. A few seconds later, Suncess began to grow two feet taller, her dress now being replaced with a white shirt and skirt under golden armor. Her hair was flowing loose under a golden valkyrie helmet and her chest armor had the pendant and orb attached to it. She got into a fighting stance that mirrored Primoon's, "SUN!"

"Wow..." Spike whispered.

"It changed too," Trixie added.

Twilight nodded again. "It used the Solar Orb to enter its Solar Flare Forme."

"Awesome. Does that mean it's a Fighting-Type too?" Flash asked, with Twilight confirmed with one final nod.

"Well Luna, what do you think of my secret weapon? Unlike you, I didn't go aimlessly wandering through ruins looking for it. I did my research and found it ten minutes after arriving at the ruins. Amazing what you can do in a lab." Luna growled while her sister gave her next command. "Mach Punch!"

Suncess cut into a sprint, making Luna point at her, "Foul Play!" As Suncess was about to slam her fist into Primoon, the moon princess flinched before grabbing the sun princess's wrist and spinning her around before slamming her into the dirt.

"Sun!" She cried as her back hit the ground, opening her eyes to see Primoon staring right at her.

"Moon Burst!" She created an orb and fired it point-blank, but Suncess quickly rolled away just in time.

"Dazzling Gleam!" The rainbow orb appeared around her before she slammed into Primoon, knocking her back. "Now Solarbeam!"

"Sun!" Suncess once again started to build up energy as Primoon picked herself up.

"Use Future Sight!"

"Prim!" She formed the orb before throwing it up, "moon!" The orb disappeared once more as Primoon turned back to Suncess.

"Now Mach Punch!" She disappeared in the blink of an eye before appearing in front of Suncess, slamming a flowing fist into her gut.

"Sun!" She cried as she fell back, only to point her Solarbeam at Primoon, blasting the other back.

"This battle's getting seriously intense!" Flash commented, the others agreeing as they then saw a wormhole open in the sky, unleashing a wave of psychic energy at Suncess.

"Dazzling Gleam!" Suncess let out a cry as the rainbow sphere appeared around her, acting as a shield that blocked the Future Sight as she charged at Primoon.

"Mach Punch!" As Suncess got closer, Primoon unleashed a punch that struck the sphere, both strikes making an explosion that covered the field. And as both skidded back, they managed to stay upright, both now heavily panting.

Celestia sighed at the sight, glancing up at Luna. "Sister, let's stop this battle. It's clear if we keep going, the match will end in a draw. Let's just call it that and not put our Pokémon through any more pain."

However, as those words went into Luna's ears, her face began to morph. Her left eye twitched as her brow furrowed, teeth gritting as she glared at Celestia, "Give up...did you just say, give up?!"


"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Luna screamed, her fists now clenching before pointing at her sister, "This isn't over! I will not give up, and I will not lose to you again! I will beat you!"

"Luna...why are you-"

"Shut up!" Luna screeched, slamming her foot in the ground as she continued, "I'm done living in your shadow, do you hear me?! I'm beating you right here, right now!"

"What's she talking about?" Trixie whispered, only to get shrugs from the rest.

However, it was Spike that would find an answer as he replied, "I think...she's jealous of Professor Celestia."

"But why?"

"Use Moon Burst!"

"Prim!" Primoon began to form her energy sphere, building up as much power as she could.

"Luna...please stop. I-"

"Do it now! Blast her!" Luna interrupted, Celestia's eyes going wide as she now knew words wouldn't help.

"Suncess, use Sun Burst!"

"SUN!" Suncess formed her own energy ball, the two now charging as their orbs began to spark.

"GO!" Luna screamed, both Pokémon now firing their attacks. The two orbs morphed into full-on lasers that flew across the field, colliding in a brilliant clash.


An explosion covered the field again, everyone shielding their eyes and kneeling down so to not be pushed over from the force. Then, after almost a minute of the place shaking, the light faded as the shockwaves died down. Everyone opened their eyes to see giant smoke cloud was gone, now showing two Pokémon.

"Sun..." they turned to see Suncess laying on the ground. In a flash of light, she reverted back to her normal form as swirls formed in her eyes.

"Suncess's down. What about Primoon?" Trixie noted before they turned to the other end of the field. Here, they saw the moon princess Pokémon in the same position, back to her standard form while swirls replacing her eyes.

Doc raised his arms. "Both Suncess and Primoon are unable to battle, which means this battle is a draw."

Luna slumped over with wide eyes, "No...not again." She then held out her Pokeball, "Return. Thank you...Primoon." The red beam recalled Primoon, Luna's entire body shaking until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Celestia kneeled down with a soft smile on her face, "Luna....I'm so sorry. I never knew you felt this way."

"How could you?!" Luna growled as she swatted the hand off her shoulder. "You were always so focused on your own life you didn't have time to even notice how everyone else was treating me. People are always comparing me to you, saying I'm not as good whenever I fall behind you, or saying it's because of you that I managed to achieve a goal you couldn't gain. They never saw Luna. They just saw...Celestia's little sister."

Celestia could now see tears appear in Luna's eyes, causing her heart to break as she pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry." Luna fought back the tears as she leaned into Celestia's chest. "I never meant for you to feel like this, and I'm sorry I was so focused on my work to notice how you felt. But Luna...you know that the only reason I worked so hard was because I wanted you to grow as high as you could."

This made Luna's eyes shoot open in surprise. "What?!"

Celestia pulled away and looked at her right in the eye. "I always knew you would grow up being better than me, so I wanted to make sure you had the loftiest goal possible. Every time I came up against a challenge, I'd think to myself that Luna's gonna face the same thing one day, and I want her to be as determined as she can be to overcome it." She placed a finger under her chin, "People are wrong about us. It wasn't me that helped you grow into the amazing trainer you are, it was you who helped me grow into the trainer I am. You've always been what's pushed me forward, knowing you were cheering me on and getting ready to come after me."

Now the tears were in full flow as Celestia pulled Luna into another hug. "Oh, sister...I'm so so sorry."

Luna leaned in, her head muffling into Celestia's chest, "Celestia...I'm sorry too. From now on, let's not keep our feelings bottled up. Any time you feel like everything's too much, tell me okay?"

"Okay. As long as you promise to do the same thing."


Over at the side, everyone was smiling at the siblings, Rarity chiming in, "Aw...that's so sweet."

"Sure is," Applejack nodded in agreement.

Flash put his hands behind his head, "I told you. There's nothing a good battle can't solve." Twilight and Sunset both rolled their eyes at this as the two siblings walked over.

"We're sorry you had to get involved in our family issues."

Luna nodded in agreement. "Yes. I was...being childish, and I apologize."

Twilight waved them off. "No, it's fine. Sometimes families have issues that can only be fixed with the help of others. We're just glad you two are done fighting."

"Yes," Celestia said with a happy sigh, "I'm sure now we'll be able to find a way to do this lecture together."

Luna rolled her eyes, "Well...maybe I can cut out some of my material, at least the stuff that's not absolutely necessary to help understand it."

Celestia giggled at this, "You know, maybe you don't have to. If we can just find a way to reword some of it so that it doesn't take as long to say, that could allow us to fit the whole thing in without losing anything. And if we do the same with my material, they should be able to fit together in the time frame we're given."

The others all exchanged smiles, now glad thing were finally starting to work out between the two sisters.

The next day...

The hall was packed, every row filled as everyone waited for the lecture. Twilight and the others were all sitting at the front, a huge smile on her face as the two sisters walked on stage. A loud round of clapping followed this as Celestia said to the audience, "Thank you everyone."

"Welcome to our lecture on Pokémon natures and how they affect raising them."

"My sister will be starting off by explaining each Pokémon nature and what effects they have on their battle skills."

It was here that the lecture began, Luna and Celestia both working in perfect harmony with one another. Neither interrupted, soon showing the practice and planning had been perfected. Even trainers like Flash, Spike and Applejack were completely captivated by the two's speech, the three hours seemingly whizzing by. And after another half hour of Q and A, the lecture was over as everybody began to file out of the hall.

Eventually, only our heroes were left as Celestia said, "Well, I'm happy you could all be here to see our lecture. I hope we didn't bore you too much."

"Are you kidding? It was awesome." Flash replied before putting his hands behind his head, "Heck, I might actually end up remembering some of it."

This made the professors laugh, Twilight facepalming as Luna added, "Well, that is the point. Anyways, good luck with your gym battle. I'm sure you'll win the badge."

Flash nodded back as Twilight walked over to her mentor. "It was great seeing you again professor."

Celestia did a nod back, "Yes, I enjoyed seeing you again soon. The lab isn't the same without you in it." She then turned to Sunset, "No offence."

"None taken," she replied before moving over to Flash, a big smirk on her face, "Like Luna said, good luck in your gym battle. A great trainer like you is sure to win, hands down."

"Uh...thanks." This made Twilight sigh as she pulled him back by his ear. "Yahhh! Ow ow ow!"

"Cool it, Romeo." She grumbled before looking back at Celestia, "Welp, it's about time we head off." Celestia, blank-faced at Twilight's actions, reached into her pocket before pulling out a piece of folded paper.

"Of course. But before you go, take a look at this." She held out the paper. "This might interest you. If you want to see me again, I'll be there in a few weeks."

Twilight took the paper before they left the hall, saying their goodbyes to the rest. And as they reached the edge of the city, she finally opened it up as Flash asked while rubbing his ear, "So...what is it?"

The teen blinked at the paper, soon reading aloud, "Pokémon Summer Camp. An amazing place to learn things about Pokémon you've never even considered existing. Grow as both a trainer and a person to become the best like no one ever was."

"Sounds cool. Where's it at?"

"Someplace called Camp Everfree."

"Ah know that place," Applejack chimed in. "It ain't too far from Applewood. It's said that everything there was built using wood from the Everfree Forest, which is why they named it after the place."

"Awesome!" Spike added. "We should totally go!"

Twilight nodded as she put the paper away, "Agreed. But first-"

"Its Applewood City gym battle time!" Flash interrupted, Springer letting out a cheering 'Riolu!'. Everyone giggled at this, the group continuing their way down the road. Soon, Flash's next Equestrian Gym Challenge would be underway.

Author's Note:

Come on. You really think I wasn't gonna have a chapter where Celestia and Luna battled. Hope you liked it.


Name: Geckolar
Design: Ray
Name: Gecko and Solar
Pronounced: Gek-cola

Name: Suncess
Name: Sun and Princess
Pronounced: Sun-sess

Name: Primoon
Name: Princess and Moon
Pronounced: Prim-moon

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