• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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The Everfree Forest

Continuing their journey to Applejack and Rarity's hometown of Applewood and Flash's fourth Equestria Region Gym challenge, our heroes were now in a large meadow filled with multiple rocks. This was where they had camped for the night and were currently packing up, ready to finally tackle the Everfree Forest.

But before they headed out, Rarity and her three newest teammates were standing in a line as Rarity pointed at some rocks, "Alright, are you all ready?" Herbarald, Pyruby and Aquapphire all nodded, "Then let's give this a go. We'll start with Herbarald. Use Energy Ball!"

"Herb!" She brought her hands together, the large emerald on her forehead glowing as a ball of energy appeared between them. "Barald!" She thrust her hands, sending the sphere flying into a rock, slamming into it to make an explosion.

"Excellent!" Rarity exclaimed as the others clapped, "Now Pyruby, use Fire Punch!"

"Pyr!" She raised her hand and clutched it into a fist, the large ruby on her forehead glowing as the fist burst into flames. "Ruby!" She thrust her blazing fist into the rock, shattering it as some of its fragments began to melt.

"Magnifique!" Rarity cheered as the others kept clapping, "And finally, Aquapphire." The blue gem Pokémon stepped up as Pyruby gave her a thumbs up, "Let's try Water Pulse!"

"Ak!" She brought her hands together, the large sapphire on her forehead glowing as a large bubble appeared between them. "Aqua...PHIRE!" She thrust her hands, sending a bubble flying...only to veer to the left, missing the rock completely. The sight made her slump over, "Ak..."

"It's okay," Rarity patted her shoulders as her sisters also came up to comfort her. "You just need some practice."

"She's right," Twilight added as the rest walked up to the four, "You've got the form, so now you just need to work on your accuracy."

"A little hard work and ya'll be able to hit yer target with yah eyes closed." Applejack finished, tilting her hat.

"They're right darling. In fact, why don't we give it another shot?" Aquapphire nodded and put her hands to together, only to hear Doc speak up.

"Err...Rarity," he showed her his pocket watch. "It's just passed the time we agreed to head out." This made Rarity sigh, looking back at her new Pokémon as Flash walked up next.

"Come on Rare," Flash told her as he put on his bag and held up her's. "You can't get out of this."

"Oh....alright." Rarity took her bag before turning to her Pokémon, "Sorry girls, we'll have to continue this another time." The three gem Pokémon all nodded, slight pouts on their faces as Rarity returned them to their Pokeballs. "I still say going to the Everfree Forest is a bad idea."

"Seconded," Spike added while Peewee let out a scared squawk.

"We'll be fine. Between all of us, we've got almost every single type of Pokémon." Flash assured before turning to Twilight, "Right?"

"Indeed. I think we're only missing Fairy and Ghost, which we can compensate for."

"See? Whatever comes at us, we can deal with it. Now, you all ready?" Everyone except Rarity and Spike nodded, "Then forward...MARCH!"

And so, the group began their journey into the forest. Upon first glance, they easily saw what made this forest different from the rest, mainly the instant immense size. They couldn't see an end on either left or right side, now seeing it was miles wide. Not only that, they saw the trees were not normal, the branches on these curving in all sorts of directions.

Some branches were straight, others curved around or growing in a zigzag motion. One was even shaped like a curly fry. Their leaves were all sorts of different colors, some being different shades of green while others appeared to be black, brown and even purple. The grass was also different, being a much darker shade of green, along with a thick foliage as sunlight was nonexistent in this thick volley of lumbar pillars.

But as they walked in, the air was the biggest difference. It felt stale, a gust of wind blowing the smell of rot into our hero's faces, making them all cover their noses. "Good grief!" Rarity cried as she pinched her nose. "It's even worse than the stories told!"

"Don't be such a baby," Applejack barked back. "So it smells bad. It ain't gonna kill ya."

"It might..." Spike whined.

"I'm sure we'll get used to it," Twilight added as she pulled out her journal. "Now let's not just stand around here. The sooner we get in there, the sooner we get out."

The others nodded as they began to vanish inside the trees, the warmth of the sun all but vanishing as Spike stuttered out, "So um...how big is this place?"

"About forty-eight miles," Twilight announced as she tapped a few buttons. "It should take us about three to four days to get to the other side."

Spike let out a moan at this, only for Flash to pat his side, "Hey, buck up buddy. We'll be fine. And think of all the amazing Pokémon we'll get to meet while we're in here." As if to prove his point, a Mankey swung on some branches nearby, the group now looking up as they saw a few more Pokémon walk by. Paras, Seedot, Instick and Spinarak all walked over the branches while Venonat, Pyroom and Petilil walking in the grass below them.

The sights made everyone gasp and giggle at the different Pokémon, the group continuing their way. They were like this for two hours until Spike's stomach let out a grumbling sound, "Sorry...trekking through this place is hungry work."

"Can't argue with that," Doc chimed in as he looked at his watch. "It's pretty close to lunchtime. Why don't we keep going for a few minutes until we find someplace to relax and have a bit to eat?"

The others all nodded and kept moving as a pair of glowing green eyes stared at them from a gap of bush's branches behind them. A low growl filled the air, a large bulky being now shifting in the leaves.

After our heroes found a nice...ish spot to sit down and have lunch, Doc took out the sandwiches he had packed for them that morning. "Grubs up."

"Delicious." Rarity commented as she gulped down her meal.

"Doc can make anything taste great," Flash added.

Doc chuckled, looking away as he responded, "Come on, it's just sandwiches. Nothing too complicated."

"It's still great. Even the smell of it is enough to make you sigh in delight." To demonstrate, he held the sandwich up his nose before both he and Peewee took a big whiff, only for their faces to suddenly turn green. "Gyah!" He cried out, covering his nose.

"Wagon!" Peewee wailed, using his wings to shield his.

The others turned to him in confusion, Twilight scowling, "Spike, that's not very nice."

"Not my fault," he moaned with another sniff, only to feel tears start to appear in his eyes, "I don't know why, but there's something here that really stinks!" The others were about to say they didn't smell anything until their noses twitched, each now feeling their nostrils being assaulted.

"What the heck is that?!" Flash asked.

"It smells worse than a barn in the wet season!" Applejack groaned as she used her hat to shield her face.

"But where's it coming from?" Rarity added.

The others all shared a grimace as Flash bravely uncovered his nose to take another whiff. As he did this, he held back the urge to pike as he turned around and pointed, "Over there!"

It was here that Springer's ears flared up, his aura now suddenly sensing an unbelievable amount of primal anger. "Ri!" He yelped as he created an Aura Sphere and tossed it into one of the bushes, only for a collection of energy rings to shoot out and block it.

"What was that?"

"A Dark Pulse. But what fired it?" Twilight replied, only to gasp as she saw her answer come in the form of a low growl as it stepped out into the open. It was a collection of sticks and leaves in the shape of an angry looking wolf the size of a small car.

Everyone's eyes shrunk at the sight of this creature as Applejack muttered out, "A Timbark."

"Timbark?" Flash repeated as he pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Timbark
Category: Dark Forest Pokémon
Type: Grass/Dark
Info: Legend speaks of how this Pokémon was born in the darkest forest, where evils came together and summoned fallen trees to give it form. Its breath is so bad that you can smell it from a mile away.

"That explains the smell..."

"This is bad," Twilight added. "Timbark are extremely territorial. If we're in its territory, it'll stop at nothing to get us out."

To prove her point, the Timbark charged with its fangs bared. "Springer, Quick Attack now!" Springer shot ahead at blinding speed, leaping over the Timbark as it tried to bite him. "Now Drain Punch!" Springer landed behind the wolf and spun around, his fist glowing green as he slammed it into the beast's side.

"Bar!" Timbark growled as it staggered back, pulling itself to a stop before turning to glare at Springer. Its whole body then glowed a green aura as it let out a loud howl. This caused the ground to shake before a bunch of large roots shot out, growing to about fifteen feet as they swung down at Springer.

"It's using Terror Root!" Twilight cried as Flash pointed at his partner.

"Double Team!" Springer nodded before multiplying into a small army, the Terror Roots slamming into the fakes. "Aura Sphere!"

"Rio..." Springer created the ball of aura in his paws as the wolf spotted him, only for the Riolu to slide beneath him. "LU!" Once under, he thrust the orb into the Timbark's stomach as it exploded. Timbark let out a mighty howl as it was blasted into the air, its body colliding with a nearby tree as several sticks flew off it form. Everyone sighed in relief as it slumped over.

"That was close," Flash sighed as he glanced back at Springer. "Great work bud."

"Riolu!" Springer, still laying on the floor, gave him a thumbs up.

"Ah say we get out of here before that thing wakes up." The others all nodded in agreement as they grabbed their bags. But before they could make another move, a new terrible smell wafted in.

"Oh no..." Spike covered his nose. "Not again."

"It's even worse than the last one," Rarity commented as she did the same.

Twilight did a small gulp, shivering as they all turned to see another Timbark step into the area. And it wasn't alone. More growls reached their ears, the group now seeing six Timbark prowling around them. They were all glaring at the teens and their Pokémon, who now stood in a huddle. "We're surrounded..."

"We'll need ta fight our way out," Applejack told them as she reached for a Pokeball.

Doc nodded as he did the same, "They're Grass and Dark-Types, so Fire, Flying and Fighting-Types are our best options." He grabbed Steeledge's ball as Flash reached for Viper and Skyler. Twilight also reached for Owlicious as Rarity went for Pyruby and Applejack going for Brawloey. Peewee prepared for battle on Spike's shoulder as the Timbark all let out a unified growl.

But before anyone could jump into action, a lone figure suddenly leapt out of the trees. "Cauldrula, without prologue, come out and use your Smog!" The figure tossed a Pokeball up, the ball opening as it unleashed a new Pokémon. This one looked like a small black cauldron with arms coming out the sides. On the front of its body were a pair of blank white eyes above a semi-circle like mouth while below its body were four black spheres, each having a cone-like spike sticking out the bottom to keep it upright. But the most unusual thing about it was the top of its head, which was completely open, showing a strange purple liquid inside.

"Call..." it said before taking a deep breath. As it did, the figure called out to them from the tree-branch.

"If you wish to avoid your death, come with me and hold your breath."

As these words left the stranger's mouth, Cauldrula let out a roar, "Drula!" As it yelled, a purple mist shot out of its head, filling the air. Everyone quickly caught on and covered their mouths, but the Timbark were not so lucky. As the mist surrounded them, they all started swaying from side to side, their forms falling apart as the group quickly cut into a sprint.

The stranger, who was dressed in a green and brown cloak, had now hopped off the tree, gesturing the teens to follow. "We must go now and have great haste if we don't want those creatures to have a taste." With that, they followed her in a full run, their sprint lasting almost twenty minutes. And as it finished, the figure then said, "There is no need to worry. Those Timbark won't find us in a hurry."

"Thanks...but who are you?" Flash asked as he started to catch his breath. The stranger responded by pulling down their hood, revealing herself as a gray-skinned woman with black marks around her mouth and black stripes on her arms. She had a bunch of golden rings around her neck along with her right arm and wrist. She was wearing a brown vest and a dark green skirt with black and white knee-high boots.

"My name is Zecora, pleased to meet your acquaintance. May I hear your names, if you have no reluctance?"

Flash thumbed his chest, "I'm Flash Sentry. And this is my partner, Springer."


"I'm Twilight," she then pointed to Spike. "And this is my brother."

"Spike's the name," the teen gestured to his Terragon. "And this is Peewee."


"You can call me Doc."

"Ah'm Applejack."

"And my name is Rarity."

Zecora did a small smiling nod as she patted her Pokémon, "And let me introduce you to my friend, who is my special partner till the end."

"Call!" It cried out, the sloshing sound of the liquid now being heard. In response, Flash pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Cauldrula
Category: Chemical Pokémon
Type: Poison
Info: The evolved form of Beakula. Its body is a chemical vat, which it uses to store multiple chemicals to use when the occasion is needed.

"Well, I'd say those Timbark sure gave us an occasion where it was needed," Spike commented before releasing a sigh, "If you hadn't come along, we might have been mincemeat."

Zecora nodded again in agreement. "This part of the forest is their domain, attempting to travel through it was quite insane."

Twilight crossed her arms at this, showing a small frown, "We're sorry. We didn't know, as...well, we've never been in here before."

"For the first time, I understand. The Timbark will likely be on the hunt, continuing now would be stupid to be blunt. To my home, I humbly hope you coerce and tomorrow, I'll show you a safer path to traverse." The others nodded in agreement, soon following her and Cauldula.

It wasn't long till they reached their destination, a sight that made them go wide-eyed. It was a large thick trunked tree with what appeared to be a door in the side of it. It had a small window and was decorated in masks, leaves and other oddities. Zecora opened the door next, allowing them in so they could now see that the place was completely hollowed out. There were more decorations inside, masks, shelves with bottles and other strange knickknacks. At the same time, there was a curtain blocking off a section of the building over on the side.

"Welcome to my humble home. Please be comfortable, but also leave the potions alone." Everyone nodded and began to take a seat, as Zecora then called out, "Acidron, might I suggest. You come out here and meet our guests."

A few seconds later, the curtain in the corner was pulled back to reveal a new Pokémon. This one looked similar to Cauldrula, only it was twice its size. It had four arms, two of which were being used to hold down a lid that covered its open top. Instead of the four cone legs, it appeared to have six mechanical spider legs while also having a semi-circle shaped sheet of metal that was its mouth, which was connected to the rest of its body by a bunch of hinges at the bottom.

"Dron?" The Pokémon asked as it stared at the guests, Flash pulling out his Pokedex again.

Name: Acidron
Category: Chemical Pokémon
Type: Poison
Info: The evolved form of Cauldrua. Acidron eats many different herbs, which its body burns down and mixes to the concoctions in its body to make even better potions.

"Cool..." Flash commented as Twilight looked up at the shelves.

"Did Acidron help you create all these potions?"

Zecora nodded as she opened the sack she was carrying. "Yes, we have lived in this forest for many a year. When Pokémon are injured or sick, they can always come here to get a tick. Working together, we make many an elixir. Always ready for when those in need appear."

"Incredible..." Doc added as they watched Zecora feed Acidron several plants out of her sack. The Cauldron Pokémon leaned back in response, opening its mouth for her to drop them in.

Rarity just shivered at the sight, "No offence, but I don't get why you'd want to live in such a...horrible place."

"A horrible place to you, maybe. But this forest has always been welcoming to me. I've never been one, meant to live in a city. Out here in nature, that's where I'm meant to be." Zecora replied, the others sharing a glance at her response.

Before anyone could say anything else, a loud cry of pain caught their attention as they turned to the previously curtained off area. Now looking inside, they saw it was a small bedroom with a Nuzleaf laying on the covers. It wore a face of pure pain, one that made Zecora walk over and grab a bottle from a shelf. Uncorking it, she started to pour its contents into the Pokémon's mouth. It flinched as the potion went down its mouth, Zecora commenting, "I know the taste may be bitter, but drinking it will make you better." The Nuzleaf didn't resist, gulping the whole thing down as its breath became more steady before falling back to sleep.

"What's wrong with it?" Spike asked next.

Zecora sighed as she turned back to them. "A rare sickness that is difficult to cure, the potion it drank is only meant to help it endure. I'm working on a potion that will cure the ailment, but alas I am missing a crucial element."

Hearing this made everyone frown, Flash speaking up, "Well...we could help you find this ingredient. You saved us back there and I know we'd all want to repay you."

The others all replied in agreement, but Zecora just shook her head as she went to another shelf, taking a book out next, "I commend your valour, but it is not so simple." She opened the book and showed them the image of a plant with blue leaves. "For I already know where this herb grows ample. Getting it's the major issue, for it grows in a place I dare not go into."

"Where does it grow?"

"In a cave on the south side of the forest floor. A dangerous place, for it houses a foe you've met before."

They all blinked at this, only to grimace as Twilight replied, "Oh no...don't tell me its the Timbark."

"Indeed. You saw how they were when you got close to their lair. Imagine how they'd act if they found you in there."

Everyone sighed at this, only for them to hear another cry of pain from the Nuzleaf. The sound made everyone flinch, Flash now feeling extra bad as he saw the Pokémon toss and turn. The sight was like an arrow piercing his heart, the teen slowly standing up at this, "Well...I can't just sit back and do nothing. I don't care how dangerous it is or what I have to do...let me help you get that plant."

The others all stared at him, only for Applejack to get up as well, "I'm with yah! Ah'm not scared of those things if it means helping that critter. We'll take them down and get that weed."

The others all nodded in agreement, all getting up as Zecora shook her head, "I commend your courage, but it shall not be easy. If they find us, they'll go into a frenzy."

Rarity showed a small frown next as she spoke up, "That is true. It won't be easy to battle our way through all those Timbark, even if we do have Pokémon that have type advantages."

Doc hummed at this, "Maybe we don't have to. After all, it's not like we're going to need to be in the cave for long. If we can find a way to lure them out-"

"Then someone can go in and pick the plant," Twilight caught on while snapping her fingers. "That's brilliant Doc. If Zecora tried alone, it'd be impossible. But if we all help, we just might be able to pull it off."

"Sounds like a piece of cake to me! Let's do it!" Flash announced, Springer, mimicking the thumbs-up he was giving her. "Now, let's get a plan going."

Twilight giggled at this, showing a small smirk, "Oh? You're not gonna go in guns blazing?"

Flash just shrugged in response, "Eh, I totally would...but I know better. After all, that's why I brought you all along for this journey."

"Isn't that the truth." Twilight said with rolling her eyes, "Now, let's begin..."

The next day...

In the southern part of the forest, a large cave settled a group of Timbark. Some were chomping on berries while others were fiddling with sticks they had in their mouths. The wood wolves were all grumbling at each other, not noticing several figures climb onto the trees just outside the cave.

"Alright...there they are," Flash whispered as he turned to Doc, who had some binoculars out. "How many?"

"I'm seeing six," he replied as he then asked Zecora, "How many were in that pack from yesterday again?"

"Seven was the number at my last count. And making sure they're all gone is paramount."

"Well I don't see the seventh," Doc added with a low hum. "My best bet is that it's out hunting."

"That means there's less of them to deal with," Twilight commented before glancing at all her friends, "You all still up for this?" They all nodded in response, "Then let's get into position."

With that, all but Flash, Rarity and Zecora headed off with Flash held one of Doc's radios. Ten minutes later, Flash heard the signal for everyone in position. "Alright...here goes." Flash handed Rarity the radio before jumping down. "Yoohoo!" he yelled, the wolves instantly turning to the sound, "Remember me, ya bunch of ugly twigs?!" Flash barked as he began to dance around, the wolves growling at the sight. Seeing this, he spat a raspberry before yelling, "Bet you can't catch me!"

With that, Flash cut into a sprint, disappearing deeper into the woods. The wolves were in full pursuit, each roaring as they continued to down the path. But as they did this, the Timbark in the back of the pack suddenly felt something hit it in the eye. A growl followed this as he turned around and saw Springer, the Riolu sitting in a tree with his tongue stuck out. "Riii!"

The Pokémon leapt off the lumber next, the wolf growling as it followed Flash's partner. As for the other five, they continued their pursuit of the trainer, only for a pair of lassos to shoot out and wrap around the tails of the two back Timbark. They yelped as they suddenly felt themselves being pulled off their feet. Stumbling over, the quickly picked themselves up before turning and seeing Twilight and Applejack.


"And bye." The two vanished into the forest, the Timbark roaring as they bit through the rope.

Flash now looked back and saw that only three Timbark were currently following him. The sight made a big smile appear on his face before he looked ahead and saw a rope hanging down in front of him. He quickly turned around and gave it a swift pull. The action made a bunch of sticks and rocks to fall down on the Timbark at the front, burying it as the other two jumped over the pile. And as the first pulled itself out of the pile, it saw it was now face to face with Doc, "Hey there! Bet you can't catch me!" He then cut into a sprint as well, the Pokémon roaring as he ran after him.

Back at the cave...

Zecora and Rarity had now climbed down and tiptoed to the entrance of the cave. They then let Cauldrula and Aquapphire out to help with the herb gathering, hoping to get as much as they could so Zecora wouldn't need to come back for a very long time.

But as they got closer, they both felt a shiver go down their spines along with their ears. It was a low growling noise, the duo now seeing in the darkness of the cave one sleeping Timbark. The sight made Rarity gulp as she whispered, "Its the last Timbark. What do we do?"

Zecora blinked at the sight, only to see the herb behind the dozing wolf, "I see the plant we need in the cave's back. Let us sneak in there and fill my sack."

"Are you insane?! What if it wakes up?!"

"We cannot let our friend's hard work be for nothing. So let's get this done before it's done napping." Rarity let out a silent sight before nodding. The four began to slowly tiptoe to flower bed inside, trying everyway to make sure there was no noise. And as they reached it, Zecora reminded Rarity that they needed both the plant and its root, and began putting them into her sack.


Flash was still running from the two Timbark, his running now leading to a large mass of fallen trees that formed a wall. Seeing this, he came to a stop before turning around, the wolves also slowing down. But as they came to a stop, they saw the big smirk on his face.

"End of the line and I'm bored of running!" he proclaimed as he pointed at the beasts, "NOW!"

In that moment, a burst of fire and a blade of wind flew out from behind the trees. They both struck the Timbark, staggering them back as the cause of those attacks came out of hiding.



It was Skyler and Viper, both now standing in front of Flash as he pumped his fists, "Nice. Let's do this!"

At the same time, Springer had just now came to a stop, spinning around to face the Timbark. The wolf began to pant as it halted, only to see Springer summon an Aura Sphere. "Rio..." The wolf began to backpedal, but it was too late, "LU!" the orb instantly struck the beast, exploding as he was sent flying back.

Springer shined a huge grin at this, only to yelp as his ears spiked up, now feeling a vicious aura from the Timbark. Quickly sidestepping next, his body barely dodged a Dark Pulse fly into a tree behind him, destroying it in an instant. After glancing at the now decimated lumber, Springer saw the Timbark growl as it got up.

But there was no fear in Springer's eyes. Instead, the Riolu gave a cocky grin as he got into a boxer's pose, giving him a 'come at me bro' gesture that infuriated the beast. It roared before going into a bum-rush, Springer's right fist glowing green as he followed suit.

Twilight and Applejack were still running, the two now coming up to a split off. They both nodded to each other, the duo saying 'good luck' before going down a separate path. Seeing this, the Timbark divided as well, both chasing one each. But as they ran, Twilight especially felt herself growing short of breath, only to look up and smile, "Spike!"

"Incinerate!" A large fireball flew out and struck the Timbark on the head, knocking it back as her brother dropped down with Peewee and Owlicious.

"Nice timing little bro."

"Of course." Spike replied as they saw the Timbark get up, steaming blaring out of its wooden nostrils, "Someone's angry."

"Agreed. Time to take this thing down." Twilight added as she pointed at the wolf, "Use Peck!"

"And use Wing Attack Peewee!" Spike finished as both flew forward, both charging as the wolf let out a mighty roar.

Applejack had just now reached her destination, turning as she tried to catch her breath. "Okay...I think this is it." She blinked as she the wolf tear through a log before landing in front of the trainer, growling as Applejack smirked at her, "Ah got ya now! Bounce and Fire Punch!"

Brawloey and Pyruby dove out of the bushes, Brawloey spinning like a top as it slammed its foot into the beast's side. A roar of pain followed this, only to then feel a blazing fist uppercut. The Timbark kept whining as it was knocked back, barely keeping on its feet as the two Pokémon leapt back.

"Good going pardners," Applejack added as the duo nodded back at her.

A low growl followed this, all three now seeing the Timbark shake off the damage, "Alright...looks like you're ready to throw down. Let's do it!"

Like the others, Doc was also running with the Timbark right behind him. "Almost there..." he panted as he hopped over a turned log, "Why did I pick this path?!" He then looked back, now seeing the wolf was nipping at his heels, "Oh no..."

He looked back at his path, only for his face to try and make a smile as he yelled, "NOW! Air Cutter and Energy Ball!"

From out of the bushes, a green sphere of energy and blade of wind shot out, striking the wolf back with ease. The sight made Doc come to a stop, gasping as he bent over, "Oh...too much exercise recently..."

Steeledge and Herbarald then stepped out, standing besides Doc as corrected his tie before looking back at the Timbark. "Now...I'll go ahead and warn you, this will not end well for you." The Timbark just growled in response, the other Pokémon mimicking him as they all glared at each other.

Back at the cave again...

Rarity and Zecora were just about done, Zecora commenting as she pulled the last herb out, "I think that should be enough. We should leave before things get rough."

"Hold on," Rarity grabbed hold of another flower. "Let me just get this one and we can go." However, as she pulled, she found that the weed was determined to stay in the ground.

Feeling this, she continued to struggle as Zecora looked back at the still sleeping Timbark, "Staying here too long is not to our benefit. Best for us to just leave it."

"I've...almost...got it!" Rarity whined as she gave the plant one last tug, this pull making her yelp as she fell back, kicking up some dirt, "Aww..." she moaned as she began to dust herself off, only to see that she had the herb in her hand, "Oh! I got it!"

But as those words left her mouth, her ears now heard a sniffing noise, making her turn to see the sleeping Timbark as his nose twitched. The dirt she had plucked up had gotten into its nose, the sight now making Zecora and Rarity's eyes shrink in fear as it began to sneeze, "Oh no..."

The Timbark sniffed again, only to let out a large sneeze. The action work it up, the group freezing up as the wolf began to smack its lips, its eyes groggily looking around. But as it did this, it turned to see the four, his eyes instantly narrowing as it let out a growl.

"Run!" Zecora yelled, she, Rarity and their Pokémon running out of the cave as the Timbark followed. It let out a loud howl as in leapt out of the cave, the girls turning back as Zecora ordered, "Acid Spray, use no delay!" Cauldrula pointed its top at Timbark before it shot out a purple bubble, smacking the wolf in the head.

"Now, use Power Gem!"

"AK!" Aquapphire's forehead sapphire started to glow before unleashing a red energy, "FIRE!" The beam hit the Timbark, knocking it back.

"Yes! Great work darling!" Rarity clapped, Aquapphire smiling at the praise, "Now, let's use Water Pulse. I know it won't do much, but it might confuse it."

Aquapphire nodded before bringing its hands together as the small bubble formed. "Aqua...PHIRE!" She thrust the bubble, only to verge off right before hitting its target.

"No!" Rarity gasped as Timbark shook off the damage it had just taken.

Seeing this, Zecora turned to Cauldrula, only for the Poison-Type to be suddenly struck by a Dark Pulse from the Timbark, "Caul!" it yelped as it went flying into a tree, soon slumping over from the blow.

"Cauldrula!" She quickly ran over and kneeled down, "Cauldrula, are you alright? Please, we need you in this fight." But Cauldrula just shivered, unable to move its body.

"Oh no..." Rarity muttered before turning back to her Pokémon, "That's not good. We don't have any good moves against Grass-Types! Um..." She glanced back at the Timbark, the wolf now glaring at her, "Uh...use Tackle!"

Aquapphire gulped before charging, tears filling her eyes. "Aqua!" Timbark saw the fear and spun around, its tail glowing green as it smacked Aquapphire with ease. "Aqua!" She cried, tears bursting as she slammed into the ground with a loud thud.

"Darling, no!" Rarity gasped as she ran up to her, helping her sit up, "Are you okay?"

"I don't want to be a bummer, but it looks like this Timbark knows Wood Hammer." Zecora commented as Rarity looked up and now saw Timbark stand over her. All she could was hold Aquapphire tightly, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Flamethrower!" Before Timbark could do anything, a burst of fire shot out of the clearing. The wood wolf yelped as it fell back, slamming into its cave. Rarity gasped as she opened her eyes and turned around, now seeing Flash, Skyler and Viper. As she saw this, Twilight, Applejack, Doc, Spike and the rest of their Pokémon soon followed, Herbarald and Pyruby quickly running over to their sister.

"Oh thank goodness," Rarity sighed in relief.

"Ya'll okay?" Applejack asked as she helped Rarity up, "Looks like we made it just in time."

"Thank you much for stopping this attack," Zecora told them. "Tell me, where is the rest of the pack?"

"Down for the count. Trust us, they won't be getting up for a while." The others all nodded in agreement as Flash turned to the last Timbark, "All that's left is this guy. You all ready?"

"Ready!" everyone replied in unison as the Timbark let out a roar, charging out of the cave in full bum-rush mode.

"Aura Sphere, Flamethrower and Air Cutter!"


"Energy Ball!" Flash, Spike and Rarity's Pokémon all unleashed their long-range attacks, stopping the Timbark in mid-stride.



"Drill Peck!"

"Fire Punch!" Applejack, Twilight, Doc and Rarity's Pokémon all rushed in, one by one hitting the Timbark back.

Seeing this, Rarity looked back at Aquapphire, kneeling down to her again, "You can do this. Just focus." Aquapphire nodded and held out her hands, forming the bubble again. "Good. Now, keep your eyes on Timbark and launch it with all your might!"

"Aqua...PHIRE!" Aquapphire thrust her hands forward, firing the bubble at full force. Everyone watched the attack fly out, only to see it wobble as it got near Timbark. But as it did this, it remained on target and splashed the wolf's head, knocking it back even more. "AQUA!" She cheered as Rarity and her sisters hugged her.

"Excellent darling!"

Zecora giggled as she saw the friendship, turning to her Cauldrula as she saw it had now fully recovered. "You're looking better all and all. Ready to get back into this brawl?"

"Call!" It replied before hopping up and down.

"Very well. Then with no qualm, hit that thing with your Sludge Bomb!"

"CALL!" Cauldrula rocked back and forth before tossing its top forward, a purple ball of liquid flying out as it hit the Timbark right in the face.

Everyone watched as the Timbark started to sway, pain searing its body before flopping over. As it hit the dirt, its eyes were now replaced by spinning swirls, making everyone sigh in relief as Spike comment, "Aw man...that...was tough."

"No kidding. I don't wanna do that again." Flash added as he wiped his brow.

"We should not remain in their land patch, in case they come around and want a rematch."

The others all nodded and got up, leaving the Timbark territory as fast as their bodies would let them move. Once they returned to Zecora's home, she instantly got to work. They helped her build a fire, which Acidron sat on to heat itself up as she and Cauldrula began to feed it the flowers. Once everything was consumed, they all began to sit and wait, time passing as each talked about how their battles went.

And after some time, Acidron lifted itself off the fire and removed the lid. Everyone looked inside and saw a blue liquid inside. Zecora took an empty bottle and dipping it in, quickly taking the potion to the Nuzleaf as she fed it to him. It wasn't long till the potion was gone inside Nuzleaf's mouth...only for nothing to happen.

"It's not working," Spike moaned.

Zecora shook her head, "You must give the elixir time. In situations like this, patience if prime."

Time began to pass again, Zecora using this to empty Acidron of the potion and store it away for later use. As she did this, they all started to notice Nuzleaf begin to move. "Nuz?" He sat up and looked around, his face no longer showing pain.

"Is he okay?" Rarity asked as Zecora checked him over.

"You have no need to distress, for the treatment was a complete success." Zecora cheered as everyone sighed in relief, Nuzleaf now jumping off the bed. They watched as it ran around the room with incredible vigor. As it did this, Zecora bowed the trainers, "My deepest thanks I give to you. Your courage helped me make this brew."

Everyone chuckled back, all smiles as Flash added, "Eh, it was no problem Zecora."

Twilight nodded in agreement, "We were happy to help. If we ever come across a Pokémon in need, it's our pleasure...no, our duty to help."

"Truly, yours are the purest of hearts. And as promised, I will show you tomorrow the safest of ways, to get out of this forest in just a few days."

The next day...

True to her word, Zecora did lead them to a safe section of the forest. There, she, Cauldrula, Acidron and Nuzleaf saw them off, the friends now seeing a well-trodden path.

"This path leads out, straight and true. It's the perfect path, for all of you. Simply stay on the beaten trail, and you'll find your way without fail"

"Thank you Zecora," Twilight replied before bowing. "For everything."

"Yeah. Thanks again. Now, we'd better get going." They all gave Zecora their thanks before heading down the path, waving goodbye to their new friends as they did.

Our heroes journey through the Everfree Forest had lead to some interesting encounters. Now with good memories of their new friend in their minds, one can only wonder what else the forest has to offer. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out.

Author's Note:

Zecora. Love the character, hate writing her. If I didn't have an online rhyming dictionary, it would have been impossible to write her like that. So, what did you guys think to this worlds version of the Timberwolves?

Also, hope you liked my new Terror Roots move. It's basically a weaker version of Frenzy Plant, which any Grass-Type can learn and doesn't cause recharge.


Name: Timbark
Design: Timberwolves from MLP
Name: Timber and Dark
Pronounced: Tim-Bark

Name: Cauldrula
Name: Cauldron and Formula
Pronounced: Call-Drool-La

Name: Acidron
Name: Acid and Cauldron
Pronounced: Ass-E-Dron

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