• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 13,909 Views, 424 Comments

Godly Promotion - Dapper_Dan

Legends speak of a being beyond the strength any mortal can possess, the one who created the cosmos itself. These tales are no mere legend though, the creator now walking amongst them...but not how many of them would have thought he would.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Needless to say, after the event of me sticking my muzzle in mortal matters, the city went from regular lockdown to quarantine levels in little more than an hour. I’m talking guards at every gate in and out of the city, patrols down every street, and lights on twenty four seven to light up any shadows the city could provide.

Hell, I can’t even fly now, mostly because if I so much as go an inch off the ground I get zapped by concussive magic blasts.

Frankly, I was quite impressed with the speed the guard had when locking down the city, even though they should have known that the prisoner of theirs was already long gone.

Yes, even when the ponies manage to impress, they still disappoint me.

‘Still surprised I haven’t been labeled as a suspect.’ I thought to myself as I passed a patrol of guards marching down the street towards the square. I know it would have been discrimination, but I’m pretty sure that at this very moment I was the only non-Unicorn in this city.

Thankfully Dawn and her lovely companion got into the city before they shut the gates, meaning she was free to lay into me for abandoning them on the road, and more importantly depriving her of hours of research material.

She was most definitely not happy with me for the rest of the day, while Silver looked mad at the fact he was back in my presence after not having to deal with me for the better part of a day; I was just glad to be back in a tavern that wasn’t filled with drunks that had one hoof on a mug and the other on a sword.

Sadly, I could not simply waste the day away with good food and cheap liquor, for today I needed to find a way into the Research Institute that may or may not be attempting to create magical WMD’s.

Mystic was quick to agree with me on this and offered to get me into the institute and introduce me to all of her little friends; most of who she said would all be very delighted to meet me.

“So, do you think they’ll let you in with the city in this state?”

“Most definitely, the only difference now is that it may take a bit longer for them to run a thorough check on my credentials.” She assured me, her eyes never leaving her notes, even after I dragged her out of the path of another passing guard.

“Speaking of the city, what in the name of Primus happened to cause a lockdown?” Silver asked me, without any malice in his tone, much to my surprise.

“Attempted regicide of the Princess and their main suspect flew the coop, pretty much literally.”

“Art thou serious?” Mystic asked in disbelief, her magic winking out for a split second before she reignited her horn before she lost her notes.

I shrugged and pointed a wing towards a nearby wall where a picture of the mare was currently plastered on just about every inch of it.

“...How did I not notice that?”

I chuckled and made my way past another garrison, earning a glance from the guards but otherwise passing through largely unnoticed.

“We still question how you managed to enter the city of the Righteous.” Silver stated out of nowhere, making my ears swivel towards his direction.

“Don’t worry about it.”

He obviously wasn’t at all happy with my response, but let out nothing more than a grumble after the stink-eye he received from Mystic.

“Mystic!” I heard someone yell soon after passing the guards, making my ear twitch as the lot of us turned towards the owner of the voice, seeing a solid black mare all but sprinting towards us, her eyes set only on Mystic. I heard Silvers armor clanking as he moved out of the Unicorns way, the pony breezing past him and all but tackling the mare to the ground.

“Gah! Night Rain, get off of me!” Mystic shouted, trying her best to push the mare off of her, but she just tightened her grip while happily nuzzling the white mare.

“No, you’ve been gone for almost three months!” The now named Night Rain shouted, positioning herself over Mystic, still nuzzling the mare like her life depended on it. I raised a brow and looked over at Silver, only to see him looking on with a bored expression.

“I’m sorry Night, I meant to come sooner, but I got...distracted.” Her hoof came to rub her head sheepishly, the charcoal mare rolling her eyes before pulling the mare off of the ground.

“Sure, distracted, what could it have possibly been this time?” she sighed, shaking her head and looking over towards Silver, a smug grin forming on her muzzle.

“Well, well, it looks like you’ve put on some weight their Mister White Knight.” She giggled, stepping next to him and patting his armored belly.

“Apologies, but it’s quite difficult to maintain my physical exercises when confined on a ship.” He grunted with a roll of the eyes.

“Yeah yeah, excuses, excuses.” She scoffed, that grin never leaving her muzzle until she turned and let her eyes rest on me, making me raise a brow and pull out a grin of my own.

“What, no sassy greeting of my own?” I chuckled, watching her head tilt as she started moving towards me, her mouth moving but no words escaping. I tilted my head as well and looked to Mystic, watching her look between the two of us with a knowing look in her eye.

“Sir Ash, meet Lady Night Rain, my dearest and oldest friend.”

“Charmed” I gave her a bow, the mare not even reacting until she was just about in my face, making me blink in confusion and mild amusement. “Expecting a kiss?”

“You will have to excuse her, she is the head Biologist of the college and this is the first time she has met another truly sapient species.” Mystic explained before lighting her horn to grab the mare’s tail and physically drag her back towards her. That seemed to bring her back to reality, her eyes refocusing on the world around her before going googly-eyed after the hoof of her sister came down upon her head.

“Ow, the heck was that for!?” She shouted while glaring at her sister, who merely rolled her eyes and pointed towards me.

“That is no way to treat a pony, you are a Noble of the Gleaming City, I expect you to act like it.” She lectured, receiving an eye roll.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say mother.” she replied before looking back at me, thankfully still seeming to be in control of herself. “Sorry about that, kind of spaced out there, as you already know, my names Night Rain, pleasure to meet you.”

I nodded before stretching out a wing and touched it to my chest, giving her another bow. “You may call me Ash, and I assure you, the pleasure is all mine.”

“Hey now, none of that bowing here, that was always my sisters thing,” she reached a hoof out towards me with a grin. “I always preferred the commoners greeting.”

I chuckled and put away my wing before reaching out and bumping her hoof with a soft clack.

“I can already tell were going to get along just fine.” She gave me a grin in return before turning to her friend, her grin turning into a small frown.

“Now Mystic, you mind explaining to me how you were too distracted to send your dearest friend a letter every once in awhile?”

The white mare gave her a sheepish grin, a hoof rubbing the back of her head. “Well, you see Night, I may have-”

“Save it,” Night held up a hoof before sighing and nuzzling her friend, “you can explain it after we reach the Institute.”

“Of...of course” Mystic muttered, her smile turning genuine after returning the mares affections.

“Come now Sir Ash, were almost there, we just have to pass through the market district and well finally be at the College.”

“And hopefully that crazy preacher won’t be out again” Night finished, making my ear twitch.

“You have a problem with your religious leaders?”

“Only the newest ones, they call themselves the Church of the Ninth Order.”

“The heretics still live?” Silver growled, receiving a nod from the black mare.

“Their growing in both power and influence as well, making sure to stay within the Queens good graces to avoid being destroyed by the First Order. The Priest’s of Primus have tried getting rid of them, but seeing as they haven’t broken any laws, there’s nothing they can really do.”

Now this had my attention, a whole new religion popping up in the middle of the pony nation; that definitely hasn’t happened before. The Ponies were usually pretty good about sticking to the old ways in terms of belief, the herd mentality mostly being to blame.

That and the fact I was with the ponies the longest out of all the species pretty much set my presence to them in stone, but sometimes the stone can crack and dissenters can appear. Really it’s the first time they have strayed from me, not my teachings though, those got thrown out the window after about a century or two.

Now we have this Ninth Order their speaking of, which managed to piss off the Church of me, meaning things were probably going to escalate soon.

Because everyone knows that, if you want drama on this planet, then you look to the Church.

“How long have they been a problem?”

“They’ve been around for about a year now” she replied, tapping her chin in thought. “Only really been a problem for the last six months though, started putting more pressure on the Church since they're managing to get more nobles to join them. There are even a few rumors that the Queen is one of them.”

“Such words are nothing more than a fallacy, the Queen would never turn away from the All Father.” Silver stated.

“That’s the thing though, the Ninth Order denies the fact that Primus even exists.” I did my level best not to have any outward reaction to that statement. “They're even going as far as saying that the Queen is the one that should be worshipped, and we all know how vain Queen Platinum is.”

Yeah, that’ll do it. Ain’t no one alive right now more self-centered than old Platinum. You could probably chalk that up to old Unicorn superiority, and since she’s the leader of all Unicorns...well I think you can tell how bad she really is.

“We cannot deny that statement, especially you dear Silver. After all, you are the only one to have actually met her.”

Silver had no reply after that statement, only releasing the sound of his teeth grinding together in frustration. Couldn’t blame the boy for his anger either, after all, the pony leaders were supposed to be the heads of the First Order, what with them being the ones the knight were taking orders from. The Queen turning from the church would mean that the Unicorn chapter of the First Order was one royal decree away from disappearing altogether.

“So the Church of the Ninth Order is consolidating power, there was an attempt of regicide against the Princess, and your only suspect that they probably arrested on an assumption is likely long gone...your whole city is tuning into quite the spectacle.” I chuckled, looking out at all the stalls and buildings that made up the market district. The smell of heat and fire from a nearby forge mixing together with the scent of baked goods making my wings give a little twitch and a fond smile grow on my muzzle, scaring a few of the nearby ponies when the fangs came out.

“I wish I could deny that, but all you’d have to do to tell I was lying was to look over there.” I followed the charcoal hoof towards a large building, larger than any of the others anyway, with two giant pyres on either side of the staircase leading towards the large double doors that lead into said building.

It wasn’t the building itself she was pointing at though, instead I focused on the pony standing on the podium just out in front of said staircase, garbed in the same cloak as the pony last night at the Pegasus’s so called trial.

Unlike that pony though, his hood was down, revealing a Unicorn with a brick red cloak and mane holding a book with an eerily similar emblem on the front of it.

‘Oh great Order of the Nine freaking Angels’ I sighed, having only seen that butchered Pentagram once in my life, and that was back before I became the Grand Marshal of the Universe. Don’t remember what their belief was, but I know it wasn’t any good.

“It looks like today isn’t our lucky day.” Night sighed, looking between the pony and the ones in familiar looking armor standing before him, their spears leveled in his direction.

“Well well, looks like him and the knights got into a bit of a disagreement.”

I watched the exchange for a moment before deciding to get a closer look, my companions choosing to follow alongside me through the crowd. I couldn’t hear what the trio were saying through the multitude of voices surrounding me, and I likely never would since the two broke off from the conversation looking less than pleased, only perking up after spotting Silver and moving his way while I continued on until I was in their place, the pony not noticing since his eyes were closed in what seemed to be prayer.

I waited a minute for him to finish, his hooves making weird motions across the floor before his eyes finally opened back up, only to turn to pinpricks when they focused on me.

“...Hey there” I greeted with a small wave, getting nothing in return until he did finally answer in the form of everyone’s favorite word.


‘Well, that didn’t take long.’

“Begone from this sacred ground you unholy devil! This is no place for those born outside of the Queens image.” He all but shouted at me, instantly attracting a few onlookers while I just gave him the best deadpan I could.

“Really...you’re worshipping a mortal mare?”

“The Queen is no mere mortal, she is the goddess come down from the heavens to lead her chosen people, to help us become what we are truly meant to be!” he growled before raising his hoof to the sky. “We are the ones destined to rule this world; all others are merely meant to serve their betters. You should be honored I am even speaking to you worm, for you are nothing more than the dirt beneath my hooves.”

...Okay, so we now have pony Nazi’s...Godwin’s law seems to be in effect...lovely.

“So, from what I’m hearing, you think you are superior to me in every way?”

“I do not think worm, I know I am your better.”

Dead silence on my part for a good few seconds before I couldn’t hold it anymore, the chuckle escaping me and eventually turning into full blown laughter after seeing the veins in his head start to bulge as his frustration towards me grew.

“Do not laugh at me you insolent knave, I am your better and I command your respect!”

“No, you demand my attention.” I replied, letting my wings pop out before flying onto the platform. The unicorn backed away from me all too quickly, his courage gone after losing his little high ground.

“You yourself have just stated that you are superior to me in every way, is that right?” I questioned, walking towards him slowly while he continued backing away, “You think that just because you are a Unicorn, means you are entitled to treat others species like they are beneath you.”

His eyes dilated as he focused on my fangs, a snarl escaping me before I set a single hoof on his chest.

“News flash buddy, you aren’t the god of this world, you aren’t the one in charge. You either learn to respect the teachings of the big man upstairs, or you will learn just how bad Primus treats those that denounce others and worship false gods.”

His horn lit up and I felt a small tugging sensation on my wings, but a hoof to said horn ended that real quick.

“You’re lucky I don’t want to deal with a murder charge, or I’d be the one sending you to hell. Learn to respect others, because that superiority complex of yours is going to get you killed.” With that said, I flew backwards off the stage, my hooves clopping against the stone road next to my two female companions. “Come girls, I would like to see your Institute now before any other distractions make themselves known.”

They both nodded, Mystic moving ahead while Night gave me a small punch to the shoulder with a grin plastered on her muzzle.

“Good to see one of them be put in their place, but I do hope you know you probably gained the attention of the leaders of the Ninth Order with that show.” I shrugged and looked back at the Church, hearing the doors slam shut with the priest nowhere to be found.

“I hope so, should provide ample entertainment.” I replied with a grin of my own, earning a laugh in response as she moved ahead to talk to her friend while I followed along silently through the crowd.