• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 13,910 Views, 424 Comments

Godly Promotion - Dapper_Dan

Legends speak of a being beyond the strength any mortal can possess, the one who created the cosmos itself. These tales are no mere legend though, the creator now walking amongst them...but not how many of them would have thought he would.

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Chapter 3

Author's Note:

Wow, I never expected this story to get this much support, especially when its so close to its infancy, but y'all are just awesome.
Just a word of warning, I put in a bit of Afrikaans for immersion, have fun with that.
Don't worry, I translated for you.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

You know, I’ve had a lot of moments in my life where I had to wonder what could have possibly been running through my head. The creation of this planet, listening to my daughters, and pretty much everything else I’ve done up to this point.

That’s how I usually found myself in some truly strange position.

Gotta say though, nothing really compared to how I currently found myself. After all, it’s not every day you end up with about twenty spears inches from your face while everyone yelled at you in Zebrikaans.

Sure, I was already plenty use to getting cursed at in Zebrakaans since Yemoja, the mother of the Zebra’s, ended up inventing it just to confuse me after losing an argument over how to wield a spear of all things.

Petty one, my daughter was.

Now I’m sure you’re just a little confused, so let me give you a little back story.

A long time ago, back when the world was still pretty much the playground of the gods, there existed a jewel. This jewel was possibly the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes upon, yet at the same time, was the most terrifying thing in all of existence.

I wasn’t sure how this crystal had managed to come into existence, what with me never bothering to actually create it and the girls constantly assuring me that they were not to blame.

Normally, I would have ignored it, seeing as how some items on this planet were created by the multitude of factors my daughters and I used to shape it, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for things to form on their own. What did concern me though, was the simple fact I couldn’t recognize the magic that came off the thing in spades.

Both my daughters and I decided it was best for me to take the gem with me and off the planet so I could study it without risking any lives, since my creations were still mortal in a sense. Still though, not everything in early existence was nice and peaceful, and the family did tend to fight quite a bit.

As it turns out, that crystal ended up changing the children of the mothers in some way, form, or fashion.

This change wasn’t truly noticeable in most species, the changes having long been forgotten by myself, seeing as they were miniscule at best. There are exceptions to this though, mainly being the Zebra and Thestral’s.

The Zebra shamans suddenly found their potions and elixirs, as well as their poisons, to be significantly more efficient, with the effects nearly being akin to the magic’s of the Alicorns themselves, while Thestrals suddenly started to do everything but directly worship the moon itself, having had their strength and speed reach near supernatural levels when exposed to the moonlight.

Three guesses on what they wanted me to do with the jewel after finding this out.

Turns out, leaving my girls alone with each other for a century was a very bad idea. I found this out after coming back only to see a whole new piece of land of the southern edge of the Pony lands, completely bare of just about everything.

It seems that, in my absence, both Yemoja and Scáth had the mother of all cat fights with all of the others forced to contain them to their created battleground. Both girls wanted the jewel for reasons they chose not to share with me, so they ended up in an argument that escalated to powers being thrown about, completely destroying whatever so much as hoped to live in the new land, leaving me with a near uninhabitable wasteland that I couldn’t get rid of without risking a major magic surge.

Why am I telling you this? You may wonder. Well it’s quite simple really.

You see, despite the battle happening about five hundred years ago, the children of said goddesses still remember it quite clearly, meaning that relations between the Zebra and Thestrals were as close to the three pony tribes as you could get.

I failed to remember this before I touched down outside of the first village I came across, which prompted the foals to run for their homes while a small army of villagers moved towards me while yelling the word “Duiwel” at the top of their lungs.

That is why I am currently staring stone faced at a spear that threatened to gouge out my eye in an attempt to destroy my current vessel.

“Watter besigheid het u in ons dorpsduiwel?" (What purpose do you have in our village devil?) The lead stallion growled out, his spear moving ever closer, yet still remaining a respectable distance from my snout. I raised a brow and looked around myself to see about twenty other zebra with spears, as well as bows and arrows, surrounding me.

‘Kind of overkill isn’t it?’ I thought with a mental chuckle before turning back towards the zebra before me.

“Hallo vriende. Voordat iemand begin, praat iemand Equish.” (Hello friends, before we start talking, does anyone here speak Equish?) I replied, a grin growing on my muzzle while his expression went from annoyed to surprise in an instant, before immediately returning to that hard glare he showed me before.

“Wag hier demon” (Wait here demon.) he ordered, backing away to head towards the village while the rest of the village defenders kept their spears and arrows tried me, their muscles tensing whenever I so much as blinked. I just chuckled at their paranoia, having never really experienced it first hand and I, for some reason, found it extremely amusing.

Imagine the lot of them figuring out just who they were pointing their weapons at.

This is how we stayed for a good five minutes, the eyes of the village never so much as blinking, lest they risk losing sight of me. They finally backed off just a little when their leader returned, followed by an elderly zebra mare wearing everything you’d expect on a village shaman; animal bones, golden rings, and plenty of fur dye that replaced her normally black stripes with a deep indigo blue.

The unnamed leader locked eyes with me, issuing an unsaid threat while the mare closed in on me with a kind smile on her muzzle.

“Hello young one” I had to hold back a snort at that. “I am Oni, and allow me to welcome you our humble village. I apologize for the greeting, but you can never be too careful when it comes to outsiders, especially Thestrals.”

I raised a brow, but chose not to comment on the offensive statement.

“Greeting ma’am, while I can understand a little bit of paranoia, this is just ridiculous.” I replied, making the stallion growl ever so softly, receiving a small nudge by the shaman, making him roll his eyes while grumbling under his breath.

“It is as I said, my young colt, one can never be too careful.” She repeated, her eyes scanning me from top to bottom. I snorted and flexed my wings, making everyone tense slightly while a few simply stared at my wings in what seems like fascination.

I could tell that at least half of them had never seen a Thestral before in their lives, probably only here with weapons instead of questions because the past 5 generations told them how the other side was evil.

Gotta love racism, am I right.

“If you say so” I shrugged, looking towards the stallion next to her. “So, way is jou naam kind?” (What is your name child?)

The stallion glared at me again, his eyes locked with mine, not a word being shared between us, until his eyes turned to his shaman, receiving a nod as an answer to his unasked question.

“Obasi” he muttered, making my ear twitch and a smile to reappear on my face.

“Obasi, ter ere van God.” (In honor of God.) I nodded, his anger once more replaced with surprise, which stayed on his face for much longer than before.

“You seem to have a good grasp on our language, young stallion. This is something not many outside of the Savanna’s are able to claim.” Oni said with a smile of her own.

‘Well I’d hope I knew the language my own daughter invented you old nag.’

“I spent several years with a zebra high priestess, learning the language of Zebrica while also compiling information on Yemoja and the all father.” I told her, already having that whole story set up before even achieving planet fall.

Oni blinked in surprise, her head tilting in question before she smiled again and motioned for me to follow her into the village. Not expecting a verbal response, she turned on her metaphorical heel and made her way back towards the village center.

Kind of had no choice whether to follow her or not, what with a spear suddenly jabbing me in my flank.

I gave the stallion that poked me a quick glare, with him just grinning back and poking me again. I snorted and followed after the elderly shaman with Obasi now at my side while the rest of the village dispersed to go about their normal day. The soldiers were still there though, following close behind with their spears held close, but still keeping a respectable distance, all but Obasi however.

“Enige nader en ek sal my eie idees trek.” (Any closer, and I'll come up with my own ideas.) I said with a chuckle, making the zebra stallion’s cheeks turned just a little bit redder and the distance between us to grow ever so slightly...little victories.

The trip through the village was short, but uncomfortable. Not a word was said between any of us and even the village seemed to grow silent, the feeling of eyes burning holes in my skull never leaving me. I swear I felt another pair of eyes locked on my flank, but that might have just been my paranoia...and ego.

We eventually reached a large building in the middle of the village with a pair of zebra mares situated in front of it. Both were kneeling before a fountain with the statue of a very familiar zebra mare sitting on top.

“I see you have a statue of Yemoja, good to see a village that still acknowledges their ancestral mother.” I happily stated, looking upon the statue of my daughter with a fond smile on my face. It was actually a quite accurate depiction of the mare, all the way down to the emblem of the rising sun on her flanks.

“Yes, not enough of our people remember the mother outside of the folktales passed from generations before.” Oni sighed, moving to stand beside me and knelt down, muttering of few words in Zebrikaans.

“We are the last true village to worship her as the old ways dictate.” Obasi said out of the blue, making me blink and turn to him with a raised brow.

“So you could speak Equish this whole time?” I said with amusement clear in my tone, much to the stallion’s annoyance. He grunted and moved past me, kneeling to pay his own respects to Yemoja just as Oni was finishing her prayers.

“Tell me, my young stallion, do the Thestral’s still worship their ancestral mother?” She asked me, moving to stand next to me to give the stallion time for his prayers.

“They have all but forgotten of Scáth...they rely on their own power and the blessing of Primis.”I answered, making the shamans calm smile morph into a troubled frown.

“That is...concerning” she stated, remaining silent as Obasi returned to his full height and gestured for us to enter the building next to the fountain, both us following him in while the rest of the guards dispersed, two still following us in and positioning themselves next to the doors.

“Welcome to the temple of Primis outsider.”

I grunted in acknowledgment, letting my eyes wander the spacious room in front of me, consisting of several wooden pillars lining the sides to separate the alters from the main hall, each side lined with small tables holding assorted foods and statues that were likely artifacts I ended up forgetting about over the years. Torches lined the soft red colored walls to leave not a speck of darkness in the building as they shined down on a crimson colored rug that served as the sole decoration of the heart of the building leading to a small bronze statue depicting a representation of myself.

'Dammit Yemoja.’

It seems that the Zebra mare helped spread the rumor Athína started all those millennia ago. Why they did it, I will never find out, but it still bothers me to this very day. Granted, I didn’t exactly have a form back when they were still kicking, so they pretty much guessed after watching me create the animals that couldn’t talk. They automatically went with the first animal I created, which just so happened to be a fox with a few too many tails.

Thus, the Kitsune version of me was born.

Don’t get me wrong, I got nothing against it, but thanks to them I have a Kitsune model in storage waiting for me to finish up and use if I ever want to give the planet a collective heart attack.

We moved to stand by the statue with the shamans moving to sit before the statue with her back to us, her and the stallion next to me muttering a few words of thanks before returning their attention to me.

“So, what brings you to our humble village outsider?” Oni asked me, her eyes closed for some reason. I chose to ignore that, making myself comfortable on the floor while Obasi set next to me, still a little close in my opinion, then again I haven’t dealt with physical social contact in a long time so I don’t exactly know what is considered uncomfortably close anymore.

Is it weird I can smell his coat from here?

...Moving on.

“Your village specifically, nothing.” I said with a shrug. “It was simply the closest form of civilization I could find in the Savannah.”

She nodded, offering me a small peace pipe that definitely held cannabis, making me grin ever so slightly. I took it from her and offered it to Obasi, much to his confusion.

“That reminds me, do you know where the closest seaport is from here; I need to find my way to Equestria.” Obasi, who was currently taking a hit from the pipe, immediately sputtered and coughed, a hoof beating on his chest. Oni wasn’t much better, her surprise evident as she stared at me like I was crazy.

“Wh...Why would you want to travel to the land of the ponies? They argue and fight with each other almost every day.” She practically shouted, making me shush her with a grin, pointing towards the statue of me, making her hooves fly up to cover her muzzle.

“No shouting in the temple of Primis shaman.” I chuckled, taking the peace pipe from the still struggling stallion before taking a hit with a serene smile on my muzzle.

“And the answer to your question my dear shaman.” I paused, releasing the smoke, feeling pleasant warmth in my chest. “I wish to see that clusterfuck for myself.”

Oni fixed me with a glare, receiving a smirk in return, Obasi just growled.

“You would do well to respect the house of Primis outsider.” She voiced, her glare not letting up even the slightest. I simply rolled my eyes with a small chuckle.

“Very well...spoil my fun.” I said with a laugh, the last part being muttered under my breath. “Now I would hate to impose, so I won’t. I know you and your people want me out of your village, so simply point me towards the closest seaport and I will be out of your mane.”

“I can do this, but we still have much to discuss.” Obasi stated, catching my attention as my eyes turned to his, only to see his eyes looking over my wings with curiosity and interest, making the shaman laugh slightly before she took another hit from the pipe.

“Calm now Obasi” she soothed, making the male blush ever so slightly. “Do not mind him outsider, he is the leader of the warriors of the village, but he is still a colt. He has always been curious of other creatures that inhabit our planet, but he always puts his duties first, before everything else.”

That would explain his proximity to me, as well as how his eyes continuously glanced in my direction when he thought my back was turned. After all, there’s nothing wrong with being a little curious, especially when he’s basically stuck in a village with little to no variety in its population.

“I was the same way when I was in his position, stuck in one place for years before moving on to experience the world around us.” I turned to the stallion and grinned at him, my fangs clear for him to see. “Go ahead and indulge yourself my friend.”

Without another word, my wing shot open towards him, making the colt jump in surprise with a small yelp leaving his muzzle. I kept up my grin while watching him slowly relax, his eyes wide open in surprise narrowing into a glare, before his eyes once again landed on my wings, making his soft green eyes sparkle in wonder.

Oni laughed softly, her eyes drifting closed as if in prayer, while her smile persisted.

“I will send one of my apprentices to fetch a map for you, as well as prepare a room for you. I know how the children of Scáth feel under the light of the moon, but no creature should travel across the coast at night.”

I tilted my head slightly, my ear twitching in curiosity.

“You would offer a room to an outsider? ...Consider me surprised.”

“The teachings of Yemoja are clear, treat others with respect, should they offer you respect in turn.” She replied, the pipe in her hoof being returned to its pot while an apprentice of the shaman came to fetch it, offering me a scroll before taking the pot away to the back of the shrine.

“Now I must apologize to you young one, but I must return to my duties.” She told me while returning to her hooves and bowing her head in my direction. “Obasi, lei asseblief die buitestaander na sys kamer en ontmoet my dan in my huis voordat hy na die wereld van drome vertrek.” (Please lead the outsider to his room and then meet me in my home before leaving for the world of dreams.)

“Ja sjamaan.” (yes shaman) He replied, bowing his head to her before returning to my wings, his nose rubbing against the leathery appendage.

Oni just laughed and moved to follow her apprentice, leaving me alone with Obasi, who was starting to get a little too close for comfort. I let him be though, content to simply let him indulge his curiosity for awhile.

“I apologize for this, but you are the first Thestral I have ever met.” He told me after a few minutes, breaking the silence between us that had sat there for so long.

“Think nothing of it.” I replied, moving away from the stallion and stretching out my wings before turning my full attention to him. “Now if you would be so kind, could you please lead me to my accommodations for the night, I need to study this map as well as gather my thoughts.”

I was answered with a nod as he rose with me, moving to the door that was now vacant, the two guards having gone home after the shaman left.

“Follow me, and do not stray.” Was his order, garnering no protest from me.

“By your lead.”