• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 13,911 Views, 424 Comments

Godly Promotion - Dapper_Dan

Legends speak of a being beyond the strength any mortal can possess, the one who created the cosmos itself. These tales are no mere legend though, the creator now walking amongst them...but not how many of them would have thought he would.

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Chapter 8

Author's Note:

Immm Baaack, and I'm not dead.
Been a hot minute since I updated and I apologize. I've just been really unmotivated and haven't felt like writing.
I also figured out that, after rereading a few fanfics I posted back in the day, I'm not that great at dialog without adding several thousand references.
I'm trying to improve, so bear with me here.
Anyways, no more talking, onto the chapter.

You know, I always paid a bit more attention to the ponies then I did any other race. They were the offspring of my very first creation; they tended to be a bit more interesting when compared to all the others, and even after thousands of years of watching them they still confuse me.

They are the only race that somehow still manages to function when one entire subspecies hates the other two, and vise-versa. Sure they don’t have it great, what with the constant increase and decline in their economy every fifty or so years, but they still somehow manage to keep it together.

The Griffons and Minotaur’s run on clan systems that constantly fight one another for territory or political standing and the Zebra seem to go through national leaders like drunkards go through ale at a free bar night. Don’t even get me started on the others, what with the Thestral’s ignoring everyone and the Yaks threatening war with anyone they meet. The only ones I can’t figure out are the Changelings, but that’s just because it takes too much time and energy to find the little buggers.

That being said, they were still quite annoying to watch. Even at a port town so far from the three capitals of the pony lands, there being three because they weren’t united enough to actually agree to a united capital, there was plenty of hate to go around. Like I said before, they weren’t holding rallies, but they were probably one cross comment away from coming to blows.

That’s why the usual cheer of a tavern at night was basically non-existent, meaning I was forced to listen to hushed whispers and glares shared between all of the patrons, which is why I couldn’t actually enjoy myself at said tavern, deciding to instead go to the beach and meditate under the moonlight.

It was actually quite peaceful, save for the occasional pony walking by and promptly screaming when they saw my now glowing eyes watching them go by. This went on for several hours, the screaming of the ponies attracting even more ponies, which caused even more screaming, and so on. Course there were a few who didn’t scream, choosing to take a single look at me and turn to either intrigue or immediate hostility, but neither of them actually acting on their instincts and eventually going on their way.

Of course though, when there are many individuals in the same place, there are outliers, meaning one of them actually did bother to act on this. This individual stuck around when others had long ago went on their way, choosing to sit at a comfortable distance while keeping their eyes on me, barely even flinching when my eyes met theirs. After our little stare off, I decided to let them be, going back to my meditations while keeping one ear trained on them at all times.

This is how we stayed for a little over an hour, neither of us moving the entire time until I let a small smirk show, looking over at the pony with a single opened eye.

“Most would have left after at least thirty minutes, much less stayed and kept silent for over an hour. I must admit, you have my attention.” I told them, watching them flinch ever so slightly before shaking their head and rising to her hooves, walking out from the shadows of the palm trees and into the moonlight, revealing their form to my eyes.

Her fur as white as snow itself, mane as pink as tulips, but her eyes were what caught my attention the most. One was a light cyan, reminding me of a clear pool of water, not yet tainted by mortals while the other was the same shade as her mane, and both held that spark of curiosity in them.

“I am nothing if not patient.” She started, sitting down next to me and looking back to the moon. “After all, impatience is most unbecoming of somepony of my profession.”

Oh dear, that’s something I wasn’t going to get used to. These ponies were weird in many regards, including their language. Seriously, I saw a map of the pony lands and promptly burned the map to the point where there weren’t even ashes left.


“What profession is that, if you don’t mind me asking?” I asked more out of courtesy than actual curiosity, having already taken a good guess of her talent from her flank mark, a magnifying glass over a shimmering star.

“I am a scholar that focuses on the study and application of magic.” She stated, pride clear in her tone.

‘Called it.’

“Yet you choose to spend over an hour with a being believed to not have magic unlike Pegasi, and another species at that...not counting the two hours you watched me in the tavern.” I said with a chuckle, making the mare blush and rub her leg with a hoof.

“Sorry, it’s just that, you’re the first Thestral I’ve ever seen outside of books and the occasional painting in the library back at the capital.” I raised a brow and tilted my head slightly.

“The capital, you mean Olympus?” Now her head was the one to tilt. “That was the original name of the mountain your capital is situated on; I think you ponies call it The White City now or something like that”

“You mean the Gleaming City.”

“...Should have just kept Olympus” I muttered and turned back to the moon, focusing on that giant rock in the sky. “But it definitely could have been a worse name.”

“Agreed” she replied with a nod, “But how do you know about the mountain, most Equestrians don’t even know the name of the Unicorn Capital, much less the mountain its situated on.”

“I didn’t know your capital name, but I do know that mount Olympus was where the first Alicorn was conceived by Spring and Bor, which led to it being blessed by Primus as a holy site.”

True story, but Spring and my son Bor practically begged me not to strike down the ponies when they decided to build a city on the mountain, meaning there was now a capital sitting on the birth place of my first grandchild.

The things I did for those kids.

Her eyes widened at my response, a grin growing on her muzzle.

“You know of the story of Mythic?” she asked, an air of excitement in her tone. I nodded and let out a small breath, watching the vapor cloud into the chill of the night.

“Yes, better than most if you could believe it. I’ve read the story and the legend you ponies put behind it and I remember laughing my ass off about it.” I chuckled. It was little more than one hundred years ago when I read it, and since then nothing has been discovered and nothing has changed.

Seriously, they made the kid out to be some kind of legend that went around slaying demons and sleeping with every mare in existence, even his own mother, I mean what the hell. At best the kid was a disappointment that accomplished absolutely nothing and laid around all day while making sure the wife I created him kept popping out foals like a Pez dispenser. The only reason I even created a wife for him in the first place was literally just to keep the species growing, and honestly she was not happy with me.

I know it’s bad to talk about your grandchild in such a way, but I actually had nothing good to say about him.

“What was wrong with it, the story of Mythic is an inspiration and something all unicorns should study, everypony should want to be like him.” She replied; confused about how I could call their historians wrong.

“I won’t tell; it’s important for you ponies to keep your delusions.”

“But why?”

“Because it amuses me.” I watched her eye twitch ever so slightly, and proceeded to pat her head with a hoof, to which she responded by swatting my hoof away and giving me a seemingly well practiced glare.

“Not funny Mr...whatever your name is.”

“My apologies, it would seem that in our excitement of meeting one another, we failed to introduce ourselves.” I started, getting to my hooves and giving the mare a small bow. “My name is Ash, no more, no less.”

“I am Mystic Dawn, heir of the Dawn family fortune and lead researcher in the Gleaming City Institute of Technology and Magic.”

…One hell of an introduction Miss Over-achiever.

“Impressive, not something you would go around advertising, but who am I to say.” I told her with a shrug.

“One must have pride in their lineage.”

“One must not also label themselves as a tempting target for kidnapping.” I stated, sitting back in the sand and returning my sight to the moon. “How much do you think a noble mare with ties to a prodigious university would go for these days, couple thousand?”

“I have no fear of bandits or raiders stealing me away, my personal guard would drive them off long before I even knew they were there.” She replied with a huff and a nod. I simply looked back to her, then behind her, then all around.

Not a being in sight.

“Did the unicorns create an invisibility spell while I wasn’t looking?”

“What are you talking about; he is right...over...”

Five seconds to let her brain catch up...and there’s the panic. It was quite impressive as well, going from just fine and dandy to chicken with its head cut off in less than ten seconds. Her head turned this way and that at a speed that should have given her whiplash, her breath picking up and her pupils shrinking to pinpricks.

Seems she knows the dangers of traveling alone in Equestria.

That’s when her attitude did a complete one-eighty and her panic was replaced by a look that is the picture of calm and collected. “Well now, it would seem I’m out here tonight with no protection.”

“So it would seem.” I agreed; giving her a small smirk and watching the redness dust her cheeks. She fidgeted a little before letting out a sigh.

“Would you please escort me back to the inn, I fear walking back on my own.” So now she has fear huh, can’t really blame her. I wouldn’t walk through this city on my own if I wasn’t god himself. Not because of the crime mind you, having long since learned that the bay city had a superiorly lower crime rate when compared to Iram, despite being one of the towns that allowed intermingling of the races.

“Sure, got nothing else to do” I answered with a shrug of my wings, earning an appreciative smile from the alabaster mare. “Now come on, I could use a pint.”

“By your lead.”

“So tell me, what is it that you study back at the Capital?” I asked my new drinking companion, taking another swig of my ale while Mystic swirled her wine in her magical grip before taking a small sip of her own.

Thankfully the inn had a twenty four hour full liquor bar for reasons I didn’t quite understand, but was not at all complaining about. The mare was far to stressed and needed something to take the edge off, even if the wine was one of the weakest ones on the menu.

“Anything and everything.” She replied, setting her glass to the side and relaxing in her chair. “I mostly specialize in life magic, but have dabbled in the more basic and lesser known fields.”

“So a jack of all trades researcher, that must be fun.”

“Oh Primus no” she giggled.

Still getting used to hearing my name like that.

“Over a dozen unicorn researchers arguing with one another while the scribes and interns sit in the background and read their research journals, wondering how long it will take for at least one of them to run out of air.”

Yeah, that sounds about right. Researchers were the same across all species it would seem, never agreeing with one another and/or constantly doing all that they can to undermine or disprove the others theories. In fact it seemed to be the same for all researchers, no matter the field, even the historians.

Trust me I’ve read my own bible, almost none of its right.

“Ah yes, one of the few traits that all species will always share.” I chuckled, raising my now empty mug, then frowning and looking into it with a single eye.

“Indeed, but I believe it’s all worth it in the long run, especially when I find something that can completely change our very understanding of magic. Did you know that just last week, one of the head researchers was actually able to open a small portal to the past?!”

My ear twitched.

“We were actually able to catch a glimpse of the creation of the planet itself.”

My eye twitched.

“If we apply just a bit more magic into the spell, we could possibly even unlock the secrets to time travel!”

“Burn the research and kill the researcher” was my immediate response, quite a bit more tame than my original plan would have been, but we don’t need the mortals to figure things out too quickly. I was actually quite impressed with myself, seeing as how I wasn’t currently teleporting to the institute and wiping it off the face of the planet while screaming obscenities for the entire world to hear, literally.

Why was I so angry you might ask, well its actually quite simple. You see, about five thousand years ago before I was finished creating the planet, I felt a small energy disturbance. It was miniscule at best and irrelevant at worst, but I could never figure out what it was because it had appeared and disappeared in literally a fraction of a second.

Now most normal people would have ignored it and moved on...we have already established that I’m not a normal person. I actually spent at least five years before giving up on finding it, and the answer to the thing that’s been bugging me for millennia was just thrown in front of me.

Talk about unsatisfying.

“Are you crazy?! It could advance our understanding of history by centuries and could even let us recover spells lost or destroyed by time.”

“You could also destroy the entire space-time continuum by fucking with something you shouldn’t be.”

“That’s why were studying it so thoroughly before running trials. Were making sure we completely understand the spells before attempting to recreate the scenario.”

Is she for real, I’m serious, is she actually trying to justify messing with the time stream.

“It’s time travel, there is no understanding it, and it’s not something you can just play with. You are messing with one of the fundamental laws of the universe that mortals weren’t meant to fuck with.”

Now she’s looking at me like I’m crazy. Look at me all you want woman, I set those blockers up for a reason and there is no way in hell I’m letting you figure out how to break them. And seeing as how I haven’t seen any of the idiots that call this planet home anywhere in the early stages of the creation, I think I did my job pretty damn well.

Mystic was now thoroughly annoyed with me, if that look in her eye was any indication, and decided to cut that conversation off before it got too far off the ground.

“Be that as it may, it is not my place to tell the headmistress what should or should not be researched.” She huffed, crossing her forelegs and throwing her head to the side with her eyes now closed. “Besides, you would need the support of a third of the research committee and support by either the board of education of Queen Platinum herself.”

Oh just lovely. Knowing those educated idiots, they thought the possible destruction of the universe was a small price to pay to find something that could amount to a child’s research paper. They’ll certainly never find something worthwhile in the process, trust me; Equestrian history is actually pretty boring. At one point I actually thought I might throw these little equines a curveball and maybe start a plague or something.

It’d be a good way of culling the herd.

In the end, I just said screw it and watched them all go about their daily lives until it turned into a reality television show, small bits of comedy that might be good for a chuckle, but mostly just turned on for the background noise. Better than the uncaring void of the ethereal realm, even if by only a little.

“Well then, I’ll go about my life and pray to God I don’t wake up dead because you lot made the world go poof.” I sighed, downing the rest of this piss poor excuse for ale, my good mood now gone. “So, where’s that guard of yours anyway? I thought they would have found you by now.”

“He’s most likely asleep, he had a long day yesterday; he was practically dead on his hooves when we arrived.”

“Understandable, guarding can be hard work, but I can respect a stallion that’s willing to work for a living.” I said with a nod, leaning a hair closer to her and resting my chin on a hoof. “I’ll be sure to-”


Just like that, there was a war axe where my head used to be. I blinked in mild surprise before shooting into the air, barely avoiding being tackled by a light grey stallion that basically tore though the table and chair like they were made of straw.

I blinked again and he was back on his hooves and already prying the axe from the wall, making the sound of metal grinding against stone assault my ears, making me cringe.

Super hearing is a blessing and a curse it seems.

“Do not move Lady Dawn, we shall destroy the demon!” he bellowed, reeling back and throwing the axe again. His aim was actually pretty decent, would have definitely hit me from the air was I anyone else.

“Well, that escalated quickly.” I hummed, dipping away from the flying chair that followed soon after the axe.

“Silence, son of Seth!”

Now he had my attention. Seth, the false prophet of the night, and the single most hated Thestral in the history of Equss. He went about killing thousands in the name of the Nightmare, a demon that fed off the pain and suffering of everyone on the planet. Thankfully Seth and the Nightmare were dealt with by a band of merry knights calling themselves the Knights of the First.

See, not all crusades are bad.

Unfortunately, they weren’t exactly in the best shape afterwards and were forced to disband, or at least I thought they did. From the way this boys screaming and yelling, I guess the ancestors of those soldiers either kept the thing running in secret, or split off into smaller cells.

He also must not think that over two hundred years have passed since that little incident.

“Silver Shield, calm yourself!” Dawn shouted, attempting to pry the table from his magical grip and causing it to veer off course and slam into the bar counter, thankfully missing the drinks.

“Do not interfere my lady, we will not let this demon control you any longer.”


“We do not know how he has gained your trust, but you must stay away from him at all costs.”

I rolled my eyes and dropped back down from the rafters, watching the armored unicorn charge at me and raising a hoof to block the one now inches from my face. His surprise was short lived as he quickly tried charging up a spell, but instantly shouted in pain after I smacked his horn with my other hoof. Sweeping his legs from under him, I sent him kneeling while holding tightly onto his fetlock.

“Gotta say, been a long time since I met a member of the First Order.” I chuckled; tightening my grip and making him cringe in obvious discomfort. “Can’t say I’m impressed.”

“Say what you will demon, at least we have our honor.”

Oh for the love of, this guy was an idiot.

“You are aware that there were Thestral’s in the original order, correct?” I asked, watching him grit his teeth, but raising his head to look me in the eye.

“Lies, the order would never accept one of the night clan into their ranks.”

“Counter-point, the order is dead.”

“You cannot kill that which is blessed by God!”

“Wanna bet?”

“ENOUGH!” I heard Dawn shout, then felt something smack the hoof holding the stallion in place. I looked over at the mare with a single brow raised, meeting her glare with little concern.

“Release him, now!”She commanded, receiving a long moment of silence before I just shrugged and let him go, watching him back away from me while nursing his sore fetlock. Mystic moved to help him, but he held up his uninjured hoof to halt her while keeping his glare locked on me.

Sanctum erit tibi Dominus in flamma daemonium.” (God will cast you into the holy flames demon) He growled, earning a glare of his own from the now irate mare and a smirk from me.

“Doubtful” I stated, retaking my seat and pulling my whiskey out of my saddlebag while Mystic tended to her companion, who I guess was supposed to be her bodyguard. I leaned back and watched the two quietly talking to one another, taking a swig every so often while watching the stallion cower down from a mare half his size that was obviously quite pissed off with him. Even the bartender came over to get in on the tongue lashing after walking out and seeing his tables and chairs either across the room or in pieces.

Eventually the two let Silver Shield slink off with his tail between his legs while Mystic gave the brown colt a hoofful of coins before making her way towards me with a sheepish smile on her muzzle.

“I’m so sorry about that Ash, I had no idea Silver had such an extreme prejudice against Thestral’s.” she apologized for the stallion, tentatively taking a seat and crossing her hooves on the table. I shrugged and took another sip of whiskey.

“No issue, just wish I knew your bodyguard was a Knight of the First Order.” I watched her head tilt in confusion. I stared at her for a moment before snorting and downing the rest of my drink. “Of course he never told you.”

“What are you talking about?”

I didn’t answer, just sliding the empty bottle away from me before getting back up and flexing my wings.

“Ask Silver, I’m done for the night.” I told her, making my way up the stairs, eager to do a little research into the Order remnants and possibly a little trip to the Gleaming City.

Maybe I won’t cause too much chaos......oh who am I kidding, it’s me.