• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,655 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Prologue: The Lonely Playground

"Princess, might I arrange for delivery of any of your utmost desires?" Standing not far from the Princess' throne would be Rarity, however, her appearance was not one of familiarity. Her mane was fastened into a bun, and her demeanor was more that of a butler or waitress. She wore a fancy tailored outfit, and levitated a platter of sugary delicacies especially for the Princess. She stood in the vibrant moonlight, cast from the pristine glass window directly above the Princess' throne. "All you need do is ask dearest Princess, and I will deliver."

Princess Nightmare Moon remained slouched upon her throne, one hoof resting gently against her cheek. Her rear hooves were spread, as she wore an expression of pure boredom and contemplation. "Rarity... I do not feel well." At each side of her throne, laid both a stallion and a mare looking up at her fondly. She glanced down at the mare at her side, and tilted her head up to look at her. "Not even the empowerment of submissive ponies at my beck and call can amuse me. Perhaps I should go torture some of our prisoners? Hmmm."

Rarity raised her head and smiled fondly. "Princess, there are many prisoners who await punishment in the dungeons. You should explore new methods of extraction on them. Perhaps it will stimulate your mind. Any mess that is made I can clean thoroughly for you. Surely there are some prisoners you'd like to play with."

Princess Nightmare Moon sighed heavily, as she looked towards the ceiling with a squint. "Ah... but I feel nothing Rarity. No drive, no motivation. All I can dwell on is a space within, a dreaded blank space within my memory." She snarled slightly, "Something troubles me, but I do not know what. It is gnawing at my very spirit."

Rarity frowned at the Princess, "Princess, shall I get medical personnel? You may be falling ill."

Princess Nightmare Moon groaned before giving Rarity a subtle shooing motion with her hoof. "No no Rarity, I know this is different. Mmmmm..." She closed her eyes and leaned up in her throne, eyeing now the tiled floor. She remained silent for a time, before poofing from her throne and standing tall. "I shall go and visit Rainbow Dash; perhaps it is the fact I have not heard any news on enemy factions for some time. I shall go see if she has any new news to deliver." Princess Nightmare Moon began trotting subtly, before glancing over at Rarity, "Rarity, do return the slaves to their quarters but rejuvenate the stallion, I may get bored again later."

Rarity nodded to Princess Nightmare Moon. "Yes Princess, I shall take care of everything here."

Princess Nightmare Moon let off a devilish giggle. "Thank you Rarity, see you soon." Then she poofed away.

Rarity now looked to the two slaves at the sides of the Princesses' throne and sighed. "Well, let's get to work."

The rain poured down heavily over Canterlot City.

Twilight Sparkle had her mane fastened into a ponytail and adjusted her glasses as she glanced up. She was a mere unicorn mare, and one without a cutie mark at that. "Oh... it's raining." She stared blankly up at the rain as it fell. "I left my umbrella back at the apartment. Mmmmm...." She stared ahead blankly now, blinking a few times. "I guess I could try to port it." She sighed as she pulled out a pocket watch from her rugged brown one strapped leather satchel, "I'll be late for work if I don't try to book it somehow. No time to go grab the umbrella and get to work at the same time." She placed her pocket watch back in her bag, before placing her books in there as well and then adjusting herself. "I'll try to do straight consecutive shots, should be simple enough."

As two unicorn mares trotted side by side with their umbrellas levitated at their sides, one of them giggled. "No way no way, he's way out of my league girl." Then suddenly, something crashed between them, nearly knocking them to the ground. That same mare gasped, "W-Whoa! Hey!" They each glanced down between them now.

Laying there and staring at the pavement blankly was Twilight Sparkle, as her horn sparked and fizzed in and out. She shook her head a few times, as her books were scattered all over the ground. "A-Ah, sorry..."

Both mares eyed Twilight with at first surprise, then pity as they looked at one another. They both commented in sync, "O-Oh." Before one glanced down, smiling sympathetically. "It's just Twilight. You okay Twilight?"

Twilight laid there gathering her books in the rain, "Uh, yeah. Just teleportation issues again."

One of the mares used telekinetic magic to neatly grab Twilight's books up for her and slide them into her bag. The other mare covered Twilight with an umbrella as her friend did so. The opposing mare continued, "Good good, well uh, be seeing you around Twilight. Be careful now okay? None of us want you getting hurt."

Twilight got back to her hooves, as she kept a blank expression and nodded subtly. "Yes, thanks."

The mares looked at one another then back to Twilight with wide sympathetic smiles, as one commented. "Alright, good. Well trot safely now Twilight, see you tomorrow at class." They both continued trotting on from then, leaving Twilight where she stood as the further they got, the more they felt comfortable discussing what'd just happened. "Such a nice girl but so awkward, I'm sure there are other ponies she fits in with though."

The opposing mare nodded. "Yeah, some ponies just aren't compatible with one another, otherwise I'd talk to her more. Plus that erratic magic control can be pretty scary sometimes, ya know? Too much for me."

Twilight continued to eye the ground blankly, showing no expression. She opened her rugged satchel, looking now at her drenched books. "Ah, guess I'll have to dry them at home later on today." She shut her satchel and looked up at the sky again, before peering ahead and simply beginning to trot without teleportation.

Within the clouds looming over Ponyville, was a fairly large cloud platform which consisted of a dozen pegasi. It was the dead of night, but the moonlight kept the sky bright. Standing in her Nightmare Guard armor, flashing her sporty mohawk, was Rainbow Dash who instructed the dozen pegasi. "Hey hey... keep it together. I need your moves sharp in case we get another attack." She sighed, "Now again, and make it snappy you guys."

"Rainbow Dash." Nightmare Moon commented absently from behind.

Rainbow Dash flinched, before yelling, "Team! Attention!" She turned around swiftly with a salute. "Princess! We uh, didn't expect you up here. Is there any trouble?" She tilted her head to the right at her curiously.

Princess Nightmare Moon shook her head absently. "No, no trouble Rainbow Dash. I am merely curious; has there been any updates on our enemies as of late? It has been strangely quiet. Surely some rumors?"

Rainbow Dash frowned and looked down questioningly. "No Princess, we found it odd too. We decided to use the peacetime for training, but no, there haven't been any rumors on the wind. Queen Chrysalis is still out there, and some other smalltime rebels... but your vast majority of enemies remain subjugated."

Princess Nightmare Moon sighed, "I see." She frowned then too, before looking off into the distance.

Rainbow Dash eyed her worriedly. "Are you okay Princess? If you'd like I can do a double check and-"

But Princess Nightmare Moon interjected, looking now towards the moon. "No Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash then raised a hoof more adamantly, filled with passion. "Princess please, I want to he-"

Princess Nightmare Moon cut her off again, this time with a stern tone. "Must I repeat myself?"

Rainbow Dash flinched, before bowing her head and gulping. "N-No Ma'am, my apologies."

The rest of the guards also watched with now attentive and nervous expressions.

Princess Nightmare Moon stared blankly and sternly at Rainbow Dash, before proceeding to face away from them and exhaling. "I'll be leaving you for now. I'll let you know if I need anything. Do keep me updated on Chrysalis especially." With that she was gone in a flash, disappearing into a poof of sapphire smoke.

Rainbow Dash watched her go with worry, nodding subtly and silently. "As you wish Princess."

Twilight arrived at a small diner, her figure being drenched as she looked at her pocket watch. Yet as she did so, soon a larger figure's shadow loomed over her which caused her to look up. "Oh uh, hello Sir."

An older more brutish pony glared down at her tiredly. "You're late Twilight."

Twilight glanced down at her pocket watch, "I'm sorry. I just had issues with my magic again."

The older pony rolled his eyes, before stepping aside to give a more open view of the diner. "Look around you. All your other peers have been good to go for a while now. We've already got customers. I know you're in school but if you have issues with your magic then you should plan better or ask to leave earlier."

Twilight nodded as she looked down at the ground blankly. "Y-Yes Sir, it won't happen again."

The older pony nodded, "You're right, it won't. Sorry Twilight, but I'm gonna have to let you go."

Twilight's eyes widened as she looked up at him blankly. "Let me go?"

The older pony nodded with a frown, crossing his hooves. "Yes... your position likely won't be difficult to fill. Plus I can't really justify a reason for keeping you with your issues. I've got to think of the business, and right now you're not what's best for it. You should sort yourself out before getting a job here. Sorry to say."

Twilight nodded briefly, before eyeing the ground once again and turning slowly to leave the diner.

The other co-workers in the background all looked upon the situation curiously.

The older pony sighed again, before turning around, "Hey hey! You all get back to work."

Twilight stood back outside in the rain, pulling out her pocket watch again before looking down the soaked streets of Canterlot City. She blinked a few times, before eyeing the ground again. "Guess I should head home and study. I'll have to figure out my rent situation later. Hopefully there are some openings nearby I can find."

Back inside the diner, as Twilight's now former co-workers continued about their business, a couple of them discussed what'd just happened. Particularly a younger mare, "I feel sorry for Twilight... that was blunt."

Another stallion responded in kind. "It was bound to happen eventually, I don't know what Twilight expected."

The mare sighed and glanced over at him, "I don't know? Maybe a little sympathy?"

The stallion rolled his eyes as he adjusted his apron. "Her working here was sympathy. The boss hired her even with her condition, it was up to her to keep it in check. Now it's causing her to come late? It's too much."

The mare frowned and looked down. "I... I guess you're right. Still, I feel sorry for her is all."

The stallion nodded, "Same. But that's just the way the world is. Not everypony can have it together."

The mare nodded, before the two continued on about their work, returning to serving customers.

With a swift teleportation spell and an instant flap of her wings, the skies of Canterlot City and its rainy clouds cleared. What had been troubling her so greatly? Princess Nightmare Moon pondered the question with deep annoyance. She touched down upon the tiled streets below with grace. The endless stream of brightly different colored lights had always drawn her in before and calmed her thoughts. Perhaps it was that sadistic realization it was all hers now... this wonderful city and all who inhabited it. With the defeat of her sister, nothing was out of her reach, and slowly but surely, her enemies fell beneath her heel. She was always reminded of that here.

Quiet mumbles echoed around her, onlookers per usual. As she trotted casually through her streets, she never grew tired of the admiration, but had long since been bored of it. She was a goddess in their eyes, frightening to look upon but near impossible not to worship. A smirk graced her features... they were her little pet subjects, and she enjoyed rattling their brains by being unpredictable with her presence. She glanced around at them, and majority were already bowed in place, while others were frozen in time... eyes wide and filled with awe.

Most days she'd merely give them a simple squint to keep them in line, but not today. Today... her mind was filled with too much unease to bother. So she ignored them, and looked towards her grand castle in the distance, trotting there without a care in the world. Truly many desired to be a god, without realizing the price of such invulnerability and status. It was a lonely existence, and fulfillment was hard to come by.

"P-Princess Nightmare Moon!" Eventually, as Princess Nightmare Moon arrived at Canterlot Castle, the guards present immediately bowed their heads. "We did not expect you, but we are grateful to see you!"

Princess Nightmare Moon snorted slightly. "Yes yes, of course. How has your shift been going?"

The guards all looked at one another, perplexed by the question, before one responded. "Q-Quiet... Ma'am."

Princess Nightmare Moon sighed as she glanced over and off into the distance of the city once more. "I see." Her eyes were closed halfway, as she seemed tired and slightly troubled. However, she looked back to her guards and smiled warmly. "Very well, do keep a lookout. Should any traitors reveal themselves, do slay them. I'm in no mood for keeping track of new prisoners at this time." She turned to the opposing direction and tossed a wave at them, before pausing. "But! Should you find a changeling, try to capture it." She chuckled.

The guards nodded and saluted her as she departed. "Yes Princess, you have our word!"

Princess Nightmare Moon glanced back with a sadistic smile. "Thank you dears, they are so fun to play with." She looked ahead before trotting casually from then on. "Tata for now. Have a peaceful shift."

One of the guards gulped before glancing over at his buddy. "No wonder the changelings stopped coming."

Twilight Sparkle still soaked, soon pushed through to a wooden door into a cozy apartment. She wore no expression and held her drenched bag in one hoof against her chest, before shutting the door behind her.

"Theeeere she iiiiiiiis! Home a little early ain'tcha!?" Sitting at the dinner table not far off in the dining room were three mares; their names, Twinkleshine, Moondancer, and the one who spoke, Minuette.

Twilight looked to them blankly, before eyeing the ground nervously. "U-Uh... I got fired today."

Minuette whose muzzle was stuffed with food and her eyes closed chuckled. "That's great Twi!"

Moondancer however, slammed her hooves on the table with a shocked look. "Twilight what!? Fired!?"

Minuette swallowed as her eyes widened then and she looked to Twinkleshine. "Oh wait, that's bad."

Twinkleshine cocked a brow at Minuette with a slightly annoyed look. "Think before you speak please."

Twilight nodded as she looked to all of them from the door. "Um, I can move out until I find another job."

Moondancer backed up from her seat before looking at Twilight shocked. "What? T-Twilight no! Of course not. I uh, I'd just like to know what happened. Getting fired is a big deal. Are you doing okay? And... you're soaked."

Twilight nodded, before glancing over at her umbrella which was left by the door.

Moondancer got the hint as she muttered, "Oh." She focused back on Twilight, "But no Twilight. There's no way we're going to kick you out, what kind of friends would we be if we did that? We'll figure this out together."

Minuette nodded with a wide smile at Twilight. "Yeah Twi! Don't get yourself worked up. We got ya girl!"

Twinkleshine nodded too as she looked to both Moondancer and Minuette. "Yeah, just means we'll all chip in a little extra this month to get by while you find yourself another job. Don't beat yourself up over it."

Twilight eyed the ground, showing no expression once again. "Are... are you all sure?"

Moondancer nodded firmly. "Of course Twilight! Now go get yourself dried off already then come eat dinner!"

Twilight nodded as she departed down a hall that led towards her room. As she'd reached it, she went in slowly before shutting the door behind her. Her room was quite barren, having a single bed, a drawer, and stacked books against the wall. She set her bag upon the floor as she soon grabbed a towel from her drawer.

Meanwhile back in the dining room, Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Moondancer conversed, trying to keep their voices lowered. Twinkleshine whispering, "So uh in all seriousness what're we gonna do about the rent?"

Moondancer sighed as she placed a hoof against her right cheek. "We'll need to balance out our funds. It'll be tight, sadly this had to happen at the worst time. Classes are picking up, and Canterlot isn't cheap."

Twinkleshine took another bite of her food, "Told ya we should've found a place in Manehattan."

Minuette continued to munch on her food, "Now guys guys, let's not bicker. Twilight needs us to stick together."

Moondancer and Twinkleshine nodded, but each of them sighed too before uttering out. "Right."

Twilight remained in her room, with her towel now resting around her neck and her back leaned against the wall. The walls were quite thin here... hearing anypony speak while sitting in silence wasn't difficult. Though she couldn't make out many words, the mumbling was obvious. What else could they be talking about? Twilight sat there, soon just looking at her soaked bag upon the floor as her mane also dripped with water. Her eyes were wide, and her expression blank per usual, as if she were lost in a sea of thoughts. Sometimes I wonder... if I'm a mistake. Twilight rose as she ruffled her mane with the towel some. I wonder... if that's something normal.

Moondancer and the others continued talking, the conversation having taken another dramatic turn since. "You know Twilight isn't close with her family anymore. She can't just waltz to a new city without complication."

Twinkleshine groaned and rolled her eyes, "That's exactly why she can move to a new city."

Moondancer leaned forward towards Twinkleshine. "Moving expenses and finding new classes can end up being more expensive. Besides it's in the past Twinkleshine, let's think about the here and now!"

Minuette put a hoof on each of their shoulders. "Girls.. girls, come on now. We're all friends riiiight?"

Twilight soon rounded the corner, back towards the front door, not saying a word.

All three girls at the dining room table gasped before Minuette inquired, "T-Twilight! You dry?"

Twilight nodded simply, "Yeah, um... I'm going to go for a walk you guys."

Twinkleshine waved at Twilight, somewhat worriedly, "Okay, stay safe Twilight."

Moondancer even more so showed eyes of concern. "D-Don't stay out too long!"

Twilight nodded. "Okay, I'll try to keep it short. I just uh... need to think a little is all." With that Twilight left, shutting the door behind her as the others all showed slight concern while still sitting at the table.

Princess Nightmare Moon continued to stroll the streets of Canterlot, those who saw her either immediately bowing before her presence or standing in awe. Many also hid away or scurried off, as to not draw her ire. As she strolled, she looked to the skies, and particularly the moon with her sister's figure upon its surface. "Tch!" She, after a moment, then continued to focus on the stars. Her mind was still filled with unease, the blank space that couldn't be filled. She had everything she could possibly desire... yet something was still missing.

Twilight Sparkle too strolled the streets of Canterlot, feeling unease with herself. What was her reason for being here? Her whole life seemed like mistake after mistake. She wasn't one to dwell on such things, but now she couldn't depart herself of these thoughts. She looked to the moon firstly, realizing how insignificant she was in the grand scheme of things. So she looked for some more relatability, perhaps amongst the stars. Perhaps... Twilight's eyes went wide then as her horn ignited once again, she teleported forward due to her condition.

Many gasps echoed throughout the area, soon to be followed by an absolutely dead silence.

Princess Nightmare Moon was still focused on the skies, but was now suddenly... on her back. Coming into her field of view was a purple unicorn in glasses, who looked down at her blankly. She raised a brow slowly.

Twilight Sparkle laid atop Princess Nightmare Moon, simply peering down at her. "Oh um, sorry about that." Twilight climbed off the significantly larger mare, before patting herself off and then helping Princess Nightmare Moon to her hooves. She proceeded to pat off the Princess casually. "It's a condition."

Princess Nightmare Moon just stood there at first doe-eyed, as this mare crashed into her, then assisted her without worry. Her brow twitched as she felt so perplexed, one eye squinted as she looked down at her.

Twilight Sparkle soon nodded to her, "Take care." With that, she continued down the path she was going.

Princess Nightmare Moon peered ahead blankly, stunned and perhaps even in shock as Twilight Sparkle trotted past her. Eventually, her eyes closed halfway with irritation, as without even needing to budge an inch her horn glowed and a telekinetic aura casually wrapped around Twilight Sparkle and smoothly pulled her back to her prior position in front of her. Princess Nightmare Moon looked down at the mare. "No, I think not."

Twilight Sparkle cocked her head to the side at her. "Huh?"

Princess Nightmare Moon snarled, losing her cool then. "Have you lost your mind!? You know not who I am!?"

Twilight Sparkle blinked a few times before muttering. "Um, you're Princess Nightmare Moon."

Princess Nightmare Moon's nose wrinkled as her head retracted and she looked down at her, shocked again.

Twilight Sparkle looked up at her blankly. "Sorry, I just lost my job and I need time to think. Please excuse me." She continued on past Princess Nightmare Moon again, focusing back on the sky as she trotted.

Many onlookers just observed in horror, as some were even covering their eyes from the situation.

What was with this mare!? Princess Nightmare Moon was left stunned, her face beet red.

One of the onlookers even commented in shock, "L-Look. The Princess she's.... blushing."

Princess Nightmare Moon fumed, as a black aura radiated from her very being and she let loose her Canterlot voice, and stomped one hoof, cracking the very tiled surface beneath her. "That's.... ENOUGH!"

Twilight Sparkle jolted, and due to her condition, she instantly poofed away not out of choice.

Princess Nightmare Moon snarled, turning to face where Twilight headed. "Do you think you're beyond my understanding!? Do you believe these trifling games will get you anywhere with-" she saw that Twilight Sparkle had disappeared. "Me?" Princess Nightmare Moon glanced around in a hurried and panicked manner. She turned in circles, as her heart raced and she couldn't calm her mind. How long had it been since she'd burst out like that!? She glared down at the cracked pavement, still beet red. I-Impossible. Then suddenly, her head came with a throbbing pain which brought her knelt to one hoof, the blank space in her mind sparked with a flash of a purple alicorn and her dragon. She gasped, rising still in a panic as she didn't understand what'd just happened to her. She blinked a few times, looking down at her hoof as it trembled. "What... was that?"

Twilight Sparkle sat unintentionally at the very top of Canterlot Castle, wide-eyed. "Well... this is new."