• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,655 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

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Chapter 16: A Good Princess - Part 3

Princess Nightmare Moon's tram came to a steady stop as the doors slowly opened. She trotted out, only to be met with a fierce and blinding blizzard. However, despite these circumstances, her expression bared little concern. She only commented absently to a pony still inside the tram, awaiting orders. "Head back."

The earth pony maid smiled before bowing her head. "Of course... do be safe Princess." With that, she retreated back into the tram as the doors shut behind her. It rose further into the sky, before departing.

Princess Nightmare Moon watched it go absently, before peering ahead into the impenetrable white. Her horn started to glow as a black portal with blue ethereal flames at the edges, opened. Slowly making its way out were four orbs of the same ethereal flame, as they surrounded the Princess on all her sides. She then enclosed herself in a transparent blue barrier, before she began trotting forward into the blizzard without a word.

Hours passed as Princess Nightmare Moon trotted through the abyss of blinding snow. However, she didn't seem troubled at all by her circumstances, actually, it appeared as if she were bored by it all. As she'd reached her destination, she let down her personal barrier, before glancing to her left and right. She then exhaled and spread her wings, as with a mighty flap, the flames surrounding her had exploded and spread out like a tsunami at each of her sides. The surrounding blizzard had dissipated entirely, unveiling a grand sight ahead.

The Crystal Empire laid bare before her. It being surrounded by a cracked crystalline barrier, that also pulsated with black, and emerald magics. Princess Nightmare Moon smirked absently at these pulsating cancers upon the barrier, before casually trotting over to one and touching it. "How nice, it's like a bow wrapped invitation." She then proceeded to push herself through it, as she quite easily penetrated the barrier without concern.

Within the barrier were a pair of crystal ponies who'd seen her enter. They appeared ragged and tired, chains around their necks as they were mining black crystals. However, they had to take a moment to pause and watch the stranger who'd just entered their homeland, uncertain of how she entered and why she was here.

Princess Nightmare Moon casually trotted over to them, and with a small glint of her horn, their chains snapped. "Hello, my dear subjects, I've come to liberate you all. Where is your current ruler, King Sombra?"

The two weary ponies looked at one another in an utterly confused manner, then back up at her.

Princess Nightmare Moon sighed, before glaring down at them. "Ah yes, I forget, fear is the only language you understand as of right now. So perhaps this will do better?" She lowered herself to meet them at eye level, as her face darkened but the glow in her eyes remained. She gave them each a piercing stare, yet a warmly sadistic smile. "Now... tell me where King Sombra resides as of this moment, or I shall rip the information from your minds... painfully so, before dispatching your bodies into the raging blizzard outside this barrier."

Both ponies shrieked, before bowing their heads immediately. One was a mare, the other a stallion, before with a shaky voice, he commented. "H-He resides in the central chamber of the main castle M'lady. I swear!"

The mare now commented, "Tis true! We... We would never lie, not to you, not to him! We only wish to live!"

Princess Nightmare Moon knelt down again and rubbed the top of each of their heads. "See, now rise. That is all that I ask of you. That wasn't so hard now, was it?" She chuckled, before opening another portal and bringing out what appeared to be blue muffins. Using telekinetic magic, she forcefully raised their heads and shoved one in each of their muzzles. "A reward for your... erhm... hard work." She then trotted past the two of them.

As they'd fully risen with a muffin stuffed in each of their muzzles, they looked to one another still in confusion, before beginning to slowly chew. Their eyes snapped wide, as they then lowered themselves and used their forehooves to shove the rest of their muffins fully into their muzzles, scrounging them down hungrily.

Princess Nightmare Moon chose not to fly, actually, she could care less. She simply trotted down the main district and took in the sights of this disheveled kingdom. She sighed heavily. Such a waste, the Crystal Kingdom will require much work before it is suitable to my tastes. She also took in the sights of the ponies in chains who were all mining protruding black crystals from the ground, even as they stopped because they couldn't help but notice her presence. The subjects here are trained well, but too dependent on fear. It is boring... dull... an empty existence with little to no passion. That can be remedied, but like with everything else, it will take time. Not too hot, not too cold... just right. She paused, as a sudden memory of Celestia smiling innocently popped in her mind.

She gritted her teeth in annoyance, before smirking to herself. I need not be you, to be better.

King Sombra, the Fallen Tyrant... resided in the central chamber of his throne room. Ahead of him was the Crystal Heart, an artifact of immense power, yet still out of his reach. Only a quarter of it had succumbed to his influence, and he was more than determined to fully convert it before he began his conquest of Equestria. A look of fierce anticipation shown in his eyes, as he was leaned back upon his throne with a hoof resting upon his cheek. "Though this has taken some time, my efforts will soon bear fruit. Oh, how destiny has been so kind."

Then suddenly, the doors to his throne room were flung open. "It has... hasn't it." Came the voice of the despondent Princess Nightmare Moon. Yet she wore a gentle smile as she looked upon Sombra, almost in a nostalgic manner. "Sombra... it has been quite some time. A thousand years? I see you've not changed."

King Sombra's eyes snapped wide as he'd growled fiercely in both surprise and anger. "Luna!"

Princess Nightmare Moon glanced back at the trail of motionless guards she'd dispatched on her way here. They each were wearing a helmet of sinister design. "I must admit, your choice of armor is quite passionate."

King Sombra squinted at her in annoyance. "So... after all this time you've finally decided to come. I was wondering where you were hiding, as it seemed Celestia was the only one that rumors carried on the winds." He snarled, "Yet I am certain that was simply part of the stratagem, wasn't it?" He calmed himself, before rising from his throne and straightening himself with a smirk. "So where is she? Tending to my witless slaves?"

Princess Nightmare Moon began trotting around the throne room casually, taking in the decor. She paused before a crystal vase, inspecting it casually. "Ah, no no. Nothing of the sort. By the way..." She glanced over at him, "How did you manage to escape your banishment? Surely it was no mere lucky coincidence. You've spent many years attempting to recover your strength in the meantime it seems, waiting for the perfect oppurtunity to strike." She glanced the Crystal Heart up and down in an amused manner, "Yet you've made little progress."

King Sombra scoffed, smirking at her. "Ah, awfully reliant on ruses now, are we? Do you take me for a fool Luna? I know the two of you have felt the absence of harmony in the land. Your source of power has waned... and with it, any semblance of the prison you once held upon me." He lowered his head then in intrigue. "Which begs to question, what plan you two have concocted to possibly stop me. I'd hoped your desperation would buy me more time to convert the Crystal Heart." He tossed his gaze at it, before looking back to her. "But now I wonder if I ever even needed it." He snickered in curiosity, "You were always the weaker one of the two."

Princess Nightmare Moon was now overlooking another piece of decor as she commented absently. "No, I certainly felt the absence of harmony in the land. Though, that alone would not be enough to end your banishment." She lowered her head with a sigh, "Surely... there couldn't have been two coincidences. No?"

King Sombra squinted at her. What is she babbling on about? Actually... now that I think about it. Something is off, her presence feels... different? His expression distorted into one of an analytical nature. It has been a thousand years since I'd last seen her. Yet even so, I have no doubts she's grown stronger since then. But without the power of harmony, I am at an advantage. So why do I feel so uneasy? His nose wrinkled. Something is not right here.

Princess Nightmare Moon glanced up tiredly. "It seems I will need to replace a lot of the wears in here too." She shook her head in disappointment before suddenly lighting up with enthusiasm as she looked over at Sombra. "Oh, also! I'd been meaning to ask you Sombra. You are aware of the various schools of magics, yes? Light, darkness, chaos, order, love, hate, so on so forth? The magic you utilize has always had me curious. You are utilizing a subset of darkness... shadow, and of course hate to empower yourself, are you not? This would-"

King Sombra growled fiercely as he snapped, "Enough of this!" Suddenly his horn glowed bright as he'd channeled a portion of corrupted magic from the Crystal Heart, empowered by his own magic, and with lethal intent, ignited a massive blast of magic straight towards Princess Nightmare Moon. He cackled madly as a fierce look of satisfaction graced his features, "I will not let you buy time for your precious sister to arrive, Luna!"

The explosion blew up a large fraction of the castle, as even the subjects outside witnessed its destruction.

King Sombra's horn dimmed as he closed his eyes halfway with a smirk, reflecting on a memory. Within this memory, he witnessed Luna laying down before him, her horn covered in black crystals as she writhed with pain from his corrupted magic, capable of even harming an alicorn. Princess Celestia shielded her desperately, as she regarded Sombra with a look of deep animosity. As he came back to the present, Sombra snickered. Surely, she noticed I had corrupted a fraction of the Crystal Heart but would not presume how great a control I had over it. Without her precious harmony, Luna is surely more susceptible to it now than she was before. I simply must-.

Princess Nightmare Moon appeared unphased as she remained standing in place. "-Make us the same."

King Sombra's eyes snapped wide, as he leapt back in shock. What!? Deflection? Teleportation!? No-

Yet Princess Nightmare Moon casually poofed behind him. "Or at the very least, similar." She snatched him with a forehoof before spinning with her wings and launching him and herself into a wall, smashing it to pieces.

King Sombra had dissipated his form into shadow before impact, then reforming himself in the central hallway. How was she unaffected by my magic? Does she still have the protection of harmony with her? I must retr- then suddenly, ethereal chains sprang forth from the ground as they wrapped themselves around Sombra.

Princess Nightmare Moon casually trotted out into the central hallway. "Having difficulty getting free?"

King Sombra jerked within the confines of the chains, unable to dissipate into shadow. What... What is this magic? Shock and uncertainty overwhelmed him. He snarled fiercely, "What is this foul trickery Luna!?"

Princess Nightmare Moon casually trotted over to him, now looking down at him blankly. "All those years ago, I refused to explore any aspects of the magic of hatred. My love for my sister was bottomless, and your influence upon my mind and body were easily felt. The light of dreams, the love of my subjects, though capable of casting out the shadow, the stronger contrast it seems was on your side. You certainly were a talented unicorn, albeit your willingness to delve into any depths of depravity to strengthen yourself gave you an ideal advantage."

Suddenly, King Sombra's eyes snapped wide, now finally thinking back to Luna's various words.

I see you've not changed.

Surely it was no mere lucky coincidence?

Surely... there couldn't have been two coincidences. No?

This would make us the same.

Princess Nightmare Moon smiled at him warmly. "Seems you're finally understanding."

King Sombra looked down absently, wide eyed with realization. "Celestia... she was the one who was alone. She was alone, and harmony was deprived from the land. I could've attacked her at any time without preparation."

Princess Nightmare Moon chuckled, trotting casually around him. "Mhm, and your silly self also allowed a powerful orphan to escape. One with a direct contrast to your hatred, who Celestia was grooming to defeat you someday. Yet in your overthinking, you hesitated in committing to action and instead prepared yourself for a fight that would never come." She shook her head, "Tsk tsk tsk. Oh Sombra, I thought you were smarter."

King Sombra gritted his teeth in further realization. "Then you... you two-"

Princess Nightmare Moon glanced up, as if in fond remembrance. "Yes, we had a falling out and I lost."

King Sombra began to tremble, unable to speak as he remained confined to his chains.

Princess Nightmare Moon didn't fail to notice this. "Hm? What's wrong Sombra? You're trembling?"

King Sombra was lost in a sea of thoughts. Princess Celestia banished Luna... this would mean Princess Luna had a change of heart. She was the light of dreams and nurturing love when we last fought. Yet dreams, in their contrast would likely fall somewhere in the school of darkness. Yet to be able to withstand such potent magic of my doing without even needing to block, dodge, or counter in any way. While empowered by a fragment of the Crystal Heart? He slowly looked over at her, his trembling unable to cease. What... has she let herself become? King Sombra now saw a heart seeped in darkness, hatred, malice... and something more. A depraved existence, like himself.

Princess Nightmare Moon regarded him fondly, even blushing somewhat in satisfaction. "Oh, what a look you have upon you. It's perfect for what is to come. I much more prefer you this way, seeped in fear." Princess Nightmare Moon lowered herself, and in similarity to the two subjects from before, met his eyes with her own as she smiled. Her eyes were half closed, "Sombra, why do you think I decided to come here primarily?"

King Sombra's ability to stand crumbled, as he slowly began to scurry backwards.

Princess Nightmare Moon remained in her position as she continued to speak. "I've allowed myself to dwell on the same cursed thoughts you did for over a thousand years of banishment. In that time, I embraced the darkest most depraved beliefs my mind could muster, bolstered by the stored nightmares of my subjects. In attempting to understand myself, I allowed myself to be consumed by these emotions. The ripe hatred, the unimaginable horrors concocted by failed dreams, the impenetrable shadows and timeless loneliness."

King Sombra growled, beginning to writhe and desperately struggle to break free. "S-Slaves! Help me!"

Princess Nightmare Moon glanced down at her own forehoof momentarily. "Yet despite embracing these aspects of myself, I cannot erase Celestia completely. As much as I hate to admit it. I am... still weak."

King Sombra's eyes grew just as desperate as he could barely make distance. "Slaves! Anypony!"

Princess Nightmare Moon rose, beginning to make her way over to him. "Something I learned is that in the pursuit of power, nothing quite raises the bar in feeding upon those ripe with the same energy. Yet with ones as depraved as ourselves, we must make do with meager subjects or petty criminals. Yet, how often does one come across a near mirror image of themselves in such a powerful form? Though you're merely a unicorn, you're one seeped in thousands of years' worth of bitterness, shadowy hatred, and malice. A meal whose flesh will surely bolster my own understanding of myself and secure my rule for generations to come. Even if Celestia were to return, how could she ever dream of defeating me? Your flesh is palatable. Easily convertible."

King Sombra's demeanor slowly dissipated into that of a mere frightened slave himself. "Please."

Princess Nightmare Moon smiled fondly at him again. Her voice heavy with anticipation. "Do not sell yourself short now Sombra. If I were my former self, you certainly would've done some damage. However, it is just your misfortune to have been faced with your mirrored better. In such a scenario, the one with the stronger adaptation and magical output will surely succeed. But do not fret, you will become a part of me. Though your lack of consciousness may seem frightening, everything that you are will serve a better purpose. Your very existence will create the most prosperous rule Equestria has ever seen. So, let's celebrate together."

The hallway began to darken exponentially, as shadows covered every fascet of light that was offered. Soon globs of a blackened substance began to pour from the ceiling, as Princess Nightmare Moon's very being seemed to become wrapped in the pitch darkness itself. However, the whites of her seemingly sharpened teeth glistened in the darkness, as she slowly opened her muzzle wide, and let out a heavy, hungry, exhale.

King Sombra continued to writhe again, looking upon Nightmare Moon as if she were a monster entirely. As he opened his muzzle, his once deep and powerful voice had been reduced to something unrecognizable, a meager king. "Help." Yet this quiet plea, was suddenly engulfed by a desperate yelp as Nightmare Moon pounced upon him. Now, the only sounds which echoed in these halls were those of predator and prey. The remnants of the sadistic tyrant's essence, seemingly, forever replaced... lost in her sea of hungering black.

The crystal pony citizens all continued to work tirelessly as they hacked at the black crystals with miserable expressions. However, almost as if it were a dream too good to be true, a compounding series of positive fortunes rained down upon them. They all froze as their collars imbued with their king's magic, had suddenly snapped and fell off simultaneously. Furthermore, the black crystals which exuded all over their once beautiful kingdom, slowly melted away. They all looked around in fascination and confusion, before turning their eyes towards the sky and the barrier which surrounded them. The cancerous pulsations ceased, before a blinding crystal radiance instead reinforced the barrier. The very sky above had cleared for them, unveiling the sun.

Princess Nightmare Moon exited from the grand front doors, as she'd heard the echoed gasps of the citizens in the common areas. She turned her gaze upward as well, only with a tired and bored expression. Well... this is a conundrum. The Crystal Heart was purified by my actions and now I've created a tool capable of causing me significant harm. She paused, pondering the possibilities. Perhaps I shall resume Sombra's work of corruption?

Suddenly cheers rang out as ponies from down the steps all sung praises of Princess Nightmare Moon.

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes widened, as she looked down at them all with wide and curious eyes. Despite all that she told Sombra, there was a feeling of twisted pleasure in seeing his slaves now willingly become her own. Her blank expression turned into one of bliss, as she smiled at them and raised a hoof. Her Canterlot voice boomed across the now free Crystal Empire. "Look upon your savior slaves and rejoice! For now... are you the subjects of a just and capable ruler!" A pleased chuckle escaped her, before she blinked, failing to realize a trail of black substance was still upon her lips. She licked it clean, before proceeding to wave at her newfound subjects. Ah... no, perhaps I will plant my seeds elsewhere. There are better ways to handle the Crystal Heart.

Meanwhile, in the distant Canterlot, Princess Cadence looked upon a clear sky from a balcony.

Then suddenly making her way beside her with a kiss on the cheek, was Captain Shining Armor.

Princess Cadence smiled at him, before glancing back again, still ripe with concern.

A filly Twilight Sparkle slept soundly upon a couch within that same room, a book hugged to her chest.