• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,655 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Warning Signs

"You're her right? The mare who told off Princess Nightmare Moon?" The stallion with his two friends continued to eye Twilight with both excitement and anticipation, never taking his eyes off her. "Come on, don't deny it!"

There was a silence that carried across the entire MACdonalds, with curious eyes observing from all over.

A gold-maned orange mare in a thick brown coat with a muzzle mask and sunglasses also observed... silently.

Twinkleshine continued to tremble, as she looked nervously to the stallion. "Hey, you've definitely got the wrong mare." She looked back over at Twilight, smiling. "Twilight's an angel, she'd never do something like that. Blunt, sure. But even she knows not to do something so crazy." She began sipping her pop, still trembling.

Twilight was still focused on the stallion, "Oh um, yeah I did tell her I needed time to think."

Twinkleshine spat her pop across the table, going into a hacking cough.

The stallion cheered in excitement, "I knew it! Yeah, I heard about that too! You also teleported away right after right? Just waltzed right by her and disappeared! Toooootal legend!" He began laughing hysterically.

Twilight nodded, "That was due to my magical condition. Did she want to talk to me more?"

Both Starlight and Sunburst were at a loss for words as they also looked to Twilight, awestruck.

Twinkleshine continued to tremble, pop drizzling down her muzzle as she eyed the surface of their table.

The stallion had to catch his breath before exclaiming, "You're amazing. You're seriously unphased by this!"

Twilight raised a brow at the stallion, "Uh, thank you? I didn't mean to teleport though." Twilight frowned a bit and looked down at the surface of the table too. "I really just wanted time to myself, and she seemed caught in the middle of something too. I'm sure she wanted to get back to whatever she was doing as well."

Twinkleshine was panicked, as she addressed Twilight both pleadingly, and in confusion. "T-Twilight! Why're you acting so nonchalant about this!? I mean, you kind of always are but... really? Seriously!? Please!"

Twilight blinked a few times at Twinkleshine, confused. "I don't really see what I did wrong, Twinkleshine."

The stallion eased off and waved at Twilight. "Well, we just wanted to confirm! Thanks for doing so! It was nice meeting you... uh, Twilight!" He trotted off before glancing back, "Oh also, nice knowing you too."

Twilight's nose wrinkled at the stallion in further confusion as she looked even more puzzled.

Twinkleshine frantically crawled over Starlight, before reaching over and grabbing Twilight by her hoodie collar, and dragging her from her seat and out of the booth. "With me! Now! Now now now! We're leaving!"

They'd all no doubt caused a scene, as everypony in the MACdonalds watched Twilight and Twinkleshine leave. Hushed concerned mutters echoed around them, as both Starlight and Sunburst remained seated.

Starlight called out to them questioningly. "Uh... so, will we see you two at the party still?"

Twinkleshine never stopped dragging Twilight, who was lead along willingly. They remained in the mall, turning into a narrow corridor and then going into a restroom further down. Once inside, Twinkleshine dragged Twilight in front of her and shoved her against the edge of the counter. "Why didn't you say anything!?"

Twilight's brows furrowed as she appeared visibly flustered. "I said I got into some trouble, Twinkleshine."

Twinkleshine snapped, "And you didn't think mentioning it was with the Princess was important!?"

Twilight shrugged and frowned, "Not really. I mean, she probably doesn't even remember me."

Twinkleshine turned around, facepalming with a sigh. "Twilight.... you still should've told us! Ugh!" She eased up a bit, trying to calm herself down. "S-So what exactly happened? How did your encounter with her go?"

Twilight began making simplistic hoof gestures, "I was trotting, we bumped into each other." She tapped her hooves together twice, "Boop boop. Then um, I helped her up." She glanced up, "Afterwards I attempted to trot away, and she dragged me back." Twilight looked down inquisitively, "I believe she desired to tell me something." She shrugged, "Then I told her I was busy and trotted off, before accidentally teleporting."

Twinkleshine rolled her eyes and groaned, before facing Twilight again. "Twilight! You've got to show respect to the Princess if she's trying to get your attention! You know this. You couldn't have entertained her!?"

Twilight looked blankly at Twinkleshine. "Um, she didn't ask. I'm also not a clown, so I think I'd do a bad job."

Twinkleshine glared at Twilight, "Oh no, you're a clown alright. You just don't realize it Twilight."

Twilight blinked a few times, before raising a brow. She glanced back at her blank flank, "Nope, still blank."

Twinkleshine sighed and grabbed a paper towel, before scrunching it up into a ball and placing it atop the counter. "You see this Twilight? This is the Princess." She grabbed another and repeated the process, instead tossing it onto the marbel floor. "You see that one right there Twilight?" She paused, "Guess who that is."

Twilight's brows both rose as she looked down at the crumpled paper towel. "Us?"

Twinkleshine uttered. "No. That's the Princess' friends. Us? We're the dirt beneath this mall. That's how insignificant we are in the Princess' world. We don't want to get involved with ponies like that! Ever!"

Twilight appeared enlightened before smiling at Twinkleshine. "So it's a good thing I left right?"

Twinkleshine planted a firm hoof on Twilight's chest, "No! Wrong! Bad!" She groaned and turned around in irritation. "Twilight, I know social structure isn't really your thing but... if you ever want to connect with ponies, you need to make it your thing." She glanced back at the mare in worry, "You're probably right. Princess Nightmare Moon likely doesn't give a hoot at this point about what you did since we're just some nopony mares in Canterlot. But take that as a blessing Twilight! Don't take it for granted!" She went and peered into Twilight's eyes. "Those who are close to the Princess... you know what type of things are said about them?"

Twilight blinked, burrowing her chin into her chest and sinking due to how close Twinkleshine got. "No?"

Twinkleshine's eyes grew wider. "That they're her demonic lieutenants, and she's a devil! The Princess has a cruel side, so cruel that most ponies don't even dare speak about the details of what she's done! They control all aspects of Equestrian society! Their reach is far and wide into every city! Do you want to mess with that!?"

Twilight glanced to her lower right questioningly. "Um, t-that doesn't sound very appealing."

Twinkleshine pressed her hoof against Twilight's muzzle. "Yes! That's right!" Twinkleshine huffed and backed off from Twilight, "If anypony asks you to confirm those rumors, say you don't want to talk about it. Deny everything! Thankfully it's small scale so we'll brush it aside and you'll be back to being your ordinary self in no time." She pat Twilight off, "Remember what I said Twilight. Devils and demons, we want nothing to do with that craziness." She grabbed Twilight's cheeks, "Now tell me you understand. Say it clear so I can hear."

Twilight tried to speak through squished cheeks. "We shzont ashociate wiff devils and demonz."

Twinkleshine let her cheeks go. "Good!" She smiled and closed her eyes, satisfied. "Good..." She exhaled, feeling more at ease before eyeing Twilight more calmly. "I'm satisfied Twi. Now, let's go get you that dress."

Twilight rubbed her cheeks, "O-Okay. Um, I'm going to wash my face real quick though?"

Twinkleshine nodded. "Okay fine, but don't take too long. Meet me out by the benches down the hall, let's avoid going back into MACdonalds for the time being." Twinkleshine frowned, "Gotta avoid those rumors."

Twilight closed her eyes and smiled a bit nervously at Twinkleshine, saying nothing.

Twinkleshine closed her eyes and smiled back, also silent, before finally departing the bathroom.

As Twinkleshine departed, Twilight finally took a breather as she turned to the bathroom mirrors and removed her glasses. She frowned, going deep into thought. Twinkleshine is right... I was a bit too complacent with the Princess. But, I don't really think she'd care much about a mare like me, still... a little too close for comfort I guess. Twilight smiled at herself in the mirror, more hopefully. It's no biggy, I'm used to bad rumors anyway.

She flashed back to a memory of her eating alone in a preschool cafeteria. Twilight didn't seem bothered, perhaps entirely used to the treatment. She munched on her potato salad, only keeping her half-closed eyes on her food as if it were the only thing of interest to her. Many of the other fillies and colts eyed her with weariness and uncertainty, and some with outright disgust and anger. But Twilight kept to herself at her table.

For a moment as Twilight reflected, she seemed lost in a daze. She slapped her cheeks gently twice, before exhaling and standing tall. Chin up Twilight, I'll make my friends happy tonight and then return to my plain ordinary studies. I'll graduate simply and live a quiet life somewhere far away, and help spread a hopeful message for ponies. She turned on the sink, looking down at the running water, smiling to herself all the while. Just be patient.

In the background as Twilight washed her face, slowly the cover of a ventilator shaft silently popped off over one of the stalls. Crawling out slowly was the gold maned orange mare in a facemask and sunglasses. She was as silent as a ninja, not making a sound and delicately dropping down into the stalls before popping back on the ventilator shaft cover. Twilight continued to wash her face, completely unaware of her surroundings.

Then... the toilet flushed.

Twilight's eyes went wide as she hurriedly washed her face and shut off the sink, obviously surprised.

Coming out of the stall was that same mare, as she stretched. "Wooey! Now shucks, that was a big one." With no hesitation or care for personal space, she strode right next to Twilight. "Sorry ya had ta sit through all that."

Twilight glanced over at her, a bit embarrassed and slightly flushed. "Oh uh, it's okay. I didn't know you were in there, to be honest." Twilight took peeks at the mare. She's... really pretty. Twilight noticed her mane was perfectly cut short and was silky smooth, a shining golden blonde. Her coat was brushed and spotless in all areas, not to mention she wore an expensive coat. Her eyes were bright and clear, with no spots of red or bags or wrinkles. They were a beautiful emerald shade, which also stood out to her. Maybe she's some sort of model?

The mare pulled off her facemask and smirked at Twilight. "Name's Applejack. A pleasure to meet you."

Twilight flinched as she'd caught eye contact with Applejack, then looking away swiftly. "A-Ah... hello."

Applejack continued to smirk at her, before closing her eyes slightly in a sly manner. "Twilight Sparkle was it? Ya know, I heard you were the one who was blunt with the Princess, that's pretty rare to hear these days." She raised a brow at Twilight, "If there's something I appreciate, it's an unapologetically honest mare."

Twilight seemed pretty nervous, as she glanced over hesitantly at Applejack. "M-Mhm." She looked back down at the sink. She knows my name and situation. W-Was she listening to Twinkleshine and I that whole time?

Applejack pulled out some makeup and eyeliner from her coat, beginning to touch herself up in the mirror. "In my line of work, ya gotta be honest with ponies. That means not everypony is gonna like you, but it is what it is. I mean I've had to let ponies go for the good of the company. But somehow I'm the villain? Teh, funny right?"

Twilight frowned as she looked down with sad eyes. "Actually... that sounds pretty sad. No offense."

Applejack patted her cheeks and glanced over at Twilight absently, with keen interest. She smirked and then smiled at herself in the mirror. "So how'd ya end up getting involved with the Princess, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight continued with that same expression. "Um, it was nothing special. I accidentally bumped into her and moved on quickly afterward. But I guess I should've maybe explained myself better." She sighed.

Applejack continued, still smiling softly. "Ya know, when I was a filly, the Princess came and found me." Applejack began packing up her makeup and soon checking over herself in the mirror more closely. "Sometimes I like ta think a lot about my life would be different if she hadn't." She looked down in silence for but a moment, as her eyes saddened. "Maybe I should've been a bit more honest with myself back then?"

Twilight looked over at Applejack then, somewhat curious. "The Princess came and found you?"

Applejack immediately brightened up, as she took in a deep breath. "Wooey! Now then, Twilight." She turned to face the mare, "Please write down yer address and contact info here." She pulled out a notecard, sliding it atop the restroom countertop towards Twilight, "I'd like ta talk with you some more later. If you don't mind."

Twilight flinched as she saw the card then rubbed the back of her neck. "That's pretty sudden."

Applejack closed her eyes, chuckling. "It is right? Shucks! Well, I like ta get straight to the point." She tilted her head slightly, "I like you, and I'd like ta talk more with you when ya have the time. But I'm very busy haha."

Twilight began to sweat, as she looked nervously down at the card, filled with hesitation. She likes me? But we just met. Twilight flashed back again to eating alone so many years ago, as well as to the discussion she had with her professor. I mean, I guess it's not too strange. Plausible. She frowned, smiling a bit up at Applejack. "I, I guess it wouldn't hurt haha." She did an awkward smirk, blinking a few times. "But there's no pen to use."

Applejack absently pulled a pen from her makeup kit, "Here ya go Twilight. Hurry hurry, I gotta get goin."

Twilight began writing down her info in a rushed manner, before finishing. "Um, there you go."

Applejack snatched it up and threw on her facemask. "Alrighty, thank ya Twilight!" She hugged the mare, before retracting herself and winking at her. "Let's grab some coffee one of these days. My treat, alright?"

Twilight nodded at her blankly, "Alright." She blinked a few times, still stuck in Applejack's hold.

Applejack closed her eyes, speaking behind her facemask. "Good." She ruffled Twilight's mane, before making her way out the door in a rushed manner. "One step, two-step, three-step, gitty on up." Then she was gone.

Twilight finished washing her face before putting back on her glasses. So she's met the Princess too.

Twinkleshine sat upon a wooden bench still located on the third floor, near the railing. She was leaned over, reading a magazine that was provided from a nearby bin. As she heard somepony casually trotting down the same hall as her and Twilight, she sighed. "Twilight, I know I've been hard on you but I'm starting to think you're taking long doing everything on purpose." She glanced up in a bored manner. "Now let's hurry and go-"

However standing in front of her was still a masked Applejack. "Greetings Darling."

Twinkleshine cocked a brow, "Eh?" She showed little interest. "Who're you? Mind buzzing off?"

Applejack closed her eyes and smiled beneath her mask, before pulling it down for her to see.

Twinkleshine gasped, and nearly shrieked. "You're-"

Applejack covered Twinkleshine's muzzle with a hoof. "Shhhhh, now let's not cause a scene my dear."

Twinkleshine glanced down at Applejack's hoof covering her muzzle before sliding it down and speaking in a hushed manner. "M-Madam Applejack. CEO of MACdonalds and the Manehattan Broadway Model."

Applejack covered her muzzle again with her facemask, before addressing Twinkleshine again. Her voice was honey smooth, and her country accent had practically dissipated completely. "I'm flattered my dear; but I'm not so special. Do forgive me for my intrusion, but I desired to inquire about something I'd overheard earlier."

Twinkleshine blushed deeply, as she glanced to her lower right. "A-Anything Ma'am."

Applejack continued. "You and your friend will be heading to the Masquerade tonight, yes?"

Twinkleshine looked back up at her, a bit surprised she knew but not questioning it. "Ah, yes. Yes we will be."

Applejack closed her eyes and chuckled. "Would you mind doing me a small favor then?"

After another minute or so, Twilight came out of the restroom. She adjusted her glasses again as she peered down the corridor, and saw Twinkleshine sitting by herself reading a magazine. She strolled on over to her.

Twinkleshine remained seated, yawning as she read her magazine and then glancing up to see Twilight. "Oh Twilight! There you are! It's about time!" She got up and wrapped a hoof around her, "Now let's go."

Meanwhile sitting ways away was Applejack with her facemask and sunglasses as she watched the two depart. She slowly got up and then began trotting in an entirely different direction, going about her business.

Twilight and Twinkleshine eventually arrived at the clothing store, as Twilight glanced up to read the name.

Gems of Equestria

Twinkleshine appeared extremely excited.

Twilight cocked a brow and glanced over at Twinkleshine. "Aren't we shopping for dresses?"

Twinkleshine frowned at Twilight in annoyance. "This has a LOT of items Twilight."

Twilight blinked a few times back at the name, "Oh I'm sorry Twinkleshine. I thought it was just gems."

Twinkleshine huffed, trotting towards the store. "It's metaphorical Twilight. I actually read an article about Lady Rarity's name choice, and we're the gems and she is meant to help us shine with her fashion design."

Twilight's eyes widened as they trotted into the store. "Oh wow, that's a very caring sentiment."

As they made it inside, Twinkleshine smiled in anticipation, before pointing to the far end of the store. "There, the northeastern end is where we'll find some of the more generously priced dresses. The best thing about this brand is Lady Rarity utilizes materials that may be cheaper, but still makes for wonderful fashion sense."

Twilight glanced over at Twinkleshine, earnestly impressed. "She sounds amazing."

Twinkleshine fawned in adoration as she glanced around the store. "She really is. Even better, she's working as the Princess' direct assistant now, even helps coordinate her public appearances sometimes."

Twilight continued to trot as she looked ahead. I'm guessing that didn't happen last night.

"Oh wow! There you guys are!" Starlight called out to the two from further in the store.

Twinkleshine gasped in excitement, "Starlight! Sup girl!" She smirked, "Twice in a day? This is crazy."

Starlight snickered and pointed a hoof at them. "Third times the charm for Twilight. So uh," she seemed hesitant at first, "How'd the errrr, discussion go? You guys clear things up about the Princess?"

Twilight was silent, as she glanced to the lower right in an embarrassed manner.

Twinkleshine sighed and wrapped a hoof around Twilight, glancing around and thankfully confirming there were no prying eyes. "Yeah yeah, thankfully it hasn't spread like wildfire... yet." She gave Twilight a slight glare, whereas Twilight avoided eye contact with her. She proceeded to acknowledge Starlight. "Hopefully the whole thing will blow over soon. Besides, the Princess probably has much bigger things to worry about."

Starlight snickered, "Girl, it's Twilight, she's harmless. I mean her condition can be an issue sure, but other than that she's not special enough to warrant the Princess' attention. Twilight's always been a loner."

Twinkleshine sighed and looked at Twilight sympathetically. "Yeah yeah, she has. Still, she's a knucklehead."

Twilight was silent this whole encounter, keeping her head lowered in a tired and guilty manner.

Twinkleshine noticed this, then deciding to switch the topic. "So um... where's Sunburst? He around?"

Starlight rolled her eyes, giving Twinkleshine a hoof shoo. "Oh yeah, he's probably having trouble finding a good tie to match his suit. I'm about to go figure out what he's doing. What about you two? Dress shopping?"

Twinkleshine nodded, "Yeah. Twilight doesn't own any fancy dresses so we're getting her one." Twinkleshine looked down at herself, "Maybe I'll get a new one too. After all, this party is supposed to be a pretty big deal."

Starlight nodded, "Well I'll let you two get back to it then." She looked at Twilight with anticipation. "Oh, it's gonna be so fun seeing Twilight at a Masquerade. Haha, maybe she'll even find herself a special somepony."

Twinkleshine chuckled, giving Starlight a playful nudge. "Hey hey, I'll be the judge of that."

Starlight laughed, before proceeding past the two. "Haha alright alright, well I'll catch you girls later."

Twinkleshine waved back at Starlight, "See you later Starlight. Goodluck with Sunburst!"

Twilight remained quiet, as her head was lowered. Sometimes... I feel like I'm always standing still.

Twilight reflected on memories of being a filly and seeing her peers all acquire their cutie marks. Their celebrations in class were vibrant, whereas she sat, silently waiting. She reflected on memories of her classmates, and even closest friends, experience love for the first time. Moondancer being confessed to, Twinkleshine dating multiple ponies, and Minuette's breakups. She reflected on meeting Princess Nightmare Moon, and how just her bumping into her was seen as such a big deal. Then she thought about that gorgeous mare she'd just met in the bathroom. Twilight's eyes couldn't help but sadden, as she continued to wonder.

She trotted with Twinkleshine to acquire a dress. Sometimes I feel like... time just stopped for me.

Princess Nightmare Moon was still fast asleep, deep within her own dreamscape.

Within that dreamscape, she sat upon a throne within a vast white space, one hoof against her cheek. She appeared visibly irritated, filled with a quiet rage. She snarled as her nose wrinkled, "Why... why you?"

Standing not far from her standing alone was Twilight Sparkle, only looking at her tiredly. "Why me?"

Princess Nightmare Moon roared, blasting Twilight's image with a monstrous beam of magic.

Twilight remained standing there, as she overlooked herself. "Still here I guess."

Princess Nightmare Moon sighed, groaning and whining as she leaned her head back. "I just don't get it!"

"Then how about me instead?" Inquired the familiar voice of Princess Celestia.

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes widened upon her throne, as she rolled her eyes. "UUUUGH, will my subconscious not give me ANY peace this sleep?" She turned her throne around with telekinetic magic.

There stood Princess Celestia, smirking at her sister upon the throne. "Luna."

Princess Nightmare Moon glared at her. "Nightmare Moon to you."

Princess Celestia chuckled, "Well seeing as I'm not actually here and you're the one ultimately controlling my every movement and dialogue, I'd say there's still a piece of the sister I know in there." She tilted her head to the right, "But let's discuss what I'm really here for. Sweet sister, all you need be is honest with me."

Princess Nightmare Moon still showed irritation, for she knew that Celestia being here only meant one thing.

Princess Celestia continued. "You're wondering what I would've done in this situation. Correct?"

Princess Nightmare Moon refused to acknowledge whether she was right or wrong; only glaring at her.

Princess Celestia chuckled again. "Luna, being Princess of Equestria will ask much of you. You cannot simply bulldoze your way through every problem. Especially when that problem involves your own innate feelings. No solution is perfect, and all choices come with a consequence, as you are very well aware in my case."

Princess Nightmare Moon scoffed, looking away for a split second. "Tch!"

Princess Celestia continued. "Your powers are great Luna, but there are still even greater powers to be found. Perhaps if your usual methodology doesn't work in addressing a current problem, then it's time to start brainstorming new solutions." She smiled warmly, "I'm sure with enough effort, you can do it, dear Sister."

Princess Nightmare Moon's nose wrinkled as she turned red with frustration and embarrassment. She snapped at Princess Celestia, "Of course I can do it! You think I can't!?" She rose from her throne, snarling at her sister. "I defeated you! I built an Equestria just as worthy of your praise! I defeated our enemies and gave them no quarter! I've found a perfect balance between the night and day! I've established a fair and just world to rule!"

Princess Celestia sighed, "But you're not invincible little Sister. There are cracks in your armor."

Princess Nightmare Moon flinched, as she showed a hint of worry in Celestia's words.

Princess Celestia finished, before fading away. "Proceed forward with caution. There is a reason for everything."

Princess Nightmare Moon looked down, filled with foreign uncertainty. She gritted her teeth as her body trembled with annoyance before she'd glanced back again at Twilight Sparkle. Why do I feel this way?

Twilight Sparkle smiled back at her, closing her eyes. "Hello, my dear Princess."

Princess Nightmare Moon's expression sunk more into shame. Why does my mind force you to speak such lies? To wear a mask you did not wear when we first met? Why is one so insignificant, still here? I do not... understand.

Proceed with caution. There is a reason for everything. Those words haunted her still.

Author's Note:

Sorry I was running behind, readers. :fluttershysad: Busy week!