• Published 15th Apr 2020
  • 6,636 Views, 287 Comments

The Devil's Prize - MerryMelancholy

Princess Nightmare Moon has it all. Socially awkward shut in Twilight Sparkle has nothing of worth. Princess Nightmare Moon can acquire anything she desires. Twilight Sparkle can't seem to catch a break. So why's the Princess desire Twilight Sparkle?

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Chapter 15: A Good Princess - Part 2

You're a good Princess. Shining Armor's words echoed in her mind.

Three years had passed since Auntie Nightmare Moon arrived. Princess Cadence was adorned in royal yet professional attire. Her gown was of a bright pink variation with gold and white trims and intricate designs, whereas she also wore a golden tiara atop her head. She sat quietly in a royal cubby all to herself, as she peered out a window across the vast expanses of Equestria. Looming about the sky were floating beating crystals, which seemed to power a variety of distant settlements. Based on how her perspective of the landscape gradually shifted right, one might assume they were on a moving train. However, closer inspection would reveal a metallic tram, gliding in a linear manner across a stream of pure raw magic in the sky.

An earth pony maid made her way through metallic double doors into the cubby, soon approaching Princess Cadence's seat. "Princess, a drink?" She held with one hoof a golden platter, and upon it a wine glass filled with a green transparent substance. "To pass the time? It'll still be quite a few minutes until we reach Canterlot."

Princess Cadence glanced over at the glass with a blank expression. She squinted at it, before frowning deeply and looking down and raising a hoof in refusal. "A-Ah, I'm quite alright. Thank you for the offer though."

The pony maid bowed her head with a gracious smile. "Of course, Princess."

Suddenly making her way into the private cubby through those same automatic doors was none other than Princess Nightmare Moon. She too wore a gown, but of opposite contrast. Pure black with blue and white trim. Using telekinetic magic, she sipped from her own glass of the green substance, relishing in the taste. "Ah, to think these... changeling creatures, would produce such a sour yet delectable substance. Delicious."

Princess Cadence gritted her teeth then, before resting a hoof against her cheek and appearing furious as she peered out the window. She did her best to ignore her Auntie's presence, almost curling in her seat some.

Princess Nightmare Moon sat across from her then, looking out that same window. "To think you and I could make such progress in such a short amount of time. Your skills in diplomacy are not to be scoffed at Niece."

Princess Cadence still appeared furious, as she muttered. "There is value in such things."

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes widened at her in slight confusion, feeling the obvious animosity, before she grinned in a playful manner and rotated her wine glass casually. "Aaaaw, are you upset because of this?"

Princess Cadence glared at her then, "Stop it."

Princess Nightmare Moon leaned the glass towards her. "Come come, just a sip. A little taste!"

Princess Cadence snapped, smacking it away as it smashed against the ceiling. "I SAID STOP!"

The pony maid gasped, before gulping and quietly scurrying away, and out the cubby.

Princess Nightmare Moon was unphased, as she continued to smile in utter amusement at Cadence's behavior. She reached over and placed a hoof beneath her chin, "So cute when you're angry sometimes." She chuckled, before leaning back in her seat and crossing her rear hooves. "It's not as if I aim to make them some commodity. It is a delicacy, only for the rare few to enjoy. We deserve such things, and besides, it makes those creatures good for something." She looked out the window, "I find such a punishment for them fitting."

Princess Cadence remained seated, exhaling. "Auntie Nightmare Moon!... We're not savages, we have etiquette and courtesy. Auntie Celestia would never-" she paused, catching herself. "We need to be better."

Princess Nightmare Moon's gaze was momentarily one of pure anger, before it dissipated simply into disinterest. "Have you not given up on attempting to convince me to bring her back? Ask me in 2000 years."

Princess Cadence glanced down tiredly, now turning to face her body towards her more directly as she sighed. She placed her forehooves upon her lap in a tired manner. "I do not wish to fight about this again. It's obvious your grievances with Auntie Celestia run far too deep to convince you otherwise... right now at least." She gave her then a stern stare, before looking down again in an almost melancholic manner. "However, I know there's good in you Auntie Nightmare Moon. Though this is not the world I imagined, I see you're trying. I see that you've come to accept my input. Though you refuse to admit it, I've seen the hint of love you've banished deep in the back of your soul." She paused, "However, I cannot be the one to bring it out. Love is... complicated."

Princess Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes with a groan, "Ugh, I'd hoped to relax, not be lectured."

Princess Cadence continued absently, "Someday, somepony, will show you truly what love can be."

Princess Nightmare Moon glared at her in silence for a moment, then looking back out the window at the mountains in the vast distance. "Do you think me a child, Cadence? I know the magic you possess and its capabilities. Do not think yourself special simply because you took a peek at my soul. If you'd dug any deeper, you'd understand I have felt love in my vast and immeasurable life. All forms of love there is." Her gaze became empty then as she seemed lost in memories, "Only when you've lived as long as I have, will you understand why I've trained my soul to resist such influence. Love is powerful, yes. So powerful it can be argued to be magic's greatest form. Which is no doubt why Celestia sought you out... I too see your potential in this regard."

Princess Cadence looked to Princess Nightmare Moon in both sadness but deep concern, remaining silent.

Princess Nightmare Moon continued, "But don't get it twisted. Love is only a part of the equation, a fraction into the mirror of the soul." She glanced over at Cadence with a subtle smirk, "Even the purest form of love can be counteracted. One could argue that it's even inevitable. Even as an alicorn you could only peek a fraction of my lengthy existence, a mere remnant, perhaps forgotten. In the vast expanse of emptiness there is a feeling even more powerful than love, a place where all love dies. That is where my soul resides, a place of true freedom."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened at her before she looked down, saddened still. "It sounds... lonely."

Princess Nightmare Moon chuckled, raising a hoof in amusement. "Loneliness is a mere echo of what I speak, however, you're on the right track. Yet for one as young and naive as you, I'm certain you will never understand, especially considering love is your embodiment of magic." She closed her eyes with a shrug, "Alas, it is not your job to. Nightmares tend to delve into the sea of the unexplained. It is only natural one would discover a way to counteract love in time, if not outright develop a resistance to it. It is simply logical."

Princess Cadence countered her curiously. "Yet even in nightmares, love can embody fear, no?"

Princess Nightmare Moon paused, raising a brow at her. "Hm? Well... it is possible, albeit rare."

Princess Cadence glanced down again, in thought. "Love is not linear Auntie Nightmare Moon, it is part of that very sea itself. Diverse, vast, interchangeable... unexplainable. Even in your near timeless existence, has it never crossed your mind that love could simply be adapting?" She paused, looking deeply at her then. "Biding its time, and searching for a way to even reach the depths you've sank your soul into? Wherever that may be."

Princess Nightmare Moon looked at her in surprise, then became quite serious. "It is not impossible. However, I may have misled you. Love is familiar with a... former self of mine. As I am now? I may as well be a foreign entity." She paused with an amused smirk, as if in deep thought. "Perhaps another soul entirely."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened in surprise then too, as she didn't expect such a response.

However, Princess Nightmare Moon looked back out the window. "But it is the equivalent of stacking miracles. Such love, for it to reach me, I couldn't even fathom what form it would take. An anomaly of anomalies."

Princess Cadence blinked a few times, before glancing down. "Auntie Celestia used that phrase too."

Princess Nightmare Moon looked to Cadence then in subtle curiosity.

Princess Cadence continued, "When she described your sudden release from banishment." A smile graced her then, almost in quiet yet melancholic reflection. "Yet even then, she didn't seem disappointed. Strange."

Princess Nightmare Moon suddenly appeared grumpy again as she peered out the window. The tram they were upon slowly pulled into the station as it came to a stop. Celestia was... happy I escaped early? Nonsense.

Princess Cadence rose from her seat, nodding with a smile. "Well, I'm off Auntie."

Princess Nightmare Moon caught this expression. "What has you so cheeky all of a sudden?"

Princess Cadence glanced to her lower left, blushing somewhat. "Nothing in particular."

Princess Nightmare Moon cocked a brow, before glancing to her right and seeing out the opposing window, none other than Guard Captain Shining Armor, of course accompanied by a platoon of other guards. They were awaiting the Princess' arrival, and to this Princess Nightmare Moon first scoffed then stuck out her tongue with a flick of her forehoof in an almost exaggerated and mocking manner. "Ugh, repulsive! Bleeeeeegh!"

Princess Cadence chuckled some, somehow feeling nothing could get her down now, not even her Auntie. "See Auntie, this is the power of love. Not even your teasing can upset me." She then addressed her more seriously, "Will you be heading north again? Are you certain you do not need my aid for the evil that lurks there?"

Princess Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. "That evil is merely an upstart. I have my own plans for that one, ones that need not involve you." She licked her lips as she glanced out the window in quiet anticipation. "Surely it will be a test of how digestible a treat he has become, his essence should mesh nicely with my own."

A chill ran down Princess Cadence's spine as she turned to trot away from Auntie Nightmare Moon then.

Princess Nightmare Moon called out to her one last time then, "Oh, and Niece. Another thing."

Princess Cadence paused as she glanced back at her. "Hm?"

Princess Nightmare Moon snickered. "Try not to extend the family line while I'm away, yes?"

Princess Cadence flushed red as she groaned and rolled her eyes, stomping out the tram then. "Ugh!"

Princess Nightmare Moon smirked in amusement before glancing back out the window in silence.

As the tram began to depart before speeding off into the distance, Cadence took one last look at it in slight concern. Did her Auntie Nightmare Moon truly plan to liberate the north of its evil? If so... the manner in which she would do so only left her curious. However she shook her head and simply exhaled, there'd be time to worry about that later. No, for now... she was going to enjoy herself. She looked ahead with a bright smile.

Shining Armor approached her, before kneeling and kissing her forehoof. "Princess, it's good to see you."

Princess Cadence was blushing deeply, smiling down at him. "It has been too long, Captain."

Shining Armor blushed before rising and looking down at her in amusement. "Only a few months."

Princess Cadence giggled, before gasping at something in the distance. "Is that who I think it is!?"

Sitting on a nearby bench alone, with a backpack while reading her book, was a filly Twilight Sparkle.

Shining Armor rubbed at the back of his neck. "Haha, I had to drag her along for work. Parents got caught up."

Princess Cadence strode on over, before kneeling down with a gentle smile. "Twiliiiight... hey, Twiiiiilight."

Twilight's eyes were purely focused on her book, almost as if she were in some sort of trance.

Princess Cadence grinned with amusement and a chuckle. "She's so cute when she's in the zone."

Shining Armor sighed and made his way over to Twilight too, before placing a hoof atop her head. "Twiley."

Twilight's eyes snapped wide, before she blinked a few times and looked ahead. "H-Huh?" As she came to and realized Cadence's presence, she gasped before leaping from the bench and hugging her. "Hi Cadence!"

Princess Cadence gasped lightly before snickering and wrapping her forehooves around her. "Hello Twilight."

Twilight snuggled her cheek into Cadence's neck, eyes closed while smiling. "I've missed you."

Princess Cadence smiled warmly, holding her more tightly. "I've missed you too." She closed her eyes.

Minutes later, Cadence and Shining, alongside their platoon were in route to the castle.

Trailing a bit ahead of them was Twilight, whom was nose deep in her book again, as if completely distracted.

Princess Cadence looked at Twilight in concern. "So... she's still obsessed with her studies I see."

Shining Armor frowned a bit. "Four years ago, before Princess Nightmare Moon appeared... Twilight failed her entrance exam into Princess Celestia's school. It really did a number on her psyche, and of course, what with everything's that's happened since, I've done my best shelter her from all the chaos. Thanks to you, Canterlot is primarily traditional. However, I assume talks with the Princess to forgive Princess Celestia have faltered?"

Princess Cadence's eyes saddened. "I've... I've given up on accomplishing that for a time. It's a sensitive topic."

Shining Armor glanced at her, before wrapping one hoof around her. "I'm sorry for bringing it up."

Princess Cadence removed his hoof before whispering, "Not in front of the other guards you doof."

Shining Armor glanced around at the other guards, who looked at him with amused expressions. He rolled his eyes before leaning closer to her and whispering in her ear, "It's not like we're a secret, you doof!"

Princess Cadence blushed, glancing at him and rolling her eyes with a smile before bopping him gently on his nose. She then proceeded to focus back on Twilight, "I assume Twilight will be attempting the new exam?"

Shining Armor's eyes widened at her then. "How did you figure that? I mean... she will, but-"

Princess Cadence remained focused on her. "Twilight's always been studious, but I noticed something different in her eyes this time. As if she's putting a lot of strain into something." She paused, frowning somewhat. "When I first met her, I never expected to meet a filly so indifferent in the presence of a Princess, yet I think that's what made me feel safe around Twilight. In a world where I suddenly felt the pressure of everypony around, she was just a filly... lost in her own little world." Her eyes saddened, "Yet now, I see the weight she is carrying."

Shining Armor's eyes widened at her, before saddening in concern. "Cadence, I... I didn't know you thought about her that much. I promise you; I'm keeping an eye on Twilight. She's studious but I won't let her-"

Princess Cadence frowned heavily. "It reminds me... of Auntie Nightmare Moon."

Shining Armor paused, before he frowned, thrown so aback he couldn't respond.

Princess Cadence continued, "The weight of failure, an obsession to succeed."

Shining Armor's expression worsened into one of deep concern. "Cadence?... I..."

Princess Cadence suddenly stopped, wearing a look of fierce determination. "I won't let her live like this."

Meanwhile Twilight continued to trot ahead, eyes obsessively locked to her pages, but... she wore a smile.