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Travel Logs 1-5

Evening Storm's Travels #1

Hello there tumblr fans! Evening Storm here, out on the road!

I had meant to make a post about my departure, but well forgot. So I’ll give you a quick recap of what is going on:

I sorta... Did something bad to a guard lately and don't know what to do about it. Nor am I achieving anything by hanging around the castle. I was chatting with Tiger Lily when she suggested that I should go out and ‘see the world’ a bit. It hit me that I’m IN Equestria, and I’ve spent all my time at Canterlot… Getting out and seeing what this world really has to offer is a GREAT idea. So here I am. A few days later, and I’m all packed and out on the road.

First destination? PONYVILLE! I mean really, where else can I begin? Not sure where I’m heading after that. But it’ll certainly be another of the towns. Think I’m going to avoid the dangerous areas like Everfree for a while longer. At least until I can perfect a few of these defensive and offensive spells I’ve been working on.

Also before you all ask, I HAVEN’T been setting myself on fire when attempting to learn these spells!

… at least not that often…

ANYWAY. I’ve been traveling about a day now and it’s gonna get dark soon. You might think Canterlot isn’t that far from Ponyville being you can see it from the town, but you’d be surprised how long this takes! Without a flying carriage, it’s a pretty good trek.

Well I’m just stopping for dinner before hitting the ‘hay’ so to speak. By the way, you have NO idea how weird it is that I can technically ‘eat’ my bed if I so desire. I’ve woken up a few times at night realizing I’m chewing on my mattress. I’ve got to find something else to sleep on.

Well, before I go, I suppose you’d like to know how this laptop is working when I’m not around any ponynet hookups. Well you can thank Paracelsus for that. He’s this earth pony Tiger Lily introduced me to. He’s basically a mad scientist, though don’t tell him I said that. (Oh god I hope he doesn’t read this) He basically made it so it works and connects anywhere I am. Sorta like satalight back in the human world, but I think this works on magic waves or something. Works really well! All I have to do is connect my own magic to it, and it pretty much types my thoughts down! It’s really-

Wait… Did that Rabbit just steal my food? IT DID! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-

<Magic Connection Lost>

* * *

Evening Storm's Travels #2

Let me start off by saying that bunnies are EVIL!

Oh SURE you wouldn’t think so, being how cute they look. But believe me, they are little MONSTERS!

That bunny that stole my dinner? Yeah, he was just a distraction! While I was chasing him, some of his friends came in and RAIDED my food bag!

I’m lucky to have ANY food left! The damn brats! I swear if I ever see those things again… Well… Assuming Fluttershy isn’t around when I do…

Anyway, it’s a good thing I was going to Ponyville anyway. This means I can restock. I sorta helped out with the libaray and stuff back at Canterlot, and along with some funds from both Paracelsus and Tiger Lily. I have MORE then enough bits to get me through this Journey.

Er… Keep that on the downlow. I’m not sure if there are Pony bandits yet…

Anyway, I’m just giving a quick update to say that I can SEE Ponyville from where I’m standing! It’s… An amazing sight really. To be able to see it in such a way… I think I can ‘just’ make out Twilight’s Tree…


Um… Okay Everyone? My path to Ponyville basically took me around this Mountain Path. (Don’t say it!)

And well… To my left a few yards away is this cave… Where voices are echoing out of. I’m hearing many words of ‘Being Lost’ and “So much for Cutie Mark Cave Explorers”…

I can only GUESS what that means, and well… I think I’d better go help them. I’ll catch you all later.

<Post End>

* * *

Evening Storm's Travels #3
Well… That was… Uh…

So I’m sure you are all wondering what happened when I left you last time. Sure enough, located rather deep in the cave. (I’m honestly surprised I heard their voices!) I found three little fillies. An Earth pony, a Unicorn pony, and a Pegasus pony.

All covered in tree sap. (HOW tree sap? HOW in a cave? HOW HOW HOW!?)

So yeah… I’ve now met Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo…

After leading them back out of the cave. (I used my horn to leave trail markings on the walls. Something they didn’t think to do apparently) I shared with them what little food I had left as I’m sure they were probably in there for hours. They were very happy to be free of the cave, and happy to be fed. They asked me so many questions, over half I was never even given the chance to answer!

Obviously one question that came up was what my cutie mark meant, and why I had it. I explained to them the best I could understand it. Though they wanted to see my cast a spell anyway.

I thought I’d turn water into snow. Not too much harm in that, and it should be pretty easy right?

Well I got the part of making the water ‘white’. But everything else went HORRIBLY wrong! It instead turned into mayonnaise and then exploded, covering us in the stuff.

(PS: You have ANY idea how hard it was to make up a lie about why I was laughing so hard when Applebloom decided to comment DIRECTLY AFTER THAT “Well we certainly aren’t getting a cutie mark for making mayonnaise sandwhiches…” )

Anyway, after a quick bath. (No I didn’t bath WITH them you sickos) They INSISTED that they introduce me to their sisters and friends.

Part of me is rather excited about this prospect. While a larger part of me has a feeling I just got myself into something very dangerous…

There’s the entrance to Ponyville Now. Guess I’ll update you to my ‘meetings’ with each pony as they happen…

<Post End>

* * *

Evening Storm's Travels #4

Hello everypony! I’m here in the Carousel Boutique! This place looks a LOT different when you are actually inside it, compared to seeing videos or pictures of it.

Anyway, I’m just here messing with this laptop Paracelsus gave me. This SyncroMagic technology he put in it is amazing! You already know I just have to connect my magic to it to type. But I’m suppose to be able to do more as my magic integrates more with the system. I recently found I can turn something called the ‘Voice Processor’ on. But it doesn’t seem to do anything. I mean it will type what I say in quotation marks, but it’ll do that anyway if I think it to happen.

He said there is a webcam on this thing, but I’ll be darned if I can get the bloody thing to work.

Oh, you are probably wondering what happened with the CMC. Well they are in the back, which is where Rarity went.

We stopped by here first as I wanted to commission her for my own personal saddle bags. (Yes I could have done that at Canterlot, but like YOU wouldn’t go to Rarity if you could!) She was so thankful that I had helped Sweetie Belle and her friends, that she offered to do the job for me for free! I should have them sometime tomorrow! Course it means I’ll have to crash somewhere in town for the night, but spending a day or two in Ponyville doesn’t sound like that bad a deal to me.

I almost wonder if I should tell you guys about this but well… I’ve discovered another one of those ‘weird’ things about being a pony now…

Rarity… Well uh… You know how she’s pretty and all? That… That kinda becomes REALLY obvious when you see her. I mean, it’s one thing to see a picture but uh… Well…

I mean I saw her bending down and stuff as she was looking for supplies earlier and well… I uh… Oh geez…

<Vocals Detected> <Target Designated: Evening Storm>

“Wow, I’m glad I’m not a pegasus right now, other wise I’d have something really awkward to explain. I wonder if I should type that?”

<New Vocals Detected> <Scanning User’s Memories. Target Designated: Rarity>

Rarity: “What should you type deary?

Evening Storm: “Oh uh! Nothing. Just updating a journey journal- Wait what the. Is it picking up our voices and posting our conversation? I didn’t know it could do that!”

Rarity: “My My My, that’s certainly some computer if it can do THAT! So what sort of things were you typing? Oh! Were you giving your thoughts on any of my ensembles? Oh! Let me see!”

Evening Storm: “Oh uh, no, it’s just boring journey stuff, you wouldn’t want to see it- (It picked up my wingboner comment! I can’t let her see that- AH IT’S PICKING UP THIS!)

Rarity: “Oh but if you’ve been writing reviews of my work, you MUST let me see it! You must! You must! You must!”


Rarity: “What scarf? Oh you mean this? Why yes! In fact my sister Sweetie Belle helped me make it! Didn’t she do a great job?”

Evening Storm: “Oh yes! It’s certainly one of the best scarfs I’ve ever seen!

Okay! Stop! Stop this post computer! It’s finished! Wait doesn’t that make it post- WAIT DON’T POST TH-

<Post End>

* * *

Evening Storm's Travels #5

This thing on? Hello? Hello?… Why am I thinking for it to type hello as if I was testing it for sound?

Okay it’s on. Hello everyone. I uh… Apologize for my last post. Didn’t mean to uh… Post it like that. I’d have deleted it, but I figure most of you have seen it already, and well this stupid thing won’t let me even edit that post. It’s almost like it’s against me. >_>

The rest of my stay there was… Interesting. (No nothing happened that isn’t NSFW. Do ponies use that term?)

*Sigh* I did however end up with that scarf… You see Sweetie Belle came out from the back while I was praising it, in order to distract Rarity from the blog post. (It didn’t work, but by that time the laptop had shut down, and I lied and said the post must have been lost when it did that)

Well Sweetie Belle asked me if I, and I quote: ‘Truly REALLY liked it’ and well… YOU tell her ‘No’ when she’s looking at you with eyes that big. >_<

She was so happy to hear that I liked it so much, that she asked Rarity if she could give it to me as a present for helping her out. Of course Rarity didn’t mind. She was just pleased that someone praised her sister’s work.

So now I have a scarf… Now I know what you are all thinking. Something is wrong with it right? Well no. It’s actually very well stitched, and I have a feeling it’s because Rarity overlooked the entire project. So no, nothing is wrong with it: ‘In it’s construction’

See the issue I have is… It’s BRIGHT pink… With little red valentine hearts stitched down the middle…

What am I suppose to DO with this!? No way am I throwing it away. I’ve seen enough television back on earth to know that Sweetie Belle would find out SOMEHOW. But forgive me if I don’t really want to WEAR it either…

Rarity DID of course know it wasn’t exactly ‘fitting’ for me to wear, but she reasoned that I could give it to my ‘special somepony’ as a gift.

… Thanks Rarity. I’m SURE THAT’LL happen. >_<

Anyway, the next stop is Apple Acres Farm. I need some new supplies after being VICIOUSLY ATTACKED BY RABBITS (Note: These underlined words should actually have a 'strike trough' effect on them, but this site doesn't seem to have that while tumblr does.) Robbed by little bunnies.

I’ll just have to remember not to have any er… ‘embarrassing thoughts’ while visiting. Or at least be more careful with when I update this thing.

<Post End>