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Travel Logs 16-17 + Dust Storm Diaries/Extras

Evening Storm's Travels #16

Evening Storm: “Pinkie how are you typing the story while trotting? Aren’t you unable to see where you’re going?”

Pinkie: “Silly Nilly, I’m Pinkie Pie!”

Evening Storm: “You know, the fact that is a legit answer annoys me.”

Dust Storm: “Well if it’s any consolation, everything about you annoys me.”

Evening Storm: “Gee thanks…”

Pinkie: “Oh be nice you two. You’re being recorded via text!”

Evening Storm: “We are what now?”

Dust Storm: “What, are you writing down what we are saying now as part of that story thing you are doing? How in the world did you ever get Stormy here to agree to that?”

Evening Storm: “Silly Filly! She’s Pinkie Pie!”

Dust Storm: “…I hate you so much right now”

Pinkie: “Actually I’m doing a Journey update for you right now!”

Evening Storm: “What!? Why?”

Pinkie: “Why not?”

Evening Storm: “All we are doing is going to the flower shop to pick up a few things for Twilight. Between fixing her ‘test’ spell, and then brewing up the Poison Joke cure for me, she hasn’t had time to do much else, and Spike has been too busy helping her. So here we are…. Yeah that update sucked. So again, why?”

Pinkie: “Because!”

Evening Storm: “Ugh, I give up.”

Dust Storm: “Just do me a favor and never go into poison joke again.”

Evening Storm: “You keep saying that. Did something HAPPEN while I was a colt?”

Dust Storm: “N-nothing important! It was just weird at the end.”

Evening Storm: “Hmmm? Weird how?”

(Oh man the look on her face! XD I’m gonna milk this for all it’s worth! Even if the end result kills me!)

Dust Storm: “Just drop it okay?”

Pinkie: “Awwww, but I think you’d make a great one of those!”

(Oh god Pinkie Winked at her. OH GOD THE BLUSH ON DUST STORM’S FACE!)

Dust Storm: “SHUT UP!”

Evening Storm: “Are you suuuuuuuuuure nothing-“

Dust Storm: “I SAID TO DROP IT!”

Pinkie Pie: <Vocal Anomaly detected. Analyzation: Subject is ‘giggling’>

(Geh, can’t laugh… She’ll know what is up if I laugh…)

Dust Storm: “Anyway we are here, let’s just get the stuff and go!”

Evening Storm: “Alright if you say so…”

(Since I know the laptop is picking up my thoughts, I’ll add this. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Rose or Lily. You’ll find out why when Pinkie gets that story up. Oddly enough though I didn’t see Daisy. I remember back when I wasn’t ‘In Equestria’ that I really didn’t like Daisy’s colors. Though oddly enough, part of me really wants to meet her.)

Rose: “So what can I get for you three?”

Dust Storm: “Ah yes, we need these herbs and flowers. Do you have any?”

(For those who can’t see, which is all of you, Dust Storm handed them the list Twilight gave us)

Rose: “I do believe we have some of these. Please wait while I gather them for you!”

Pinkie: “Thanks Rosey!”

Lily: “So… Are you and the stallion over there dating?”

Dust Storm: “W-w-what!? NO!”

Evening Storm: “So this was just a game to you? You were just PLAYING with me?”


Lily: *Giggles* “You two are obviously very close!”

(Oooh… That look on Dust Storm.She’s going to kill me later, but it’s worth it!

… I do have to wonder now… Is that a red face of anger or is she blushing? That can’t be it right?)

Daisy: “Hi girls! I’m back!”

Lily: “Welcome back Daisy! Did you manage to find those flowers you were after?”

Daisy: “Yeah it took me a while but… I…”

<Sound detected, item dropped on ground>

(She’s… She’s staring at me like she’s seen a ghost… Why… Why am I so scared all of a sudden? Her… Her eyes… What…)

Daisy: “It… It can’t be…”

Evening Storm: “Um… Have we… met?”

Daisy: “Don’t say that… Please… You have to be him! Oh please, you look just like him! You have his cutie mark!”

Evening Storm: “What? Who? Who do you think-“

Daisy: “Brother don’t talk like that! Do you have any idea how long I’ve searched for you!? You HAVE to remember me!”

(BROTHER!? I’m… That makes her… GAH MY HEAD!)

Evening Storm: “Brother? Daisy I-“

Daisy: “It is you! You remembered my name! Oh Please remember the rest! Where have you been? Why did you leave?”

Evening Storm: “I… I…”

<Warning: Complication Detected in Owner’s LifeForce.>

Daisy: “BROTHER!”

Dust Storm: “STORMY!”

Pinkie: “OH NO! Uh, sorry everypony, Evening Storm just fainted! We’ll update you on all this later!”

<Post End>

Dust Storm's Diaries #1

Dust Storm: “Are you sure this is alright?”

Pinkie Pie: “It’ll be fine. I doubt Stormy would care if you recorded your thoughts from time to time.”

Dust Storm: “If you say so. So this thing will pick up our voices? Oh I see it’s doing that already.”

Pinkie Pie: “Yeah, though it’s a bit harder to work without his magic connecting to it…”

Dust Storm: “…How is he?”

Pinkie Pie: “He… He still hasn’t woken up… Twilight doesn’t know what’s wrong.”

Dust Storm: “I see…”

Pinkie Pie: “Don’t worry! I’m sure he’ll be just fine! He’ll be awake before you know it!”

Dust Storm: “I hope so.”

Pinkie Pie: “Don’t worry. We won’t loose him. You won’t loose him. Twilight is certain of that!”

Dust Storm: “What!? What do you mean by that! I- I just need him alive to change me… Back….”

Pinkie Pie: “That’s not the truth.”

Dust Storm: “Okay no, but I… I just can’t…”

Pinkie Pie: “I understand. Anyway, give an update or something. I’m going to go talk to Twilight. We still need to figure out if what Daisy is saying is true or not.”

Dust Storm: “Y-yeah… Okay…”

Dust Storm: “So uh… H-Hey everypony. The former Stallion Dust Storm here. Still… Still suck as a mare…”

Dust Storm: “I understand that old Stormy has been using this laptop to update a tumblr on the pony net. Seems a lot of ponies are doing that now a days. Even Captain Aquilinus has one!”

Dust Storm: “I never really met the Captain much, but I did serve in his guard unit. Least till YOU KNOW WHO turned my life upside down!”

Dust Storm: “I don’t know where he came from, but I remember first seeing him in the library reading up on spell books. He’d do it for hours on end. I’m not sure what bugged me about him at first. He just seemed… Different in an odd way…”

Dust Storm: “Then… Then there was the spell casting. I don’t know WHY more ponies didn’t complain, but he was always botching those damn spells of his! I tried to bring it up to the Captain once, but he was too busy with other things. I didn’t think the muck ups of one little unicorn warranted his attention. So I sorta took the job of monitoring him myself.”

Dust Storm: “What a trouble maker! The wagon, the random fires. Especially the fires. Every time it seemed he tried to do something that involved casting a spell on himself, he’d set himself on fire and run down the hall screaming bloody murder.”

Dust Storm: “It… It was kinda funny after a while actually… Good thing he seems resistant to fire!”

Dust Storm: “No matter how many times he failed… He kept trying. This was the main factor in my irritation. He’d cause so much trouble by trying to learn magic, and I’d have to clean up the mess! No matter how many times I tried to stop him, no matter how many times he set himself on fire. He’d always try again, and again, AND AGAIN!”

Dust Storm: “Then… Then came the day he turned me into a mare… That was the final straw! I was laughed at by my fellow guards! I’m only glad that Captain Aquilinus didn’t seem to notice! I asked all sorts of ponies to help me out. Even that Paracelsus, and boy is he ever weird! But in the end not even the Princess could help me. That’s why she sent me to Twilight Sparkle, and well… I think you know how that’s gone.”

Dust Storm: “Everything in my life has been thrown into chaos since I met that damn Evening Storm! So why….”

Dust Storm: “Why can’t I hate him?”

Dust Storm: “… I’m sorry… I- I don’t know what’s going on with me right now…”

Dust Storm: “Sto- We don’t know when Evening Storm will wake up, so in the mean time I’ll answer any questions you might have. Since I’m stuck doing the updates for now, feel free to ask me anything. It’ll… It’ll give me something to do I suppose…”

* * *

PonyJames: Hey Dust Storm, can you tell us what Daisy said about Evening Storm?

Dust Storm: “What do you mean? You all read it in the last update before Stormy… Dropped…”

Dust Storm: “She called him her brother. Says there isn’t any mistaking it. She actually had a picture. Said it was taken just before they got their cutie marks.”

Dust Storm: “The colt in that picture with the filly her… He looks EXACTLY like Stormy did when he was turned into a colt yesterday… Twilight says she’s going to find out for certain, but I don’t know what she has in mind…”

Dust Storm: “We haven’t been able to get anything else out of Daisy since. She’s been too worried over her ‘brother’ “

* * *

PonyJames: I see. I thought that she might have said more, but it seems to not be the case. Well, um... I not trying to get you angry or anything, but what would be the worse thing about being a mare for you?

Dust Storm: “The unfamiliar body! You spend your entire life as a stallion then BOOM you’re a mare! How am I suppose to feel about this? I hate it!”

Dust Storm: “I lost the respect of my fellow guards, laughed at by the canterlot staff, and I keep getting these weird ‘tingles’ whenever I’m around certain ponies. It’s especially noticeable when I’m by Evening Storm! The damn colt that started all this! The worst time was when I saw him get out of the shower yesterday! He was all soaked in water, his mane… And the way he… uh…”

<Sound Detected. Unit Dust Storm’s Wings have sprawled outward>

Dust Storm: “What?! How did this thing kn- I mean N-no they didn’t! The laptop is lying! LYING!”

Dust Storm: “N-Next question!”

* * *

*Note from Dust Storm: I'm not sure what this next thing is everypony. Twilight and I found it saved in the Travel Logs when we transferred this over here. We'd ask Stormy if he minded, but he's still a bit shaken. In the end we decided it might be important...


<System Error…>

<System Error…>

<Unknown input commencing…>



<rEcOrDiNg DaTa…>

What?… What’s going on? Where am I?

????: So We meet again…

Y-You! What do you want!?

????: We thought you might have questions…


????: Nevermind. Do you have an inquiry for me Dear Evening Storm?

Did you bring me here?

????: That’s not what you really want to ask.

What do you mean?! Of course it is!

????: Why ask? Don’t you know the answer?

Y-you did!

????: Are you sure?

I… I…

????: It bothers you doesn’t it? What that mare said. Does it… ‘Tickle’ your mind?

It’s not true is it?

????: How would I know?

You’re the White Alicorn! I’m pretty sure you know everything!

????: White Alicorn? How cruel! You don’t even know my name…

Then what is your name?

????: Figure it out.

GAH! Why are you even bothering me?!

????: Why that’s simple My -Little- Pony. You interest me. You interest me very VERY much…


????: All in due time seedling… All in due time…

<System Failure. Shutting Down>

* * *

Hey Dust Storm, are female soldiers common in the royal guard? And if you can't turn back for a long time, do you plan on going back to your job as a mare or getting a different job?

Dust Storm: “Actually there are several mares in the Royal Guard. So I suppose if I went back it wouldn’t be a problem for me to stay in the Royal Guard.”

Dust Storm: “Though I’m sure if Captain Aquilinus saw me like this, he’d most certainly hit on me… That’s a rather scary thought…”

Dust Storm: “As for the rest of your inquiry, I don’t want to think about being STUCK like this for a long time… I can’t remain a mare, that’s not what I’m suppose to be! I’m going to become a Stallion again!”

Dust Storm: “I mean I really… Really don’t like… Being like this… I don’t…”

* * *

Hello Miss Dust Storm, I have a question for you. Would you care to share the story of how you got your cutie mark?

Dust Storm: “Ah, that takes me back actually… I… I suppose it’ll be alright to share the story. J-Just don’t go spreading it around okay!?”

Dust Storm: “It’s actually thanks to my mother that I found my special talent. It’s thanks to her that I joined the Royal Guard. She is a Lieutenant actually! Lieutenant Snow Fury, one of the quickest and more agile Pegasus Guards there is! I use to watch her all the time growing up. The moves she could pull off were amazing! I had wanted to be just like her when I flew!”

Dust Storm: “Sadly I seemed to lack the agility she had. I could never pull off her stunts…”

<Unit has sighed>

Dust Storm: “There was one that she did that I was always impressed by. She called it the Blizzard Twist. She’d spin her body like a drill in order to plow a path through the snow. Allowing the ground troops to advance more quickly. There were other uses for it that she’d utilize, but the point was that I found THAT move to be the coolest!”

Dust Storm: “I tried to emulate it so many times, but I lacked the talent I suppose. Whatever my mom had that let her do that, I didn’t possess it. I did possess the speed though. I dare say I might be able to go faster then her.”

Dust Storm: “Well as usual being a Colt raised by only their mother, uh… Yeah I sorta didn’t know my father… Anyway, being that as it was, some of the other colts would tease me from time to time. It was a particularly bad day of teasing when I learned my talent.”

Dust Storm: “I had been trying to ignore them, but one of them decided it’d be funny to throw a rock at me. Hit me square in the head. That sucker HURT.”

Dust Storm: “Now don’t get me wrong. My mom may have been in the Royal Guard, but she didn’t ENJOY violence. Something I inherited from her. However, I had enough of those troublemakers. I needed to do something.”

Dust Storm: “From what I know of being told. I use to like to play in the dirt a lot when a foal. Was told I kicked up all sorts of Dust, kinda funny given my name. Anyway I don’t know WHY I thought about that just then, but I did. I took off away from them like a comet. At first they began to make fun of me for running, till I came back. I couldn’t do the drill spin my mom could do, but I could spin my entire body in a three Sixty spin. So I did, kicking up quite the ‘Dust Storm’ in the process.”

Dust Storm: “Heh, I was through there so fast, and kicked up such a smoke screen they didn’t know what hit them. They ended up crashing into each other in an attempt to get me. I felt rather proud of myself to be honest. Course I felt even better when I saw this cutie mark here appear shortly afterward.”

Dust Storm: “So there you have it. Sorry if it’s long winded. But it was great to remember. I actually still attempt some of my mother’s moves from time to time. Oh what was that one she would do just to show off? It was a sort of backflip, twist deal. She’d basically backflip and twist her body into a drill spin while she did it. I must have practiced it hundreds of times. Never did get it right.”

Dust Storm: “How far did I get? Let’s see, position yourself like this… Hunch down like this… Then FLIP like this while twisting your body!”

<Sound detected. Hooves clacking against floor.>

Dust Storm: “And I’d always land on my side instead of… My…Hooves… I landed on my hooves! I LANDED ON MY HOOVES! I DID IT! I DID THE MOVE! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!”

Spike: “Dust Storm! Dust Storm! He woke up!”

Dust Storm: “I- What… Who?”

Spike: “Evening Storm! He’s awake!”

Dust Storm: “Oh gosh! Uh, sorry everypony. I think I’d better go take his labtop to him. I have a feeling we’ll need it for the questions to come. Later!”

<Post End>

Evening Storm's Travels #17

Evening Storm: “Where… What’s going on?”

Daisy: “Brother? Brother are you okay!?”

Dust Storm: “Back off! You’re the reason he fainted in the first place!”

Daisy: “B-but…”

Twilight Sparkle: “That’s enough! Everypony back! He shouldn’t be stressed at this point.”

(I fainted? Yes… Yes I remember… Daisy… She said… Then I… Ugh… My head still hurts…)

Evening Storm: “What… What happened to me?”

Twilight Sparkle: “We don’t know, you just passed out after Daisy claimed you were her brother.”

Daisy: “But he IS

Twilight Sparkle: “I know! I saw the picture too! But we can’t just jump to those conclusions!”

Evening Storm: “Picture?”

Dust Storm: “Yeah… She… She has a picture of you when you were little. The two of you together playing by a pool. The colt… Well he looks just like you. Minus the cutie mark.”

Evening Storm: “What? Really?”

Twilight Sparkle: “I’m running some tests on the photo now. I’ll be able to tell if it’s be doctored at all.”

Daisy: “I wouldn’t do that! I’m telling the truth!”

Dust Storm: “We can’t just take YOUR word for it!”

Daisy: “What’s it to you? What relationship are YOU to MY brother?!”

Dust Storm: “Re-relationship?! I-I”

Twilight Sparkle: “Enough! No arguing in the hospital!”

Daisy and Dust Storm: “Sorry…”

(Why… Why do I feel so weird? So… Nostalgic? I know who Daisy is of course, but her brother? I’m a human aren’t I? There is no way I’m her brother!)

Evening Storm: “Daisy…”

Daisy: “Yes Brother?”

Evening Storm: “That’s just it Daisy. I can’t be your brother.”

Daisy: “Stop saying that! You knew my name remember?”

Evening Storm: “Daisy, Lily called you BY name when you entered the shop!”

Daisy: “O-okay but still you are him! I know it!”

Evening Storm: “But that CAN’T be right. I’m certain of one thing in my past, and from where I came, I had no sister!”

Daisy: “… You really don’t remember do you?”

Evening Storm: “I’m sorry… But it’s because there is nothing to remember…”

Daisy: <Target appears to be ‘crying’> “No… Please don’t tell me that… I’ve searched for so many years. Ever since that day you vanished. Mom and Dad are gone… My brother… You were the last hope I had for family. I didn’t want to believe you were dead as well… When there was no body…”

Dust Storm: “Maybe we should go…”

Twilight Sparkle: “Good idea. We’ll… We’ll let you two sort this out. I’ll go check on the photo…”

Evening Storm: “R-right…”

Daisy: “I don’t care what you say. You ARE my brother. You’re name alone proves that!”

Evening Storm: “My name?”

Daisy: “I’m not stupid you know. I checked with your friends on your name. Evening Storm. That IS my brother’s name. You have that name. You look just like him. You ARE him brother!”

Evening Storm: “Daisy stop! I told you I can’t be him!”

Daisy: “And why not?”

Evening Storm: “Because I”m not FROM here! I can’t explain it, but I just know!”

Daisy: “I know you aren’t from here! We BOTH came from Trottingham years ago!”

Evening Storm: “That’s not what I meant!”

Daisy: “Then what DO you mean?”

Evening Storm: “It’s like I’m from another world okay? I can’t explain it better then that!”

Daisy: “You expect me to accept that? Why don’t YOU just accept you’re my brother!?”

Evening Storm: “ARRRG! You just won’t give up will you!?”

Daisy: “On my only brother!? Of course not!”

Evening Storm: “You are so stubborn Daisy! This is exactly why you kept getting in trouble with bullies when younger! You’d never just leave them be!”

Daisy: “Well what was I suppose to do? Let them push me around? Besides, you were always there to get my back!”

Evening Storm: “Yeah till I apparently dissa… peared… Wait a minute…”

Daisy: “I see you finally remembered something brother… Arguing with you till I’m nearly out of breath always was the only way to get through that thick skull of yours.”

(She’s… She’s smiling… That look… So nostalgic… But… But this feeling… That memory… I’m… Human aren’t I? I WAS A HUMAN RIGHT!?)

Evening Storm: “What… I… Sister? I… I remember having… A sister?”

Daisy: “Oh thank Celestia… Oh brother I’m so glad you remember me… I… I…”


Daisy: “BROTHER!”

Evening Storm: “S-sorry, just a random headache… Can… Can I have a moment alone?”

Daisy: “But-“

Evening Storm: “I’ll be fine. I won’t try to run or anything. I… I just need some time to think… Okay?”

Daisy: “You… You sure? I just got you back. I can’t stand it… I couldn’t…”

Evening Storm: “I promise. I have a duty here I can’t run away from. But I just can’t take this all in right now. Please… Sister…”

Daisy: “Okay… But if you need anything, or I hear ANYTHING that causes concern I’m rushing back in here. I will NOT loose you again!”

Evening Storm: “Don’t worry…”

Daisy: “Don’t… Try not to take too long okay? I want to catch up… It’s… It’s been far to long…”

(… I just nodded. I didn’t know what else to do… What’s going on? I… I really remember being a colt… I remember a small pink filly following me around… But… I’m from the human world. I was a HUMAN. How can I have memories of being a colt?

… What’s happening to me?)

<Post End>