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Travel Log 18 + Special Note

Evening Storm’s Travels #18

Hey guys… Evening Storm here…

I’ve been going over my past logs. I’m glad they are still there. I was beginning to think maybe they’d have changed… Then again I’m not sure if I’d know they have changed… I…

<System Detecting Anomily in owner’s breathing.>

S-Shut up you stupid computer. Gah, it even typed out my mind stutter. This thing scares me sometimes.

I’m sorry for that folks. I can barely keep my mind together right now. The images I’m seeing…

Did you know my mother was a beautiful white pony? She was a lovely Pegasus with green hair. I think that’s where Daisy got her mane. Dad was a strong earth pony. He was a brilliant sapphire blue with a black mane. The exact opposite colors I have. How weird…

I remember when my little Sister was born. Daisy was so cute as a foal. We all found it odd she was pink. But hey it happens sometimes. It was no more surprising then me being a unicorn after all…

…Are you all asking me what I’m talking about? Because -I- am.

I-I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know what is real anymore.

I… Remember riding a bike. I remember playing Nintendo at a friends house. I can almost picture them so clearly. Yet, Yet I can also remember lifting my very first object with my magic. I remember Daisy getting lost in the hedge maze at Canterlot when just a wee filly. I spent hours searching for her. She was so happy to see me when I finally found her, that she wouldn’t let go of me for the rest of the night…

Everything is blurring together. I feel like I’m loosing my mind. To be honest I was reading my past posts to keep myself occupied. I’m only writing this blog post to distract me from what is happening.

What is happening… I don’t even know what that is. What IS happening!? Am I a human or a pony?

I… I’m afraid guys. I want to remember who I am, but I know. I know what I want to be. I want to be what I am right now. A unicorn pony. I… I want Daisy to be my sister. But do I have the right? Do I have a choice? Is this the reality and my thoughts of my human life just a fantasy?

I keep shivering. These thoughts… Am I loosing something important? Something precious?

Daisy… A sister, My family.

I don’t.


I don’t want to be alone.


I can’t sleep…

I’m afraid…

I’m afraid that when I wake up…

I won’t be me anymore…

Author's Note:

And well... That's it. This final log has been posted to the tumblr long ago, but I never got around to putting it here because I figured I'd write more, except I never did.

I do apologize to those who liked this story, but these little snip its were me writing random stuff on my tumblr blog in an attempt to make a story. The problem? I lost interest. There was never any real planning for this, only vague ideas. A way for me to just write whatever as the mood struck me.

Once I got to this point I decided I felt I wanted to re-invent Evening Storm's history and well, that's what I did. Will there ever be a story about his new history? I honestly don't know.

I don't even really have an idea for why the White Alicorn would be around anymore. I just don't have any desire to continue this, and again I apologize to those who were looking forward to it's conclusion, but well. This is it folks. Sorry. :/

If you have any questions about the story or what 'may have been' feel free to ask in the comments. I'd be more then willing to answer them.

Comments ( 6 )

Good show old chap, I am quite curious as to where this would have gone. Nonetheless, it was a good ending.

Amazing write up!!! I am just truly admired by the description of white pony..That was merely hilarious and noteworthy too..Keep on writing..Much obliged for imparting this with us.
horseback riding vacations

I feel cheated :raritycry:


Maybe you could sell it off to somebody and they could continue it? (of course in the description they'd have to put copyright information and all that stuff leading back to you but damn i wanna see this continue.)

4539922 dammit, i read that wrong then... thought you mixed up nobody and nopony :ajsleepy:

I work mostly in human territory because i mix those up a lot too :twilightangry2:

bump of my question comment thing

Evening Storm is my OC. So sadly that should answer the question of if I'd want someone else writing this. (No, I don't want people writing my OC)

4544141 damn you, I really liked this. There should be more good shit like this floating around instead of shitty clop.

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