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Travel Logs 11-15 + More Bonus Content

Evening Storm’s Travels #11

-Evening Storm, the jet black pony stallion gazed over the sleeping form of the beautiful pegasus mare, Dust Storm.

It was his fault that she was a mare. The grief clawed at him. Even more due to the guilt he felt at the thoughts running through his head.

The truth was that she was lovely. Perfectly curved. Her delicate frame like a flower twirling in the breeze. He found her pretty. Intoxicating even, and that only made it all the worse.

How could he think such things? She wasn’t suppose to be like this. He had hurt her. He had ruined her life.

“Mmm, what?” She spoke suddenly opening her eyes to stare right at him. He froze frightened. He hadn’t meant to watch her while she slept. She had just looked so adorable. He couldn’t help himself.

But now she’d scream at him. Scream at him for making her what she was. Accuse him of being a stalker. He couldn’t argue with her. He knew he’d never make it up to her… What he’d done…

“Evening Storm?” She said with a mixture of shock and embarrassment. ”What do YOU want?”

“I-I’m sorry…” He said quietly… “I’m sorry for everything…”
He hung his head, shamed. “It’s my fault you are like this. I’m a terrible pony...

“N-no I’m sorry…” She said suddenly. Drawing his head up in shock. What did she say?

“W-what?” He repeated, eyes wide. The entire time he had known Dust Storm, he had NEVER heard her apologize herself!

“I shouldn’t have kept bothering you about your spells. I.. I know you were just practicing. It’s just… You always looked so excited to try a spell. It… It made me jealous. I’ve always wanted to use magic, but I can’t being what I am… I think I took it out on you. Can you forgive me?”

He couldn’t speak. Could’t formulate any kind of response. Was this a dream? She couldn’t really be saying these things was she?

“Truth be told, I always found your exploits rather amusing. Dealing with you was always a highlight of my day… Then when you turned me into a mare by mistake. Well I was angry at first, but then… uh…”
She moved out of bed to inch toward him. The look in her eyes that of longing.

He tried to run, but his legs had locked. He couldn’t comprehend her words. Was she saying she didn’t mind being a mare? That couldn’t be right could it?

“I… I think my feelings have grown a bit… Different towards you now…”
Her head rubbed up against his neck, sending shivers down his spine. The touch of their skin causing both to feel chills. She was being so bold! So forward. Could this really be happening? He realized with a start that what was befalling was no mere dream.

This was reality!

Gazing into her eyes, he saw her inching in for a kiss. Wanting nothing more in the entire land of Equestria just then, he leaned forward-

Evening Storm: “PINKIE! Why do you have my laptop open!?”

Pinkie Pie: “Uh. No reason at all! What’s up?”

Evening Storm: “Twilight gave us a small break from the tests… Why won’t you let me see the screen?”

Pinkie Pie: “Oh no reason. I just don’t want you to see the super secret party plans I have written up for your party tomorrow!”

Evening Storm: “Oh I guess that makes sense… Wait why did you need to use my laptop?”

Pinkie Pie: “Because I didn’t have any paper silly!”

Evening Storm: “We’re in Twilight’s Library. She has tons of paper!”

Pinkie Pie: “Oops. Silly me!”

Evening Storm: “… Let me see the screen”

Pinkie Pie: “Nopey Dopey Lopey!”

Evening Storm: “It’s my laptop Pinkie! Let me see!”

Pinkie Pie: “No!”

Evening Storm: “Stop running away with it and let me see!”

Pinkie Pie: “Never!”




<Magical Connection Lost>

Evening Storm’s Travels #12

<System Booting Up…>


Um… Hey everypony… Um…

I… I have a problem…

Okay, you know the magic tests we were having last night? Yeah they went pretty late. So late that the three of us… Well we fell asleep downstairs. There were some cushions and such, so it wasn’t that bad. I actually went to sleep behind this couch of hers that we had dragged to the center of the room sometime during the tests.

Yeah, those tests… I’m sure Twilight wants to look over the results… Spike, Dust Storm and myself all had to convince her to get some sleep first. She was so tired. Dust Storm was so tired.

They were uh, not as tired as I thought they were I guess. Or they like to uh… Sleep trot…

Okay, time to stop beating around the bush. You see I was alone when I went to sleep.

I’m NOT alone right now…

On one side of me, her head resting lovingly upon the back of my lower neck is Twilight Sparkle. She is VERY MUCH pressed against me. It’s uh… Making it a bit difficult to keep this connection to my laptop which is still on a table several feet from me. Thank GOD I was able to use just enough magic to bring it close enough to at least turn it on and type this.

Now you may be wondering why I said ‘on one side’

… Yeah Dust Storm is curled up against my OTHER side. Her wing draped over my back.

I… I never noticed just how… Sexy(Wait strike that), That is, uh… ‘Alluring’ she is as a mare… I feel weird. I mean I knew her as a Stallion, but seeing her all curled up next to me like this in that mare’s body…

GAH THIS IS DRIVING ME INSANE! I want to… But I can’t… It wouldn’t be right…


Before you ask, yes I tried to escape. It didn’t work. Both of them flinched and snuggled closer when I tried to do that. Twilight mumbling something about not finished reading. I think she’s dreaming I’m a book.

Dust Storm just said ‘Comfy’. Probably thinks I’m a pillow or something.

I haven’t seen Spike anywhere, so I can’t ask him to help me…

Guys what am I going to do? Twilight will either just be embarrassed, or appalled at this situation when she wakes up. But Dust Storm?

Ever seen what a Pegasus pony can do with their wings? Some have enough magic control to turn them into a make shift blade. I’ve seen this one white Pegasus demonstrate it a few times, and I know for a fact Dust Storm is capable of it.

I don’t feel like getting sliced in half.

What makes this all worse is what my hormones are asking, and you can all shut up about that. I dare you to be in my situation and not have that problem. >_<

So… Yeah… I’d like to NOT be in this situation when they wake up…

Any ideas?

Evening Storm’s Travels #12.5

Okay, so it’s been about an hour, so time to check to see what suggestions I’ve been given:

rainev1 answered your question: Evening Storm’s Travels #12
Just enjoy snuggling with them while you can. If this is your final night, might as well make it a good one.

Actually I think I’m enjoying this a bit TOO much…

volt229 answered your question: Evening Storm’s Travels #12
Cold shower. And cool down your libido, Casanova.

You Make is sound so damn easy! I’m sorry I like Twilight so much that this kinda messes with me!

askjzargo answered your question: Evening Storm’s Travels #12
tried teleporting out?

midnightflourish answered your question: Evening Storm’s Travels #12
Teleportation? Telekinesis?! But then again, what kind of stallion doesn’t want to be smothered by two hot mares?

Teleportation!? I set myself on fire when trying to cast a simple grooming spell! I don’t think Teleportation is a good idea. AT ALL.

And Yes. I’m enjoying the closeness of these two mares an awful lot. But when they wake up…

Besides… It’s not right. It’s not like they want to cuddle with me. They think I’m a book or a pillow… It’s just…

Never mind, I just need a way out of this before they kill me upon waking…

bronysnap answered your question: Evening Storm’s Travels #12
Ok, here is what you need to do. Get a conch shell horn and yell “NEWS TEAM! ASSEMBLE!” This should fix all your problems.

…You’re high aren’t you?

dark-shadowsky answered your question: Evening Storm’s Travels #12
Try moving again, and if they start to wake up just start singing Hush Now, Quiet Now… not the Sweetie Belle version.

graybodash answered your question: Evening Storm’s Travels #12
Hmm, if they are TRULY in very deep sleeps, try talking to them in a very quiet voice and see if you can convince them to move.

Hmm, these two seem to have the highest probability of success. I might be able to convince them to move if I whisper to them while they sleep. Maybe I can mess with their dreams or something. Make them not want to cuddle me…
If they do begin to rouse, I might be able to sing Hush Now, Quiet Now… I’m afraid I lack Sweetie Belle’s or Fluttershy’s angelic voices though…

Well anyway, here goes nothing… Hmm I’ll attempt to get Twilight to move first…

<Audio Levels distorted. Analyzing… Confirmed. Target is whispering>

<Tagging Whispered responses. (w) = Whispered dialogue >

Evening Storm: (w) “Twilight… Twilight it’s time to write a letter to Princess Celestia. You don’t want to be tardy in doing so do you?”

Twilight Sparkle: (w) “Ennnn, no… Must… letter…”

Success! She’s rolled away from me! I’m free from her! Now for Dust Storm!
… Crap! What would get Dust Storm to move? Uh… Uh…

Evening Storm: (w) “Uh… Dust Storm! For excellent service we wish to present you with an award. Please come to the throne room.”

Dust Storm: (w) “Mmmm? Party?”

Evening Storm: (w) “S-sure. For a party.”

Dust Storm: (w) “Mmmm, ice cream?”

Evening Storm: (w) “Y-yes! With ice cream. Better hurry before it melts!”

Dust Storm: (w) “Mmmmmmmm Ice cream…”


Twilight Sparkle: (w) “Ice cream?”






Need a way out! Need a way out!

<Magic anomaly detected. New found heat source located 3.2 feet from unit>

CRAP! I set a pillow on fire! Good thing- Ah! That tickles! The pillow wasn’t near us- ACK! S-STOP LICK- Wait! A fire! That’s it!

Inhale and…


Twilight Sparkle: “W-what?! Fire? AHHH A FIRE! PUT IT OUT!”

Dust Storm: “Dang it Evening Storm! This is your fault isn’t it!? Where are you!?”

Evening Storm: “BACK UP!”

<Heat Source no longer being detected.>

Twilight Sparkle: “You levitated the dish water out of the sink to the fire? Good thinking!”

Evening Storm: “T-thanks, though I’m the idiot who couldn’t control his magic that started the stupid thing..”

Dust Storm: “Ha! I knew it! This is why I was always watching you at the caste!”

Twilight Sparkle: “Now stop that! It’s natural for any unicorn still learning magic to slip up on their control from time to time. Though I do have to admit. It usually only happens during times of stress. Did you have a Nightmare or something?”

Evening Storm: “N-No, n-nothing like that.”

Dust Storm: “Then just what-“

Twilight Sparkle: “I said enough Dust Storm! The fire is out and we’re all okay! That’s all that matters!”

Spike: “What’s going on down here? Whoa! What happened to that pillow?”

Dust Storm: “Ask Pryohoof over there.”

Evening Storm: “L-look I’m sorry okay? I screwed up. I’ll try to be more careful…”

Spike: “Ah don’t fret it dude. I’ve accidently set my bed on fire a couple of times. It’s the dragon flames you know. I’m getting pretty good at making them!”

Twilight Sparkle: “Spike! Don’t brag about setting fires!”

Dust Storm: “Uh… Hey there Stormy. I know I was just giving you crap but are you okay? You look sorta flustered for some reason… Y-You’re not sick are you?”

Evening Storm: “N-no, I-I’m just feeling a little… Hot… Probably because of the magic discharge or something…”

Thank goodness! Seems they didn’t notice where they were upon waking!

Twilight Sparkle: “Hmm, that is possible. Are you sure you weren’t having a bad dream? Sometimes that can affect things.”

Evening Storm: “No! I sleeped good! You sleep good?”

S-stop making me remember what just happened!

Twilight Sparkle: “Oh yes I slept very well thank you. I was having the most wonderful dream too…”

Dust Storm: “You too? Maybe your good fortune rubbed off on me. I’ve been having irritating dreams recently thanks to a certain Unicorn. (Sigh, she’s glaring at me) But I do admit… Last night was fairly peaceful. I wish I could remember what I was dreaming about. I think it must have been rather nice for a change…”

Twilight Sparkle: “I’d like to recall mine as well. I really should see about finding a spell to remember one’s dreams. I’d like to see about replicating this one.”


Twilight Sparkle: “Um… Okay. The shower is that way…”

Evening Storm: “THANK YOU!”

Dust Storm: “… You think he’s really sick? Ugh, I hope I wasn’t yelling at a sick pony. Even he doesn’t deserve to be yelled at while sick…”

Spike: “Really? I’m surprised you say that. Seems like you hate the guy.”

Dust Storm: “So? Doesn’t mean I want him to die or anything. I still might need him to fix me!”

Spike: “Why is your face red?”

Dust Storm: “SHUT UP!”

<Target out of range. Magic Connection Lost>

Evening Storm Travels Question Time! Staring Pinkie Pie!

Hello Everypony! Pinkie Pie here! How is everyone who’s following Stormy’s blog doing?

I have to say that I’m SUPER DUPER EXCITED to be throwing that party this afternoon! I bet EVERYPONY will be there!

Oh! But I told Twilight I’d keep it to a small party… Oh well, who doesn’t love to party? It’d be irresponsible for me not to invite everypony in town!

Anyway that aside, don’t you think that ol Stormy is too shy? I mean I know he use to be a human and all, but HELLO you’re a pony now silly nilly!

Oh, you probably want to know how I know what he use to be. Well you see, I’ve known about humans for a while. I know all sorts of neat little things.

Oh! Oh! Like did you know that chocolate goes really well with fortune cookies? I bet you didn’t!

ANYWAY, I think he needs to loosen up. There are all these pretty mares around him, and he doesn’t try to make friends! Or more! Even -I- know what stallions like, and I think he should look into it!

There are so many ponies he’d look good with! I know he likes Trixie and all, but she’s so hard to find, and I don’t think they’d go well together at all! Besides isn’t there a yellow colt with red hair that likes her more or something?

Oh I’m getting off track. What I REALLY want to do is ask you all a question! Or maybe two. OR THREE!

One! Don’t you think he needs to lighten up? I know he’s got all these problems, but he needs to enjoy himself more! That’s why I’m throwing a party later!

Two! Don’t you think he should let me use this cool lapytop more often? I think my story about him was really good! I bet Rarity would have liked it. She’s always reading that sorta stuff.

Oh, Fluttershy doesn’t actually. I know you’re disappointed, but she doesn’t.

While I’m at it, I don’t do THAT sorta thing with cupcakes! SHAME ON YOU ALL!

Anyway, do you think Stormy should try for a mare? Which one do you think he’d go good with? I think he’s been alone long enough don’t you?

OOPS! He’s getting out of that shower. That means he’ll be coming for this. Twilight said to have it ready when she went over the test results.

Oh, by the way. Don’t tell Evening Storm this, but I took a picture of them when Dusty and Twi were both cuddling with him as they slept. It’s SOOOOOOO super cute! I’ll have to see about posting it sometime when Stormy isn’t looking!

Gotta go now! Feel free to answer my questions! Oh and don’t let him know about this post okay?

Note from Evening Storm: Does it seem like here is an extra bit of text between Journal Entries here? When uploading my logs to this site, I swear some extra data came with it, but every time I try to check it seems to glitch out... How odd... It seems to happen near the end of these posts as well... Maybe it's a virus? I hope not... Anyway:

Evening Storm’s Travels #13

<System Booting up…>

Twilight Sparkle: “…when it’s on okay?”

Evening Storm: “Okay it seems to be recording our conversation. Well in text format anyway. You sure you want it on for this?"

Twilight Sparkle: “Yes I want some sort of record of this, and I believe this will be an easier way to document it, rather then have poor Spike attempt to write it all down.”

Dust Storm: “Makes sense. So what are the test results?”

Twilight Sparkle: “Well Dust Storm. Please excuse my ah… ‘Excitement’ on the subject, by I can’t get over how amazing of a job the spell has done on you! You are certainly a mare in every way that counts! If the Princess herself hadn’t told me that you had been magically changed, I’d never have thought it! You’re genetic make up is so perfectly a mare, that you could even have a foal if you wanted!”

Dust Storm: “A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-WHAT!?

Twilight Sparkle: “Oh dear I think I went a bit too far there. Now please calm down Miss Dust Storm…”

Dust Storm: “M-Miss Dust Storm… I’m… I’m really a mare… I-I-I c-c-could have foals…”

Evening Storm: *Sigh* “Good one Twilight…”

Twilight Sparkle: “Sorry!”


Evening Storm: “GACK! ACG! MUG! TLACK!”

Twilight Sparkle: “Dust Storm! Stop chocking him! He can’t fix you if he’s dead! Spike! Help me get her off him!”

Evening Storm: <Owner is coughing>: “I WILL! I PROMISE!”

(N-no response… She’s not even looking at me anymore…)

Evening Storm: “That being said, let’s skip to the important stuff. HOW do I fix her?”

Twilight Sparkle: “Well… That’s the main issue here. I can’t even tell that Dust Storm was magicked in the first place. Therefore I have no idea how you’d change her back. For all I know another ‘blooming’ spell could do it!”

Evening Storm: “Well should I try that?”

Twilight Sparkle: “Not yet. I said it ‘could’ do it. It could also change her in a different way entirely. Possibly even into a different type of pony! While the magic behind this is fascinating, it’s also pretty frightening. How is it that you haven’t been in magic training classes before?”

Evening Storm: “It’s a long story.”

Twilight Sparkle: “Well I’ll have to hear it sometime. It brings us to the test results I got from YOU. You are an even bigger mystery then Dust Storm here. I can tell you are a unicorn stallion just fine, and that you have some pretty incredible magic in you. But… There are all these oddities. There seems to be some other type of energy in you. There are so many little things that came up that are just so… Vague… It’s rather perplexing. Just what are you?”

Evening Storm: “To be honest I don’t know myself…”

Twilight Sparkle: “What do you mean?”

Evening Storm: “Look, I’m sorry but I can’t remember too much of before my time in Canterlot. What I do recall I can’t share right now. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I just can’t. I do know it has nothing to do with how my spell effected Dust Storm. So right now I’d like to concentrate on fixing her.”

Dust Storm: “So… Does this mean I’m going to be stuck as a mare for a while longer?”

Twilight Sparkle: “I’m sorry… At the moment I have to say yes, but I’ll do everything in my power to make sure it’s as short a while as I can make it!”

Dust Storm: “…Thank you Twilight Sparkle. I’m… I’m going to retire to my temporary room for the moment. Please fetch me when Pinkie is ready to throw her… Party…”

Twilight Sparkle: “Alright I will. Please don’t worry, we’ll figure this out. I am the Princess’ Number one student after all!”

Dust Storm: “Yeah… Thank you.”

Evening Storm: “….Damn it…”

Twilight Sparkle: “You can’t blame yourself. You had no way of knowing.”

Evening Storm: “Twilight, I’ve destroyed her life. HIS life. To be honest I don’t know why I’m here. What I’m suppose to be doing, but so far it looks like I’m just meant to cause problems…”

Twilight Sparkle: “You know I heard about how you saved the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Do you think that was causing a problem?”

Evening Storm: “Well no-“

Twilight Sparkle: “Then don’t worry about it. You’re magic is just a bit untamed that’s all. With me to help you focus I’m sure we’ll have Dust Storm back to normal in no time.”

Evening Storm: “I hope you’re right Twilight. I really do…”

Twilight Sparkle: “How about we take a break? I can talk to you about some of the oddities in your test results later.”

Evening Storm: “Thanks… That sounds good.”

Twilight Sparkle: “No problem. Spike? Let’s get some snacks.”

Spike: “Alright! Can we get some rubies?”

Twilight Sparkle: “Spike, you’re the only one who can EAT rubies!”

Spike: “So?”

<Post End>

Evening Storm’s Travels #14

So… Hey everypony. It’s been a while since I’ve just talked to you all directly…

As you can see, things are pretty hectic right now… I just spent the entire night in Twilight’s home… This… This should be a happy thing…

Guys I’m worried. I honestly didn’t think Dust Storm would be stuck as she is. I really thought the Princess or something could change her back. Instead she’s been stuck like that for a while now… A few months or so…

I… I can’t believe I did that to her…

But that isn’t the worst part…

Guys I… There is a part of me that doesn’t WANT her to change back. When a Stallion, he use to annoy me to no end. He’d CONSTANTLY pop up at the worst times to disrupt my attempts at controlling my magic. Even when I tried to do it as far away from the castle and town as possible.

But as a mare… I remember admitting that I didn’t find Pegasus ponies all that attractive, but that was before the current Dust Storm popped back up in my life.

I don’t know what it is exactly… Maybe it’s because she’s hurt? I know she puts up a tough front, but the fact she’s living a new life is hard on her. Maybe it’s because it reminds me of myself…

Perhaps neither of us know why we are here right now. What we should do with these new lives that have befallen us.

The problem is that while mine is most likely the result of… ‘That White Alicorn’ (That’s my theory anyway. Why else won’t she leave me alone? Well she has recently, but I’m not convinced she’s left…) Dust Storm’s predicament is MY fault.

This is all so confusing. Made all the worst by the fact that Twilight is surely suspicious of me now. I mean I told her flat out that I don’t want to talk about my past. I’m not sure ponies in this world DO that.

It’s true though, in a way. I really don’t remember much of my past. Not anymore.

My old name… What was it? I think it began with a ‘J’…

Twilight Sparkle: “Evening Storm! Are you out here?”

Evening Storm: “Oh hey Twilight. Sorry just doing a journal update while out here on your balcony. I have to say though. The view this early in the morning… It’s wonderful..”

Twilight Sparkle: “Oh I know. It’s even better in the late afternoon. Sometimes I like to curl up with a book here.”

Evening Storm: “Must be nice. So what’s up? I’m sure you didn’t come find me to talk about books.”

(Actually then again… It IS Twilight Sparkle…)

Twilight Sparkle: “I know you’re probably tired and possibly many other emotions I can’t understand right now. I just want you to know that I understand if you don’t want to tell me everything.”

Evening Storm: “Really?”

Twilight Sparkle: “Oh don’t give me that look. I wasn’t the social butterfly myself before coming to Ponyville. Given some time here I’m sure you’ll open up.”

Evening Storm: “Well Uh… I’m not really planning on staying here too long. I was on a journey after all…”

Twilight Sparkle: “I see. Would you mind sticking around for a little while at least? Until we can find a plan for Dust Storm at least.”

Evening Storm: “I can’t leave her like that, so of course. I have to do something. Though to be honest I have a feeling the answer is out there.”

Twilight Sparkle: “You may be right, and I have my own thoughts about that, but we’ll get to those later. I have a test I’d like you to help me with.”

Evening Storm: “That’s the REAL reason you found me isn’t it? For another test…”

Twilight Sparkle: “Oh come on! It’ll be quick I promise! Oh how does Rarity do that thing? Please? PLEASE?!”


Evening Storm: “First off you said that ‘Rarity’ part out loud. Second knock it off! I’ll do it already!”

Twilight Sparkle: “Oh! Uh well, at any rate, the test is right down here…”

I’m going to regret this aren’t I? I’ll talk to you all later…

<Post End>

Evening Storm’s Travels #15

Pinkie: “HELLO EVERYPONY! How are you all doing!?”

Evening Storm: <Owner’s Vocal Patterns off. Analyzing…> “Pinkie get off my labtop…”

Pinkie: “Now now, is that anyway to speak to your elders?”

<Confirmed. Owner’s bio patterns have been altered. Calculating de-aging of several years>

Evening Storm: “Colt or Stallion that’s still my labtop!”

Dust Storm: “HaHaHaHaHa! I can’t stand it! You’re just so precious!”

Twilight Sparkle: “I hate to admit it ‘little one’ but you do look awfully cute like that!”

Evening Storm: “Stop it! I wouldn’t even BE like this if it wasn’t for your ‘test’ Twilight!”

Twilight Sparkle: “Heh… Admittedly that didn’t go quite as I expected…”

Evening Storm: “Ya think?”

Pinkie: “Oh oh! But it was SOOOOOO much fun!”

Evening Storm: “None of that was ‘fun’ this entire day has been hectic as all hay!”

Spike: “How did you know that’d even WORK Stormy?”

Evening Storm: <Sighs> “Is that my nick name now?”

Dust Storm: “It sure is little Stormy! <Snirk> Little precious coltly wolty! BWhahahahaha”

(She’s enjoying this WAY to much…)

Evening Storm: “Big words for some pony who was all over me earlier.”

Dust Storm: “T-that was… You know why that happened!”

Evening Storm: “Heh heh heh SNORT! Ah dang it! I even laugh like a little colt!”

Dust Storm: “Pffffffffffft! WA HA HA HA HA!”

(Well she fell over)

Pinkie: “So when are you going to update everypony on what happened today?”

Evening Storm: “If it’s all the same I’d rather FORGET today if at all possible.”

Twilight Sparkle: “Yes well, at the very least we should see about doing something for the rest of Ponyville. I think keeping this secret might be a good idea…”

Pinkie: “Aw! But that’s boooooooring! You’ve got to tell everypony on your Tumblr Stormy! The story is loads of funny and sillyness!”

Dust Storm: “Yeah, let them all know why you are the CUTEST thing alive right now! Ha ha ha!”

(Bah, I’m trying to let Dust Storm have her fun since I’m feeling so guilty about making her a mare, but she’s really starting to push my buttons…)

Pinkie: “Oh! OH! I’ve got a great idea! Let ME write it! Oh please!? I’ll do such a great job at it!”

Evening Storm: “No way!”

Pinkie: “But I already have it recording this conversation! You’ll have to tell them SOMETHING.”

Evening Storm: “You what!? Gah! I’ll just do a post with bullet points or something!”

Dust Storm/Spike/Twilight Sparkle: “What’s a bullet?”

Evening Storm: “Never mind! The point is I don’t want to recall the day’s events!”

Pinkie: “That’s why I’M going to write about them!”

Evening Storm: “NO YOU AREN’T!”

Dust Storm: “Aw, wooks wike widdle Evening Storm needs a nappy wappy!”

Evening Storm: “…I really hate you right now.”

Twilight Sparkle: “Now behave Dust Storm… *snirk* It’s not nice to tease the children!”

Evening Storm: “TWILIGHT!”

Twilight Sparkle: “Sorry! Sorry! I couldn’t resist!”

Evening Storm: “PLEASE tell me I can go back to normal soon…”

Spike: “Aw cheer up dude. I’m sure it won’t be that much longer. Twilight here probably has it just about ready. Right Twilight?”

Twilight Sparkle: “Well not quite Spike. But I do think I know how to do it. I’ll just need a few things from my lab. Will you assist me Spike?”

Spike: “Of course! I am your number one assistant!”

Dust Storm: “Hey look on the bright side Stormy. If things don’t work out. Maybe someone will adopt you!”

Evening Storm: “Very cute. Are you going to stop brushing my mane anytime soon?”

Dust Storm: “Nope! You’re just too adorable!”

Pinkie: “Come on Evening Storm! I’ll do a good job on writing stuff down! I Pinkie Promise I’ll only write what really happened!”

Evening Storm: “Why would I want my embaressment documented!?”

Pinkie: “Aw, the day wasn’t that bad.”

Dust Storm: “Yeah loosen up Stormy! Don’t get your diaper all in a bunch! Ha ha ha!”

(That’s it! Pinkie if you play along with what I’m about to do, you’ve got yourself a deal alright? Shout cupcake if you agree.)

Pinkie: “CUPCAKE!”

Dust Storm: “Uh… What now?”

Evening Storm: “Uhhhhh I don’t feel so good…”

Dust Storm: “Oh don’t try that, you aren’t getting away that easily.”

Pinkie: “Oh no!”

Dust Storm: “Wait what do you mean oh no?”

Pinkie: “Poison Joke gets worse the longer you are affected by it! I think he’s been under it’s spell too long!”

Evening Storm: (This is gonna be good.) “M-mommy?”

Dust Storm: “Wait What? Who? D-d-did y-y-you just c-call me m-m-mommy?”

Evening Storm: “It is you mommy! Hug!”

Dust Storm: “AH! No wait! Stormy snap out of it! That’s the poison joke talking!”

Evening Storm: “M-mommy why are you talking weird… What’s wrong?”

Dust Storm: “Ah! No! Back up! I can’t be your mother! I’m a guy!”

Pinkie: “Psst, you look like a mare to me Dusty!”

Evening Storm: “Mommy! What’s wrong! Why won’t you hug me?”

(Oh dear Celestia! The look on her face! XD)

Dust Storm: “No! No! I can’t be a mom! No! Get away from me!”

Evening Storm: “But Mommy I wuvs you!”



Pinkie: “Did you see her run?! That was great!”

Evening Storm: “Heh, I have to agree. Well I’m going to go help Twilight. I want to be grown up again before Dust Storm realizes that was a trick.”

Pinkie: “Okie Doki Loki!”

Evening Storm: “Now you PINKIE promise to only write what really happened right? No more ‘novels’…”

Pinkie: “Yeah, Yeah! I Pinkie Promise!”

Evening Storm: <sighs> “I’m going to regret this I just know…”

Pinkie: “Anyway pony folk and non-pony folk! You heard him! Stay tuned for Pinkie’s AMAZING story describing the day today! Till then, Choa!”

* * *

PSSST! Hey! Hey you people or ponies reading this story! Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! I wanted to add the picture I took of Stormy while he was cuddled with Twilight and Dusty, but I don't think I can sneak a picture past Evening Storm. I managed to get my text posts through, as well as this little thing in here without him being able to see it. But a picture? No way! So instead I'm sneaking you the link to it!

Click here to see the picture of Stormy cuddling with Twiligth and Dust Storm!

Just don't tell Stormy about it! He might not let me take any pictures anymore!