• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 5,702 Views, 311 Comments

On the Wings of a Pegasus - Jinzou

When Scootaloo visits Rainbow Dash over the weekend, a terrible secret is revealed. Now Rainbow Dash must do everything she can to keep the filly happy.

  • ...

Chapter 20

Rainbow Dash yawned and smacked her lips sleepily. She opened her eyes to find an unfamiliar ceiling above her. She blinked a few times as the events of yesterday slowly came back to her.

Oh that's right. We're in Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash went to stretch out, but found her left foreleg pinned down by something. Glancing to her side, she saw Twilight all cuddled up with her, her hooves wrapped around Rainbow's barrel and her head resting on Rainbow's foreleg. She was gently chewing on one of Rainbow Dash's secondary feathers.

Why the hay is Twilight cuddling me? We went to sleep on opposite sides of the bed.

Rainbow Dash gently poked Twilight awake. She heard some sleepy noises, and then Twilight shot away from her, blushing furiously.

"Oh my gosh, Rainbow Dash, I didn't mean to..." Twilight stammered.

"Twilight, were you trying to preen me in my sleep? I mean jeez, buy me dinner first or something." Rainbow Dash joked, hiding the fact that she was blushing too.

"I didn't mean... I'm sorry!" Twilight apologized.

"Aw, it's alright Twi. I'm used to ponies being head over hooves for me. We are married after all." Rainbow said with a wink, watching Twilight's blush grow.

"Oh for the last time we aren't married! We're in a civil union!" Twilight grumped. "And I don't even like you that way."

"That doesn't change the fact that you were cuddling me." Rainbow smirked. "I never pegged you for a cuddlebug, Twi."

"Well I... uh... tend to end up cuddling my pillows at night. Especially while stressed." Twilight shot back, her voice rising. "It's not my fault we were stuck in the same bed!"

They heard a frightened squeal as their harsh words woke Scootaloo, but after quickly recognizing where she was and who she was with, she let out a sigh of relief.

Twilight and Rainbow exchanged worried glances.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Twilight asked gently.

"Fine. I'm fine. Just... when I get woken up by arguing, it usually meant dad was home. And that he was drunk. Which usually led to..." Scootaloo trailed off.

Rainbow Dash walked over to Scootaloo's bed, sitting next to her and pulling the filly closer with a foreleg.

"Don't worry, you're never gonna have to worry about being hit again. And we weren't arguing." Rainbow tousled Scootaloo's mane with her other foreleg. "I was just bullying your mom."

Scootaloo shot a happy smile up at Rainbow as she said "mom".

"I still can't believe it's real. Ever since we left the courthouse yesterday I keep expecting to wake up and realize it was all just a dream." Scootaloo grinned, her wings buzzing in excitement. "But now I'm waking up and I've still got the coolest moms in Equestria!"

"You're darn right you do." Rainbow smiled back. Rainbow looked up to Twilight. "So my darling wife, what's the plan for the day?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You're really laying it on thick there, Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash just smiled and waggled her eyebrows.

Twilight continued. "The chariot should be coming to pick us up in about..." She gazed out the window, taking a moment to gauge the time by the sun's position in the sky. "An hour and a half. So how about we go get something to eat and walk around for a bit?"

The pegasi both voiced their agreement at that.

"...And I teleported forward a scroll to Rarity last night to let them know that's about when and where we should be arriving. I've never teleported anything that far, so I hope it was accurate. Dragonfire is always more reliable, but Spike was left at Rarity's..." Twilight droned on. "Teleporting myself, and even others with me is one thing, but teleporting other things without me is something different entirely. Especially all the way from Canterlot to Ponyville. And the really interesting thing about that is-"

Rainbow Dash sighed. Twilight had managed to talk constantly since they had boarded the chariot. Scootaloo had managed to keep entertained, not really knowing anything about magic, but Rainbow Dash was currently resting, insanely bored, one foreleg propped against the side of the chariot, and holding up her head.

Rainbow Dash peered over the side and made out Twilight's library in the distance.

Finally, Ponyville!

"Hey, we're almost there!" Rainbow jumped up, interrupting Twilight lecturing Scootaloo on the intricate nuances of quantum tunneling. Scootaloo understood maybe one per fifteen words Twilight was using, but still looked at her with an interested smile.

"Wha- already?" Twilight blinked in confusion. "It feels like we've only been flying for half an hour."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "That's because you went full egghead mode."

Twilight grumbled back, scrunching up her muzzle in irritation. She couldn't understand why somebody would be so lackadaisical to the idea of quantum physics. They were interesting!

As the chariot touched down and the trio of ponies jumped out, thanking the pegasi that flew them around, they spotted some friendly faces. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Applejack, and Rarity all awaited them.

"Scootaloo!" Applebloom and Sweetie Belle chorused, eagerly running up and greeting their friend, blasting her with a myriad of different questions.

Scootaloo held up a hoof to quiet them, then announced proudly: "Girls, I'd like to introduce you to... my two new moms!"

She gestured proudly to Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

"Wait, two new mothers?" Rarity asked in confusion. "I thought Rainbow Dash alone would be adopting darling little Scootaloo."

"Well that wouldn't work." Twilight lectured. "To adopt while single in Equestria, you need to be at least 25. So Rainbow Dash and I were forced to enter a civil union-"

Rarity immediately interrupted Twilight. "You got MARRIED?!" She grabbed Twilight and brought her up to her own face, a giant grin on her face. "Oh that is absolutely splendid darling! How was the ceremony? Or is that upcoming?! You must come to the Boutique this moment, I need to get your measurements to make the wedding dresses!"

"Oh for the love of-" Twilight yelled, escaping Rarity's grasp. "We're not married! Why does everyone keep saying that? We're just legally bound so Scootaloo can have two parents!"

Rainbow Dash snorted. "You're real quick to dismiss that, as a pony I woke up to snuggling and trying to preen me in her sleep."

Twilight just glared at Rainbow Dash.

"Yes darling, but isn't that what a marriage boils down to? A legal binding?" Rarity fluttered her eyelashes at Twilight.

"And besides, wasn't the entire point of civil unions that ponies wanted to marry, but gay marriage was illegal in some of the more high falutin cities like Canterlot and Maretropolis?" Applejack asked thoughtfully. Upon getting surprised looks, she rolled her eyes. "What, am I not allowed to know things that aren't apple related? Irregardless, what about that Thunder Chaser desperado? I reckon they got him locked up for a good long time now."

"Wow Applejack, that was a four syllable word. Are you sure you're okay?" Rainbow Dash asked in mock confusion. "Twilight, I think we might have a changeling on our hooves."

The CMC giggled as Applejack rolled her eyes again. "Oh ha ha Dash, more 'cowponies are dumb' jokes. I probably got more going on up here than you do, featherbrain." Applejack tapped the side of her head.

Rainbow Dash smiled and shrugged. "Yeah, they got him locked up for 65 years, no chance at parole. And judging by his current health... We won't have to worry about him ever again!" Scootaloo looked to the side awkwardly. Rainbow Dash didn't miss that.

"Scoots?" She asked.

"I... just kinda wish it didn't go that way. I didn't want my dad to be stuck in jail, I just wanted him to love me again. Like he did back when we were happy." Scootaloo stared at the ground, her eyes misting up.

No, dammit, don't cry. I've already done that enough recently. I probably look pathetic in front of everyone. Especially my new parents.

Scootaloo wiped her eyes quickly with a hoof, trying to play it off as just scratching her muzzle. Rainbow Dash didn't miss it.

Rainbow Dash sat down gingerly in front of her, lifting her head up to match her sympathetic look.

"Scoot, I'm sorry, but sometimes ponies come to the point of no return. They've just had so much mental junk going on that the pony they used to be just gets snuffed out. I realize that you were hoping for him to change, but the pony your father used to be isn't coming back. I know this will hurt, and even when Twilight and I give you all our love, it may still hurt, but that's okay. I promise I'll do my best to work through everything with you.

"And I saw you wiping your tears. Scootaloo, I know your tough exterior is really important to you, and I'm probably the worst pony to tell you this, as it sounds pretty hypocritical, but don't worry about it. Nobody here could ever think of you as weak. You've lived through years of physical and mental abuse, and still put a smile on your face every day. Even with your struggles to fly, you practiced every day, and never gave up on our lessons. Scootaloo, you're probably the toughest pony here." Rainbow Dash gently wiped the tears from Scootaloo's face and kissed her forehead. Suddenly remembering they weren't alone, Rainbow Dash quickly looked to the side to see everyone else smiling sweetly at them.

As Scootaloo gently pulled Rainbow Dash into a hug, Rarity finally spoke up. "Rainbow Dash, it is absolutely adorable the relationship between you two. It's obvious you've matured a lot in the recent months."

Rainbow blushed a bit and chuckled awkwardly. "I really wasn't given much choice. I needed to be the pony Scoot needed."

Nobody said anything for the next few moments. Rainbow Dash decided to break the silence. "We should probably get to Sugarcube Corner. If I know Pinkie, she's already preparing a party and will never forgive us if we're late."

The other ponies muttered their agreement and turned around, walking off. Rainbow took her moment of anonymity to give Scootaloo a quick nuzzle, then sat down, allowing Scootaloo to climb on her. Scootaloo stood on her withers, forehooves on the back of Rainbow's head, and gave off a happy hum.

These last few days have honestly been a dream come true.

Author's Note:
