• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 5,728 Views, 311 Comments

On the Wings of a Pegasus - Jinzou

When Scootaloo visits Rainbow Dash over the weekend, a terrible secret is revealed. Now Rainbow Dash must do everything she can to keep the filly happy.

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Epilogue, Part 1

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! The Crusaders wanted to meet up before school and go over some plans! Can I go? Can I go?" Scootaloo asked excitedly, jumping up and down on the cloud mattress Rainbow had flown in.

It had been a couple of months since Tirek attacked and Scootaloo had first flown. She still remembered the tears. Twilight had gushed over her for hours, and Rainbow Dash had just pulled her into a rib breaking hug and start crying, muttering how proud she was of her little Scootaloo. They had gone off to get milkshakes right after and Scootaloo refused to touch the ground the entire time, eventually being so worn out when they came back, she crawled right into bed and passed out.

Since then things had been nothing but good for her. She started undergoing therapy, deemed herself old and brave enough to start sleeping on her own, and the four of them moved into Twilight's castle so they could all be one big happy family.

Of course that meant she got her own grand room, and even though there were enough bedrooms to go around, Rainbow Dash eventually moved into Twilight's room. Rainbow would never admit it, but on the occasional night Scootaloo caught Twilight cuddling up to her, she had a big, goofy smile stuck on her face all night. The two mares had started openly flirting with each other around the house, and Scootaloo assumed were spending very special time together when she was at school. Although she pretended to retch anytime they flirted or hugged, she was really happy to have parents that cared for each other again.

But none of this mattered right now, for it was the crack of dawn and the Crusaders wanted to meet early.

Rainbow Dash groaned, unhappy she was woken in the middle of another awesome changeling-fighting dream. "Go ask your mom." she muttered.

"But I am asking my mom, mom." Scootaloo giggled.

"Go ask your other mom." Rainbow smirked.

Just as Scootaloo was about to flit over to bug Twilight, she muttered back at Rainbow.

"Rainbow, before wake up time she's your daughter."

"Killjoy." Rainbow shot back, sticking out her tongue. "Alrighty kiddo, you want a ride?"

"Nope!" Scootaloo chirped, striking a pose. "I can fly by myself, remember?"

"I DO remember." Rainbow laughed, launching herself at the filly and pulling her into a hug, dragging her next to her on the bed. "And I'm still so proud!" Rainbow gave the filly a noogie. Scootaloo giggled madly and squirmed to escape.

"Alright alright, how about I make you a little snack and I'll fly over with you. I know you can fly now, but with the way your burn through energy we're gonna have to build up your stamina like mad." Rainbow Dash yawned mightily, sloggishly making her way to the kitchen. Rainbow idly pulled out some leftover cauliflower casserole from the night before, and made two plates of it. Turns out having Spike move in with Twilight was a blessing, since both Twilight and Rainbow Dash were pretty bad cooks. Even Scootaloo was having the promise of being better than both of them at it. She spend many afternoons learning and practicing new recipes with Spike.

Scootaloo voraciously inhaled her breakfast. "Woah woah girl, slow down there!" Rainbow cautioned. "You're gonna give yourself a bellyache, especially if you're going flying after you eat!" Scootaloo's heart warmed. She wasn't sure why, but just the cautions of her parent's worrying about her over stupid little things made her feel happier and more loved. Slowing down, she smiled at Rainbow as she finished her own breakfast.

You know, for the "fastest pegasus to ever come out of Cloudsdale", Rainbow Dash is really slow in the morning.

As Rainbow finally finished her breakfast and dropped her plate into the sink, she let out a mighty stretch and opened the front door.

"You ready to take to the skies, Scoot?" She asked with a wry smile.

"Always!" Scootaloo chirped back, beaming. Buzzing her wings excitedly, she took a running jump and leaped out the grand window in the kitchen, followed rapidly by Rainbow Dash.

Thing was, Scootaloo wasn't a fast flier. In fact, she was just happy she wasn't a wobbly flier anymore. Given her late blooming, Rainbow Dash was running a backlog of flight lessons. And while Scootaloo was improving, she doubted she'd ever be Wonderbolts material. But Scootaloo didn't even care. For the last few years her only dreams were a loving family and the ability to fly. And now she had both. She didn't even know what in life could make her a happier pony at this point. Even the sweet, sweet call of a cutie mark paled in comparison to the happiness the last few months had brought her.

"But it's still coming, squirt" Rainbow Dash would always say. "You've come this far by not giving up on your dreams, why stop now?"

Scootaloo laughed to herself and gave off a genuine smile. She saw the clubhouse come into view. Judging by the unlit lanterns, she was the first Crusader there. Landing on the grass outside the walkway, she scampered over to Rainbow Dash to say her goodbyes. Rainbow Dash gave her a quick nuzzle, then kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Scoot." Rainbow whispered.

"Love you too mom!" Scootaloo smiled.

Scootaloo pulled Rainbow Dash into a quick hug before watching her fly off. When Rainbow Dash was out of sight, she zipped into the clubhouse, content with watching Celestia's sun rise as she waited for her friends.

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle and Applebloom chorused, having reached the clubhouse at the same time.

"Did you fly down here again?" Asked Sweetie Belle excitedly.

"You bet I did!" Scootaloo bragged. "Couple years from now I'll be doing my own Sonic Rainboom, just you wait!"

"And what about Rainbow and Twilight?" Applebloom asked suggestively. "Are they, y'know?"

Scootaloo snickered. "They haven't made it official, but I've seen how they look at each other when they don't think I can see."

The fillies laughed for a moment, before surveying the inside of the clubhouse. Pasted all over the clubhouse were failed ideas of things they had tried to earn their cutie mark. Optimistic as the fillies were, it was pretty disheartening to see this much failure. They let out a collective sigh.

"Well that's enough moping." Applebloom perked up, jumping on the box they used to post the posters so they didn't touch the floor. "Okay Crusaders, back to the business of earning our cutie marks. Any suggestions?"

Scootaloo sighed dejectedly. "No, we've tried everything."

"We've run out of ideas." Sweetie Belle added somberly.

"Are you kidding me Crusaders?" Applebloom shot back. "We can do better than that!"

Figuring exactly what they needed, Applebloom started singing.

"We've been searching for our cutie marks for a while now. Trying to find out how we fit in." Applebloom leaned towards her friends with a smile. "So many ways we've tried before, but we keep on trying more~"

"Because the Cutie Mark Crusaders don't give in!" All three friends sang.

It was going to be a great day.

Author's Note:

Yes, the ending is indeed referencing that one musical episode in season five. Can you guess what the second part of the epilogue will contain?