• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 5,723 Views, 311 Comments

On the Wings of a Pegasus - Jinzou

When Scootaloo visits Rainbow Dash over the weekend, a terrible secret is revealed. Now Rainbow Dash must do everything she can to keep the filly happy.

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Chapter 3

The moon cast a dim lighting on the secluded alleyway. On the right was a dumpster, on the left, some discarded cardboard boxes. Scootaloo found herself cantering along it, hoping against hope for a place to hide. She wasn't sure what from, but she was sure it was terrifying. She felt a dark presence behind her, set at a slow trot.

"Scootaloo..." the being began in a raspy, low voice.

With a soft squeal Scootaloo dived behind the dumpster, shutting her eyes tightly and rolling into a ball. As she felt the unfamiliar presence get closer she held her breath, her eyes tearing up when she felt it right around the corner.

She heard ragged breathing. The kind of breathing one only half aware of it's actions would make. Just the sound of it was enough to put fear in her heart. As the breathing grew nearer she felt the tears leak down her face. She felt its hot breath on her ear. She bit her lip to prevent herself from letting out a sob. This was it. The being had cornered her and she couldn't escape. She would never be heard from again. If only she had the strength to run. If only she had the strength to fight back. If only...

"Scoots, wake up!" She felt something shake her.

With a scream Scootaloo woke, immediately in a covering her head with her forehooves. She wasn't in some mysterious alleyway after all. Where was she? This wasn't home. This was nowhere familiar. Her head whipped around in panic, and her breath quickened when she saw a dark silhouette standing in front of her.

"Scoots? It's just me, Rainbow Dash. Are you okay?"

Rainbow Dash. It's just Rainbow Dash. Phew. Scootaloo let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding.

"Wha- What's going on? What am I doing here?" Scootaloo asked nervously, wiping the sweat from her brow.

"You... You asked to stay here last night because your parents were celebrating their anniversary." Rainbow asked worryingly. "Scoots, are you okay?"

Scootaloo took a deep breath to calm her nerves and stop shaking. "Y-yeah. Just woke up from a really weird dream, y'know?" Scootaloo turned and padded out the room, refusing to make eye contact.

"Yeah well, I made us some daisy and daffodil sandwiches... if you're sure you're alright." Rainbow continued pensively, not knowing how to handle the current situation. She had almost no experience dealing with foals, and absolutely none detailing how to console them after nightmares. "It uh, looks like you had a bad dream... do you want to talk about it?"

Scootaloo bit her lip. She couldn't tell anybody about this, much less her idol who she tried to keep a very brave and courageous persona around. "Nope. All fine. Just a surprise to wake up in a bed, since I was... y'know..."

There was a very pregnant silence.

"Uh, you were what?" Questioned Rainbow Dash.

"Flying! Yup, flying. I just spent so much time practicing yesterday that that's what all my dreams were about. Quite a shock when I suddenly found myself in a bed, y'know?" Scootaloo lied unconvincingly.

There was another long silence.

"Riiiight. Well I uh, I made us some lunch if you wanted. It's already all set up in the kitchen."

Scootaloo jumped on the opportunity to change subjects.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash!" She chirped, seemingly back to her full energy.

The two made their way down to the kitchen and ate in silence. Scootaloo seemed to be in a daze as she ate and helped Rainbow Dash clean the dishes from the last 12 hours.

Scootaloo made herself useful, drying the dishes as Rainbow washed them. As she absentmindedly stacked them on the counter, still thinking about her nightmare, she placed one after the counter ended, causing it to fall to the floor and shatter into pieces.

At that noise, Scootaloo gave out a terrified squeal and threw herself into the corner, hiding under a couch cushion and shaking like a leaf. She fought back tears. Tears would just make it worse. They always did.

Rainbow Dash paused. She didn't know what to do. She gently flew down to the terrified filly and tried gently touching her shoulder, but the touch just made the filly give off another terrified whimper and try to make herself even smaller. Rainbow heard the gentlest of sobs escape her.

"Scoots, it's just me. Rainbow Dash. Nobody here is going to hurt you. Just... open your eyes. You're safe."

A few tense moments passed until Scootaloo cracked one eye open. Upon seeing Rainbow's worried face and nobody else nearby, she slowly stood up, still trembling. She bit her lip as she made eye contact with Rainbow, tears silently streaming down her face.

Rainbow Dash silently held her hooves out, inviting the filly in. The filly spent a moment staring her up and down, as if expecting her to pull out a knife and punish her for showing emotion, before throwing herself sobbing into Rainbow's shoulder.

"Please don't hate me! I'm so sorry! I'll never do it again! I'll be a good filly just don't... Don't..." Scootaloo sobbed, the rest of her words becoming unintelligible. She tightened her grip around Rainbow's neck. "Don't... Please don't."

Rainbow returned the hug, equal parts concerned as confused. Not knowing quite what else to do, she started running her left hoof gently through the filly's mane, trying to calm her down. "Don't what, Scoots?"

Her only answer were rough sobs from the terrified pegasus.

"Scootaloo I can't help you if I don't know what's going on."

Scootaloo looked up with confusion, wiping her nose with a hoof. "Y-you're not gonna punish me? Not even hit me?"

Rainbow Dash was taken aback. "No, why would I do that?"

"I b-b-broke the plate!" Scootaloo managed through wails. "I'm a bad filly. I need to be punished!"

Rainbow Dash blanched. "No Scoots. It was an accident. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?"

Upon getting no response Rainbow gently lifted the filly's head to met her gaze. She gave her a reassuring smile and wiped her tears off with her wings. Scootaloo just shook her head and threw herself back into Rainbow Dash's embrace, dry sobs still wracking her tiny body.

Not knowing what else to do, Rainbow began gently rocking the filly back and forth. She didn't know how long they stayed like that, but eventually Scootaloo's sobs led way to heavy breathing as she drifted off in the older mare's embrace.

Rainbow Dash didn't know what to do. She had never seen anybody act this upset over something this small. And Scootaloo expected corporal punishment for such a small accident? Rainbow didn't pride herself on being an especially smart pony, but Scootaloo was obviously traumatized, and she didn't know how she could help the filly with that. Rainbow Dash sighed.

But maybe somebody else could.

Not wanting to move the child much and risk reawakening her, Rainbow Dash gently set her down on the couch. Rushing into the guest bedroom, she grabbed a sheet and pillow and went to tuck the filly in. She hastily scribbled a note and put it next to her on the couch. Then with one quick look back, she took off, flying toward Ponyville's library.