• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 13,643 Views, 1,287 Comments

Short Hand - Andrew Joshua Talon

The myriad misadventures of a plucky human in Equestria.

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First Date: Fluttershy Part 4

Short Hand

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfic By Andrew J. Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based parody. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

"Chewie?! CHEWIE!" I shouted. "CHEWIIIIEEE!"

It figured that he wouldn't come when this happened. He was probably asleep right now. Freaking giant cat bat scorpion things.

We were hiding in the nearby alley, our clothing in tatters and covered in food. I sighed as I sat down on a crate next to Fluttershy. She was looking down at her hooves, her withers down about as far as they would go. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She stiffened and didn't draw closer.

"I'm sorry," I sighed.

"N-No, no, I'm sorry!" Fluttershy replied quickly, actually managing to look up at my chin. "I-I just couldn't handle it... I'm so sorry! I always-always ruin things!" She sniffled, big fat tears rolling down her nose. Oh geez, that was the limit. I hugged her tightly and pulled her in against me. She actually tried to pull away but I tightened my grip.

"No you don't," I muttered. "Look, it's not your fault they decided to be assholes!"

"But-But I could have handled that a lot better," Fluttershy mumbled. "I could have not freaked out-You just did so much for me-I'm so sorry-!"

"No! No, look, it's all right!" I insisted. "Well, okay, it's not all right, but it isn't your fault!"

I stroked her mane and back, trying to calm her down. I nuzzled the top of her head and kissed it. She was still crying-Damnit...

"I'm so sorry," Fluttershy sobbed. I sighed and cuddled her harder, nuzzling between her ears. I didn't know what else to do.

"O-Ohhhh..." She moaned. "I'm so sorry~... So sorry..."


"GAH!" I shouted. Fluttershy eeped and held onto me for dear life. We looked over at the now open side door. Gordon Griffin was standing in it, covered in the remnants of a pie or ten. I coughed and held up my hands.

"Listen," I stated, "I know things went pretty bad in there. I'm sure your insurance can work it out!"

"I'm so sorryyy," Fluttershy murmured. "I-I was trying so hard to be controlled! To-To be demure! I didn't mean to!"

"Now now, relax you two," Gordon said with a big, toothy grin. Which was quite the trick on a beak. Maybe it was a Ducktales kind of thing?

"This is relaxed," I managed, as Fluttershy clung tighter to me. Gordon shook his head.

"No, this is the most fun I've had at this bloody establishment since I opened it!" The griffin said cheerfully. "A real knock down, drag out food fight! Showing me how good for ammunition my food was, but no good for eating!"

The griffin threw his claws up into the air in exultation.

"I've never felt more bucking alive!" He bellowed.

"But-But the food fight-won't your-if it's okay to say-won't your customers be unhappy?" Fluttershy asked. Gordon laughed, and gestured for us to walk up to the side door. I stood up, and carried Fluttershy with me. We leaned over and looked inside.

The paparazzi were being pelted by food thrown by the patrons. The paparazzi were eating it up, and snapping photos eagerly. Gordon chuckled.

"I'm gonna sell out of frosting in no time!" He bragged.

"Still, what about the damages?" Fluttershy asked, worried. Gordon just grinned, and held out a magic sound and image recording orb.

"That's pretty simple," he said with a grin. "All I need is a little advertisement from two heroes of Equestria, and we're square. Savvy?"

We looked at each other. I sighed. and smiled at Fluttershy. She smiled brightly back at me, and it melted my heart. I looked back at Gordon, and sighed softly.

"This is Ser Shepherd, and this is my favorite restaurant in Canterlot," I said with a smile.

"Um, this is Lady Fluttershy, and I, um, really like this restaurant too. So go and eat here. Um. If you're hungry," Fluttershy managed softly. I stroked her mane. "And um, Shepherd is mine. My coltfriend. I am friends with a dragon and an army of bears."

"Maybe a little too much," I said gently to Fluttershy. Fluttershy flushed.

"I'm sorry, I'm all over the place right now," she murmured. "I don't know if I'll jump you or break someone's nose!"

I hugged her tighter, sighing again. Gordon smirked at me. I glared at him.

"You did shut that off, right?"

"Now I have," Gordon said with a grin.

"Hoof it over. Now," Fluttershy growled. Gordon coughed, and handed the recording orb over. I took it in my hand.

"We'll record a nice advertisement for you," I said gently.

"Sounds good to me," he said with a quick nod. "I better get back into the kitchen! Have a pleasant evening!" He ducked back in. Fluttershy winced.

"I overdid it again, didn't I?" She murmured. I nuzzled her with a chuckle.

"I think you're just fine," I said. Fluttershy beamed.

We left the restaurant for the streets of Canterlot, which were still active and bustling in the late moon light. We got some funny looks from a few ponies, but they seemed to give us little attention besides some brief curiosity.

Sheesh, how jaded were these ponies? Then again, maybe they just thought I was a shaved minotaur.

We found a little donut shop near the palace, and slipped into a booth near the back. The proprietor trotted up, a smile on his worn face.

"Ser Shepherd! It's been a while since I last saw you," he said kindly, tipping his paper hat. "What can I get you two?"

"Just some donuts," I said. "And your best hot chocolate, if you please, Joe."

"Coming right up," he said cheerfully. He headed off to the back of the bar, leaving Fluttershy and I alone again. I looked at her, and she looked at me.

"I... Um... This isn't how I thought this would end," Fluttershy admitted. I shook my head.

"Me either," I replied. "If I'm honest, I had no idea how this would end."

"If... If I'm being honest too," Fluttershy began, "um..."

She looked down and took deep breaths. She looked up at me, her eyes locked onto mine. It was the same look she'd worn whenever she had mustered up her courage to do something important. It was a look that I had to admit, I liked a lot.

"... I'm in love with you," Fluttershy confessed softly. I blinked several times, feeling shocked.

I mean... I knew. Or suspected. Just to hear her say that though... It was like the world suddenly came into sharp focus.

Fluttershy just kept talking, and I hung onto every word.

"I'm so scared of anything that's not an-an animal. Ponies just... There are all these strange rules and strange customs I need to remember. All these eyes that judge me and look at me and see... See things that aren't there," she murmured quickly, as though afraid her courage might fly away at any moment. "Animals are so much easier to read. They... They don't hide things. They judge you based on the most practical things. Things I can understand perfectly."

Fluttershy pulled her wings in tightly against her, and narrowed her eyes in determination.

"I was content with that, for the longest time. Just having friends I could understand perfectly, and a few pony friends who understood me... And I understood just a little. Just enough." She shook her head.

"Then... I-I met you. You were so... Different. But familiar. So alone. An animal who thought like ponies, but wasn't a pony. A predator, but so... So kind."

She leaned forward with her sad, gentle smile.

"I guess... Maybe... I mean, maybe it's-it's a little creepy. I watched you sleep while you were recovering, and um, I'm sorry. I know it's weird but I... I saw how you moved. I saw how your face changed in your sleep. I got to know your tells and I just..." She tapped her hooves together awkwardly. "I saw so much about you I... I liked."

Part of me wanted to interrupt her, but I held my tongue. It was taking everything she had to go through with this, I couldn't interrupt her. I wouldn't.

"Then you went away, and came back... You could never get home again. You were... You were alone. So many ponies saw you as a threat, or a monster. You just kept going though. You went out every day, head held high. You worked for a living, you got a house, you... You helped others. You tried to protect us from danger. You-You played with foals and helped me... I-I-I just..." She trembled, and looked down at her hooves.

"I've never felt like this before. For anypony," she finished. "That-That's why I act... Crazy. Sometimes. A lot. I'm sorry... I feel so terrible."

I was silent. She looked harder at her hooves, tears peeking at the corners of her eyes. Come on, you idiot, say something! Do something!

I reached out and rested my hands over her hooves. I squeezed them tightly, and leaned forward. She looked up in shock. I leaned down and nuzzled her nose. Her face turned bright red, even through her fur.

"I care about you too, Fluttershy," I murmured. "I love you too. Deeply. I mean, you were the first thing to show me any kindness in this crazy world. You kept showing me that kindness, no matter what."

I took a deep breath, and held it. I counted as I let the breath out, slowly.

"I'm no good at this love stuff either," I admitted. "So I don't know how we'll proceed. Especially since-"

"Since the others who like you are my fri-friends too," Fluttershy said. She nodded. "I know. I... That's another reason I'm scared. Equestria depends on us for protection. Depends on our friendship, and if we don't feel friendship for eachother we-It won't work. All of us care for you deeply and if you choose just one-We might-We might-!"

I squeezed her hooves between my hands, and gave her a warm smile. She really was the Element of Kindness, thinking about this kind of thing. More than that, to think about that...

No wonder Celestia saw the potential for Princesshood in each of them.

"I know," I said softly. "That's been my worry too. I mean, I'm supposed to protect you all. If I'm breaking up your friendship, then I'm not doing a good job, am I?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Y-Yes..."

"I think," I began, "whatever we decide... We do it together. We stay open and-and honest. With everypony."

Fluttershy nodded back to me, looking less worried already. My smile became a bit crooked.

"After all," I said, "I'm a Knight of Equestria. It's my job to protect fair maidens and ladies. To be an example of chivalry."

Fluttershy's eyes sparkled. She then giggled softly. I blinked at her in shock.

"Uh?" I asked.

"Just then," Fluttershy whispered, "you looked... You sounded like one of my Nipponese manga characters. A noble warrior."

I shrugged back and smiled.

"Well, I read a lot of that back home, too. I guess... I wanted to be a hero. Like those guys. Like my dad," I said.

"Me too," Fluttershy said gently. "I wanted to be a hero. To always be brave, and daring. Or to have a knight who would fight for me." She blushed. "It's easy to be brave when-when someone I care about is in trouble."

I nodded back to her.

"Well," I said, "if you're brave for me. I think I can be brave for you."

Fluttershy smiled back warmly.

"I... I think I can do that," she said.

The window nearby shattered, and a huge group of mares tumbled into the booth behind us. Twilight's head popped up over the booth seat and glared at me.

"That wasn't funny," Twilight pointed out.

Pinkie's head popped out alongside her with a grin.

"I thought it was funny!" She cried. She held up a crude approximation of my head made of fruit and pastries. "And tasty!"

She opened her mouth and swallowed it all down with gusto.

"Om nom nom! Delicious and deceptive!" Pinkie cried.

Dash finally got untangled from Rarity, who joined her in looking over the booth. Rarity beamed.

"How did it go?! Oh dear! Your dress is ruined! Did you do this, Shepherd? How could you?!" Rarity demanded.

Dash snorted.

"Damnit Fluttershy! I let you have this because you're my best friend and all! But if you're just going to end it eating donuts and crying, that's so lame!" She looked over at me. "Of course, we could just skip to my date and we can have some real fun!"

"So thirsty," Rarity chuckled, covering her mouth with her hoof. Dash blushed.


"Wait," I began, "where's Applejack?"

"She was clearly too honest to spy on your date," Rarity sniffed. "So full of moral fiber... So very dull."

"I'm going to have to do something nice for her," I sighed. I glared at the mares. "Now come on! We're all going on dates and you'll all get your fill of tasty gossip and romance."

"But I need to observe for scientific purposes!" Twilight protested.

"As do I!" Rarity cried.

"And I have to make sure I know how to knock your socks off!" Dash laughed.

I sighed, and looked at Pinkie. She just shrugged and smiled.

"Hey! At the very least, we didn't interfere in that food fight! You don't know how hard it was for me not to get in there!" She bent down and lashed out with her tongue, snagging a donut. "Mm! Sprinkles!"

"Well, um, I mean, if it's them," Fluttershy admitted, "I suppose it's not all bad."

I grumbled, and shook my head.

"Fine," I stated. "Just don't hold it against me if Chewie gets annoyed. Speaking of, where is he?" I glared out into the night.

Chewie landed in front of the window, growling angrily. The other customers immediately fled screaming, while Donut Joe just sighed and rolled his eyes. I glared at my 'battle buddy' in irritation.

"Well where were you?!" I shouted.

The big Manticore growled back. I shook my head.

"Princess Luna's guards chased you? Sheesh, we'll have to talk to her about that," I grumbled.

"Sorry about the window," Twilight said to Donut Joe, as he trotted with a platter of donuts and hot chocolate. He set it down on the table, and let it go. He sighed.

"Relax Miss Twilight. I got used to you doing these kinds of things when you were a student, I'm used to it now."

Twilight's horn lit up, and the window was whole once more. Chewie grunted in irritation. I took Fluttershy's hoof in my hand.

"I think the rest of the date can be spent flying home under the moon and stars," I said. I looked over at the rest of the mares and sighed. "Come on. We might as well all go home together. Knights gotta look after their ladies, after all."

"You certainly should," Rarity said with a smile and wink. "You can also look after Dash, despite her not even knowing the definition of lady."

"I so do!" Dash protested.

We flew back home, Chewie only protesting a little at the extra weight. He was a big guy, after all. I promised I'd make him some great barbecue for his hard work, and that seemed to settle him down.

The mares chattered softly behind me, and Fluttershy held onto me in silence. We both looked out at the majesty of the heavens above us.

So, yeah, this date was kind of a disaster. But it was also rather nice. At least once we got past all the bullshit. I was a stranger in this world, and in a lot of ways, so were these mares. Mares I had to protect. Somehow.

Did I have any idea of how to do that? No. All of a sudden, a lot more possibilities were weighing on my mind. A lot more risks to contemplate. I'd gone from a lost illegal alien to a knight of the realm. The fate of the world rested on the shoulders of these six mares, and I had to keep them safe too. From themselves, if I had to.

How did I do that? Where did I begin?

Fluttershy sighed, and snuggled up against me. I looked down into her peaceful face, and smiled.

Maybe it was as simple as being kind, and letting the rest attend to itself.

I guess we'd see.

Author's Note:

And that's it for the first date. Onto more misadventures!