• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 13,674 Views, 1,287 Comments

Short Hand - Andrew Joshua Talon

The myriad misadventures of a plucky human in Equestria.

  • ...

Grand Galloping Gala Part 2

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Well, we weren't going to sort anything out just arguing out where everyone else could watch (and gossip). So for the sake of my charges (and our sanity), I herded the unruly mares into my house and shut the door. I managed to get them into my living room, where Pinkie Pie immediately ducked down, and reappeared with a platter of snacks. I rolled my eyes at her antics, as it didn't slow down the arguing.

"I can't believe it! She's trying to steal our bodyguard!" Dash growled. She immediately grabbed onto my arm. "WE SAW YOU FIRST!" She snarled.

"Dash, come on, we haven't even gone on our date yet," I sighed.

"We can just skip to the end~," she crooned in an attempt at a sultry tone. Applejack yanked on the rope she'd kept around the pegasus, yanking her off me. I sighed in relief, and smiled at Applejack.

"Much appreciated," I said. Applejack curled up to my side with a smug expression.

"Not to worry," she said easily. Dash glared angrily.

"Hypocrite!" She snarled. Applejack rolled her eyes.

"Brat," she shot back.

Fluttershy sighed softly, Pinkie Pie slid up to her side and patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry Fluttershy!" Pinkie said consolingly. "I'm not getting a 'red hot orgy' twitch, or a 'killer cat fight' twitch, so something else will happen!"

"I don't know if you're trolling me or them," I grumbled. Pinkie gave me a cheeky smile back, and batted her eyelashes.

"Or I might be doing something else~," she crooned. I looked over at Twilight, who was examining the letter with laser focused intensity. I frowned.

"Uh, Twilight? You okay there?" I asked.

Rarity looked up from the pastries and frowned.

"Twilight darling?"

The purple unicorn beamed, and threw a hoof up into the air.


"What?!" Dash demanded. "Why the Princess is stealing Shepherd?!"

"She's not stealing me!" I growled. I looked over at Twilight carefully. "... Right Twilight?"

The librarian shook her head, chuckling happily.

"Of course not! It's very simple! And also... Very potentially dangerous."

"How dangerous?" Dash asked, already looking intrigued. Her tail brushed over my lap, and I scowled at her. She looked innocent.

"Sorry~," Dash murmured. Applejack slapped her tail away with a scowl, making the prismatic pegasus scowl. Twilight ignored all of this, beaming in triumph.

"Well, let's examine the facts, shall we? Why would Celestia want a visible escort with her during the Gala?" She asked, looking around at her friends. Pinkie Pie held up her hoof and waved it around eagerly.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Me! PICK ME! MEEEEE!"

Twilight sighed, and pointed at the pinkie party pony.


Pinkie beamed like the sun.

"Because she wants to feel more secure?" Pinkie offered. Twilight hummed thoughtfully.

"That's part of it, yes! But why?" Twilight prompted.

"Pirate invasion?" Pinkie suggested.

"Eldritch abominations?" I deadpanned. It honestly wouldn't surprise me.

"You're... Well you might be right," Twilight considered, before shaking her head. "The point is! She clearly suspects some kind of threat! The Grand Galloping Gala is the biggest assemblage of Pony leaders of the year! Some kind of attack could cripple Equestria's ability to respond to an invasion!"

Everyone's eyes widened. Even Dash stopped her obvious flirting, her jaw dropped. Applejack frowned in serious thought.

"So, why didn't Princess Celestia jest say that?" Applejack asked.

Rarity clopped her hooves together.

"Obviously, because she can't!" Rarity deduced. "The potential threat may already be in Canterlot! Hidden! Disguised, perhaps! There could be double agents among the populace, and she doesn't know who to trust!"

A chill ran down my spine. The earlier exasperation was replaced by uncertainty. Was there a new threat to Equestria so soon? Then again, given the damage done by Nightmare Thicket's crap, it would be an ideal time for someone to attack. Strike while we're weak.

"Well... Why Shepherd?" Dash asked. before I could. "Why not a whole legion of guards?"

Twilight nodded firmly, her eyes narrowed.

"Oh! That's also simple Rainbow Dash! She wants us to be in attendance with Shepherd to take the threat down! And us plus Shepherd equals an unpredictable means of stopping it!" She beamed at us all. "Which we will."

I will admit, seeing that smile on Twilight Sparkle's face relieved my fears and lightened my spirits. It was the same smile she'd worn when she'd figured out the Elements of Harmony. Casting the Nightmare into the Aether.

"I'm actually kind of relieved," I admitted. I grimaced. "Is that weird?"

"Kind of?" Dash admitted.

"Maybe a little," Fluttershy suggested.

"I mean, I like Celestia, but I am nowhere near good enough to... Ya know... Actually date her," I said.

"Hey now! She'd be lucky to have a stallion like you!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. She winked. "Maybe we can work something out after we save the kingdom again!"

"Not the time, Pinkie!" Twilight growled. "We need to make more preparations!" She looked to Rarity, who sighed and rubbed her chin.

"Oh dear. More revisions to the dresses," she hummed. She brightened. "Oh well! Giant Spider silk armor plating can at least be blended into most of them at this stage!"

I shook my head and stood up, dislodging Rainbow Dash.

"That's not going to be enough," I stated. "If we're going to actually handle this covertly, we need to be smart. We need to be coordinated!"

I looked around at the six best hopes for the entire world. All looking determined.

"Above all else? We need to train. Hard," I stated.

"What did you have in mind, Shepherd?" Twilight asked, intrigued. I shrugged.

"Well, for starters," I said, "let's try my combat training regimen. That way, we can all be on the same page, and get in shape!"

"But what if whatever Princess Celestia is... Is worried about is already here in Ponyville?" Fluttershy whispered, looking around carefully. The rest of the mares began looking around, suspicion hitting them all. Like how everyone in a group starts yawning once one person does.

I let out a long sigh.

"We can just say you all decided to strengthen your friendship with group exercise," I said.

Dash frowned.

"What kind of training is this, anyway?" She asked.

I saw Chewie's face pop up outside a nearby window. He growled hopefully. I allowed myself a deadly little smile.


- - -

Five minutes later, we were all running or galloping from Chewie, who was roaring behind us gleefully. The big guy was so happy, it was kind of hard to feel my usual level of pants shitting terror.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU DO EVERY DAY?!" Rarity shrieked.

"YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH THE RESULTS!" I shouted back with a bright grin. Everyone else kept screaming, but I let my primal human instincts sing in my burning blood.

Maybe Equestria was in danger again. Maybe it was just some kind of prank by Celestia.

I guess we'd find out.

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Author's Note:

Sorry for it being late. It's getting crazy. I hope this makes you laugh though.