• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 16: Raps and Visits

The Friendship Express skidded to a halt at Ponyville Station, as it did every day. It’s doors opened and allowed its passengers to either board or disembark. Among those who disembarked, an Earth Pony mare and a Unicorn stallion stepped off the train onto the platform. The stallion smiled. “At last. We made it.”

The mare nodded. “We did.” She looked around. Seeing that the reason for them being there wasn’t around. “We did remember the map she sent, right?”

The stallion chuckled. “Yeah. We did.” He lit his horn and summoned a map from his saddlebag. The map had a note attached to it.

Mom and Dad,

If Flappy and I are not at the platform to greet you, then we are most likely with a client working on some sick beats. If this is the case, I laid out the most direct route to my house on this map. When you are at the front door, send a signal through Horn Pulse to let me know you’re there, that way we don’t hear a knock in the recording.

The stallion opened the map and found a red line connecting Ponyville Station to a house. The mare looked on and smiled. “I can’t wait to see her again Thundercracker. Maybe we’ll even meet some of her new friends.”

Thundercracker chuckled. “I hope so, Aurora.”

Aurora smiled. “Then let us follow this map to our treasure. Yar!”

Thundercracker and Aurora chuckled as they walked off the platform and into town.

Meanwhile, in the headquarters of Sparkling Harmony Records, Sparkler was not in fact with a client, but instead laying down some sick beats with Vinyl Scratch. AKA DJ-Pon3. Sparkler in particular was rapping.

🎵Hey hey, check it here.

Vinyl and Sparkler are in the house.

Laying down some fast tracks turning up the heat.🎵

Vinyl took over

🎵A pair of music Unicorns mixing up the beat!🎵

Back to Sparkler as they alternated.

🎵Vinyl is the mixer sitting at the helm.🎵

🎵Sparkler is the band that the fans overwhelm!🎵

🎵Put them both together and what do you get?🎵

They rapped in unison.

🎵DJ Unicorns laying down the rap! Backed by a parrot we’re a triple threat!


Flappy extended his wing to stop the recording, and the music, as Vinyl and Sparkler burst into giggling messes. He giggled himself. “Squawk! Aaaand THAT one goes right into the favorites drawer of the archive. That was AWESOME Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded and turned to Vinyl. “The great DJ-Pon3 CAN rap after all.”

Vinyl chuckled and nodded. “Apparently I can.”

Sparkler nodded. “You want a copy to take with you?”

Vinyl straight up laughed. “And risk Tavi burning it on the spot if she hears it?” She shook her head. “Nah. While I can say now that I can rap anytime I want. There’s only one Octavia Melody and I’d just as soon give up music than lose her.”

Sparkler chuckled and nodded. “Alright. But if you ever wish to own a copy of your first ever rap, SHR keeps everything on file.”

Vinyl nodded, but raised an eyebrow. “Won’t that be problematic space wise?”

Sparkler giggled. “One of the good things about being a unicorn is that you learn certain spells that deal with that problem.”

Vinyl chuckled and nodded. “You may have to impart some of those spells on me sometime. I’m something of a record hoarder myself.”

Sparkler nodded. “Just stop by when you need the spells and I’ll be happy to teach them.”

Vinyl nodded. “I’ll be sure to do that.”

Sparkler nodded. “So. Wanna head upstairs and have some lemonade? I’m a bit parched.”

Vinyl nodded. “I’ve been DYING to try some of that famous homemade lemonade I keep hearing about at the club...” She then sighed. “But I can’t. Tavi’s coming home tonight and I’m making a special welcome home dinner for her.”

Sparkler smiled as she started for the stairs. “Aww. That’s so nice.” She nodded. “In that case I can give you a bottle for the road.”

Vinyl’s ears perked up as she smiled. “Really?” She trotted after Sparkler as the two proceeded upstairs. “Thanks a bunch! I’ve heard that it tasted great and I’ve been wanting to treat my tastebuds to that goodness ya know?”

Sparkler nodded as they entered the kitchen on the ground level of the house. “Hey, I don’t blame you. Some ponies have commented that I could make a fortune selling it.”

Vinyl raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you?”

Sparkler smiled as she went to grab Vinyl a bottle of lemonade. “Eh, not looking to make big bits or anything. Already have a decent income with the commissions I do that’s more than enough to support me and Flappy so there’s no need to go overboard right?” She levitated a bottle of lemonade to Vinyl. Who nodded as she took the bottle in her magic.

“That makes sense I guess. No use having bits if they’re just gonna pile up.” Vinyl unscrewed the cap and took a sip of her lemonade, suffice to say, it’s reputation preceded it. She swallowed before her face lit up. “Wow! This is amazing!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Thanks. Just a little something I came up with in my spare time.”

Vinyl nodded. “Little? This is the best lemonade I’ve ever tasted. What’s the secret ingredient?”

Sparkler chuckled. “I will leave it up to speculation for as long as I can.”

Vinyl chuckled. “Fair enough. We all have our secrets right?”

Sparkler nodded. “Indeed.” You have no idea.

Vinyl nodded as she started for the front door. “Anyway, I better get going...oh!” She turned back around to Sparkler. “Um, mind if I steal an extra bottle? I’m sure Tavi would LOVE to have some of your lemonade.”

Sparkler smiled and lit her horn. A second bottle of lemonade floated to Vinyl. She smiled. “You’re awesome Sparkler. Thanks!”

Sparkler nodded. “No problem. Say hi to Octavia for me.”

Vinyl nodded. “Will do. Later Sparkler.” With that, Vinyl turned and left.

Sparkler chuckled as she heard the front door open and close. “We all have our secrets indeed.” She sighed. “I just wish I had the courage to come out with mine.”

At that moment, Flappy entered the kitchen with a raised eyebrow. “Squawk! You say something Sparkler? Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “You think I’ll ever be able to come out with my secret to everypony Flappy?”

Flappy landed on the table and nodded. “Squawk! Of course. I mean, ever since you came out to Twilight...albeit with some...persuasion...I can tell your confidence bar raised significantly. I’d say you’re just shy of the confidence needed to finally beat that fear into submission. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. It was true that she had gained a confidence boost since Twilight learned the truth. And that confidence somehow only grew when they had started delving into Alicorns and their history. “Yeah. Though I can’t—“

Flappy shook his head. “Squawk! No! Don’t start thinking like that! The time to come out is coming up. I can feel it. Squawk!”

Sparkler was about to say something, when suddenly, her horn flashed twice then dimmed. Sparkler beamed and shot to the front door. “Oh! They’re here!” She reached the door and practically threw it open. Revealing two ponies smiling at her. She beamed. “Mom! Dad!” She wrapped her forelegs around her parents.

Thundercracker and Aurora smiled and returned the hug. “Sparkler It’s so good to see you!”

“We missed you around the house.”

Sparkler chuckled as they let go. “I thought you were glad to finally have some peace and quiet.”

All three of them laughed as Sparkler let them into the house. They walked into the living room where Flappy flew in. He smiled at the newcomers. “Squawk! If it isn’t Thundercracker and Aurora. Weren’t you supposed to be here hours ago? Squawk!”

Aurora laughed. “Thundercracker here INSISTED on a snack stop before we left Saddle Arabia. We missed our original train.”

Thundercracker chuckled and waved at Flappy. “Hey Flappy. How’re you doing?”

Flappy smiled. “Squawk! Never better. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Ponyville’s been great.”

Aurora nodded. “I’m sure.”

Sparkler nodded. “So, you two want something to drink? Got some lemonade in the fridge.”

Thundercracker grinned and nodded. “We missed your famous lemonade.”

Aurora nodded. “But first. Let us see’em.”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “See what?”

Thundercracker chuckled. “Your wings of course.”

Sparkler’s eyes widened in realization and chuckled. “Oh. Right.” A pulse of her horn removed the sweater and let her wings spread out before folding back up again, or tried to. Because Aurora stopped them as she immediately began looking them over.

Aurora smiled after a minute. “They’re in good shape for being cooped up in sweaters all day. Not a single spec of lint.”

Sparkler and Flappy chuckled. “I do preen them regularly.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! And I make sure she gets every spot. Wing maintenance is important. Squawk!”

Aurora and Thundercracker chuckled and nodded. “Yes it is.”

“Glad to see you’re keeping up with it.”

Sparkler nodded as her mom finally let her wings fold up. “So, about that lemonade.” She led her parents to the kitchen and went to the fridge as they sat down. She got out 4 bottles of her lemonade and levitated three of them to her parents and Flappy. She closed the fridge door and took a seat at the table. “So, how’s life back in Saddle Arabia? Did Kilihima Village suddenly grow in our absence?”

Thundercracker laughed and shook his head. “Nah. Still the same rundown boring remote village it’s always been.”

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! How about the Parrot population? Squawk!”

Aurora nodded. “Common and active. As always.”

Thundercracker nodded. “So, you said you were most likely with a client if you weren’t at the Station to greet us Sparkler. Were you working on a commission?”

Sparkler smiled sheepishly and shook her head. “Um, yeah. Most likely didn’t mean definitely. I was actually laying down some sick beats with one of my new friends, for fun.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! They were laying down some sick beats. AND lighting the room on FIRE with their on-the-fly rap. Squawk!”

Aurora smiled. “Well I’m glad to hear you’re getting along with the local townsponies. It was SUCH a relief to hear that you finally had a group of friends after all these years.”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah...finally.”

Thundercracker shifted his weight around in the chair before looking at Sparkler. “So, have you told anypony about your wings?”

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “One of them. And...you guys aren’t going to believe this...” she lit her horn and summoned a photo that had been hanging on the fridge and showed it to her parents. “But I’m NOT the only Alicorn after all! I found another like me!”

Thundercracker and Aurora’s jaws dropped as they lay eyes on the photo of Sparkler, her wings exposed, with a lavender pony that also had wings and a horn.

Thundercracker was the first to come out of his shock. “W-What did you just call yourself sweetie?”

Sparkler smiled excitedly. “An Alicorn. That’s what Twilight’s said we were. Heh. Can you believe the Horn and Wing Combo ACTUALLY has an official name?”

Aurora nodded. “That’s...pretty surprising.”

Thundercracker raised an eyebrow as he studied the picture. “Is this you and...you said her name was Twilight?”

Sparkler nodded. “Twilight Sparkle. One of my new friends. And now my tutor in all things Alicorn.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Sparkler also has a crush on her. Squawk!”

Sparkler blushed like mad as she shot a laughing Flappy a death glare. “I do NOT!”

Aurora raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Oh? Does our Sparky finally have her eye on somepony?”

Sparkler shook her head. “Nope. I DO NOT have a crush on Twilight, or ANYPONY. End of story.”

Thundercracker chuckled as he examined the photo still in front of them. “I will say she’s quite the looker.”

Sparkler’s blush remained as she took the photo in her magic and yanked it out of her parents’ view. She shook her head. “Don’t you two start too. I’m pretty sure half of Ponyville ships me and Twilight already. I REALLY don’t need my own PARENTS trying to matchmake us too.”

Aurora chuckled. “Oh relax Sparkler. We’re just teasing you.”

Thundercracker nodded. “We think it’s great you finally have somepony you can talk to about your...is it considered a condition?”

Sparkler shook her head as she placed the photo back on the fridge. “Nope. It’s a race. And I WILL say that I’ve been enjoying the time Twilight and I spend together. As FRIENDS. Nothing more.”

Flappy snickered. “Squawk! Sure. Just keep telling yourself that. Remind me to bring a camera next time we go for an Alicorn Lesson and I’ll show you the looks you’ve been giving Twilight. Squawk!”

Sparkler rolled her eyes. “Hey. How about we STOP teasing the Alicorn in hiding, and instead head down to the basement where I can show you the kind of talent I’m working with here.”

Thundercracker and Aurora nodded. “Can we hear that rap you did today?”

Sparkler nodded. “Sure thing. Come along.” She and her parents, with Flappy following, proceeded to the basement. Sparkler let her parents go first, but stopped Flappy before he could follow them. She gave him a VERY unamused look. “Are you going to take EVERY opportunity to take potshots at my NONEXISTENT crush on Twilight?”

Flappy snickered. “Squawk! Nonexistent wouldn’t be the word I’d use. But come on Sparkler. You know I’m only playing around. I think it’s great you finally have more friends. Even more so that one of them is just like you.”

Sparkler smiled and nodded. “Yeah. I’m happy to call Twilight a friend.”

“Squawk! For now. Squawk!”

Sparkler groaned. “Just get down there.” Flappy nodded and descended the stairs. Sparkler shook her head and glanced back at the kitchen, specifically at the picture of her and Twilight. She smiled warmly. Here’s hoping I can gather enough courage to come out to everypony else. On that thought, she closed the door to the basement and descended the stairs.

To be continued...

Author's Note:


New Client

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