• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 31: Home

Sparkler tossed and turned in her bed, attempting, and failing, to fall asleep. Finally, she sat up. She looked out her window and sighed. Grah! Stupid paranoia. Why can’t you let me fall asleep!

She looked from the window around her room. It was usually dark, with a faint glow coming from the side of her bed. She turned to see Flappy and his new friend Philomena asleep, Flappy was on his perch, set further from the bed than normal, and Philomena, the source of the faint glow, was perched on one of the balls topping Sparkler’s bed posts. She quietly giggled to herself. Still can’t believe Celestia was ok with Mina staying the night here. She sighed again. Alright. Time to pull out the oldest trick in the book. Warm milk. As carefully and as quietly as possible. Sparkler flapped out of bed and softly landed on the floor in front of the door. She gently opened the door, stepped through, and gently closed the door. She nodded and turned to start tiphoofing down the stairs. She sighed. Seriously though, the fact that they DIDN’T throw things at me or laugh is a good sign...but I still can’t shake that feeling that... She shook her head. Her coming out performance had been about seven hours ago, but even with the overwhelming positivity, Sparkler still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up, as if the town was just trying to make her lower her guard, this paranoia was what kept her up. She shook her head. Grah! Come on Sparkler. Vinyl basically said that she didn’t care if I was an Alicorn or not. And the positive reaction implies Ponyville feels the same... She sighed as she reached the kitchen, lamenting the fact that she just couldn’t trust Ponyville yet. She reached for the refrigerator door, but stopped when she felt her horn tingle. She raised an eyebrow. “Somepony’s at the door? At this hour?” She felt her horn tingle again. Her confusion increased. “And it’s not an ambush...why do I get the feeling it IS?” Cautiously, she walked to the front door and peered through the peephole, and her eyes widened at the sight before her. Standing outside her door was.

“Princess Luna?!” Sparkler exclaimed in a hushed whisper as she flung the door open.

Luna smiled. “Greetings Sparkling Medley. Tis a fine night for a flight yes?”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Princess, what are you doing here? In the middle of the night?”

“I had actually intended to speak with you in your dream, but I could not find your dream bubble.” Luna replied, a little embarrassed.

Sparkler nodded. “Of course you couldn’t find my dream bubble. I can’t fall asleep.”

Luna nodded. “Perhaps a late night flight would tire you out?”

Sparkler glanced back into the house. Pondering what to do. After a minute, she nodded. “Eh, why not. Milk won’t work anymore because I’m too wide awake. Maybe some flying would help.”

Luna nodded and spread her wings. “Then shall we?”

Sparkler nodded, stepped through the door, and gently closed it. With a deep breath, she too spread her wings, and she and Luna took off. For the next little bit, they just flew. Above the town, through the clouds in the sky, and the entire time, Sparkler was looking down at the town below them. The town that seemingly had accepted her. After thirteen years of being ridiculed and shunned...I finally found the place where I can be me.

Do you really believe that?

Sparkler frowned. The voice was back. It could all be a trap. They could be leading you to lower your guard. Before betraying you just like that one stallion back in Saddle Arabia.

Sparkler shook her head. No, I have to believe that if they didn’t accept me...they would be upfront about it.

HA! You said the same thing about that stallion.

Sparkler shook her head. And thanks to that incident I’m terrified to ask Twilight on a date.

On that note, for all you know Luna could be leading you into a trap right now!

Sparkler gasped. “No. No Luna wouldn’t do that!”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “What would I not do Sparkler?”

Sparkler’s eyes widened when she realized she said that out loud. She blushed before clearing her throat. “Oh, um, you weren’t supposed to hear that...”

Luna nodded. “Supposedly.”

Sparkler nodded, and then sighed. “Princess. You aren’t leading me into some kind of trap are you?”

Luna shook her head. “Of course not young Sparkler.” She raised an eyebrow. “Why would you think that?”

Sparkler sighed. “I don’t want to think that, but my paranoia forced me to.”

Luna’s eyes widened. Paranoia...now it was starting to make sense. She nodded. “Let’s set down on that cloud over there.” She gestured to a cloud.

Sparkler nodded and they landed on the cloud. Luna nodded. “Now. What’s on your mind My Little Pony?”

Sparkler sighed. “The Music Festival turned out better than I ever hoped. I couldn’t detect an ounce of negativity in the crowd.”

Luna nodded. “However...”

Sparkler’s ears dropped as she sighed. “Back in school I was the outcast, the resident freak. Nopony wanted to be my friend. But there was one time where I was led to believe that somepony within the student body might’ve actually liked me...the result was a trap that left a lasting case of paranoia.”

Luna nodded. “I see. So you are afraid that the same thing is happening now.”

Sparkler nodded. “I want to believe that isn’t the case. I want to trust that the reactions a few hours ago were genuine, but I don’t want to be hurt like that again.” Sparkler’s eyes glistened as she sniffled. “Am I a bad pony for it?”

Luna immediately shook her head. “Absolutely not.” She reached out and pulled Sparkler into a comforting embrace. “You have a valid reason for being cautious. It is absolutely appalling what your school mates put you through. Nopony will think any less of you for not wanting to go through that again.”

Sparkler nodded as tears started falling from her face. “It’s not fair though. Ponyville’s been nothing but friendly to me, they’ve shown me kindness on a level I’ve never experienced before. They don’t deserve the distrust I’m harboring for them.”

Luna rubbed Sparkler’s back with her wings in an attempt to soothe her. “But they do not know of your past. They likely assume that you just have always hidden your wings. Whether you tell them your past or not is up to you. But they will not blame you for being on guard.”

Sparkler nodded as she backed out of Luna’s grip and reached up to wipe the tears from her eye. She sniffled. “Thanks Luna, I needed to hear that.”

Luna nodded. “Anytime Sparkler.” She looked out into the sky. “Do you wish to return home or would you like to stay up here for a little longer?”

Sparkler nodded her head. “I may not be able to sleep but I should probably get back. I got the royal Phoenix in my house, along with a parrot who I can clearly see is falling for said royal Phoenix. Somepony needs to make sure there won’t be any chicks anytime soon.”

Luna laughed. “Speaking of falling for...” She started as she and Sparkler took off. now that you are out of the closet as they say, will you finally be pursuing your crush on Twilight?”

Sparkler giggled and nodded. “You could say that. Now that I’m out of the closet and Ponyville...at least for the moment, accepts me. I can finally set my sights on a possible future with my favorite princess.” She jumped a little when she realized she just said that. “Ahem. No offense your majesty, I like you too.”

Luna laughed. “Don’t worry Sparkler. If you ask me. I believe you and Twilight would be great for each other.”

Sparkler chuckled. “You and everypony else I’ve talked to about this.”

Luna nodded. “If you would like any ideas, all you need to do is call out for me in your dreams.”

Sparkler nodded. “I’ll be sure to do that. Thank you princess.” She added Luna to the list of ponies she could go to for romantic advice.

Luna nodded. “Of course Sparkler.”


Turns out the warm milk did work. After Sparkler had returned from her late night flight with Luna, She immediately microwaved a glass of warm milk, she barely made it back to her bed before she was out like a light. When Celestia’s sun arose, Sparkler, as well as the rest of the house, was awakened by Flappy’s squawking. “Squawk! Wake up! Wake up! Rise and shine! Squawk!”

Sparkler groaned as she sat up. “Grah! Flappy! What’s got you going Mach 10 this early? Again.”

Flappy had a huge grin on his face as he landed on the bed. “Squawk! Today’s the first day of you being able to go out without needing to cover your wings. You think I wouldn’t be stoked about that? Squawk!”

Mina stretched her wings and gave off a light crow. Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! Sorry Mina, but I’m just too excited about this. Do you realize the extent of Sparkler coming out last night? No more will she be held back by her fear of getting shunned. She can finally be herself! Yahoo! Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah. We get it Flappy. You’re excited I finally came out.” She rolled out of bed stretched wings. “Whether it completely and utterly backfires on me or not...I guess we’ll find out today.”

Mina lightly crowed. Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Right Mina, there wasn’t an ounce of negativity last night. Everypony cheered. I highly doubt Ponyville would’ve cheered if they thought you were a freak. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah...”

Flappy nodded and launched into the air. “Come on. Let’s get breakfast.”

Sparkler nodded and she Flappy and Mina headed downstairs. They turned into the kitchen to see Aurora and Thundercracker already down there making breakfast. Aurora turned to see them enter and smiled. “Ah! Sparkler Flappy and Philomena. Good. You're up. Breakfast is almost ready.”

Sparkler nodded. “Morning mom, dad. Hey Mina, what do you want for breakfast?”

Mina lightly crowed. Flappy nodded. “Squawk! She said she’ll just have some watermelon. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded and lit her horn. A slice of watermelon and a knife were summoned. She sliced the piece of watermelon in half and floated the pieces over to the birds. “There you two go. Bona-petite.”

Flappy and Mina smiled and nodded as Thundercracker, Aurora, and Sparkler took their seats for breakfast. Aurora smiled at Sparkler. “So how’d you sleep honey?”

Sparkler smiled. “I slept ok, after my late night flight with Luna.”

Thundercracker raised an eyebrow. “Late night flight with Luna?”

Sparkler nodded. “I couldn’t get to sleep because of stupid paranoia, she asked if I wanted to go flying, we flew for a bit, talked some, and once I got back warm milk knocked me out like a light.”

Flappy’s eyes widened. “Squawk! So I could’ve moved my perch back to where it should’ve been last night? Squawk!”

Sparkler straight up laughed and shook her head. “Oh no. I moved your perch for a reason. There aren’t going to be any chicks anytime soon on my watch.”

Mina and Flappy blushed. “Squawk! Hey! We’ve only known each other for ONE DAY, so you really think we’d rush things like that? Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Call it more of an assurance. I dodged a magic bolt when Celestia didn’t get mad at me and I am NOT looking to get on her bad side because my parrot got a little lovey.”

Flappy shook his head. “Squawk! Whatever. I am not like that. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “Good.”

At that moment, there was a pounding on the front door, followed by a familiar high pitched voice. “Sparkler!”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie?” She rushed to the door and swung it open to find Pinkie with a panicked look. Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie? What’s going—“

“You need to get to the plaza! Something’s going on and we need you!” Pinkie frantically interrupted her.

Sparkler’s eyes widened. “What’s going on?”

“You’ll see when you come. Come on!” With that, pinkie raced off.

Sparkler raised an eyebrow as she closed the door. “What in Equestria.” She walked back into the kitchen. “I’ll be right back. Apparently there’s something going down in the Plaza and they need me.”

Aurora nodded. “If you need to go dear we understand.”

Sparkler nodded. “I’ll be right back.” With that, Sparkler left.

Once they all heard the door close. Flappy smirked. “Squawk! Right. Thundercracker, Aurora, you to teleport there, Mina and I will meet you there. Squawk!”

Aurora nodded. “Make sure Sparkler doesn’t see you.”

Flappy nodded as he and Mina spread their wings. “Squawk! She’ll never see us coming. Squawk!”


Sparkler ran through the streets of Ponyville, heading for the Plaza. The whole way her mind was racing. Is there a problem in the Plaza? Do they need another Alicorn? Her eyes widened. No. no please don’t let it be that now that they know I’m the second most powerful pony in town they’ll call on me for the littlest things. I really don’t want that.

A few minutes later, she reached the plaza...to find it completely and totally empty, save for a few tables. Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Uh, hello?” She got nothing in response. Sparkler gulped. This was looking all too familiar. “Uh, Pinkie? Twilight? Anypony?” Still nothing.

Sparkler’s mind was racing. No. no this isn’t what I think it is... “Uh, I was told I was needed in the Plaza...is there a problem? Whatever it is I’ll do what I—“ That was as far as she got before there was a loud pop, streamers and confetti started raining down from above. And there was a collective “SURPRISE!” Coming from all sides.

Now, any other pony would’ve immediately recognized this as a party, but Sparkler, having been on edge since she got to the plaza, immediately panicked, cast a shield around her, and curled up in a ball with her eyes squeezed shut. “No! Not the eggs. Anything but that! I’m sorry!”

“Sparkler. Calm down. It’s OK.” Sparkler heard the familiar voice of Twilight tell her. Slowly she opened her eyes, and saw that it was actually a party and NOT an ambush.

Sparkler, having come to her senses, stood back on her hooves, canceled her shield spell, and looked around. “Wha—what is all this?”

She was instantly tackled to the ground by the pink blur that was Pinkie. “A party silly! Your party!”

Sparkler’s eyes widened. “My party?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yes! It’s your coming out party/congratulations on facing your fears/we accept you/you can finally be happy party!” Pinkie pulled Sparkler to her hooves and bounced around like a maniac around the plaza.

Sparkler, having caught none of that, shook her head. “Can somepony translate that? Because all I heard was a bunch of shrieking.”

There was a collective laughter as Twilight nodded. “It’s a party to celebrate you coming out, facing your fears, and a party to let you know that everypony here doesn’t care if you’re an Alicorn or not. They won’t turn you away.”

Sparkler’s eyes widened while Flappy and her parents came out of nowhere with party hats on. “Isn’t this amazing Sparkler?”

“They all came together this morning to celebrate you!”

“Squawk! If that doesn’t prove they don’t give two bits about your wings I don’t know what does. Squawk!”

Sparkler was speechless. They all came together, to throw this party for me?! She couldn’t believe the sight before her, even with the overwhelmingly positive response to her performance the previous night, Sparkler was still paranoid that it was all a ruse...that was looking a whole lot less likely now.

Applejack saw the look of disbelief on Sparkler’s face and chuckled. “Hey, you alright there Sparkler?”

Sparkler found it in herself to speak. “You—you all really don’t care that I’m an Alicorn?”

The response was a collective chuckling. “You aren’t the first Alicorn to come through here.” One pony said.”

“And we’ve seen stranger things. An Alicorn that isn’t a princess is nothing compared to say, anything coming out of the Everfree Forest.” Another commented.

As more ponies voiced their confirmation. Sparkler felt her eyes glisten and her breathing quicken. I—I don’t believe, they really mean it! That was it, there was no longer any doubt in her mind. For months she had been cowering in fear of what could happen if anypony found out about her wings, with the support of her new friends she was able to face that fear and come out of the closet. And the response and reaction was everything she was hoping for, but dared not believe it would actually happen. She was accepted! She couldn’t hold it in anymore as tears started flowing down her face.

Twilight was the first to notice and looked at Sparkler with concern. “Hey, you OK Sparkler?”

Sparkler nodded as she sniffled and wiped the tears from her face. “Yeah. It’s just...this is the positive response I’ve been hoping for. Thank you! Thank you all!”

Twilight and her friends, Flappy, and her parents smiled and moved in for a group hug while everypony else cheered and applauded. After a second, the group hug broke up and Pinkie quickly jammed a party hat onto Sparkler’s head. “Now come on everypony! Let’s get this party started!” She turned directly to the town hall. “Hit it Airwave!”

“Aye aye Pinkie Pie! One two three four!” Airwave began singing.

Sparkler danced with her friends, and in this moment, she couldn’t remember a time where she had been happier than now. For years, she was shunned, ridiculed, made to think she was a freak for having both wings and a horn. For years she was convinced that the only true friend she would ever have was Flappy. Little did she know moving to Ponyville would change all that. Here, she wasn’t a freak. Here, she had friends who accepted her for her. Here, she could be herself.

“So, are you feeling any better now that you’re free from the sweater?” Sparkler came out of her acceptance induced bliss and noticed Twilight smiling at her.

Sparkler nodded. “After all this time, I never thought that I would find a place I could be myself, I never thought I’d find a place like Ponyville. I never thought that I would find...home.” She stopped, and smiled at that. Now that she thought about it, she felt more at home in Ponyville than she ever did in Saddle Arabia. “I’m...home.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m glad you were able to come out of the closet Sparkler. I know I’ve said this before. But I really am proud of you.” She reached out and pulled Sparkler into an embrace, which Sparkler gladly returned.

“Thank you Twilight. For everything.”

“Squawk! Hey Sparkler! Squawk!”

Sparkler begrudgingly backed out of Twilight’s grasp and turned to see Flappy and Mina fly up to her. “Squawk! Would it be alright if Mina stays with us for a few more days? Squawk!”

Sparkler’s eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! She and I want to hang out for a few more days but Celestia was leaving after this party. So we asked if Mina could stay here. She said it was alright as long as you were ok with it. Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled and motioned for Flappy to come closer. “You really like her don’t you.” She whispered.

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! She and I have a lot in common. Seriously Sparkler. Help a parrot out here? Squawk!”

Sparkler chuckled. “Let’s go find Celestia. I’ll allow it so long as I know what taking care of Mina entails.”

Mina and Flappy smiled and flew off to find Celestia. Sparkler chuckled. Great. Now I need to give him the “talk”. She shook her head. “Well. Love is love.”

To be continued next time...

Author's Note:

Hey Everypony! It's me, Sparkler. Thank you all so much for reading our story, Captain Cosmos and I really appreciate it. I hope you'll continue to enjoy it as we warp into Season Two.

Squawk! Don't forget about that thing. Squawk!

Hehe. I was getting to that. Over the course of This Is Me, We asked you to vote on a new character that will be coming to season two. Thank you all for voting. Allow us to Introduce to you...

THUNDER KICKER! An Earth Pony Colt. Say hi Kick.

Hi everypony, I'm so excited to join the cast in Season Two!

Squawk! It's gonna be packed. Adventure. Conflict, Sparkler and Twilight HOPEFULLY getting together-

STOP RIGHT THERE FLAPPY! Don't give everything away!

Squawk! Sorry. Squawk!

Anyway. Thank you are for reading.


Comments ( 91 )

Note: I decided to invert Kicker's colors because he was looking a little too much like Big Mac for my liking.

Probably a good idea, red is actually a unique color for pony fur, I'm pretty sure MacIntosh is the only pony to have it.

As the new character stands, he looks alright. Not that overly handsome, but alright. Does he have a cutie mark, or is it being hidden until his appearance?

He does not have his cutie mark yet. He's only five.

Oh! That's good to know.

Yeah just you wait. I've got something good lined up for the start of season 2.

Best start ever!!!! Keep it up!

I will. Trust me. Thanks for reading.

It’s not just that I’m not a fan of same-gender romantic relationships. They don’t seem to fit, they don’t have much in common

Well the story is kinda set on the path to them being a couple by the end of season 2 so... sorry if that'll turn you away.:scootangel:

Also, they don't necessarily need to have a lot in common to be a good couple. They can always find new things they like to do together.:twilightsmile:

You're welcome!

I hope the rest of the story is great!

I hope you find it great too.:twilightsmile:

Thank you for your comments, especially the ones pointing out mistakes.:twilightsmile:

Also, she only becomes aware of the fact that they are also Alicorns after Twilight finds the truth about her.

Sorry for the late comment, But I just wanted to let you know I saw it.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Nah, romance won't turn me away. I don't usually read romance stories, but even still, one of my favorite stories of all time is romance-related.

However, sexual content is a problem for me, so should that appear, I'll have to skip a few chapters.

Nope, no Sexual content will ever appear in here.

By the way, I knew there wouldn't be any sexual content in this story as it's rated E, but I have noticed that the next season is rated T, so that's where I was wondering.

AT MOST it MAY be a few innuendos and a possible cut off before someone can say something dirty, but never anything beyond that.

Yeah that T has nothing to do with the romance. in fact the T is really only for the first story arc of Season 2

That likely won't bother me, as I generally don't notice hidden innuendos. I think it's very likely I've read stories featuring them and just didn't catch them.

What exactly gives that part the T rating?

You'll find out. I don't want to spoil it.

Okay. I understand that, and will continue to read!

i really liked this story, onto the next season :yay:

I do. It was a very good motivation.

Not a bad idea. Maybe he and Celestia's Phoenix Philomena could do that in season 2.

Alright. Let's go there!

And now I have reached the end. What a story!

Of course. Me, I just think Sparler is easier to keep in mind and to write than her other name, Amythyst Star

Yes. Sparkler is also easier to write every time than Sparkling Medley.

MHm, I tend ti use the easier name as real name and the other as nickname, so both can be used

Of course. My catm was just like Floppy here always there to comfort me and such. Sadly died just with 7 from a illness back in 2012

It's fine. I tried to make a tibute if it by basing cats in my stories off him

I just mean, the way you wrote it, one could mean that the staff didn't bother with it or didn't try anything effective
I meant in regard as Alicorn OCs are looked down by many fans-

Well, its a curse, that many see two friends together, only to think its love

You're welcome

You're welcome

I got the exact same with a planned character
genuine, given she does her dream duty

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