• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 26: This Is Me: Pt 3

“Here you go Sparkler, some muffins to enjoy the Festival with!”

Sparkler smiled as she took the three muffins. “Thanks Derpy. You did a good job with these.”

Derpy nodded. “Looking forward to your performance tonight. Break a leg...not literally though, that wouldn’t be good.”

Sparkler just chuckled and shook her head. The sign up sheet was in Town Hall, of COURSE word would spread. She giggled as she gave two of the three muffins to her parents and they continued down the path lined with tents set up for the Music Festival.

Aurora noticed her daughter’s amused look and chuckled. “Something get to you dear?”

Sparkler shook her head. “Nah, just wondering if there was a way I could’ve contained the knowledge that I was gonna be performing in the Music Festival.”

Flappy laughed from his perch on Sparkler’s back. “Squawk! It’s one of the biggest events of the year in this town Sparkler. According to Spike that is. Any sense of limited disclosure doesn’t exist. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “I know, but everypony wishing me luck and saying they can’t wait for my performance...it’s not helping my nerves.”

Thundercracker chuckled as he playfully nudged Sparkler. “Ah you’ll be fine kiddo. From what you’ve droned on and on about, Ponyville will have a VERY different reaction than the Kilihima Central School District’s student body.”

Aurora nodded. “Though it’ll be their loss if they can’t look past your...”extra” bits.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Exactly. And she knows there are ponies in this town that don’t give two bits about it. Squawk!” He snickered. “Squawk! One of which she’s fallen head over hooves for. Squawk!” He gestured to the clearly visible castle of friendship as he said that.

Sparkler immediately caught on to Flappy’s meaning and blushed like mad as he Thundercracker and Aurora chuckled. “It’s not like THAT. I just...want us to be more than friends...”

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! You talk about her in your sleep, you make doodles of yours and hers cutie marks inside a heart in your diary, how is that not head over hooves? Squawk!”

Sparkler’s eyes widened as the head built up in her cheeks. She was blushing in embarrassment now. “H—how do you know about that?!”

“Squawk! You aren’t exactly trying to hide it. Squawk!”

Thundercracker chuckled as he saw Sparkler’s face. “Ok ok. Let’s ease up on the poor filly. She looks ready to burst.”

Sparkler nodded. “L-Let’s just get on with the day.” Cool your wings girl! Remember, today, it’s coming out. TOMORROW-assuming Ponyville doesn’t run you out-you can focus on TwiSpark...NO! No ship names yet! Coming out first, romancing a princess second! She shook her head to get her crush out of her mind. She couldn’t afford such thoughts today. Though it would be awesome to—NO! Don’t push it. She shook her head again. Pushing her crush on Twilight into the FAR back of her mind.


“Airwave. What made you decide to perform at Ponyville’s Music Festival?” Asked a journalist.

Airwave flashed his signature smile. “It’s an open mic event, Ponyville is my new town of residence. I like to sing. Put all of them together and it’s a no brainer I’d want to participate in town events.”

The journalist nodded. “Any insider knowledge as to which song you’ll be singing tonight?”

Airwave chuckled. “You’ll just have to stick around for the show. I ain’t saying anything.”

“Will you say whether it’s a new song created in collaboration with the so-called “Master Mixer” Sparkling Medley? Or a classic like...Who U R?”

Airwave chuckled. “All I will say is that it will start off the Festival with a bang.”

The journalist nodded. “One more question if you don’t mind, rumor has it princess Celestia will be making a trip down from Canterlot for tonight’s show. Do you have any concerns?”

Airwave shrugged. “She’s the princess. She’s allowed to go anywhere she wants.”

The journalist nodded. “But considering your past as a former forward scout drone for known public enemy #1 Chrysalis, do you have any concerns about encountering the princess?”

That clicked it for Airwave what the journalist was getting at. He chuckled. “Oh, that’s what you’re getting at. I met with the princess near immediately after I came out. She wanted to hear my story for herself. She was understandably concerned, but I made it clear that while I was sent to find food for the hive, I never wanted to hurt anypony. As it stands now, we’re cool.”

The journalist smiled and finished writing notes on his notepad. “Thank you for your time Airwave. I look forward to seeing you on stage tonight.”

Airwave nodded. “See you in the crowd.”

The journalist nodded and scurried off. Airwave nodded. I wonder if I should tell Sparkler about that Celestia rumor?

“Hey Airwave!” Airwave’s ears perked up at the mention of his name and turned to see Sparkler waving at him, next to a couple older ponies.

He smiled and trotted over to them. “Yo Sparkler. What up?”

Sparkler shook her head. “Nothing much. Was that a reporter interviewing you just now?”

Airwave nodded. “Yes ma’am. First of several I imagine.” He glanced at the two ponies next to Sparkler. “And who do we have here?”

Sparkler smiled and turned to her parents. “My parents. Thundercracker and Aurora. Mom, dad, this is Airwave. THE Airwave.”

Airwave nodded as he shook hooves with Thundercracker and Aurora. “It’s very nice to meet you. I can see where Sparkler gets her looks from.”

Sparkler blushed while Thundercracker chuckled. “Aurora’s responsible for her looks. No, my claim to fame is her magical ability. Everything magic she learned from me.”

Sparkler smiled sheepishly as she cleared her throat. “Well...not EVERYTHING. Twilight has taught me a few new tricks recently.”

Aurora’s eyes lit up at her daughter. “Really? What tricks?”

“Tricks that I’d rather not show due to certain...requirements.”

Thundercracker, Aurora, and Airwave got her meaning and nodded. “Alright. But maybe a demonstration later at your house?”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. Though certain tricks are more easily demonstrable if I had a partner. So depending on if we see Flappy again today you may not get the whole package.”


Flappy soared through the sky above Ponyville, looking around for the Phoenix he had seen soaring through the sky. He noted how fast the Phoenix was and decided to pursue them. So he launched into the air after a quick announcement of his departure. He weaved in and out of clouds, trying to find the Phoenix. He smiled. Whoever this Phoenix is, they’re fast. I turn my head for two seconds and there’s no sign of—

“Hi there!”

That voice came so suddenly from seemingly out of nowhere that Flappy stumbled off course. “Squawk! Sweet mother of Elysium! You nearly—“He quickly regained control and whipped around to see his target, the mysterious Phoenix, and his eyes widened when he realized that the Phoenix was a vibrant red, with that red blending into a flaming orange along its wings and tail. Suffice to say, SHE was the most beautiful creature he ever lay his eyes on. “Squawk! Whoa. Squawk!”

The Phoenix chuckled as she settled into a hover next to him. “Hi there. I’ve never seen you around these parts before. What’s your name?”

Flappy blinked twice before shaking himself out of it and smiling. “Squawk! Flappy. Flappy Medley. What’s your name? Squawk!”

“My full name is Philomena.” The Phoenix replied. “But you can just call me Mina if you want.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Philomena. That’s a beautiful name. Squawk!”

Mina blushed a little as she smiled. “Thanks. I like your name too.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! You’re a pretty fast Phoenix. I was lucky to spot you at all. Squawk!”

Mina chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. I like to get out and fly fast whenever Tia brings me along with her. How about you? You look pretty fast.”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! I’m known as the Yellow Streak around here and back home. Squawk!”

Mina smiled “Ooh. The Yellow Streak. I like it. Oh, maybe I should come up with a race name of my own...OH! I got it! The Blazing Phoenix! Eh? Pretty cool right?”

Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Very cool. So very very cool! Squawk!”

Mina smiled and nodded, before glancing around. An idea came to her as she smirked. “Say, you wouldn’t be opposed to a little race would you Flappy?”

Flappy grinned and nodded. “Squawk! A race? Sign me up! Squawk!”

Mina chuckled and nodded. “Oh yeah. I can tell we’re going to be fast friends Flappy. Both figuratively and literally.” They both turned to face the same direction. Mina put on her game face. “On your marks...get set...GO!” Mina and Flappy took off. Cutting through the clouds like a hot knife through butter. As they flew, Flappy couldn’t help but find himself immediately drawn to Mina. He chuckled to himself. We’re gonna be fast friends indeed Mina. Fast friends indeed.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I have no idea what Philomena sounds like in the show, so the reason we saw her talk is because we were reading what Flappy is hearing.