• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 2,461 Views, 344 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony - Captain_Cosmos

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Episode 19: Clients and Stars Pt 3

Airwave and Lyrica turned back around to give Sparkler one last wave. “I can totally see why Star Sound recommended you Sparkler. You really are the Master Mixer in this town.”

Sparkler blushed a little, but nodded. “Thanks Lyrica. You two have a good evening you hear?”

Airwave nodded. “You too. See you tomorrow Sparkler.”

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah. See you tomorrow.” After one last wave, Sparkler closed the door and headed back into her home. She smiled when she reached the kitchen. “Hey Flappy! What do you want for dinner?”

“Squawk! Salad, with a side order of cherries. Squawk!” Flappy replied as he flew in and settled on the kitchen table.

Sparkler nodded. “Salad it is then.” She lit her horn and summoned ingredients from the cabinets to make salad. As she was working, she started humming. After a few seconds, words started coming out.

🎵Somewhere in our dreams

We’ll meet again my baby

And I promise that

I won’t let you fear🎵

Flappy chuckled and started singing along.

🎵I’ll be right here...🎵

They started singing in unison.

🎵And I won’t be

Won’t be won’t be

Just an illusion!🎵

They both chuckled. Flappy nodded. “Squawk! Ok. I’ll concede. That song is DEFINITELY catchy. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “And what’s even better? WE helped to make it. I swear to Celestia the ONLY thing that can possibly top this feeling is if I can muster the courage to come out, and Ponyville DOESN’T form an angry mob.”

Flappy chuckled. “Squawk! Well. There’s a music festival coming up. That might be a good opportunity. Squawk!”

Sparkler nodded. “You mean come out through singing.”

Flappy nodded as they heard a knock on the door. “Flappy can you go see who that is?”

Flappy nodded and took off. “Squawk! It’s not a bad idea Sparkler. You always said you felt most comfortable in music class. Being in your element might be the final piece. Squawk!” He reached the door and opened it. Revealing a certain smiling lavender Alicorn. Flappy beamed. “Squawk! It’s Twilight! Squawk!” He moved out of the way and gestured for Twilight to come in.

Sparkler, after hearing Twilight’s name, stumbled and the spoons she was using to mix up the salad clinked together and fell onto the counter. “Twilight!” She turned around to see Twilight smiling at her.

“Hey Sparkler. How’s it going?” Twilight asked.

After taking a second to compose herself in front of her crush, Sparkler smiled. “It’s going good Twi. You?”

“I’m doing alright.” Twilight replied.

Sparkler nodded. “That’s good. What brings you here?”

“I just came by because you never showed up for our planned study session today.”

Sparkler raised an eyebrow. “Today’s study session?” She looked over at the calendar on the wall, looked at the day’s date, and her eyes widened and her ears dropped when she saw that they DID have a study session planned, and she totally forgot. “Oh Tartarus you’re right! Oh I’m so sorry Twi. I was so wrapped up in a client that it slipped my mind! I should’ve sent Flappy to let you know. I’m so sorry!”

Twilight giggled. “It’s ok Sparkler, I was just a tad worried something happened is all. I’m not mad.”

Sparkler sighed in relief. “Thank Celestia.” She glanced at the salad she had been making, before an idea came to her. She smiled. “You know Twilight, you’re welcome to join me and Flappy for dinner. Since you already made the trek here.”

Twilight smiled. “I’d love to. What’s on the menu?”

“I can make you a salad, or do you want something else?”

Twilight chuckled and shook her head. “A salad sounds nice.”

Sparkler nodded. “Salad for three then.” She lit her horn again and summoned even more ingredients and started mixing them together while Twilight took a seat at the table.

She smiled at Sparkler. “So, who’s the client you were working with today?”

Sparkler giggled. “Oh, have I got a story for you Twi. It all began this morning...”

Meanwhile, Airwave and Lyrica entered their new home. Airwave closed the door and giggled. “Well. That was a productive day.”

Lyrica nodded. “Yeah. We essentially got an entire song all redone in one day. Sparkler’s more efficient than I ever realized.”

Airwave nodded. “We should send a thank you to Star Sound for suggesting we move here. I can tell we’ll be back on track in no—woah!” All of a sudden, Airwave stumbled on his hooves and fell.

Lyrica gasped and rushed to his side to keep him from hitting the ground. She looked at Airwave with concern. “Wavy? You alright?”

Airwave nodded. “Yeah. Just a bit spent.”

Lyrica sighed. “You’ve been in this form all day. You need to recharge. Revert to your natural form and let’s get you fed.”

Airwave sighed, and suddenly, a green flame erupted around him. Lyrica didn’t flinch, or move from her spot as she knew this flame wouldn’t harm her. The flame engulfed Airwave for a second, before dying down to reveal Airwave for what he truly was, the handsome stallion Pegasus was replaced by an all black creature with hazel eyes, a small horn, and small silk wings.

Lyrica smiled as she took Airwave’s hoof and led him over to the couch, which they sat down in each other’s forelegs. “Alright. Feed off as much as you need.”

Airwave sighed, then smiled. “How’d a monster like me end up with such an amazing, understanding mare like you?”

Lyrica giggled. “Hey, you aren’t a monster. The changelings aren’t monsters anymore. They’ve reformed.”

Airwave nodded. “But I still look like a rotten bug rather than the colorful insects the changelings became. I just don’t get it.”

Lyrica nodded. “Well...you may still LOOK like a rotten bug, but it’s not WHO you are. And I don’t care if you ever permanently change with the hive, you’ll always be the Airwave I’ve always known. Now. Before we do anything else, eat. Please. You need it.”

Airwave nodded and opened his mouth. Lyrica started to glow pink and a steady stream of pink energy snaked its way from her into his mouth. In response, Lyrica relaxed into Airwave’s embrace and closed her eyes, sighing in content. She was used to this feeling, and was comfortable with it. Sure, she was giving up a little of her strength, but that was a small price to pay so long as she could keep the love of her life from starving.

After a minute or so, Lyrica felt the drain end and she opened her eyes to see herself stop glowing. She smiled as she looked up into Airwave’s eyes. “Have a good meal?”

Airwave nodded. “The love you give me is the best I’ll ever feed off of.”

Lyrica smiled and pecked him on the cheek with her lips. “I’m glad.”

Airwave smiled, and then sigh. “Hey Lyrica, I...I’ve been thinking.”

Lyrica raised an eyebrow. “Hm?”

“I think, I think it’s time to come out with who I truly am.”

Lyrica looked at Airwave concerned. “You mean reveal that you’re really a changeling?”

Airwave nodded. “I’ve been doing some thinking, and the changelings are now Equestria’s allies and friends, rather than enemies. I think it’s safe for me to come out now.”

Lyrica gave Airwave a loving smile. “Well...if you're sure. I mean, Ponyville is the unofficial capital of Friendship so...it’s likely that you won’t get TOO much backlash.”

Airwave nodded. “Though I don’t think we’ll tell all of them at once...maybe start with one, see how that goes, and then come out to everyoony else.”

Lyrica nodded. “Well. There are at least two choices that come to mind, princess Twilight Sparkle, and...maybe Sparkler?”

Airwave raised an eyebrow. “Sparkler?”

Lyrica nodded. “Don’t think I didn’t notice the way you were acting around her today. I’ve never seen you that lax with anypony.”

Airwave nodded. “I don’t know, I just, felt more comfortable around her for some reason. Maybe it’s because she’s a fellow musician, a good one too, did you see the way she was shredding that bass?”

Lyrica chuckled. “We’ll be working with her for a while now. So if you feel like she can be trusted, we can tell her, or we can set up an appointment with the princess. Your choice.”

Airwave nodded. “Let’s just hope this isn’t a mistake.”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I really hope I can get this multi-part arc done soon so I can write the Halloween Special and release it on Halloween.

But yeah, Airwave is actually a changeling. His story? Stay tuned to find out!